Can this 'wheelchair' Really Climb STAIRS?! - Mobile Stairlift

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[Music] all right cambrie as a wheelchair user what is the biggest obstacle we are constantly trying to overcome stairs [Laughter] wheelchairs are just not designed to go up or down stairs but today i think we've found something that can and i'm excited to try it out let's get [Music] [Applause] started so stairs are fairly common and when we do come across them we have a couple different options so i can go up the stairs on my own but it requires quite a bit of upper body strength to maneuver the stairs and then i leave my wheelchair at the bottom of the stairs so not super functional i can also carry her up the stairs but as you can see from the footage it's not the safest thing in the world i can't really see my feet on the way down it's kind of dangerous doable but dangerous we do have an elevator in our home so that addresses these set of stairs but it's pretty expensive to install an elevator in your home it's like twenty thousand dollars so most people aren't going to go out and buy one there are cheaper wall mounted stair lifts but also those are permanent fixtures and only address one set of stairs today we found something that's mobile looks cool kind of like a tank and i think it solves most of our problems it's called a mobile stair lift it's a little bit less expensive than a normal wheelchair and can carry a 400 pound payload up and down 100 flights of stairs before the battery runs out inside the box it arrives fully assembled which is nice and the way it transports people up and down stairs is the treads on the back kind of like a tank or a tractor with the single battery in a single motor the whole thing weighs about 65 pounds which is pretty portable for a mobile stair climbing system [Music] you ready to try it out all right so this is our first time using this so i think i'm going to do a test run without cambrie in it for safety but on the back there's a little knob that we can twist and extend this when we're going upstairs i can be a little farther away from her and then like i showed earlier we have the yellow and green buttons at the top yellow is down green is up so i'm going to back it up to the stairs lean it back and then go green and we're back down are you ready cambrie it is time for the first ride so the one downside of this chair is that we will need to bring up her normal wheelchair after the fact um but hopefully this is still quite a bit safer than me carrying her up the stairs okay the wheels are locked we have camry in place i'm going to tilt you back a little bit did i say green was up oh how's that it's fine it's just awkward holding a camera are you nervous are you nervous i feel good i feel like it's really strong what if we just stopped in the middle of it and then what i don't know what i what you tried it yeah the treads stay in the same spot if we stop in the middle of stairs well i can't see that but i believe you that was your first ride it was great we survived we made it it was not hard for me i just unexpected there are arms at the bottom so you can make this into like a two person like one person at the top one person at the bottom to keep it more stable i would say this is not something you want as like your permanent daily solution for sure but it's good live on one story yeah if you have someone who visits who is in a wheelchair who needs to go upstairs this is a good option for like visitors every now and then it's good to have options though maybe and maybe not in place that you're living but maybe for a building that you need to be getting into frequently it would be nice to have that doesn't have a ramp or something yeah should we go down the stairs yeah so i'm gonna tilt you back a little bit press the yellow button okay okay get you close to the edge don't warn me or anything oh okay that wasn't that bad the only thing i had to do was pull slightly on the top to keep the top treads against the stairs camera's heavy yeah and that was probably like 10 15 pounds worth of force maybe 20 pounds worth of force keeping this backwards against the stairs but other than that the machine was doing all the work i was just working to hold the camera in place it's a big camera and then when we're all done you can just collapse everything and then we can stick the whole thing in a closet or a trunk so we know the mobile stairlift works with cambry but cambry's pretty small so we want to see how it functions with a much larger payload so i have about 350 pounds here that i'm going to load up on the mobile stair lift and we'll give it a shot with that what do you think gamer it like kind of reminds me of the michelin man but not like it's black tired i don't know that is a lot of weight if it can handle this i'll be impressed rolling was easy enough arm raised up do you think i can do it i'm holding my breath let's just go okay let's do it back on the stairs that's impressive how much work are you doing i'm holding it against the stairs a lot like if i i mean i can do it one-handed but it's it's sketchy so i would say there definitely should be someone down there on the bottom end but yeah the motor itself like it can pause in the middle and now it's holding itself i'm just keeping it pulled back against the stairs so i would say that if the rider is between 100 150 pounds you can do it pretty easily with one person but anything over that definitely have someone at the top and the bottom oh another use for this that i was thinking would be if like your spouse or like someone in your family was injured temporarily so like if they broke their hip or something or um for whatever reason they're not able to walk for a short period of time i think this would be a good fix for living in a two-story house like if your bedroom or bathroom were upstairs yeah because there's no permanent installation hence the mobile part of the mobile stair lift now normally i like to take things apart and figure out how they work but this thing is so simple that i really don't need to remove anything we're going to have cambrie over here press the buttons for us go for it and so both of these tracks which are super thick rubber are being spun by this motor right here and the motor i imagine has a shaft that goes into this section with the gear that's turning this axle and it's moving both treads at the same time whether it's going up the stairs or down the stairs it'll flip directions that way one tread won't spin faster than the other one since they have a solid rear axle which is the exact same axle we have on the rig a solid axle keeps the tire spinning at the same speed and gives you more traction once it's upright we can look underneath and this is where the battery's at so this is the charging port as well as it has a key to turn it off and on and when it's on that light turns on all right cambrie now that you've gone upstairs in this tank of a wheelchair what are your thoughts i love seeing new innovations for obstacles that wheelchair users come across because there are a lot and i'm just stoked to see where people's brains are at it's good to see more solutions for a problem that exists i like that they kept everything super simple it's like a bear not bare metal because it's painted but it's a pretty skeletal design to keep the price down and i'm impressed with the treads how solid those were that i could let off the power and it would still hold its position on the stairs i would have to hold it backwards onto the stairs to keep it from tipping so it does need at least one person and there are spots for two people which is good but yeah i felt like it was super solid yeah i was thinking when we were using this when i was younger i would visit my grandparents for christmas just myself and they had a flight of stairs it was hard to get up and down but i crawled up and down to visit them if we had this it would have made those trips so much easier and they probably could have operated it definitely well if you have any questions leave them down in the comments we'll try to answer them for you coming out with us both on instagram and twitter and thanks a time for watching we'll see you around
Channel: ZacksJerryRig
Views: 8,582,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stair wheelchair, stair climbing wheelchair, wheelchair, mobility, accessibility, wheelchair user, cambry kaylor, cambry, best wheelchair, mobil stairlift, mobile stairlift, elevator, lift, stairlift
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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