Smashing My Friends in Minecraft... (Combat Cube)

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today boys we're playing some combat Cube how this works it's the first of three wins we have to combat and Cube does that make sense do you guys get it what is it saying no what do you mean what is it oh get shot okay so whenever you get hit you take knock back and then you get hit into blocks and then walls and then you just kind of fly around and it's very sad and scary let me know what does teleporter do hi hit ni sorry sorry that was very rude see yeah first of three wins I don't um Biffle they just get Biff that's okay oh I teleported to Biffle there's a bunch of items are on the map too it's very op and very scary stop shooting me oh gosh calm down I'm not shooting why is Sun glowing by I'm not AFK oh you hiding stop I have a laser eye a laser eye what does that even do bye I don't know my dead dead yeah yeah you're for this round so now I stay away my item you stinky head what the laser eye even do what is that why why am I wait it knows where you are why am I firew working I don't understand you need to put that on Nico he's hiding like I don't hiding hold on yeah yeah team on Nico really quick what are we doing he's up top oh gosh yeah oh gosh Nico ni ni stay back Nico stay back Nico I'm in a hole help me do something I'm going to eat my steak since I'm dead that's a mistake do you get it that was funny I don't get it okay he's making jokes again wait he a jokester yeah that's like you know the whole is why are there so many mobs oh go I don't I don't I don't ow dude this is scary this is really really ow dude what is happening I I just want an item that's oh finally an item there we go I have a firework rocket I don't like these items can we get new ones yeah do you want some new it please cloud in the bottle please stop please not me not me not oh the cloud in the bottle is literally bro we're supposed to go together to work against the oh yeah my bad my bad where is Nico he's hiding up above he's all the way up there I see him ni okay from there you little you know what I'm doing it I'm doing it hi oh what did you just do starts I how did I kill you can you not be so loud what's wrong with you oh my gosh editor turn that down turn that up we're we're going to Blind everybody hi what I just teleported to one of you guys were and I fell out through the map oh yeah after a certain amount of time too the glass border just kind of goes away and it gets okay fine I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I'll leave I'll leave bro it's a one okay fine bottle wait bble Z you're making me fall asleep right now wait wait wait b b b b listen we can talk about this we can talk about this flying stop hitting me ow did you just shoot me oh bye what happens in 30 seconds the map disassembler disassembles let me know if that was intense I'm playing my little fruit game is that okay I executed the command yeah how's your fruit game is it fine stop with the dude the stop it's so annoying gosh it's it annoying good I'm glad oh it's just assembly attack get able no uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh I'm oh the worldall is gone oh God Dynamite no Dynamite I kill him yeah that's one win for me look you can see the in tab pick the teams let's go vote all right boys here we go who's going to win this one is going to he has a win he has a win Fus why would you focus that was a mistake taking that Nico taking that okay bye Focus Z just firework into the air Focus Z he has a win heun uh no he who did wasn't even aiming for anyone yeah how' you H can you chill hey get out of here oh gosh Come here I'm don't be killing me Sunday oh I got an item no you didn't I got it that's my item that's my item oh ow sorry if that was mean I literally can't move what Nico where'd you go why you why are you I was hiding bro I know you were here bro why is NI so loud I don't you need to fix your mic for once he's like my mic's quiet so therefore I'm we're going to kill each other down here I want to ni we died I'm just going to hang out up here sounds like a lot of people I killed you I'm turning Nico down to like 2% I didn't do anything get out of here Z you get out of here get out of here wait let me get this item let me get this item let me get this okay okay okay okay okay you want to be chill and take out the the guy with a take out Z he's got did he die yes yeah Nico's dead n's not not dead n's not dead you gosh oh my um I have a brigade of items oh my God what is this teleporter uh okay use it oh I almost fell out of the map my mom doesn't love me are you guys I see I see one person stay away ni take my turet oh gosh I'm falling falling for you take my turret take my turret take my two turrets your turret can't hit me it can cuz look it's Can't Touch This n no I'm falling ow ow Nico no place murder Z where is suy he's still alive oh hi firework rocket no Nico stay away from me ni you have to I'm running I'm waiting till the map disem disembl I don't believe in disassemblers you wouldn't how do you get upstairs we destroyed all the stairs this is so sad Ed the rocket he's hiding in the corner get him to your right no I'm not no what does this egg do spawn egg I don't know behind you what just happened behind you more items light run no I can't see I can't see all of my dead Z's dead and I was blinded BL wait I'm going to win I'm going to win I'm to win draw wait no that me and Nico both get a win nope look at that I am the only one with to win ah boys run a volano who H Dynamite explos on impact I said that what does that mean I don't know oh gosh I have a laser eye get out of here oh gosh wait I my this eye is what is he doing oh listen let's work together my laser you almost tried to kill me get out here I would never look Z try to sneak The Kills Z try to sneak kills not I would never like I'm killing Z actually oh my gosh I'm really rude I'm you're dead no I'm not you're missing see I dodged it I dodged it no I I ran away cuz I heard Nico okay what is that eye you just put down Nico chill chill what I the eye is touching me stop B I'm only focusing Z I'm I'm only focusing Z why you guys are so I have one win what do you want yeah I know it's more than us it's only going like what is this silverfish why am I summoning Rockets devil devil this isn't looking good for think you deserved it devil how did I just get here bro these super visiones are dumb I'm not playing this game anymore I'm playing I'm playing the fruit game wait the volcano just volcano oh God I'm giving Z nausea no do not start with me do not die i k him the wor top of the volcano suy should I say all you have to do is kill him where'd you go I'm everywhere don't give him two wins not you can't touch me hi stop why you just hello what I'm trying to get items I'm trying to stockpile items hey that what just what just what a place you have to you have to po I was watching you out of I used my teleporter dude my POV was crazy I was just watching you out of P confusion and then you just back okay cool now next match let's go all right boys we're in the Mushroom Island this is where Biffle lives in his dreams a mush your room that's probably why wa mix with migraines every day focus by BR focus on focus on get him ah bye I'm already dead how did you have so much knockback he's cheating no he's cheating no how am I cheating I'm giving him nause you figured it out this video is called I cheated in Minecraft PVP why you giving me nausea why what is I started you meaning you cheated clear no I'm not cheating I can't see anything oh myness night vision what is this stop it uhoh okay I can see now this is fun fun on the sun I give you na hi Hey ow what is that and I'm dead did okay you completely you just drilled the floor from under Nico you have to win this fell in the hole yeah shut up I don't want to talk to you Nico you have to win this you win Sunday win come on just me he's behind you are you blind he's behind you I know but I'm scared what just come on you have to heal ADV you let him get a second wi already I'm going to be very upset no good job n n keep up the pressure I don't like this pressure it's a little too much pressure you have to hit him accurate I'm being accurate sometimes it looks like NCO play it plays GES for living and then sometimes it looks like he's never touched the game in his life I need an item I need an item you got this i l have no faith in # team oh gosh oh Nico come on sun I need items turret turret come over here two turrets that's not fair that's not fair that's not fair that's not fair that's not fair that's not fair that's so stupid sun already have two wins what is happening ni act like you played video games before will you okay those turrets are kind of broken all right next jeez all right boys here we go we're on the snowy Island AKA Biff's heart that's I am the most loving person there is stop stop stop I'm slippery I'm slippery look behind you he said I'm slippery actually no no no Focus sunay what are we doing i' been I've been oh I'm out of here I'm out of here got I got him I got him I got him I got him got him we're good okay Sun dead that's cheating get me I don't have a win yeah Z has a win kill Z no I don't I don't agree that's true he has a win oh no we're good we're good we're good I have oh wait there's a little Pillager running around that I fig out wait wait Nico really quick stop fighting I'm not fighting so bibble's alive right so where is he I see him oh it's you no get out of your he has a win why me it makes no sense to Target me and then you have a win like that's so bi teleported almost off the map I know I saw that he was slid off wait n are you alive wait what the heck I don't want to talk about it what the heck was that wait ESP in that CU that looked intense es in that was crazy what just cross my face turet why didn't you put the turet in the middle you idiot I'm D you can't do it again there's the way you do no get him get him no no no no no a that's how you do it baby how above you Z's behind you I'm still here are you ready to give me my second win my second win no get him get him bi hit him no I don't like this corner no B he's flying again Bibble he's coming up right now hit him again wait I I miss my please I died please let me did you die I died I fell I fell I fell I fell on the stupid thing cuz there was no way up and I fell what do you want from me sun and I both have already all right let's go this might be ending sooner than we thought uh boys we're in the factory AKA what Biffle doesn't work in because he doesn't work okay everybody Focus Z Now the heck are youing sun and then Focus me pble no Focus ony trust me how I fall am I trapped you're not taking me out already bble look Sun's literally there if we fight here we will both die that's way I I'll take you down what I'm hoping for just just quiet focusing me who just T hi hi tping were you dead where are you keep tping no where'd you go I'm dead I hit no you didn't I hit him out of the world guys I'm about to throw up I keep tping I'm literally dead I'm literally dead what do you mean s i I literally see you you hi Nico I'm Jing I don't care hi me I don't want to talk to anybody right now nope did you fly out the air again what is wrong with you what is this oh gosh where am I okay I mean okay I need another it dud this B we got to kill Z we got to kill Z kill kill you we both have two I don't know what these noises I'm here I don't know I have a spawn I can bro who shot me no it wasn't me sorry chill we have to kill them we they have they can win I'm just why is there a giant let let them C no you I'm stupid let them c yeah why would you hug it I wanted to hug it because it's very ginormous I want I wanted that I want I hate you I pressed the wrong button I hate you this guy just keeps flying anytime I get near him yeah I got scared he made me scared I know you have a you have a little a little scaredy mind sorry that's so what what does that mean to you I don't know how is he not how have you guys not died how where scarecrow do I'm hiding uh you place it down and then you can TP to it oh cool it's like that I placed him down but like hear oh dude I'm just where's Nico in shut up what do you mean I found B I found one of them what are you doing oh my God no way I'm going to die from something like that no are you dead he lived oh my don't you this map is ginormous I'm blind I'm blind I'm blind I can't good good I'm glad you're blind come here oh you can't say op like that no you can't do that I said I said ah not not you know ni stop camping I'm not camping no we're both going to die you're going to you're going to kill both of us no I I'm good that's one down we got to get we got to get the other one don't give me don't give me they're going to Target you Not Dead Yet get get yeah I'm not dead get away my turrets are down I thought that wasn't you why do I have so many bad effects that's for me sorry what is happening to you oh my gosh I'm fall fell I have nause get where did he go he teleported teleporting everywh I don't have op I can't even clear this nausea no you don't get to that's part of the abilities did people give you na Oh I thought you gave that to me no no no that's actually just one of the I got it cons I like how when there's a negative effect in M we just assume it's Biff at this point did somebody get another console yep what is happening to Sunday oh know oh no where is he I I have liation somehow can you help for once I don't know where he is I'm scared he's next to you Nico oh no I'll take you with me I I press the wrong button this is once again all up to you to do he's F just kill him map no no no get there get there get there get there get there wait the map is I'm a rocket I have a rocket I a rocket bro how did he have the rock dude he had every I fought for so long you really did all right Nico finally got a win B of course has zero next gamey all right boys take that Nico yeah this is a very dark map why is it you know I'm going to fix this I'm going to be so nice and don't hit me because I'm being nice boom hit me we have to focus s Focus S no Focus Nico he has the most wins what you don't you don't know how numbers work do you I number all the time all right Z hold hold this for me what am I holding for [Music] you why would you hit me we're focusing Z he has two wins oh I'm going to cry I'm going what is hitting me stop me where are you yeah I don't like that you're hitting me so much these arrows are the most annoying thing in the world devil I believe in you can you break the turrets I think you can I don't know actually you can break the scarecrows whoever put that down I just killed it silver fishes are going to I'm going to Mur get off of me I'm randomly teleporting and you have silverfish on you is we have to talk Su everyone talk to suy trust me I've been trying there's like 9,000 Sila everything is Happ fell I also fill how did how do you what is wrong with you I tried to kill him I want Nico I said I don't care about you okay I don't care about you any okay good where is Sundy I'm flying why are you flying he's at the top of the map he's literally hiding at the top of the map by the way no I'm not he's right there ping him Apex P I'm going to teleport to him hi s s stop it stop it no we have to kill kill Z kill Z kill Z not me we're not leaving this up to Nico all over again to kill s hey hey Z I don't like this come down here Z come touch me in my touch hole what does that mean to you I fell is that it yes oh e what what you doing up there what are you doing I can't see anything I gave him a console on accident you how do you do that on accident he's just going he's going to die can't see I can't see anything he's going to die he's going to I'm just I I want to just watch him die where's that where's that I needo get this might be the dub this might be the easy dub for your boy it won't be uh he you hi why do you say like that come on you're missing harder than me though you got him in a Nico hit your shots ni oh zud oh z Oh Z Z's on glass Z's on glass so stupid I hate the okay we all have two wins except all boys we in Arizona let's do this I say we target Biffle cuz he has zero wins shut up and whoever wins bi just wins everything please guys please please shoot him shoot shot the video is ending after this if bi dies if bi dies then then whoever you know gets this wins please guys listen we can talk about this we talk about this this is toxic keep Sho please we go okay that's fine I'm e my you say we uh you know you want to One V one me and you and just kill his other Ni no I don't think that's a good idea I don't think that's a good idea I'm killing his wait I'm killing his little scarecrow that he has okay good he's right behind you why do I have a jump boost oh it's cuz we're in Arizona yeah we're in Arizona what what do you mean hi ni hi ni hi n he n bye how did I not grab that power up and that LE I like this game Sun versus me just wait this is what happened last time too you you versus me two to two wait where are you uh somewhere I'm not falling for that again get away from me I'm not no you know I'm s the M oh my oh my gosh I'm killing it I'm killing it I'm kill don't kill my mom what is wrong with you wait if I grab oh I dude I just almost DED myself that would have been very sad what color very sad oh out here get out of here I don't like you I don't like you I don't like you I just want items give me some items have so many ways to survive do you cuz yes li no you don't you're ugly hi Sun hey hi s [Applause] hey ah oh look at my shot somebody no scoped that oh what do that mean I don't know what means I'm just I'm just letting him talk it nice drill man that was great I'm here by the way I have okay I'm just saying all three of my items are like saving myself items mine too are you serious yeah sick basically this save yourself now Z will I will I will there's one of them I negated negates no you AR wait let me grab this still Gates oh oh I got another okay we're good no no I don't want this the Scarecrow is not that this is the dumbest fight I've ever SE yes is really good I'm playing my watermelon not because I take my dynamite oh my my life just flashed before my eyes I'm killing your scarecrow I skilled your scarecrow wrong with you you know take my Dynamite what no Miss take my Dynamite no take my Dynamite you're getting cons destroy he has been consoled I just want items this it's it literally is just going to come down to items like Super Smash Bros oh no is going to start disintegrating soon you want to know what my items are I'll tell you okay okay here let's share items while the map while the walls go away okay okay I have a CL a cloud in a bottle okay not that good right how is that not that good what else do you have the walls are what do you have you got to tell me one of your items I have a teleporter oh I have a rocket what's your second item okay I have a scarecrow which I think you actually killed so I'm going to grab a new item which really quick okay what's your last item I have a rocket for my last item I have a let Rod the map is I thought oh no you dumb no I got him back I got him back I got him back you should have used that in the Drone when you get lightning stri you lose everything dude the walls are going away very okay no I know I know what to do where the items where the items I can't have the Scarecrow it's not good for this situation that yes okay no I know what's going to happen s has The High Ground I don't care because all I need to do is outlive the map going away yeah but sun has a high ground which means he can use the high ground ability okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's F I'm still here I'm still here this is so okay we both just use one of our items I got another one though I got another item though wait no the tur no the turret no the turret's actually CR the the tur so op the turret's so op the turret's so op item item no you got the item no it to your right side where no no stop helping him why are you helping him oh it's gone the item's gone the item's gone the item's gone it's by Sunday now Sunday this map is getting oh God I don't like this we're in Arizona they say terrified okay has high ground that's okay because I don't need High Ground no oh no I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine what am I watching right now I'm fine I'm fine dude the map is gone the map is gone the map win can I win no I did levitation for 10 seconds rocket six no falling no no the lamentation for you wait yay wait do we both win no I win I win I win that get out here dude that okay well good job Sonny you did it
Channel: Zud
Views: 59,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zud, funny, gaming, animation, gameplay, Minecraft, Minecraft Funny Moments, minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft gameplay, minecraft animation, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, funny moments, toxic minecraft, minecraft battle, minecraft battle royale, minecraft smash, minecraft pvp, minecraft pro vs noob, minecraft super smash bros, minecraft minigame, minecraft pvp tips, minecraft noob vs pro, minecraft pvp minigames, Smashing My Friends in Minecraft, minecraft combat cube
Id: smBm6s29Hmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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