The Worship Experience - October 3, 2021

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internationally recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised word of god bishop clarency mclendon answers the prophetic and apostolic call upon his life by ministering the healing grace and miracle anointing of jesus christ around the world by his preaching and teaching the uncompromised gospel of jesus christ bishop mcclendon the teacher the preacher the apostle and an anointed prophet sent to the nations being used by the power of the holy spirit has led to the healing and deliverance of millions around the world during his healing crusades and conferences [Music] if you want to experience another level of worship witness the healing power of jesus learn the uncompromised word of god confirmed by notable miracles then we invite you to partake in the overwhelming power of the holy spirit by the moving of god's transforming grace prepare to receive today's word with a recap from the prophet's recent messages so what happens with the ten lepers and more significantly with the one example of what jesus had just said to his apostles a few verses earlier let me show it to you uh verse 5 is this and the apostles said to the lord increase our faith so the increase of faith is the subject here i could go up before that he was talking about forgiveness but the the the increase of faith here is the focus of the discourse wave at me if you understand what i just said now watch this so the lord said if you have faith as a mustard seed you can say everybody say you can say so so notice that jesus immediately puts the expression of faith in the context of speaking or saying something watch this if you have faith as a muslim you can save to this mulberry tree be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea and it would obey you now most people when they read that they think that the pronoun it refers to the mulberry tree that the mulberry tree would obey you but once again the subject here is not mulberry trees the subject here is your faith so when he says and it would obey you he's not talking about the mulberry tree obeying you he's talking about your faith obeying you he said you can say if you have faith you can say to this mulberry vibratory thus and so and it your faith will obey you are you still here now you say bishop mcclendon how can you say that because i can read and if you read on the rest of what he says notice now he says and which of you having a servant plowing or tending sheep no what has jesus just said to the child of the kingdom the child of the kingdom the son or daughter of the kingdom the follower of jesus is to develop a relationship with their faith understanding your faith has been given to you as your servant your faith has been given to you to serve you you didn't hear what i just said somebody say my faith is my servant it's a spiritual force to get it watch it he said and which of you oh don't miss this and which of you having a servant plowing or tending sheep so jesus is to for whatever you having to serve plowing or tending sheep will say to him or will say to the servant when he has come in from the field come at once and sit down to eat what are you saying you wouldn't say that to your servant no if it's your servant you would rather say to him prepare something for my supper and gird yourself and serve me till i have eaten and drunk and afterward you will eat and drink now children of god pay attention to this because this is powerful jesus is teaching here that not only is your faith your servant but you as a child of the kingdom have the responsibility to diversify your faith in its use you miss what you missed you missed it he said your faith is here to serve and see here's the problem and this is one of the lines of demarcation right now that are being drawn in the body of christ because people don't understand this about faith that your faith has been given to you as a servant and it is you who determine what your faith does for you not god you didn't get it it is you that determines what your faith accomplishes not god it is you that focuses your faith at what you want it to accomplish not god this is why there are preachers from pulpits who will preach to you salvation but they will tell you god can't protect you from the corona violence so they'll preach salvation they'll preach a saving god but they'll preach you better get vaccinated if you don't want to die you know why because these are people who have only learned to apply faith to one thing and not to another thing see what jesus is just teaching here he says your faith no you didn't you're not getting one of them jesus is teaching he said when you get the right relationship with your faith and you learn how to use it your faith will not only plough or ten sheep your faith will also prepare you something to eat and your faith will also gird itself and serve you in some other way see the problem with the body of christ right now is we've got one dimensional faith we've got faith for jesus to say but not faith for him to heal not faith for him to protect not faith for him to keep you and the reason is and the reason is that preachers have not taught people how to focus their faith at what they need see they say your faith god no god won't do it he gave it to you it serves you [Applause] are you not listening to me and i've never heard anybody preach that in my life the holy ghost showed it to me he said what i'm telling you is your faith can be one dimensional or it can be multi-dimensional you can have faith that only plows and tends sheep or you can have faith that once it plows and ten sheep will get you something to eat and once it gets you something to eat it'll keep you well and once it keeps you well it'll save your kids and once it saves your kids it'll get you a house and once it gets you a house it'll cause you to have money when everybody else on the block is broke why because you didn't let your faith stop working [Applause] [Music] you kept sending it out to do something else [Applause] lay your hands on yourself and say i'm sending my faith to work to do everything i need done to save my soul heal my body protect my children prosper my bank account [Applause] [Music] what jesus actually saying is if you learn how to do this thing your faith will work for everything you need in this kingdom and while other people are telling you you need a vaccine and 12 booster shots you can be praising god taking communion standing on the word and saying a thousand will fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it will not come near me see there are a lot of people who have faith for the power of god to take sickness off of them but there's another level where people understand that sickness is actually illegal near them see it's not just that god can take sickness off of you it's that sickness has actually been given its papers not to come anywhere near you [Applause] if you study your if you study your hebrew one of the things i think is uh about exodus 70 where god says i will i i will i will bless your bread and water and take sickness from the midst of you that word in the hebrew actually means watch this to turn sickness off like a faucet in other words what jesus has done is not just get bad stuff off of you he has actually fixed it so if you and i will walk in his word and walk in his way and do what he says and use our faith that he will actually turn the fountain of disease off on the inside of you and he's actually done it for every new creation but there are people who don't realize it's been done now what is the difference it's not the power of god it's their faith [Music] it's not the power of god it's their faith some people survey jesus who can take sickness off of them other people know the jesus who has made sickness illegal to them [Applause] [Music] this is william's sicknesses and diseases this jacket is his sicknesses and his diseases yeah tuck it in when when the scripture says when the scripture says that surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows it doesn't just mean he carried them he's carrying them around like a bag it means you took them off put them on [Music] and he died on the cross with them he separated them from you and you from them then they took him off the tree and buried him out of your sight [Applause] and on the third day when he rose he rose having taken care of your sicknesses and your diseases they are separate from you and you are separate from them and the devil doesn't know where to find them unless you let him put them back on you [Music] to all our friends and partners this is the prophet bishop clancy mclennan as you can see i am surrounded with food we're getting ready to sew to give this food away to over a thousand families as we celebrate and minister into their lives i want to take this opportunity to thank you because all of this abundant supply that we're able to give is because of people like you who are praying and sowing into this ministry you know in acts 10 38 not long ago i was reading the bible says how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all who are oppressed of the devil for god was with him i've known that scripture for years and i always thought the healing and the doing good were the same thing healing is a good thing so when the bible says he went about doing good and healing all i thought it was the same thing but i was impressed to research it here recently and i realized that that word doing good is completely separate from the healing ministry of jesus as a matter of fact that we're doing good in the original greek has to do with philanthropy which literally meant that not only did jesus go around healing people but everywhere he went he was doing philanthropic work giving in this hour with all that's going on in the earth with the pandemic and the social unrest and the economic things that are happening the church of the lord jesus christ the ministry of jesus has got to be being philanthropic to people and so i'm grateful and thankful to you that you have enabled us to be able to sow this into the lives of a thousand families and we're believing god by his grace and with your help to do much more every single week tens of thousands of people around the globe connect with this ministry connect with this prophetic word through the pec you say bishop mcclendon what is a pec member that's a part of our prophetic e-community and those who join us on facebook live on twitter on periscope and receive the word of god if you are not yet a pec member you're not a pec partner you're not yet a part of the prophetic e community i want you to go to and just sign up it doesn't cost you anything but the value i promise you is going to be enormous once you become a pec partner with us that enables me to begin to share with you faith-building letters to share with you the prophetic insights the prophetic words that god is giving me and that is so important for your life especially as things begin to escalate in this 2018 the year of the shift you're going to need the word of god i need it every single day of my life and i'm grateful to the lord that he's provided us this avenue to communicate with you so go to bishop matter of fact you can go right now and connect it's very simple again it doesn't cost you anything but you will be getting information you'll be getting letters prophetic words you'll be getting things that the spirit of god is giving me to edify your life [Music] the academy of healing and wellness convention returns with fresh revelation about the grace and power of jesus christ an essential resource for every believer especially in these challenging times in these extensive sessions bishop mcclendon teaches how the word of god is the new creation's medication how the power to heal is always present using god's kingdom principles and how god doesn't punish us with sickness because we did something wrong the ministry of jesus is a teaching preaching healing ministry he heals all kinds of disease and he heals everything which means no matter what kind they come up with he heals it if you desire to walk in divine health make the academy of healing and wellness your center for disease control and turn on the flow of god's healing power today now available on the bishop attendant digital download store the severity of the times has unleashed a plethora of perplexities worldwide including the hotly debated issue of racial equality but in order to deconstruct racism we must first acknowledge that its ideology is based on a historic lie and not biblical truth race is not in the mind of god race is not distinguished in the bible race is not remotely a christian concept so my question is why does the church continue to engage in the divisive narrative of race in this unapologetic and confrontational series bishop mcclendon lays an axe to the root of hatred and bigotry using biblical evidence to prove god divided men first on the basis of their language and ultimately on the basis of their covenant relationship with him and not their skin color order this resource today when you visit our website or call 310-323-2600 [Music] someone with arthritis is being healed in the lower extremities in the legs and the knees if you'll just begin to pick up your legs this is everett blake's you called out by the spirit of grace that god was ministering to someone with arthritis in their legs what did you feel it was just like the pain just lifted because i wanted to dance today when they were dancing this service and i couldn't i want you to hear me when i tell you i've i've prayed for the sick since i was 21 years old when this anointing came out of my life i have seen miracles of all kinds i've seen dead people raised god i feel like the prophet clarence e mclennan and clarency mclennan ministries are pleased to announce that registration for the 2021 fall session of the academy of healing and wellness convention is now open join the profit on wednesday october 27 thursday october 28th and friday october 29th at 7 30 pm and sunday october 31st at 10 am at the place of grace 2543 west manchester boulevard inglewood california 90305 all services will also be streamed live on facebook youtube and the bishop mclennan website the academy of healing and wellness convention is for you one you desire to be credentialized as a healing minister with the clarence mclennan ministries global healing ministry team authorized to minister at clarence e mclennan ministries sponsored conferences and crusades two if you want to be assured that during these sessions the prophet bishop clarence mclennan prays for your specific healing three if you want to be in an atmosphere of supernatural signs wonders and miracles and see how the healing grace of jesus christ of nazareth is manifested in the 21st century church for more information visit or call 310-323-2600 [Music] become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network welcome to the weekly worship experience we are the place of grace i was waiting for the camera to point to me it's good to be with you here today come on let's just transform your atmosphere into tabernacle into a sanctuary wherever you're watching from whether it's at home whether you're on the job sneaking a peek on your on your iphone or your droid whatever you're watching from this is the day that god has made let us rejoice and be glad in it amen hallelujah i'm encouraged today are you encouraged are you encouraged i'm encouraged and if you're not encouraged we want you to be encouraged so at some point during this praise and worship may your spirits be uplifted and made you feel encouraged and made you feel that your heavenly father god he loves you hallelujah come on let's just praise his name we praise you god we lift you up we magnify you we declare that there's nobody like you there's nobody like you there's no other god like you no other god like you you are the true and living god you're the only god that can create you're the only god that can take something make something out of nothing and speak it into existence by your word you're the only god that can do that you're the only god that can do that hallelujah hallelujah we praise you god we magnify you we make your name bigger and greater god than anything and anyone around us god we praise your name and we magnify it until everything pales in comparison to your name god hallelujah sickness [Applause] bounce at the name of jesus hallelujah poverty bounds at your name god everything everything hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this is a day hey this is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice let us rejoice let our house rejoice let us rejoice and be quiet [Applause] that the lord has made [Music] we will [Applause] this rejoice the day oh god do it baby let us rejoice let us rejoice let us rejoice let us rejoice let us rejoice let us rejoice let us rejoice let us rejoice [Music] let us rejoice [Applause] [Music] [Music] let us rejoice let us rejoice [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's let out a shot of triumph a shot of victory we've already won we've already won already one we're on the women's side we're on the width let me take that back we're on the side that has already won we're on the side that has already won we're on the side that has already won we serve a matchless king there is no one there is no one nowhere that can compare to our king he is maxless in power matchless and wisdom in everything hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] your hands together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can you help me [Music] is i don't know put your hands together oh foreign oh [Applause] oh is i don't oh oh is [Music] i don't know where hey if another lord is awesome put your hands together now yay build yours again and come up [Music] you are you my know no [Music] nobody greater no better greater no better cleaner nobody created nobody [Music] there's no better grader [Music] know about a strong [Music] [Music] no no sir give him the price put your hands together [Music] there's nobody stronger there's nobody better nobody nobody nobody you you are i declare yourself is if it wasn't for your love where is it for you grace if it wasn't for your love if it wasn't for your grace if it wasn't for your love i wanna be able to stand here right now if it wasn't for your grace where will i be without your grace if it wasn't for your love if it wasn't for your grace [Music] i have no clue where i will be if it wasn't for your love was it for your grace i don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody thank him for his love thank him for his grace thank him for love we thank you for your grace i'll be lost without your grace i've been lost without your grace [Music] i've been lost without your grace your love lifted me your love lifted me when nothing else could help love lifted me when nothing else could help love his grace lifted me oh thank you for your love somebody go ahead and say thank you for your love thank you for your grace hallelujah hallelujah [Music] if it wasn't for your love if it wasn't for your love if it wasn't [Music] i'm not better than the people who are gone if it wasn't for your love words and for your grace [Music] what separates me from the people in jail right now is the love of god and the grace of god i'm not better if it wasn't for you [Music] worsened for your grace [Music] love lived in me [Music] could help jesus jr [Music] it lifted me out of the dunk hill he lived in me i'd have to marry clay he lives in me send my feet on the rock to stay now i can shine hallelujah because love lives in me [Music] his grace found me pick me up turn my life around amazing grace how sweet the sound just saved their eyes like me [Music] his love lived to me his grace found me [Music] if it was you you probably have rejected me but he's love why we were yet seen us why would he deserve it he died behold one manner of love [Music] trying to get to the next song [Music] just lift your hands and say thank you for your love thank you for your love say thank you for your grace thank you for your grace i'm nothing without it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] your grace has found me just as i am [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we'll bless your name jesus he loves us [Music] he loves us he loves us oh how he loves us oh how he loves us oh how he loves he loves us he loves [Music] he loves us he loves us [Music] he loves us he loves us oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he loves us that he loves me [Music] from calvary just to show how much he loves me he loves me i know i know you love me [Music] you love us [Music] oh how i cannot describe it you lost oh how you love us [Music] [Music] your cross is the proof that you love us [Music] you took the strokes just because you love me you didn't have to but you did it anyway because you love me i was on your mind when you took the names i was on your mind when you took the strokes how much you love [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] sing it come on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he loves us hallelujah hallelujah he loves us with an everlasting love he loves us hallelujah [Music] hallelujah he is god can we say that say god you are god hey [Music] come on put your hands together hey [Music] let's sing it oh listen we bless your holy name you are the king of kings we bless your holy name for you are god we bless your holy name you are the king of kings we bless your holy name for you are god come on help me sing we bless and we bless [Music] one more time we bless your holy name you are the king of kings we bless you you're holy but you are god one more time one more time say we bless your holy days you are the king of kings we're blessed you say harley [Applause] [Applause] say hallelujah you are the king of kings [Music] you are the king of kings [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] one more time said hallelujah here we go to your right come on here we go come on come on [Music] hey [Applause] one more time i see your mother clown come on here we go [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] one more time one more time hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory to you [Applause] come on this is praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey i see you kicking [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah glory to you [Applause] we go here we go [Music] [Music] for you what's going on say hallelujah hallelujah one more time hallelujah [Applause] oh [Music] hallelujah hey hallelujah y'all like that one huh y'all like that huh come on say hallelujah [Applause] one more time hallelujah [Music] [Music] give praise with your hand yeah he is god one more time give praise give praise with your hand yeah [Music] give praise with your hands yeah hey change it up listen listen you praise with my feet yeah come on come on come on get praised with my feet yeah move your feet come on get praised with my feet yeah you are god come on say get praised with my feet come on give praise praise with my feet [Music] say praise but you are god [Applause] [Applause] you [Applause] hallelujah oh hey [Music] come on let's bless him for his goodness he is god he is god he's god that's enough to praise him he is god he is god and he is good hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you are hallelujah you are god you are not hallelujah glory to you hallelujah [Music] [Music] we bless your name god can we receive our little jaden [Music] [Applause] [Music] without [Music] the our speak a song that all creations [Music] the heavens tell how great you [Music] the are tell how great you are [Music] how majestic is your name [Music] jesus wonderful powerful [Music] [Applause] is [Music] how beautiful that would is from majesty how much is your name how much a stick is your name jesus wonderful powerful you're is name how much is your name jesus wonderful powerful is [Music] [Music] oh we bow down down at your feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] we bow down [Music] is your name jesus wonderful powerful you're the lord [Music] [Music] jesus wonderful powerful you're the lord of lords how majestic is your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus wonderful powerful [Music] what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ what a beautiful name it is [Music] what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ what a beautiful name it is nothing but this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ what a beautiful name it is [Music] what a beautiful name it is [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus christ what a beautiful name it is to this what a beautiful name it is [Music] jesus [Music] there is none like you none above you come before your name [Music] [Music] one more time trees [Music] hallelujah i love the name of jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus we call the name of jesus with a clever name jesus where is the name of jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh foreign that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's the name of jesus that's what his name produces the name of jesus by the name of jesus the name of jesus [Music] healing in the name of jesus the name of jesus [Music] we worship your name we worship your name jesus we worship your name we worship your name jesus [Music] we worship you [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we will serve you for who [Music] [Music] you say hallelujah [Music] for who you are hallelujah [Music] girl the mercy and george forever and tamar and jama and jabba and jabba and jabba and jabba [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] merciful god merciful god merciful god we thank you for your mercy [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on don't [Applause] somebody's being refreshed right now in the presence of our king somebody's being healed and made free by the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] we thank you for your presence [Applause] [Music] we thank you for your presence we honor your presence [Music] we honor your presence [Music] we're in the presence of the almighty god in this presence miracles can happen in this presence [Applause] shackles are destroyed bounds are destroyed in this presence of our almighty king answers our given faith and hope is restored in the presence of our king so come on and worship the king [Music] yes [Music] come on don't get so familiar with his presence that you can't praise him that you can't worship him in this atmosphere hallelujah anytime god's presence is manifested is a good thing anytime his glory is released it is a wonderful thing suppress into his presence press into his glory press into his name in the name of jesus press in press in press in press in [Applause] oh the glory [Music] of your presence we so what rise from your rest and be blessed by our praise as we glory [Music] heal your embrace [Music] as your presence now feels this place [Music] we are people [Music] rising so all right from your rest and to be blessed by our praise as we glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] now fills this place [Music] [Applause] of your presence we give you references [Applause] and you be blessed father by our praise as we clobbie [Music] as your presence now feels so i rise [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] too now fills this place [Music] lua come on and clap your hands in the presence of the lord hallelujah in this wonderful atmosphere of worship you may be seated in the presence of god and as you take your seat i want to welcome you to the place of grace this is the place where whoever can be healed of whatever and like we always say the place of grace is not a geographic location but it is a spiritual destination and you are here and you make up the place of grace the people of the place of grace make it a place of grace so clap your hands for you yourself the person next to you and while we're doing that and extending greetings and and extending uh hospitality protocols let's clap our hands to everyone viewing online at on facebook on the app wherever they're watching us from wherever you're watching us from in this city in this nation and around the world welcome to the place of grace welcome to the worship experience we always want to encourage you to uh continue with us and i know that the goodness of god is continuing to overflow and overtake your life we are getting testimonies emails phone calls about the breakthrough power of god that just continues to flow into the lives of everyone that connects to this ministry assignment so we're thankful for you and on behalf of our prophet bishop clarency mclennan the entire place of grace family and community welcome to englewood california the place of grace and we always say if you're everywhere near if you're in la you got to get to tplg you got to get to the place of grace come hang out with us we have no restrictions we're welcoming anybody and everybody come into the presence of god just as you are we will receive you and we know and believe that you'll never be the same again once you leave these premises but as always we want to continue to encourage you if you can't get here it's okay we won't hold it against you but however we want to encourage you to make sure that you're following the profit online on all of the platforms that uh that that are out there in social media and uh in in the cyber space world if that's a term we still use that's when the internet first came out they called it cyberspace but if you go online on your tablet on your phone on your computer whatever device you can find the profit at on facebook on youtube make sure you subscribe to the youtube channel if you have not gone to bishop mclendon's youtube check out bishop mcclendon's youtube because there's so much content there's messages there's conferences there's words that you'll just click on and wow it'll be exactly what you needed to hear just because you you clicked on it that day there's all this word that's stored up there so make sure you click and don't just click on it and watch the videos but subscribe to the youtube channel also we want to encourage you to follow the profit on twitter on instagram because there's always information there's always an indication and the prompts are going forth when uh the man of god is speaking and and and just referring you back to the word of god and we want to make sure that you're locked in and plugged in because in this world in the 21st century with all the the madness that's going on in the world when you go on your phone you want to be logging onto good news you want to make sure that the word of god is keeping you sound before all the other news that comes on in the world comes on your page but you'll know that you're rooted and grounded in the word we want to encourage you to level up your followership those of you watching at those of you who are actually in the tabernacle today if you have not signed up to join the pec we want to encourage you to do so that's the prophetic e community our global partners they're our global partners there are global uh we call them they're our family there are global partners all over the world that make up our e-community here at clarity mcclendon ministries from people all over the world i remember one time bishop was ministering and someone sent a message uh writing from pakistan said hey bishop i'm listening and watching you from pakistan and so that's what that pec is there's no time or distance in the spirit we have an apostle we have a prophet in our midst and this apostolic prophetic word and grace is going around the world and every time you sign up every time you uh uh sign up and join the pec well you signed up once but every time we get a sign up you're just adding to that global community so if you haven't done it we want to encourage you to do so what are the perks what's the benefits of joining the pec well the benefit of joining the pec is that bishop mclennan is able to give you direct prophetic downloads and we're not just saying that to be tongue-in-cheek and to increase followership we're not looking for popularity we are looking he is looking to get this word that's in him to anyone who's willing and who's listening and ready to run with the prophet and run with the word to see it active and work in their own lives and when you join the pec you're going to get direct prophetic downloads you're going to get faith building letters he's editing some some content right now that's specifically for you we were just in here uh last night we had to do some work in here we were taping we're taping for things all over the world i mean ministry happens at the place of grace literally almost every day this week when you're gone and doing your thing and you're just going about your life we were here taping on a saturday but the anointing and the word that god spoke to the man of god is just tremendous and amazing because he's hearing from god it's non-stop there is no time or distance and there's no end to what god is saying to our man of god so don't just sit back and just be a sunday person come and join the pec so that you can get in on this and you can run this race with grace hey man so sign up and be a part of the pec and those of you in here that haven't done it either i'm not just talking to the camera those of you who are joining with us today go online on your phone on your tablet click it's free your email your name and you're good it's free and you will get and be locked into this apostolic prophetic grace at another level every wednesday night every everybody say wednesday night we want to encourage you don't miss wednesday night now the benefit and the beauty about wednesday is that you don't have to come here because it's online only it's online only so you can be at home you could be on a walk you can be on whatever you're doing but make sure you tune into our global communion service that's nightly on wednesday night at 7 30 p.m our global communion service and if you've been coming on sundays if you've been watching the profit on sunday you're not going to want to miss these global communion services because not only do we take communion over the word but the stream of revelation that the prophet has been in has been a sunday wednesday kind of a thing so he's hitting you like he said with the one two you know what i'm saying so you're getting sunday sunday you're getting the preaching and tuesday you're getting the teaching sunday you're getting the the declaration and tuesday you're getting the explanation so you're getting both portions we want to make sure that you're locked in so that's wednesday night at 7 30 p.m our global community service you don't want to miss it those of you watching online that's 7 30 p.m pacific standard time it's online only again you can be wherever you want but if you try to come here it's just online so don't even think about it just take your time go to eat do whatever you need to do but wednesday night 7 30 p.m log on because we'll be here and the prophet will be teaching and ministering in our global communion service and even before the pandemic the spirit of the lord directed the prophet to have and start taking communion with the people and we've done that even before they uh did whatever they did with the pandemic the lockdown to shut down the restrictions and it's been over a year and we've seen nothing but the power of god the testimonies that are coming in from all over the world so again wednesday night 7 30 p.m uh bishop at the clarence at mcclendon ministries at on facebook at uh watch the prophet 7 30 p.m for our global communion service also and to finish up with these announcements to let you know again this october is our we're in october wow it's already october jesus this year is swiftly coming to a close so our academy of healing and wellness our fall convention for our academy of healing and wellness is coming this uh wednesday october 27th through the 29th so october 27th wednesday thursday the 28th friday the 29th and we're going to close with the great miracle service here at the tabernacle of the place of grace october 31st that sunday morning our academy of healing and wellness our fall convention we had our spring convention the power of god hit the place testimonies were coming from all over people drove in from all over all parts of the nation to be here and walked away with a miracle those of you that were here my god i remember we were catching we were trying to catch people and interview them at the same time because while the power of god was on them they were trying to testify what god had done for them so if you are someone who first of all you're in need you need a physical touch from god you've been diagnosed maybe you've been dealing with uh the covet 19 situation or maybe there's something in your body that the doctors have diagnosed you with there's an ailment there's an infirmity there's sickness there's disease that's trying to creep in that you've been dealing with it and you want the prophet to directly minister to you and to your situation because anyone who registers anyone who registers for the academy of healing wellness and convention our fall convention the prophet is going to directly minister to you so that you can come on wednesday thursday and friday get the impartation and on sunday morning he will minister and lay hands and pray the prayer of faith over you and pray the prayer of agreement and we're going to see powerful testimonies of the powerful miraculous wonders of god in our midst so if that's you would say you know what i've been dealing with this i've been dealing with that in my body and i believe it's time for me to be healed i believe it's time for me to leave this infirmity i believe it's time for me to walk out and step out in newness of life and look back and never go back to the sickness this disease if that's you you need to register register right there at it's already right there on your page whatever you're viewing on if you're on your phone if you're on the app if you're on your device click the academy of healing and wellness and register and say i want to be a part of this time of ministry i do not want to miss what god is doing in our midst so that you can come and once you're a student once you once you've registered as someone who is a candidate for for ministry the prophet desires you to come to the place of grace actually come to the knights of ministry see because he's not just laying hands he's not just to see we're a mature people this is this is this is like the master's class this is like a phd class this is this is this is the mature uh a company of people and believers see he's not just laying hands and slapping oil people no because the prophet wants you to know that you have the knowledge you have the confidence you have the the the conviction in the word to know that you are healed that by his stripes you're healed and you've received your healing so wednesday thursday friday he's gonna teach he's gonna impart he's gonna build your faith he's gonna get you ready to receive so that when prayer does go forth so that when ministry goes forth there's nothing blocking there's nothing hindering your faith because you will walk out of here walking leaping and praising god not just because you felt something in your body when the prophet touched you but because the word has been imparted into you and you know that you're healed so if that's you or if you know someone that is in need don't wait don't hesitate get to the place of grace the academy of healing or fall a convention the academy of healing and wellness the 27th 28th 29th of october and that miracle service with a prophet will be ministering to those who register on the 31st so registration is key and that's why i'm repeating it because last time i had people say minister mcgee i want to come but i didn't register we're like this is why we want you to register make sure you register registration is open online it's open here in house those of you who are here at the tabernacle you can go right outside to the foyer and you can register today you just leave your name your information at the table and you will be registered for the fall convention and also any students not anyone who's just received desires to receive ministry but if you're desiring to say you know what i want to be commissioned as a as a minister under this grace and this anointing to lay my hands on the sick in here wherever bishop mcclendon goes and someone raised up to say you know what it's not just the prophet who's been gifted and with the grace to heal but the power of god is available to all of god's children and that's what also is happening in this academy he is teaching he is imparting for those who want to level up in their own understanding as a student under clarency mclendon ministries and if you're a returning student if you're a new student you just sign up and register as a student you come and you sit in all you have to do is sit in the academies sit under the nights of ministry and teaching and you will be credentialed as a as a as a minister for these healing services so that if the profit goes to san diego to las vegas san francisco wherever he is locally you can say hey i i'm registered with the prophet and when the power of god hits you're going to know unlike bishop says you bust a move and you'll be laying hands as the prophet moves with the grace of god so if that's you and your returning student or a new student we want to encourage you to sign up online or you can register at the table for our academy of healing and wellness fall convention 2021 that is the conclusion of our announcements for this morning but at this time the prophet is on his way to the tabernacle he's on his way to the place of grace but we want to prepare our hearts for the word of god we want to prepare our hearts for what god is saying to this house to this fellowship of believers but also to those of who are watching online and those of you who fellowship with us you know right before the prophet comes we take a season we take a time out just to pray because this is it isn't this a one-man show we believe god here that as we pray the power of god's gonna go to work in our lives and it's gonna go to work in the lives of someone that's connected to us because each and every one of us in here are thankful and glad to be here but how many of you know there's someone that you you kind of wish was here that you know needs the power of god they need to hear the word of god they need to be in the presence of god so we're going to pray for them this morning so whatever posture and prayer you want to take take that posture let's pray before the word comes let's set the atmosphere in prayer those of you watching online on your couch some of you in bed some of you at the breakfast table some of you at the brunch table sipping coffee drinking tea whatever it is put that cup down and just let's just pray real quick let's pray together as a family and as a body of believers there is no time or distance in the spirit but let's go before the throne before the word comes to us father we thank you and praise you for today thank you for bringing us into the place of grace thank you for bringing us to the throne of grace and father we your children we your people god we've come believing you for to receive what you have already prepared for us father as the word comes from the prophet we say speak lord speak to our hearts speak to our minds and we receive the word of god god your word declares that we are to receive with meekness the engrafted word of god which is able to save our souls so father we thank you that souls are being saved today that situations and minds and hearts are being turned around father we declare healing and physical bodies in in spiritual situations emotional situations relational situations father whatever the circumstance may be we thank you that everyone who hears this word today whether in there in this house or whether they're watching online father we thank you that they lack nothing of what they're believing you for or what they have need of because you've already gone ahead of us and father we thank you that our testimony will be that our hearts burned within us while you shared and opened the scriptures to us father we thank you and we praise you today and god we pray now come on i need you to lift up your voice it's too quiet in here i got the microphone but for the believers i want you to pray for someone think of someone that you know needs a touch from god who needs to be saved who needs to be healed who needs to be in relationship with jesus father we pray for that relative that loved one that friend that co-worker that husband that wife whoever they may be god we thank you that today is the day of salvation in their lives god we thank you that they won't be able to go any farther without bowing their knee and opening their hearts to you father and we thank you that whatever yoke whatever bondage whatever chain is trying to hold them and by them we declare that that yoke that chain that bondage is being loosed off of them this morning god that they walk free and you said he whom the son has set free he is free indeed so father we thank you for deliverance global deliverance all around the world and we vow to give you the praise the glory and the honor for it thank you that we are leaving better from this place because we have been with you and with your word thank you for strengthening our prophet as he comes to feed us your people we give you the glory the honor and the thanks in jesus name and everyone who prayed and agreed with me said amen god bless you i'm going to turn you back over to the hands of this praise and worship team and these musicians enjoy the worship experience god bless you praise the lord praise the majestic king of kings this song says lord i love you it's a love song saying i really really really love you and if you are having a conversation [Music] the question would be why you say just for who you are [Music] and then it goes on to say in all of your glory my heart seems holy holy i just want to share something with you really quick so i said god i need another layer of understanding of what it is when the angels are singing holy holy lord god almighty over and over and over again so he gave me an example of my son you know when you're little you see a fire truck for the first time you're excited you're like wow when he sees a stuntman do a sonic move he says holy moly and in the humor of it he said but what is in his heart what he experienced [Music] he was in awe our god leaves us dumbfounded awe struck jaw-dropped because he is good yes when we talk of the glory of god what is his glory many a time in church you know we use these words over and over and it becomes redundant monotonous and we almost lose the meaning of it when moses asked the lord in exodus 33 to show him his glory let me just read this to you really quick [Music] the lord responded it says then he said in verse 19 i will make all my goodness pass before you and i will proclaim the name of the lord before you i will be gracious to whom i will be gracious and i will have compassion on whom i have compassion [Music] i pray that the scripture comes alive in our hearts as we worship him in spirit and truth if you read further in 34 when the lord passes by it says and this is the niv i'm gonna read he says and he passed in front of moses proclaiming the lord the lord the compassionate and gracious god slow to anger abounding in love and faithfulness maintaining love to thousands and forgiving wickedness rebellion and sin yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished he punishes the children of their children for the sin of their fathers to the third and fourth generation he's a god of justice but if you can receive a rhema word from that what is the goodness of god who is the lord to you who is the great i am he's unlimited he's your friend he's your backbone he's your peace he's your lifeline he's your defender he's your attorney he is your business partner he is your creative director when he created the entire universe you can partner with him and he will show you what to do how to do it and you will increase exponentially somebody needs to hear that you need to partner with jehovah gyra you need the chief executive officer of the universe to be your ceo so that you will be fruitful so that you will exponentially increase when we say the great i am think of this unlimited limitless god amen let's sing it together lord i love you oh yes i love you [Music] just who you are think of that glory in all of your glory lord i love you yes [Music] oh how i love you cheers [Music] just for who you are just for who you are you are everything you are everything i could ever need [Applause] lord i love you lord i love you yes i love you yes i love you oh how i love you i love you i really love you why why do you love the lord think of his goodness think of what he has done what you have heard just give nature our peace [Music] the kingdom we worship you your majesty you are my [Music] you are everything to me to be please more than everything to be [Applause] [Music] you are reliable he is trustworthy he is faithful he is like none other when you look at the word holy he is pure set apart sacred like none other [Music] a description of the word holy says worthy to be exalted [Music] when you experience the lord you say lord i sing praises to your name [Music] oh lord praises to your name [Music] come on put your hands together [Music] feel the dancing sing free to lift my hands and worship the lord i'm free lord i'm free i'm free to dance dancing now free to lift my hands and worship lord i'm free lord i'm free can you help me say now free to lift my hand to [Music] lord have preached [Music] let's stay right there try to lift my head can i'm a free worshiper no change i'm a free worshiper oh lord i'm free free to lift my hands and worship lord i'm free to dance try to lift my head i can lift my hands i'm a free worshiper i'm i'm a free worshiper thank god i'm free and i'll never be bound again i thank god i'm free and i'll never be bound again is that your testimony sick figure out please say thank god i'm free and don't ever nothing can hold me down i think i'm free thank god i'm free [Music] oh again [Music] lord lord i'm free nothing is holding me back nothing is holding me down i can dance in this before if you know you're free go ahead and give advice nothing just hold me down i'm a free worshiper i'm a free worshiper i'm a free worshiper his blood made a way for you to free his blood made a way for you to come holy now he ends up before his presence no change can stop me nothing can hold me back i'm a free worshiper i'm a free worshiper [Music] sets freeze free indeed [Music] when the sun sets free it's free indeed for the sun sets free is free indeed for the sun sets freeze free indeed [Music] [Music] indeed [Music] is [Music] the sun sets freeze [Music] when the sun sets freeze when the sun sets freeze free and deep when the sun sets free it's free and deep when the sun sets free it's freezing [Music] can you wave your hands if you know he set you free if you know you're free indeed wave your hands saying come on [Music] my voice lord i'm free [Music] lord i'm free one more time i'm a free worshiper no chain is holding me yeah i thought i'm free i am free praise the lord no longer bound no change to holding me my soul is resting it's just a blessing everybody say praise the lord hallelujah one more time i am [Applause] [Music] my [Music] it's such a blessing somebody say right hallelujah for the song sets free is free indeed for the song sets free it's free indeed i am free hallelujah i am free hallelujah i am free come on praise the lord i'm free no longer [Applause] it's just a blessing [Music] one more time sing this to your neighbor said i am free i am can you turn it up praise the lord [Music] yes now we gonna let the band play hallelujah hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] okay everybody sing it again i am free [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yesterday [Applause] i'm [Music] oh praise the lord hallelujah and the victory is my victory it's my victory today behind speak to me today is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is it yours today [Applause] it's victory off victory in jesus i saved you forever you brought a sunny brother with his redeeming blood hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus i love you i love you i love you i love you oh i love your name how sweet your name is jesus how wonderful you are jesus said how great are you god how excellent are you god we praise you we worship we enjoy you we magnify your name we glorify your name there's no other name but the name of jesus the name of jesus [Applause] jesus [Applause] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus your name is everything everything we need is in your name jesus healing is in your name jesus deliverance is in your name jesus salvation is in the name of jesus provision is in the name of jesus protection is in the name of jesus christ protection is in the name of jesus oh we bless your name jesus peace is in your name jehovah shalom you are our peace you are our peace god you are our peace god hallelujah is [Applause] my soul my soul [Applause] hallelujah [Music] i believe somebody in here has a victory hey [Applause] [Music] do you have the victory bye bye glory here we go is [Applause] go he's done everything is he brought you through he brought you out of it he delivered you from it it did not harm your body it did not harm your soul thank god thank you thank god for causing them to triumph thank you god who always gives us victory jesus hey [Applause] come on let's thank him thank him if it wasn't for him we would be terrible in it the word of god says in all things give thanks for what it is the will of god [Music] in all things all things all things so if bad news comes your way what okay if somebody is sick and in the hospital that you really love what in all things in all things give thanks in all things come on find your neighbor and say neighbor in all things come on look at your neighbor say in all things give thanks say that is his will find somebody else say neighbor brother or sister in all things you give thanks say in all things you magnify him in all things you give him glory and say watch say what the situation turn around say what god break you up see who else god he's going to put a barrier between you and the enemy hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm really not churchy but sometimes churchy gets on me [Music] that's my grandfather my grandmama and my mom and my daddy see i grew up in a family of bishops and pastors and preachers and missionaries and evangelists so i always thought i was going to be different [Laughter] hallelujah we give glory to our god [Music] like bishop says uh find a neighbor somebody that you trust and just tell them it's good to see you here today come on now find somebody else you may have to look behind you or in front of you and say it's good to see you here today [Music] what's up third [Music] it's good to see you here today it's good to see you hollywood the man of god is in the building uh-uh that's not good enough come on let's stand he's here i i told him not to sing anything else [Applause] how are you [Music] [Applause] lift your hands before the lord father it is to you that praise belongs it is to you that honor is due we thank you for your presence and we acknowledge that it is your presence that makes the difference moses declared your presence distinguishes your people from all the other people on the face of the earth he said it is that your presence goes with us thank you for it thank you for the intelligent holy spirit who is with us and in us and for the integrity of your word for its power thank you today for your people for they are your inheritance in the earth and we bless them now by reason of the anointing we declare this a day of liberty and victory a day of revelation and illumination a day of breakthrough and we thank you in advance for everything that shall be said and done in your name to jesus be the praise thank you for your finished work and granting us revelation and illumination to walk in it in the name of jesus we pray and everyone who agreed with the man of god said it is so now say amen clap hands and bless the lord everybody come on you can do better than i know you've been praised in a minute god bless you uh wow uh well we tried another route uh the this football thing is you know i'll be glad when football season's over praise god at uh you know the stadium that just opened down the way so we took a route last time that took us out of the way today i don't know where my driver was i thought we were look like i went through cleveland [Music] and uh and finally got here but praise be to god i'll make wise use of your time if you're looking if you're next to somebody you trust look at him and tell him god has something for you today and you make sure you receive it tell them that you make sure that you receive it all of those of you that are watching us live streaming whatever you may be we bless you in the name of the lord jesus i know that you have been greeted and saluted and i want to add my greeting and salutation to that in the name of jesus now let me just say real quickly uh coming up on this not this thursday i'm going to say this one thing uh that there's something the spirit of the lord placed on my heart that i'm going to have to teach and uh generally our prophetic encounters we give you a good notice of but this one the lord just kind of dropped in my spirit and we've got it targeted for october 13 14 and 15. the spirit of the lord has been dealing with me that i need to teach something and we're calling it the final seduction the final seduction one of the things that god says in the last days uh he says that god the bible says that god will send them a strong delusion that they may believe a lie there are things happening now in the earth and there are so many diverse voices even coming from pulpits as to what thus saith the lord actually is the word of god my brother my sister has not changed let me say that again god's word has not changed nor has his standard for those of us who dare to walk by faith somebody say amen to this uh and so there are some things happening and the body of christ needs to be very alert to it the spirit of the lord shared this with me and i thought quite frankly in some of the teachings that we had done i had addressed the matter to the fullness of what the spirit of grace desired but here about three or four weeks ago he said to me no i need you to focus on this and to share some things and then just this past week about uh tuesday or wednesday about 3 30 in the morning i was awakened by the spirit of god and i was trying to get back to sleep and i couldn't and then i finally said okay lord what is it and he said he spoke to me two passages of scriptures i want you to go and read them now and from about 3 45 to about 5 30 6 a.m the spirit of god was downloading some things to me that i must share with you and so i want you to be aware of that october 13 14 15 we'll share some of those things it's a couple of weeks out and you can govern yourselves accordingly but i promise you you're going to want to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying straight from the word can you say praise the lord to this all right very quickly turn with me in your bibles to psalm 112 the hundred and twelfth psalm of course this is the first sunday in the month of october and on every first sunday as we honor the lord in our worship as we honor the lord in our giving we focus also on our psalm 112 covenant partners those are men and women who have made a commitment beyond their tithe and offering those who are entrepreneurs in business and other areas some years ago the prophet of god dr mike murdoch came here and spoke a prophetic word into this house concerning god's desire to prosper men and women on a level in business and entrepreneurial endeavor and when that word was dropped in this house i'll never forget i was sitting right on the front row as the man of god was speaking and he said you are responsible for that word and so we began to deal with this and so every first sunday i pray specifically over the psalm 112 covenant partners as well as all of those of us who are tithing and sowing and worshiping god turn to psalm 112 if you will verse number 7 is where i want to begin psalm 112 verses 7 8 and 9. i want to read that psalm 112 verses 7 8 and 9 and then i'm going to go to proverbs 29 and verse number 7. i want you to catch this i want you to get this because one of the things that i believe god wants his people to know in these days is not only that he is yet and still our provider but he wants us to know these the actions if you will of faith that cause his provision to manifest god is jehovah jireh to every new creation to every believer and yet there are men and women who do not see the provision of god manifesting in their lives the way they should and they're wondering well god what is it what is it that i'm that i am not doing or what is it that why is this not happening and one of the things i've learned is when you've done all you know to do and things aren't happening perhaps you need to know something else you didn't get what i just said when you've done all you know to do and things aren't happening then perhaps you need to know something else and what i mean by that is from the word of god the bible says my people are destroyed for lack of notice it's not for lack of church attendance it's not for lack of earnest desire it's not for lack of wanting to see i believe god's people want what god has i believe they want to do it they want to see it but we've got to be taught and we've got to learn so look at psalm 112 watch this psalm 112 verse number 7 it says he and that is again the 112th psalm deals with the man or woman who has determined to honor god who has determined to act upon god's word in the area of blessing and provision now watch this it says he will not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is steadfast trusting in the lord that word in hebrew means to be confident or sure it means to be without care watch this his heart is is without care it's it's confident trusting in the lord now here's what i've found so you can't have a confident steadfast heart if you don't have some information because things are always vacillating in the world you're getting different news it's going to be like this it's going to be like that but no in the kingdom of god the thermostat is always set to blessing it's always set to prosper you no matter what the temperature is happening out there in the world it's set to bless you somebody say amen to this watch this his heart is established he will not be afraid until he sees his desire upon his enemies look at verse 9 he has dispersed abroad that that word means to give he has released he has given to the poor his righteousness or his right standing his right relationship with god endures forever his horn which is a type of strength when the word horn is used in the old covenant it's a it it speaks to strength david says in one place my horn shalt thou exult as the horn of a unicorn i shall be anointed with fresh oil he's talking about his strength so watch this he says his righteousness endures forever his horn or his strength will be exalted with honor now why is this happening the bible says he has dispersed abroad and he has given to the poor that's two different dimensions of sowing and giving that's not the same thing wait if you understand what i'm saying he said he is dispersed abroad means he is a sower this person whose heart is steadfast who is confident who is not moved by evil tidings the reason that that is happening is their sowing see jesus taught us jesus taught us that where your treasure is your heart is also in other words he taught us that there is if you will an invisible line that connects your treasure and your heart whatever your treasure goes your heart follows if your if your treasure goes into the kingdom your heart will follow it you didn't hear what i just said if you're a sower into the kingdom of god your heart will follow it see if you're not a sower it is impossible to stabilize your heart [Music] when it comes to financial provision it's a law of the kingdom of god wave at me if you understand this and so one of the things that the scripture teaches us here i i love this too and i'll just throw this in for extra it says he has given to the poor now go to proverbs 29 verse 7. because one of the things that this ministry does is it is constantly sowing and giving to those in need in our outreach we have literally ministered to nearly a hundred thousand families in the last 18 months in free food and clothing giveaway a hundred thousand families in this area we didn't even realize it we didn't even realize it but we became literally the number one distribution center of clothing and goods in this entire area throughout the pandemic are you there no you need to praise god for that because it's your sowing it's your giving and the vision that god has given us that has allowed us to do it but now watch this there's a principle here lay your hands upon yourself and say you're in line for this whether you realize it or not go go to proverbs 29 i want to do this as quickly as i can but i was impressed to get this to you today go to proverbs uh 29 and verse number seven oh don't miss this it says the righteous considers the cause of the poor but the wicked does not understand such knowledge everybody say knowledge say it again knowledge say it one more time knowledge now the the scripture calls the consideration of the poor or giving to the poor watch this an act of knowledge not an act of emotion [Music] no you missed what i just said he calls it an act of knowledge not an act of emotion a lot of people give to the poor give out of emotion i don't give just out of emotion i give out of knowledge you know why because the word says he who gives to the poor lends to the lord and what he has given he shall repay him again i don't give just to be emotional i love people but i give because i know something happens when i do oh you're not you're not listening lay your hands on yourself and say something happens when i get now keep your hands on yourself because i know there are religious numbskulls who say well you know what you shouldn't give in order to receive you shouldn't give in order to get it you should just give because you love god i love god [Music] i love him so much that i read what he said and here's what the god i love said he said he that comes to me must not only believe that i am they must also believe i am a rewarder come on lay your hands upon yourself i was never i was reading that years ago and the lord said to me he said son i'm smart enough to know you won't keep coming to me if you don't know there's a reward i'm i'm smart enough to know that i cannot expect people to keep trusting me if i don't show up for them if i don't reward them so i don't expect you to give just because you love me i want you to know i'm a rewarder [Music] come on lay your hands upon yourself and i expect a harvest on my giving i do this by knowledge not just emotion and my god supplies all my need not according to my need but according to his riches come on if you're a tither lift your hand if you're a sower lift your hand if you're a psalm 112 covenant however you're going to give i want you to lift your hand i'm going to pray for you now father in the name of jesus you spoke in my spirit this week that you are releasing a season of divine reward over your people when you woke me up this last week you said to me it's payoff time there are some rewards that are being released for men and women who have been steadfast unmovable trusting the word depending upon you in the midst of vacillating circumstances they have believed you my father in the name of jesus i set myself in agreement with them this day that there be supernatural reward supernatural payoff supernatural compensation to them in the name of jesus now if you can agree with that based on god's word not mine i want you to clap your hands and just thank him in advance for what he has promised to do and share amen it's time for us to worship in our giving if you're watching me live streaming i want you to get in on this on your computer screen on your smartphone there's a donate button there's a way for you to say i want you to do it and i want you to do it in faith just click that button and follow the prompts or you can text give cem to 41444 once again text give c e m m to four one four four four just follow the prompts and give as god has prospered you as god has blessed you as god has directed you there's a number on your screen three one zero three that number is not only for your prayer requests but it's also for your sowing some of you today as the word of god came to you you need to mix your faith and your giving you need to call that number and let us agree with you over the need in your life and watch what god will do three one zero three two three twenty six hundred if you've got the bishop in an app that's an easy way to give or you can bring that gift any day tuesday through thursday 11 to 3 there are people here waiting to agree waiting to receive and waiting to release the blessing of the lord just as i'm doing right now but however you do it let's do it in faith and let's worship god those of you here in the tabernacle if you're making out a check make it payable to cemm clarency mclendon ministries if you're giving cash the envelope is for the cash please use that envelope and if you want to do this on a bank or credit card there are people in the aisle right and left who are ready to uh agree with you ready to assist you with the transaction you don't need to write all your numbers on anything visible and let's believe god if you're a psalm 112 covenant partner i'm going to pray for you specifically now in the name of jesus as you sow that seed but whoever you are and however you're giving i want you to give in expectation and give with joy unto the lord i've found you can give with joy when you know something's coming back to you come on say amen you can give with joy when you know it's not the last time you gonna see those bills come on say amen to that i'm talking about dollar bills not not not paying bills amen if you're if you have sown if you have some you're watching me live streaming all year if you've got your gift prepared i want you to lift your hands before the lord here and there if you're still writing still sowing still giving go ahead and finish it but then i want you to lift your hands because i want you to get in agreement with me in your heart relative to this prayer amen amen come on lift it up and lift your hands up if you haven't finished you can finish after i pray but i don't want you to miss my prayer because that's important because we got to do this together say these words out loud say in the name of jesus i am a sower and therefore i am a reaper i boldly confess in favor in finance in things being added to me in things money cannot buy i am blessed someone is on their way to me with exactly what i need my every need this week is met and i will have something left no no you just say that with some strength i will have something left in the name of jesus now if you believe it give god praise for it as we worship as we worship us just go ahead serve here those of you watching finish what god has given you to sow let's believe him together [Music] amen of the breakthrough lord of the breakthrough you are the lord of the breakthrough and we worship you we worship you help me save the lord [Applause] [Music] we worship you lord we worship we worship you we worship you lord of the breakthroughs we worship you we worship you lord everywhere [Applause] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we yes put your hands together and bless the lord everybody hallelujah thank you worship team and musicians open with me in your bibles quickly now to the gospel as luke records it chapter number 18. the gospel as luke records it chapter number 18 good to see dr d a sharon in the house a prolific young lion preacher from the east coast stand up my brother good to see you here today powerful ministry powerful young man uh that god is raising up in these days you'll hear his name much more i met him a few years ago and heard he would be with us today so it's an honor to have you my brother bless you luke chapter 18 the gospel as luke records it chapter 18 i'm going to begin reading at verse number one i'm going to go rather quickly from there back to luke 17 beginning at verse 20 to give a little context i've been teaching for several weeks in the area your faith can make you well and we have dealt with several sub topics relative to that and when the spirit of the lord initially shared with me that i was to teach in this area i thought as i often do i understood where it was going and what it would do and then it began to take some turns that i did not expect and so i've been teaching in this area a bit longer than i had anticipated and yet i knew that because of what is happening right now in the earth [Music] both with governments and systems with this pandemic that we have come through and on the other side of and god gave me a word about that this past week too there are some conspiracies of the adversary that have now been broken i i i i need you to i need you to hear me and i'll talk about this and the agenda of the adversary the agenda he set out to accomplish through this pandemic he did not succeed in accomplishing there are some things that have occurred and i'll deal with that in just a moment but in all the midst of all of this and uh you know virus and vaccines and disease and constant bombardment the spirit of the lord said to me i want you to teach the people of god and remind them their faith can make them well and keep them well which is not again to uh to negate the reality and the help and significance of medical professionals and medical science and these types of things we are not of those who say you know uh you know if you've got faith you never take an aspirin no we're not we're not of those uh people and yet as a preacher of the gospel and i've said this before as a minister of the gospel my responsibility is to teach you the word of god and to encourage you to the highest level of walking with god that is available are you there and see one of the things you've got to understand as you one of the things you will understand as you mature in the things of god in the kingdom of god and in christianity is that there are levels to where people want to walk with god well i need you to hear me and see if you are one of those that aspires to walk at the highest level then you may not understand how people can settle for less you did you hear what i just said is if you're one of those who who wants everything god has for you and wants to walk at a level of victory you may not it's difficult for you to tolerate people who are putting up with stuff that you think wait a minute we don't have to deal with this but you've got to learn how to walk by faith with god yourself and let everybody else do what they want to do are you there i'll never forget years ago i was i was i was i was dealing with well actually the lord was dealing with me about some things and i was frustrated about some things that weren't happening in the ministry this was 10 15 years ago or more and and i was trying to get vision across and truth across to people and i was getting frustrated things weren't happening the way i thought they should and the lord uh had me read the story of moses uh leading the people of israel trying to lead the people of israel into the promised land when they got to the rock you know uh for the first time god told him to speak to it he spoke to it water came out the second time he told him to speak to it again and the bible says moses smoked the rock the people had upset him so and had frustrated him so that he smote the rock instead of speaking to the rock and of course god you know said that he would not get into the promise and that's not the only reason i'm not going to go into all the other reasons but that was one of the indications that he was not going to go now again part of the reason is he broke the pattern the rock represented christ and he was only to be smitten once [Music] i don't have time to get into that and i don't have time to get into that we we read in the book of hebrews that the rock that followed them was christ so he was only to be stricken once because the one time of his sacrifice was going to be enough for the whole world and moses broke the pattern but here's what what the lord said to me i'll never forget it he said he said son moses missed the promised land trying to get people into the promised land when all they wanted was a drink of water see there are people that all they want is water they don't want the promises of god they don't want the full provision of god they don't want to walk in the dimension of supernatural victory that others want to walk they just want water every week enough to get by another seven days give me a drink and we'll keep pushing and you got to learn how not to miss your destiny not to miss your purpose trying to take people with you that don't actually want to go you're not listening to me [Applause] so so so so there are levels to this i might say there are levels to this and see and see i'm preaching and teaching for people who want to function at the high level paul talks about he says i press for the mark of the prize of the high calling of god in question well if there's a high calling then there's a medium calling and there's a lower caller and see what we have not come to understand fully is you're the one who chooses which one you walk in not god luke chapter number 18. and so when i got into studying this and reading this the spirit of the lord he told me as i taught it he said there's three things i want you to deal with in the last several weeks i dealt with the first two the first one was what faith actually is what is actual bible faith because if your faith can make you well if your faith can produce all these things and and we looked at three specific examples three specific incidences where healings and miracles occurred and in each one of those three incidences jesus said your faith made you well understanding his power was the source of it but he never credited his power in these three he looked at the building it's your faith that got this done and we looked at the three one of them was the one with the issue of blood we looked at all three accounts of that we looked at blind bartimaeus uh account of the account of that and we looked at the ten lepers in all three of those instances or evidences or witnesses the ten lepers blind bartimaeus and the woman with the issue of blood in each one of those cases when the healing occurs when the miracle manifests jesus says your faith did this your faith made you well so if faith can do that then we say well let's look at faith and let's find out exactly what faith is not what i think faith is not what you think faith is but what bible faith actually is and we found out that bible faith once again is not only a conviction or persuasion it's not only believing something but it is believing along with a corresponding action that in order for it to be bible faith it's got to be more than just what you believe there has to be an act a demonstration and we said the fundamental act of faith is speaking what you believe second corinthians 4 13 amen we we went there iii verse 18 says and because we have the same spirit of faith according to what is written i believed and therefore have i spoken we also believe and therefore speak so speaking is the fundamental action of faith say amen to that all right so we established that and then in each one of those cases we looked to see what their action of faith was so we could identify what was the action what was the act of faith if jesus says your faith made you well what did they do and we looked at each one of those and that was the second aspect of the teaching that i was directed uh to share with you now today i'm moving into the third which is vital for the new covenant believer and the new creation in christ jesus to understand it is vital because once again we're talking about what your faith can do what it can produce and if you know that it can produce these things and everything in the kingdom of god is appropriated by faith everything i said everything i said everything in the kingdom of god is appropriated by faith whether it's healing prosperity provision reconciliation restoration dead cancer whatever it is it's all done by faith jesus says the just shall live by faith four times in the word of god that is articulated but here's something when when i went through a faith crisis many years ago and the spirit of god took me through a faith exam and i i've shared with it uh some time i've shared with it many times i was going through a certain uh situation and i was doing everything i knew to do and you know people were going crazy and nuts and all kinds of stuff was happening and i went to god and i said you know i'm your boy i've been doing this since i was uh uh 16 15 years old i've been walking with you i'm under attack i'm doing everything i know to do and things aren't going people talking crazy they're calling me everything but a child of god i said you need to help a brother out i'm your boy and i'll never forget when the lord said to me and again the the book that i wrote uh beyond personal power was a product of this and the lord said he said he said son there are there are places you think you are in faith and you are not he said you actually think you're in faith and you're not and he said to me i'm going to take you through a faith exam because he said there are things that your gift and your calling and your anointing can get for you but only your faith can keep for you he said you can get them by gift but you can only keep them by faith you can acquire them by some event but if you're going to maintain them it's going to be maintained by faith and then he said this to me he said there are places you're in faith and they're places you're not he says i'm going to take you through a faith exam and i'm going to show you what faith is and you'll be able to see where you thought you were in faith and you're not and that's why the enemy is whipping your behind in this area are you there so i went through the exam and the thing that i'm going to share with you now is one of the things that the spirit of god taught me through that exam and it has to do with please hear what i'm about to say it has to do with what faith looks like in the new covenant what new covenant new creation faith looks like as opposed to what old covenant faith looks like did you hear what i just said and the significance of that is that you've got to be walking by faith in the covenant you're in did you hear what i just said and most of the faith that we have been taught is old covenant faith it's not new covenant of faith now i know people look and say bishop mckenna i ain't never heard nothing like this in my life and i have sat under some of the greatest faith teaching that you'll ever hear and i've heard those great faith teachers too and i received from them but what you must understand my brother my sister is this that there are things that people know that they're not always equipped to impart are you still there and what you almost also must understand is that every successive generation has a responsibility to press further into truth so it is not that the truth of a previous generation is erroneous it is many times that it is incomplete [Music] and what you must also understand is that messengers are sent for certain purposes and certain generations and many times the generation that they are sent to is equipped to hear what they are teaching because they have foundations and fundamentals that the next generation doesn't have oh god i don't want to get into all that so so so in this era in this season it is vitally important that the new covenant believer the new creation believer understand the distinction between old covenant faith and new covenant faith because if you are in the new covenant exercising old covenant faith you'll be losing battles you think you should be winning and blaming god for your losses are you still here now you say bishop mcclendon where are you going with this let me know i'll read what i was going to read later i'm in the middle of this now so let's go to hebrews chapter 11. let's go to hebrews chapter 11. i was going to give you some more context but i don't have time for that today so maybe i'll give it to you later but let's go to hebrews chapter 11. and i want you to see something in hebrews i'm going to read the first i'm going to read the first five or six verses and then i'm going to show you something that is in your bible that was in your bible when you came in here that did not jump in your bible after you sat down and i did not write it after you got here i didn't put it in there it was there and this is something that the spirit of god taught me and you know i'm not saying no one else has ever taught it i'm not the only one i'm sure i never heard anybody say none of the faith teachers i heard taught me this the spirit of god taught me this and it changed something in me and started me seeing a series of wins where now the battle is never over until i win you you get what i just said i don't lose battles they're not over till i win [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stay with me as long as i am doing what the spirit of god said i know i'm walking in his word i don't lose battles i'm dangerous you don't want to deal with me when i got a word from god you need to tuck your tail and run the other way stay with me and it's because of something i found out now look at look at look at hebrews 11 and 1. hebrews 11 and verse number one it's the the hall of fame of faith has been taught it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good testimony everybody say a good testimony the notice is first we by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible by faith abel offered to god a more excellent sacrifice than cain through which he obtained witness that he was righteous god testifying of his gifts and through it he being dead still speaks by faith if i say it by faith by faith enoch was taken away so that he did not see death and was not found because god had taken him before he was taken he had this testimony that he pleased god but without faith it is impossible to please him now that's why faith is so important because without it it's impossible to please him now oh god okay now i'll keep going but without faith in please god for he who comes to god must believe that he is and he's rewarded those who deal with me seeking by faith noah being divinely warned of things not yet seen move with godly fear prepared and all look at verse 8 by faith abraham look at verse 11 by faith sarah okay so it continues in hebrews 11 to speak of all these people who accomplish certain things by faith wave at me if you see that and all the people now i'm not going to read the entire chapter but in every in this chapter and every verse in every segment it begins to talk about things that people accomplish by faith look at verse 17 by faith abraham when he was tested look at verse 20 by faith isaac look at verse 21 by faith jacob verse 22 by faith joseph verse 23 by faith moses are you are you getting the picture here look at verse 32 and what more shall i say for time would fail me to tell of gideon and barack and samson and jephthah and david and samuel the influence is all these people accomplished what they accomplished in the kingdom of god by faith but now when you read the entire chapter go down to verse 39 and this is the one that changed my life and it'll change yours now what look at what it says verse 39 and all these meaning all these saints all these names that i just named all of them all of these having obtained a good testimony through faith did not receive the promise wait wait what all of these that i just listed to you y'all better hear what the preacher's saying that all the things that i just read you about and celebrated and testified and preached this is the faith hall of faith all these it says they received they obtained a good testimony through faith but they did not receive the promise so wait a minute do y'all see that so so you're telling me that what abraham did by faith when he got isaac he got a good testimony but that wasn't a promise y'all don't listen to me that moses led the children of israel into the promised land and he got a good testimony but that wasn't the promise [Applause] come on talk to the preacher because i didn't write this [Music] this is in your bible look at this did not receive the book so all the things that the bible just said that they got with their faith was not the promise is that in your bible or no okay so now look at the very next verse verse 40. god having provided i feel like running in the house god having provided something better for us that's the title of this message something better for us look at flip your hand and say there's something better for us [Music] look at this god having provided something better for us that they should not be made perfect or literally that their stories would not be finished until we did our part that's what that means [Applause] are you still here now that caused me to begin to search and inquire of the lord wait a minute if they got all this stuff by their faith but you say they didn't receive the promise then what was the promise if it wasn't isaac and jacob if it wasn't canaan come on talk to me then what was the promise and then the spirit of the lord began to show me something he said son notice that all of those saints that i listed in hebrews chapter 11 are all old covenant saints still here why because the new covenant had not yet come now here is something oh if you're taking notes i feel the holy ghost coming up one side of me and down the other if you're taking notes write this down because this is a key to understanding and i'll give you scripture for it in just a moment jesus of nazareth was not a new covenant minister jesus of nazareth came to fulfill the old covenant and during his ministry his three and a half years of ministry he is doing two things he is fulfilling or completing the old covenant and he is laying down or articulating principles and truths for the new covenant which is not in force yet so he's finishing the old and while he's finishing the old and fulfilling the old in all the things that he does he is also articulating principles of the new covenant but the principles that he is articulating in the new covenant are not enforced yet and this is why his apostles there were things that jesus would say to them and they wouldn't understand them and it wasn't until after the resurrection that the spirit of god gave them clarity and they even write and said and then we understood [Applause] hallelujah because they were all jewish boys they were on old covenant boys they knew that old covenant they had been bar mitzvahed every one of them they had learned the torah they had uh they had they had they had committed to them you know for the first five books of the old covenant called the pentateuch the teachings of moses they knew that are you here [Applause] and so this is why there are times that things that jesus did confused his disciples and the people you remember the story when john the baptist was in prison and the bible says he heard about what jesus was doing and he sent some of his disciples to jesus and said go and ask him is he the one or should we be looking for somebody else now this is the same john the baptist who said he had never even seen jesus and when jesus was baptized by john of the river jordan the spirit of the lord descended on him as a dove he said behold the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world he prophetically knew who he was [Applause] but as he the bible says it says i think it's what john is that and when john in prison heard the things that jesus was doing he said now i know i i know i said he was the one i know i preached that but we me we may need to pull those tapes we we may need to pull those messages because i'm hearing some of the stuff he's doing and it doesn't sound like things a messiah would do why because you remember remember when jesus when the when the woman who was caught in the midst of the act of adultery was brought to jesus and they brought y'all y'all know this right because i've taller and they brought they brought her to jesus and they said listen this woman was caught in the act of adultery in the very act here's what they said now moses in the law old covenant moses in the law says she should be stoned but what do you say so the law was clear the old covenant was clear she is caught in the act of adultery she shall be put to death but then they said what do you say that's when jesus you know he gets down writes in the floor and he released her [Applause] john was in prison and he said he did what he let the whole go listen i got your attention now don't and now i got your attention what i'm pointing out what what what i'm pointing out i got to teach that what i'm pointing out is he began doing things [Applause] that were breaking the old covenant and they're wondering wait is this the cat or should we be looking for somebody else because if he was a man of god [Applause] he would be fulfilling the old covenant now now now what what i don't oh i wish i had time to go deeply into that i don't have time to go deeply into it but go to matthew chapter five quick let me show it to you in the scripture matthew chapter 5 verse 17 it's another one of these things that we read we swallow but we don't fully process and understand look at matthew chapter 5 verse number 17 jesus is speaking he says do not think i came to destroy the law or the prophets that is the old covenant i did not come to destroy but to fulfill or to feel full i came to fill it up and complete it i i came to demonstrate it in its fullness now watch this look at verse 18. for a surely i say to you till heaven and earth pass away one jot or one tittle which is the equivalent of a comma or a period he says one ja or one title watch this will by no means pass from the law until all is available notice nothing will pass from it until it is all fulfilled which means when it is all fulfilled it's all going to pass for you see this is it we will again see we preach not one god not one not one job not one title the lord but but but but what he said is when it is fulfilled i'm going to move it out of the way [Applause] he said i ca oh god help me i came to fulfill it and once i'm done fulfilling it i'm gonna move it out of the way now that's what he meant on the cross when he said it is finished he was not talking about the work of redemption because the work of redemption would not be finished until he was resurrected ascended and seated at the right hand of the father his ministry work wasn't finished because now the bible says he is a high priest in the sanctuary in the heavens his preaching ministry wasn't finished because according to second peter chapter 3 and verse 19 when he is made alive and when he's when he's put to death in the flesh he's made alive in the spirit by which he goes the bible says to the spirits in prison and preaching so his preaching ministry his own so what did he finish he finished that old covenant keith oh god he fully walked it out kept every law dotted every eye crossed every t and then moved it out of the way now you say bishop mclennan how can you say that because i can read go to colossians chapter 2 verses 12 through 14. colossians chapter 2 verses 12 through 14 talking about what happened to you and i in christ jesus he said buried with him in baptism in which also you were raised with him through faith in the working of god who raised him from the dead and you being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh he has made alive together with him having forgiven you all trespasses having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us that's the old covenant which was contrary to us and he has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross [Applause] are you there i said are you there so now watch this so here's what you must understand oh god help the people hear this that every person with a couple of exceptions where he announces it's an exception and the exceptions that he announces were the centurion and the syrophoenician woman are you there there was also the nobleman who came for his servant but he was brought by jewish people don't have time to get into that but the centurion is a roman and the cereal phoenician woman is a greek so they are not children of the covenant of abraham they are not abraham c are you tracking me or not and in both cases where jesus ministers to someone who is not abraham's seed he points out the fact that you're basically early don't have time to get this but because uh of you you remember he says to the woman uh with the syrian venetian woman he says it's not meat to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs what he's talking about he's saying healing is for the children of the covenant i was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of israel you are not of the seed of abraham you are greek so he says i can't he basically said i can't minister this to you right now i'm only sent to the lost sheep of the house of israel but then she says oh yes but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table and the bible jesus said now because you said that [Applause] he said because you said that and because this whole thing is ultimately going to be by faith i'm going to give you your miracle early even though even though i'm not sent to you right now are you still here and with the centurion jesus couldn't couldn't couldn't withhold granting it to him because he said man i have not seen such faith not even in israel in other words there are people who've been going to synagogue every week who don't understand faith like you do he said so go your way your servant is healed man because you're walking in a dimension of faith that even jewish people i've been ministering to don't understand [Applause] but now here's the point that i'm making are you tracking me [Applause] be honest are you tracking me do i need to go to verses and show them to you okay okay okay so so so here's what you must understand remember something better for us say something better for us say it something better for us and remember now what we're working on remember what hebrews 11 says all those old covenant saints who got those blessings didn't get the promise so so now here's what you must understand that jesus oh father i'm almost there so jesus in his earthly ministry in the three and a half years he is ministering he is ministering under the old covenant he's finishing it are you there are you there [Applause] are you there so he is he is and now it's still by faith but it's by faith in the old covenant as opposed to the new. are you there so still based on believing but in the old covenant the people who come to jesus and who receive miracles and blessings by faith are dealing with a jesus who has not yet fulfilled the old covenant so they are dealing with a work that is not yet finished wait with me if you understand what i just said and since they are dealing with a work that is not yet finished and it's all done by faith and faith speaks what it believes then their declaration of faith can be put in the future tense and it still be a declaration of faith because the covenant isn't finished yet and the promise [Applause] [Music] are you with me or what [Applause] so i'm gonna show this to you in your bible so the woman with the issue of blood can say if i can but touch the hem of his garment i will be i will be i will be is that present tense or future tips i will be made whole if i can do this this this this this this and this then i will be and when she does it jesus can look at her and tell her your faith did this because her confession is based on a work that isn't finished [Applause] where do you understand here's what here's what the holy ghost taught me and i am so grateful he taught this to me i will forever worship him for teaching me this he said son when you read the encounters that people had with jesus in matthew mark luke and john he said if you model what they did you will not get their results i'm going to try this side because you're all looking at me like i just said he said he said son if you model what they did you will not get their results [Music] i said why he said because you are not in the covenant they were in and they could put their appointment with a miracle in the future because the work was not yet finished but you are on the other side of the finished work of jesus you can't put yours in the future and get a miracle because it's already done for you so you have to put your confession in the now not i will be i have it not it will happen it's mine not i'm going to be blessed i am blessed not i will be healed i am [Applause] let me show it to you in your bible so you don't have to take my word for it alone go with me to isaiah 54. [Music] i'm sorry isaiah 53 verse 4 glory to god did you get what i just said now see this is why this is why new covenant faith doesn't make sense to religious people and new covenant faith does it make sense to people who are not born again because you're saying you're healed when you're looking at a doctor's report that says the opposite you're saying you're prospered when your atm card is spitting out back at you the card and no money ain't nobody saying nothing to me come on smile i've been there we all been there and you and church talk about i'm blessed i'm prospered i'm overcoming insufficient funds and and people are looking at you [Music] [Applause] and that's why the writer says you gotta hold fast to your confession of faith without wavering because faithful is he who said it to you [Applause] ah i feel like beating my chisel watch this now watch it watch what allah watch this isaiah 53 isaiah is writing [Music] is writing before the cross some 700 years he let me let me let me let me let me give a prop this is the finished work happens on the cross so this this is a type of the cross isaiah is writing on this side of the cross and by the spirit of revelation he sees before it happens what god is going to accomplish in christ jesus for you and i so he writes well let let me read into it let's go verse one okay give me two more minutes watch let's read verse one all the way you know so he's writing before come on come on come on verse one but who has believed our report and i'm writing but it's gonna i don't know who's gonna believe this because i'm seeing something that hasn't happened yet who's gonna believe this report and and to whom will the arm of the lord be revealed god's going to do something by his arm but you're going to have to have the spirit of revelation to catch it watch for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant as a root out of dry ground he has no form of comeless in other words he doesn't look like a king he doesn't look like a messiah he just looks like a regular guy and when we see him there's no beauty that we should desire him he doesn't he's not wearing kingly robes so you know because if he was wearing kingly robes then we would be able to identify him and everybody would know that's the king but he's he's not gonna there's no beauty we should hold he's despised and rejected by men he is a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him because he was despised and we didn't esteem him we thought he was just like everybody else rabble riser miracle worker taking advantage of people and what not verse 4. [Music] but surely absolutely if you get the revelation if you see beyond the natural surely he has carried our sorrows he has borne our greece that word literally means sicknesses in the original hebrew it's sicknesses and he has carried ourselves that word in the original hebrew is actually pains so it actually reads but but actually he has bored our sicknesses and carried our pains yet we esteemed him stricken in other words when he is beaten when he's taken by the sanhedrin when he is cursed when pilate rejects him and when they beat him we're looking at him and we see him stricken and we see him being smitten by god and afflicted because he called himself the son of god and you can't call yourself the son of god because if you call yourself the son of god that means you are equal with god because to say you are the son of god in hebrew means i have the nature and character of god and when he said that they said we've got to kill him now [Music] but [Music] if you see it in the spirit he was wounded for our transgressions in other words his beating he wasn't taking that beating for himself he was taking it from me he was wounded foreign he was bruised for iniquities the chastisement the hebrew word there is kabura which literally means the payment in full or the rebuke and the reproof that you and i should have gotten for what we did he took so what i should have gotten for all the sins i committed no matter where they were and when they were he took god's rebuke for clarence's sins i'm about to run in here [Music] but he was moving for our transgression bruise for our iniquity watch this the chastisement of our peace notice notice notice how he's writing he was wounded but it hasn't happened yet [Music] he was bruised but it hasn't happened yet but what's he doing he's looking in the spirit remember the bible says the lamb was slain before the foundation of the world so in the spirit isaiah is seeing the work finished even though in the natural it hasn't occurred yet so he says he was wounded bruised by the chance found out peace and by his stripes we [Music] we are we are now again that r can be present or future because if i'm approaching him i can say when i i i i i are [Music] i mean i am on my way so i are on my way you understand okay okay so isaiah on the front side of an empty cross because jesus hasn't come there yet is saying we are i see it now a lot of people aren't going to believe it but but hear it here but here's what he's saying anyone in this old covenant who sees he's the one will get it even though it hasn't happened yet hallelujah [Applause] so they can say if i can do this i will speak a word only and my servant will be my servant will be come to my house and lord if you were here our brother would not have died martha and me are y'all still here but now go to first peter 2 24 and look at what peter writes concerning this same thing but peter is not writing on this side of the cross peter is writing on this side of the cross not only from the standpoint of revelation but from the standpoint of having seen what actually occurred and now the holy spirit is giving him revelation on what actually occurred watch this who himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree that we having died which literally means having been separated from our sins might live for and that's an erroneous greek translation the word therefore should be from it's not for it's from that we having died to sins watch this might live from his righteousness now that's the promise i'm gonna show it to you in just a moment that in other words that through what he did we might live from what he did not from what we did [Applause] see in [Music] in hebrews 11 the catalog of faith is about what they did and at the end he says ah but god's got something better for us we're not just going to live by what we did [Applause] on this side of the cross we live from what he did watch this who himself are sending his own body on the tree that we haven't died to sins might live watch this from his righteousness by whose stripes you were you were [Music] you were you were not you will be [Music] cause the work now is finished so if your confession on this side of the cross is i will be healed you are not in faith you are not in faith you are not in faith if your confession on this side of the cross is i will be prospered someday by and by later on you're not in faith [Applause] [Music] because you are disregarding the finished work do you see it so if you're over if you are on this side of the cross saying now soon as i get this new job as soon as god gives me this new job and i and i can start tithing off this new job i i'm going to be in a whole other financial place no you won't [Applause] no no you won't you make you made me making some more money but you are not going to be in another financial realm because the only way you get into another financial realm in this kingdom is by faith and you are putting your prosperity in the future you are not putting your prosperity in the now you are not declaring that you have it you see on this side of the cross it's not what we do that heals us it's not what we do that prospers us it's not what we do that causes things to happen it is knowing what he has done and simply following his voice [Applause] do you see this so i am healed i'm not going to be when the doctor tells me i got six months to live i'm healed then and if i will hold fast to my confession and not take the phd or the md's word over the g.o.d i will be healed in manifestation cause i already am [Applause] in the finished work do you see this let me give you another oh god let me give you another example oh oh i got eight minutes it's not enough let me give you another example [Music] go to joel 228 go to joel 228 okay i'm going to stand right here so i can do this fast because if i move i'll start animating [Music] look at joel 228 are you still here no because i want to get the information are you still here joel 2 28 joel 2 no no no see you move this too soon son obey my voice no no line it up line it up okay still still cross joel is writing over here and it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see them get it and it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit on all flesh go to acts chapter 2 verse 17 on the day of pentecost on the day of pentecost when this actually occurs peter stands up the bible says with the eleven he starts preaching and he quotes this he says and it shall come to pass in the last days he doesn't say afterward because now it's happened and it shall come to pass in the last days says god watch this that i will pour out of notice the difference i will pour out of not pour out [Music] oh you aren't you i will pour out of my spirit not pour out my spirit why because now the work is finished and the spirit of god is now present in the earth so god does not have to pour out his spirit now he's already poured it out now he has to pour out of where it already is and guess where it already is it's in you christ in see we went oh i'm waiting i'm waiting for an outpouring no no actually you're not you're waiting for enough people to get in agreement so god can pour out of them no you miss what i just said some of you will get that on the way home you have to pull over do you see that now what what is the point of that because when joel is speaking jesus has not yet been glorified so they're waiting for this pouring out john 7 verses 37 37-39 put it up john 7 37-39 i didn't give you this but i'll just start quoting in that last day that great day of the feast jesus stood up and said if any man thirst let him come to me and drink he that believes on me as the scriptures have said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this spake he of the spirit that those who believed on him would receive for the spirit had not yet been given because jesus had not yet been so joel has to say i will pour out my spirit but once the spirit is poured out god doesn't need to do any more pouring [Applause] now he's waiting for the sons of god to pour out of themselves what they have upon the earth is groaning travailing or waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god but this speaking of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the holy ghost was not yet given because that jesus was not yet glorified meaning the moment jesus is glorified the holy ghost is poured out and peter actually on the day of pentecost uh go go to acts go back to acts 2 33 i'm showing you something here and i'm going to finish this are you are you getting this yes sir peter on the day of pentecost in that same message that that he's he spoke uh uh and quoted joel 2 he says therefore being exalted to the right hand of god and have oh here it is and having received from the father the promise these all died in faith not having received. [Music] therefore he being exalted to the right hand of god and having received from the father the promise of the holy spirit he poured out this which you now see and here are you there now stay with me the bible says in hebrews 11 he says all of these jesus all of these obtain oh my god all of these obtained a great testimony of faith but they didn't get the promise god having reserved something better for us something see something better than living by your own faith something better than living by your faith now what is it what is it are you still there let me show it to you you still with me yeah you sure you are god having provided something better for us oh what is it paul found out what it was galatians chapter 2 verses 20 and 21. watch it galatians chapter 2 verses 20 and 21. shall i start quoting it i have been crucified with christ it is no longer i who live but christ lives in me and the life which i now live in the flesh i'm not living it by my faith i'm living it by the faith the son of god it's not faith in the son of god the king james says it right i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me now what did the faith of the son of god do he finish the work and obtain the promise so now i'm not living by my faith i'm not living by what my obedience gets done i am now living everything i do is based on what his obedience got done by faith he used his faith to get me everything i already had so now i don't need to use my faith to get it i got it my faith manifests it it doesn't get it it's already god it's already got it's already if you understand so my confession of faith is never futuristic nothing is ever going to happen for me everything has already happened for me [Applause] everything good that could possibly happen to me has already happened [Applause] lay your hands on yourself say i will get this i see see you just failed say i have this see i did what i say i have this i stay with me i'm teaching here don't say what i say just because i said it stay with me watch what i just spent an hour teaching y'all and you just lay your hands on yourself and say i have this in the name of jesus now and and and this is where the lord showed it to me see the promise the promise was when the work was finished christ in you see i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet no not but christ lives in me and the life that i now live in this flesh i'm living by his finished work believing that everything is finished i'm living it like that the life that i don't live in the flesh i'm living by the faith of the son of god who loved me and did all the work for me so i'll never forget it i was reading this i'll never forget i was reading this go to luke 8 i just want to read it to you because this is how it happened to me this is how it happened to me it was in this whole it was in this whole session of revelation and impartation where uh thank you master and as i'm talking about it i can almost sense the very glory that was in that moment and the lord was dealing with me about this and he was telling me now the work is done the promise has been received christ in you is the hope of glory hope reasonable expectation for good glory manifestation of the goodness of god christ in you is now what should give you reasonable expectation to see the goodness of god manifest christ in you is now the reason why something good is going to happen [Applause] the anointed one and the anointing in you is now what's going to cause healing to manifest [Applause] i'll never forget i was reading it luke 8 22 through 25 put it up it says now it happened on a certain day that he got into a boat with his disciples and he said to them let us cross over to the other side and they launched out but as they sailed he fell asleep and a windstorm came down on the lake and they were filling with water meaning the boat and we're in jeopardy reading on reading on reading on and they came to him and awoke him saying master we are perishing then he arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water and they ceased and there was a calm but he said to them oh notice we said where's your faith and they were afraid and marvel and saying to one another who can this be for he commands even the winds and the water and they obey him and i was reading this one day during this impartation and instruction of the lord and he said son do you see it i i said no i don't he said do you see it i said no he said the work is finished i said yeah christ in you is over what i said yeah he said so now watch this i'm going to back this up with scripture and i'll be done he said now you are not only the one who calls on me to do something he said when i answer i'm gonna answer through christ in you no you didn't get it see where is christ now he's in you so i saw this i saw this and i saw and i saw it in my mind's eye i can be the one that goes to god in prayer crying and weeping and yelling and wailing and saying lord don't you care that i'm perishing oh lord don't you care about what's going on don't you care about what the doctor said don't you care about how my wife is that don't you care about how my husband don't you care about the fact that we're about to go bro don't you care and he says and and i'll hear you he said but when i answer [Applause] what's gonna happen is just like they woke christ up in their boat i'm gonna wake christ up in you i'm gonna rouse the anointing in you i'm going to cause you so you are now the one who gets on your knees and says lord don't you care that i'm perishing and then you're the one that when you get up in courage you're also the one who stands and rebukes the wind and tells the waves to be still [Applause] you now are occupying both positions you now cannot wait for me to come by the hospital room i'm not coming by the hospital [Applause] [Music] i'm not coming christ in you [Applause] is gonna go in the hospital and speak and if you're in the hospital and christ is in you it's time to start talking [Applause] [Applause] let me show it to you in the bible so you won't just remember my emotion play something i'm done go to colossians 4 1-6 real quick i need you to see this so you can take this down because i just said something that is so revolutionary and so revelatory and i'm not saying it because i said it i didn't give it to me he gave it to me but now that i got it i'm responsible for getting it to you and not just in a service where you get it but so when you get out there and the wind starts roaring and the waves start beating and the enemy starts telling you you're going under and you're not going to make it and you cry out to god there's a point where you're going to cry out and that anointing is going to rise up in you oh if this hasn't happened to you yet i pray that it happens to you soon where you're on your face praying and crying out to god and before you get done you start prophesying to the very thing you were praying about has it happened to you yet [Applause] if it did it's because christ got woke in your boat [Music] some of you know what i'm talking about one day you were sweating and threatening and hollering and then you got in prayer and something rolls up on the inside you said wait a minute devil grey there is he that is here [Music] [Applause] what happened christ just woke up in your vessel that anointing just got stirred i feel the power of god if you're next to somebody you can lay your hands on lay your hands on them and say christ in you the hope of glory do it at home christ in you the hope of it and if you're by yourself lay your hands on yourself and say christ in me [Music] put up colossians chapter four real quick verse one go go down to verse or no i'm sorry one colossians no no no i'm sorry galatians chapter four i can't read my own writing galatians chapter 4 verse 1 through 6 galatians chapter 4 verse 1 through 6. [Music] watch this oh don't miss this watch it now i say that the air as long as he is a child meaning as long as he's immature in other words he's the inheritor but he's still immature does not differ at all from a slave though he is master of all but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed of the father even so we when we were children were in bondage under the elements of the world but when the fullness of the time had come god sent forth his son born over one born under the law to redeem those who were under the law that we might receive the adoption as sons now watch this and because you are son [Music] he has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying out abba father or father father keep that right there oh i'll never forget this i was reading this and the lord said he said son do you see it i said no no no no sir i don't see it he said but but look at what i just said i said and because you're my son i sent forth the spirit of my son into your heart so i watch it the spirit of my son is in your heart now watch it and you cry out father father to me but my spirit is in you no you don't get it the spirit of my son is in you he said when i came into your spirit i am now inhabiting both worlds i am now in heaven and in earth [Music] so he said in actuality when you call on to me i answer inside of you you didn't hear what i just said when when you call unto me my answer is now coming through you so you can ask me to fix it and when i answer you i'ma have you get up and speak to it cause that's how i fix it do you see it [Applause] [Music] give you one more i'm done romans 8 11 i got to empty myself today i got to be empty romans 8 but if the spirit of him who raised jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal body through his spirit who dwells in you what does that mean that means now if you're going to get healed it's not going to come from virtue coming out of jesus garment now if you're going to get healed it's going to come out of the spirit of god virtue is going to start flowing out of your spirit into your body and drive cancer out it's not coming from outside of you into you it's coming from inside of you out of you somebody shout unto god [Music] unto god with the voice of triumph sham unto god shout unto god with the voice of triumph he settled it he fixed it he settled it in your favor it's already done it's already yours hallelujah i said hallelujah that's why you said hold fast to your confession of faith don't you change it because somebody tells you to shut up say it louder don't you change it because a circumstance tells you it won't happen say it louder faithful is he who comes hey and he will perform it feeling kind of preachy now somebody shout hallelujah he will [Applause] lay your hands on yourself and say it is so say it is done it is mine i'm not putting it in the future i have it now and it will manifest in not many days but i have it now i'm healed now i'm blessed now i'm prospered now i'm victorious now i'm righteous now [Music] the habit will fall off the hobby will turn around but you are the righteousness of god right now [Music] lay your hand upon yourself [Music] do you get it do you get it see this is what he the writer of hebrews is telling us none of those people that i'm writing to you about had what you have none of those people who did all that stuff with their faith have what you have they didn't have christ in them they didn't have that anointing on the ins they didn't have that [Music] lay your hands upon yourself if you pray in the holy ghost give me 60 seconds of holy ghost prayer right now if you pray in the understanding then go ahead and just begin to pray in the understanding begin to thank god for his word begin to thank him for the revelation of the spirit begin to thank him for what he has done there are people under the sound of my voice right now who are being filled with the holy spirit as we speak because you recognize now jesus is glorified and christ is already on the inside of you when you were born again he came in and so now you don't need anything to fall down on you from above you just need to yield to what's already on the inside of you and let the holy ghost begin to well up i see it in the spirit right now there are men and women being filled with the holy ghost [Music] the bible says and they spake as the holy spirit gave utterance he's not going to do the talking you got to do the talking but he'll give the utterance in the name of jesus if you're in this room and you have never received the infilling of the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking with other tongues that blessing is flowing right now that endowment is flowing right now that grace is flowing around if you're watching me live streaming and you're born again jesus said out of your belly out of your belly out of your belly shall flow rivers peter said he will pour out of his spirit he's already on the inside and he's being poured out now some of you are beginning to hear words that you've never learned in a language other than your own begin to speak and the holy ghost will give utterance come on pray in the holy ghost mandela it's happening right now in the name of jesus receive receive receive you the holy ghost in the name of jesus i loose the rivers of living water on the inside of you and in the name of jesus i command them to flow [Music] [Music] that's it that's it in the name of jesus receive receive receive receive elaborated it's happening it's happening now come on lift your hand before the lord [Music] thank you lift those hands and say in the covenant i'm in [Music] in the new covenant faith is always is come on lift those hands you say bishop what do you mean by that faith is always is whatever god's word says it is it's not going to be it's not about to be it's not fixing to be if god said it it is and if you will say on earth what he has said then things on earth will be as they are in heaven come and lift those hands before the lord somebody's faith is rising someone's faith is rising because your hope is getting substance to it now i'll never forget years ago when the lord said to me he said son i reveal no works in progress i'll never forget it i was in prayer and i saw you know like when they unveil a sculpture when they when they take the covers off and he said son he said i i don't reveal any works in progress he said if i show it to you it's finished [Applause] he said if you see it it's already done if i show it to you i don't show you stuff i'm working on i wish i had somebody who could hear me he said if i show it to you in prayer if you see it in the spirit if i reveal it to you i'm not working on it it's done [Applause] [Music] if i show you you will i'm not working on it it's done if i show if i if i show you the house i'm not i'm not working it out [Music] it's done if i revit if you're in prayer and you see it he said i'm not working on it it's the i'm just waiting on somebody on earth to get my word and put it in their mouth and say it is so i've got it i have it and let them laugh at you let them ridicule you let them say you're crazy but when you invite them over to the house for dinner they'll believe when you drive them in the car you believe what they'll believe i got to let you go [Music] i pray you were blessed and you received the word of life i'm telling you your faith can make you well your faith can get the job accomplished your faith can cause the thing to turn around your faith can cause that child of yours to come back to god your faith can see you sustained when everybody around you is begging and everybody else is being laid off and nobody else can find a job your faith [Music] your faith will do it lay your hands upon yourself father i pray now for every person under the sound of my voice i thank you for their patience i thank you for their sensitivity to you i thank you that they were willing today to let your son minister to them and receive now in the name of jesus of nazareth i declare today you shift into new covenant new creation faith i declare in the name of jesus you won't have to go through reversals and destruction and despair to discover what faith is but you will walk in it and i declare supernatural results begin to manifest in your body in your life in your home in your family in your circumstance i declare today things begin to reverse and turn around as you take god's word in your mouth and begin to speak it in the name of jesus christ in you the anointed one and that anointing on the inside of you is more than enough and in the name of jesus i agree with you today for jesus said if any two of you shall agree it's touching anything they sh they ask it shall be done for them i'm in agreement with you sir i'm in agreement with you ma'am for your household for your family for the thing god has shown you if nobody else on planet earth is believing with you i'm believing with you right now if god showed it to you i agree if he said it i agree it's yours you'll walk in it you'll live in it you'll drive it you'll recover in the name of jesus oh god i feel the power of the holy ghost isn't that something lay your hands on yourself i just i just heard this in my spirit huh [Music] i just heard the lord he just said something he said son that's why i told my disciples after the resurrection i said and if you lay hands on the sick they'll recover i didn't tell you they'd be healed because i healed him on the cross [Music] the lord just said that to me he said that's why that's why i didn't say they'd be healed i said they'd recover oh my god oh my god oh my god i've never had that thought before see you new creation you're not being healed you're recovering the healing happened at the cross all you're waiting on is a recovery i just heard it did you get it did you get it whoa allah about to get up out of a bed somebody's about to go to a doctor and see a reversal of a report somebody's going to be breathing again walking again running again i release my faith for your full recovery now in the name of jesus bring her to me lavinia bring her to me in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus bring her to me come with us in the name of jesus bring him to me in in the in the name of jesus stop her there in the name of jesus recover now [Applause] somebody somebody somebody lift your hands and worship god lay your hands on a lavinia lay your hands on them lay your hands on it in the name of jesus i need somebody to lift their hands and worship my god and somebody lift your hands and say it's done it's done it's done the bible says with choice with them that do rejoice shout about it now [Music] [Applause] i decree your recovery lay your hands upon yourself that's a bona fide miracle there'll be a testimony to that that thing is done i don't even know what happened i i know i saw the lord dealing with her for about the last 30 minutes lay your hands upon yourself [Music] gotta let you go it's happening it's happening it's happening it's happening everywhere it's happening everywhere lay your hands upon yourself laid your hands upon yourself watching me live streaming lay your hands upon yourself in this room lay your hands upon yourself god bear me witness in the holy ghost that which i have by his grace shared with you the lord shared it with me changed my life [Music] i declare it changes yours [Music] lay your hands upon yourself that which i have ministered to you is something that god wants you and i to begin to walk in [Music] in a whole nother level and you're going to begin to see results not just for yourself but for those around you lay your hands upon yourself there are miracles happening all over this room there are miracles taking place by people watching me i know as surely as god just touched that woman there are people on floors all over the nation and in other nations of the world there are people weeping and crying their sicknesses and diseases that have left pains and aches are gone faith has arisen in hearts and lives and souls and there are people who are knowing that they know that they know that they know that situations that they can't even see right now but they know they've already turned around and by tuesday wednesday by friday you're going to go into a situation that's already been reversed thank you lord i want you to lay your hands upon yourself sir i want you to lay your hands upon yourself ma'am and i want every person under the sound of my voice now to get ready to sow in to this anointing into this word i say this by the spirit not because i taught it because i know where it came from the word that you have just heard is one of the life-changing words that you will receive in your walk of faith i'm telling you i know it and i'm not saying it in arrogance because i didn't teach me this the holy ghost taught me this and he told me to make sure that his new covenant family is walking in new covenant faith [Music] for in this covenant we are not calling things that be not as though they are in this covenant we are calling things that already are finished as though they are even though they have not manifested yet they are they just haven't manifested but your faith is going to bring them into manifestation living by the faith of the son of god trusting in his finished work not your performance his finished work some of you shifted in the last few minutes you'll never be the same again lay your hands upon yourself i want every person under the sound of my voice to get ready with me and to sow now into this moment and into this anointing this is one of those life-changing moments one of those times when you mark a moment in the spirit from a before and after from until then and after this and in the name of jesus i want everybody under the sound of my voice to get a seed in their hand and sow it this is not sowing into just a ministry this is sowing into an anointing into a into a moment in god and i want you to do it prophetically now there are those of you in this room and those of you under the sound of my voice god spoke to you to sow something specific as the word of god was going forth there's some people god spoke to so a thousand dollar seat somebody 500 somebody else 200 there are several people under the sound of my voice god spoke to you just so at a certain level into this anointing something supernatural is already happening for you and the reason god prompted you is because he's already manifesting a thing your faith is at work i want everybody else if god hasn't said something specific to you i want you to get a seed of 77's you and i want you to sow it under the anointing there's an impartation flowing here and i want to pray that the holy spirit leads you even deeper into truth there are things that he will say to you that are specifically for you but today a door has been opened in the spirit that you can begin to walk through there are some specific individual things for your life sir for your life ma'am for your life that are connected to this moment of believing believing god believing god believing his word the bible says believe in the lord your god so shall you be established [Music] i believe his prophets those who speak under divine inspiration and you shall prosper so right now i want you to do it lavinia lay your hands on her [Music] my daughter i want you to lift your hands before the lord because i'm telling you i'm trying to move on but the spirit of the lord is telling me to tell you when you go back to the physician when the matter is settled you will know that the hand of the lord has done it [Music] and the physician will verify that the hand of the lord has done it you shall live [Music] and not die and the promise i made you says the spirit of the lord i will yet perform this is my word to you hallelujah i hear the spirit of the lord say it is no accident that you were here this day and the decision that you made to hear the word of god there were some obstacles that tried to prevent you from receiving but the enemy has lost again [Music] and i hear the spirit of god saying i hear the spirit of god say from this moment from this very moment [Music] he said don't even ask me about this again don't pray about this again thank me for this is done and declare my promise and you will see it says the lord i need everybody in the i don't know what this is but this is significant i need everybody in the building to stretch your hands toward my sister and three times say recover recover recover say it now shout with her like that was your sister [Applause] hey what was i doing what was i doing seed seed i was so so if you've got your seed prepared lift it lift it if you've got it here thank you master jesus [Music] there are people watching me that are miracles are happening healings are occurring and and you too will go back to physicians and something will be back in order that was out of order or something that's already happening you need to write me and let me know what's happened i'm going to share but i just heard the spirit of the lord yes god i'll do it i just heard the spirit of the lord say he said there are some people that are watching and the spirit of god told you to sow something and you sowed something but not what he told you and the holy spirit just said to me tell them to sow what i told them there's a miracle on its way to them in this moment listen to me there are times when god tells you to give not because he's about to do something it's because he's already done it and he tells you to lift it up to him in praise so that it's of faith there are people under the sound of my voice in the next 24 in the next 48 the next 72 hours somebody's gonna knock on your door a phone call is going to come a piece of mail an email is going to come that's going to set things right that were wrong bring things into order that have been out of order for a while somebody's about to get good news from a far distance that something has been settled in your favor [Music] i want to go just like you do but this anointing is ministering to some people if you're ready to so lift your gift lift your hands whatever you're doing do it in faith say it out loud say lord jesus i lift this to you in faith believing that all things are mine it's settled in my favor that which you have shown it's already done and i thank you right now that in favor in finance in things being added to me in supernatural manifestations that money cannot buy my act of believing is positioning me to receive to recover in the name of jesus it is so if you believe it clap your hands and thank the lord [Applause] now if you're grateful for the word of god clap your hands even louder and thank god for his word thank him for it it came from him [Music] those of you that are watching me live streaming now's the time on your computer screen your smartphone there's a donate button all you got to do is so if you're text giving you can text cement four one four four i'm talking to you text c e m to four one four four four the number on your screen three one zero three two three six 2600 is so you can call if you need prayer there's someone a trained prayer minister ready to agree with you you can sow your seed there too and let us agree with you in faith if you've got the bishop mclendon app it's a very easy way to sew you can download it from google or itunes or you can come here live and so as god has directed you but however you do it do it in faith do it in expectation do it expecting in the name of jesus and the people said amen clap your hands one more time and thank god for his word [Music] now we're going to take communion i'm going to minister communion in just this moment we'll do it quickly if you're here or did i not have the ushers get your gifts here anybody still sowing let me see you still got an envelope to sow the ushers are serving you okay oh sharers go get them because you know in churches you don't get the envelope people think god didn't want them to give so if you so i made it out but the lord must not have wanted me to give no no make sure you [Music] make sure you sow in faith and let's believe god together amen [Music] my spirit as we were ministering that as we ministered communion today there were some [Music] real recoveries that would take place in manifestation [Music] and in my spirit just a few minutes ago as i was ministering to you it was almost as if the spirit of the lord took me to the communion and he was impressing upon me to share with you that today many of you are moving to a completely different realm of believing i've been teaching in this area and and and what i sense in my spirit is and i'm going to say it this way because i don't know how else to say it it's just going to be easier for you to believe do you understand what i just said it's just it's just it's just going to be easier for you to believe and and and that's the best way i can say there's a point at which your believing just gets easier it you don't have to work it up or try to it just it happens now you're moving not just in a dimension of faith but in a dimension of glory there's a glory [Music] on your life do you understand you're going to be i need to leave i'll be here another 30 minutes there's a glory that you will begin to walk in now there's there's something about glory that other people see it often before you do other people begin to respond to it often before you do [Music] things of favor will begin to happen to you it's a manifestation of glory [Music] there'll be some devils reacting to you too because because they they sense the glory too [Music] see you got it you got you got to you got to get used to it so you you prayed to be more like jesus [Music] and you remember there were times where jesus would just go into a room and devils would start crying out and he hadn't done anything [Music] i remember asking the lord what did happen he said because see the demons they sense the glory they know when someone comes into an atmosphere that has the authority to eject them see as long as there are people around who have no authority they'll behave but then you come in the room and stuff just starts going crazy [Music] i don't know why i'm saying this but i'm telling you there are some of you that you have been abiding devils that you should have been ejecting [Music] and the glory is going to flush them out [Music] and now you go and you're gonna come into houses and apartments and friends places and feel something say in the name of jesus i command that thing to go [Music] [Applause] some of you need to go into your place of business and stretch out your hands okay take the bread say these words out loud say lord i receive your finished work i receive the body that took my sin my sickness and my poverty i declare jesus you paid for it in full and i thank you my sins are remitted and there is nothing standing between me and the goodness of god the work is finished i receive it not based on my but based on what jesus has done [Music] i believe it let's all eat together [Music] after supper the bible says jesus took the cup and he said this cup is the new agreement it is the new covenant in my blood [Music] that when you and i drink this we're not drinking the blood of jesus the scripture never says this is his blood it says this is the new covenant in my blood in other words when we take this in we are taking in the new covenant we are receiving becoming benefactors this [Music] is the weapon and the wisdom of god for the new creation communion is a weapon it is wisdom and jesus said this cup is a new i've said it many times only in relation to the cup does he speak of the new with the bread he doesn't say the new the bread is the finish of the old when we take the cup we are testifying we are new covenant believers new creations in christ jesus and all that the new covenant has belongs to us do you believe it then lift the cup and say in the name of jesus i receive the new i move to the other side of the situation and fully in the new covenant i am a child of new covenant faith i receive it in the name of jesus let's all drink together and the people said amen if you have never accepted christ jesus as your lord and savior every good thing that i have spoken belongs to you the moment you receive the finished work of jesus christ if you're in this room or watching me live streaming i want you simply to say these words out loud say lord jesus you are the reconciler you are the one who has made me one again with god i declare your sacrifice was accepted on my behalf my sins are remitted and your resurrection is my receipt it is my evidence that your sacrifice was accepted by the father [Music] and i am accepted by the father not because of what i have done but because of what you have done lord jesus savior of the world thank you in jesus name i am saved it is so and the moment you are saved you are also healed [Music] by the blood and by the power of god you begin to say so begin to walk in it and hang out with us as we continue to learn more and more about the goodness of god and the finished work of jesus were you blessed today you were blessed today amen thank god for his word father in the name of jesus now i pray a hedge of protection in the north the south the east and the west around your people around their goods around their households around their families and all they have on every side i declare that everything their hands touch prospers i declare that they continue to increase in the land which you give them and i declare the angels of the lord in can't round about them and they deliver them all week long for we are those that fear the lord and everyone who agreed with the man of god said i love you i'll see you by god's grace next week at the place of grace we'll see you bye bye become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 3,541
Rating: 4.8816566 out of 5
Id: mBQ7L0LRsCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 294min 45sec (17685 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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