The Worship Experience - December 26, 2021

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we had songs about it and what you don't understand is we were singing songs that were producing fear and messages that were producing fear because jesus might come tonight before your next breath now once again once again you know if you are not born again you know that there's kind of this idea whatever gets you born again is worth it but the fact of the matter is even if a person makes a decision for christ out of fear that decision won't stick i need you to hear me because fear does not convert the soul it may affect the mind which means there may be a whole lot of people who made decisions for christ and a fearful message of the coming of the lord who are not born again at all they made a mental decision to escape a terror they were not converted because faith was not put in the heart when the word was preached [Music] and so i charge men and women of god who are responsible for preparing god's people and the unbeliever do not preach this to strike fear in the hearts of men do not preach it to strike terror in the hearts of men and women because you make a person afraid that doesn't mean they're converted go back to verse 41 and i'm going to read down through it look at jesus answer don't miss it then peter said to him lord do this parable only to us or to all the people and the lord said well here here's how you can figure out who i'm speaking to who then is that faithful and wise steward whom his master will make ruler over his household to give them their portion of food in the sea see the master's objective is not merely you being ready to go it's you being ready to rule no no no no you didn't get it the master's objective is not you being ready to go because he's coming back in seven years and he's going to set up his kingdom and he's looking for rulers he's looking for people who will be ready to govern territory with him in the earth and all we're all our preaching has been focused on is going the master i'm not looking for people to go i'm looking for people who can rule when i come back watch it isn't it amazing when you read your bible what you see now look at this look at this look who then is that faithful and white steward whom his master will make ruler of his household to give them in other words the people there the portion of food induced blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes i'm looking for people who are ruling when i come no you missed it i'm looking for when i come i'm looking for rulers i'm not looking for the cleanest person according to the flesh that you have seen because if the blood of jesus has been applied to their life what they did last night isn't going to keep them from going [Music] as long as they are trusting in the lord jesus for their acceptance and not in their performance see we have preached a message on your performance your performance is what qualifies you to go with jesus no his blood is what qualifies you to go with him you're believing in what he has done so i want you to see something are you getting this i said are you getting this so the master's objective is not merely finding people ready to go it's finding people ready to rule [Music] so what he's looking at is what are you doing with what i told you before i come did you finish what i gave you to do have you been faithful or do your emotions cause you to stop doing what you're assigned to do does somebody offending you cause you to leave your post in the kingdom does your feelings determine whether you are steadfast on your post or do you know you've got an assignment because i'm looking for people who are faithful who are where i put them when i come and that's why a lot of people are going to be surprised a lot of people are going to be surprised because there will be people who live clean as mississippi chitlins that'll be left and there'll be other people who are still struggling with this or still dealing with that but they will not allow anything to keep them off their kingdom post and jesus said you're going with me i'm looking for rulers so get it the master's objective is not merely who's ready to go but who's ready to rule the master focus is not on what you're trying to keep from doing or what you don't want to be caught doing when he comes the master's focus is on what you're found doing faithfully that he assigned you to do and will you still be doing it when i come or will you have allowed the opinions of people the offenses of people watch this or even your own flaws and failures to keep you from your assignment will you have allowed even the things you are struggling with in your flesh to keep you from your assignment because your perfection is not what qualifies you for your assignment in the first place it is the grace of almighty god [Music] i was reading paul just the other day where he talks about in first corinthians chapter 12 the messenger of satan the thorn in his flesh that was sent to buffet him because of the abundance of revelation he said i prayed to god three times to get this thing out of my life we don't know what it was but it was something that was constantly bothering him he said i prayed three times to get this thing out of my life and the response of god was my grace is sufficient for you now paul says something that most christians can't even process he says he says when i got that answer he said most gladly now therefore will i rather glory in my infirmities in other words the very weakness i was trying to get rid of now when i go before god i praise him for it i thank him for it not because i like it but because what i understand is it is that is what reminds me that this is a grace thing and not a paul thing and he says most gladly therefore will i rather glory in my firminess because i found out something when i am weak then am i strong why because the power of christ is resting on me and i have learned that my perfection is not what's keeping me it's the power of god that's keeping me i have learned that my flawless example is not what is keeping me it is the grace of god that is keeping me now see here is the tension of the true christian life here is the tension of the true christian life and if you don't have this tension i'm not sure you're a true christian here is the tension of the true christian life the true believer sees and knows his flaws and are honest with god about them the true christian hates whatever it is that continues to affect their lives but the true christian will never let it stop them because the true christian hangs on to the grace of god to the point where they know if this never leaves it doesn't mean i'm not going with him when he comes because i'm going to be found doing what he told me true christian wants out of every bondage free of every shackle wants to be done with every besetting yoke and sin but then the true christian also says i refuse to quit i will never stop believing i will never stop trusting i will stay right here until this thing falls off me or he takes me out of here i don't know who i'm preaching to but i have come to declare to you the master is looking for people who when he comes he finds them doing not trying not to do because the fact of the matter is if indeed our sins have been remitted by the blood of jesus and we are trusting in the blood of jesus and his finished work for our acceptance when the master comes we are going regardless of last week's failure or yesterday's flaw because i'm trusting in him he said and this aspect of the rapture this aspect of my second coming he said this also has to be brought into the finished work [Music] my blood not only paid for you to live here it paid for you to leave here [Applause] my grace [Music] it is not only the power by which you will live here it is the power by which you will leave here and if you are washed in the blood if you have accepted the finished work of jesus if you are trusting in him and not in your performance and you make up your mind god whatever it is you tell me to do i'm gonna be found doing it if you assign me to the parking lot if that's if that's where you split me i'm gonna be right there if you assign me here if you assign me there you assign me as a mother of father if you assign me i'm going to be there until you move me you will either move me by promotion or by elevation you will either move me by promoting me to another place or you will move me by lifting me out of here when you come but i'm going to be found doing what you told me to do now here's the question what did he tell you what are you supposed to be doing where are you supposed to be set what is your work to make sure everybody that's supposed to come into this kingdom gets in the severity of the times has unleashed a plethora of perplexities worldwide including the hotly debated issue of racially internationally recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised word of god bishop clarence is based on a historic lie and not biblical truth race is not in the mind of god race is not distinguished in the bible race is not remotely a christian concept so my question is why does the church continue to engage in the divisive narrative of race in this unapologetic and confrontational series bishop mcclendon lays an axe to the root of hatred and bigotry using biblical evidence to prove god divided men first on the basis of their language and ultimately on the basis of their covenant relationship with him and not their skin color order this resource today when you visit our website or call twenty six 310-323-2600 [Music] [Applause] if we are going to be the prophetic community if we're going to live by this word then we've got to understand we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against powers and against principalities this collection of powerful teachings from bishop mclendon reveals from the word of god how believers should properly respond to social injustice every time god tries to bring a revival to this nation we turn it into a political movement or an ethnic movement instead of allowing the spirit of god to expose the injustice and falling on our knees and crying out to god to help us order a righteous riot cd collection today [Music] [Music] [Music] become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network [Applause] become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network [Applause] become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network [Applause] become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network [Applause] he was he was dead to set us free he was born set us free he was born to bring redemption somebody praise him praise him say thank you jesus for finding me worthy to die for thank jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah love will bless your name we give you praise we give you praise we say blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name god the one who wears and easter over jerry my provider jehovah needs peace lord i worship lord we give you praise bless the people of the lord blessed be the name lord he is good and his mercies endures say of the forever i will say of the lord for he is good and his mercy is endures forever greatest and faithfulness oh lord my father there is no shadow of turning with thee thou change it's not that compassion fails not as thou has been thou forever will be even in my unfaithfulness you have stayed true to yourself because you are faithfulness personified somebody giving praise blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord i declare the lord is good i declare the lord is good it's just four days to the end of the year he has been faithful he has been faithful he has been faithful i don't know about you but i can speak for myself he has been faithful so i praise you for your faithfulness i praise you for your faithfulness many came into here but there are no more it's not because i'm wiser it's not because i'm stronger it is the grace of god it is the mercies of god bible tells me his mercies are new every morning i praise you for new mercies bible tells me his prayerfulness is ever sure i praise you for your faithfulness bible tells me his favor surrounds me like a shield i praise you for your favor somebody giving praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah great and sound god and greatly to be praised greatness of god and greatly to be praised blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord somebody declared blessed be the name blessed up in the name of the lord with twenty twenty and the four elders quiet blessed be the name of the lord but twenty years is quite holy holy holy holy is the lord god almighty the whole earth is filled with his goodness the whole earth is filled with his glory the glory of the lord covers the earth like the word of death the sheep will bless the name of the lord will bless the name of the lord out of our lives praise has been perfected will bless the name of the lord we give you christ somebody give me praise somebody give me praise hallelujah somebody to bless the name of the lord honor somebody bless the name of the lord lord we give you praise we give you praise let is from praise let praise is wise from the inside that praises rise from your inside bless them in the name of the lord [Music] you were worthy you were worthy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i praise you i praise you [Music] yes [Music] [Music] bless up in the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord bless it be the name of the lord bless it be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord yes blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord [Music] blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord with the clever blessed be the name we let us repeat the name of the lord blessed be the name on the lord blessed be the name of the lord [Music] blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the blessed lord the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord be the [Music] name of the lord [Music] blessed be the name of the lord that should be the name of the lord bless it be the name of the the name lord the lord [Music] yes [Music] [Music] the name of the lord [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] hello i don't know where i don't know where i'd be without oh oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i don't know where i'd be without you [Music] [Music] give him a praise [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you are [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] if it wasn't for your love if it wasn't for your grace if it wasn't for your love different words for help me save it if it wasn't wrong [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] somebody give a praise somebody give a praise if you know he's awesome if you know he's awesome give him christmas somebody if it wasn't for you i've been here since january february march april may june july august september october november if it wasn't for your love [Music] i'm not better than the people who are not here if it wasn't for [Music] you didn't have to visit the doctor if it wasn't for your love i'm not in a sick bed if it wasn't for your love there was no accident if it wasn't for your love i'm still in my right mind if it wasn't for your love when the enemy came in like a floor god raised the standard against me if it wasn't for your love was it for you i didn't deserve it but you showed in any way if it wasn't for your life [Music] [Applause] i don't know i think i have an idea where i would have been messed up down and under without nothing without value but jesus grace showed me love [Music] when others were saying there was a castle down i kept saying there was a lift enough because i knew whose grace i was winding up if it wasn't for your love where is it for you i don't know where i'll be without yours [Music] oh yes [Music] i said bless him for his grace bless him for his love love lived his love lived in me this lovely [Music] [Music] i'm alive only because of his grace [Music] if [Music] somebody needs to think about it [Music] [Applause] [Music] behold what matter of love that the father has given unto us if it wasn't [Music] without you [Music] hallelujah hallelujah well it's time to go to africa [Music] everybody you are the king of kings we bless [Music] me [Music] [Music] you are [Applause] slowly [Music] you [Music] holy [Music] the holy name [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] everybody let's go [Music] how you doing come on [Music] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah oh [Music] you are [Applause] [Music] give me [Music] stop the devil hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] somebody give him a price somebody give him a prize [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] somebody give a place [Music] [Music] we keep it glowy [Music] [Music] no one else besides me don't dance [Music] [Music] glory [Music] hallelujah [Music] i like africa that was fun hallelujah glory to god if you know that we serve the able god who's able to do exceeding abundantly above all we think imagine ask all that we can fathom if you know that to not only be fact but truth can you lift your hands and say god i thank you for being able to supersede anything that i could ever imagine father i thank you that not only do you want to give me what i can ask but you want to do greater than that you want to do more than that you actually want to show me that you are jehovah jireh my provision my provider you want to give me above all i could think all i could ask all i could pray for you want to do that and more you want to do this and more you want to do that and more whatever the thing is that you've never seen done before whatever the road is that you need god to make whatever that is he's able and willing to do that and more can you lift your hands to him can you praise him hallelujah to jesus hallelujah to jesus hallelujah to jesus hallelujah to jesus you're more than able jesus you're more than able god you're more than willing you're more than [Music] we praise you abel jesus able god you want to do more and more and more and more and more [Music] [Music] exceeding an abundantly [Music] think about what you need he's able to do more than oh [Music] god [Music] [Music] can you just praise him for a minute because you know what he's able to do we know what he's done and we know we're not trying to get things accomplished from a place of it not being finished but we are living from it already being accomplished we're working from the finished work the victory's already won your body and my body are already healed the provision has already been made the situation is already settled we are working from the finished work we are seated in jesus we are seated in [Music] in jesus at the right hand of the majesty on high that's the place we pray from we pray from victory oh we're praying from victory we're gonna see glory we're gonna see glory we're gonna see victory we receive it now we receive it now we receive it now [Music] come on praise god here we go yeah the song says this exceedingly yes god abundantly above all all you could ask for think according to the power that work within you [Music] we say it like this god is able to do just what he said he would do and he's gonna fulfill every promise to me and you just don't give up on god because he won't give up on you he's here come on we're gonna be our own drum set this morning when you clap your hands like this come on say hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] so he's gonna forfeit just don't give up on god [Music] oh thank you jesus thank you jesus let's say that again see god is able to do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] declaring he's over he's able he's able oh my god let's say it like this we sing [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's [Music] he can do [Music] whatever it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] until you receive it say this i believe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he just cannot [Applause] don't give up on god [Music] stay in the fight because you don't have to fight stay in the fight because he already fought for you jesus won the battle jesus won the battle chief jesus won the battle jesus won the battle jesus won the battle he already [Music] more [Music] we still [Music] up on you [Music] because it's all working together for your good [Music] i release everything [Music] i will not be offended because i understand it's all working together for my good [Music] a [Music] and i won't give up on because i'm more mature in my faith than that when i see a fence i understand it's an opportunity to not be [Music] and i won't give up on god because i know he won't give [Music] i'm going to continue [Music] [Applause] his name i will continue to lift you up jesus i'm gonna continue [Music] [Music] don't give up on [Music] don't give up on god [Music] because he won't give [Music] can you lift your hands in an act of surrender have your way it's not a stick it's a what it's a way of can you lift your hands in an act of surrender i will continue to worship jesus i will continue to worship jesus i will continue to worship jesus i will continue to worship jesus you're not just saying it to saying it you're letting the enemy know i will continue to worship jesus i will continue to worship jesus cause he continues to love me he continues to love me he continues to preserve me he continues to cover me he continues to shower me with his love and his glory and his mercy and his favorite and his kindness and his abundance and his forgiveness and his love so i will continue to love and worship jesus yeah my brother started singing it love lifted me love lifted me [Music] it was love that lifted little old me on love enlisted me if you remember love lifting me [Music] when nothing else could happen it was love that lifted lived in me and see god he gave his son yes god he gave his son when nothing else could help it was love that lifted me it was love [Music] it lifted me and then the sun he gave his life yes the son he gave his life when nothing else could help it was love see the sun [Music] he gave his life oh i'm so grateful that the son he gave his life his name is jesus and when nothingness could happen it was love [Music] and now i'm free i am free indeed i'm free indeed when nothing else [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i'm free [Music] it was love agape love [Music] unconditional love relentless love no matter what i do love love when i don't deserve [Music] that lived [Music] love lifted me [Music] yes [Music] i love you jesus i love you jesus [Music] hallelujah hallelujah thank you for loving me jesus thank you for saving me jesus thank you for dying for me jesus thank you [Music] thank you for being my strength jesus thank you for being my joy jesus lord jesus [Music] jesus lord jesus oh jesus [Music] jesus so i have no choice but to lift my hands i gotta praise you i gotta worship [Music] you still get the glory you still get the praise you'll still get the honor i still worship you i still praise you i still choose to say i still choose to trust you i still choose to trust i still choose to trust [Music] i still choose the trust [Music] i have decided to trust you i will trust in the lord will trust in the lord i will trust in the lord until i go home to be with the lord oh cause believers we cannot die i will trust in the lord i will true [Music] [Music] into glory because i cannot die hallelujah [Music] [Applause] like joy like a real shore like a river in my song joy like a river like a river my soul [Music] [Music] believe is coming back glow being said [Music] i said got one more i am everybody got a place one more time one more time [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] ain't nobody hallelujah come on and clap your hands in the presence of the lord this morning hallelujah you may be seated as you're clapping your hands and those of you who are watching us live at good morning this is the last sunday in the year of our lord 2021 you have come to the finish line of the sunday worship services let's clap our hands and thank god for all he's done for us this year all he's uh poured out this year his sp come on let's clap our hands and thank god those of you who are watching live at we're celebrating the goodness of our god together and we thank god for you then he has brought us through how many of you know he has brought you through this year through trial through tribulation through attack through of variance and lockdowns and shutdowns and you can't go here and don't go there and don't breathe over there we have still overcome we are still overcoming and we are growing and going stronger in the grace of god that he has poured out on us so we're excited that today is the last sunday of the year we're finishing strong how many of you know you're finishing strong how many of you at home know that you're finishing this 2021 stronger than you started and you're gonna come into 2022 with the blast of momentum of holy ghost fueled momentum in the spirit of god ready to take on whatever the adversary tries to throw at you i believe this is a year where you're going to be chasing the devil instead of the devil attacking yous and you and situations and circumstances and coming after your family and coming after your finances you're going after him that he's not going to want anything to do with you coming up in this new year so we are excited about what god is doing in our midst and we want to greet you and say god bless you on behalf of our bishop and prophet bishop clarency mclendon and the entire place of grace family and community welcome to the worship experience here at the place of grace in inglewood california this is the place where whoever can be healed of whatever thank you for joining with us all year thank you for for connecting with us and flowing with us and and and opening your spirit to what god is saying through and from this apostolic and prophetic grace and we pray and we believe god and we know by the spirit of god from your communication with those of you who are watching and those of you who have connected to the prophet what your testimonies have been of what this anointing what this grace and what this connection has produced in your life and what it's doing in the lives of those that are connected to you so we just want to send you some love here uh on this last sunday of the year and it is coming to a close this week we're excited about what god is going to be doing bishop mclennan is going to tell you more about our renaissance service that's coming up our new year's eve service here at the place of grace new year's eve night but we want to encourage you to stay connected stay connected continually all throughout this holiday season we pray that uh you are enjoying your holiday season we celebrated christmas day last year here at the place of grace at the tabernacle the worship the music was a miraculous the the the the word was powerful and yeah let's clap our hands and thank god for such a unique presence of god that was here uh on yesterday during our christmas service and we pray that you and your family enjoyed a wonderful christmas sub celebration and just not not just gifts and presents and people and food and all that's great but the true unique presence of god the presence of celebrating the lord jesus in worship and in praise so we pray that you were blessed and encouraged on your celebration on christmas day but we want to want you to stay connected throughout the holidays on if you haven't downloaded the bishop mclennan app make sure you go to your app store and get the bishop mclendon app download it get it on your smartphone you can stream and watch live uh the the worship experiences you can watch them directly from the app so that's another way to connect it it's another way to view so make sure you get the app again we're live on facebook if you haven't followed on facebook click and follow the prophet on facebook you can view the service the worship experience is live facebook as well visit the youtube page there's content that is stored there's worship experience there's prophetic encounters there's uh the academies of healing and wellness there's portions of ministry and word that are just there on that youtube page so make sure when you go to youtube you click subscribe and become a subscriber to the bishop mcclendon youtube page as well we want to make sure we're hitting you on every avenue every stream that's out there on every platform so that the word the anointing the presence of god and what is coming from the mouth of the prophet is getting its way to you so that all the noise all the craziness all the winds and the waves of everything that's going on in the world won't be able to move you off course because you will be rooted and grounded in what god is saying to you by the spirit of the living god we want to encourage you to sign up and join the pec this is the last sunday of 2021 and if you haven't joined the pec yet take no more time take no more days do it right now you can just click subscribe you can become a pec member right there at bishop right there on the app it's all free all we need is your information it's information for connection information for the purposes of connection and going into 2022 and what's going on in the world and everything that's happening it is of the utmost significance that you and i stay connected at greater levels to this that once you join the pec any prophetic download that the prophet receives any faith building letter that he is riding on and sending it's going to come to you sir it's going to come to you man it's going to come to you and you'll be able to receive what god is saying and not just hear it but you'll be able to pray it walk in it and see it manifest in your life so you're knowing that you're moving in in the right direction and stepping in line with this apostolic and prophetic grace we want to encourage you if you haven't signed up and joined the pec do it today and all of our pec members and partners thank you and god bless you our global community of all the partners that make up the prophetic e community here at clarency mclendon ministries we salute you today and say god bless you and thank you for partying yeah let's clap our hands and thank god for the prophetic community that's partnered with us all over the world this community is made up of partners and believers and that have connected to this apostolic grace from all parts of the globe so we want to always extend grace and greetings to you from the prophet and from behalf of all of the family here at clarence and mcclendon ministries god bless you pec and if you haven't become a part of that exclusive group make sure you join today make sure you level up your connection today and you'll be blessed for it amen amen the prophet is on his way so we're going to go into a season of prayer again this is the last sunday of the year and how many of you want to finish strong i want to finish strong i want to go into 2022 and i know you guys do uh want to go into 2022 this uh upcoming year with the fullness of what god has that what ever has been trying to attack impede impose itself oppose you and come against you and come against your life we're believing god together that corporately this body is moving exactly into the place that god has set forth for us individually and corporately as a body amen so that let's come together let's come together in a season of prayer prepare your hearts this morning those of you watching live those of you viewing at put your coffee down put your christmas cookies away put that you know leftover pie away from the christmas celebration you can get back to it in a second but let's prepare our hearts can we pray together those of you here in the tabernacle you can just begin to lift up your voice and lift up your heart to god in prayer the psalmist david said god let my prayer come before you as incense and may the lifting up of my hands be to you as the evening sacrifice so let let that sweet aroma of prayer be released in the tabernacle this morning release the aroma and the incense of prayer in your home right now come on if you pray if you pray in the spirit just go ahead and let it flow this morning the prophet is on his way the word it's on its way but we as the people of god we as a prophetic people are praying the word of god praying it for those who are connected to us praying it for those who are hurting and and or dealing with oppression and depression with during the holidays people deal with a heartbreak and loss and and that the enemy tries to blanket them in darkness but we're believing god come on come on let's pray i'm exhorting but we're going to pray together but we're believing god that by the time we log off today by the time you get a of the of the internet today why the time you log off your device by the time we leave this tabernacle this whole community here at clarisse mclennan ministries is going to another dimension to another dispensation in this word and we're going to see the truth of this word work for us amen amen let's pray father in the name of jesus we bless you and we glorify you today this is the day that you have made in father we choose willfully with all of our hearts to rejoice and to be glad in it for you are our god and you are our father and we thank you that you have come this morning to feed us to feed your children again you never leave us you never forsake us you are emmanuel you are jehovah you are the god who was always there and you are here today to feed to help to strengthen with your word and by your word thank you father that as the word of god comes forth today from the mouth of the prophet thank you that wisdom not understanding light and illumination is breaking open doors father is dispelling the darkness father i thank you that the heaviness is lifting right now those of you watching at home and see it some of you have been dealing with heaviness that heaviness is lifted and is lifting right now and is never to return to your home or your atmosphere again in the name of jesus of nazareth father we thank you that corporately this prophetic community this prophetic of believers and new creations father that we are walking in new creation truth god we are walking in what you are saying to us we are actually becoming into the very image of the son of god into the in the person and are being transformed and changed by the glorious power of the lord jesus christ father you are producing the change in us you are producing the transfiguration in this body of believers and all across the globe father everyone who logs on is going higher today everyone who connects is going to a deeper dimension today and we thank you for victory today to those who may be lost to those who may be without to those who are without salvation to those who are seemingly away from god we call them in from the north the south the east and the west we thank you that there's someone logging on to this service next week next year but the hear the word they're coming into the kingdom coming into the sheepfold they're coming to know you as savior as lord as healer as deliverer as blesser as waymaker god we thank you for it we declare victory today that father by the time the prophet leaves this platform we will all have been better for coming we will all have been better for connecting thank you for what you were doing in our midst and we vow to give you the glory to honor the thanks and the praise in jesus name and everyone who agreed with this prayer globally locally wherever you're at say amen god bless you and joy this is the last service of the year the last sunday service of the year enjoy the worship experience god bless you [Music] good morning place of grace it's good to see you i know you had a very merry christmas cause i'm looking at your face praise god [Music] holy holy holy holy holy all day long the angels cry holy holy holy holy holy holy all day long the angels growling all day all day long [Applause] [Music] all day long all day long all day long all day long [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] can you hear me [Music] [Music] holy holy he's [Music] [Music] holy my he's [Music] he's awesome [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] oh depend on them [Music] he went hallelujah he's a righteous we are righteous we are delivered we are saved we are here hallelujah going to this next year knowing that he's going to be with you he'll never leave you with a seat hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] because of who you are [Music] [Music] who you are [Music] because of who you are i will lift my voice and say lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] because of who you are i give you glory because of who you [Music] are are lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] because of who you are [Music] because of who you are [Music] because of who you are i will lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] i worship you because of who you are lord is [Music] [Applause] you are see [Music] [Music] of oh because of who you you are [Music] because of who you are [Music] because of who you are lord i worship you because of who you are lord i worship you because of who you are lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] because [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's the proper response that's the proper response because of who god is and because we know who he is because we know his name because we know his nature because we know what he's able to do because we know what he's capable of doing because we know what he's willing to do this is our response this is our response this is how we worship this is how we praise because of who he's been because of who he is because we know he's alive because we know he's able because we know what he's able and willing to do because we know his nature because we know his name because we know his ability because we know what he's done for us because we know jesus because we know jesus jehovah rapha jehovah shalom jehovah jiren jehovah easy [Music] because we know jesus this is our response this is our response lord we worship you because of who you are lord we worship you because of who you are you are my peace in the middle of a storm you are my joy jesus you are my strength jesus you are my happiness jesus to me i love jesus [Music] you're my friend [Music] you know me you know my thoughts you know me and you still love me [Music] lord i worship you in this moment i'm not thinking about what he's done but who he is [Music] and because of who he is is why he does what he does lord i worship you you are providers so you provide you are my physician healer so [Music] i worship you because of who you are [Music] he is a really good good father [Music] a really good good father a protector a keeper a regulator he is the authority in my life oh hallelujah to jesus [Music] hallelujah to jesus [Music] he's a good he protects me he loves me he shows me grace when i don't deserve grace he gives me favor and he trains me in his love he trains me in his word he trains me in his glory a good good father a good good father a good good father oh a good good father you're a good father a good father a good good father say you're a good good you're good it's who you are it's who you are it's who you are and i am loved i'm loved by you it's who i am [Music] come on lift your hands before the living god lord we bless you because of who you are we worship you because you're worthy of our highest praise there is no god like you in heaven or in earth there is no god but you you are the true and living god thank you for your goodness for your mindfulness of us we bless you again [Music] for your mercies that are new every morning in your fitness to us that is great we thank you for the integrity of your word for the intelligent holy spirit who is with us and in us for your people name by name person by person individual by individual for they are your inheritance in the earth every life minister every heart every circumstance for those that are looking to believing my father grant manifestation grant us action and insight you said that wisdom is the principle therefore we are together and all are getting understanding we ask for this believing we receive it reminding you that you said if we ask you liberally you would not rebuke us for asking and so we vow today to give you praise and glory and honor for all that is said and done in your name and the god who agreed with that said it is so [Music] say amen would you clap your hands and bless right where you are come on dude do better than that clap your hands and bless [Music] the name of the lord and if you're here in the tabernacle you may be seated if you're watching me live streaming we thank god for you once again i know that you have been greeted and you have been saluted and we add our greeting and salutation to that thanking god for you and for his faithfulness to us i want to just praise god seems like i saw some of you all yesterday that was yesterday wasn't it that was just yesterday we were in here yeah okay that was yesterday so sometimes the days run together uh for me but i want to thank god for all of those of you who were part and participant in our christmas day service christmas at the place of grace was a great great celebration of christmas and uh come on you can do better than that you know it was a tremendous time and certainly we are grateful to the lord for uh the ministry that happened in our worship arts the ministry of music musicians and all the special uh accoutrement the accoutrements that were put together you praise the lord for them it was a magnificent time and i so appreciate i so appreciate that expression uh in worship that transpired yesterday as i asked for certain things to be done they were done and i want to just appreciate all those of you who were involved in christmas at the place of grace now horizon's service our new year's eve celebration is coming up this friday december 31 begins at 30 pm and we will pray and preach and prophesy and praise our way in the new year of course as a part of that new year's eve celebration that renaissance service again renaissance means rebirth every new year is a new opportunity meeting in this past week you know uh is eternal uh as they pass are not marked by him the scripture says that are to [Music] number our days so that we may apply our hearts to wisdom so that as the years die it's important continue to check ourselves making sure that we're in line with god's word well that's why there's weeks and years it's as if god is giving us opportunities at consistent renew that whatever has happened doesn't have to haunt you rest of your days there's a new opportunity a new day a new week a month a new year and so as we come into the near of course there are some things the spirit of grace has given us to say and share with you i remind you of course that god's calendar the one he works off of is the hebrew calendar gregorian calendar our new year happy january 1st but the new year in gold in the hebrew calendar actually occurred rosh hashanah uh that was uh i believe seventh eighth uh of uh of this past year the hebrew calendar the gregorian camp our western calendar are different but the one that god operates by is the one that he gave to his people come on say amen to this and so it's important that we understand both of those things and of course as rosh hashanah came again it's the hebrew year 57 82 we're coming into 2000 and the lord spoke to us concerning the new year to what was going to be coming and so we're going to be sharing some things with you prophetically on this coming friday night that i believe are going to be transformational one of the things that we always do as a part of our worship as of our celebration is we lift a specific heave offering to the lord to one of the three times during the year as the spirit of god directed me and i always all this and the spirit of god recalls this to my mind that even before i understood all the things that i now understand about the type and shadow of old covenant and the principles that are to be observed the lord had spoken to me as a young man when he sent me to this region he said there will be three times during the year i'll have you to cause my people to lift and offer me i didn't know all the intricacies of the type and shadow they know now [Music] and so we have done this consistently and every time we do it the spirit of the lord does and pronounces some very significant i'm going to be sharing some things with you on uh friday night but the heave offering and the lord spoke to me very very clearly he said there are two levels he said the majority of the people said will probably will be on this level not probably that they will be he said but i want you meaning me he said i want you and there will be some others will join with you at a level to offer up something a bit more and so the heave offering the heave offering i am directed of the lord to directly join with me in lifting is an offering of two to two a 252 dollar seed that is the first fruit seed on this brand new year we will offer it after the 12 be the first seed of the new year there's a reason for that and some things with you on friday night again no magic in the number it's a point of somebody say the word agreement say it again agreement the lord said if any two of you shall agree as touch anything they shall ask i'll never forget when the lord showed me years ago in exodus chapter 12 when the children of israel uh came out of the bondage of egypt and god gave them the direction that they were to all take a lamb and to slay that lamb uh he said they were to get on the 10th and keep it to the 14th and then at a certain time all of israel was okay that lamb and the spirit of the lord he said and it wasn't just the fact that a land slain was top and shadow of course of what god do he said but the fact is that the whole congregation was in a about it everybody did it at the same time and some supernatural happened in the land where there was somebody say there's power in agreement and so there's no magic in the number but as a prophet of god uh i hear from the lord i inquire of him because that's my responsibility and he speaks to me these things now he said to me he said to me i want you to offer an offering of 782. that's what he said to me he said they're going to be others that will offer that offering along with you that will probably be the minority i'm saying that it may i may be wrong we'll agree at that level of 222. but we are coming we are now in the year 5782 there are some things that are very specific in this next nine to 12 months that are going to occur for some people who understand it is understand what this year is supposed to bring the lord began speaking to me about some things just several days this week i will a couple of days again uh just to seek the lord and inquire of him but he had some things to me that i'm going to be sharing with you so both levels 782 again for 57.80 there's something significant about this in god not just this calendar year this year in god and then 220 one of the things the spirit of the lord said to me concerning here is that it's going to be a year of solidifying a year where to be solidified which means you need to be in the area because you don't want the wrong thing on it y'all didn't hear what i just said i just said they're going to be and some moves there are some things that were in the last 12 14 months that are going to be solidified in the next nine to 12 months in the kingdom and in the world [Music] and the holy spirit said to me that a great man giving some stuff away now he said to me agreement is going to be very significant in this 12 month period to be in god with his word with his unction are you need to make sure you're not in disagreement with any brother or sister oh i'm getting into friday night and so that two two two two of agreement it's the number of so we'll be sharing some things see i'm loaded with this i i need to stop right now and want me to no reason to come from but but but let me get it to you so the evil offering the specific seed is some of you will join me at 7 8 as the lord leads you as the direction you make sure that you participate and if there is and if you can't do i don't want to have a word for you also on say praise the lord now i got a i got a i got a note uh today and i wish i had gotten it yesterday because i would have said it yesterday had i gotten it yesterday but i got it today and you'll forgive me there was just a bit of an oversight so many things going on but i understand that on yesterday our pastor john rowe celebrated his 80th birthday his 80th birthday was yesterday pastor john wrote god bless you pastor john [Music] faithful [Music] faithful man of god he and his beloved wife minister margaret have been a part of this ministry and a great support of this vision he's the chaplain of all of our workforce here and does a tremendous job in prayer and ministry he celebrated 80 years on yesterday that means he's strong bible says by reason of strength you make that and so we thank god for him those of you who know pastor rowe know he's a man of the word a man of integrity and we so appreciate you and that's some expressions that are going to be his way and i'm going to make an expression myself because he's a faithful man of god can you appreciate him and we thank the lord for you sir amen and amen turn with me in your bibles very quickly if you will to the book of second kings the book of second kings chapter number five the book of second kings chapter number five i want to read this to you because as i was praying for you uh this week and more specifically over the last few days uh and you know we are now this is actually the the last uh what they call lord's day of course all the days are the lords amen but the last sunday in the new year and uh i mean in in this year rather as we go into the next year and as i was praying the spirit of the lord just impressed something on me but i need to be reminded and mindful of as we to do all the things that he has promised in how many of you are standing on some promises let me see how many of you have some promises from the word of god you're standing on and believing god for and of course any word from god the bible says every word of god is sure amen uh there's a scripture i love it says and every every good thing which the lord has spoken he will every good thing which he's spoken i love that because what it means is if there's something that he speaks you know that is that it you know could bring something that can be changed but if it's a good thing he's not going to change it are you there if it's a good thing because he's good see when even when god sins or even when god releases words of judgment words of judgment can be reversed but every good thing he's going to perform are you there so one of the ways that the word of god comes to pass in our lives is as we honor his word and we honor uh what he sends to us to speak his word and uh and sometimes we complicate things we try to make things created and it's real people do what god says do what his word directs even when it doesn't make sense look at this it says kings five it says now naaman commander of the army of the king of syria was a great and honorable man in the eyes of his because by him the lord had given victory to syria now remember syria is not israel they are not covenant people name is not an israelite he's not a covenant man but he's an honorable he's a powerful man he's the captains he's the commander of the of the army of the king so he would be like you know one of the guys on the joint chiefs of staff he's the head of one of the areas of the army watch this uh he was also a mighty man but a leper and the syrians had gone out on rage and had brought captive a young girl from the land of israel she waited on naaman's wife she said to her mistress in other words she was the maid if only my master were with the prophet who is samaria for he would heal him of his leprosy watch this and naaman went in and told his master saying thus and thus says the girl who is from the land of israel so there was a covenant girl y'all aren't hearing me there was a covenant girl in his house who set forth this uh miracle that's about to happen then the king of syria said go now the letter to the king of israel so he departed and took with him ten talents of silver six of gold and ten changes of clothing then he brought the letter to the king of israel which said now be advised when this letter comes to you that i have sent naaman thy servant to you that you may heal him of his leprosy now remember the the maidservant said i wish that my master was the prophet is in israel naaman comes the king of syria and the king's name with a letter to the king of israel now the king is anointed but that's not the right anointing are you still here so watch this verse 7 and it happened when the king of israel read the letter that he tore his clothes and said am i a god to kill and make alive that this man sends a man to me to he literacy therefore please consider and see how he seeks moral with me so it was when he left the man of god somebody say thank god for man of god when elijah the man of god heard that the king of israel had torn his clothes the king said have you torn your clothes please let him come to me and he shall there is a prophet in israel and naaman went with his horses and chair and he stood at the door of the last house and elisha sent a messenger to him saying go and wash in the jordan seven times your flesh shall be restored to you and you shall be clean watch this but naaman because and he went away and said indeed i said to myself he will surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the lord his god his hand over the place and heal the leprosy are not on the far far the damascus better than all the waters of israel could i not wash in them and the answer is no why because it wasn't the water it was the word of the lord it was the word of the prophet of god are you still here so he turned and went away in rage the sermons came near and spoke to him and said my father if the prophet had told you to do something great would you not have done it or when he said do you wash and be clean now notice this he says so he went and dipped seven times in jordan according to the saying the man of god and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child was clean name was his miracle look at this look at verse 11. he said but naaman became furious and went away and said indeed i had said to myself he was about to miss his miracle because of what he had said to himself no you missed it he was about to miss his miracle because he had devised his own plan about how his breakthrough was going to happen if i do this and i do this to get it see he's a man of honor he's a man of performance he's an army man he's disciplined he's used to getting things done his way he's used to doing certain efforts and seeing certain results but when it comes to god it's not your effort that gets you the result it's doing what his word says it's doing what is directed are you still here see we have these ideas but if i do this if i do that if i do the other thing then i'll prosper then i'll get this breakthrough then something will happen and god says simple stuff like give and it shall be given to you he says things like honor the lord with your substance and your barns will be filled with plenty and we are always trying to do things at our own strength but i want to admonish you there's a miracle on the other side of your believing what god has told you there's a miracle on the other side of your acting on the word of god and god sends us men and women with his word to remind us it's not by might by power it's not by works or our natural abilities but it's by the word of the lord the bible says believe in the lord your god and you'll be established believe his prophets those who speak under divine inspiration and so shall you prosper i am telling you there's a miracle between now and even the end of this year for you there's something supernatural before the year is over that's still going to manifest in your life there's something you've been believing expecting that's still going to happen if you will dare to believe and honor the word of the lord i want you to lay your hands upon yourself i came from the presence of god with a word from god and i went after yesterday's service i was tired just like you were i went i locked in last night i said god help me and he started speaking to me amen and i'm thankful speaks glory to him also that as tired as i was he wasn't speaking because of me looking to me for somebody there's still something good that's going to manifest for you in the next few days there's something that you thought wasn't going to happen that is actually going to manifest as you dare to honor the word of god lay your hands upon yourself and so as we worship as we give i want to encourage you to sow as god has directed you this is the time of our worship in giving retire that what to do according to a tenth of everything my hands and yours belongs to god we bring him not as a debt we owe but the seed we sow and i want you to sow as god if you're someone the prophet seed maybe our first fruit perhaps god has prospered you already and you want to bring something to him that says lord i thank you for it but however you do it i want us to get ready to do it in faith right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a donate button there's a way for you to sew there's a way for you to give and i want you to use it and give with joy or you can text cem to 41444 once again you can text c e m m to four one four four four you can do that whether you're here or whether you're watching me live streaming there's a number on your screen if you're watching me zero three two three twenty six hundred every time i come in to this tabernacle i walk by our prayer ministers who are ready to agree ready to pray for you there's something about the power of agreement and as you sow your seed maybe there's a miracle you're believing god for maybe there's something that you need the lord to do there's somebody watching you need god to do something before this year is over there's something you need i want to set myself in agreement 310-323-2600 get us your prayer request sow your seed let us get it in the national prayer altar let us agree with you in prayer amen if you've got the bishop of clinton app that's a way for you to give you can download it if you don't have it from google or from itunes or you can bring that gift in any worship experience here or you can bring week 11 to three every single day tuesday through thursday there's someone here ready to agree with you but i want you to get to honor the lord because i sense a miracle in the atmosphere for somebody i sense it very strong if you're here and you're giving in the tabernacle if you're making out a check make it payable to c e m m clarence e mcclendon ministries if you're giving cash the envelope is for it please use it or if you want to do it on a bank or credit card you can go to my right my left there are people ready to assist you some are already moving there and if you want to do it that way please go ahead right now and move and let us give as god blessed us as god has prospered us let us give as we purpose in our hearts and let's give joyfully everybody smile at me i know you i know you went shopping and got gifts for everybody else but but let's continue to worship the lord i want to pray with you i want to pray with you for the miracle for the harvest on this seed so if you've already given i want you to go ahead and lift up your hands if you're prepared to give i want you to lift up your hands and if you're not finished yet i want you to lift up your hands too because i want us to get an agreement you can finish it after we pray but our prayer of agreement is significant i want you to lift it up and say these words after me say in the name of jesus lord your word is first place it is the key to every breakthrough and every miracle i do not trust in my own ability but i trust in the goodness in the word of the lord and so i boldly confess as i honor you there is a miracle manifesting on the other side of my believing and i declare in favor in finance in things being added to me i am blessed increased and highly favored i have enough and something left over in the name of jesus now if you believe that say amen and thank god for it and if you're believing for a miracle i agree with you in jesus name something that's going to happen [Music] happen to you [Applause] going to happen to you said jesus he's passing your way something good is is going to happen happen to you pepper it's going to happen going to happen today jesus it's passing in your way come on say it something good something good but we never it's happening for you you the believers [Music] jesus of nazareth say it again of nazareth is passing say it one more time if you've got somebody you trust you can talk to tell them something good this very day is [Applause] together open your mouth give a praise to the king hallelujah amen god bless you thank you musicians thank you singers y'all sound wonderful today appreciate them one more time would you do it all right i'm going to ask you to open with me in your bibles very quickly to exodus chapter number two exodus chapter number two i'm going to read exodus chapter number two beginning at verse number 11 uh verses 11 through 15 and then i'm going to go immediately from there to deuteronomy 34 deuteronomy 34 and i'm going to read verses 1 through 8 of deuteronomy 34 first of all exodus chapter 2 verses 11 through 15 and then deuteronomy 34 verses 1 through 8. i was so i was inquiring of the lord and asking him what i should share of course i was mindful of this being the last sunday in 2021. and cognizant of the fact that we are heading into a new calendar year as i said in the gregorian calendar and that of course uh raises certain levels of anticipation and expectation of desire and naturally so as i said i believe that god has given us times and seasons markers i used to hear dr mark hand me one of my spiritual fathers who would say that that time is a marker for our mortality uh it is it is gauge by which we are able to measure certain things and god has given it to us in that regard and so as a year comes to an end a new year in our calendar comes into being there are certain aspirations expectations that we have and yet it is also important if you and i are ever going to apprehend those things which the spirit of grace has for us in power and fullness we have to also learn the discipline as the apostle paul admonishes us in one place he says this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind i press on and forward for the mark of the prize of the high calling of god in christ jesus there is an aspect of apprehending new things that demands that we release and let go of some other things and the grace of god enables us to do this but it is a discipline that most christians have not uh perfected or mastered and religion certainly keeps you from apprehending because one of the very elements of performance-based religion is the constant reminder of your failures flaws and need to somehow make atonement for them and i remind you that atonement is not a new testament or a new covenant or a new creation reality uh the bible speaks nothing about atonement or the making of amends in the new covenant the word in the new covenant that is dealt with is remission which has to do with a doing a way of sin not a not a need to recompense for it so i wanted to bring this to bear hopefully i will not be long deuteronomy exodus chapter 2 verse 11 i want you to pay attention this it says now it came to pass in those days when moses was grown that he went out to his brethren and looked at their burdens now you got to remember who moses is moses has been raised in egypt in the house of pharaoh's daughter he has been raised as an egyptian although he is actually hebrew you remember that his mother put him in a basket when pharaoh had issued a decree that all of the jewish babies born especially the males would be slain or killed because the jewish women were producing offspring too fast and the king pharaoh was concerned that if the population of the israelites continued to amass they would overthrow the egyptians and so he sent out this decree so moses has now grown and he went out to his brethren so when it says to his brethren it's referring to jews so the hebrews moses was grown and he went out to his brethren and looked at their burdens and he saw an egyptian beating a hebrew one of his brethren so he looked this way and that way and when he saw no one he killed the egyptian and hid him in the sand and when he went out the second day behold two hebrew men were fighting and he said to the one who did the wrong so again moses is looking at this now again he's the prince of egypt he's an egyptian prince but he's a hebrew in his soul you got to remember that he's he's he's garbed and adorned as an egyptian prince but he is jewish he's a hebrew in his soul so he looks out uh and he sees one hebrew man fighting another and he said to the one who did the wrong why are you striking your companion then he said who made you a prince and a judge over us do you intend to kill me as you killed the egyptian so moses feared and said surely this thing is known now one thing is known that he had killed an egyptian remember the bible says in verse 12 he had killed him and he tried to hide him in the sand so clearly he didn't do a good job of hiding him are you there so so he kills the man and see these are the kinds of things we don't picture in god's deliverers that moses was a murderer before he became a deliverer nobody we don't even talk about that let's not even talk about it that's another sermon for another day are you still there i said are you still there so moses feared look at verse number 14 then he said who made you a prince and a judge over us do you intend to kill me as you kill the egyptian so moses feared and said surely this thing is known and when pharaoh heard of this matter he sought to kill moses but moses fled from the face of pharaoh and dwelt in the land of midian and he sat down by a well and of course if you read on that's where he meets his wife and he has the revelation of god it appears to him during that time go to deuteronomy very quickly verse 30 a chapter 34 deuteronomy 34 i'm going to begin reading at verse number one now remember what we just read that moses killed an egyptian tried to hide him in the sand and didn't do a good job the thing was discovered and moses actually flees egypt because of that incident are you still here now deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 1 then moses went up from the plains of mount nebo to the top of pisgah which is across from jericho and the lord showed him all the land of gilead as far as dan all naphtali and all the land of ephraim and manasseh and all the land of judah as far as the western sea the south and the plain of the valley of jericho the city of palm trees as far as there are then the lord said to him the land of which i swore to give abraham isaac and jacob saying i will give it to your descendants i have caused you to see it with your eyes but you shall not cross over there so moses the servant of the lord died there in the land of moab according to the word of the lord notice he died according to the word of the lord verse number six and he that is god buried him that is moses in a valley in the land of moab opposite beth peyor but no one knows his grave to this day so moses tries to bury somebody and it's hidden god buries moses and nobody can find him today [Applause] are you still here and no no one and no one knows where his grave is to this day moses was 120 years old when he died his eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished and the children of israel wept for moses in the plains of moab 30 days so the days of weeping and mourning for moses ended now joshua the son of none was full of the spirit of wisdom for moses had laid his hands on him so the children of israel heeded him and did as the lord had commanded moses now it was these two things that collided in my mind and spirit in exodus chapter 2 we're told that moses kills an egyptian tries to bury him in the sand and tries to hide it and it is discovered and here in exodus 34 the bible says moses dies according to the word of the lord god buries him and nobody can find him to this day and so i want to talk to you i want to talk about a lesson in burying the past a lesson in burying the past it is it is interesting it is interesting and more than coincidental i might add that in the life of this one key figure moses in the scripture that there are these two recorded instances of burial the first one is an unsuccessful attempt at burial by moses and the second one is a successful accomplishment of burial for him by god and remember the bible says that all these things in the old covenant are written for our example and so the fact that the holy spirit includes this moses tries to bury a man and he's discovered god buries moses and no one knows where he is to this day the very fact that these two things are placed in scripture it is as if through our observation that the life of moses and through the observation of the life of moses that god speaks to us and says let me give you a lesson now in how to bury things let me give you a lesson in bear in the past first of all you've got to remember who moses is moses was purpose to be used by god he was purpose to be a deliverer everybody say a deliverer say it again moses is purposed by god to be a delivery if you read the first couple of chapters of the book of exodus uh it closes it opens with uh the children of israel crying out to god for deliverance and then it moves to the story of moses and who he is so moses was purposed by god to be a deliverer and this desire please hear me and this desire to be a deliverer this desire to be an avenger is in him this is one of the things you have to understand about men and or women who are called of god anointing of god who have purposes in god and this is true about every child of god what is in you from god is in you before you even come to christ [Applause] i'm going to say i'm going to say that again i'm saying again what is in you from god is in you even before you know what it is [Music] now this is an important reality because see the bible says that christ is the light that lights every man that comes into the world not every christian but every man every individual comes in to the earth with an endowment from god and what we see in moses is that he is purpose to be a deliverer and the desire was in his heart before he even knew what it was he is a prince of egypt and he goes out looking amongst his brethren why is he out there something is driving him out there he's looking and he sees this conflict and something rises up in him when he sees this egyptian beating this hebrew and he decides you know i'm going to put an end to this and he kills the egyptian now the egyptian is of his natural environmental lineage but the hebrew is of his organic nature are you still here and so we see this response rise up in him and he is already moved upon please hear what i'm getting ready to say he has already moved upon to begin functioning as a deliverer even though he does not know what that is yet and in attempt to stop what he sees as injustice as this egyptian is unjustly beating this hebrew moses puts an end to it kills the egyptian and attempts to bury him in the sin now there is something in moses's past that he cannot get rid of and it is known he thinks he hides it ain't nobody saying nothing to the preacher he thinks it's hidden but it's known and there are things many times that we try to bury that will keep us on the run if we don't bear the bible says this very the bible says the wicked runs when no man is after him but the righteous are as bold as a lion people are constantly trying to distance themselves from things in their past because they do not know how to deal with them effectively in the spirit so what was it that moses was trying to bury here's what i want you to see i want you to see that what moses actually does here with the egyptian is a pre-mature attempt at the will of god i want you to get it it see a lot of times we make mistakes in pre-premature attempts at god's will i'm going to say this again it's a premature attempt that god there is a nature in him to be a deliverer he has zeal but he doesn't have knowledge moses wants to do what's in his heart but he doesn't have the no yet see there's a lot of people who make errors because they want to do things that are actually in their heart from god but they make errors doing them are you still here that's what happened to moses uh he has a zeal but not according to nazi the christian life is a life of learning the process of getting to know how to do what it is you're called to do i'll never forget years ago when i was reading in the book of ephesians where god where paul writes he says i admonish you to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you have been called with all lowliness and meekness endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace i'll never forget i was reading it he says that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you were called he's telling you to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you were called meaning you got the call before you got the qualification you didn't get what i just said you got the assignment before you got the character about the assignment you got the gift before you got the know-how of how to walk in the gift are you there but this is the way god does all things why that it would be of grace and not of works god is not going to give you enough that you earned the gift that you merited he's going to give you something before you earn it and then show you how to walk world he gave me [Applause] wave at me if you understand what i just said now in the process somebody say in the process in the process of that there will be some egyptians you can't hide you all aren't hearing me there will be some things that will show up that you have to deal with so now watch this what what what what moses actually tries to hide this egyptian is an act of the flesh and not the spirit he made a mistake of taking matters into his own hands trying to do in his own strength what only god's power could do have you ever attempted to do in your own strength but only god's power could get done for you stay with me i'm almost done really really what what what the what the slaying of this egyptian is in moses life watch this it is a wrong act on the end of a good intention no you give me what i said it's a wrong act on the end of a good intention he just didn't know how to act or how to deal with the situation and once he got it done he couldn't get it there so here moses he has this mess up he has this thing and now he can't bury it so what does he do he runs from it he runs from it amen now switch over to deuteronomy 34 go there very quickly because it is in the contrast of these two things that the word of the lord came to me in deuteronomy 34 and verse number five are you still with me are you tracking me in deuteronomy verse 34 chapter 34 and verse 5. it says so moses the servant of the lord died there in the land of moab according to the word of the lord and he that is god buried him in the land of moab opposite veteran but no one knows his grave to this day now here we see god burying something here we see god successfully bearing something where moses in his attempt couldn't successfully bear everything but god successfully bears moses and notice what the bible says about this burial it says moses died in the land among according to the word of the lord everybody say according to the word of the lord now when you read on it says his natural force was not abated his eye was not dim his natural vigor was not diminished so moses didn't die of old age moses didn't die because he was weak he didn't die because he was sickly moses died because a purpose in god was finished and completed and the bible says he dies according to the word of the lord see there are some things that god buries because he's done with them do you understand what i just said the bible says moses dies according to the word of the lord so in the purpose in the plan of god moses dies and he is buried in the land of moab now here's something you need to understand moses was such a mighty deliverer he was such a mighty man of god he was the lawgiver that god has to kill moses if you will and bury him himself why because if he allows israel to mourn moses too long they will not go on into their promise [Applause] are you there i've always often wondered about this god why do you bury moses you bear you call him alone and you bury him because he did not want israel camping out around moses when they were not yet where they were supposed to be [Music] are you still here one of the reasons why god wants to separate you from your egyptians and your egyptians from you is so you can go on into what he has planned and purpose for you without being hindered without being flooded but you got to let god do it [Applause] [Music] are you listening to me you have to understand you can't do it as long as you are looking back trying to bury your egyptians you are not going forward into what is planned and purposed for you [Music] so the bible says god calls moses up to this land himself alone alone this mighty man of god called alone why because he's done he's done and israel is not yet where they're supposed to be oh i wish i had time to preach this i don't really he buried him in the valley of moab look at verse number six obviously but no one knows his grave this day moses was 120 years old when he died his eyes were not dim his natural figure not diminished look at this and the children of israel wept from moses in the plains of moab 30 days so the days of weeping and mourning for moses ended look at the very next verse now joshua in other words god's like okay done with that now let's move on with this but wait a minute moses is the lawgiver he's mighty he's extraordinary he's the deliverer yeah but i'm done now joshua [Applause] are you still here see the only way that you will ever get into that which god has for you ultimately and purposefully is you've got to learn how to let god bury a thing now here's the thing about god and this is something you must understand the reason that god you let god bury things is because he has no emotional ties to them you didn't get what i just said see god has no emotional ties to stuff see the reason you can't bury it is because you are tied to it emotionally it affected you here you loved it did that you come on it keeps haunting you because you're emotionally god is not emotionally tied god is tied to purpose he loves everybody but he is tied to his purpose he's not tied to you emotionally he's not tied to your successes emotionally and he is not tied to your mistakes emotionally he is tied to his purpose so when so when he's done with moses he's done i'll never forget i asked the lord years ago i said god why why didn't you let moses go into the promised land and of course in the book of numbers it talks about the fact you know that he he smoked the rock when he was supposed to speak to the rock and a lot of people have said that that's why god doesn't let moses go into prophecy that's not what the bible says moses did not miss the promised land because he smoked the rock that's what the bible says moses missed the problem because you didn't because he didn't believe something that god told him are are you all there okay let me show you this because i just said something now i just said something now go to numbers 20 verse number 12. i'm i'm i'm talking about burying something don't forget don't don't miss our purpose go to numbers 20. uh whoo number 20. and this is the story where moses he is told to speak to the rock and he smites it um look at verse number 12 of numbers 20 says then the lord spoke to moses and aaron because you did not believe me to hallow me in the eyes of the children he said because you didn't you didn't believe what i told you uh because you did not believe me to halloween the eyes of the children of israel therefore you should not bring this assembly in a man which i've given because you didn't believe me to hallow me to to keep me blessed and separated now what you don't understand is that in the new testament we're told that the rock that follows them is christ and the rock being a type of christ is only to be smitten once he dies once all moses does not lead the children of israel into the promised land not because he smoked the rock moses doesn't leave the children in the promised land not because of who he was or what he did moses doesn't leave the children of israel in the promised land because of where he is in the plan of god he is the lawgiver and the lawgiver cannot lead you into the promise the law cannot take you to the promise moses doesn't die because he smites the rock he dies because of where he is in the plan of god god cannot break the pattern he cannot allow the law to bring you into the promised land he has to kill the law and raise up yeshua joshua and joshua brings him into the promised land so what are you saying there are some things god puts to death and buries simply because they cannot take you where your purpose to go are you still here lay your hand upon yourself and say i receive that and and so if you trust god to do your burying if you stop involving yourself in trying to bury stuff [Applause] if you trust god to do your burying he'll bury it where no one can find it as long as you're trying in your efforts as long as we're trying in our abilities as long as we're trying in our abilities to get it behind us to do this to do that to do the other thing it will always show up but if you give it to god and let him do it he says as far as the east is from the west so far have i removed your transgression from you in other words god says i'll put it where nobody can fight [Applause] he says if you know where east ends and west begins then you'll be able to find it but if you don't know that you trust it to me god says i'll deal with the why is this important why is this significant once again because of what the apostle paul said go over there very quickly i didn't give this uh to them but i want you to see it in your bible and i'll be done with you in just a moment go back go over to philippians verse number three chapter number three and verse 13. paul says brethren i do not count myself to have apprehended in other words i have not grabbed hold of everything i'm supposed to have be or do i'm not purporting myself as the end-all be-all of all things i do not count myself to have apprehended but he says but one thing i do in other words he said there's a lot of things i can't get but there's one thing that i have disciplined myself to do and if you are going to progress with god you got to get this one thing down he says but this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead i press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus in other words he says i have developed the mental discipline to go to what's next i have developed the mental discipline the spiritual discipline and i've learned that it involves one thing forgetting what is behind and reaching are you still here and reaching forward to that which is ahead he said i press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus lay your hands upon yourself lay your hands upon yourself the spirit of the lord spoke in my spirit this morning and he said to me he said i'm going to bury some egyptians in the lives of some people today now now remember what did mo what what did the egyptian represent for moses what what did he what represented a premature attempt at the will of god moses was supposed to be a deliverer but he tried to do it before he was ready to do it there are some things that you and i have tried to do before we were ready to do and see when you try to do a thing before you're ready to do it your failed attempt can keep you from attempting again [Applause] i'm going to say this again [Music] see there's a lot of things oh that were in my heart to do years ago and i tried to do them but i couldn't get it done mercifully there are a lot of some things that were in my heart to do and god stopped me frustrated me before i could get it done so i wouldn't have an egyptian [Music] hallelujah that needed to be buried are you still here so god said to me he said he said i'm going to bury some egyptians premature attempts at the will of god acts of the flesh not of the spirit a wrong act at the good at the end of a good intention there are some things that you intended the intention was good but the action was wrong the idea was good but the way you went about it [Music] made more of a mess than a solution lay your hands upon yourself the spirit of the lord and when i was in prayer this morning the lord was dealing with me about this ah so i'm getting into friday night again the lord said to me he said that this coming this coming time in your life in mind he said it's going to be a year of solidifying and he said he said like the pouring of concrete things are going to begin to harden now for the establishment of that which is good for the solidness of that which is purpose but if you let the wrong things harden you're going to be stuck in places you don't want to be [Music] are you there and it was as if the spirit of the lord was saying to me i want to make sure that some things are cleared so what hardens what becomes solid is what's purpose to be in your life [Music] lay your hands upon yourself if you pray in the holy ghost i want you to pray in the spirit just for a few minutes if you pray in the spirit i want you to begin praying in the spirit just a few minutes god says i'm going to give you a lesson in bearing the past i'm going to teach you that i'm the one who can do it not you i'm going to show you how when i [Music] put an end to a thing it's over it will no longer haunt your mind it will no longer haunt you in your dreams it will no longer fester in your consciousness i have come to tell you that this god we serve is a god who says that by his blood by the blood of the lamb he said i will sprinkle your conscience from dead works that you might serve the living god i'm telling you god can bury a thing to the point where when you look back at it it seems like somebody else did it seems like it was someone else's life seems like it was someone else's existence i'm not talking about faking or phoning or trying to be something about i'm talking about when god separates you to himself and from everything else see the one thing that we have not fully apprehended about the sanctification of god is he doesn't just sanctify us from things he sanctifies us to himself and when you are sanctified not just from your past but to your god and in him you live and move and have your being something happens to you in your spirit and your soul i want you to lay your hands upon yourself and pray in the holy ghost in the spirit you're watching me livestream just begin to lift your hands and begin to thank god for today the spirit of the lord says i'm burying some things i'm putting an end to them i'm moving them as far as the east is from the west he said if you can find east and you can find west if you know where one ends and the other begins then you'll be able to find this thing but what i've learned is if you go far enough east you end up west if you go far enough west you end up east in other words you and i don't know where one ends and the other begins god says that's how i deal with your transgressions your failures your flaws if you allow me by the blood of christ jesus to deal with him and not yourself come on pray in the holy ghost [Music] yes god i see it [Music] come on give me about 60 seconds of holy spirit prayer and intercession where are my intercessors start praying in the holy ghost [Music] i literally see in the spirit i see a blade i see a blade cutting chains i literally see in the spirit i see a blade cutting severing and i hear the spirit of the lord say a clean slate i hear the holy ghost say a clean say it's so interesting so interesting yeah i re i i see it now lord pray in the holy ghost not by might not by power not by human effort but by my spirit saith the lord foreign yes god yes god yes god yes god lift your hands before him lift your hands before lift your hands before him every one under the sound of my voice lift your hands before the living god i want you to lift your hands and i want you to say these words before the lord say lord i give this to you come on come on lift your hands up and say lord i give this to you the egyptians i tried to bury [Music] come on keep your hands lifted premature attempts [Music] zeal without knowledge say lord i give it to you [Music] now keep those hands lifted say in the name of jesus i receive the remission [Music] of every flaw every failure [Music] it's mine in christ jesus and i declare as paul decreed today i am forgetting those things that are behind i am pressing forward for that which is purposed in my future to keep your hands lifted father in the name of jesus lord you spoke in my spirit this morning that you were going to bury some things and as moses attempted to bury the egyptian unsuccessfully you showed us what you bury a thing it can't be found [Music] now in the name of jesus of nazareth i agree with your people for this miracle this is a part of the finished work of jesus and i pray for every life for every individual under the sound of my voice that they will know that they know that they know that they know that they have a clean slate before you to begin pursuing and apprehending that which you have purposed i declare in the name of jesus no weapon formed against you shall prosper i declare that any tongue that is raised against you in judgment is already condemned i decree this is a part of your inheritance a son as a daughter of the most high god and i declare to you that your righteousness comes from him not from you not from the opinions of people not from your performance it comes from him that you are there that you are the righteousness of god in christ jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] that's the wind of the holy ghost there i just whoo i just felt him come through here in the name of jesus blow every obstacle every shackle every chain every hindrance [Music] every imagination ilambo against the plans of god against the purposes of god against the will of god in the name of jesus [Music] leaves you now leaves you now [Music] in jesus mighty name now just lift your hands and receive receive that's right just lift your hands i'm talking to you in your living room lift your hands to and receive god is pouring out in the name of jesus [Music] receive it [Music] father we thank you we thank you for your word thank you for your mindfulness of us thank you that there's nothing concerning us that goes unnoticed by you [Music] you want every obstacle removed so that we can be the people you've purposed us to be [Music] thank you for it in the name of jesus lay your hands upon yourself and i'm telling you by the spirit of god khan that's him there is a perfume that's going to stay on you all day long there's an anointing that's going to accompany you an oil that's going to be on you all this week i speak under the anointing of the holy ghost there's a grace that is going to be on your life this week preparing you [Music] to enter into some purposed things [Music] lay your hands upon yourself father in the name of jesus by your spirit we seal this in every life that dares to believe and receive it lay your hands upon yourself i want every person who senses the spirit of god moving every person who knows under this anointing right now god is up to i want you to get ready i want you to sow with me into this moment there is a miraculous presence of god flowing here i'll never forget when the spirit of the lord said to me he said it several years ago to me he said son i perform mental miracles i perform miracles in the mind and the soul i expand people's capacity to believe me and receive my word and my goodness see we are mindful of miracles in the physical realm when an eye can see when an ear can hear when someone can get out of a wheelchair and walk we're mindful of those things and thank god we've seen them but what about when a spirit that's been crippled gets out of a chair and can walk in the things of god what about when the spiritual eyes of someone are opened and they see that god is for them and not against them what about when the spiritual ears of someone are open and they hear god calling them by name and assuring them of his love when they thought somehow god had forsaken them that's happening here i want every person under the sound of my voice lay your hands up on yourself i want you to get ready to sew there's a miracle happening in lives and circumstances and in situations i want you to get ready to sow into this moment into the story if the word of god found you if the spirit of god the anointing of god is ministering to you i want you right now to get ready to sow with me i'm going to i want you to do it as well i want everyone who can to get a seed in your hand i want you to get the very best seed you can on this last sunday of 2021 i want you to give something to god that says lord i thank you for your goodness for your protection for your mercy to me over this last year i want you to do something that communicates i want you to do something that says god thank you for this word right there on your smartphone right there on your computer screen there's a way for you to so i want you to get ready to do it if you can get a 70 c get it there's an impartation flowing here i speak by the spirit of god right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone so as god has directed you or you can text cement four one four four four follow the prompts and so there's a number on your screen 310-323-2600 use it let us agree with you in prayer there's an anointing flowing here right now that you need to connect with thank you jesus [Music] the word was simple and direct but it was for you and if god spoke to you then i want you to call that number on the screen 310-323-2600 let us agree with you i felt this very strongly in my spirit this morning that god was going to clear some slates for some people empower you to walk in a whole dimension 310-323-2600 if you've got the bishop clinton app use it or you can bring the gift here live if you're in the tabernacle i want you to get the very best seed you can if you're making out a check make it payable to cemm if you're giving cash use the envelope or as i've all often say you can go to my right or my left if you're doing it on a bank or credit card do that but so in faith and let's believe god together thank you jesus thank you jesus i hear the spirit of the lord saying there's some of you that made premature attempts at the will of god but you're going to be raised up to make another go at it i i'm hearing this in my spirit that you're going to be able to pursue it this time with knowledge and you're going to see some things work in your favor that seemed to be working against you before it's like god told jeremiah get another scroll and write it again it's time for you thank you lord it's time for some of you to go after it again you were obstructed you knew it was god you knew he had spoken to you but you moved out and some things happened sometimes there's a timing in god you have to cooperate with are you hearing what i'm saying and when the time is right everything will line up for some of you that time is now thank you lord thank you lord if you have given if you're ready to give i want you to lift your hands just lift them lift them if you are watching me live streaming do it right now do it right now if you sown lift your hands if you're sowing lift your hands if you're going this way lift your hands you can finish after we pray father in the name of jesus i set myself in agreement with this man this woman this young man this year woman this household this business this ministry god there is a grace and anointing that's flowing right now and i thank you in the name of jesus for the miracle that you are working to move us from what has been to what is thank you for burying things in hearts and minds and lives that will no longer affect their forward progress in the name of jesus i want you to say these words out loud after me say in favor in finance in things being added to me i am blessed and highly favored i am anointed to move into that which is ahead in the name of jesus amen let's worship the lord come on hallelujah [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] and i receive [Music] and prosperity it's a new season coming to me [Applause] we receive [Music] my way it's a new season and it's coming it's a new day [Music] time [Music] i want you to make sure that you participate with me now as we minister communion has everyone given everyone had an opportunity to give i want you to get the bread and the cup if you're watching me live streaming again if you don't have juice and crackers get bread and water get but we're gonna bless it i am mindful of what is being talked about in the news and i want you to know you are protected [Music] i thought it was interesting that a new variant came right around christmas time um and again i'm not negating the validity of certain things but you need to be mindful of the the bombardment of negative information it's gotten to the place now where if anybody coughs or sneezes they they think they're dying with one of these viruses and again i'm not making light of the validity of those things but uh you know they're saying i was going down the street i saw a line all the way down around the corner people getting checked out um oh there's something i want to say um but like once again not everything you're being told you have is not something you have [Music] and you need not fear nor be afraid he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty and we will say of the lord he is our refuge he is our fortress he is our god in him will we trust surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence his truth his word is your shield and your buckler [Music] it's very interesting this past week the lord told me he said i want you he said i want you to get your healing scriptures and he told me i want you to take them twice today instead of once take it twice see once again the bible says that the word of god proverbs 4 20 22 says the word of god is life to those who find them and health to all their flesh that hebrew word their health in proverbs 4 20 and 22 is the hebrew word medicine said that the word of god is life to those who fought see it's life when you find the word that you need for your situation oh gosh see remember god says in isaiah he says the word will prosper in the thing for which i sent it which means there are things for which certain words from god have been sent there are words from god that have been sent to be your medicine [Music] when you find those scriptures that have to do with your health and well-being he says those will be life to you and they will be medicine to all your flesh he said i want you to understand something it takes more faith to believe that something you don't know about that they shoot in your arm [Applause] will protect you from a virus you can't see and don't know it takes more faith to believe that than to believe i can stand on the word of god which i know has worked for me [Music] now once again he said there he goes again i'm not telling you not to get backs not to get this do what you want to do boost yourself to life if you want to boost boost boost get all the boosters booster booster booster [Music] again i'm not but they don't have enough boosters to protect you have you figured this out yet ain't enough boosters to protect you [Music] the lord told me and i and i could feel you know i mean i could feel certain things he said go get the word and and take it i said you usually once take it twice today and and and in the evening i i felt i could feel the thing come in the room [Music] i could feel the the infirmity see you know the infirmity will come to your house to see if you let it in do not knock on your door here's your just your seasonal flu symptoms would you accept no stand on the word of god this is not magic this is the discipline of walking by the word of god [Music] and so the lord told me to tell you you are protected [Music] stand on his word take communion speak his word have i have you know i yeah well yeah you have it go go go to um you can go to itunes you can download my healing scriptures those are the same ones i speak it's still on itunes isn't it yeah the healing project you can go and download it listen to it put that on in the car and speak with it to clear it out of your mouth i'm gonna put it in written form too so you can have a booklet of it because this is what this is what i do this is what i do and see people think well you never it's like brother kenneth hagin said he said brother hagin you mean you never get sick he said no i have opportunities to get sick with regularity he said i just pass them by [Music] not that the symptoms don't try to come you don't receive them [Music] take the bread in your hand say lord i receive your body given for me that body that took my sins that took all sickness including coronavirus and all its variants jesus bore them and therefore i do not have to bear them i shall live and not die declare the works of the lord with long life [Music] i shall be satisfied and shown the salvation of the lord i keep seeing god's salvation the longer i live the more of it he shows me [Music] hallelujah lord i receive that body that took my lack my poverty i declare it is illegal for me to be charged twice for that which jesus has paid for once and it's not of works which i have done but because of his finished work i receive in jesus name let's all eat together [Music] lift the cup remember that jesus said this is the new agreement the new covenant in my blood [Music] and that covenant is condensed articulated in hebrews 8 where god says this is the covenant i'll make i will be merciful to their unrighteousness their sins and lawless deeds i will remember no more which means there is nothing that has a right to you because of any failure or flaw that you have done as long as you're trusting in the blood of jesus so omicron megatron somethingtron has no right to you none of the trons come on laugh it'll do you good [Music] that's what the bible says laughter does good like men is it right mom claire say lord i thank you i am trusting in the blood and i thank you in jesus name let's all drink together now in the name of jesus i pray a hedge of protection over you your household your family and all you have on every side i take authority over every viral and bacterial infection and i declare it has no right to you to your household or anything or one connected to you i declare a thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you and only with your eyes shall you see the destruction of the wicked in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah amen and amen if you've never accepted christ jesus as your savior and lord this salvation is free to anyone who shall call upon the name of the lord i want everyone under the sound of my voice if you're watching me live streaming if you're here lift your hands and say lord jesus you are the reconciler you are the one who has made us one again with god thank you that you took our sins your death paid in full and your resurrection is our evidence our receipt that your sacrifice was accepted and we are accepted in the beloved i am saved i am i am a child of the most high god in jesus name it is so amen if you prayed that prayer write me at bishop let us know that you prayed with us we'll see you friday by god's grace at the renaissance service have a magnificent week [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] and right now [Music] what the lord has done foreign i am reach because of what the lord has done for us [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network [Applause] you
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 7,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6HmNRZKJ32g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 15sec (13035 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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