The World's Quietest Keyboard.🔇

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i feel like he's in my head right now a little  bit disappointed i'm not gonna lie oh god   you're probably wondering what's going on and it  all started with a discord call betty betty i've   got a cool idea what i challenge you to build  the loudest most annoying keyboard possible   like a dare yeah but like you'll probably get paid  by ad revenue okay i'm down but in return you also   have to do something instead of the loudest most  annoying keyboard you have to make the least   annoying keyboard you could possibly make it  should be zero depth no negative 10 decibels   in volume i'm in well guys i think i'm in a little  bit over my head on this one i'm really happy to   say this is one of my first collabs with switch  and click as you can see i've been challenged   to build the quietest keyboard possible and  i'm sure gonna try my best if you want to see   her perspective of the challenge then click the  link in the description or in the top right when   you're done watching this video it's definitely  worth a watch oh man anyways the rules are pretty   simple we had to spend over 300 and we couldn't  do any weird external modifications to our boards   like putting a speaker in it for example but that  didn't stop me from putting a library in there   then we'll be graded by our other youtuber friends  on who performed the challenge the best it is i   david not glasses i am squashy boy i have one this  is andy that's a pretty big cast right so betty's   gonna be the loudest keyboard and we'll see who  wins but anyways let's get started three two one so blast off we did and boy howdy this video is  gonna have some struggles in it in my quest to   build the silence keyboard i knew i needed foam  so i picked a board with a ton of foam in it aka   the sun 68 so my goal is to make the quietest  keyboard ever and what's quiet libraries and   we'll get back to that one also what else is quiet  boba gum switches that have been really over lubed   and whales in the ocean i guess so i went with  whale pbt keycaps which are new whales are quiet   right whoa what is it mr whale what 73 of the  people watching aren't subscribed right now   what they need to hit subscribe right now because  it's free and otherwise hippie is going to lose   the challenge y'all know what to do without any  further ado i had to get into the build because   i had a challenge to win or at least not horribly  lose you know i thought about the board for quite   a while with the requirement of spending 300 i  had to just start off with a bang and go with   the sun 68 which costs 350 on its own but here  we want more of a bang so the sun 68 is actually   very perfect as it's filled with a ton of foam is  gasket mounted and doesn't reverberate very much   okay but if you're new to keyboards you're like  what's going on gasket mounted foam i don't i   don't even know what this guy's saying so all of  these are elements that will mod out the keyboard   and reduce the amount of sound that it'll  produce you know you put foam in something   it'll it'll capture all those little sound noises  things yeah so this is great and all we've got   the board but we need to prepare the board for  the build which requires a variety of things   first i'm gonna have to unscrew it as i need to  get on the insides we'll see why pretty soon here   to unscrew it i used my wow stick wow and then  a little bit of magic to finish it off right   about now i imagine betty from switching click is  probably doing something really devious and high   effort but you know me i'm just taking a keyboard  apart so this foam is very awesome and kind of   rubbery i don't exactly know the material but it's  quite nice and we have to take this apart for a   very specific reason now i tried to do a couple  different foam mods or play-doh mods and other   things to random boards but i honestly couldn't  get anything that isolated sound quite as well as   this board now these are stabilizers and they were  definitely the bane of my existence as i couldn't   get them not to rattle with how warped my plate  was but we'll talk about the plate warpage later   now the moment you've all been waiting for how is  hypio gonna make this board extraordinarily quiet   what is he going to do to overcome the  challenges that he's been presented with   i thought about this one really hard i got to the  drawing board i did idea after idea but in the   end i came to one conclusion the only way to make  this board quiet was with a library like libraries   are quiet right yeah big brain genius idea now  how am i going to translate this to the board   well of course i'm going to cut out library.jpg  and put it inside of my keyboard it's legally   not allowed to make noise now so i think i win so  with my secret weapon buried inside my keyboard   it was time for the assembly which you know i've  had smoother assemblies before and this board is   a prototype if i didn't mention that already and  that kind of explains why i've had a little bit of   trouble with it but first it wouldn't be a board  without switches am i right gamers or non-gamers   i'm sorry in this case we chose the boba gums from  gazoo these are a silent linear and they've got a   very light 50 gram spring in them so i don't press  them too hard and make a loud bottom out noise now   silent switches are very very unique and also i  really don't like them very much they kind of feel   mushy and just like they feel like they  just have no soul so in a way this is a   very cursed build as well now you're probably  thinking oh hypio what makes a switch silent   what's the whole deal with that great question  you guys ask the best questions well as you can   see here through my very very shaky footage the  switch has a little dampener built into the rails   this dampener up dampens the sound yeah no duh but  that wasn't enough i had toby aka barrett creative   lube these very very generously with crytox 205  g0 and the springs were looped by gazoo separately   this should lead to the ultimate quiet typing  experience like so quiet but first i had to figure   out how to get these in my board yeah because my  plate is so freaking warped i had to just like put   the switches in the plate by themselves and then  figure out how to put them into the pcb later now   this is a do not try this at home hipio moment  do not try this at home hippia moment but i'm   just gonna drop these on there that's how you  install switches right easy peasy and then oh god   oh god why is it so warped no oh i did ah this  is yikes all right i wasn't able to fix this   this is part of the prototype but it's fine  it won't affect the final build at all right   right so ignoring that let's just put the board  together you know let's hide it let's hide our   little failures and oh the usb port barely aligns  and then let's just screw this together so fast   that we forget what happens ah hypiotech  here howdy hey i forgotten what happened   wait oh we're doing this we're doing a  collab guys i made it cool did i do good   oh yes anyways i think this will perform the  quietest of any switch i really could have chosen   i thought about doing an electric opacity board  but those tend to be a little bit louder whale   pbt keycaps from kinetic labs nice now okay listen  here i know what you're gonna say these are just   regular keycaps you're lazy hippie oh this video  is uninspired gosh and i mean geez that's a very   nice comment thank you so much i tried a couple  different keycap options and i'm sure that would   be very interesting to watch but i didn't record  it however i did try the silicone keycaps the most   and those would have been perfect however they did  not fit any board that would have worked for this   build so i digress whatever oh the the magic's  already done the keycaps are already on cool these   keycaps are very sleek and you know what i could  call them muted even huh get it that's a sound pun   okay so you've built a keyboard hip yo now what  great job so now that the board's built i think   it's time to check in on betty and show this off  to the other youtubers which i'm a little bit   scared about it is i david not glasses because  busy doing some other really important stuff i   am squashy boy you may know me as squashy boy but  you can call me squashy boy hi everyone uh this   is andy i've prepared something very very special  for them so special howdy howdy howdy howdy howdy an asmr presentation that's  so great to have you here   i'm really sorry we're gonna get pewdiepie  i made the quietest keyboard possible and that's a fair question i'll show you   in one second but first let me  take a sip of my protein shake even a sip was silent a picture of a  library that is a picture of a library and then i folded it up and put it in the  keyboard that way it wasn't allowed to make noise he put a piece of paper inside it's nothing  because it's a quiet keyboard you are tapping   it as light as possible it's like  you're going like do you hear that that's a little bit of ticking damn it wow could  you go into a library of a keyboard that started   ticking no because a librarian would go shh no  ticking stabs in my library this is this i'm   a little bit disappointed i'm not gonna  lie that's actually pretty quiet but   you know the ticking the ticking staff  is that good wow there's no rentals again   that's pretty cool i need this he needs  this hippo did a really quiet keyboard you   know that library mod and uh basically zero  sound overall that board is freaking silent   okay they actually liked it more than i expected  and that was genuinely surprising if you want to   see betty's reaction make sure you go watch her  video it's in the description now it's time to   visit switch and click and see what they've  created is it a monstrosity is it perfection   who knows but uh i guess the only way to  find out is to give it a watch here we go i found the perfect specimen so hollow yet  not hollow enough there's more i can do   oh my god it looks so scuffed  or the screws or the feet   these switches are perfect but i can  do better louder now they're ready i don't know if we can count do we do we count do  we count that i don't know i don't know the world oh god it does sound awful she's not even hitting  the spacebar oh god no great job eddie uh-huh   director bye michael betty bit oh i can't watch  that again that was insane honestly you nailed it   yeah they honestly did an incredible job and  i'm kind of blown away it's genuinely the worst   sounding keyboard i've ever heard in my life but i  think that one screw is kind of cheating but after   watching both videos it's time for the youtubers  to vote there's a lot of deliberation going into   this and i'm a little bit scared what they're  gonna say did i take it did i make the quietest   keyboard i gotta give it to switch and click for  their presentation the movie effects and straight   on lao t-bone the winner is gonna go to the silent  board it was really executed well i love the meme   of it and if there was an award for cinematography  it would definitely have to go to betty and they   both did a great job some of the mods that the  switch and click team did yeah those things are   more obvious i guess for a loud board but i feel  like they put a lot more effort in and the end   result shows i think hikio hasn't done enough here  to take the dub yeah let me give this to betty   sorry well a massive congratulations to switch and  click for winning now i have to make you guys some   type of real trophy or something and i'll post  that on a youtube story so make sure you subscribe   for that also a special thank you to the youtubers  that helped out with voting like squashy glasses   and andy make sure you check them out in the  description as well but you know what i have one   more thing that might make my keyboard a little  bit more quiet so let's check that out eh we've   got one desk mat um two desk mats three desk mats  four five six oh look at that one seven yeah so   those last two will be available in kinetic labs  pretty soon and they're my desk pets by the way i   feel like seven desk mats might be cheating as far  as sending it to the boys goes but you know what   this is for a hippie tech video so we're doing  pretty good just take a listen to these stabs   and let me know what you think there's a tiny bit  of ticking but that's because of the plate warp please shhh well i have my mic set to the same standards  that i do for any of my sound tests and you'll   find out with this final sound test that it's  incredibly incredibly quiet speaking of sound   tests i'll be leaving you with one of those and  make sure you watch the whole thing to support   my youtube algorithm overlords if you also want to  support my overlords then hey consider subscribing   and also consider checking out switch and click  and all the youtubers that were in this video   i had a lot of fun making this board and  participating in this collab and i hope you   guys had fun watching it as well i think this  board is pretty dead silent and i'm honestly   really really proud of it and you know it's not  about winning it's about the friends you made   along the way although winning would have been  nice and finally a special thank you to exco matt   sun x creation fenney joseph carrang no way cool  keys plotty platinum aquarius for being members   of the hippo's chosen tier and hitting the join  button down below wow very cool guys keep it up bye you
Channel: Hipyo Tech
Views: 2,634,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyboard, mechanical keyboard, mechanical, switch, switch review, novel keys, keys, gateron, kalih, sound test, switch sound test, keyboard sound test, keyboard asmr, asmr, typing asmr, mech keyboard, aesthetic, wholesome, reddit, id80, panda, alpacas, krytox 205, krytox, type, test, keyboard mod, keyboard asmr mod, TKL keyboard, red, 65%, 60%, RGB 65%, taehatypes, :3ildcat, 3ildcat, tech, MKBHD, Linus tech tips, Taeha Types, Tech Review, Banggood Review
Id: Q9k0YkiwgUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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