The Secret of Snaktooth Island - Bugsnax 27 Finale

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all right everyone thank you for stopping by welcome to another episode and possibly the final episode of nerdfight plays bug snacks we had deposits [Music] um we had deposit at the end of last episode because we were going immediately into basically pretty much the final mission what ends it so we wanted to make sure things were taken care of the hunt opened the hot door let's go can i feed you no no so what do you think's behind the door now because now is a perfect chance to come up with ideas um probably another dark cave probably a that's the volcano um it's probably hot and i'm trying whatever it's gonna be a big bug snack up in there i'm trying to think what would fit to tie everything together um it's weird but you don't think i can think of it as a plate but it doesn't make any sense because we haven't seen anything like that yeah we didn't get we didn't get the pile of snacks down there no i don't know i'm starting to like sleeping on freezing cold rocks yeah i can't feed her but i'm sure liz misses our bed well it'll be ready for you i've been keeping your hot clean for whenever you got back you're such a weird guy phil though yeah i'm only slightly uncomfortable yes bilbo is weird i mean that's phil that's at least like like he did try to take make sure everything was taken care of when everyone was gone like he did an okay job considering he was by himself phil was super weird but like that's why we made him sweet like all the desserts and stuff we had or that he had eaten he's sweet and this is cinnamon roll he is a cinnamon roll the sweetest of cinnamon rolls yes the mountain didn't trick it off you need a break uh uh how about water let me check your vitals no no not sure i feel about a doctor with anxiety almost there with noticeable anxiety when dealing with patients in the future you could stand to do some exercise or just hang out with chandler loki i i i i feel um feel better though yeah yeah the mountains tall are going to be out of shape which is fine but it's like you're right leave me check her out like it's she's so quick to jump on that and i'm like all right slow down a little bit be a little calmer all right all right three we're here let's go um what do we do how do we get this thing open turns out she wrote the order backwards i guess they can still make mistakes well nobody's perfect right okay i'm ready when you are po buddies can i feed you nope one two with the hunt completely there we go the cave is open let's go and we're dead we're dead everybody thank you for watching thank you for watching this very short episode i hope you have a beautiful day bye nerds so yeah we entered the cave only for it to collapse yes surprise surprise i know snack nothing but copious amount of snack this looks like you're in a stomach somewhere this is a little bit kind of creepy um some tools and stuff down here that a leg was that is the plunger 21 tool these are basically i think supposed to be variations of like all my tools that are broken yeah this looks so gross though i mean it's just snacks just a lot of giant snacks yeah and what is this thing they have to get oh yeah let's go help him out what was that a pile of snacks is egg bowl with you i don't know how we all got separated we've got bigger problems right now we got a bigger problem here i'm sure she's not far yeah what in the red i juice of want to go this way let's check it out never mind okay we ain't going that way what about okay so you want to go that way i'm going this way let's go this way we're not going that way or not you're that way we're going this way this is another one oh my god this turned into a horror game real quick you just got snatched i did just get snacks protect me we need snorky here he takes a bullet for me um oh i feel like we in court now yeah it's you you're alive oh we are in court you here i i i i can't believe it oh we've got so much cats so you're right there was a snack down here i wish i could i i never would have guessed you know a conglomeration of everything you have to gather up the others and get off the island oh okay then we can talk on the way back no philbo i can't go with you like this i'm so sorry this bird is stuck in that can you answer a few questions questions then i'm seriously trying to interview me right now i mean what else are we going i'm not leaving without answers i didn't come all this way hey for nothing my job is on the line here so they're all [Laughter] all of that is true keep it quick what is this place hit that record button this is the island's true form it's bug snacks all the way down that's kind of amazing it's disgusting once you understand what bug snacks really are yeah what are they what are bug snacks really they're parasites they get inside you and they change your hand changed your body and your mind they did they make you want them and before you know it you become them what what you to turn into a bug snack who would want you to turn into a bug snack there we go it's not that simple they're insidious patient you'll show them a weakness and they'll exploit it what you see here this is what's left of everybody who came before us of every living thing that wasn't bug snacks they always win what happened to you what happened to you i saved a bell i fell into this place before i knew what was happening i was swarmed bug snakes were crawling down my throat they tried to erase me to make me into them that's horrible this is terrible myself but somehow i pushed back i made them into me so the bug snacks golem monster was you the thing that just killed me that's right i'm sorry if i scared you i just wanted to make this awful place so yeah that was the thing that we would have seen in the forest but it never popped up well it would have just been in the woods and once you see it you had a chance to take a photo of it and it disappears that's like the same way you just saw it's the bug snacks under your control no the bugs and eggs are in a frenzy they have been since we came here they're so ravenous that they're shaking the ground apart i'm the only thing keeping this island together right now but it's like fighting a tsunami with a bucket yeah that sounds everything there you have your answers i hope you write a story worth telling i'm sorry that i put you through so much to get it come along and grab a snack i can't hold them back for much longer please go and warn the others i i have one more question if you're really not coming back then then what am i supposed to do without you yeah what are we supposed to do you've been doing just fine without me it's only a matter of time before i screw up and ruin everything i i'm not blind everybody hates me but you they love you lisbert they love the idea of me i'm sorry i put so much on your shoulders bilbo but you you are the one who can bring them together me well i'm the one who made it all fall apart what are you saying i led you to this terrible island i filled your bodies with parasites i ignored all the warning signs i didn't understand what any of you really needed so now i'm taking responsibility for my mistakes i'll keep the bug snacks at bay long enough for everyone to escape liz no no no there has to be some other way we can help you no no you're doing it let's get out of here consequences of my actions suffering the consequences of my actions that's unheard of where have i heard that before ichabeel you shouldn't be here you need to she did fall down the whole time to get here get up come on let's go get up hey edgar stop it no you stop it i didn't sleep in an igloo for months just so you could play martyr we're getting out of here together i i can't my control is already slipping if i step outside this cave my connection to the bug snakes will break and the island will collapse before i make it another step huh all right then i'll get in there with you move over move over [Laughter] behold the lesbian hydra that wasn't so hard right it worked igabel you you said move over yes wait how did you lose your eye oh i didn't i just got conjunctivitis at least the eye patch looks cool right it's gross it does make you look a bit dangerous so um how long before the island explodes oh yeah that's a good question i don't know it could be any moment but i'm sure liz and i can keep it together at least until you get everybody out of here what so now i'm supposed to leave both of you behind it looks like it you've been through worse than this right have you you're survived i'm about to die and stuck in a sushi roll cake okay good luck sushi roll cake pizza see you again someday okay with uh with fries and cinnamon rolls i never thought i'd see the day i'd get chucked by a let's be in hydra that was a very weird conglomeration of everything though that was something i didn't expect to be the big you know a reveal that the buck snacks are actually evil flavor falls agave is that you no get your dopey up and let's go head hurt oh bad not dream time yet gotta save so what would happen if like they got to us the player the player [Music] like would it just kill us because we get sick i don't i think well i think in this case they would stuff themselves down my throat um until we completely just changed and just take complete control i don't think there's much we can do about it unfortunate fortunately uh us being allergic doesn't help much we can't no we can't let the others next if they transform all the way then then then who knows what will happen oh the waters have turned red with lava movement go faster escape from snack tooth snorpy favorite protect us daddy grumps i'll explain later the bug snacks are coming to wipe us out we gotta get off this island now i suspected as much luckily the balloon is almost ready to take flight thank you for fixing my balloon daddy where is everybody i mean snorky let's go they're holding off the swarm as best they can i've supplied them with all my most dangerous inventions it'll only buy us time dog they're coming down from the mountain i need you here now hold steady my love i'm on my way oh but somebody needs to finish fueling the balloon don't worry snorky leave the balloon to me go and help chandler splendid splendid you may need my snack chop it's much like this next trap if it was set to puree good luck all right let's kill them all let's get some snacks oh god defending fill though kill the strawbeats let's make some uh um what is it called smoothie there we go come on come on the faces are like all weird like there are zombies for a moment all right made a smoothie i'll be fine they want none of this i'll have the balloon ready by the time you get back perfect good job philbo girl help sheldon floofty stay still your partners one has foreseen the bug snacks will be five feet to the right of where you're aiming i'm a scientist not an exterminator you do it if you're so inclined one is strictly a pacifist you know what you literally just you just murdered some snacks fat enough pushing 70. someone with a healthy capacity for violence take this device and clear a pathway healthy capacity all right this is my game now here we go got a boxing glove punch it there we go homer simpson would definitely be mad at us though push it there we go we got we got a p we got a uh piece now smackerys stupid be contest get out of here because the pecans have been nothing but mean to us right all right i think we got through all right we're good that's enough mortal danger for one day let's abscond while the bug snacks have subsided you don't have to juggle me twice you however must continue the others oh yeah they're going to the ship like if everyone if they just take the boat and go relax let's see what you got uh tom over here i've just finished another device the trip drone with this we can hold off the bug snacks and escape before chant low collapses don't worry that's not good i could do this all day oh you beautiful fool i'll pilot the drone you aim the shot unfortunately you were short on connective surfaces how about this nice they're coming in hot too he needs to refill let's get another angle don't trip good one snorpy i guess we'll see next fall then um i don't think that's supposed to happen no it wasn't it definitely just failed oh they're fine you just hit him [Music] don't celebrate too soon we're not safe until we're off this horrid rock to the balloon uh do we have to help i guess we better help africa yep i think and uh crap doesn't it yet all this smoke is making my eyes water don't worry there's one thing i'm good at it's looking for trouble speaking up snacks at three o'clock you got it fire in the hole fire though wouldn't that be twelve o'clock i would think so who knew snack water was so flammable huh it's almost a shame to waste it like this oh bestie you're just in time for the like um wouldn't snack water be pickle juice because they just had pinkles in them if you take over the lunch no that was that was the uh mixture those barrels can't you krom doe yeah sure yeah yeah you're probably right if i don't break my back quit bitching now is not the time and fire yes ever clear yeah that's basically what this is what'd she shoot it with she smacked it with the camera okay that's smart i love it it took us this long for the you know to get the fire and the explosions and stuff right almost that one's trying hard not to die oh there's more yeah another one that was a good heads beautiful why would i ever think that that looked like that was going to be really good all right got that okay you know that one just disappeared that's that's cool it's cause he smacked it with the barrel for a sec but i knew you'd pull through bestie we made it that means snorpy owes me five bucks let's blow this popsicle stand huh what is the official currency of the grumpus grump i don't know they grumpify everything run snacks never come back oh i don't get it why are the little ones attacking us they love me oh yeah sprout's been uh sprout's been awesome even so i can't bring myself sprout's been armed to hurt him so why'd snorpy have to go and weaponize sprout ramble i didn't know you were i love that sprouts the only one that's like still cool for a minute i'm not a punk or a rock i can't do this well cool we'll do it i know who can darling run them all over all warmed up it's time for you to bring the house down bring the house down and run them all over this one's a little more satisfying yep who doesn't like running things over like this is great i'm in a weapon i like how sprout's technically a bug snack but he's like listening still that that's that's the one that you're cool with the only the only one that we're happy with um come on sprout oh my god that was loki i'm surprised um spout isn't mad at us too though you know with all the stuff we put him through right of how often he was on fire that if anyone had a right to be mad you know it'd be spout yeah because he's the only one technically we're not eating either yeah so he's i guess he still left the dinner table and he's pissed about it all they want to do is be eaten and you know turn us into food is it over yes keep running my leash get to the escape time for an encore scramble deer he's got the host she's got the cactus well what do oh good thinking what that's not what i meant oh i didn't see you shoot shoot the sauce just a matter of life and death is all uh sure why not you got the secret sauce for the bunkers because you know that secret sauce is great for burgers that was definitely my best one that's about as big a break as we're gonna get come on whamby it's now or never oh i gave it my best i think that's everybody all right trophy let's go home yeah let's get out of here get the hell out of my way i'm getting back on my ship okay we're all here though i think the balloon needs another minute we need to get moving we got mama melon yeah we don't have another minute and we got a matzo supreme come on we're not gonna make it they are not happy yeah lesbian hydra save us the birthday cake pizza sushi sushi bunker burger pizza thing monstrosity this makes me curious though see how they're going to do uh the dlc i think the dlc takes place on a different part of the island is my understanding and takes place before it takes place before this mission so yeah bug snacks are evil and yeah that is we got the good ending that is the twist i did not um is he happening though made it over here i think that's supposed to be snack too down over there that makes sense but just like yeah no one comes here it's unexplored but it's so close to civilization that was like out of everything in this this is what i didn't get the most of is that detail maybe everyone just got happy where they were and they didn't want to move hey tiffany well there goes another farm serves me right for building it on top of an island-sized pest i guess there's no shame in starting fresh i'll find a place with rich soil and even richer history where me and trippy can settle down i was so close to giving up back there i get so caught up dwelling on the way lives end but that's not the only thing that matters yeah wambus and i we're gonna start the rest of our lives today i'd hate to tell you this tiffany but i think your grandma died to be turned into a bug snack that's why you didn't find her i need this okay maybe i don't oh so it's funny i spent all my time chasing one muse and as soon as i put it out of my mind another strikes me as we floated down from the sky watching our home crumble to dust a little song sprung into my head i call it an ode to gramble my leash i thought i'd be real sad when i left all my little ones behind but i feel okay don't know maybe it helps they tried to murder me you know just saying that that usually helps just a bit for real like well wiggle oh hey bestie i think i need a vacay from this vacay i i think we all need a vacation going home yeah it doesn't seem so bad anymore my old life my old friends they're all gone but like now i know that i can make new friends and this time ditch i don't feel like she really made any friends through this she really did it like you made more enemies than anything yeah like you're talking like we're friends but we are not friends no okay i know when i'm beat i draw the line an island full of monsters i would hope so all i wanted to do was quit my dead-end job and do what makes me happy i don't need some big bug snack scam to do that hey maybe i'll get started in the music business he'd fit in that business good luck then all right all my research was destroyed i have come away with a revelation i cannot improve grumpy's kind if i refuse to understand it it may be a long and frankly annoying endeavor but it is one worth pursuing i'm glad you learned something yeah that's better than nothing why did we let you escape i've never felt so wrong being right i wish i hadn't wasted so much time telling riddles yeah all powerful to give good advice you just need to be me and those who listen we'll listen exactly stop trying to sway the watermelon pope the fact that was right and didn't know seems my enemies are so all-powerful after all but still there were many close calls and chandler was always there for me i think and now you got that cake for him watermelon that was intense there's no way i ever would have made it out of there by myself good thing snorpy had my back when did he get so strong maybe i hit my personal limit but that doesn't matter there's no limit to what we can do together loki i didn't think we're going to yeah you thought we were going to be fighting what liz burke hey buddy are you ready to go well that's a different take on it i guess it's time all right everybody we should head out i hate leaving it like this liz and egg what if they're still out there as the night can take care of themselves you can't be thinking of going back we have to move on yeah they'll take care of themselves if anybody can survive in that terrible place it's them oh we have to move on you can't go wallowing in regret now yeah no regrets out of the woods no regrets it's gonna take a while for the bug snacks to wear off on us i can't go back home like this they may want to chill in the woods for a bit until the bugs nest next we're off i can help you with your story maybe figure out which parts to tell or i guess i have a spare room great let's go so we we just gained a roommate yep you know the rent is too high so we need someone that can yeah we're living in a city see i have to admit you got good plumber nut tracking elizabeth inside an erupting volcano it's compelling i forgot we worked for gnn i'd call it fiction if you didn't have this philippus yahoo along as a witness it's filbo actually point is you're a regular grumpterous thompson it's just too bad those bug snacks weren't real huh yeah too bad i i hate to think that we went through all that for nothing so um i hope you can spread the truth about snacktooth before anybody else gets hurt i think the other's gonna work and speaking of you're fired right these stories did all vegas get fired the second you walked out that door you you fired me when you get let me go do this where's my where's my chick yeah i i i first need to get paid exactly the the story you know is technically mine i can sell it to anyone at this point and cause i went differently you fired me when i went and before i went there um and third at least my name's not clumber not oh please it's not like i expected you to come back also you're legally dead might want to clear that up soon oh he had his uh declared dead too well columbia climbed ideal but no it was bad worse days huh buddy so wait that means we lost our house our apartment no we still have it i was thinking of running for mayor i guess hey are you over helping paw how about it sounds good phil though he just checked me out right at the end of that i'm not gonna be that kind of secretary philbo and that's bug snacks we got fired though we did that's all types of messed up and the creatures we started to love so much were actually evil mm-hmm i'm still getting that bummer plush though oh me too um so i could take an opportunity we actually got the good ending i made sure we got the good ending by making sure we did all the quests and we saved everybody is when you don't finish everyone's missions and they get hit enough at the end and they basically start talking about how useless they are and burst into snacks ooh yeah that is a bad ending this was a good game though i enjoyed it i very well love this game and i'm excited for the dlc when it eventually comes out um but yeah this is there's there's still a little bit you know through the photos and you know there's a reason they have this so stay here um i recognize this a lot of people in this cast yeah they had a pretty good cat like surprisingly for this game they actually had a pretty good cast yeah and i love that they use the images for the snacks i recognize like a good ninety percent of that list uh doing like all my stuff with anime and voice over artists yeah they got a really good cast overall and it's like looking at this game early on it's like oh okay you know it looks interesting and then it's like they're announcing who's voicing who and it's like what is going on [Laughter] this is this is great wait this was a very very fun game i am looking forward to the dlc it's going to be amazing i'm sure megabonger assuming that's what it is it just you know an ad showed a giant bunker but yeah i'm not sure what we'll go to next let's figure that out and say yeah going through the credits my bad um for anyone that didn't understand that yeah we'll have to figure out what we're going to continue on or go to next because we really stuck through this one yes we have a few ideas um i don't want to say what we have yet for idea-wise because you know that can change between now and when we do it but you have to wait and find out and see what we do it'll be fun um but yeah so you saw everyone around filbo for the elect like kind of for the election stuff i'm not sure entirely what this photo is supposed to be other than just happy of agavel and liz burt but i'm pretty sure they're supposed to just be burst into a bunch of different snacks oh i sent them away it would be hard to make them disappear at this point do they suspect anything hmm hard to say could be their idiots could be they know the truth and they're keeping it quiet very well we will have to keep our eye on them to quit us [Music] we you know we all know how that goes as well as the grand pinati were involved i'm assuming that i've i just took that as the grand pinati so yeah we'll have to believe snorky snorpy was right you'll have to leave more information in the dlc or the if they create a second game we'll see i hope they create a second game either way that was plug snacks we hope you all enjoyed i know i enjoyed playing this game again i know md enjoyed watching i did as well and we will see you all next time thanks for watching nerds bye see ya [Music] you
Channel: NerdFight
Views: 3,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bugsnax, Gaming
Id: EGj_2Pq6TTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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