We grew more than just pumpkins this year...

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[Music] maybe welcome to the garden update 2021 and this time around vegetables aren't the only thing that we're growing yeah our vegetables are five weeks along and i'm 23 weeks alone i don't know much about babies but i think we're like halfway there we're a little over halfway and she should finish cooking the baby what's the better way to say that the baby's due in october which is about the same time that we should be harvesting all the vegetables so we are multitasking in this video shall we get started let's get started [Applause] [Music] a lot has happened in five weeks you can see that the pumpkins and the corn have been growing quite a bit and our water collection system is still performing marvelously except for that it hasn't rained since i built it and it's been about four weeks since i installed it if you remember the water comes along here comes down goes in through that little curve right there and fills up this massive water tank this has just been filled with a hose for right now and i'm really hoping at some point we get some rain because that was kind of the whole point but as far as watering the garden goes my mom suggested that we water once every other day for 90 minutes and so that's what the timer is set at and every other day the drip system just runs for 90 minutes and right now we just have this finger and that finger set up with the drip lines because we're just experimenting with how much water we actually need and now that these other fingers are growing we'll install the drip lines over here probably next week so over here we're planted some of the peppers they're growing nicely new to our garden this year is melons we've got some cantaloupe over there we've got some rogue watermelon from last year that jumped a finger and came up over here normally they're supposed to be over here but for some reason you think these are from last year just seeds that maybe a bird dropped so we kind of missed the harvest season for the asparagus we kind of let them overgrow so they're reseeding they're done for the season already and then next year i think i'm going to transplant them to another area so we can do all corn so this is what an asparagus looks like if you just let it keep growing like a charlie brown christmas tree it's massive the one thing that's probably ready to harvest right now is the spinach and i think the only thing that didn't pop up cambria what was it i planted some basil in here and we just planted too late and then we got really hot weather so it didn't show they're dead should be an interesting year and this video will document the progression that we're having with both the garden and with cambrie so it is week six for the garden and week 24 for cambrie we did a couple things this week we finished laying out the rest of the drip system and we had a little bit of rain the rainstorm was about 15 or 20 minutes long and we got about five inches worth of water which equates to about 150 free gallons that we can now use when it's not raiding here in the garden new developments include two zucchinis that are growing on the one plant in the back and we've got probably six or so flowers on the pumpkins the corn is doing great and the pumpkins are expanding their territory a little bit again but this year we're going to keep it a little more under control hopefully just having them spill off onto this side where the pumpkins can grow and leaving this side empty so cambria can still go in and out it's a little less crazy way more managed this year so nothing too crazy this week mostly just the rain system getting set up and we've had a couple bites of lettuce other than that we're still waiting for the harvest the big things like the pumpkins and the watermelons thanks for watching oh no not in the middle of the year sorry i'm sorry video's got a long way to go so it is week seven for the garden and week 25 for cambrie how's the garden doing how are you doing i'm doing great just feeling plump the garden is going really well this is our first harvest it is a big old zucchini not as big as last year's but i'm gonna take them off the vine a little sooner and then over here our pumpkins are going like crazy but they're just not as big as last year because we only have three plants six plants the pumpkin plants look a little sad right now i think they might not be getting enough water so i've taken our little drip system and cranked it from 90 minutes to 120 minutes so it should be two hours worth of watering instead of an hour and 30 minutes and that's still happening every other day i might need to bump it every day because it is getting regularly over 100 degrees out here which is pretty hot for the plants okay other new developments are our watermelons are going like crazy i'm gonna try and keep them in the bed this year but check out it's really teeny but there's a baby watermelon in there nice good i'm sure there's more in here it's just really lush and then our potatoes look like they're doing all right they look like they might need a little more water but they look happy to me our melons are new and they are just as wild as our watermelons right now i think our peppers have like doubled in size since last week we did plant them a little late so it'll be hard to tell and our carrots are coming up quite nicely we planted a lot more of them but we'll take what we can get and lastly one kind of interesting thing that i don't think i showed last week is we do have some chickens but we had a problem with they were eating their own eggs which is kind of a weird situation but one cool thing my dad did was he built this little shelf where the eggs once they're laid can just roll out from under the chickens and it keeps the eggs away from the chickens i never knew that chickens could be cannibalistic like that but luckily my dad has a solution and that is it garden production is in full swing we'll see you next week a lot has happened in two weeks cambrie how far along are you 27 weeks yes and how are things for you great this week looking forward to baby coming not so soon but one more trimester first trimester was a little bit rough second trimester was great we are just starting third trimester so we'll see how that goes it's been two weeks we've had a lot happen cambridge you want to show off the new developments so we have tons of new pumpkin vines and a lot of flowers not so many pumpkins over here but we do have one hanging out in the corn i'll show you oh wow that's a big boy how did we not see this guy before because if you remember we planted the big pumpkins along the far side and regular pumpkins along this close side i love that we have so many bees back here you can hear him buzzing [Music] one thing we have had a problem with if you remember we installed a drip system well one half of our drip system's battery died i'll give you a guess as to which half of the garden that was you can see it kind of stunted the corn's growth before we realized that the battery was dead and one thing that's super unfortunate about these timers is that if i ever do want to set the timer let's say i want it every other day for 60 minutes i can hit go on the timer but it doesn't start right away it starts in two days and then goes for 60 minutes which makes it super not easy to test out different settings on the timer so we've been hand watering the garden for the last two weeks to hopefully help the corn catch up while i try to find a different drip system or a drip timer to finish watering our plants the watermelons are my favorite right now because look at how cute they are like they're just super cute and they're all over the place there's another one there a couple on the ground i'm sure there's much more in there so exciting development it's like a little i don't know like soccer ball right we have so many and so far cambria is still able to get through all the aisles yeah melons are creeping in though any cantaloupes yeah actually right here oh wow everything's growing they are overtaking our peppers so a little worried about them but they are blooming so hopefully we get some peppers you can see a pepper plants in the middle here i'm excited for that and our corn check that out dang these guys are getting big hopefully the little guys start making corns as well we've gotten probably like what seven or eight zucchinis zucchinis pump out fruit is it a fruit like no tomorrow so um yeah we have plenty of zucchinis that's it for this week see you next week dang girl how far along are you now i'm third trimester how are the horses they are messy i gotta clean out their stall sweet should we check out the garden 28 weeks how are you feeling slow well you're looking great how's the garden doing it's doing really well i think i saw a little pepper over here let's check it out so this is a green pepper or jalapeno i don't know i can't remember it looks kind of like a jalapeno the plants are definitely bigger than last year they're happier for sure the corn is doing good except for i think these these need to be black right cambrie says that once the ends get dark like this they are ready for consumption i think we need to wait for them to get a little bit bigger but we can we'll find out and that right and then [Music] i have still not found a better uh drip timer yet so we're still watering things by hand i will try to find a drip timer better but we've been kind of busy the last couple weeks but as you can see the corn is still a little bit stunted when compared to the corn that had a drip timer that you know the battery didn't die and i think that the pumpkins got a little stunted as well when it went about a week or so without water in a 100 degree temperature but we do still have pumpkins growing which is good we are 29 weeks and many things are happening with the garden as well as cambria we'll get back to here in a second the pumpkins are once again kind of overtaking they've uh recouped from their dehydrated broken timer situation which i do have another timer coming so hopefully next week we have that system back up and running but we have one pumpkin plant kind of crawling up through the corn and another pumpkin plant trying to make its way into the neighbor's yard again it's got a couple more feet to go if you remember last year we had a pumpkin plant go all the way over and leave a pumpkin in the neighbor's dog pen so hopefully that doesn't happen again this year okay so this is our first year growing um melons i think they're cantaloupe maybe it's honeydew but they are looking really nice and some of them are even hanging off the edge probably going to try them next week on that side of the garden there's some jalapenos and then i have bell peppers coming in over here so this big plant is a bell pepper plant and then this plant down here also has one we're making progress and how are you feeling great i thought i wasn't going to be because we're third trimester but feeling feeling great so we came across a little bit of a problem a large windstorm came and blew over the tall stalks so now they are horizontal and i think they're supposed to be more vertical and the corn on there looks thrashed tell us how you're doing i am not thrashed i am huge actually baby is the size of one of these melons this week at 30 weeks find the largest one set a cantaloupe this week maybe so tell us how you're feeling what's hard for you transfers are getting harder especially at the end of the day when i don't have very much energy but other than that just chugging along is it harder or easier than you thought oh it's way easier than i thought i thought at this point i would be like bedridden so this is way better things are progressing our garden is not doing as good this year as it was last year probably because we just haven't put as much time into it but we're still enjoying it i have installed the new timers which i do like more they feel just higher quality and so far they haven't let us down so now instead of watering manually the drip system is taking over again and we'll see how that goes tonight's kind of fun because we are making tinfoil dinners with items from our garden so the carrots and the zucchini are chopped up and put in tin foil with some chicken and potatoes not those chickens not those chickens no and they're in the oven right now so we'll taste them later not every corn is perfect but uh they still taste good [Music] 31 weeks for the lady how are you feeling baby feeling really good what's new um getting dressed is a little bit harder than it was last week i don't know bumps a little bigger that's about it she is crushing third trimester though our garden it gets really hot i don't we can't blame it let's talk so i did install the drip system again so this is now watering itself we haven't watered it ourselves uh for maybe five days now it's just been dripping which is great and so far it looks like it's working i mean the soil is still damp so this went off this morning and i would say i mean the soil is deep inches deep down in there so the water is getting where it needs to be we have picked all of the corn and eaten it and now we have watermelons though which cambrie's excited about we're gonna try one tonight so how do we know if it's ready or not okay the internet says there's this like little leaf that's near the stem that should be shriveled up which it is and then underneath it should be kind of like a yellowish color i've kind of already turned it over a little bit under the belly so is this the leaf you're talking about yeah and then you said it's yellow around the bottom yeah this is true shall we yeah i don't know okay sounds hollow no sounds solid is that what it's supposed to be it has sounds let's chop it open is that about how big the baby is no baby's not this big maybe it's the size of one of those can we grab one of these too just in case i don't know if they're ready yet maybe next week i mean it looks good on the outside oh wow this might be our best one yet oh it smells good too oh the seeds are black even this is our best one yet for sure it's so juicy that is great i think we should put in the fridge for a little bit so it's cold but we win nice all right what week are you babe 32. nice how you feeling pretty good how's the garden doing um it is like maxing out in certain areas so our corn is done and right now i am starting to harvest a lot more of the cantaloupes our melons are ready the drip system is doing well we had a massive rainstorm which pretty much filled up our whole tank kind of made me a little nervous because i never did finish that drain spout so it would have just overflowed right into our barn luckily it didn't get that full but the drip system has been working for the past two and a half weeks or so and everything's still green obviously except for the corn which is on its way out significantly less pumpkins than last year but at the same time we did plant about half as many and they aren't taking over you know half the space anymore which is nice these are jalapenos and there are a ton of them this year they're just like going crazy i could probably pick 10 of them right now jalapeno fell off while i was touching it i guess that means i have to eat it definitely tastes like a pepper and now the jalapeno's kicking in hot for some reason it tastes kind of like a green bean no sweet pea i don't know why well i mean it's hot but there's also the sweet pea side of it this jalapeno tastes like 60 sweet pea 40 jalapeno slightly bigger maybe oh my god i don't think the seeds are ready in that last one oh my gosh that one was teeny and that one is fully grown all right we have to okay no way not that one okay oh let's finish up this video she's a beaut so much bigger and better than last year i'm dying see you next week so today cambrie thinks it's time to harvest some cantaloupes so we have this so we can taste it as well as i think the potatoes are probably ready and uh camry how close are other things to being ready oh our peppers we've been harvesting i'm talking about you 33 weeks nice and how are you feeling good baby's been kicking a lot she's getting excited for him to come meet us no should we try some cantaloupes yeah let's do it did you like do the honors it smells super good oh yeah that looks so good wow yum i think it's however oh wow that is way soft right it might be a little too ripe yeah yours yeah wow it is so juicy it's amazing i think this is my favorite thing we've had from our garden i mean cantaloupe isn't usually my favorite thing but for cantaloupe this is pretty good like some of it's super good some of it's a little too soft i think it's a little overripe well chickens like it wow they ate that whole thing so i didn't know we were growing mushrooms yeah i didn't know they were going either mostly because our watermelon kind of took over the space so i don't think our potatoes are going to be very good okay right there looks like it could be okay oh that's a big boy [Laughter] what wow okay unusual shape yikes i don't know we didn't have a lot of luck with them last year but that's a solid meal from just one plant though and i bet there's more down yeah below here's another one well we didn't go big with potatoes this year still that's pretty solid wow pumpkins are doing pretty good that pumpkin back there is huge that'll be fun to take out um the pumpkins as well are it looks like i might need to turn up the water on them a little bit more i'll do that right now so i will turn the watermelon dial from 90 minutes to 120 minutes that way they can have a little bit more water our carrots are kind of also overflowing but look at the color of these leaves because these are also purple carrots which means if i pull this guy out anti-climactic but it's also a purple carrot there we go that one's better whoa hello ladies would you like some carrots they like the whole thing one for you get it get it girl okay or just take it so do the horses like to eat the whole carrot including the green stuff even the green stuff get it all these are tough carrots it's been a couple weeks uh cambria how far along you 35 feeling very large slowing down really slowing down how's the baby doing um i think well he's kicking lots he's enjoying his time in there i think how's the garden doing the garden has seen better days it is not our best year the pumpkins seem to be having some kind of like white mold on the leaves which is not boating well for the plant but we do have a lot of pumpkins that you can see through all of the dead leaves that looks like a watermelon but it's not just our pumpkins our neighbors have pumpkins as well and they look the exact same so it might be something with all of the pumpkin plants in our area but the pumpkins are still alive and we're going to be picking them in a couple weeks anyway the corn has been done for a long time the zucchinis have been pumping out zucchinis for the last ever they are invincible plants our peppers just keep popping and they are good the green peppers are looking good i think these are very ready oh wow look at these these are huge i usually put some jalapenos in my little egg sandwich that i have most mornings since we have the chickens over there and uh they are really good especially the seeds are super super hot as we saw earlier but the if i take the outsides of the jalapeno with just a couple seeds the sandwiches are great today is october 4th and it's the final it's the time we harvest the garden how are you feeling feeling like i'm ready to pop which you almost are couple more days two more days one of our chickens turned out to not be female deciding what to do with them anyway this is the final garden update where we harvest everything not not everything though we're harvesting this little guy in two days harvesting i don't know if that's the right word evicting evicting that's the better word so cambrie is getting induced which means we know when she's gonna have the baby so we have two days and today we're gonna spend clearing out the garden organizing the pumpkins seeing what our harvest entails should be fun okay so i am super shocked with how well our jalapenos did i grew them all from seed and we just have so many still like an army of jalapenos and bell peppers i'm running out of room on my lap though this is only half of them i think we forgot about this is the dukini whoops let's take a look at the size of this guy look at this this one has like multiple vines coming out the top this is our biggest one all year oh yeah looks like we did have some pumpkins try to climb the tree a little bit but at least they're not in the neighbor's yard this time so here is our end of year harvest quite a few pumpkins and actually these two big ones or over 50 pounds oh i'm making notes mental notes for next year so only one type of watermelon next year the oblong ones a lot less cantaloupe more corn and then if we do a couple varieties of pumpkin i want them to be in different places carrots again and maybe two zucchini plants yeah the carrots turned out really good we had a bunch of them and the horses like those too as far as updates on the watering situation i think it worked out really well as far as the drip system goes like we didn't ever really water the garden by hand but i would change a few things right now as you remember we have the big water tank put up on a scaffold and it always makes me a little bit nervous not that the weight can't hold it but that utah has a few earthquakes now and then and i'm not sure if it's earthquake proof so i think i'm going to change that up you have to wait for a future video on that one plus inside of the white tank i thought since it was inside the barn it wouldn't grow any green algae inside but there's a little plastic window and a small amount of algae would grow on one side of the tank which we don't want especially if we're going to use the water to water the horses through the winter the two solar panels are still working great charging up our lawn mower and the rigs i think the batteries are still like at 100 basically all the time and then our fruit trees are doing fairly well except for one of them the honey crisp looks like it's dead it's crisp the rest are fine though yeah and they they did grow so i think we'll trim up a little bit next year and then let them keep going what happens next is going to take a couple days for us but just a couple seconds for you guys so cambrie the garden is finished and what week is this little guy this is week zero he's five days old what's his name cyrus cyrus nelson so i'd have to say that this year is a little bit more fun than most harvesting the garden as well as a child our own little guy how are you feeling now feeling lighter a lot lighter is it better to have him in or out out yeah the first couple days were rough just figuring out a schedule but last night was promising he doesn't always look this angry think of the bright outside they did come out with a scowl cyrus came out seven pounds 12 ounces and if we remember this pumpkin is about 50 pounds and cambrie said i could make him a little crib out of this and he can just sleep in it right it's been a super fun year we still have some projects we want to finish obviously putting pavers down so it's a little easier for the wheelchair to navigate but yeah we plan on doing this again next year the garden itself is holding up really well the redwood that we use for the frame has maintained its structural integrity yeah the color though is very different if you go back and watch that very very first video and we built it that color is like super red and vibrant and now it's a little more weathered but i think it's fine like i mentioned earlier i am going to redo the watering for next year probably put a bigger tank on the ground and a smaller tank up top so we can keep watering the horses but that sums it up for this year uh cyrus is probably a little too young to finish us off but cambrie thanks a ton for watching we'll see you around awesome
Channel: JerryRigEverything
Views: 3,765,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Accessible garden, cambry kaylor, garden update, off grid solar, gravity drip system, raised garden, raised flowerbed, raised vegetable beds, planter box, garden, how to garden, wheelchair accessible garden, how to build a flower bed, solar, farming, sustainable living, off grid, homestead
Id: iNnVlWPqHQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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