The World of Warcraft iceberg, Explained

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[Music] [Music] most people skip intros in these iceberg videos but seeing how everybody watching this video is a bald wow boomer i'll give a quick rundown somebody made this image of an iceberg covered in random wow trivia the deeper you go the more obscure it gets i will explain every fact on this image one tier at a time but first let's talk about human error if i'm explaining something and i 100 know what i'm talking about you will see a legendary icon but if i'm just taking a shot in the dark you will see a poor icon the other rankings should be self-explanatory now enough introduction let's get [Music] [Music] started dancing troll village in classic wow the world is basically a bunch of intricate valleys in between wall-like mountains but looking at something from an unintended angle really shows the game's flaws to counter this flight paths followed very specific routes as to not break the immersion of this tv set like world for fun wow devs added little sightseeing locales along flight paths such as the iron forge airport in the mountains between dark shore and winter spring there is a village of dancing trolls just another sight to see while flying lucid nightmare back in legion blizzard started putting little weird clues or hints throughout the world that would lead on a galaxy brain level scavenger hunt for cosmetic rewards the hive mind the waste of times and others are basically the exact same thing oh except the waste of time used to have a little wiggly dawn that got removed either way you'd go to secret locations and do hidden things henry will receive a secret award dalaran sewer turtles wow has millions of references the dalaran sewers are no exception over here are a bunch of turtles looking up to a level 80 rat obviously a reference to teams mutant ninja turtles goldshire children in elwynn there is a group of kids that hangs around goldshire every day they walk to the top of a specific house and stand in a pentagram formation and scary sound effects and stuff play in the background it's really weird and it's always been there void talon there are portals in set locations that could spawn throughout spires of iraq if you get in one of these portals you're able to get a mount thing is only one person per portal and they only spawn once every two days bumbles bumbles is a bee companion tied to a semi-hidden quest line in stormstone valley i'm not certain about this though cause i don't collect and i don't play alliance westfall chicken in oh gee wow there are chickens hanging out at the farms of westfall if you spam the slash clucky moat eventually the chicken will give you a quest called cluck if you get some special feed and turn in the quest you get a chicken companion molgore critter war in the plains of molgar below thunderbluff there are regular old critters just like every other zone except here they have weapons and armor and murder each other uldaman lost vikings in the uldaman dungeon there are three named dwarves that are friendly to the alliance and hostile to the horde these are a reference to the sega genesis game the lost vikings which was actually developed by blizzard emerald dream the emerald dream is a place teased to be added to the games is classic but due to multiple reasons it was never fully added even to this day this topic is big enough for its own video which there are millions of on youtube already coiter michael coiter was an artist who worked on wow and sadly passed away before its 2004 release at the tender age of 19. and the barons there is a stone honoring an orc called m k if you come back in spirit form there is a spirit healer called the wanderers festival this is a micro holiday that lasts one day a year in crass rang wilds i have no idea why it's on this image lincoln lincoln isn't a reference npc just like the thousands of other reference npcs he has a quest line starting in angora crater it's a big zelda e quest line for funsies you know go around do temple stuff puzzles and stuff get a boomerang and a masters sword fun stuff mr pinchy mr pinchy is an incredibly rare npc that you can fish up in outland that offers to give you things for his freedom this can be trash or a companion gray riding cam this is a mount that is obtained by killing dormis the camel hoarder which is spawned very rarely in the oldham zone by clicking a small interactable item randomly located around the map whispering forest the whispering forest is located in the upper hills of tirislaw and was made easily accessible in cataclysm when flying was unlocked surprisingly the area contained higher level mobs and a ring of mushrooms where fairy dragons would show up on timed intervals and channel some power into the mushroom circle this place was a complete mystery into the legion expansion when it was given ties to an artifact weapon but perhaps there is still something here undiscovered as it also has skeletons and abandoned structures karazhan crips the karazhan crypts are a usually inaccessible area that you are able to glitch into that have always existed since classic they have a lot of creepy [ __ ] way different than the rest of the game it even has named locations and unique models yet this area was never used in game until the lucid nightmare questline in legion apparently was part of an abandoned wing in the karazhan raid that never made it but we'll never quite know for 100 negrand orphanage in the old outlander grand there is an orphanage run by a nice old troll simple enough right well no for one this orphanage looks kind of unsafe and almost like an elaborate torture chamber second off there's weird piles of meat stuff everywhere and third off trolls aren't even native to outland why would one set up an orphanage here turns out in the world of draenor expansion you can kill a rare spawn in a cave with the same name as the troll except she's an orc and a cannibal which all but confirms this place is a trap run by a shape-shifting cannibal captain placeholder captain placeholder was a tool in the original wow beta to teleport players from menethil to aberdeen because back then the boats were buggy and didn't work people loved him so much they made songs and jokes about him and asked for him to be brought back into the game he was in the cata beta dancing in a gobbled rock way before the flood but besides that the captain has vanished spirit healer subliminal messages basically people have listened way too closely to the noises that the spirit healers make and they can almost make out them saying things like play wow or it's not that much money here have a listen coast tauren village for a while there was a village on the coast of southern silithus behind encourage that you needed to swim to all the way from tenoris it had tauren architecture however no one was here except for some skeletons and a cave in the cave was a sleeping red dragon named andre straws however this has all been removed from the game except for the cave what was this what what was what was any of this what was any of this is this like something to do with the dragon isles like this isn't even on the script i'm just [ __ ] rambling what what was this pandaren express this was an earlier april fool's joke in vanilla wow path notes basically it said you could call a panda by typing slash panda and this would summon a mini pandaren which you could use to order chinese food in real life however this was just a joke shalazar basin hatch there is a locked hatch door in scholazar basin with a window on it that breathes a sequence of numbers which is just another clear reference to the tv show lost and wow that is the surface level of this iceberg most of these things i actually already knew and they weren't that creepy or mysterious but i mean they're really just a bunch of references easter eggs and lucid nightmare over and over and over again but maybe things will get a little darker when we enter under city throne room warcraft 3 sound effects if you go to the old throne room in undercity and turn off all your game sounds except for ambient noises and crank your volume up to max you can hear the sounds of the day arthas killed his father in warcraft 3. also there's a blood splatter on the floor from king terenas menethil's crown martin fury martin fury is a gm item that used to have an on-use effect of instantly killing all nearby things players enemies anything a gm restored the items of a hacked account to a player named karate chop when doing so he accidentally gave him this item karate chop proceeded to use the item kill every single raid boss at the time that was out scoring world firsts and him and every single person in his guild got a temporary ban and after a while he got a permanent ban nowadays martin fury has had its effect changed to kill the caster on use chinese censorship due to china's strange cultural fear of skeletons in the chinese client of the game basically all instances of skeletons and exposed bones to the game have been either completely removed or replaced with bread yeah you know that [ __ ] up room full of blood and flesh and scolomance well in china you fight the gingerbread man that's not even a joke sam wise did your icon this is just a picture of one of the devs face it uses a placeholder thumbnail for incomplete abilities gila jim's isle this is an aisle off the coast of stranglethorn in the lore of wow it was in early wow builds as well as on the map in the wow opening cinematic and also has a lot of campaigns built around it in the wow rpg but it didn't make it to the final release of the game reigns of the bengal tiger there are tons of fully modeled fully animated fully colored mounts in the game's code that have never been added to the game even though they totally could new ones pop up every expansion one of these is the bengal tiger people thought really hard that this one would get added to the game because the other cool tiger got added to the game and apparently there was a secret cave you could wall jump to full of tiger skins that people thought a vendor might spawn in but besides this nothing else about this mountain exists corrupted blood incident i'm not sure why this one wasn't on the first tier but this is where a hunter pet was dismissed while it had the corrupted blood debuff from her car the hunter resumed his pet in stormwind needless to say wow looked like 2020 in 2005. it spread all over azeroth and thousands died researchers apparently studied wow just in case anything similar happened in real life and apparently that research went absolutely nowhere alpha ironforge and under city back in the early builds of the game both ironforge and undercity were much bigger cities with multiple levels balconies catwalks etc but the devs thought this would be complicated so they cut all this out of the game underwater goblin village basically exactly what it says if you swim for long enough in a certain direction far into the fatigue waters off the coast of tenaris while healing the [ __ ] out of yourself you will eventually stumble across some random goblin building assets at the bottom of the ocean why i have no clue wkm room if you click through this wall in modern oromar log out of the game log back in you can get into the wall travel under the geography of the city move around a bit and fly up into this spire at the top you find a square room with a lit candle and the initials wkm i have no idea what this is a reference to but it is old school ride back in the first couple months of vanilla wow the epic mounts that the factions sold weren't the cool ones we're accustomed to today they were just alternate colored versions of rare quality mounts they replace these pretty quickly with the updated armored ones we have now and even added a way to trade the old ones for the new ones these old ones are now rare as balls and even have a feat of strength tied to you know having one it's called old school ride timeless isle blue fire thomas isle has a bunch of secrets and easter eggs all around it one of them is an underwater cave where a bunch of skeletons are sitting around a blue fireplace this didn't do anything until the warlords of draenor expansion where you can find a similar hidden fire which teleports you to this one why does a fire in draenor in the past teleport you to pandaria in the present no clue dude tim elaine's phylactery okay here we go there is a random quest item that drops from slimes in classic wow called tim elaine's phylactery it did literally nothing ever people speculated that it was from a removed quest to get the ashbringer weapon that was in the game files so people went on giant quests linking a whole [ __ ] ton of clues together to try and unravel the whereabouts of the weapon turns out they were kinda right and this did have something to do with the ashbringer but in the end the ashbringer was replaced with thunder fury so they removed everything but this phylactery from the game it has relevance again in legion where you can unlock an alternate skin for the ashbringer by doing all the random [ __ ] people used to do to try and find the og ashbringer forsaken were undead not humanoid in the wild beta forsaken player characters and npcs were marked with the undead type instead of humanoid because it makes sense but seeing how undead are immune to fears and other cc effects this made them stupid overpowered in pvp to everything except for paladins so because of this they were nerfed into becoming humanoids corrupted ashbringer event despite the ashbringer not being in classic wow there was the corrupted version of the ashbringer which dropped off of mograine in next rammus this weapon besides being opius made you hated by the argent dawn if you wore it and it made you friendly with the scarlet crusade going to scarlet monastery cathedral with the weapon and approaching mograine's son would play this rp event it would also cleanse fairbanks and he would tell you to cleanse the ashbringer you would need to seek out mograine's other son in the outlands this never amounted to anything talisman of binding shard there were a bunch of legendaries in the game files of classic probably to test out different stuff i have no idea either way they left this legendary neck on the loot table of one of the bosses of molten core until one lucky guy won it the devs realized they didn't remove it so they took it off the loot tables but they let this one guy keep his and he still has it to this day also this is the only necklace in the entire game yeah not even the heart of azeroth has this to have a physical visible effect recall nichi in shattrath there's a vendor for things like a gigantic sack and a bottomless hole you see seriously this one sold by a vendor named harris pilton an obvious reference to paris hilton standing right next to her if you have a way of seeing ghosts that is is a ghost named ricole nichi an obvious reference to nicole richie dwarven farm just another random use of village assets this time on the coast of rothi not really serving any purpose and wow i still knew a lot of these off the top of my head yet things did get a little more obscure but let's see about how much more shrouded things become as we sink into [Music] leopard gnomes and silver moon i don't i don't know what to say here they are leper gnomes they are slaves and they are in silver moon old outlands back in warcraft 3 there were some slight differences in the design of outland from what it became and wow and blizzard obviously had a lot of different ideas of how to make the zone if you clip through this wall in the dead mines and glide perfectly you can come across a bunch of unused outlands assets kinda uh thus this place has been dubbed old outlands torch mechanic uh apparently back in pre-alpha for world warcraft duskwood was pitch black and you needed specially crafted torches to be able to navigate the zone at all the only remnant of this being in the game is that torch models still emit a small light source but uh wad class accessories back when wod was in development they let leak a ton of stuff that was being produced yet for one reason or another maybe because of the movie maybe because of garrison's all this stuff was not add to the game this involves class accessories like books on the belt for pallies quivers for hunter errors etc to world bosses continents zones a raid tier a little bit of stuff like hunter quivers made it into the game in legion but not much else 1999 map this was the original map of azeroth created by chris metsen apparently there was a blank wall in a blizzard office and medicine went into the office with some paint and made a rough estimate of this map on the wall and then he said this is azeroth i'm not sure if he drew the entire map you're seeing or just the azeroth continent but that's apparently how it happened dragon isle on the map in early versions of wow was a place called dragon isle this was supposed to be an endgame zone the devs wanted players to go to to kill dragons it'd be lit but chris metzen came along and was like uh actually not all the dragon flights are bad so the devs would just kind of like screw it and they heated the plant out the window abyssal maw in the beginning of cata they had a whole elemental thing going on and the abyssal maw was supposed to be the water raid kind of like fire lands or if they're under the four winds but due to lack of time and commitment and let's be honest this is when activision started stepping in but that's besides the point either way it was scrapped which kind of left neptune's story open-ended till legion and then he just he he just popped up in legion like what what why double agent double agent is a pandaren player character in the panda starting zone you start out factionless and at the end of the starting zone you leave the wandering aisle and pick a faction double agent decided eh nah and he didn't pick a faction he just grinds to the max level every expansion by just picking peace bloom and mining copper and that's it you can even see a npc wearing boes running around the monk order hall called the venerable shaman which is a clear reference to our fine young man mohawk grenade background wrath there were a line of wow commercials where a celebrity would say [Music] and then there'd be a commercial about them being a mage there was a commercial for mr t and he said he was a night elf mohawk and he hacked the game to make mohawk a class this became such a meme that for a while uh hand grenades were added to the game where you could throw it at someone and they'd get a night elf head with a mohawk and they even added mohawk as a haircut on the barber shop for night elves gm island raid gm island is an island surprise off the coast of teldrassil where there's nothing but a burning house and a bunch of dancing npcs this is apparently where gm spawn when they make a new character players found a way to clip over here and also a way to clip underground it apparently there's a white chair in a white room under this island either way i don't know what this raid is about but planes running before wow came out blizzard was really into the lore and they figured tauren were too big to ride any mounts so they decided to make it so instead of having mounts they'd just run torn players would have to run for 10 seconds and then they start running at mount speed this was obviously broken as so they removed it and gave them kodos and the ability to ride most most mounts the tauren planes running trainer samantha swifthoof still walks up and down the road to stranglethorn to this day saronite bomb abuse the guild who got the world first kill on lich king ted man had the rogues in the group using saronite bombs now this was part of you know just the normal rose rotation to do extra dps but seeing how the seronite bombs also did siege damage because this is the same expansion where runner grasp and stuff came out the platform that breaks during the lich king boss fight was technically kind of a siege device kind of like a gate or something so it would bug out when you did siege damage near them and it would regrow this regrowing of platform space made it so that when a valkyr picked somebody up and drop them off the ledge they just get dropped onto the platform this made the fight astronomically easier and they scored the world first kill little did they know there were invisible game masters watching them and they state to this day they were definitely definitely cheating and they got their will first taken away kerrigan shredders in every empty shredder asset that dots cataclysm or older zones if you look inside of the cockpit there is a screen that has a low resolution image of kerrigan from starcraft also newer model shredders have higher resolution image of the queen of blades toyota commercial i've gone ahead and equipped my epic acts uh switching to explosive arrows yeah i'm gonna equip myself with a little uh four wheels of fury no way there's no trucks in world of warcraft let's do this did you see me lay down the law i am the lord what can i get one of those face swap bug back in wrath sometimes your character would load into the game with the wrong face asset this probably started in wrath because of something to do with the barber shop but i i don't know other world glitch i have no idea about this one according to a guy i read it it is a fake glitch from private servers but either way i could not find any footage it would apparently bug out your visuals when using a portal but i'm pretty sure this one is fake crabby has anything ever gone wrong with your wow client and you see this crab well this is crabby he's supposed to be like a parody of you know clippy the paper clip he was supposed to be an in-game helper like do you need help killing kil'jaeden or something like that but he was never implemented yet he is kind of being used that way on the wow client whenever it bugs out so it was kind of true unseen these are invisible level 50 neutral ghosts that are located in raven hill and the ruins of lordaeron you can only see them with either detect invisibility or while using invisibility as a mage they were way more powerful than anything else in the entire zones that they're located in and could completely destroy you if you accidentally aoe near them but they were always in the areas where no other mobs were so the chances of that happening were incredibly slim and this was also during classic where classes didn't really have a lot of aoe contest winners tappered every anniversary for wow they release an item you can use for the entire month that increases your rep and experience gains however this item while using it also equips you with the appearance of the purple tabard with the world of warcraft logo on it this tabard is actually in game and was given to the players on each realm with the highest amount of honorable kills before the rank 14 honor system was implemented making it probably the rarest item in the game stag stacking you know how you can ride a druid in stag form well when stag form was implemented you could ride a stag in stag form so you just have stacks of stags dwarf mages as you know dwarves can be mages in retail wow but this wasn't the case until cataclysm where every race was given more classes to play however in the classic wild manual it says dwarves could be mages even though they couldn't game fuel back when gaming was hitting the mainstream big time mountain dew released a new flavor for halo 3. it was called mountain dew game fuel it was some orange flavor and a year or so later it introduced two more flavors of game fuel called alliance blue and horde red they tasted pretty good uh there were ads for them you know on tv where an orc and a night out for fighting in a grocery store my friend at the time thought that that was the entire game swirly ball when rogues used to have to press the detect trap spell an animation would play where you'd throw up your arms and a swirly bar would spin around your head they could spam the bit out of this spell while just standing around in major cities so you just see rogues running around whipping out their arms and swirly balls spinning around their heads and they loved it blizzard made their trap a passive ability though so swirly balls went bye-bye and of course rogues complained a lot on the forums dance studio so on the box for wrath of the lich king it said a new feature for learning new dances was in the game this was never ever added which pisses players off because they wanted more dance emotes they cry out for the dance studio to this day yet it still has never been brought and you know it's even been used as an april fool's joke or a meme several times by the developers just to rub it in the dance studio is and was and will never be added to the game fluorescent green meccano strider a player had bought a new mountain classic wow he spurged out or something and deleted it because he couldn't figure out how to right click it he then contacted a gm to have his mount replaced because you know 100 gold was a lot back then and the gm just said i gave it to him but he must have typed the wrong item code because instead of giving him his unpainted meccano strider it gave him a fluorescent green meccano strider which only exists in the game files he was the only and is the only owner of this mount ever and the devs just kind of let him keep it until he tried to sell his account in worlds of draenor and got it permabanned rogue bucklers back in pre-release wow there were more weapons and armor types than there were in release for example cloaks used to have armor types that's why some cloaks are called chain cloaks also there were shields and bucklers bucklers were just shields with a lower focus on block and armor and a higher focus on being a stat stick rogues and hunters couldn't use shields but they could use bucklers for some reason the devs thought these systems were dumb and removed them and i'm not gonna lie i actually learned uh quite a lot of things writing the script for this section of the iceberg i mean i still looked at some of the things and instantly knew what to say but it was still an interesting section however when we go deeper we start getting to the realm of things i didn't know the realm of [Music] blingtron revolt over the years blingtrons keep getting added to the game every expansion they become progressively weirder and more torn up every time they seem more and more like at war they talk about battles and they even have grey items with weird descriptions alluding to some kind of hidden war vanilla quel'thalas there is an inaccessible area in classic wow at the northern point of the eastern kingdoms called quel'thalas it's right behind strathel with a small amount of elvish architecture that's clearly unfinished and it's definitely unintended to be seen was this supposed to make it to vanilla no idea but probably not ellen tries predicts cataclysm during vanilla there was a quest line that started on van cleef's corpse and led all the way until theramore yeah it went from level 17 to level 40. but it also abruptly ended where you learned about the fate of varian wren elling trias was in charge of a cheese shop and was a secret agent in contact the si7 who helped you get in contact with other people across the world matthias shaw sends you to him and at some point during this quest chain he jokes about deathwing coming back and destroying stormwind unused wad hairstyles what what what do you want from me man they are unused hairstyles and they are in wad you should ask more about the cut fungal whale raid boss in the xangar c zone instead on instant strathmore okay here we go in saffiron's room in naxxramas you can jump into a corner use a growth potion sit down and then close your game plan wait 20 seconds for your character model to despawn log back in and you will be clipping through this corner jump up until you're on this ledge and then jump out you are now in some snowy winter spring ask zone run until you see a cliff that drops into a copy of eastern plaguelands and run all the way to stratholme go all the way to the porticos at the end of the dungeon and it's no longer there you can walk behind it to find a hidden section of stratholme with an untextured necropolis floating in the sky people think this might have been the og way to enter next kind of like how bwl is in ubrs but we'll never know tuscar armory swap during wrath on april fools um everyone's armory character model was changed to a tusk scar i mean i mean that that's it ragnaros 10th anniversary window during vanilla wow there was a joke where if you looked through this fire thing on the wall behind golomag you could see ragnaros you couldn't and if you went there to check the fire on the wall would kill you in the 10th anniversary re-release of molten core this actually worked you could look through it and you could see ragnaros who would kill you spirit of couscou there was a slime in wrath that was counted as a spirit beast and hunters could tame it so yeah slime pet for hunters garwall uh there was a wolf in wrath that turned into a worgen mid-fight and if you tamed it the second it transformed you could have a worgen pet as a hunter test camera over shoulder this is basically just a code kind of for console support that eventually became the action cam kindy sparkshy's dad kindy sparkshine was jaina's apprentice who died in the bombing of theramore and disintegrated in james arms her dad lights the lanterns in legion dollar on every night one at a time beta cave physics i don't know about this one i don't know anything about cloaks and miss pandaria but they did add these weird wiggly belt physics in mrs pandaria which would glitch out sometimes uh who knows maybe it's talking about how the capes on the back of the pandaren were more animated than anything else in the entire game because this was the first rendition of newer character models the whizziac sprocket grind this is just a very well hidden engineer trainer in molgore i don't know why it's this low on the list i mean i didn't know about it but it's not that amazing mo argh race hoax just some lie about there being playable ogres nothing new nothing old ptr world port on the ptr's if blizzard doesn't deactivate the world port command which they do a lot uh you're able to basically just teleport anywhere using this command it's kind of fun but you know you don't always get to do it dark iron leather heroic apparently there is or was a way to loot this item in gnomeregan and it was a chess piece that had no model so you were able to transmog your chest uh to be nothing as a leatherware heyman's hubris this is a crashed ship hidden off the coast of the isle of thunder in battle for azeroth there is another crashed ship with the haman's name that's been turned into a bar off the coast of voldem inside of this bar there is a hidden hearthstone that if you right click it'll teleport you to the crashed ship off the coast of the thunder aisle acii art guild names aci art is that stuff you see online or twitch chats where it's an image just made out of symbols and slashes and stuff and for a while there was a bug where guild names could have multiple rows in them so people had acid for guild names the big book of beards a gray item that drops until broad that's it it's a reference to a similar items and codes of different blizzard games nothing real special about it but you know it exists it's kind of like an obscure version of the staff of jordan agreent sharpshot another reference there's millions of these i don't know why this one in particular is this low on the iceberg it's just kind of weird i don't know maybe the guy who made the original image was running out of ideas when he got this low either way this is a reference character he's got the same name as a guy in jurassic park and he is on the isle of giants which is full of dinosaurs heroic strike cancelling and classic if you turn on the heroic strike it guarantees your offhand weapon will hit before it lands so just toggle and untoggle heroic strike to guarantee hitting with your offhand it's a trash mechanic in my opinion the cleaner in classic wow hunters have a solo quest line to use their abilities to kill three different elite demons to get rock de la and locked along you have to kill them in special ways and by yourself if anyone tries to help the demon will say oh this [ __ ] ain't fair and run away and the cleaner will show up and he'll beat the [ __ ] out of both of you because he's invincible revan tusk trolls the horde town in the hinterlands is controlled by the revantus trolls who had their own reputation until patch 1.5 where they just kind of removed it because it was redundant haranicus questline dead end there is a trinket that drops off of the last boss in sunken temple in classic this trinket gives you a quest to try and free the spirit of aranekus and after you turn it into another dragon it just kind of abruptly ends you don't say veranicus and people think it's incomplete until you realize that you free aranicus as a part of the scepter of the shifting sands line so it was concluded but it was in a way that barely anybody got to participate in d shaker okay so in the cataclysm pre-patch random zones would just start shaking and there'd be earthquakes and everybody would be like what was going on and the way they got these zones to shake was that an invisible npc would spawn and then cast an earthquake spell you know blizzard has you know little hidden secretive ways of doing this kind of like how onyxia the way she aims her breath is by targeting invisible sheep or are they rabbit uh and these dnd shakers were just invisible npcs that would you know shake the world but sometimes they'd bug out and you could see them and that's pretty much it sandbox tire exploits the sandbox tiger and any placeable rideable object can be used to clip through walls people use things like these to reach like gm island and other things uh i've covered gm island earlier on this list so yeah so yeah i i actually didn't know a lot of those um but a lot of them were kind of boring like like why was there just a random fact about some random reference character on the island giants it wasn't too spooky or dark hopefully that changes as we sink into summoning stone there is a copy of the outside of the dungeon inside of this dungeon so if you're able to slip past the portal that teleports you out of the dungeon then there's a copy of the outside world and you can even use the summoning stone to summon people inside the dungeon mr chili equipped wool in weapons solid uh apparently you can equip the snowman item to your character sheet armory 3d posing removal yeah i don't know what this is about like in the armory used to be able to 3d pose your character and now you can't cobald lair dungeon there is an incredibly early screenshot of a wow map with certain things marked out uh one of them is a cobalt dungeon in elwynn pretty sure this just turned into fargo deep mine or something but who knows maybe there was an earlier rendition of a dungeon in the owen forest spirit cauldron collision bug spirit cauldrons for a while had collision so when you place them on the ground you could do things like jump on them you know or block a door with them they remove this interaction unknown reward uh it's a datamined item in the wow files called unknown reward it's unknown so there you go roman specials in the wow diary the author explains how he and another developer named roman kennedy would add slight variations to cave layout designs and animation used in different enemies this way things were slightly different so everything didn't feel the exact same but it was still barely different so they didn't have to work on it too much they do this at home for free and they call these roman specials secret morgan customization i have no idea on this one um maybe this has something to do with that back in cataclysm when worgen came out there were haircuts that you could only get in the barbershop and not the character creation screen therefore when you went to go get your hair cut there were secret worgen customization options but i'm just kind of guessing leroy jenkins elsagate elsagate refers to youtube channels changing their entire lineup of videos just to be skits of guys dressed up as spiderman and elsa doing random [ __ ] to appeal to the autoplay children youtube culture this is kinda gone now because of the inability to advertise on children-friendly content but when it was at its peak the channel that uploaded the original leeroy jenkins video to youtube transformed into an elsagate channel fate of wu ping wu ping was the weapon master in stormwind that was removed in the cataclysm along with weapon skills a concerned fan asked a gm what happened to wu ping and this is what the gm had to say greetings haramir this is rishker i hear you're concerned about the fate of master wu ping are you free to hear the tale of the master yes excellent when deathwing arrived at stormwind it was none other than master wu ping who came to the rescue armed with his trusty arsenal whooping rushed to the face the beast a great battle commenced between dragon and man buildings were torched and crushed and civilians ran for cover the best they could while whooping and deathwing exchanged blows wu ping being the great weapon master that he is took pull arm in hand and thrusted into deathwing for leverage he and then reached for his trusty sword and with a great leap launched himself off the lodged pull arm and struck his sword into deathwing's ribs deathwing clearly now infuriated started to fly while whooping was still grasping his sword to flee from stormwind whooping clung on for dear life as the two vacated the city his location is now unknown wow that's incredible so you see if not for the valiant efforts of master wu ping stormwind will be in far greater ruin smiley face i'm honored to have trained under him as you should be haramir it's up to you to carry on his legacy anything else i can do for you all today uh yes when does the story get released in the form of a cinematic soon i'll keep it watch for it then until then i hope you enjoy the new content smiley face thank you very much for your time and take care haramiyah colossal depths mystery signal if you go into the colossal depth sun zone in draenor you can hear a slight frequency of noises people speculate this to be some hidden code possibly but i have no clue kylar's fingers i have no clue what this one is uh apparently kylar is a smaller wow content creator so maybe it's an in-joke and the guy who made this original iceberg image was a fan but i have no idea google didn't show me anything i even went to kylar's stream and asked him but he is turned into a stream just broadcasting the metrics for the you know what so i don't know what to say here i searched for it on google and nothing came up i searched for it on youtube and this came up fingers in his head fingers in his ass kanye westy lies fingers in his ass fingers in his ass kanye west he likes big fingers in his ass kanye west he likes big things in his hands kanye west he likes the things in his ass index finger and the phone in his fingers he likes [Music] fingers in his ass fingers in his ass fingers in his hole
Channel: Athleon
Views: 333,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world, of, warcraft, worldofwarcraft, mmo, rpg, mmorpg, iceberg, fact, facts, trivia, mario64iceberg, martin'sfury, FFXIV
Id: UK41Dm2DvKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 39sec (2919 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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