The Worship Experience - February 6, 2022

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internationally recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised word of god bishop clarency mcclinton answers the prophetic and apostolic call upon his life by ministering the healing grace and miracle anointing of jesus christ around the world [Music] by his preaching and teaching the uncompromised gospel of jesus christ bishop mcclendon the teacher the preacher the apostle and an anointed prophet sent to the nations being used by the power of the holy spirit has led to the healing and deliverance of millions around the world during his healing crusades and conferences [Music] if you want to experience another level of worship witness the healing power of jesus learn the uncompromised word of god confirmed by notable miracles then we invite you to partake in the overwhelming power of the holy spirit by the moving of god's transforming grace prepare to receive today's word with a recap from the prophet's recent messages i spoke to you at the beginning of the year about three characteristics that the spirit of god said to me that would be significant as you and i went from 2021 into 2022 or in the hebrew calendar 57 81-57 82 uh the lord and i keep saying this he i i did not get the sense moving into this year of newness in the sense of a fresh thing happening or uh or something uh new occurring i got more of the sense of a different day in the same season i felt that the season wasn't changing so much but the day was changing if that makes sense and and and so the spirit of the lord said to me and that there would be three characteristics that i was to be aware of and to share with the people of god that would be indicative and characteristic of this season one he said was that it would be a season of solidifying and i talked to you about that which we'll point out in just a moment here in what we're going to share and he likened it to me to the pouring of concrete in fact i saw in my spirit the pouring of concrete when he said it to me he said it was going to be a season of solidifying and i talked to you about uh i gave you isaiah chapter 60 verses 1 and 2 as the verses that speak to that where god says arise shine for your light has come talking to his people and the glory of the lord has risen upon you and then the very next verse he says behold darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people so while light is shining on you darkness is going to be covering the earth so there's going to be a distinction between god's people and people who are not walking with god honoring god or walking in agreement with his principles and his word wait if you understand that he says i said to you darkness shall come to earth but gross darkness the king james says deep darkness the new king james says will cover the people so there's going to be a general darkness on the planet but there's going to be another dimension of darkness that is infecting the minds and the emotions and the spirits of people who do not know god and are not giving attention to his word [Applause] wait if you understand what i said and the spirit of the lord said to me in this season those two polarities will be solidifying in other words if you're in darkness the darkness is going to get darker and you're going to be more entrenched in the darkness in other words people who are in darkness are going to they're going to plant a flag in the darkness and stay there and people who are in the light are going to begin to plant flags in the light and god says i'm going to show up for you because the very next verse of isaiah 60 verse number 3 he says and the gentiles or those without a covenant shall come to the brightness of your rising are you there in other words while you're rising in other words there's going to be great darkness and great light but as the light gets brighter even people who are entrenched in darkness wait a minute wait a minute wait something's happening to them that isn't happening to us we need to get out of here but but here's the thing see it's we are we are we are past the point where conversation yeah and rhetoric will get the job done it's now going to require some supernatural demonstration from god preaching is not going to get it done although teaching is not going to get it done alone there's going to have to be some manifestation something's gonna have to be happening for you that's not happening for them something's gonna be happy happening through us that's not happening for people who do not know god wait with me if you understand to me that it would be a season of wonders without warnings which i've been teaching on for the last several weeks from second kings chapter three where elisha the prophet is called into a situation uh with the king of israel jehoram the king of judah jehoshaphat and the king of edom and while they're in a situation that looks bad when elisha the prophet is called he says there will not be wind nor will there be rain you won't see wind and you won't see rain but this whole valley is going to be filled with water in other words he said the miracle is going to happen even though you won't see it coming and we talked about wonders without warnings that supernatural things are going to begin to manifest for god's people even if it doesn't look like it can happen if god said it it's going to happen anyway you will go to bed in a mess and wake up in a miracle and then the third thing that we said which i'll begin to share on today uh a little bit as much as i can and i may not get done but i'll continue it is the lord said that this is going to be a season of the summonings of god that his people are going to have to summon him i need you to understand this now you've got to understand this with your spiritual understanding this is why the bible tells us that we'd be that we are to be filled with the knowledge of god's will in all wisdom meaning according to the word and spiritual understanding god said i'm going to have to be summoned into situations that people would say well wait a minute bishop mcclendon god is omnipresent he is everywhere so if he's everywhere why does he need to be summoned because he is present everywhere but he is not active everywhere i need you to say he is present everywhere but he is not active everywhere he is active where somebody will believe his word and call upon his name wave at me if you understand what i'm saying here's the thing that hit me god tells elijah go present yourself to ahab and i'll send rain upon the earth but elijah presents himself they have has this encounter and look at verse number 19 he said okay so we've got to stale me you say it's me and i say it's you god help me preach this you say i'm the problem and i'm telling you you're the problem and your prophets have so prophesied in the ears of the nation that they also think i'm the problem so you have to understand that the prophets of baal and asherah are not in temples they're not in satanic churches the prophets of baal and asherah are on cnn abc nbc ain't nobody saying nothing to me they are spewing the spirit of fear the spirit of baal the spirit of asherah they are spewing words that are attempt to move people from trusting the word of god the will of god the plans of god the purposes of god and trusting science and intellect the devil is a liar my god is about to answer by fire [Applause] but somebody's got to call the showdown somebody's got to say enough with the talk enough with the debate enough with the finger party the god who is god is going to show himself grab your neighbor's hand and tell them this is why wonders without warnings all about to happen in your life happen at your word happen at your decree this is why god is going to do some things for you that are going to make people scratch their heads because time for talk is over there's nowhere in the scripture nowhere somebody say nowhere there is nowhere in the scripture where you see god tell elijah call the prophets of baal call the prophets of asherah get this get this meeting on mount karma there's nowhere where god says that to elijah that we can see but elijah understands that there will be no reigns until there is a confrontation with the spirit of the enemy that is blinding the minds of people he understands there will be no rain until this war that is going on of words is settled the prophets of baal are saying this this this this this the prophets of god are saying this this this this this and elijah says enough with the talk yeah bring your prophets jezebel bring your prophets i have bring them to mount carmel yeah i am telling you in the name of jesus you can count on it there are going to be some showdowns in the next 12 months where the prophets of baal and the prophets of god are going to square off and my god is going to answer by fight i am prophesying as i have been commanded [Applause] good god i wish i could preach this like i feel it are you still here i said are you still here this is not a world of earthly weapons it is a word of words it is a war between the words of eternal life and the words of earthly men peter said to jesus you have the words you have the words you have the words of ayanos zoe you have the words of life eternal what you've got to have i understand is the power is in your words child of god the power is in your words man of god the power is when you say what god has said he will show up slap somebody high five and say say something say it if you see something say something look at verse 2 so ahab sent for the children of israel and gathered the prophets together on mount carmel and elijah came to all the people and said how long how long how long will you falter between two opinions in other words the people are separated they are polarized they are stuck they are stuck they are stuck they can't move they are given an option and they still can't answer they are given an opportunity and they still can't move and what the church doesn't understand is you've got a generation of people who are stuck because they haven't seen the power of your god they've seen you talk they've seen your skinny jeans and tattered t-shirts but they have not seen the power of god though nothing wrong with skinny jeans and tattered t-shirts if you got the body for it wear it but don't think it'll bring an anointing all you look is cool cool doesn't get people unstuck cool doesn't get people saved it is when the power of god invades an atmosphere in an undeniable manifestation that no man can muster that nation's fall to their knees and say jehovah he is god yeah i need to say it a powerless church will never win the world there's got to be an outpouring slap somebody high five and say god says the reigns are coming [Music] no no no no look at him say god says the reigns are about to return and if i be a prophet of god you will see signs in the nation you will see unusual rains you will see flash floods in places in the next 30 days you will hear of unusual rains falling in places where they normally don't fall because god told me to tell you the rains are about to return now if you don't understand the agricultural dynamics again of israel you don't understand i said it before there would be a former rain to prepare the grounds for planting and a ladder rain to prepare the grounds for harvest the bible talks about the time of the latter rain spiritually are you still here and so the question is wait a minute god if it's time for the latter rain why do i need to ask you for it it's time for it why should i ask i don't need to ask for rain if it's time for rain but god says what you don't understand is there are things holding up the rain it's supposed to be falling but it's being held up are you still here go to joel chapter 2 verse 23 and 24 he says be glad then you children of zion and rejoice in the lord your god god told me to tell you three things ask and that word ask there in zechariah doesn't just mean inquire it means demand demand the rain summon the rain call on watch this god said tell me she said tell the people number one zechariah said ask here joel says be glad and rejoice write it down ask be glad and rejoice ask be glad and rejoice ask be glad and rejoice don't wait for the manifestation ask be glad that it's coming and rejoice before it comes watch be glad then you children of zion and rejoice in the lord your god watch it for he has given you the former rain faithfully and he will cause he will cause he will cause the rain to come down for you watch this the former rain and the latter rain in the first month in other words he said if you ask if you start rejoicing and you start praising you're not just going to get the former rain you're going to get the farmer and the latter at the same slap somebody high five and say that sounds like a flood to me if we get the elaborate under if we get the former and the latter at the same time somebody's gonna get swept away somebody's gonna go in the wave of glory somebody's gonna get healed somebody's gonna get i need you to grab your neighbor's hand and shake it like you're trying to shake it off and say god says the reigns are returning but you've got to demand them now you got to rejoice now and you got to be glad it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming [Applause] i have heard the word of the lord he said tell my people to summon me call me into the situation say what i have said no matter what it looks like declare what i have said no matter what it looks like i am telling you lay your hands upon yourself i'm talking to you [Music] somebody says yeah bishop but i did it before yeah but i've been doing it uh what you don't understand is the day has changed something is backing you now that wasn't backing you a few months [Laughter] [Music] something is behind you now that wasn't behind you a few months ago something is around you now that wasn't around you a few days ago [Music] there have been angels released on assignment to operate in these last days god said in matthew 13 at the end of the age i'm going to speak to some angels and put them on special assignment i'm telling you it's happening now somebody lift your hands and say i've got invisible assistance help in high places lift your hands and say i've got friends [Music] in high places come on lift your hands i'm telling you in the name of jesus something is about to open over your life and the reigns are about to return the outpouring is happening it's being released now now now now i need somebody to lift their hands and shout at the top of your lugs now now now now now now [Music] [Music] [Music] as new creation believers we must learn how to work the principles of the kingdom of god to overcome life's toughest challenges in this comprehensive teaching bishop mcclendon explains how jehovah jireh the lord who we'll provide is not only one of god's redemptive names it is also a place jehovah jireh is a place it is a name for god but it is also a place in god by understanding the mechanics of this principle you will be able to tap into god's provision like never before there are people i'm sent to that in the next 30 days or so you are going to have an encounter with jehovah jireh that is going to change you your life and everything that comes after this forever don't miss this opportunity to overturn lack and frustration in your life download this powerful teaching from our digital store and get ready to enter the place jehovah jireh today [Music] what separates believers from the rest of the world is our faith in god so it is important to know what god has said and how he operates based on his word in this dynamic teaching bishop mclendon unlocks astounding biblical truths that will change the way you think about your salvation when you are indoctrinated with religion you begin to think your ceremonies make you acceptable your performance makes you acceptable so i don't do this and i don't do that and i don't do this and i don't do that and i stay away from this and i stay away from that and now i am acceptable to god no your ceremony your performance can never make you acceptable to god and when you understand how free the son has made you you will never again try to become acceptable to god by your performance be prepared to be released from years of guilt and condemnation for your mistakes and flaws this eye-opening revelation will help you see that you were created to live free and walk free available now in our digital store become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network [Applause] praise the lord welcome to the place of grace where whoever can be healed delivered elevated transformed praise his mighty name hallelujah praise glory hallelujah let's wave to our maker wave to the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah give him the highest praise hallelujah hallelujah when you think of the goodness of the lord just makes you want to go get that moment you know you think of something that you remember he did like and it was like what is wrong with her but something he did something i'm telling you he did something for me did he do something for you has he done something for you worship him this morning someone maybe online or in the in the room right now maybe there's something you're dealing with and you're and you're asking god to encourage you let me tell you something and i say this in humility as worship leaders as singers before the lord we are here to encourage you we could be doing something else this morning but the lord has given us that function to come and help elevate our brothers and sisters key into the spirit of god because he loves you so much and there's something he wants to give to you this morning there's something he wants you to know to understand to see to hear to sense amen amen i'm going to encourage us a little bit i'm going to read from 2nd chronicles chapter 32. the first line in the niv says after all that hezekiah had so faithfully done senator king of assyria came and invaded judah he laid seats to the fortified cities thinking to conquer them for himself when hezekiah saw that senator had come that he would intend to make war on jerusalem he consulted with his officials and military staff about blocking off the water from the springs outside the city and they helped him he appointed i'm going to drop to go so for time he at six he says he appointed military officers over the people assembled before him in the square at the city gate and encouraged them with these words and be encouraged with these words be strong and courageous do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of assyria because of your situation and the vast army with him for there is a greater power with us than with him with him is only the arm of flesh but with us is the lord our god to help us and to fight our battles [Music] and the people gained confidence from that from what hezekiah the king of judah said the king of praise yes [Music] and we're gonna go a little further so when so this is what senna i'm now i'm at uh 10. this is what senator king of assyria says on what are you basing your confidence that you remain in jerusalem under siege when hezekiah says the lord our god will save us from the hand of the king of assyria he is misleading you to let you die of hunger and thirst did did not hezekiah himself remove the gods high places and altar saying judah and jerusalem you must worship before one altar and burn sacrifices on it this is what he says do you not know who i and my fathers have done to all the peoples of the other lands so when the enemy is taunting you and creating doubts and he says were the gods of those nations ever able to deliver them from their land from my hand who of all these gods of these nations that my father's destroyed has been able to save his people from me how then can your god deliver you from my hand he says now do not let hezekiah deceive you and mislead you like this do not believe him for no god of any nation or kingdom has been able to deliver his people from my hand and my fathers how much less will your god deliver you from my hand [Music] he just dug himself his own grave you know we read further [Music] the king also wrote letters insulting the lord the god of israel saying against them just as the other gods you know the people of the land go and going on and then this is the one this is what i have highlighted in my bible i'm reading a picture of of of my bible right my hard copy it says then they called out in hebrew to the people of jerusalem who were on the wall to terrify them and make them afraid in order to capture the [Music] he tries to instill fear and doubt so that he can steal from you because you are secure in the lord so if we don't yield to the fear and we trust in our god and we stand firm he can't take what we have that was his his mo to instill fear to instill doubt it says to terrify them and make them afraid in order to capture their city because he has no power over you amen they spoke to god of jerusalem as they did the gods of the other world king hezekiah and the prophet of isaiah prophet isaiah son of amos cried out in prayers to the heaven to god and the lord sent an angel to who annihilated all the fighting men and the leaders of the officers of the camp of a syrian king and when you read further when the king went back home his sons dealt with him and killed him like i said when the enemy comes at you he has dug himself his own grave stand on the word of god and when you read the chapter before and you look at what has it remember the first line says after all that hezekiah had so faithfully done do you know what he was faithfully doing he was worshiping he was setting up the priests they were tithing they were giving thanks to god in various ways in song in tithing and offering that's what we're gonna do this morning we're going to faithfully worship our king of kings we're going to faithfully worship the lord who reigns forevermore we're going to faithfully praise this majestic king of glory amen wave to the lord say lord you reign forevermore your mercy endures because you are good because you are great the great and mighty god we worship and adore you we lift your name on high and we do it faithfully we're not tired we're not weary we stand strong and we are courageous and we worship our maker in the good times and the challenging times we will continue to worship our god because even when they were at peace they were faithfully worshiping their god so when trouble came at their doorstep the lord sent that angel and destroyed whatever shadow the enemy was putting before them amen that is our portion he is our strong tower we the righteous run into him and we are continually consistently forever more saved hallelujah give him the praise lift up your voice lift up your voice lift up your voice praise the name give him back the breath that he has given us worship the lord think of what the lord has done for you think of the things that you have heard think of who he is his nature the healer our master our faithful friend when i think of a faithful friend and how god has been there for me i can't but worship him it's not enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] trustworthy he's reliable you can count on him come on worship the lord lift up your voices come on praise him in the mic praise him in the mic hallelujah fill this room with worship don't love me worship you we know you we give you all [Music] [Music] you are the king of glory i'm overwhelmed we stand in all of you oh there's nowhere [Music] we were [Music] we [Music] we praise you we we pray we pray we were [Music] come on if somebody next to you doesn't look like they're in the spirit time come on be [Music] now is your moment tear down the walls of jericho with your praise tear down the walls of jericho with your brains [Music] tell him he's beautiful tell him it's excellent tell him he's marvelous tell him he's glorious share some words say lord we bow before you chief executive officer of the universe we hail you your majesty we salute you god come on give him the praise one more time let's sing that together we worship we were sure [Music] don't stop blow kisses to him if you have to sing your own love song write your own psalm to him right now hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hey don't stop don't stop raising [Music] you know this is a phrase clapping your hands it's a praise hey come on let's see see you lord you are good lord you are gone and your mercy endure it forever [Music] say lord your good and your mercy [Music] people from every nation [Music] god for hallelujah you are [Music] [Music] god is good [Music] let's sing it again say lords are [Music] good lord your good and your mercy and yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] from generation to hallelujah hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] you are good all the time all the time you are good you are good all the time all the time you are good all the time all the time you're good you are good all the time all the time all the time you are good all the time all the time you're good you are good all the time all the time you're [Music] good let the people of god praise him [Music] praise him for his sexual and greatness praise it for his mighty ass praise him for his loving kindness praise it [Music] say praise him praise him praise him pray praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him thank him thank him thank him thank him thank him thank him thank him thank you praise him praise him praise him praise him come on praise him come on praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him [Music] hey [Music] what [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] god for who you are [Music] [Music] we praise you [Music] [Music] god [Music] he is good all the time and all the time he is good [Music] he is good all the time all the time he's good you are good all the time all the time all the time all the time all the time all the time every time each and every time you're a good god your mercy endures your mercy endures your mercy and yours your mercy endures forever [Music] [Music] forever [Music] have your way god have your way lord have your way holy spirit have your way holy spirit have your way holy spirit we are your people we worship you and you only hallelujah we praise you and you only have your way in this place have your way amongst this your people have your way have your way [Music] move as you see fit to move [Music] have your way [Music] we all need you we all need you i was going to say somebody needs you but no we all need you have your way [Music] hallelujah hallelujah highest praise to our god [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give you the sacrifice of praise god we give you the sacrifice of praise we woke up this morning with you on our minds god with you and our hearts god we took our showers we bathed our bodies we put on clothes to come out and praise you to worship you to commune with you by your spirit and we say have your way have your way have your way have your way god we have songs on the list to do but if you are not in the songs then they're just songs we take this time and we say have your way have your way [Music] [Applause] today is a new day [Music] so i want us to give god a new praise let's give him a praise today that we couldn't give him yesterday see because today's mercies that we woke up to they were different than yesterday's mercies so can we praise god for his brand new mercies on this sunday that were new this morning god we praise you for your mercies we praise you for your brand new mercies that we see this like morning we praise you we praise you but you are good you are good you are good you are good you are good you are good you are good [Music] [Applause] you are good [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are gone [Music] and because you're gone you are good you are good [Music] you are good [Music] you are good [Music] because you are gone yes [Music] you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good cause you are god [Music] you are god you are gone you are god you are god you are god and we praise you praise you we praise you we praise you for you are good you are good you are good you are good and we love you we love you we love you we love you for you are god you are god you are god you are god we say thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] so [Music] god we give you all the glory it all belongs to you we give you all the glory it all belongs to you it all belongs to you let's receive our sister kennedy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah he inhabits the praise of his people oh taste and see that the lord is good when we praise him he draws near to us so we're just gonna lift you up higher than anything else [Music] all the glory belongs to you all the glory [Music] all the glory belongs to you while the glory belongs to you [Music] [Applause] all the glory belongs to you all the glory belongs to you [Music] all the glory belongs to you all the glory belongs to you [Music] everybody [Music] you're perfect in all of your ways [Music] all of the glory [Music] oh god true [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the glory belongs to you [Music] you're yes you have brought me out of so many things you have healed me you brought me up from situations no one else could have brought me through lord to you [Music] alone just pour it out you see jesus hallelujah and we're going to give him the highest praise today so we're going to say hi say hi [Music] [Music] [Applause] we praise you [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we give you glory we give you honor we give you glory we give you i'm giving it all to you i'm giving it all to you hallelujah hallelujah [Music] my way [Music] we magnify you we lift you high so you belong [Music] [Music] belongs to you all honor belongs to you oh god oh god oh god [Music] oh god let me just pray hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] we give you all the glory we worship you are lord you are worthy to be praised we give you [Music] [Music] you are lord [Music] all the voices sing we give you all [Music] we give you all say [Music] one more time we give you all [Music] [Music] you are worthy [Music] for you are worthy to be praised you are worthy of my praise you are worthy of my praising you're worthy you are worthy you are worthy god you are worthy you are worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy you are worthy to be praised you wanted to be praised you're worthy to be praised you're worthy to be praised you're worthy [Music] [Music] worthy god deserves a worthy praise give him your worthy praise worthy are you lord worthy of your lord worthy of your lord worthy of you lord you are worthy to be praised you are my worthy praise jesus you worthy jesus [Music] that you're worthy [Music] jesus you're worth it jesus you're awesome jesus you're awesome jesus your lovely beautiful savior you are jesus [Music] [Music] worthy holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god of mine today holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god my mind holy holy holy lord god holy [Music] [Applause] which was which is and is to come which was and is and is to come holy lord god almighty holy only lord god almighty [Music] holy [Music] [Music] you're worthy to receive glory and honor [Music] holy holy lord god almighty which was and is and is to come holy holy holy lord god almighty which was and is and this to come holy holy holy lord god almighty which was and this and is to come foreign [Music] we join with the angels in heaven that cry holy holy holy holy [Music] they say [Music] [Music] my [Music] early in the morning [Music] our song shall rise to this holy holy holy [Music] [Applause] god [Music] [Music] blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord and god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed should be the lord god almighty blessed should be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty but that should be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty hey bless it be the lord come almighty blessed be the lord come on my name but let's defeat the lord god almighty [Music] [Music] say [Music] almighty [Music] blessed be be the lord bless it be the lord bless it be the lord bless it be in the lord bless it be the lord blessed be the lord blessed be the lord [Music] blessed be the lord blessed be the lord [Music] be the lord blessed be the lord blessed be the lord [Music] bless it be the lord god on highly blessed be the lord god almighty bless it be the lord god almighty bless it be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god almighty bless it be the lord god almighty blessed be the lord god our mind we'll bless it be the lord god almighty bless blessed be the lord god who's faithful blessed be the lord god who's faithful blessed be the lord god who's faithful blessed be the lord god who's faithful blessed be the lord god who's faithful blessed be the lord god who's faithful relax and be the lord god who's faithful blessed be the lord god who's faithful [Music] bless it be the lord but i should be the lord god almighty when i should be the lord god who's faithful blessed should be the lord god almighty [Music] blessed be the lord god who's faithful [Music] blessed be the lord god almighty [Music] hey blessed be the lord god who's faithful [Music] blessed be the lord god almighty [Music] [Music] blessed be the lord god almighty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we worship you god we worship you almighty god we worship you all breasted one [Music] we worship you all breasted one we worship you [Applause] [Music] jira we worship you sit canoe we worship you in we worship you roll we worship you shalom we worship you hey nici we worship you hey most high god we worship you we worship you we worship you [Music] [Music] god you're father you're mighty all around this way stand on your feet greet the king of king and the lord of lords he's your father he's your provision he's your righteousness thank you lord we bless you and we glorify you in this place lord we declare a rock shall not cry out in our place but lord we will praise you lord we'll glorify you god we magnify your name [Music] not what we hear through social media but your world reigns [Music] we declare sickness does not prevail but lord you prevail thank you lord glory be to your name god we worship you this day lord we honor you thank you for everything lord thank you for all things father for we know all things work together for our good why because lord we are those that love you and we can truly say lord god if you haven't if you do nothing else for us from this day till the day we leave this earth lord you've done enough thank you lord jesus thank you for dying on the cross thank you for paying the price for my wicked sin bless your name god holy and worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah come on put your hands together and thank god for what he has done all around this building around the world and where you are in your household put your hands together thank god for what he's done what has he done he's kept you he's strengthened you the devil meant to take you out but yet you're still here [Music] strong mighty and able you got another chance he had his now it's yours tell them every morning when i open my eyes all of hell goes oh god he's open his eyes are open he's awake get ready for it because i plan to give him back every piece of hell that belongs to him it's not my portion it's his hallelujah thank god we thank god for you and we bless you if you're in this place you could have a seat but if you are joining us for the very first time here in the tabernacle or online look could you in the tabernacle could you just wave if you're here for the very first time come on very first time visitors now see there you are come on place of grace love on them very first i thank god for you we thank god for you their ushers are coming they're going to put something in your hands keep your hand up for a second there's something they want to give you and put into your hand on behalf of the prophet we we thank god for you we've been praying for you to come here to be with us it's not an incident or an accident that you're here it's because of prayer and thanksgiving unto god and he's brought you to this place and he has something for your life of you joining us online for the very first time know that you are as welcome as rain in the desert after a 10-year drought we thank god for you again we've been praying for you and we've been praying for your household we thank you for joining us stay with us don't disconnect don't turn that don't push that button don't turn the channel because god has something for your life and you will not be the same but you'll be better for it hallelujah hallelujah to the pec the prophetic e community you know who you are we welcome you and we thank god for you for all of those of you online and here in the tabernacle thank god for you the prophetic e community those that have determined to connect with the man of god the assignment that is connected to his life thank god for you come on place of grace put your hands together thank god for the pec bless you it's because of you that all of this is possible it's because of you that we're able to go outside of these four walls reach households all across the nation and across this world why because we have an apostle in this house who is sent to the nations not just to one place not just to one region but he is sent to the nations and it's because of you connecting not just with your words and with your prayers but with your finances too helping to support this ministry and the man and his assignment and thank god for you and may god continue to bless you as you continue to share with the man of god in the assignment hallelujah for those of you that have not become a part of the pec let me encourage you to become a part of the pec if you're joining us online go on the website at click on the menu button to your left there scroll down a couple of letters there and then you'll see pec fill out that short information it's just a little information and one of the ways is the best way to stay connected with you if it's a phone number an email address text number whatever it is that way the prophet can stay connected with you why because there are times when he gets a download from god it could be at midnight one o'clock in the morning 8 a.m in the morning but he puts these things out he'll text he'll send an email he'll send a letter to the house whatever it is but you want to get that information why because it's fresh bread from the heavens that's gonna bless your life and the only way you can get it is if you stay connected in this manner become a part of the pec um they're also if you can't do that some people just don't have that type of access if you're watching me right now you probably do but some people don't have that type of access but you can also call 310-323-2600 and let the operator on the other side know hey i want to become a part of the pc and they'll take that information down for you as well i don't believe we said that before but i believe in my heart that it should be said so call that number and tell them you want to be a part of the pec give them your information and they will present it to the right people that way you can stay connected hallelujah and you if you still haven't determined that you want to connect in that manner you still can connect with the man of god or stay connected by all of the social media outlets facebook twitter instagram and youtube as well facebook twitter instagram all at bishop mcclendon also on youtube so go on and like that youtube channel or subscribe should i say all you have to do is hit a button to subscribe or like that youtube channel and you can stay connected in that manner so go on youtube and subscribe to the youtube channel also you can download the bishop mclendon app on your play store your google app with the google play store your app store your apple store um download the bishop mcclendon app just punch in bishop mcclendon boom of the pop-up little blue emblem download that again that's another way that you can stay connected to the prophet and to this fresh rhema word of god that comes from his mouth hallelujah bless god we also want to connect with you stay connected with you and pray with you so your prayer requests are wanted here in the place of grace some people don't want to hear your sad story or your sob story they don't want to know what you're believing for but we do we want to connect with you we want to connect and believe with you for whatever it is that god is put in your heart or that you are believing god for god's in the bible says where any two of us shall agree concerning anything we ask it shall be done for us by the father in heaven so how can we do that you send that prayer request in here to the place of grace we'll pray over it with you the man of god has determined that we be a house of prayer and this is one of the ways that we do that all prayer requests will be prayed over for 30 days they'll be put into this national prayer altar behind me and we know that you will see a manifestation of whatever it is that you're believing god for i'm assured of it you'll be assured of it when you see it manifest in your life why because i believe the word of god the prophet believes the word of god this is why he has us do it we believe god's word and we know god will do it for you and for us he won't make us ashamed of him because he's not a god that you should be ashamed of so send in that prayer request you can go online submit it online and contact us at contact us what was it it was i wanna it's not in here uh oh there's contact yeah contact us at that's it you can submit that prayer request there contact us at or you can call it in at 310-323-2600-310-323-2600 there's an intercessor there that will take that information down they'll begin to pray with you right away do you need that agreement right now call in right now 310-323-2600 there's someone on the other side waiting for your call to come on connect with the man of god connect with the faith here in this house this place of grace cosmopolitan center and we know we will see a manifestation of whatever it is that you are believing god for hallelujah hallelujah now look everybody listen up you you at home stop what you're doing right there listen i have something very very very important to tell you this next sunday february the 13th there's going to be a special taping here we have a really really the prophet has been given a really really special opportunity not just the prophet but the place of grace as a whole a special opportunity for people to be to connect or insert themselves into our worship experience literally come on now come somebody put your hands together we are in an i.t stage i mean technology um reigns and rules you can you can be in la in one minute and in new york two seconds later through technology amen and this is one of the ways that we are we can go out and preach the gospel unto all the world now what this is it's a visual opera it's a virtual opportunity you know people do the vr games now it's my oh jesus i ain't even gonna talk about that i'm sorry stay focused but it's a virtual reality recording that's going to be done here in the place of grace next sunday february 13th this is on behalf of the prophet this is your special invitation everyone here you online get in the house next sunday february 13th let's pack this place out you never know you might see yourself on one of these virtual recordings if you can but we want to support the profit we want to support the assignment amen if you you if you're a part of this house you need to be in here next sunday february the 13th service starts at 10 30. we know it's super bowl sunday yes it's super bowl sunday but the prophet is going to get us in and get us out we'll be gone long before the super bowl starts this super bowl starts around 3 3 30. it we'll be gone before then but we're gonna come in and we're gonna bless the name of the lord in this taping of this virtual worship experience hallelujah amen come on now put your hands together for that not everyone is doing this this is an opportunity to be a part of some groundbreaking stuff how many people how many people have here around have thought i wish i was there when they did that or when that began can you imagine being being there when jesus was walking on the streets you know being in some people probably i'm not old enough to have been an azusa but if you were at azusa when it happened and be able to tell the story now you have an opportunity to be a part of something and people are going to talk about it for years and years and years to come not only talk about they're going to be doing it because this is virtual reality is a virtual reality taping next excuse me next sunday february the 13th and this is your opportunity to be a part of something that look that hasn't happened before again what was it adams the revival at adams how many people were a part of the revival at adams this is an this is the beginning of another revival i guarantee you the next wave of getting folks saved is gonna come through this virtual reality for people that will never set foot in a church or probably won't but come come in through this virtual reality first this is that opportunity so come be a part of that you here in the house you there at home yes you come in be a part of it tomorrow next sunday excuse me february 13th 10 30 here at the place of grace 2543 west manchester boulevard you're invited on behalf of the prophet it's your special invite invitation come on be a part of it whether you are consider yourself a member of this or a partner with them if you're a partner of the man of god and a partner of the assignment you should be here next sunday amen come on somebody shout for that and this is it's not costing us a thing this is something someone's putting together someone's blessing the man of god blessing the place of grace and helping push the assignment forward so get here early get here early so you can get a parking space parking space is available again super bowl starts at 3 30 but we're gonna be in here at 10 30 a.m and we're gonna be long gone by 3 30. so come here and be a part of that amen amen thank god put your hands together for that virtual reality taping we're going to put you back into the hands of our worship arts tea holiday [Music] praise god what a wonderful time in his presence we had a lot of songs on the list you know we have to prepare a lot of songs y'all know why but it's something when the holy spirit takes over we only did two songs on the list [Music] so far and the holy spirit wrote its own songs [Music] that's what it's about we rehearse to prepare but we don't rehearse to do the songs on the list [Music] but this is one of the songs on the list and it says you are holy we stand in that theme lord of glory filled with splendor and majesty then it says all creation bows before you we acknowledge your sovereignty hallelujah he is holy and he is the lord of glory and he is filled with splendor and majesty and all of creation even if they don't do it now they will bow and acknowledge him as the sovereign ruler as creator the bible says every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that jesus is lord amen but the wonderful thing about us being believers we don't have to wait we're doing it now song says you are holy [Music] lord of glory filled with splendor [Music] all creation [Music] bows [Music] if you know it sing along one voice say you are holy lord of glory [Music] filled with splendor and majesty [Music] then say all creations [Music] bounce before you [Music] sing it again said you are [Music] and majesty [Music] said all creation [Music] bounds before for we acknowledge your sovereignty come on let's lift it up say you are holy [Music] lord of glory filled with splendor and majesty [Music] we acknowledge your sovereignty [Applause] since you are holy [Music] lord of glory filled with splendor and meritosis hallelujah sin all creation bounds [Applause] pounds before you we acknowledge your sovereignty yay sing it again city you are holy you're beholden lord of glory filled with splendor and majesty [Music] hallelujah all creation we bow before you we acknowledge your sovereignty yay for it's you lord eat you [Music] we worship lord we worship [Music] it's you lord it's you we pray say it's you with you it's you and only you lord it's your lord we pray one more time city it's you it's you it's you we've worshiped [Music] we pray see you at home and your holy your holy view lord god filled with splendor [Applause] sit on creation bounce before ya before we acknowledge [Music] [Music] he's sovereign and he's holy and he's righteous and he's worthy of our praise our faith are forever king he's holy he's holy he's holy god you're holy lord you're holy holy holy are you lord holy holy all you lord holy holy are you lord holy holy all your lord holy all your lord holy holy all your lord holy lord hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] lord of glory filled with splendor and magician all creations we gather and bow before you when was the last time you bowed in his presence [Music] hallelujah [Music] before it's you lord hit you [Music] we worship we worship it's you lord it's you [Music] we pray that's it praise him hallelujah hallelujah give him thanks give him thanks for who he is for what he's done hallelujah oh god we thank you we praise you we praise you and we thank you we worship you god for you were gone and gone alone you were gone and god alone hallelujah we worship hallelujah we worship you hallelujah we were silver we we were we worship you we worship we worship we worship we worship we worship oh oh god we are told you we enjoy you we are joined you goddess we adore you god oh whoa we are doing your kindness we adore you guys and we love you [Music] i love you i love you i love you lord today because you care for me in church [Music] yeah it's not a concert come on i lift you up that's it [Music] [Music] let's sing it one time strong come on let's say i love you love you love you i love you i love you lord today because [Music] in such a special way and i praise you i lift you up and i'm magnifying your name that's why my heart is [Music] strong hallelujah [Music] phone want somebody do you love him do you really love him now it's time to put your money where your mouth is because it's time to go to 112. this is first sunday man this is the first sunday in february so what do we do on our first sunday it was a number of years back when the man himself dr mike murdock showed up at the place of grace and had a word from the heavens concerning the man of god and the people of god amen it's always an opportunity for us to be blessed why when when you're given any chance to give in order to support a man or woman of god it's god's way of putting you in position for a greater blessing psalms 112 dr murphy excuse me dr mike murdock came and he presented this to us psalms 112 verse number one says blessed is the man fears the lord who delights greatly in his commandments his descendants will be mighty on the earth the generations of the upright will be blessed wealth and riches will be with his house and his righteousness endures forever verse 4 unto excuse me unto the upright there arises light in the darkness he is gracious and full of compassion and righteousness be upright how many of you know that the man of god that serves that stands behind this pulpit every sunday it takes something out of him there's a discipline to be able to come here stand here before you each sunday and you get a right now rhema words that will apply to the situation you are dealing with personally individually that takes something that doesn't just happen because somebody just decides they're going to get up and preach or just because they think they have a good word from god that takes spending time with the with the lord that to get that thing out of the heavens that will come and minister to each and every person individual by individual situation by situation person by person for you here in the house and you there at home for everyone so sharing in this 112 is our way of returning back to god and giving thanks to him for what he's already given to us in the prophet that we have bishop clarence in mclennan the prophet that we have that sits in the seat of the apostle at this time you guys got to understand what you're getting here everybody doesn't have this every house doesn't have it they have a preacher and he gets up and he preaches a good message on sundays every sunday if they have a real good one some of them yeah but we have a prophet that has been elevated to bishop well i can't say elevation because they're profiting it's probably the same level but nonetheless but now at this moment that we're in he's sitting in the seat of the apostle an apostle is one who speaks to god's men and women the generals so if he's speaking to you you are something special to god this household you're something special to god you're more than just a congregation if you're getting this word direct [Music] because god doesn't waste his words he says cast not your pearls among swine as if he said it then he's the one he's author of it he's not just sending this to everyone he's sending it to specific ones purpose why because he knows that they're gonna work the word they're gonna get the word out and they're gonna produce evidence so come on this is a way that we give back to god that we show god that we love him that we trust his word that we believe that we are the upright that we are gonna be blessed that we are blessed and we're continuing to be blessed so let's not fail in that aspect if you are a 112 person or member or i don't know what they call it connector connect now and if you are not let me encourage you to do so this we do this every first sunday and those as there are some that have determined well 112 first of all is for a year goes from february to february this is vision month february vision month this begins this is the first one of this year the first 112 of this year and if you have not become a 112 partner even if you don't feel like you could do the 121 to our 112 dollars we give unto the prophet this goes directly into the hands of the man of god it goes past the offering plate goes past um what is it finance finance doesn't see that this doesn't get recorded down with the other stuff this gets recorded on your line in heaven will you save up for store for yourselves treasures in heaven this is one of those treasures you're storing up and it goes into the man of god to bless his life and his household i'm taking a while with this because we need to we have to take care of our men and women of god you have we have to come on taking care of everybody else you taking care of edison marvel department of water and power paying these ceos of albertson's millions of dollars a year by going and buying their t-bone stakes i know i see y'all coming here [Music] so cool let's take care of the man of god if you haven't become a let me encourage you to become a 112 partner if you haven't and if you don't even think you can do that you don't have to if you do your best if you're giving into the 112 purpose to do it once a quarter that's every three months you can put away enough every three months to sold 112 come on now you go to mcdonald's and spend 25 and then don't like it throw half the stuff away [Music] mcdonald's is awful nonetheless nonetheless come on we can do this our men and women of god should want for nothing their focus should be going to god staying before him not how can i pay the light bill or how's the mortgage gonna get paid [Music] all right i'm gonna lay off for y'all on that one this is the time of the time as well the bible tells us bring ye all into the storehouse bringing me into the storehouse of time a tip of everything that comes into our hands belongs to god some people say i have to pay my tithe no you can't pay something that's not yours or give monetize you can't give something you just bring it according to the to the bible bring ye into bring he said bring it because it's already his you can't pay it it's already his you just bring to god what belongs to him and when you do he will make sure that every what you have left is more than enough to cover every need doesn't matter if you have a penny left he'll make sure it's enough but if you're bringing the tithe to ten percent that that's his opinion is not what you have left anyway but nonetheless he'll make sure that it's enough for everything this is also the time [Music] of the prophet seed as well i know you've got several envelopes in your hand and there are people that use every one of them we all should be there are different times they'll hear the young they're coming coming come on come on now i've taken a long time and my swiftly if you want to give on your credit card or debit card there's someone standing in the aisles now they can do that for you go ahead and start making your way that way you can also give by text text c e m m two four one four four four text cement two four one four four four and you can give in that manner as well you say oh i didn't i didn't bring any cash with me that's all right again somebody's standing in the house with the machine you can give by text text cement to 444 you can see emm 24144 this is our opportunity this is our chance to show god that we trust him always trust god first and according to the word seek ye first the kingdom of god and all these things will be added to you don't think about what it is that you have to do unless that money that you have in your pocket is def is going to definitely take away from that bill that you have if it's already enough to pay the bill then pay the bill [Music] and god will take care of the rest but if what you have is not enough to do what it is you need to do then what you have is a seed to be sown so that you can reap a harvest on that every time and anytime there's a seed the bible shows time and time again god asks men and women of god what is it that you have in your hand they're praying and asking god what do i do moses and the children of israel standing at the red sea and they pleading god now you've let us hear god and we're gonna die god says why are you calling on me what do you have in your hand and in your hand is the power to split the red sea in your hand is the power to split that bill and blow it come to complete smithereens what power are you saying pastor the power to give the power to sow the power to release it to the heavens and to god and watch it manifest in your life so all around this place lift that envelope up you're done filling it out lift it up we're gonna pray over it no you still need a little bit more time all of that time i took y'all just looking at me huh come on we got the phones up yep some are giving i see it lift it up all around this place that that 112 the prophet see and your general offering this is the time of the general offering and giving thanks unto god as well father we thank you now we bless your name we give you praise honor and glory lord for all these that are standing before you now trusting you believing you in this your word lord you told us to bring into your storehouse the tithe the tenth the mahasra so this we do believe in you lord according to your word concerning the 112 and taking care of your men and your women of god we're trusting you we say thank you for their lies and we say thank you for strengthening them and keeping them we will bless you by blessing them lord even in the first fruit we know that the first fruit of all things should come into the hands of the priest and we bless the first fruit now in their lives and in the lives of your people lord let a harvest come on them that they would not have room enough to receive but they will have to give and give some more so lord we thank you for all these that are giving in the general office that's trusting you thanking you for what you have done we bless you now and in all things we give you praise we give you honor and glory hallelujah go ahead pl pass that receptacle [Music] sow your seed [Music] sow it believing god and trusting him for all things [Music] lord bless me indeed [Music] i pray for any increase i pray for you please [Music] [Music] indeed enlarge my territory [Music] i pray for increase [Music] i pray for you say increase increase increase [Music] bless me i pray for increase i pray for him say bless me bless me bless [Music] [Music] oh lord [Music] [Applause] well let me take this opportunity to greet you in the name of jesus and thank god for you person by person individual by individual we bless you in the name of jesus and we thank god for you thank you for sharing with us today and i want to get right into god's word of course this is the first sunday in the month of february and we thank the lord for his grace and his goodness to us consistently of course the month of february in the united states of america is uh african american history month and we certainly celebrate the historic contributions that african americans have made to the uh american project and experiment but of course here at the place of grace in the month of february we call it vision month and we focus on the vision of the house each february now for goodness 20 some years as i have been stewarding or more than that actually as i've been stewarding ministry here in the greater los angeles area uh we have designated the month of february as our vision month why because this ministry is a ministry that was birthed and came into fruition by vision and we understand the significance of vision and so uh every february i take this month and i focus us on the vision of the house and if you are a partner with this ministry if you're a part of our extended family our multimedia family if you are one of those who continues to be fed a part of our prophetic e community part of the pec it is important for you as well because you're connected to this anointing and so we're very very cognizant of the fact that our vision and our reach by the grace of god has become worldwide and so if you're connected to this anointing if you're listening to my voice it's important for you to understand because you're partaking of this grace so i want you to turn with me in your bibles first of all to the gospel as john records it chapter number five the gospel is john records at chapter number five and i shall begin the reading of the word of god at verse one that's what i want you to turn john chapter number 5 and i shall begin the reading of the word of god at verse number 1. now before i read john chapter 5 i want to reference just a couple of things as relates to the significance and the importance of vision if you can turn me up in this monitor just a little bit and put a little low end on my voice that would help me greatly john chapter five verse number one is where i want you to turn uh but very quickly i want you to put up uh on the screens and uh for those that are viewing i want you to put up proverbs 29 18. proverbs 29 18 if you can put that up on the screen and then also after that i'm going to ask you to put up acts chapter 26 and i'm going to read verses 12 through about 20 there this is important and i i was trying not to do this but because of the significance of the moment we are in historically and prophetically uh the spirit of the lord impressed upon me that i needed to take just a moment as we look at vision month now in this year having established now this place we call the place of grace and doing ministry here spirit of the lord impressed upon me to share just a couple of things here about vision itself before we get into the focus that the spirit of grace would have us to deal with uh on the vision of the house this year once again in proverbs 29 18 a very familiar passage of scripture it says now i'm reading out of the new king james version uh the king james version says where there is no vision the people perish the new king james says where there is no revelation and the hebrew word there has to do with prophetic redemptive revelation the word that is translated vision in the king james has to do with prophetic redemptive revelation again the word revelation has to do with disclosure or uncovering so where there is no vision where there is no revelation where nothing has been revealed where nothing has been uncovered it says the people cast off restraint but happy is he who keeps the law or the principle that is of the vision so get it where there is no revelation what happens is the people cast off restraint they are unrestrained so when it comes to vision why do we deal with vision month why do you focus on the vision of the house the vision of this ministry why is it important for people to know and understand number one that this is a house and a ministry of vision and that vision is so significant that we give an entire month to ministering in it on it and about it well once again the scripture says where there is no vision or revelation the people cast off restraint so vision itself has to do with what has been revealed to a man or a woman of god in their assignment to get done in the earth and the scripture tells us here in proverbs 29 18 that vision is given to us and this not only pertains to a ministry it pertains to a life it pertains to a business it pertains to a vocation it pertains excuse me to a family where there is no vision where nothing has been disclosed what it's telling you is anything is okay people are unrestrained where there is no vision so god gives vision pay attention now god gives vision to us to focus us on assignment and to restrain us from things that are not uh commensurate or conducive to our assignment when god gives you vision the vision is to focus you on accomplishing and achieving something and to empower you watch this to say no to things that aren't a part of your vision and or assad that's why it's important for you to know see people who have no vision for their lives anything is okay anybody can come into that life anyone can uh have a part of their life and a lot of people have allowed people into their lives that they later find out you know are not to be there because they had no vision for where they were going or what they were doing so vision on the one hand is to focus us and to also restrain us i have a message i preached some years ago called vision and the power to say no see when you have a vision for something you have the power to say no to other things why because they're not a part of my vision not a part of my assignment now in acts chapter 26 go there very quickly so this is why it's important that we understand vision this ministry this has vision there are certain things we are to do and there are certain things we are not to do there are certain things we say no to not because they're not good or they're not something god may want done but they may not be for us to do see every church every ministry is not the same we are all involved in the work of the gospel but we have different specific assignments and it's important that every man or woman of god and the people connected to that ministry that man or that anointing understand what are we here to do what are we here to accomplish now in acts chapter number 26 uh and verse number 12 i'll begin there paul is recounting before king agrippa the encounter that he had with the lord jesus in a vision in acts chapter 9. so what i'm reading here in acts chapter 26 is paul talking about something that occurred in acts chapter 9. you can read it but i want to talk about what he says here as he's testifying before king agrippa about what he's been doing in ministry he's been called into question he's actually been arrested for the preaching of the gospel and they're wondering you know what are you doing and why so paul is recounting it and he gives some very very powerful and significant insights into vision why god gives it uh and why it's important for us to understand look at acts chapter 26 and verse number 12. paul is uh is speaking says while thus occupied as i journeyed to damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests at midday o king along the road i saw a light from heaven brighter than the sun shining around me and those who journeyed with me and when we had all and when we had all fallen to the ground i heard a voice so get it he's hearing a voice he sees a light and he hears his voice speaking to me and saying in the hebrew language this voice is speaking in the hebrew language to paul saul that was his name before he was converted so why are you persecuting me it is hard for you to kick against the goads or the pricks the king james says in other words the spirit of god had been dealing with him before this verse 15. so i said who are you lord and he said i am jesus whom you are persecuting now remember paul was a persecutor of christians in acts chapter 8 it says he was there when stephen was stoned to death and he did nothing about it he says i am jesus whom you are persecuting look at verse number 16 but rise and stand on your feet for i have appeared to you for this purpose get it this light this voice you're hearing paul is for a purpose now the word purpose there is the greek word prothesis which means something that has been established before in other words i have this in mind for you before there was a you are you listening in other words watches that he says i've appeared for to you for this purpose to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and the things which i will yet reveal to you so god was telling him right off the bat you're going to be a man of revelation watch this i will deliver you from the jewish people as well as from the gentiles to whom i now send you remember paul is the apostle to the gentiles one of the reasons that three-fourths of your and my new testament is written by the apostle paul is because he was the apostle who had the grace to reveal the truth of the finished work of jesus to people who were non-jewish where did that commission come from right here he says i'm going to deliver you from the jewish people as well as the gentiles to whom i now send you so jesus told paul i'm sending you to the gentiles this is why in all paul's letters he would write paul an apostle to the gentiles why because the lord told him that now watch this i'm sending you to the gentiles look at verse 18 to open their eyes in order to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of satan to god that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in me now look at verse number 19 and paul says therefore king agrippa i was not disobedient to the heavenly vision in other words god spoke to me god revealed to me what i was to do he told me my assignment he gave me my commission he did it in vision and i have not been disobedient to the heavenly vision what is the point that when god gives a man or a woman a vision from heaven to do something in the earth that vision is to be obeyed it is to be focused on kharosh it is to be worked out and the fact of the matter i have found is that provision is for vision when you are doing what the spirit of god is directing you to do be your housewife be your mother be your father be your doctor lawyer preacher businessman attorney music musician uh film director whatever it is film producer whatever if you are doing what the spirit of god has given you vision to do there will be provision for that vision for pro for vision and so it is key it is critical for an individual for a family for a businessman and especially for a household of faith for the people of god to know what god has assigned them to do and focus their energies and their gifts their talents and their anointings on getting it done wave at me if you understand what i'm saying to you so that's why we deal with vision and we take one month every year and say hey this is what god has called us to do this is who we are this is what makes us distinct from everybody else and this is where our energy our resources our talents are going to be focused i'll never forget when the spirit of god spoke to me to come to this place he set me here in the greater los angeles area and said you know i'm calling you to do a work i remember thinking because you know i wasn't from uh california i wasn't born raised here i've been set here and god brought me here supernaturally won't get into all that and when he told me that he was you know i was already called of him started preaching at 15 but when he sent me here he said now i'm giving you an assignment and i want you to do this and i remember thinking to god i mean you know there were enough churches in los angeles uh and the greater la area you surely don't need another one and so i went to him and i said well what what is specific about what you want me to do uh that's different than this one that would see this is something we need to understand if god has called you and sent you if he has sent you to a work see a lot of people just went they were never sent by god many of them were called by god but they were never sent by god well that's a whole nother lesson and a whole another message see the call of god is not enough to go and do anything the bible says how can they preach except they be sent not called and god only sends you once he has envisioned you and you know what you are to do oh i don't have time to get into this but i asked i said well what is it that you want me to do what is it that that will distinguish us from anyone else and the lord began to share that with me and we began and we started doing it and we uh fulfilled that vision that assignment that first stage of it and i remember when god sent me here to los angeles and i assumed the pastorate of a church in a specific denomination that had had a greater day in times past but i didn't know anything about it because i wasn't from l.a i had learned about the pastors and the people and they were wonderful people uh and but the church had dwindled when i assumed the pastorate of that church i remember the day i was set in there were 24 people there within five or six years that ministry grew from 24 to over uh 10 000 uh in five or six years and we were doing multiple services gave birth to a worldwide television ministry a conference that was bringing thousands in uh every single year you say why are you saying all that because i was doing it when the vision of where i am right now came to me and it was in 1999 when the vision for the place of grace came to me god gave it to me very clearly i was pastoring in another place well they called me pastor i was never really pastoring i was evangelizing but that's another story uh but the gift was working praise god and it was 1999 when the spirit of the lord dropped in me the vision for the place of grace which is what this ministry is called and i preached in 1999 a series of messages on the place of grace now i didn't know then i was going to be called out of where i was to found something on my own and as god would have it i not only got the message but i became literally the walking testimony of the message which is another story also all together but i want you to go to john chapter 5 because that's where the lord spoke to me from and that's what brought this ministry in to fruition and it's from here that the assignment and the vision that we were to fulfill and that we are to fulfill that we're engaged in now uh is revealed and so uh i'm calling this particular one this particular message contending for the place of grace because now it's manifested back then it was just a vision it was something ethereal and people said it would never work and it would never come to pass and doubt it and many scorned and many left and some stayed and others encouraged and some talked about us but here we are by the grace of god and the vision is now a reality but we're not finished praise god and now we have to move further into this and i want to talk to you just a little bit here john chapter 5 and verse number one now once again i want you to hear me it is from this passage of scripture that the spirit of god spoke in my spirit gave me my assignment told me what this ministry that he was committing to my trust was to do and be just like he did with the apostle paul which i read to you in acts 26 where paul says this is what god said this is what he told me this is what god said and this is what he told me look at this john chapter 5 verse 1 it says after this there was a feast of the jews and jesus went up to jerusalem look at verse number two it says now there is in jerusalem by the sheep gate everybody say by the sheep gate say it again by the sheep gate there is in jerusalem by the sheep gate or one translation says the gate pertaining to the sheep and i'll never forget i was fasting i was praying and i was reading this the spirit of god said pay attention son because this is happening by the gate pertaining to the sheep and the scripture came up in my spirit uh that that he is our shepherd he says my sheep know my voice the bible calls the lord jesus uh the good shepherd and he gives his life for the sheep so all of this is happening uh in jerusalem by the sheep gate and the spirit of the lord elite immediately let me see that what i was getting ready to see now was a picture of the church of the lord jesus christ watch this after this there was a feast of the jews and jesus went up to jerusalem now there is in jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool which is called in the hebrew bethesda having five porches watch this in these lay a great multitude of sick people where in the porches pay attention immediately a great multitude of sick people blind lame paralyzed waiting for the moving of the water for an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water and then whoever everybody say whoever then whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was made well of whatever everybody say whatever disease he had i'm gonna read that again for an angel went down at a certain time in the pool and stirred up the water and then whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was made well of whatever disease he had now that's where the actual slogan if you will or motto from this ministry came the place of grace a place where whoever can be healed of whatever the bible says that when the angel went down that that whoever stepped in first was made well of whatever disease they had so it didn't matter who you were where you came from what your gender what your ethnicity whoever stepped in first was made well of whatever disease they had so it didn't matter what disease you had what sickness you had what a melody or malfunction you had whatever it was glory to god was here that that's one of the reasons that we in this ministry when the pandemic was shutting everything down we contended why because god said this was to be a place where whoever could be healed of whatever including kovid 19 and including anything else that comes along see when you have vision there are certain things you have to say no to and i'm not rebuking anybody else who shut down but god told us this is a place where whoever can be healed of whatever and that has to be proven not just when everything's going well glory to god but it has to be proven in the teeth of the fight somebody say amen to this so watch it that's where we get that phrase from now watch this it says verse 5 now a certain man was there who had an infirmity 38 years and when jesus saw him lying there everybody say jesus showed up jesus showed up at the church isn't that interesting watch this when jesus saw him lying there and knew he had already been in that condition a long time he said to him do you want to be made well what an amazing question to a man who's been out of place 38 years with an infirmity trying to get well and jesus comes up it's almost insulting if you don't understand and ask him do you actually want to get well do you want to be made well important we'll get back to that in just a moment verse number seven it says the sick man answered him everybody say the sick man answered that's important too sir i have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up but while i am coming another steps down before me and jesus said to him rise take up your bed and walk look at verse number nine and immediately somebody say immediately say it again immediately how many of you believe that jesus can do some things immediately how many he can heal immediately he can turn the thing around immediately watch this and immediately the man was made well took up his bed and walked now i'm going to stop right there there's more and i'll get to more of it in the following weeks but i want to unpack a little of this for us now as it relates to the vision go back up to verse number one once again it says there was a feast and and jesus went up verse two now there is in jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool which is called in the hebrew bethesda notice there was in jerusalem by the sheep gator once again by the gate pertaining to the sheep so this is where sheep went in and out and when i read that years ago the spirit of the lord said he said me son this is a picture of the church now watch this he says there is by the sheep gate a pool which is called in the hebrew bethesda the word bethesda actually means house or place of grace or house or place of outpouring of grace beth has said beth in hebrew his house hessed is the hebrew word that is used for grace or mercy it is often translated in the old covenant loving kindness so this place is named bethesda it's named the place of grace or the place where mercy and grace is to be poured out the place of outpouring look it up in your uh hebrew or greek concordance your lexicon whatever it is you'll find it to be true so this is where the name of this ministry comes up the place of grace the house of grace now very important see in hebrew names meant something so if the place was named the place of grace then that is indicative of what god wanted to be happening at the place this is why god would change names he changes uh jacob's name to israel why because israel means prince with god he changes abram's main name to abraham because abraham means father of many nations he changes sarah's name to say right so in the hebrew names mean something so the fact that this was called the place of grace the beth has said bethesda the place where grace is to be poured out means that's what god's intention for the place was it was ordained to be a place where the grace of god the loving kindness of god was poured out now why is that important because it is obvious by the name of the place that this was the divine intention for the place a place for the grace of god now remember the word grace is the greek word charis from which we get the word charismatic charismatic it literally means undeserved favor and it also means enabling power so god the place had been named the place of grace the place of undeserved favor it was to be a place of grace a place of mercy this is where the spirit of the lord began to speak to me and envisioned me he said son i have ordained my intention for the church is that it is to be a place of grace a place of undeserved favor a place where people can go watch this and get favor they don't deserve get goodness they haven't earned or receive my goodness even though they haven't merited it now watch this it was significant as god began to show this to me that the church of the lord jesus christ is to be a place where the goodness of god the favor of god is poured out indiscriminately get it it was to be a place where whoever could be healed of whatever and it was here where the spirit of the lord began to show me that not only was that his intention for the place but that the place had actually become something other than what he intended stay with me now because i'm about to get into something that i don't want you to miss see uh go with me real quickly i'm coming back here to john chapter five but go with me to romans chapter five verse number one and two romans chapter five verse number one until i want you to see something because we're talking about now the place of grace god's intention for the place pertaining to the sheep glory to god god's intention for the place where his sheep are the church is that it's to be a place of grace a place where undeserved favor and enabling power can be received by anybody but watch this now romans chapter 5 verse 1 says therefore having been justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand and rejoice and up get it we have access by faith into this grace so watch this even faith is to get you into grace it is to get you and keep you in a place see the lord said this to me some years ago he said son your faith is to get you and keep you in a place where you are believing consistently you can receive better than you deserve you missed a good place to shout see my faith is not what gets me stuff jesus has already given it to me my faith is what keeps me in a place where i believe and see that i can receive better than i deserve notice what he says he says therefore having been justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ in other words jesus is the one who put us in the place where nothing is missing nothing is lacking and nothing is broken through whom also we have access by faith into this grace so my faith is to give me access to staying in a place where i'm getting more than i deserve better than i earn glory to boy then that's a good place to shout now you won't hear that in a lot of churches why because most churches have become what this place had become and that's why the spirit of the lord said to me i want you to raise up a place of grace and contend for it why because watch what happened here now let's keep reading uh are you with me are you with me i'm going somewhere with this and we got to get there together watch this it says now there is verse in jerusalem by the sheep get a pool which is called in the hebrew bethesda in other words it's to be the place of grace and it had five porches man this thing just lit me up and even as i'm preaching it now i remember when the spirit of god arrow standing began to show this to me he said it was a place it was intended to be a place of grace and it had five portions i get it don't miss the words there is in jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool so the objective was the pool not not the sheep gate it was the pool the sheep gate was where the sheep went in to get to the pool so the gate was not the objective the pool was the objective look at it it says there is in jerusalem by the sheep get a pool which is caught in the hebrew bethesda and it had five portraits now i have been to this very place in jerusalem i had the opportunity to go there and it had five porches or five five places from which you could access the pool fiber and when i read that years ago the spirit of the lord said to me he said son do you see this is a picture of my church there is a pool that the people are to get into the sheep are to get into and there are five avenues in this book see the pool is the place of grace it's the place of our porn the five porches the lord said to me he said that's the apostle the prophet the evangelist the pastor and the teacher ephesians 4 tells us that god has given these gifts apostle prophet evans passage how many five there were five portuguese and the five porches were to give you access to the pool in other words the objective was never to stay in the parks it was to get to the pool but what we have done is we have raised up ministries and we're trying to get people into our ministry not into the pool the objective or what church do you go to what denomination do you go to who's your bishop who's your that's not what's important are you getting to the pool is what's important and the bible says are you still with me and the bible says there were five portions five avenues see every apostle every prophet every pastor every teacher every evangelist has been given grace oh god i'm trying to go too fast go go to hebrews real quickly ah go i'm sorry go to ephesians 4. i'm trying to do this with without showing these things to you but i have to remember that you need to see it go to hebrews 4 verse number 7 it says to but to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of christ's gift to each one of us grace was given this empowerment this undeserved favor this enabling power was given according to the measure of christ's gift now when he says to each one of us who's he talking about therefore he says when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men now this ascended what does it mean that he first deceived the lord parts of the earth he was sentenced to the one who ascended fought above all things that he might fill all things now that's in parentheses it is parenthetical i'm going to read it without it so that the thought and the thread continues watch this it says but to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of christ's gift therefore he says when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men go down to the verse of heaven and he himself gave some to the apostles so these are the ones to whom grace has been given and the grace that has been given he can he gave some to be apostles some prophet some evangelist some pastors some teachers how many is that five so grace has been given to these gifts to get people in to the pool not into the ministry not into your church into the pool the pool of what the pool of undeserved favor the pool glory to god of enabling power every minister of the gospel who's really a minister of the gospel is not trying to get people into their ministry they're trying to get them into the pool they're trying to get them into a revelation and an understanding of the undeserved favor of god so no matter who you are where you've been what you've done how long you've been doing it how many people have canceled you and thrown you away you understand there is still undeserved favor you can receive from god through christ jesus if you can dare to believe it and this place of grace is designed to remind you this place for you in the pool glory to god i'm preaching better than you're shouting and that's what you'll watch this i'm not even near what i need to get to so i've got to get there fast so there were five portraits five avenues to watch this look at verse number three in these in these what in these porches there lay a great multi so what is that that's our ministries that's the apostles and the prophets the avengers pastors and teachers in these lay a great multitude of sick people the people are still sick why because they're stuck in the porch and never got to the pool you didn't hear what i just said they're stuck in our doctrines in our denominations in our legends in our uh make-believe principles in our man-made stuff and they're never getting into the pool of grace and they're staying sick in these pool in these porches not in the pool in these porches by a great multitude of sick people blind lame paralyzed waiting and i'll never forget i was reading this and the spirit of god said to me said son notice that waiting is listed almost like it's one of the sicknesses no you didn't you didn't get because see if you don't have a revelation of the grace of god you will always be waiting waiting for god to do something waiting for someone to help you that's what this man who jesus meets that's his condition and the reason he's in that condition is because he has run into church folks who have a wrong understanding of the place oh like ah yeah i got to preach this watch this verse 3 in these in these what in these porches in our ministries in our churches they're great multitudes of sick people blind laying paralyzed waiting for the moving of the water now look at verse four this is a very important verse because it was in this verse of the spirit of the lord said to me he said son in verse 4 ah i need you to hear me he said in verse 4 i give you a picture of what i intended the place to be and why the place is not what i intended for it to be i'm going to say that again in verse 4 the holy spirit said to me he said here i'm giving you a picture of what the church has been originally intended by me to be and why it's not what has been originally intended by me i said god let me see it he said to me it reveals a glimmer of my original intent remaining but also begins to reveal why the power is lacking and the impotence prevails glory to god as a matter of fact in the original language when it says in these a great multitude of sick people the word therefore sick is impotent lacking power without the potency to get things done watch stay here you say bishop mcclendon you're working at this yeah because this is this is strong stuff so it says verse number four watch this for an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water then everybody say then say it again then say it one more time then then then when after the angel came down and stirred up the water then whoever stepped in first everybody say first say it again first seven more times first then whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was made well of whatever disease he had i want you to pay very close attention to what i'm getting ready to say because it's very important verse number four is truly stated concerning what was happening at the place but verse number four is not a statement of truth concerning god's original intention for the place i'm gonna say it again verse number four is truly stated in other words the verse truly states what was happening at the place an angel went down and after the angel went down whoever stepped in first was made well of whatever disease they had that is truly stated that's what was happening the angel actually did go down do you believe an angel went down yeah one of the reasons i believe and the angel went down is because it says it was at feast time and if you know anything about the feast god promised if the children of israel would do what he told them he would send angels before so it's significant that angels were manifesting around feast time i don't have time to get into that but so was an angel actually going down and stirring the water yeah was whoever getting in first actually getting healed of whatever disease they had yeah but i submit to you by the spirit of grace that while that is truly stated as to what was happening that is not a statement of truth concerning god's original intention for the place this was the people's experience at the place not god's purpose plan for the place how can you say that bishop mcclendon because i've been given heavenly vision and inside concern again and because the scripture tells us it was named place of grace place of undeserved favor where you got favor you didn't deserve meaning you didn't have to earn it you didn't have to merit some people say unmerited favor but look at what had happened to this place it was called the place of grace the place of outpouring but what happened it had become a place where whoever stepped in first was made well of whatever disease they had meaning you had to be first in order to get it and if you got to be first it's no longer grace i need you to hear me if you gotta be first it's no longer the place of grace now you've got to earn it now you've actually got to cut other people off so they don't get it ain't nobody's saying nothing to me now if anybody gets in front of you or seems to be moving faster than you you got to undercut them and cut them off to make sure they don't get what you want because you're not convinced there's enough for all of you and this is what religion has done this is what an improper preaching of the gospel has done this is what preaching the law instead of the grace of god preaching deserving principles instead of jesus finished story this is what it has done to people it has made them so they have to be first and so now if you're not good enough bright enough if you don't think you're holy enough if you're not flawless enough you don't think the goodness of god can flow to you but i have come to tell you from the place of grace that no matter what your flaws or failures if you can believe the goodness of god can flow to you healing can flow to you blessing can flow to you prosperity can flow to you why because this gospel is not earned it is received hallelujah whoa by grace through faith somebody needs to shout right there so watch it it says an angel went down that's true and then whoever stepped in first that's what was actually happening but that's not what god intended and i'll never forget it when the spirit of the lord said to me he said son if it had really been a place of grace you wouldn't have had to be first you could have been 200 and first and still got healed you could have been 300 and first and still got healed but what had happened here what had happened is people oh please hear me the people's experience at the place and not the master's purpose plan for the place was the message that was emanating from the place that's why you got to watch who you hear the gospel from that's why you've got to be cautious to reject jesus because you met some ill-informed sheep why because your experience may not be god's intention somebody may have perverted the message somebody may have watered the message down somebody may not clearly understand the message and they're proclaiming it so they're proclaiming their experience and not god's true intent and his word so what happened here divine intent had been clouded and convoluted by well-intentioned but unilluminated human understanding this is why the bible says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding this is why paul prayed i pray for you that you'll be filled with a knowledge of god's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding not intellectual understanding spiritual understanding why because natural understanding can cloud and convolute divine purpose divine message so it says an angel went down and whoever stepped in first everybody say whoever stepped in first do you see this see it was supposed to be a place of grace but now you've got to be first oh and i'll never forget as i was meditating on this many years ago the spirit of the lord said he said son do you understand this i said i believe i do sir he said i want you to raise up a place where people understand you don't have to be first you don't have to be flawless you don't have to be perfect to receive the goodness of god he said and if and if and if those places continue to perpetuate see what happens if you're in a place where you constantly have to earn the goodness of god then you develop a mentality where you are only concerned with yourself and you can't ever really be honest in a place like that because if you ever tell anybody what you're dealing with they'll take your place and cut in front of you in line they'll get the position the posture they'll get it before you and so in a place like that nobody is ever real and that is why in so many places called church you meet so many people who are hypocritical and one of the greatest criticism of people who come to church who really want to get help is there so many why because if you have to be perfect you can never be real ah if you've got to be flawless you can never take the mask off and god did not intend his church to be a place where you couldn't be your real self because only when you are real can you say god here i am help me bless it be the name of the most high god and so the bible says that an angel went down and shut up the water then whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was made well of whatever disease he had so there you have it the original intention of god is a place where whoever can be healed of whatever but what it's turned into is a place where whoever is best first fastest only those get the goodness of god that is not the church of the lord jesus christ that is not god's original intent and if that's what you encountered let me apologize to you on behalf of men and women who may have been well intentioned but weren't clear about the message i proclaimed to you the gospel of jesus christ that he himself has finished the work he has taken your sickness and mind your failure and mine your flaw in mind he has paid for it and now he says if any man believes on me the father will accept them not based on their performance but based on their believing that i finished the work on their behalf that is the gospel now watch what happens because here is where it gets really really good and i gotta shut it down here in just a moment but i don't want you to miss it now what happens is it says now a certain man was there who had an infirmity 38 years man i'll never forget some 20 plus years ago when i read that in the spirit of god said he said son do you see that this man had been there 38 years 38 years at the same ministry no help 38 years going to the same church no change 38 years listening to the same preaching and never got better oh say amen or ouch watch this it says he had been there 38 years and when jesus saw him lying there oh this is what i love and the spirit of the lord said to me then and he's saying it to me again now jesus is showing up at your church he's showing up he's about to manifest himself watch this it says when jesus saw him lying there and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time he said to him do you want to be made well oh there's so much to preach there because what just happened remember john 1 14 through 17 says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and to somebody say full of grace and truth john bore witness of him and cried out saying this was he of whom i said he who comes after me is preferred before me for he was before me watch this verse 16 and of his fullness we have received and grace for grace for the law was given through moses but grace and truth came through jesus christ i was reading that years ago and the spirit of the lord said to me he said son whenever you see jesus show up grace and truth has just entered the situation oh and whenever you see him show up in the scriptures grace and truth so what just happened is grace and truth just showed up at the place of grace it was out of order it wasn't running in line with his will and his purpose so he says let me stop by here and adjust this and may i say something to you under the prophetic unction of the holy ghost the last two years of this pandemic this the enemy brought it but jesus has used it to show up at his church and say let me correct this because it's got to get back in line with grace and truth he that has ears to hear let him hear and so grace and truth just showed up now watch what grace and truth does when grace and truth shows up he says do you want to be made well oh you got to get this this is what i love about jesus this is what i love about grace and truth grace and truth doesn't play games he goes right to the heart of the matter man's been sitting there 38 years and jesus asked him the most obvious and almost insulting question that you could even be asked and see this is what happened grace when you actually confront it it'll sometimes insult you why because it shows you what you have been missing and confronts you with the responsibility of your action he says do you want to be made well now watch this look at verse 7 it says the sick man answered him man i read that and the spirit of the lord said to me he said son pay attention because this is what is the problem when if you are not preached the real message of the grace of god what will happen is even when i speak to you your sick man will do the answering what do you mean you're sick man you're unrenewed man the one who is not a part of the new creation what do you mean by that go to second corinthians chapter four and verse first go to corinthians chapter four and verse number 16. whoo i'm preaching better than your shout watch this second corinthians chapter 4 and verse number 16. it says therefore we do not lose heart watches even though our outward man is perishing yet the inward man is being renewed day by day so see the gospel the word of god says there's an outward man and there's an inward man the outward man is the carnal man that's the sick man the inward man is the new man look at verse look at colossians whoo well no look at first peter oh goodness i don't have time look look at colossians chapter 3 verses 10 and 11. colossians chapter 3 verses 10 and 11 it is speaking to the believer in christ jesus speaking to the new creation in christ jesus look what it says and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of him who created see the bible says you and i when we come to christ if any man be in christ he is a new creation we are to put on the new man and the new man is renewed made new continually made new how in knowledge according to the image of him who created him well who created him jesus he's the firstborn of the new creation so watch this when jesus when grace and truth comes the sick man answers instead of the new man and this is what happens if you do are not trained if you don't learn to respond out of your transformed new creation you will continue to speak words of death and words of fear and words of doubt and words of unbelief instead of words of faith see words of faith are simply the word of grace they are the words from this place that you and i now have access to don't have time to go into that so the bible says the sick man answered everybody saying the sick man answered then look what he answers he says sir i have no man i have no man no now get it this man's been here 38 years let me just read it let me just read it he says sir i have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up but while i am coming another steps down before before me do you see that he said sir i have no man to put me in the pool but while i'm coming another steps down before now clearly this man can't get to the pool and for 38 years every time he got ready to get well somebody cut him off somebody stabbed him in the back somebody pushed him out of the way see this is what happens in an environment where performance religion is taught instead of the grace of god where performance religion where you got to be first you got to be best you got to be brightest this is what happens it develops an environment and an atmosphere of nasty cutthroat unconcerned people who only are concerned about them and not you why because i got to be first because if i don't beat you i can't get mines and that is the atmosphere and jesus steps into that atmosphere and he's stepping into that atmosphere in your lifetime jesus steps in and he says do you want to be made well do you actually want to be made well now the the the natural response what you mean do i want to be maybe i've been here 38 years i've been going this church 38 years and all these people these deacons and elders and all these people around here every time i get ready to get well one of your elders cuts me off one one of your mothers one of the mothers in the church condemns me every time i try to get well wow wow jesus looks i love this and then here where the man says he says sir i have no man to put me in the pool see this is what performance-based religion will produce it will produce a mentality of dependency i need this i need this i need to get this i need to get this right i need to get that right i need this this this notice what grace and truth says grace and truth says you don't need a man you don't need the pool i've come to change all that do you want to be made well because now all you need is me all you need is a word from me forget the pool forget the people who've cut you off forget the people you've seen over the last 38 years who did not have the spirit of christ do you want to be made well i just married you now jesus said i'm talking to you sir i'm talking to you man forget the religious delusion forget the religious disappointment do you want to be made well here what's the message i have no man jesus i didn't ask you about a man i didn't ask you about anybody else talk about you and me the place of grace is a place that teaches you to get a personal relationship with jesus of nazareth where nobody else's opinion matters what is god saying to you this man's healing his deliverance his recovery his restoration was not based on anything but his response to the word of god i don't know who i'm preaching to but i am telling you sir i am telling you man that right where you are now you are stepping in to the place of grace and nobody else's opinion nobody else's vantage point nobody else's perspective matters the only thing that matters now is your response to the word of god do you want to be made well the bible says the bible says after the man gave his excuses jesus jesus said to him i've come to deliver you from pool keepers pool boys pool people do you want to be married he gave the excuse and jesus looked at him said rise take up your bed and walk and the bible says and immediately somebody shout immediately say it immediately say it again and immediately the bible says the man was made well why because it didn't matter about the pool didn't matter about the people didn't matter about the years of disappointment didn't matter about his experience the only thing that mattered was his response to what the spirit of god was saying to him in that moment i want you to lay your hands upon yourself the bible says and immediately immediately when he acted on the word of god immediately the man was made well got up and walked i want you to lay your hand up on yourself because i'm going to say something now that i'm not going to get into till next week because i've heard it preached for years i heard preachers preach it for years that's the reason jesus told the man to take up his bed and walk is because it had something to do with his healing because jesus wanted him to pick up and carry the thing that he had been laying on the thing that had made him comfortable so many years he wanted him to get out of his comfort zone i've heard that preached and it's wonderful preaching but it's not true [Music] his carrying the bed had nothing to do with his being healed you say bishop a good and how can you say it because i can read the bible says immediately the man was made before he started carrying the bed he was well so his carrying the bed had nothing to do with his healing that was for another reason we'll get into that next week i want you to lay your hand upon yourself his healing his deliverance his rescue his release his restoration his recovery his turnaround was based on nothing else but his response to god's word his response to grace and truth and in that moment and this is the thing about grace and truth the bible says in john 1 it says and we beheld his he came full of grace and truth and here's the reality whenever you meet jesus grace is going to flow to you and somehow and this is the miracle of salvation of restoration of healing that somehow when you hear god speak to you like many of you are hearing the voice within my voice when you hear it you believe yeah i can get up yeah i actually believe in this moment when there's favor available yeah i believe i can get out of this i believe now i can come out there are people under the sound of my voice you've been dejected depressed deprived disenfranchised you've been set aside you've been disappointed and subtly by the spirit of god you're believing something can change that's grace grace and truth i am telling you as a prophet of god you're about to get favor that you haven't earned you're about to receive goodness that you have not merited and there's something about knowing [Music] that i'm receiving better than i deserve it doesn't make you arrogant it makes you unborn it makes you grateful it makes you grateful to the god who's so good that he refuses to allow your and my failure your and my flaw your and my [Music] frailty keep us from his goodness i'll never forget lay your hand upon yourself i was reading this and i said god you really want me to preach this to people you really want me to say this to them he said it's in the word is it i said yes but he said he said i said i said god if i preach this to people [Music] they'll say it's too good to be true because it's too good to be true some of you you've been going to church all your life and what i just preached to you you're struggling to believe it but you're going to believe because it seems too good to be i'll never forget it i said god people i was in my office i said god they're going to say it's too good to be true he said and when they say that he said you look at them and tell them say no he said it's so true it can only be good he said i'm so true i can only be good to you do you hear what i'm saying i want you to lay your hands upon yourself because you are getting an encounter right now with grace and truth from the place of grace and see here's the reality the place of grace is not just here it's where you are because when you encounter jesus you become a place of undeserved favor you become a place of enabling power you become an example of the god who's better to you than you deserve i want you to look at me i want you to see me i want you to hear me you are looking at a man who's receiving better than he deserves who's constantly getting more than i've earned and constantly receiving above and beyond what i could ever perform and do why because god by his spirit the spirit of grace has helped me to stay in a place where i believe that the finished work of jesus on my behalf has qualified me for the goodness of god as long as i believe not in my performance but in what jesus has done i want you to lay your hands upon yourself sir i want you lay your hands upon yourself ma'am i want those of you here in this tabernacle to begin to pray in the holy ghost i want everybody praying in the spirit if you pray in the spirit i want you doing it now if you pray in the holy ghost i want you doing it now if you don't pray in the spirit then lift up your hands and just begin to worship begin praying in the spirit with me come on do it now [Music] vise come on [Music] thank you me me yes yes i want you right there just to lay your hands up on yourself keep them right there i want you [Music] i want you to stay with me just a moment lay your hands upon yourself the spirit of grace the spirit of grace the spirit of undeserved favor the spirit of enabling power spirit of god is the spirit of grace the spirit of grace is flowing towards you now there are people under the sound of my voice right now that are believing you're believing right now that you can come out that you can get up again that you can change the situation that you can actually see and come into that which god has purposed and planted i'm telling you this is your place of grace and god has ordained for you to become a testimony an evidence a trophy if you will there are some things that are getting ready to occur in your life sir in your life ma'am in your family in your home in your business that there will be no tangible physical explanation for except that you got favor that you didn't deserve you know what the word favor actually means in hebrew it is the hebrew word kanan it literally means to bow bend or lean in kindness in the direction of one who is knowingly inferior so the favor of god is when god knows you're outmatched knows you're outnumbered knows you don't have the stuff knows that you can't earn it but he leans in your direction and pulls you up and pulls you out ah that's about to it's happen for you right now there are people being healed under the sound of my voice people being delivered under the sound of my voice there are people right now devils are coming out yolks are being destroyed they're people right now falling on the ground if you're with them speak and say in jesus name let them go spirits of religion and tradition are being broken off of life why you sir you ma'am have been ordained to be a place [Music] of undeserved favor lay your hands up on yourself in just a few moments i'm going to a prayer of salvation and healing for i know in my spirit that the grace of god is flowing right now in lives and circumstances in an unusual way [Music] but as i was preparing to bring you this message the holy spirit spoke to me and said i want you to have the people to do this and i've never done this during vision month and then as i was preaching and coming to the conclusion and i thought well lord you know i said but it just came up in my spirit again god bear me witness in the holy ghost when i speak this many of you is going to bear witness with your spirit may not be for everyone but if i'm sent to you then i need you to pay attention lay your hands upon yourself the spirit of the lord spoke in my spirit as i was preparing to come and minister this message and he spoke to me again just now he said i want you to challenge every person connected to this anointing every person who hears this message everyone who hears this word and everyone who believes that this vision is from god it's already manifesting we wouldn't be in this place if god hadn't done it because we couldn't do it it's a manifestation that's why it's called the place of grace because god favored us [Music] and that favor that anointing is going to flow on you sir it's going to flow on your family it's going to flow in your house it's going to flow in your business it's going to flow on your dream ma'am it's going to flow on your vision mama it's going to flow to you why that's why we're here lay your hands upon yourself the spirit of god spoke in my spirit he said i want you to challenge this month every person connected to this anointing every person connected to this vision to sow a seed one time this month at least one seed this month into this vision and into this anointing of 500 500 5 is the number of grace there's no magic in the number i'm not i'm not giving you a magic number i'm giving you a point of contact a point of agreement god bear me witness in the holy ghost and there are some of you that watched me for the last hour and you said i have never heard a message like this i've never heard anything like this preached why because i've heard from god i'm not preaching you my thoughts i'm preaching to you what he said to me and that very witness was the spirit of god letting you know this is from him for you and there's a favor somebody shout favor said favor that's what the grace of god there's a favor that's coming on you and me your household this month now i want you sir i want you ma'am to make up in your mind if i'm talking to you and i'm and this is not for everybody but it is for you if the spirit of god is bearing witness with your spirit and i'm going to come every single sunday this month and remind you one time one time you and your family you and your household you and your business maybe you need a soldier man to sow into this vision the place of to sow into this one time this month a 500 a vision seed now if that's not you today fine you give as god has blessed you you give as god as prosperity there are people under the sound of my voice in this room the spirit of god is dealing with you to sow that seed and you know it i want you to lift your hands up lift up lift up lift if you're here and god is dealing with you lift your hand up if you're watching me live streaming and the spirit of god is dealing with you i want you to say yes to him many of you will do it today others of you will say you know what prophet of god i'm not going to do it today but i will do it before the month is over i'm going to saw a one-time scene in this vision month into this vision the spirit of god thank you lord is dealing with you to do it i want you to now there are those of you who you couldn't you your faith is not there then i want you to give a seat of 55 do that do that do that today do that today everybody else i'm going to speak to you if you are one of those and i'm number one i'm doing it as a matter of fact i'm gonna do it every week i'm gonna sow that seed every week glory to god because i want to be on the front end of everybody every week doing it i'm believing god i need some favor in some areas i need some stuff i don't deserve i need some things i couldn't merit and couldn't earn i need that to happen for me and i know the god that i serve i'm talking to you now i'm gonna pray for you in just a moment but i am moving under divine unction in what i'm doing if that's you right now i want you to get that seed prepared i have been commissioned by the spirit of grace and i checked it man i didn't want to do it he said i want you to have every person connected to this anointing who will dare and believe with me one time just one seat in this one to sow 500 one time watch what happens right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a donate button there's a way for you to so i want you to do it you say profit of god what if that's not me well then you give us god has blessed you give us god his prophet has prospered if you can connect with me sow a seed of 55 or 70 the impartation dimension you say what if i don't have that when you sow the very best you can the bible says if there first be a willing heart is accepted not according to what a man has not but according to what he has right there on your computer screen right there on your i feel the power of god [Music] there's a woman watching me your name is mary elizabeth your name is mary elizabeth god spoke to me very specifically and you have called out to god for something specific you literally asked him why is this happening what is the problem and the spirit of god in the word that i just sent to you by the spirit of grace gave you an answer and there's something you're believing god to do and i'm talking to you right now you need to do what the spirit of god is telling you whatever that is do it right there on your computer screen right there in your smartphone there's a donate button there's a way to sew i want you to click that button and so as god has directed you or you can text cement four one four four four once again that's c e m m two four one four four four follow the problems and so as the spirit of grace is directing you there's a number on your screen 310-323-2600 i've got trained prayer ministers ready and waiting to agree with you many of you as the word was coming forth there were nuggets of truth things that were being said to you some of you you wrote them down and you need someone to agree with you call the number 310 i'm talking to you don't let this woman pass you back 310-323-2600 connect with my prayer minister sow the seed that god has spoken to you to sow whatever that is now even if you're not sown you can call that number we'll pray for you our prayers are free but there's something about mixing your faith and your giving acts chapter 10 speaks of that read it when you get a chance i believe something supernatural is happening right now and you need to act in faith 310-323-2600 or if you've got the bishop of clinton app that's a very easy way for you to give if you don't have it you can download it from itunes or google stay connected with us but you can sow that way or you can bring that gift anytime during the week here live in any service or any day tuesday through thursday 11 30 there are people here at the place of grace ready to agree with you why because we believe the favor of god is flowing 24 hours a day seven days a week i want to pray with you i want to pray for you right now if you're sowing i want you to get ready if you're here in the tabernacle and you're wanting to give now's the time to do it if you're making out a check make it payable to c e m m clarency mclennan ministries if you're giving cash the envelope is for it please use the envelope or if you want to do this on a bank or a credit card there are people moving right now in the aisle to my right to my left and if you want to do this on a bank or credit card you can move there and they will help you with that transaction you don't need to write all that information down let's believe god do you sense the spirit of god some of you were shouting and praising and dancing a minute ago don't lose it because we're sowing now this is an act of believing it's an act of worship it is a witness of agreement god i believe your word i receive it and i believe the prophet that you've sent with your word the bible says believe in the lord your god so shall you be established believe his prophets so shall you prosper those that speak under divine inspiration if you believe i've spoken under the inspiration of the spirit of god then believe right now that this instruction is for you if you have given already if you're in the process of giving right now or if you haven't given yet i want you to stop what you're doing i want you to lift your hands up with me i want to pray for you i want to agree with you and i want you to agree with me father in the name of jesus lord i sense your favor flowing i sense yoke destroying burden removing power i said shackles being broken bodies being restored minds being elevated and illuminated i sense darkness moving and light shining in hearts and lives in the name of jesus of nazareth i take authority over every spirit of religion and tradition every devil of darkness i break the power of sin i release the grace of almighty god and in the name of jesus of nazareth i declare today you encounter grace and truth i declare today you become a place of grace a place for the undeserved favor of god and the enabling power of god continue to give you better than you deserve and empowered to do what no natural man or woman can do in the name of jesus i pray this for you and i count it done in jesus name [Music] there are people receiving the goodness of god now whatever god has spoken to you to do whatever he's told you to sow do it right now let's worship god just a moment hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord you deserve the glory [Music] hallelujah come on singing together [Music] you deserve the glory god you were thank you there are some pastors preachers men and women of god you're watching me right now in the word of the lord yes god i'll say it and the word of the lord came to you for some of you thank you master the spirit of the lord just he envisioned you he showed you something many of you god confirmed something in your spirit that he's been dealing with you about there are some of you and i i i don't think i've ever done this there are some of you that are watching me and you are connected to this anointing and you know it god's been dealing with you about it you need to call the number on the screen three one zero three two three twenty seven you need to tell them i'm a pastor so and so bishop so-and-so reverend so-and-so whatever you are [Music] there's a network that we have here and some of you god's been dealing with you about connecting with this prophetic anointing i never do this but today the spirit of god is telling me to tell you to move it's important there's a grace that's supposed to be flowing on your life and one thing i've learned i'm connected to men and women of god whose names if i called you would know and the connection is part of the reason that there's a grace that flows on my life it's important who you're connected to there are men and women of god right now watching in the spirit of god is directing you to sow into this anointing there's several pastors god spoke to you to sew a thousand dollars see i was right there worshiping and he said say this because it's important you need to do it doesn't matter whether you like me or not that's not the point there's a grace flowing here and the holy ghost is telling you to do it you need to do what he says and watch what he will do on the other side of your believing hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord god i want to pray for you [Music] in this room or watching me live streaming if you've never accepted jesus christ as your savior and lord [Music] if you and i sense this and i'm changing the order of things a little bit here we'll take communion in a moment if you've never accepted christ jesus as your savior and your lord or if you and i need to say this that if you encountered some sheep but you never got to the pool and you were rejected and hurt and wounded and some of you you decided to give up on god because you met some of his people who perhaps were like the man who had been there 38 years they kept cutting you off and pushing you out of the way and rejecting you and getting in front of you i want you to i want to i want you to hear me don't let people keep you away from jesus people may reject you churches may disappoint you religion may discard you jesus never will he never will he never will if you're here or you're watching me live streaming and you say preacher if this is true then i want to know this jesus it is true and there are some things you won't know until you just do them i want you to pray with me right now come on lift up your hands i want everybody everybody just lift up your hands watching me live streaming here in the tabernacle lift up your hands and say these words out loud say lord jesus say it lord jesus i thank you you are the reconciler you are the one that has made me one again with god you are the lord full of grace [Music] and truth i thank you that you died in my place you took my sins my sickness my lack and your resurrection is my receipt it is my evidence that your sacrifice on my behalf was accepted by the father and i am accepted i am i am i am because i believe in your finished work [Music] i am a child of god in jesus name i am my saints if you meant what you just prayed the work is already done whether you're here in the tabernacle or watching me live streaming i want you to write me today today today at just say i prayed the prayer with you i want to help you by the grace of god begin walking with god do it today and don't you forget it we're going to minister communion to you and so if you don't have grape juice and crackers you can get bread and water paul said the bread which we bless the cup which we bless if you've got juice and crackers get it i said you can get kool-aid and wonder bread we'll pray over it and the lord will use it but i want you to take the bread in your hand get the cup i want to give you a moment to get it we're going to pray in the name of jesus if you have never heard my teaching on the lord's table communion i want to encourage you to get it because when you hear it you'll understand that communion is more than an ordinance it's more than a sacrament it is a weapon of the new creation and it is the wisdom of god for the new creation i had a visitation of the lord jesus himself in 2011 i believe it was when the lord appeared to me walked into my office and shared with me some things i've told about it i won't get into it now but you can hear about it and he shared some things with me i had been dealing with illness and infirmity for six months nothing could have been the doctors nothing could help the lord told me to take communion with him for 14 days straight to get up in the morning and do it and on the 14th day he walked in to my room and began to minister truth to me about communion and all over the globe people have been healed set free delivered it was a woman who had stage four cancer was being studied taking communion regularly was healed by the power of god and she took to me and heard him i want you to understand something there's power in what jesus has commanded us to do i want you to get the bread get the cup i'm going to pray over it father in the name of jesus you said the bread which we bless the cup which we bless it is how we partake we become benefactors we fellowship and receive of your finished work now in the name of jesus i breast i bless this bread and cup and i decree that from this moment every attribute every benefit of the finished work of jesus and the new creation flows to your sons and daughters in jesus name amen lift the bread and remember that jesus said this is my body given for you when you and i eat of the bread we are receiving the body that took our sin our sickness our lack we are receiving it as our own the scripture declares that jesus and we were together through the whole process of his death burial resurrection ascension and seating [Music] and in essence and in truth [Music] every thing that the enemy is trying to tell you you have to bear or you have to deal with jesus has already taken it i'll never forget when the lord said to me said son when you understand this you'll understand that it is illegal for satan to charge you twice for that which i have already paid for once he took it so that you and i don't have to carry it [Music] lift the bread and say lord jesus i receive your body given for me and i declare my sins are remitted my body restored healed well i declare i am favored [Music] and increasing financially and in every other way this is my privilege my legal right as a new creation in christ jesus let's all eat together the scripture says then he took the cup and said this cup is the new everybody say the cup is the new the lord pointed out to me that only with the cup does he speak of the new with the bread it is the finish of the old but he says this cup is the new covenant the new agreement in my blood and this is where we receive the other body the resurrected one there was one jesus but two bodies it was sown one way the bible says but it was raised another body that's what first corinthians 15 verses 35 through 45 say read it when you get home and so when we take the cup we are receiving that glorified body that finished work and there's a download that flows when you believe from him to you this is what the scripture teaches [Music] lift the cup say these words out loud say lord i receive the new and i thank you that every blessing every benefit of the new creation not only belongs to me but i receive it and i walk in it in jesus name my sins are emitted i am whole let's all drink together and the people said amen some of you were saying well bishop i'm saying things that that that they're not true in my life no they may not have manifested but they are true and remember jesus said you'll have what you say see when you start speaking the new you're not speaking the situation you're speaking what he has said and that's how you get access to it in faith through the grace of god amen and amen the lord bless you lift your hands we're concluding today i pray that you've been blessed don't miss next week we're going further this father in the name of jesus we pray now a hedge of protection in the north south east and west around your people their family their households their goods and all that they have on every side we declare that everything their hands touch prospers we continue that they intend they continue to increase in the land which you give and we boldly confess the angels of the lord and can't round about us and they deliver us because we are those that fear the lord in jesus name amen and amen the lord bless you and we'll see you by the grace of god at the place of grace [Music] become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network [Applause] you
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 7,885
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Id: AlY2UdIkztw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 55sec (13555 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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