The Worlds Most Advanced Wheelchair! - (It Climbs Stairs!?!)

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Makes me sad that the iBot wheelchair basically didn't go anywhere. That was what the tech in the Segway and eventually this was developed to support, and it's still I'd say more advanced than the one in the video (though note that "more advanced" is not necessarily "better"; this one may well be more practical).

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/evaned 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

I think this belongs here?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/ChuckChuckelson 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2022 🗫︎ replies
it's blowing my mind and making me nervous all at the same time it goes forward when i lean forward just a bit and it goes back just a bit as well [Music] ah that's so cool so you know those videos sometimes you see on facebook and you like yeah that'll never actually be a real product that's what i thought about this two-wheeled stair climbing wheelchair but it turns out it's actually legit and today cambrie is going to take it for a spin let's get started [Applause] [Music] so gamer what's one of the biggest obstacles to being in a wheelchair stairs every time it's always the stairs so how long have you been in a chair as of today i think it's 17 years wow is today yeah it is today today is my anniversary whoa that's wild we did not plan that okay i'm one year shy of being in a wheelchair as long as i wasn't in a wheelchair and all 17 years stairs have been hard but today we're going to be actively searching for places with stairs i legit saw this exact wheelchair on facebook a couple years ago after we started dating and i thought to myself like that's it's too futuristic to ever be real but it turns out they're actually selling these overseas not so much here in the united states just yet but hopefully that changes soon and i'm really sitting in it shall we go on a stroll let's this futuristic contraption is called the skivo bro and it kind of balances just like you would see on a segway except for it does have those mechanical tracks underneath which we'll be trying out in a second the tracks are hovering suspended above the ground not touching anything quite yet since the two main wheels on the side are doing all the balancing by themselves the skivo bro has a weight limit of 260 pounds the large wheels on the side can handle a 10 slope and easily handle an obstacle up to 2 inches high which means we can take it off the pavement so i'm a t1011 complete spinal cord injury which makes me a paraplegic and i use a manual wheelchair for most of my day-to-day stuff don't get me wrong i love my manual chair it collapses so i can get it in and out of the car by myself it's lightweight it gets through most doorways it's pretty great but it does have some limitations stairs being number one i can go downstairs she hikes not very safely but going up i have to get out of my chair physically try and crawl up the stairs and if it's more than three or four there's no way i'm getting the wheelchair over you are currently in a wheelchair with two wheels how does it feel feels like i'm sitting in a chair and that's in a wheelie like it's got some dynamic motion beneath me it feels really cool like i feel like i'm riding a horse maybe it's more relatable so it's like riding a bike it turns on a dime it goes forward when i lean forward just a bit and it goes back just a bit as well like it really feels like it's a part of me and i i'm digging it the part i'm interested in is these guys down here it's interesting that they turn at the same time as the wheels can you go into that like tripod stance thing and you want me to go up or down um come down one of the things i noticed first was i'm a little bit higher than i normally am when i'm in this chair in order to transfer back into my manual chair the skevo does get low enough for me to be able to transfer at a level surface how do i do it just a little harder oh and i'm told it gets super tall but we'll try that in a minute easy little transfer the thing that's bothered me most about accessible equipment is that the technology hasn't changed in a really long time we see power wheelchairs still using brush motors and lead acid batteries which all seems kind of archaic especially when you consider now we have vacuum cleaners with digital mapping lasers cameras and even lidar while accessible devices you know things people spend the majority of their day in are still using antiquated technology from 20 or 30 years ago just you know outdated the skivo bro though is a very refreshing take on what modern technology is capable of cambria i see a milk chocolate bar up on the top shelf do you think you could get it for me sure this one [Music] now you're as tall as i am so cambria's going to try out the max speed you ready let's go full acceleration it's not tipping over which is cool wish i could say the same legit do full break and it still didn't tip yeah i feel like xavier from x-men in this thing that's the perfect analogy are you ready to finally try some stairs yeah feeling comfortable okay staircase right here conveniently located so you don't go forward to go up the stairs you gotta go backwards psych the skivo has four lasers two ultrasonic sensors in the back and a backup camera all of which are used for driving but especially to keep someone safe on the stairs so i'm gonna back it up to the stairs i am a newbie a good thumbs up backing up to the stairs we have to switch from two wheeled mode into track mode by dropping down the two center tracks so they can take over the large teeth on the tracks engage with the stairs and take cambry to the next level literally adios this is unreal it says too much side tilt which way this way okay it's nice that it tells me that ultrasonic sensor detected the end of the stair nice all right ah that's so cool oh my gosh i'm like so focused on looking at this so i didn't even like realize that i was up here until i was up here it feels a little bit like i'm in one of those like gurney chairs where they're like going up backwards a little bit so i'm like am i supposed to do anything don't move that's wild [Applause] what's cool is this device allows you to be interactive in your environment without the environment changing like you adapt to the environment whereas when you're in the manual chair i feel like the environment has to be adapted to you you can smile a little bit if you want i'm really focused it's so wild anything like a steep incline reaching something up high stairs or the terrain is a little bit bumpy like it's difficult whereas this to me feels like it works well in non-wheelchair friendly places yeah more places you know what it kind of feels like like i'm strapped on a roller coaster and we're starting to go up and we're about to do the big drop how's the weather down there i think you could have done that in your regular chair so now we know that it can go upstairs but i think the sketchy part is going downstairs [Music] this is the scary part are you sure i'm doing this right oh my gosh this really feels like i'm on a roller coaster right now we chose like tallest stairs to try this on how are you doing up there a little nervous it's crazy how quiet it is looks like we have chains inside tracks actuators it's blowing my mind and making me nervous all at the same time it's fun how it just raises those tracks and puts you right back on two wheels i still feel like a 15 year old with their learner's permit but this is fun last couple of stairs are fine it's the first couple that are nerve-wracking and as cambrie is motoring down to a lower level oh my seat belt rookie so obviously this skivo isn't ours they just let us borrow it for the afternoon to test it out what are your thoughts i really enjoyed it i was a little nervous at first like you can see my face when we're climbing down and up those stairs i was super nervous but i got the hang of it by the end of it and i thought it was really fun like i really enjoyed it i felt like it gave me new freedoms thumbs up for me it does have a range of around 20 miles i think which is pretty far i also tried it out and my impression is it kind of feels like a boat at first i've never been on a segway either so it's my first time being balanced on two wheels and you would roll forward and back and it would kind of rock as it stabilized you super solid but still kind of felt like a boat as i started out but i just kind of felt like i was in a wheelie the whole time and i think if you've not lived in a wheelchair and then you end up in a wheelchair there's a learning curve there so i feel like it's similar to that like once you get into it it just takes a minute to figure out your center of gravity and how it works and how to go in all the different settings and once you do it's way fun and i'm excited where the future's headed you know like we mentioned earlier currently accessible equipment is not very smart smart and i think the skivo team is doing a great job of modernizing it and including all of the technology that we appreciate and everything else and bring it into the accessible world the only downside of the skivo bro is the price which right now is around 40 000 us dollars now obviously insurance should come in and help pay for that a little bit but at the same time like all technology the first versions are the most expensive but also like all technology the price will decrease over time and i expect in five or ten years hopefully it's a little bit more cost effective but either way i'm happy to see it here with the way that they made this skivo i think it's just going to get better and better in the future like they're really working to figure out all the little things that people need and how to make it really do what it's meant to do which is create an accessible world for people their team seems genuine and nice and we had a fun afternoon i'll leave a link for the skevo website down below with all the specs and current pricing if you're curious and want to learn more thanks again for watching we'll see you around perfect
Channel: JerryRigEverything
Views: 4,108,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stair wheelchair, stair climbing wheelchair, electric wheelchair, wheelchair, wheelchair user, cambry kaylor, cambry, best wheelchair, mobility, accessibility, stairlift, most advanced wheelchair, off road wheelchair, power wheelchair, high tech wheelchair, balancing wheelchair
Id: hxf-fIubkMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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