10 Biggest LEGO Game Mysteries!

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throughout every single Lego game there are tons of mysteries some that still remain to this day only solved so let's dive into the 10 biggest unsolved Lego game Mysteries cue the music hello hello there guys just a heads up some of these mysteries on the list are insane and as we progress through the list the bigger the Mysteries be cool and well what's New Scooby-Doo coming in at number 10 is the living Statue of Liberty founded originally in Lego Marvel Superheroes one if you linger around the Statue of Liberty for a prolonged period the Statue of Liberty actually comes alive and it gives you a cheeky wink it also appears in Lego Marvel Avengers and Lego Marvel 2. digging even further however this is where it begins to become a little bit crazy as the statue also appears in Lego Dimensions within the Fantastic Beasts open world you can summon the Statue of Liberty from a dimensional portal bearing in mind this version of New York is set in the year 1926 and as you can see this is the exact same Statue of Liberty from Lego Marvel superheroes on which it is also leaving and well leaving the question has this been summoned from the Lego Marvel Dimension as we already are aware Lord Vortech contains the power to control the Lego Multiverse as explained within Lego Dimensions or is this New York the same New York from Lego Marvel superheroes and yes yes yes to answer your question they may have simply reused certain assets from previous Lego games however in Lego Dimensions there already is multiple variations of the Statue of Liberty such as the one in the Ghostbusters world now we are aware that Lego Dimensions takes place in an alternate timeline as in Lego Lord of the Rings they cross the bridge in Casa Doom where in Lego Dimensions they get sucked in by a horde this is why this mystery is at number 10 as it has a lot of questions around it and does this kind of confirm Lego Marvel is in the Lego Dimensions timeline and why is the Statue alive and making its way onto the number nine spot is a mystery from Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga and that is a great box yeah also I did forget to mention earlier thank you all so much for the amazing support and if you have gone to enjoy this video a like would be Mega appreciated anyway on to the grip box I have no idea why but this has always been a big mystery to me ever since I was younger as when you are running through the corridors in the level death star escape you can find these really strange boxes with a grip on them I even went to ask someone who has been modding Lego Star Wars for years and I mean years what this great box is about and I didn't even know an exact answer regarding them leaving this to me as a very very very minor mystery but it always baffled me why they added it in and I searched the web for this grape image with the eyes and I couldn't find it anywhere it must just be that the Stormtroopers love having grape sat in a hot tub I mean that is Peak luxury in the Lego world and well it is now time to master the raw Harem as next up is Lego Lord of the Ring foreign now this may be one of the creepiest mysteries in a Lego game and it definitely is one of the moments that can easily be missed this only appears for a brief few seconds something unlike any creature in Middle Earth can be seen in the cut scene after fraud or is brought to Rivendell in The Fellowship of the Ring give us some ominous music [Music] agent Smith from the Matrix can be seen watching over elrond now this most likely was placed in the game as a running joke being that the actor who played elrond Hugo weaving also played Agent Smith after the cutscene is finished when exploring around Rivendell agent Smith is nowhere to be seen looking into the larger Lego game timeline however this one simple running joke actually comes into play a large part in a new and well it is now time to go off on Middle Earth all the way over to Gotham City and Lego Batman the video game what a Lego game go on go on give us the disco music now as I am sure you are well aware when you go to defeat enemies within Lego games they break down into their designated parts that be in their head their arms and their legs and as we both know the remains disappear straight after their well so-called death and it kind of begs the question the Lego game characters die as in the level Riddler makes a withdrawal in the car park segment of the level there can be found a chalk outline of a Lego character's body the mysterious part about this is it kind of confirms the death of Lego game characters obviously this is outside of you breaking them into you know Parts this for me is unquestionably not the scariest part about this mystery as in the Batman comic Flashpoint Paradox Bruce Wayne instead is shot in crime Molly instead of Thomas and Martha win his parents the scary part about this mystery is at the Forefront of the comic you can see an identical Chalk Outline to which is found in the game coincidence I think not but it gets even creepier as this comic was released three years after Lego Batman the video game oh this one simple chalk outline has a lot of mysteries regarding it and obviously the most obvious one is who exactly died here and as I am sure you are well aware Lego game characters break into parts and this one is not broken into Parts anyone guess it oh yeah next up is LEGO City Undercover now I know what you're thinking that was the Mario famine it is kind of mavior in a way oh yes and this is at number six Battle Before Lego City Undercover was re-released on onto all other Platforms in 2017 it originally came out on the Wii U exclusively all the way back in March 2013. in this version of the game you can actually go to find creatures from the world of Mario and it's not just like there's simply one mavi or Easter egg they have literally invaded Lego city as there's a hundred of them well that's a bit exaggerating maybe there's a lot of them and well just to name a few you've got Bullet Bill you've got the piranha plants you've got the bomb arms you've got wigglers mystery boxes flagpoles the Mario Galaxy Stars pipes cheap cheaps and Superstars it is a little bit disappointing to know that in the re-release all of these Mario Easter eggs were taken out of the game but that is due to licensing as these are only found exclusively in the Nintendo version of the game and yes if you do get the game on Nintendo switch you will be able to find all of the Mario Easter eggs now with all these creatures big and small from the world of Mario or should I say the Lego Mario your dimension the big mystery to me is well where is Mario it is rather peculiar to me oh that was a bit you know a bit Posh oh go on I'll go with it it is rather peculiar to me well that all these creatures from the world of Mario have invaded Lego City and Mario's nowhere to be found so the main mystery is where is Mario and why are all these Mario creatures in the world of Lego City and does this Lego City take place in a different timeline because we have the 2017 version but there's no Mario creatures at all and yes that one is a little bit of a stretch as it is mainly down to licensing but does this mean Mario does exist in the Lego world and please tell me it doesn't look like this well Chewie hit the hyperdrive it is now time to head over to yes a galaxy far far away in Lego Star Wars the Skywalker sun and just before we go any further I just want to say a massive thank you to ornasib as due to the season they are doing free delivery so you can pretty much get yourself a I go lightsaber I'm sure you know about it alongside all the other incredible designs just recently got myself the June saber oh and if you are thinking about picking up a lightsaber former want to say but make sure to use my cord here as it will give you a 20 stud discount see what I did there and all of their links are in the description below if you want to check them out anyway back on to the big unsolved mystery now after completing the pod race within the phantom menace when you return to free roam in mosespa a silver Droid can be discovered lurking outside of an abandoned Hall if you have played the Skywalker Saga it is kind of guaranteed that you have encountered this Droid and in some regard we finally know who this Droid is Now Now using qui-gonjin's particular set of skills this dried within the Star Wars lore is known as norbolt or by it's gonna get dark talk real quick in the lore of Star Wars it is stated this Droid wanders the deserts of Tatooine there are even local stories claiming the Droid was surrounded by an evil spirit or the dark side of the falls this resulted in the locals constantly trying to destroy the Gerard and every time they believed they destroyed the Droid it always returned back home to mosespa I'm sorry to interrupt the story here but one time the Mad Lads even decided to toss him into the sarlacc pit and well he just wandered back on didn't it this too many players is a big Unsolved Mystery in Lego Star Wars the Skywalker Saga especially for those who are unaware who no bot is there is no solid proof that this Droid is normal so the mystery still holds the status of being well a mystery sliding back into the law many believe the Droid itself is actually a spirit of a ghost once you go to finish the puzzle in The Residency you can actually fight find the droid's body dismantled pondering the question was the dried even really there now if you were paying enough attention however you will notice the Droid is still active and he is still watching I am so sorry about the little jump scared oh and do you do you hear that it looks like it's time to return back to Gotham City in Lego Batman the video game yet again this is at the number four spot by the way Lego Batman 1 still to this day has the smallest Lego game character roster among all the Lego games telling up to have a total of 46 characters albeit one character upon this entire character roster Still Remains a mystery to this day and that is the yeti this particular character has no appearance in the base game at all and is only ever found in the character roster alongside vividly some boxes within Mr Freeze's Ice Cream Factory some goal to say that this character is one of Batman's minor villains known as the Snowman others go as far to say that this is one of Mr Freeze's henchmen however I would like to address my own Theory here into the mix after completing the villain level on the Rocks the final cut scene reveals that Mr Freeze stores his henchmen in ice to well be dispensed at his own will yes I do believe to some degree that the yeti is somehow tied in with Mr Freeze to a certain level as the yeti may have been imprisoned in ice very similar to Mr frieza's henchmen however I do got to believe that the yeti did actually go to escape into well the Wilderness has to actually unlock the yeti you need to fully complete the level of Penguin's Lair which is one of the worst levels in the getting book anyway this begs the question has the yeti been hiding out in the snow around this area as you do go to unlock him in this Wilderness Area outside of penguins lair holding this down as a unsolved mystery still to this day who is the yeti and how does he tie you move the Lego Batman timeline also I would love to hear your thoughts on all of these Unsolved Mysteries and have you possibly solved them let me know Below in the comments the characters model closely resembles Killer Croc If You observe Clause enough with little to no information on this character it is difficult to pin down who he is exactly and what is his purpose no no no no before we jump in the Batmobile and skimmy on over to the next one let's just remain in Gotham City as at number three is Lego Batman though this game is designed purely to be a fun-hearted co-op Adventure between Batman and Robin Lego Batman 1 is surprisingly extremely dark figuratively and literally have you ever noticed how Lego Batman 1 always takes place at night the Sun never Rises once throughout the entirety of the game game you have chalk outlines of dead Lego characters abandoned theme parks alongside very limited urban life leaving a huge mystery to me does Lego Batman 1 take place in One Singular night linking back to how we never see daytime as well Batman Buddy that is a lot of villains to take down in one night and it's pretty much impossible to accomplish single-handedly as let's be real Robin is pretty useless joking Robin I love you overall Gotham is portrayed as an AV decrepit City within Lego Batman 1 for TT games this easily is the darkest Lego game to ever exist and well yes it does go to suit The Source material of Batman but there's just something so unsettling about Lego Batman one when you take away the fun-hearted co-op Adventure what really is going on within Gotham City there is little data files within Lego Batman 1 that does go to give you even more context outside of the actual story missions but overall it still is a big mystery to me Lego Batman 1. there seems to be no definitive answer on what is going on within Gotham City in Lego Batman 1 and I would love to hear your theory in the comments below making its way into the number two spot it is very very important that you do not blink don't even blink they are fast faster than you can believe don't turn your back don't look away and do not blink good morning in Lego Batman 3 if you head below the Hall of Justice you will find an isolated innocent statue however it is not just this statue it is a weeping angel now tying back to the agent Smith Easter egg within Lego Lord of the Rings alongside The Goonies Easter egg they all combine to make one huge mystery oh it's about to get wild crazy ridiculous insane it's just gonna be a big bowl of wibbly wobbly timey why me stuff okay then here we go as we are well aware Lego Dimensions takes place in an alternate timeline as in Lego Lord of the Rings the Fellowship make it across the bridge in kazadum in this specific timeline Gandalf is taken by the portal however though yes this is a different timeline to the Lego Lord of the Rings timeline this is actually the Lego Batman timeline let me explain and yes that does mean Batman has been to Middle Earth that is pretty four starters the events take place a little while after the conclusion to the Lego Batman 2 storyline we know this from the opening cut scene in Lego dimensions and the Joker confirming his old four The Joker Mech from Lego Batman 2 which you fight so many times and this appears in the level meltdown at sector 7g so yes that Ponders the question where does Lego Batman 3 fit into this along with the Weeping Angel and the agent Smith Easter egg and the Dozen others well after Lord Vortec is defeated in the grand finale of Lego Dimensions it appears the dimensions never properly reformed back together in one piece causing well anomalies to be sent into other dimensions or they may have simply been left behind this goes to explain why Agent Smith was found in Middle Earth as we are well aware he does appear in Lego Dimensions along with The Goonies [Music] these are all anomal these that were left behind after all the dimensions were crossed over and they were not sent back home explaining agent Smith The Goonies and the Weeping Angel and the other few this also gives us context for how portals are a part of Lego Batman 3. have you ever wondered how these portals came about in the Lego Batman timeline Lego Dimensions kinda gives us the definitive answer to our question after the events of Lego Dimensions Batman has been exposed to obviously Lord Vortex technology this kinda goes to explain how portals were developed in such a short span of time in Lego Batman 3 and it gets even more crazy as in the level space suits you sir you can discover in the Batcave how Batman was actually trying to develop his own tardis does that mean Batman is the next Doctor this again is due to Batman meeting the doctor within Lego Dimensions being the 12th incarnation of the doctor well 13 if you class the water doctor all of this information really is enough to validate our mystery or theory on how these anomalies have occurred across all the Lego Dimensions but it isn't confirmed and there is no solid proof leaving this again as a big unsolved mystery and a crazy one at that and yes I get to say it again it's like a big ball of wibbly wobbly tiny whimy stuff it's very complicated now going back to what I mentioned earlier do not blink well if you did blink within this entire segment the Weeping Angel got you luckily we have a tardis so you can go back and try it again making its way into the number one spot is the biggest unsolved Lego game mystery is the end credits from Lego Dimensions this may even go to tie in with all the anomalies that happened across all the dimensions as in the end credits of Lego dimensions a Lego character picks up a part of Vortex as you can see it kinda has very similar effects to symbiotic kinda encapsulates your entire body and does this turn him into the next incarnation of vortec the answers are unclear but but the main mystery is who picked up this part of Vortech and who is this cavity bearing in mind the character does go to have a red arm so you have to keep that in mind when speculating who this character is this may possibly have been a character that was meant to make it into the game and for me I kind of believe it is Steven Universe but we never got a definitive answer leaving this as well a massive unsolved mystery please let me know in the comments who you believe this character is and thank you all so much for watching today's video this one was super fun to make and if you did go to enjoy a like would be mega mega appreciated and a subscribe that'd be that'd be really cool anyway thank you all so much I'll see you in a bit adios
Channel: RuggedEagle
Views: 390,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, Lego games, lego game easter eggs, ruggedeagle, lego mysteries, lego easter eggs, lego mystery, lego dimensions, lego dimensions easter eggs, lego game mystery, next lego game, lego star wars
Id: mCoX0rqUsfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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