The Worst Ending - Bugsnax Bonus Episode

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hey there's on fire here and welcome to the bug snacks bonus video hey bud so uh pretty much last time uh we finished getting the platinum trophy and uh you guys got to see the best secret ending well this time i'm actually showing you the worst possible ending i'm going to show you thinning if none of this the uh citizens villagers whatever you want to call i survive or at least the best of my ability to uh so i went ahead and got us back to this point the only thing i i used some speedrun tactics to unlock everything super fast the only thing i did that took a while was actually giving like fobo and everyone getting them to fully transform so uh we're gonna go ahead so i decided to come from the park bilbo you're here i i i i can't believe it we've got so much catching up to do i i wish i could but we're out of time you have to get out of here you have to gather up the others and get off the island okay then we can talk on the way back no philbo i can't go with you like this i'm so sorry are you seriously trying to interview me right now i regret inviting you you came here to interview elizabeth megafig fine keep it quick this that's it's just their paris they mate i almost lost myself but somehow i pushed back i made them into me that's right i just wanted but it's like i'm sorry that i put i can't hold them back for much longer wait i i have one more question if you're really not coming back then then what am i supposed to do without you what do you mean you've been doing just fine without me it's only a matter of time before i screw up and ruin everything i i'm not good at stuff and everybody hates me they love the idea of me i'm sorry i put so much on your shoulders bilbo but you you are the one who can bring them together me well i'm the one who made it all fall apart what are you saying i led you to this terrible island i didn't understand what any of you so now is no i should yeah i don't think i saw any uh changes where have i heard that before ichabeel i'm not seeing anything in the text changes so no you i'm just going fast the text if i step outside move up see it worked wait oh so um oh but i'm sure liz and i what hey don't worry we both okay time to get moving get back to snacksburg you're going to have to take a bit of a shortcut hold on is that you oh sorry buddy head hurt oh bad not dream time yet gotta save your friends yes yes save friends okay let's get going time saved friends i'm not saving them this time [Music] we've got to get back to snacksburg as fast as we can we can't let the others eat any more bug snacks if they transform all the way then then then who knows what'll happen [Music] we're all out of here snorpy there they are wearing grumps name have you two been i'll explain later the bug snacks are coming to wipe us out we gotta get off this island now i suspect that as much luckily the balloon is almost ready to take flight great but where is everybody they're holding off the swarm as best they can i've supplied them with all my most dangerous inventions and will only buy us time snort dog they're coming down from the mountain i need you here now hold steady my love i'm on my way oh but somebody needs to finish fueling the balloon don't worry snoopy leave the balloon to me go and help chandler splendid as for you you may need my snack chop it's much like the snack trap if it were set to puree good luck okay uh this looks simple enough never mind buddy you better put that trap to good use [Music] [Music] oh okay i'll be fine for now buddy go and help the others i'll have the balloon ready by the time you get back so again phobo it doesn't matter so if you defend him or not he survived just because needed to stay still your pugnacious pests why did snorvington make this so cumbersome one has foreseen the bug snacks will be five feet to the right of where you're aiming i'm a scientist not an exterminator you do it if you're so inclined one is strictly a pacifist also one is pushing 70. not enough ah but here comes someone with a healthy capacity for violence take this device and play a path for us [Music] please they run my perfectly good uh pure transformations [Music] yum [Music] [Applause] [Music] yum one is devoted one is wise one is pure the bug snacks have no power over me feel it the precipice in bug snacks potential to understand the very nature of being would be a fool not to indulge okay come on snacks let's see what you got uh tom over here i've just finished another device the trip drone with this we can hold off the bug snacks and escape before chandler collapses don't worry snort dog i could do this all day oh you beautiful fool i'll pilot the drone you aim the shot unfortunately you were short on connective surfaces how about this hello that will do [Music] huh don't trip [Music] [Music] so uh i can't take them all gotta protect snorpy i'll never be strong enough i gotta be more than me i gotta be bug snacks i see what you're doing you delectable automatons i know too much i have to be destroyed it's the only way to keep chandlo safe you win grumpanotti your secrets die with me okay so you may have seen i gave uh soda full black raspberry i gave a fluffy pura grater uh cocomite uh phobos still has pure strawberry then we had pura kwookie pure uh sent us now so let's go ahead and continue on this is a sad episode you see anything and a pure uh there's one thing i'm good at it's looking for trouble snack pod a salty snack potter thing you got it fire in a hole oh that toast who knew snackwater was so flammable huh it's almost a shame to waste it like this oh bestie you're just in time for the end of the world but now that you're here if you take over the lunch pad krom joe can pick up the speed on those barrels can't you krom doe yeah sure thing beth if i don't break my first [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah but uh i'm doing this ending so you don't have to since it is entirely optional [Music] oh oh there's no point in going back with them i don't have a life or friends nobody i can really trust anyway but bug snacks i can trust you to be [Applause] delicious [Music] runaway snacks never come back oh i don't get it why are the little ones attacking us they love me they're like a mob of adoring fans darling they love you so much that they they each want a piece of you even so i can't bring myself to ramble well [Music] there we go uh [Music] um i hope it didn't kill any of them i mean they're fully transformed so they shouldn't survive regardless of how many get eaten but i'm just trying to make sure [Music] [Music] ah they call me a faded star but for just this moment i will burn bright again this is my swan song i will devote my final balance there little one i would never abandon you we're a family now we're gonna be together forever and now sprout just sits there forever call now get get get your varmints it's no use whammy must have learned a few things since the stone age well what do you want me to do i won't let them take my garden there's hardly any garden left there's enough i still got my special sauce fresh grown oh good thinking but that's not what i meant oh i didn't see you there would you mind helping out just a matter of life and death is all so i gave wambus all bungers uh robeds for uh trifany i had given uh pop ticks for uh wiggle and uh i gave i believe it was white strabby for [Music] grandma oh and i gave egg a bell all the cherry i used the snack and they tar i'm such a failure i couldn't even control my hunger no wonder nobody believed this is the end yeah i was gonna end up here one way or another not that it mattered anyhow only thing that matters out here [Music] so those were all the death animations [Music] i couldn't save anything everybody what happened never mind now thanks liz egg [Music] so [Music] so that's a empty beach right there so uh yeah it's really tough to get that ending because you have to be feeding all your villagers by not doing their side missions and then you have to completely fell on uh like if you feed them nothing and you're just beelining through the mission i think they still survive by like one i'm not a hundred percent sure uh but i don't intend to go and check that one myself but uh i hate leaving it like this liz and egg what if they're still out there no you're right nobody should ever set foot on snacktooth island again [Music] i don't know if i can move on not when we lost so many friends i just wish there was a way we could go back and and make things right don't you yeah so uh if you've messed up you could uh click on i wish i could do it over again and it takes you right before the party [Music] yeah you're right i guess there's no use thinking that way i can't undo what happened but i can learn and try to put some good back in the world it has to be enough right [Music] it's gonna take a while for the bug snacks to wear off on us i can't go back home like this so is it all right if i stay with you for a while i can help you with your story maybe figure out which parts to tell or great let's go i have to admit you're tracking down elizabeth inside an erupting volcano i call it fit it's point is you're a regular grumpterous top yeah too bad um i hope you can spread that don't worry gnn special you're fired this story's a page turn oh what it's not like i expected you to come back also you're legally dead might want to clear that up soon well that wasn't ideal but you've had worse days huh buddy so i hear the elections are coming up and uh i was thinking of running for mayor i could use a helping paw how about it and here's the trip credits again [Music] and uh like i said one thing that you'll notice is this time there's no pictures at all so it's so uh if you get this ending first you won't think anything of it [Music] but uh just the connotation of the fact that there should be so many photos here [Music] like it's a really dark it's really dark to get descending like it this is a really horrible ending to get [Music] but uh [Music] nothing uh [Music] particularly uh [Music] notable here just again none of the pictures show up but uh out of the 13 people who uh was living there only one till survived seen a sandwich climb away [Music] [Music] is [Music] sorry i'm just uh enjoying the music enjoying the music and just kind of again i i was just like i wanted to show off that ending but it is really sad so it's just kind of a very mood tone so you you really can't get a worse ending in this game this is the worst ending and you don't get the uh you don't get any of the photos you don't get the secret scene so this wraps up bug snacks the bonus video that i wanted to do but uh let me know in the comments if you want to see any more bug snacks like speedruns or something like that like i said i've been practicing the speed run i mean uh i'm at 45 minutes before because i still haven't quite mastered the last trick that cuts down a good amount of time so i still have to do certain things but uh thank you all for watching and i'll see you in the next series bye
Channel: Zanfire
Views: 22,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PS5Share, #Bugsnax
Id: xPnRMSUIr3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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