Escape or Betray Your Friends in Minecraft...

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boys as soon as we click this button we are being said to a separate Dimension we have to work together or not work together three two one and that was our first test we are in a house or a room I don't even know we have to escape it in 20 minutes and we don't escape it then we all blow up and then Ian has to let us oh my God we're gonna blow up we're gonna go you're not going on my farm get out of here no you you have to okay siddle's a Biffle you're recording right you have a completely different thing than uh Ian and I so we have to like okay we have to actually like work together like tell each other things and like you know for once in my life work together question I'm pressing all the buttons oh I get it okay so we have a blue door with a key lock it looks like oh wait we just got so many messages this won't be easy to think about what you see communicate with the other side how well do you work together oh oh boy not well oh boy all right your blue door should be open I think we need a team leader our blue door is not open yeah concrete so I found a yellow concrete in a blue concrete that can be placed on cobblestone I don't know what that means that look that looks like I did it right right what'd you do oh man I'm panicking what'd you do oh there's like this thing up there so we have a we have a panel of nine levers okay okay and then we have this okay you have to right click it to solve it it's not oh oh okay do you see these pins put them all into a corner and then go off that I don't really know what else though I mean that just makes yeah outside because that's how you would oh my God thank you you can be a part of this okay um I don't did we do it oh no okay do you got okay do you guys have the same thing it's like a blue wall three by three with like a bunch of arrows up and down yeah okay I think you see all those little lines yeah I said I already solving oh you already solved it uh no I just heard something open yeah what people did you just flick a lot no okay I don't know yeah I'm sure those scenes open what is happening look at this look at this did I do it right to the lines all connected I was doing this sorry oh so the sounds where you opening trap doors nope pretty cool man all right so up up down yeah up up down up up down down down down I already have the code why are you flipping we did it wait what if that's not art what do you mean you did it oh we have to tell each other what it is literally undoing what I'm doing before I have the code no no no no it's not ours so listen what if you're not a coach we're gonna read a book like Soul fried okay on Amazon exactly you ready uh we're gonna go top left down to the bottom right you ready okay all right up down up up up down down he already failed hey guys do you think he did it I don't really know wait did you go vertically or horizontally I went like a book what are you talking about the time [Music] you're an idiot okay ready why would you go okay whatever okay it's like a book okay ready up up down up up up down [Music] [Music] wait where is it what door it's over yonder did you guys ever find concrete by the way or are we the only ones with concrete uh I found a diamond block there's a chest there okay oh I found it right here yeah I just found a few pieces of concrete send and receive send receive okay should I click it with me yeah all right I have a piece of concrete as a complete place on Cobblestone and me okay but like we have a table that says send and received so like why aren't you I'm gonna do this oh yeah oh wait this says it can be placed um yeah we got a Yellow Block we sent that to you but we have a red and a white one and a yellow one do you see cobblestone anywhere Cobblestone I see it even down here I still coverstone down here where's down here in the kitchen no I'm blind that's correct yeah this is not there's no Cobblestone oh there's a chest uh oh red key can I have it I got it oh send it can you send me back that comment yeah once you disappear ready [Music] can I open the door oh sorry I didn't really do anything you literally have been pushing all the buttons yeah cause I'm recording look at me oh we gotta open up the gates okay how what what Gates we have Gates the hot Gates iron gates we have nine buttons yeah we have nine buttons actually we have 18 buttons oh you opened one oh I opened one oh no do you think you opened another one oh no that yeah 18 buttons right yeah yeah yeah you gotta hit all three at the same time so we can open this chest three I got yeah I got this okay all right I'll tell you when one opens no did this one open no just start pushing I'll tell you when so this one we got it what's in there see uh yeah really it's a sludge Hammer it's sludge sludge Hammer yeah what is it what does it do can break a cracked wall I know where one's at I know wait wait yeah we're right over here right over here right over here right over here this is glass no no I'm I'm I'm correct so um okay yeah you're wasted time Sunday Yeah we actually have a cracked wall oh so we send it to you wait can I send it please sure you can send it send it you can have it can I push the button though thank you dips you stole it it's not sending he put it on the receipt why is it why is this my teammate who who told me to do this easy all right you got it all right break crack okay boys It's Hammer Time wait use that Sledgehammer it's a good idea that's a good idea [Music] [Music] another door wait we need a gray key we need a gray key right now go outside um what are you guys doing we have we have something that says furnace name and we have a ton of buttons with numbers over them we have a blueprint a big blueprint and then we have an x on the ground that marked his spot it's six yeah um wait is this Texas wait wait it might be Texas oh wait uh there's something on this the signs on the kitchen now that say black yellow blue they've been there but oh we have that too we see lime white and red oh that's the concrete that we all have yeah it has to be placed on Cobblestone right I I don't know where they Cobblestone is to be honest this is very very confusing wait you said there was a you said furnace with numbers earlier is that what you said or I mean no it's a there's a sign that says furnace name and then there's a bunch of numbers yeah do you guys have anything oh 23 23 23. yeah wait we just looked into a furnace and there's numbers oh so 23 23 23 yeah they're just all 23. I don't know what that means 23 23 23 yeah press 23 three times Maybe [Music] don't send it to me all right guys send buttons wait can I see what the gray key looks like I think it would look really cool in my hand hold on I'll show you right here see it well it's gone oh it just Auto opens when you get close to it yeah oh we're going into a basement where can you be Xbox the spot but we do have an x on the ground yeah they all live in Texas changing when I sit still that's really trippy why are these houses upside down oh we have them upside right yeah wait we do yeah we do we have a bunch of levers on the wall and we have something that says find question mark and then question mark we have a question mark and we also have them upside right the these yeah we did too but I punched them to make them upside down there's also there's three lights okay yeah yeah we have three lights above and none of them are lit up right now no no no remember we have to sign this is fine question mark do you guys fine question mark yeah there's questions not on that same wall it's on a wall by the sign by the sign by like the house yeah you see if you're facing the house and you look to your left you know it's over there wait okay and then we have an x on the ground yeah we have that yeah in Texas this is probably Texas yeah wait there's a gold block [Music] yeah I think that's one of the first things going off the staircase go to the it's like right off the staircase to the left right off the sticky to the left you go around like a little yeah go around like a little Loop Loop and then you go on the ground start by the lantern what is that oh by the lantern yeah I don't believe in lanterns yeah RX is like five blocks in Texas five blocks in front of the farthest right lever okay wait so this is hurting me physically I don't know what's happening I'm in constipationally smart I am smart where's your question mark okay so you know where the okay with all the levers are far right wall okay okay but not how do I explain this what um it's about something where's your question mark is it I bet their question mark is right there no they said their question marks over here by our plans yeah okay so your ex okay so you see your question marks at yeah stand on that block in front of your question mark against the wall okay I'm gonna face the opposite direction walk one block forward okay and then walk two blocks three blocks right and then click that with your hand just like open air just moving air for us is there anything down there I mean okay our side that he randomly found it says 19 and then one oh 19 and one oh okay 19 and then one one will that do for you guys uh uh I feel special uh flip the bottom right lever and then two levers to the left just to the left yeah the top or bottom bottom bottom bottom right and then two over um ah oh hey wait guys hi there guys um reset oh we're not done and oh we're long we're all locked in here oh no we have a couple minutes we have a few minutes okay remember you're fine oh you'll push them oh yeah where were the X's before oh ours is right here right here I'm going to end I'm going in yeah you know I'm glad you did it did we do it wasn't it like right here with the key basement key yeah let's go let's go I'll do everything stay here no I'm good now what oh hey this is our house get out of here oh no this isn't new oh my gosh this is the whole oh do you remember the uh the painting that we saw how it turned what two Houses into one there's a button there not great I fixed the painting guys I found this was right Stone this is your area Essentials this is all you oh oh oh I get it no wait wait I know okay wait step oh got it you're welcome got it that was all you have to do what's the point of this right here equipment can break concrete wait where's the car oh I have concrete I have four concrete on me no can break concrete yeah I know it's probably just to fix your mistakes because you're a mistake oh I'm sorry oh God no I'm sorry wait wait wait hold on hold on this uh says uh for one minute what is the first one for one minute colostomy bag for one minute what does that mean we're running out of time boys oh see your coordinates for one minute okay let's see your coordinates oh coordinates for one minute why do the coordinates matter I don't understand I don't know what the arrows mean either down oh they're not even the same oh gosh this is not nice um check this okay that's just my furnace now there's nothing up there um boys on Panic we have like a couple minutes uh wait how many concrete you guys have I have four [Music] okay these are all the colors that were on the on the signs in the kitchen you guys remember that no you know you do I think you do bring all these walls this concrete no this is Clay oh this is you're a dingleberry is it I don't know up down I'm saying there's so many up down up like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what this house goes to this house and this house goes to the other house let me know LMK yeah what are we left or right oh wait we started even if I went left yeah you guys are left we're right oh wait to remember this oh no Ian remember up down up I'll remember down down down up down up what am I remembering just you and I both remember those two lines and I remember down down that's it and then what am I remembering I'm down up let's go and then down down this doesn't work we die let's all go it doesn't matter for now let's just try this if it doesn't work we all blow up come on I don't want to die it doesn't matter we're coming guys okay change your change your thing to what uh you remembered so we're gonna go down down down up did ours um uh then down oh check hey check check Hey Hey Okay click the button three two one okay what does that means there's so many things I don't know wait that's for the other place oh maybe yeah oh do you have the top three in the middle left wait that means you guys have to figure out the other ones we have the other ones up down up down up down up we are up up down okay we gotta meet in the middle yeah okay go down up down up down okay nice on a block of uh gobbled what is a gobbled another place what's up here [Music] I'm going to the upside down okay I gotta place this on goggles come on hurry three two come on go where is it you're an idiot is it oh no it's in here it's downstairs [Applause] go talk boom press it no wait press it again there's a button on our Diamond now Jordan's been open a door has been full open but where we'll be in two okay back together oh God don't do it I don't like it when I do that now check here okay okay this makes my organs fall out my organs are in Oregon now uh one of these doors open I guarantee yeah this one right here uh my oregano sauce oh the the signs besides hurry uh what were they what were they let's go back again okay black space yellow right now lime you said black blue black space yellow blue and then the white red wait where's the yellow go black space yellow blue it's black lime yellow blue white red are you an idiot wait what lime black space you have a space Oh it's black lime yellow blue white red no lime goes on the left wait where does black go oh black goes on the left climbing then what in order I did it boom boom boom boom and boom oh wait oh okay we have to press the coordinates we gotta go to the corners of our own houses no please don't say that uh oh post button again remember it pressing pressing witch uh we're blue oh it's definitely another house all right one negative seven and five this is literally where it is is it yeah oh come on come by them come by them press the button you send us yours I'll send us ours why don't we just get together no no no that's the way trust me no wait we are literally pressing the button as we speak my Oregon Trail oh I sent it [Music] oh you sent it well that's awkward you can I have the keys I'm uh combining them in crafting what is what what color key is that it's gray hey give me a full key go go go guys I see a meteor coming what do you mean put a meteor oh gosh editor put two meteors one for me but mine's bigger no your friendship might just work out yay yeah I doubt that
Channel: Zud
Views: 101,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zud, funny, gaming, animation, gameplay, Minecraft, Minecraft Funny Moments, minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft gameplay, minecraft animation, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, funny moments, TOXIC Would You Rather in Minecraft..., minecraft would you rather, would you rather, minecraft would you rather prestonplayz, toxic minecraft, minecraft but would you rather, minecraft manhunt would you rather, toxic, Escape or Betray Your Friends in Minecraft..., escape, minecraft escape room
Id: cb3b62iMOB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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