Satisfactory Oil Rig Setup - Satisfactory Update 7 Lets Play Ep.06

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hello guys and welcome back to another satisfactory let's play in the last episode we built this storage facility currently it's storing all the items that we're producing in the factory however it is not complete because above the storage we have this space here that's for a train station that will allow us to put our storage into trains and then ship them around the world wherever we're building but in order to unlock the trains we do need to unlock monorail train technology which requires computers and for that it requires us to do two things first we need to unlock the next space elevator tier here and secondly we need to start refining oil so we have to produce 500 smart plating 500 versatile framework and a hundred automated wiring now in order to produce the space elevator Parts we're going to be using this blueprint which I've already produced the design is really simple it takes six inputs which are each of the items that we need in order to create this space available later Parts they go directly into the inputs on the right and then the space elevator Parts come out on the left hand side here and it really is simple we'll obviously have this blueprint available to our patreons but I do plan on doing a little video on this in one of the upcoming all-in-one factories and so here are the three assemblers each produce one of the space elevator parts and I'm going to place that just here so that it can passively produce those items for us I just need to set up some inputs really quickly and here we are so this is going to be passively producing those items we are going to have to restock it every now and then but it's just a temporary Factory which will allow us to produce the space elevator parts that we need so that we can skip ahead one thing to note is I have overclocked these each by 250 to speed up the process but even at 12.5 per minute that's going to take us oh what's that 500 divided by 12.5 oh 12.5 it's still going to take us 40 minutes in order for us to have enough resources to send up the space elevator so while that's running we're going to head over to where we need to do the the oil refinery and it is now time to start the next big build now obviously we cannot start harvesting those resources just yet but we can start building out where we want the oil refinery and oil rig I've decided to build it in this space just so it's a little bit further away from our Mega Factory and to be honest I'm a little bit concerned about it because I've never tried to do something industrial and I have a feeling it's not going to turn out very good but let's get doing those foundations I think we're going to start it here and we will go for a Fairways out yeah maybe here and then we'll go further up this way and then from here we'll start doing the the actual oil rig my plan is to have the oil pipes all run along here but probably doing the factorial pipe style that we we've done prior let's try and make it a square so that would be 21 each way like that and just fill out the rest of this outer border like so and from here we're going to add the uh the the legs I guess at each of the corners and then in the center I'm going to want to put the liquid inputs so they're all going to go up through the center spot the next thing that I want to sort out here are the feet or the the legs and I think we're going to go along with something like this so the inner inner panel or support group the inner support will be circular and I'm thinking I I'm not sure whether we have some kind of shell on the outside for example something like oh I think that would work and maybe turn this to concrete as well yeah maybe change the color as well maybe a yellow oh yeah like that golden color I like that and then on the outside I also want to do something maybe with let's turn this to concrete these then on the inside we can use this maybe maybe something like this I'm going to play around with this I think and then once I have the right idea maybe I'll make a blueprint out of it for you guys and here we are I'm actually happy with this it doesn't look that great as it stands but you'll see once we place it on the as a support it looks pretty cool we've done the same Center section and then on the outside rather than changing this to concrete and make that red we've got the metal pillar on the inside along with these painted beams that are red and then this big frame pillar so we're going to use that now and see how it looks and then once that's done we can move on and here we are with the first test so we have the rig pillar support oh don't tell me I have to change the color again okay so we're going to place that just there and that's going to build oh and it's kept the color fantastic so that is the base and then I'm going to have to do the supports once we've done the rest of these we'll do the plateau the the next level it's so resource intensive I'll have to get some more and then we'll probably just finish this section and I'll show you the the top and here we are having placed the four legs and the top level and I have made a few little adjustments so you can see we have the triangle supports leading into the center pillar there and I've added some steel supports a lot along the top here just to make it look that little bit more supported our next job will be to get started with the refineries and to start bringing up all the oil but for that we're going to have to run back over to our base because we've got a new space elevator here to unlock there we are and I want to go around the other side to see this such a beautiful moment let's load it and let's send it would you look at that such a great animation never gets old but with that it does mean we've unlocked oil processing returning to the hub you can see we have unlocked tiers five and six so if we head over to there we have oil processing which is the first one available for us we're going to need that because we want to push for monorail train technology and we for that we're going to need computers so we need not only the monorail train technology we also need the industrial manufacturing and the oil processing so this is going to be the first thing for us to unlock also with us producing fuel as an extra to our processing for plastic and rubber we're also probably going to want to unlock expanded power infrastructure so that we can start burning that off for power and that now means our next Port of Call is to get the oil being pumped so that we can send that to our oil rig returning to the rig I have bolted up a little bit we've done a walkway on the outside and then an inner ball order just so that we can cut off the manufacturing center from the actual walkway now there is one problem that I've just thought about since placing this down and that is we only have vanilla recipes and they're just not that efficient so really we need to go out and do some exploration I won't record this bit because it tends to be a bit boring but we need to find the heavy oil residue alternate recipe and the reason for that is if I remember rightly that gives us polymer resin and heavy oil residue the heavy oil residue we can turn into Fuel and then the resin we can combine that with water to produce plastic and the rubber so it's going to be much more efficient for us and then a later date if we unlock diluted package fuel fantastic we can use that to increase the efficiency of the fuel but for now the important recipe is the alternate for heavy oil residue I'll be right back and after an hour and 20 minutes of researching and exploration we have found the heavy oil residue alternate recipe which you can see here now you can also see that given the three crude oil to produce this we're producing four which is double the amount of heavy oil residue here quadrupled the heavier oil residue from the plastic recipe which can all go into fuel production later on and then we have the resin which we can use to create both the the Rubber and the plastic which should be more than enough given that we're going to attempt now to take 1 200 crude oil up from this location to here and then maybe at a later date we'll actually up this to 2400 crude oil going up to the top at any one point you may have also noticed that we've started doing the factorio pipe style for the the oil pipes as well I I will change the color of these later on but first we do need to connect the oil pumps to all of this the plan with all of these oil pumps is to have them nicely merged together probably in the center around here we're going to try and make some really gentle curves doing the curved technique that you've seen me do before and from there we will merge the pipes into one bus I'm also going to have to make sure that any of these that need overclocking such as this one are overclocked with the piping now done I do need to change the color to Black we'll do that a little bit later on but we do need to get started on the production facility with this using that alternate heavy oil residue recipe that's going to take 30 crude oil and turn that into 40 heavy oil residue so we're going to need to have 40 refineries on the bottom floor alone goodness me this is going to be quite a big build and then from there it's going to take 40 times 40 which is is going to be 1 600 heavier residue up to the next floor to become Fuel and then we'll also do the polymer resin on the floor of burps so this is going to be at least three floors high it's actually quite spacious up here you can see that we've done three quarters of the first floor in terms of the refineries we've got another one to do and then from there we're going to have to load balance the heavy oil residue so that it goes into pipes of 300 and that's me it would be so much easier if we could unlock the Mark two pipes now but it's coming along I'm pretty happy with how it looks and at this point we have done the first level with the exception of the output pipes I still need to do them but I I need to do some load balancing which I'm not looking forward to you can see how we've brought the outer pipes on the inner section along to the lower I mean lower these refineries and then how we're also merging all of the resin to arrive in the center so the next thing that I need to do is to set up the next floor in terms of this build I do want it to feel a little bit more cramped simply because it is supposed to be a working oil rig and they tend to be looking at some reference pictures quite tight and everything's compact they're limited to a small amount of space and so I think keeping this at a relatively low height let's see how that lines up yeah that'll be about right so from here we're going to be doing our next floor and then all of the resources that need to go up will go up in the center around here but I'm going to make sure that we place the rest of these and then cover the next section like the next floor and once I'm done with that we'll get started on fuel production oh and very quickly it just occurred to me that I hadn't shown how we're bringing the oil up so we've got this little Central area which is going to be taking all of the oil up and we're using the curved sections like we did on the inner supports to just make it feel a little bit more smooth and we're using the central section for taking all of the oil the heavy oil residue and the polymorescent up to the next floors I've now placed the second floor I'm out a little bit concerned that it just looks quite blocky it doesn't look so much like an oil rig so it's something that I'm gonna have to think about later on I'm taking the resources up in the center like I mentioned and we've added this little glass front so that you can see on the middle section the little flow flow flow thingama Bob goodness me I've forgotten the flow you get what I mean that thing so we can see where the the oil's flowing and so all we're doing now is we're we're placing a total of 28 refineries these are all going to be producing fuel with some of them under clocked five five six I would love to be able to zoom machines for bigger builds like this seven this isn't even that big eight 14 just enough copper pipes the only problem is we need more pipes now because we're going to have to do this section so all of the heavy oil residue is being taken from each of the individual pipes and then split into their refineries and then once that's done we'll be bringing the resin up through this section up to the next floor where it will become plastic and there we are we're now ready for the fuel generators so that we can start producing the energy that we need to run this of course there's one big issue which I totally forgot about and that's we haven't unlocked the fuel generators yet I I can't build them and we don't we can't build them for a while because we're going to need plastic I believe or at least yeah I think it's plastic let's go check out the Hub really quickly yep computers we we can't get onto this until we've got plastic out the way and computers which means we're going to have to find another way to fuel this plant to to power it and I'm gonna my bottom dollar that I don't have enough power from the coal I think we're going to need to do more more Coal Power this would be it's non-stop it's always the power that we need we always need more power hour oh well in that case we're going to finish this the next thing that we need to do is the next floor I'm just going to repeat what we've done already and then we're going to add the refineries for the plastic and the rubber which is what you can see here now there's only one thing about this we we've yet to do the polymer resin lines we're kind of prepping them at the moment but I was totally unaware for some reason I'd forgotten that we needed to bring water into this setup which is fine except for one thing the water needs to be on the top floor which means as it stands we've got to somehow get the water to the top and we don't have room in the central section due to the way I've built this to actually take the water up so that's the next thing that we need to think about so in my eyes the easiest thing to do was to take the water pipes along to the furthest corner and then we'll work from there and as you can see it's worked pretty well we had to do a little u-bend over in that section simply because we have a Refinery underneath it but this is going all the way down one of the legs I would have liked to have done it in the center but I think this works perfectly as it is and it's being fed by 600 water from six water extractors that are underclawed another thing with this is I totally miscalculated though the rubber refineries which are the five of the 15 that we have need a total of 200 water the other 10 refineries consume half the amount of water as the rubber refineries so those 10 of them they only need 200 water which means in total we only need 400 but hey ho we're we're doing 600 anyway but in all fairness I'm not that bothered because I do plan on doubling this up eventually so we have the water that we need we also have plenty of space for more refineries though we could overclock should we wish and you can see here that we have the rubber refineries all merging together and then the output of rubber is going along this line and we've done the same with the plastic as well this has merged at the end so we have the plastic running along here and between them that's a total of 200 plastic being produced and 100 rubber which should be more than enough to get us started with the bills that we need I've also added a little bit more decoration in the terms of using the walkways to get to each floor on the front it's this big V sign I think we could probably do some decorations with v lighting using the signs as well but we're going to hold off from that for now and I've also done a little bit of decoration in the front wall section of the border that we originally placed I think it looks pretty good but I definitely feel I need to do something else with this build to make it look more industrial that being said I am reluctant to do any more work on this until we have the fuel generators running so we can actually make use of everything but for that we're going to have to make sure that we're generating another 2670 megawatts because if I'm honest we're currently working at a deficit anyway you can see we're producing 2 700 it's fluctuating a little bit but the max consumption for this network is 2900 and that's because some of the lines haven't been connected to the storage yet so those have seized up so you can see how this is going to be a problem add 2 700 let's say on top of that that's going to be 5 600 that we to provide for and we have half of that so looks like we know what we're going to be doing in the next episode but guys we are going to leave it there if you did like this video please do hit the thumbs up and if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe and let me know what you think of our oil rig in the making in the comments below special thanks does go to all of our amazing supporters on patreon most notably our solo Eclipse patrons James Irwin 5 less and treble as well as our Lunas the Calamity band star Shoku the Ammon wolf and that dude aw as well as our blood moon of the day which today is scooter until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 92,310
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Keywords: Satisfactory Oil Rig, Satisfactory Oil Rig Setup - Satisfactory Update 7 Lets Play Ep.06, Satisfactory oil, Satisfactory Oil Setup, Satisfactory Oil layout, Totalxclipse lets play, Totalxclipse Satisfactory Lets Play, Satisfactory Oil rig build, Totalxclipse Satisfactory Oil Rig, Satisfactory update 7, Satisfactory Update 8, Satisfactory Gameplay, Satisfactory Plastic and rubber setup, Satisfactory fuel Setup, Satisfactory blueprints, Satisfactory Oil, Totalxclipse Satisfactory
Id: n8Le3i9Cwz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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