The World of Myst - The Full Saga - Complete Chronologies

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this video is a complete summary of all canon's subject matter towards the series in question it contains spoilers and details for numerous aspects to the story and its events and is not meant to serve as a replacement to experiencing any of the pieces of media mentioned please support the official releases of the developers and their entries in the franchise [Music] i realized the moment i fell into the fissure the book would not be destroyed as i planned continue falling into that starry expanse in which i had only a fleeting glimpse i've tried to speculate where it might have landed but i must admit that such conjecture is futile still questions about whose hands might one day hold my miss book are unsettling to me i know my apprehensions might never be allayed and so i close realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written [Music] in 1993 cyan worlds released mist for mac os with a windows port soon to follow it was an unexpected success for the company due in part to its revolutionary graphics accessible gameplay and immersive world building the audience that the original game reached was something not yet seen in the youthful gaming industry especially in the personal computer corner of the market through this success miss spawned a franchise and was the best-selling pc game and series until nearly a decade later when it was passed by the sims the myst series was known for leaving the player to connect the dots and piece together not just how to complete an objective but sometimes what that objective was to begin with cyan made it clear that even with sparse initial info there was much to uncover second only to its mind-numbing puzzles miss prided itself most on its worlds the original developers even rebranded themselves to emphasize this the player can easily go from knowing nothing about their surroundings to becoming acquainted with its history people flora and fauna in just a few hours and of course linking these worlds characters and events together is a story one that connects the series and spans thousands of years with the full lore only available to those who look through everything [Music] while the missed lifespan wasn't the longest it was robust over the roughly dozen years of the franchise's active development five core games in the series were released mist riven exile revelation and end of ages additionally there was a spin-off game titled uru with subsequent expansions following uru a short-lived mmo named mist online uru live was released which has maintained subtle relevancy through community efforts and it filled in some blanks in the franchise lore finally the canon included a book series consisting of the book of actress the book of tiana and the book of duny all these pieces together form the structure of miss timeline along with some other details made through announcements or comments of the game's staff to give added clarity to help with the consistency and excess of information i'll keep a note in the bottom with current year the relation and time to the games and the source of said information without further introduction then let's begin the complete history of the universe of mist [Music] [Music] this story recounts the rise and fall of a family a civilization and quite a few ages the first events ever recorded in the series are from nearly 10 000 years ago the dunny are the most famous and prominent race of non-humans in the miss chronology however the story actually begins with the people known as the ronee rone practiced an ability known as registoy or often simply called the art this art was a mastery of the ability to write powerful books of various different worlds that they imagined a master of the art could write an immaculate detail and elegance their vision of a world in all of its inhabitants history locales as well as other flora and fauna upon completion these writers would be able to physically travel to the incredible world that they had described these worlds would become known as ages to the rene ages were believed to have stemmed from a multiverse visualized as a great tree of possibilities all of which were created by the maker also called yavo as was orthodox to the religion most believe that ages were already created and existed somewhere in the infinite multiverse and that writers were simply creating a link to them via the art however some misguided individuals who we will see later believe that as writers of an age they created that world out of thin air by writing an age they breathe life into a previously empty void and were now their god [Music] the other set of logistics of the art to keep in mind are the two types of books that were written by these masters these were descriptive books and linking books a descriptive book is the greater larger and more detailed version of an age this is what the writer spends the bulk of their time on when creating an age with the book completed a link would be established to one of the infinite ages of the great tree afterward a linking panel would appear on the first page of the book when touched a user could link to the age described in the linking book no two descriptive books could link to the same age and no descriptive book could be duplicated even if the two were written with the same text they will link to two very similar but still different ages thus they are crucial for a link and are normally kept safe after writing as if they are damaged the link is broken they are always written in a special dialect garo hefti believed to be the only language known to handle complex descriptions in a finite space while writing a book meant finding a new branch of the infinite tree it was observed that alterations can be made even when a link was established there were probabilities in the age not set in stone by the book's description thus in a way additions and alterations could be made to a descriptive book without damaging a link so long as it didn't contradict anything already written this required extreme skill and attention to detail as it could lead to risks and damaging or completely severing the link to an age this can all be compared to a linking book a linking book can be seen as a smaller more portable version of a descriptive book a linking book is written with the intention of being a reference to a descriptive book contained in the linking book are common combinations of paragraphs and descriptions that point to the original descriptive book however through pointing to an existing descriptive book a linking counterpart would obtain its own linking panel on the front page like a descriptive book this made linking books much more practical for use in linking along with the fact that a descriptive book can have multiple linking books pointing to it often a descriptive book would be locked away unless it needed to be referenced or altered while linking books would be used too well linked to it if they were damaged or destroyed nothing would happen to the age they linked to and travelers often carried linking books to their age of origin to link back whenever some without exceptional knowledge of the art needed additional power channeled to a linking book for them to function with only references as we will see later some limitations do exist however a curious trade was that they needed to be written in the age they were linking to and where they are finished is where the user will link compared to a descriptive book where a writer could specify the linking point however a linking book could be written while the descriptive book is in another age so long as the writer has extensive knowledge of it a linking book could not be used to link from one part of an age to another as linking implies and thus requires dimensional transfer a linking book could actually be written in any language so long as it referred to specific dunny passages a linking book is determined by its descriptive book if a descriptive book is altered majorly especially if this caused its link to shift to a closely resembling age chances are the linking book would be rendered useless as it now points to nothing this is why alterations to the descriptive book must be made with a careful and skilled hand finally and most importantly neither descriptive nor linking books travel with you when you use them to link but everything else on the traveler's person will the dunny language was actually known as the ronie language because of the name of the original people the rone were a society of writers with guilds that revolved around the creation and upkeep of their incredible books they resided in the age of gardener and held a deep belief in yavo the maker and creator of the great tree of infinite possibilities rene were very similar appearance wise to humans with only slight differences in aspects such as facial structure there was one obvious difference however and that was their lifespan often ronei would live well over 300 years old on their home age of garjanae as with many stories life seemed peaceful for this world but tremendous power like the art often leads to tremendous complications the story begins properly with the life of a gifted rone writer the young reena ref was born on gartenay nearly 10 000 years ago on a planet that was flourishing with masters of the art he was able to join the guild of writers at the age of five and was quickly recognized for his talent and brilliance as a writer he quickly grasped the intricacies of the art and produced incredible results by the time he became a guild master at the young age of 90. guild masters with a second highest rank and guild hierarchy second only to the guild's elder the grand master the current grand master would quickly come to odds with reinareth much to the latter's discomfort while the current grand master remains nameless their impact on renerf was absolute when rina ref was about 135 years old his superior the grand master asked him to write a descriptive book to a new age one that would cause reina ref to question the teachings giving to him as well as his superiors was asked to create an expansive age that contained a simple uncivilized race which would be eventually used by the rene while specifics are not present the reasoning is likely exploitive likely a means of creating a subservient serfdom or even slaverly world much debate was brought about because of this mainly between reiniff and his master eventually he refused the task and resigned from the guild this was unprecedented and a bit nerve-wracking to the people as what was basically the greatest writer among the rone was no longer a part of the official guild though this controversy was nothing compared to the turmoil to come amongst the rene being the scholar he was reinoref not only created ages but studied existing ones as well he would frequent himself to gartenay's descriptive book and its inner workings this combined with his talent for the art allowed rina ref to see a bleak future for the age he could see that gartner was nearing its end more specifically gartner's son was dying and thus garten itself would soon become cold and uninhabitable it took a couple years to confirm his suspicions but when reena ref was about 150 this information was made public and preparations were made gartenay would likely become uninhabitable in only about 60 years time and a new world was needed fortunately creating worlds is not something the people of ronee are inexperienced in the guild of writers banded to spend the next six decades creating a suitable replacement home world for the ronei a world that would later be known as tehrani rina ref however who had grown to distrust the general philosophy and teachings of the rhone had other plans reinoref took on a young apprentice named ilish and together they spent garteney's remaining lifetime writing an age of their own large vast and secluded the book was finally ready in time for the grand exodus of the ronei while the king of renee actively encouraged all of his people to follow him and the bulk of the populace to tehrani he allowed small factions to go off into ages of their choosing over the past decades reinaref had convinced a few thousand ronnie citizens who were loyal and respected the wise writer to go with him and his apprentice to their new age the age was dubbed dunny meaning a new beginning but to the existing natives it eventually grew to have another name earth the exact time frame for this exodus was often brought into question but after accessing more sources the date of 7656 bce was found to be equivalent to the year of ronei exodus and the founding of duny this faction of ronee would grow to call themselves dunny to recognize their separation and pride of their new home while dunny was vast and beautiful reinoref led the exodus of his people to the caverns below the surface as he thought surviving in harsher conditions would prove more favorably with their god yavo these conditions were far from unbearable and the dunny flourished under reena ref who was quickly crowned the first king of duny his accomplishments included creating a new temple of yavo for the dunny people improving the ventilation of fresh air in the caverns allowing for an extended societal stay the guilds during the era of kings were many and included the 18 guilds of garternay these would become the only guilds in the post-king era but for now there were dozens fit for various tasks and roles in duny with new ones popping up throughout its history reina ref was extremely devoted to yavo and his teachings he thought that the guilds were created in service of yavo not the people and this philosophy lasted through the future monarchs of duny society reneref bore no children and so passed the title of king upon his death to the first grand master of duny's guild of writers and his former apprentice eilish an enormous portion of the history of duny can be told through the succession of its monarchy though often periods of rule can be either brief or without much information recorded for the sake of brevity will not linger longer than we need to but the majority of this portion of our journey will be spent going through the 34 kings of dunny ilish like his predecessor was popular he further helped develop the dunny people into a group they could be proud of taking the good from their rone heritage and adding what they perceived to be the righteous path of their people ailish's most notable accomplishment was the construction of a common library in duny allowing for any citizen of any stature to have public access to the various ages written unlike reena ref however eilish bore children though it was not until he raised his third son shomat before he decided that he had found someone that shared his philosophy and was a worthy successor at the age of 350 eilish passed away allowing for the first duny-born king to ascend the throne shomat was the next in line to the throne of duny he was also a skilled member of the guild of writers before taking the throne his brothers whose throne was denied actively tried to cause instability within the court this amongst other corrupt thoughts within king chaumat caused controversy he ordered the building of an extravagant royal palace which became much more luxurious than anything else in the caverns he also believed that ages and their inhabitants were written to serve duny rather than the other way around he started becoming more and more ruthless he had a garden age written for his personal use and when natives of said age planned to revolt he had it rewritten to become uninhabitable to said race in response to his jealous brother's plan to overthrow shomat he tricked them all into entering a death book a form of linking book that when entered the traveler would be immediately killed by the environment this included many possibilities this was of course reacted to strongly by the people of duny and thus a prophet was assigned to the king to give them guidance in the righteous philosophy of yavo she performed admirably and as a result shomat became more respectable in his rule this set the tradition of the king choosing a prophet or prophetess to guide the king during their tenure [Music] because of his deeds shomat decided it was best for his family line to end and pass the throne to the son of a close friend this newly crowned king was chakrin the first non-writer king jakarine was a guild master in the guild of stonemasons another of the eighteen major guilds these guilds were modeled after those in gartner but had more limitations as well as monitoring was put in place to avoid the corruption that was prevalent originally made the most of his architecture expertise he led construction of both the king's arch and the temple of the great king tragedy struck this king however his son fell ill to a fatal disease that claimed his life at only 10 years old while his wife passed away around 10 years after that chakrin took his mind off things by building a starting settlement of what would be duni's main capital city built on the coast of the duni lake a city later known as agura while decreeing would eventually remarry and have a son and two daughters he died saddened as the weight of lost from his first marriage carried with him to his grave jakreen's son visha would ascend to the throne viisha's reign was uneventful for the most part but it's noted that he was extremely religious as opposed to his father who rejected religion after tragedies befell him vesha would incorporate stricter laws regarding things such as marriage and adultery some were pushed away by these stricter personal conventions that were being forced on the populace from visha's rule visha had a total of five sons however his youngest mararan was almost killed and fell into a coma while exploring an age healers advised visha that his son would never reawaken despite opposition from doctors in the church visha proclaimed to dunny that yavo would heal his son despite the odds fisha kept his faith and three years later his son was revived vesha would pass on the throne to this youngest son believing him to be a symbol of rebirth which had swayed the populace's opinions on the faith was a member of the guild of maintainers before his coma he was less strict and withdrew many of the imposing rules set in place by his father he worked hard to establish institutions such as minor guilds which would aid the education of duny he was also quite the hedonist engaging in frivolity as well as recreational drinking and drugs while not a stern leader he was well liked and that's about it honestly with maran's rule he would pass on the throne to his son kareem karine was a guild captain in the guild of linguistics who specialized in language and communication with peoples native to other ages still even hundreds of years later kareen's grandfather visha had a lingering impact on dunny many sex and groups arose opposing visha's strict teachings and certain rules that were still in place and numerous individuals thought they had the right to exercise javo's judgment on anyone lesser to them the largest and most dangerous of these were known as the judges of yavo they had secretly written an age known as pento with natives that the judges thought could be easily manipulated into a warrior race that would fight for them unfortunately they were correct the judges amassed their army and attacked the dunny palace with his wife soon to give birth king kareen ordered his family to evacuate his family were able to warp to a private royal age that korean had made for just such an occasion for the next 30 years the pento war raged in dunny korean himself stayed in the city leading the city guard and militia against the judges and the pento but it was not enough at the age of 243 kareen was assassinated by pento warriors throwing the city into chaos legend says that alcandar was born under the king's arch while his family was escaping the palace to a secret linking book to a hidden age while he remained hidden during the pento war his uncle along with some advisors kept him and his family informed of the events in dunny this included the death of his father when al-sandar was 29. his uncle advised the newly crowned king to wait and strategize instead of immediately returning to duny alcandar was wise and heeded the advice of his uncle in the weeks that passed the judges who had seized control of duny grew concerned that the leader of the pento was becoming too powerful and uncontrollable and so they had him killed this caused civil war within the pento in terms of deciding a proper heir and spread them thinly throughout the city hearing news of this from his uncle alcindar made his move he assembled a small force and returned to duny quickly gaining additional followers he quickly reclaimed the palace and established safe zones he allied with one of the princes of pento makar and offered to write his tribe a new age if they would help fight against the judges and quell the other factions of the pento alcandar was good on his word writing an age for the pento and sending leaders of the judges to prison ages ages with no linking books and thus no means of escape where they spent the remainder of their lives during his proper rule al-sendar kept his focus on returning to the principles established by rinareth the first king to forget the homeland and focus on why they were in dunny al sandar opted to not have an official advisor and merely kept a profit as a figurehead [Music] secretly he worked with riders and healers on a plague that could be used as a weapon in case of emergency unfortunately this weapon would be needed sooner rather than later when makar the former pento ally to duny came through a linking book given to him by the judge and commanded a siege of duny the war was not yet over makhar was successful in killing al-sandar's wife and two sons until eventually the great king killed makar himself [Music] just two days later in an act of vengeance he ordered the plague to be released into the new pento age in just three days the entire population of pento was killed not just them though some pento with other books from judges linked to other ages and infected other cultures the plague was engineered such that the dunny would be immune but various chemists feared that it had the potential to mutate into something that could harm its makers books to penta were found and burned but guilt weighed on the king's shoulders thirty-five years later alcandar revealed to the public that he released the plague depento and asked to be locked away in the temple of the great king for his wrongdoings he left the son of the grand master of the guild of writers saurath a will that would give instructions on how to open the temple which asked would be read only after six months had passed they obliged and sorath would become temporary king however after the time had passed the will was read aloud to duny and it revealed that there was no way to break the seal and sorath would be crowned the new permanent king some thought to break it by force but were vehemently opposed to breaking a direct order from the king the temple of the great king was renamed to the tomb of the great king as alcendar was presumed dead though some held out hope for the eventual return of the great king el cendar's legacy would be mixed and thought differently for centuries but no one truly knows the eventual fate of the king of the penta war solath was in such genuine shock that his rule would become permanent that virtually no one questioned his knowledge of the will's contents by comparison solas rule was uneventful however there was some religious upheaval due to alcendar's actions a famous book the book of nemia was written which denounced the great king and gained some supporters solath tried to maintain unification which included spending resources to build new districts for frivolity and the arts which did excite people and culture remains stable he received some controversy after remarrying following the death of his first wife and even more when a son born of his new wife would become the new heir to the throne a son named mayerta mierta's reign was much more turbulent than his predecessor he proposed some unorthodox teachings that were the first to go actively against the beliefs of rinorev he was likely manipulated by his mother jolatha who was a member of the cult known as the tree which believed the books buried with el cendar held great power against the advice of most of dhani meierta built a temple of the great tree along with temples for other cults that others could use to worship eventually these became more prevalent than the temple of yavo and eventually this temple became devoid of worshippers mayorta attempted to change rules and make reformations for standards that have been in place since the second king ilish these were met with firm opposition from people such as tremol a grand master of writers angered jolatha ordered him to be killed this backfired for the queen and caused him to be seen as a martyr against the king's propositions following the beliefs of the tree jolatha convinced the king to force open the seal of the great king alcandar books were taken along with certain items claimed to be on the person of the great king and they were moved to the temple of the tree however this would be fate's final straw for the manipulative mother of the king jolatha died just two days later of unknown causes merito was extremely fearful of this believing it to be a curse for breaking the seal and in response closed the tomb of the great king once again and created a new seal making it even stronger than before however as it would soon become known the damage had already been done merita's final years were spent with his wife until he was poisoned at the age of 267. it was unknown who could have done the deer but merida's enemies were high and the suspects were many one of which was his eldest son gan who merits ironically left as the primary heir to the throne gan despised his father's lack of a backbone especially and making decisions for himself while not extremely religious towards yavo he did condemn the actions taken by his father and grandmother however he didn't have much time to take action as the cause of jolotha's sudden death came to light the books removed from the tomb of the great king were discovered to hold a mutated version of the plague cast upon the pento and as a result an epidemic grew in dunny most actually blamed this illness on the great king as he decided to cast a plague on the pento in the first place ghan was likely a victim of al-sandar's plague and served the shortest reign of any king 55 years and yet was still fortunate enough to have a son [Music] benashiron was the youngest king of duny to ascend the throne at the age of 20 the young king lacked strong leadership or consistency he would often spend his time making speeches offering prayers to whoever would listen this might be yavo the tree or any other cult of all during this time healers and chemists were struggling to find a cure for alcandar's plague infertility rates were high and benashiran could not find an heir before his death and thus passed on the throne to his uncle hamelin [Music] hamelin was a member of the guild of healers and was extremely dissatisfied that public opinion of the guild was poor hard to blame them as a cure was looking more and more unattainable by the year however king hamelin held out hope he believed that a cure existed in one of the ages of the books of old from the initial arrival of the dunny specifically the book of bereni however these books have been lost almost since the arrival of the dummy emeline was commanding though and had greater power shown than his nephew tenfold however he became ill and bedridden for years with doctors claiming it would be fatal there he met a healer named leland who would care for him during his illness until he miraculously recovered hamelin insisted that his recovery was thanks to his motivation to keep living one more day so he could see his lover leyland once more leyland's deeds to duny would not end here as through her research she eventually uncovered the book of bereni where flora was discovered that could be mixed into a drink used to help the body combat the plague in six years time the plague was declared eradicated and the lovers wed as a symbolic gesture hemlin did not pass on the throne to his offspring but to nagin the first child born in a post-plague dunny nagin was responsible for development into major fields the advancements of the fine arts and the continuation of his predecessor's further development at the guild of miners both these expansions in culture and in the physical tunnels became known as the start of the dunny renaissance nagin led the development of a new council building to be built on the tomb of the great king which served as a symbol of hope and rebirth he also encouraged the public to save their wealth for future generations in a shared treasury guarded by a set of puzzles which would become heavily ingrained in dunny tradition after his achievements nagin would leave the throne in the hands of his third son henash hinash was a member of the guild of stonemasons and as a result was deeply interested in continuing the expansion of the dunny cave system he would happily continue the development of advancements being made by the guild of miners hinash also pushed for better relations with other cultures soon the transfer of goods and culture between ages was growing more accepted and prevalent people were emigrating to duny more and more hinash would have four children with his first wife but when she died he remarried to a non-dunny outsider which was unheard of at the time unfortunately he bore no children with his second wife and so he left the throne to the youngest child of his first wife nidra niger was known for continuing the king's effort to increase expansion within the caverns however it was his mission to increase the motivation of the dunny public towards expansion he was able to push these agendas through his exceptional speeches and charisma along with the sculpting and carving talents of his good friend lakir together along with nidra's brother they set out creating four new districts within duni expanding it greatly nidra had no sons of his own so he left the throne to the oldest of his brothers rakheri [Music] at this point the duny civilization had lasted for three thousand years and for the first time enormous descent was weighed in on the current king an intelligent prophet tavar was a devoted follower of the great king and yavo he believed that the dunny renaissance was a period of religious confusion amongst the people and focus needed to be returned tavar was charismatic and motivational and often would overshadow the presence of the king himself even losing a formal one-on-one debate however rakiri had the humility to accept tavar's skills and asked to make him his main prophet after rakiri's ignorance he asked his people for forgiveness from him and his predecessor's deviations from reena refs teachings thus began a period of renovation of the poor areas of duni and the unification of separated classes rakiri and tavar died a year apart and the crown was given to rakhiri's son tehara tahara was quite frankly one of the most selfish and deceitful kings of duny he would order extravagant ages written at the cost of writers he would have multiple mistresses and would kill many people he found to be impeding his own happiness including the grand master of the guild of miners however he was a master of manipulation and secrecy most of these deeds were never found out until much later tahara was mostly indifferent to the populace and considering most were still satisfied following the motives left by tavar and rakiri tehara was considered a decent king at the time tahara left the throne upon his death to his third son tiamal tiama was also fairly self-centered but was less severe but also was less skilled at hiding it he would spend most of his time bathing in self-luxuries however his wife was a strong leader and showed a high example of strong beliefs and purposes one of the most notable events was when a colossal digging machine named the stone eater was christened tiamal took most of the credit much to the dismay of naman the grand master of the guild of miners but regardless expansion of the cave systems continued tiama would leave the throne to his son khedri contrary to his father kedri was an immensely popular king most agree that this was because of the massive influence his mother placed on him kedri was a man of the people leading a number of proposals that would benefit the lower classes including the creation of a residential district filled with affordable housing he walked through the streets and attended events with the populace because of all this he is often cited as the most popular king in the history of duny and was loved until he passed away at the age of 329 passing the crown onto his son lemashall fancied himself as a sort of illusionist he practically forced the establishment of the minor guild of magicians he also established the relima a sort of secretive intelligence group to keep track of potentially dangerous factions in duny la macha was also known for his influence on outsider cultures trying to establish freer trade with them and more peaceful dealings he also remarried to an outsider after his first wife passed away there was debate as to whether a half outsider would be allowed to take the throne to curb public unrest le mashal signed into law the council's movement of a king needing to be of pure duny blood lamashal thus left the throne to a son of his cousin ishaq ishaq was a mix of kedri and lemashal the two men who came before him like kedri he focused on the people and preferred to view himself on even footing with them and like lemashall he also gave a focus towards improving non-dunny cultures and helping them expand the main event during ishek's rule was when his wife was kidnapped by a group of natives from the age of yemas they used dunny linking books to escape and made impossible demands of the duny people in return for ishak's wife it was actually discovered that the yamasans were being paid by a faction of isolationist dunny who wanted to sow the seeds of distrust with other cultures ishek and the relima uncovered the plot and ishik's wife was recovered controversy with how relations with other tribes should follow were still lingering however and they would continue into the reign of ishak's son loshi manesh [Music] loshmanesh was supportive of mingling with other cultures but was also one to put more strict regulations into place these would become a salosh laws which seemed to be established as a result of the incident that befell his mother they essentially stated that the crime of creating or trading illicit ages or coercing outsiders to commit crimes would be sentenced to life imprisonment on a prison age there was adamant protest from some of the populace who thought that dunny should be sealed off for good the group started to become a majority this was until loshmanesh became a martyr for his cause when he was assassinated by the same group that led the kidnapping of his mother he was succeeded by his nephew ji [Music] ji lacked much of a backbone during his reign and didn't hold much of an opinion he sided with whoever was making a convincing argument with him at the time during this time a prophet dubbed the watcher rose to prominence and he spoke of a reading of the future that saw a great destruction of duny which would take place one of the watcher's great prophecies was of a family that all fit various roles in tales to change the dunny the rebuilder of pride the burdened one the writer of dreams the grower and the sons of the burdened one the grower was the one with the most power leaning towards the supernatural in fact though these prophecies lingered in the writings of the dunny they would not come to fruition for millennia g himself was the first king to have a divorce two in fact most of g's reign was one of inaction and because of the lack of firm leadership dunny became divided and the people felt they lacked guidance considering how much power they weld as writers g would eventually leave the throne to the son of a close friend to math [Music] most of the public weren't happy with g's reign but they were both surprised and pleased with the decision to shift power to one outside of the family there was an immediate order on enforcing a ban on links that weren't deemed necessary to duny relations with outsiders started to become more restricted he even went on to denounce the watcher and certain groups began associating with outsiders more discreetly more people started joining major guilds but they would also become more expensive to afford crime was overall cut down during the reign of the math as well the reli ma was expanded and eventually the leader of a dangerous cult known as the blood of yavo was found and imprisoned in terms of technological advancement the stone masons developed an early fusion compounding technology which would eventually lead to the development of the hardened crystal commonly used by the duni called nara eventually dimath passed away and left the reign to his first born son yabel shan hebleshan held similar beliefs to his father and was less of a strong leader the blood of yavo eventually kidnapped yebeshon's son and asked for the release of goshen the leader that demath had imprisoned earlier the relima were asked to find the sun but it was discovered the secret service had a mole in the ranks and was a member of the blood of yavo so progress was halted iblishand gave into the demands and released goshen only for him to discover his own son dead on the steps of the palace a few days later isolationists were a minority of the dhani populace but they were slowly gaining popularity the society became very split in an effort to shift attention from this divide yablishon ordered a restructuring of the major guilds which reduced restrictions on their self-development a change received well by the guilds an explosion on the age of mayanus brought strength to the isolationists as yebishon put more resources into finding the stop gap of information in the ranks of the reli maw hablashon passed without any children and left the throne to the husband of his younger sister a man named emin a member of the guild of illusionists farish appointed by abelishan to look into the relima's corruption discovered two moles during emin's reign they were quickly taken care of by the dhani council and faresh became a silent hero as a result later a cult known as one dunny was found to be the perpetrators of the explosion on mianus and were imprisoned two new food ages were established as well shimasu and hirias with a variety of fruits and vegetables non-native to dunny the popularity of these ages helped improve non-isolationist sentiment with the natives of shimasu and herias some public-owned islands in duni became privatized as well the public ferry system was also improved from the main dunny city island to other surrounding ones emen set aside one of these islands to become a cultural center and gave it to be shared between the guilds of artists musicians and actors emman passed away popularly and gave the throne to his firstborn son maemon the first event during his reign was unfortunately another plague outbreak this one occurred in the district of nowhere and as a result most became frightened and started to evacuate aguero miami summoned guild and grandmasters of the guild of healers to the palace but was disappointed by their lackadaisical stance and lack of motivation meanwhile a guild captain named iram seemed motivated and maemon gave him the resources to eventually develop a cure maemon as a result formally appointed iran to the grand master of healers while expelling the former master with new digging technologies a new industrial section uran was created maemon was more shifted towards technological advancements than religion during his reign eventually his son ashim fell extremely ill and passed away resulting in maemon renaming uran to ashumen and falling deeply depressed most decisions went through maemon's prophet trisari mayan would later appoint his nephew adesh to be his successor [Music] adesh would also seek advice from chasari and would be more religious than his uncle a new prophet gish appeared similar to dvar but gish only praised yavo and criticized tavvar and the great king gish became extremely popular despite hadesh's constant arrests and announcements of him eventually in a fit of rage and frustration adesh ordered the relima to kill gish this action was met with heavy criticism from the populace gish became a martyr and eventually resulted in the assassination of adesh according to rumors by one of his own advisors his firstborn son lenaran succeeded him linaren denounced his father's actions and started to make plans to disband the relay ma he also announced that he promised to eliminate outsider involvement ages requiring outsider involvement were slowly beginning to be phased out for ones without native peoples lanaran pushed forward with a plan brought up by maemon which was to build a tunnel from the island of dhani to the city and plan for more expansion of residential and cultural districts one in particular the lenaran district of laborers the tunnel was cancelled due to resistance from the island residences who liked their isolation with travel limited by boat lenaran passed away but not before the reli ma were officially disbanded in duny he was succeeded by his youngest son assem left during asim left's rule he continued the technological advancements of construction and expansion while also encouraging philosophical discussion factions worshiping the watcher gish and tavar all began to form and as him left welcomed intermingling and discussion of their beliefs there were common rumors of smlf using servants for extremely cruel purposes however including hunting them for sport or staging them in gladiatorial style battles whatever the case it seemed to be mostly in secret regardless assemblies focused on expansion construction and offering benefits to all classes except royal servants apparently he would pass the throne to his youngest son geron [Music] similar to his father jaron continued to support construction and renovation amongst all classes most violent factions were at the time dissolving and he was able to focus efforts on the progression of the city without many consequences some say the greatest expansion in all of dhani was during the reign of geron geron saw the introduction of both the rock biter and burrower while overseeing the completion of the rudenna passage the widest new tunnel ever built in dunny he would pass on the throne to his third son and penultimate king recouth recouth had uncommonly unenvious siblings who would go on to be extremely caring and reliable advisors this family would prove to lay the foundation for the shift to a council in years to come expansion continued and recouth would marry a supporter of gish and the fallacy of the great king hesha rikuth would begin to lean towards the intermingling of outsiders more claiming their influence of duny's history and culture shouldn't be understated in the years that followed however he became tired of hesha and her views he expelled her from the palace along with one of their sons kerath who was most influenced by her near the end of his reign duny was enormous but people were divided in their classes and in their religious opinions as the legend goes recuth chose one of his older sons to be a successor but on his deathbed he could see his son kerath sailing through the king's arch on a boat with a proud lizard on its prow in that moment recouth felt the hand of yavo telling him to make keroth the next king of duny kerath was extremely influenced by his mother and thus geshenyavo but also from seeing the relationship his father had with his advisors kerath would craft his arguments detailing how the certain ways his people had been ruled for the last thousands of years have been wrong he decreed that power should be in the hands of the guilds as the dunny have always been as strong as the guilds and their protection most of the population were losing the loyalty of the kings and supported this proposal he ordered construction of a new guild hall and the tomb of the great king became further buried under massive buildings which were built for government and guilds by the end of his reign duny was isolationist and convinced of the beliefs of kerath and gish he abdicated the throne to five lords which became the dunny council the number of major guilds was reduced to 18 the original 18 inspired by garton a the time of kings was over korath became the most famous king moving forward and came to represent all kings the arch of kings was renamed the arch of kerath and his coronation was commemorated as a holiday for the next thousand years the council led the people of dunny towards continued structure and expansion of the caverns it was a relatively uneventful time for the dunny but considering the history and the time of kings this wasn't necessarily a bad thing the people became content during this time of relative ease and peace it had been about 8 000 years since rain raff had arrived time began to be spent once again towards creating lavish ages the garden craze of the 8100s began with many of what would be dubbed rest ages becoming popular ages such as edergira and utter kemo were written and opened to the public a force of maintainers became established which was a security force amongst dunny used to maintain order with a sense of less strictness compared to the relima they were based on the age of gauri sen the age of telodon was written by the current master of writers mararan as a present for the master of the guild of caterers hinash it is filled with edible mushrooms and spores some of hinasa's favorites for ingredients later they were mined for resources that nearly destroyed the entire age in the 9300s human timeline 1600s a gifted writer is born to two dunny named callus and to sarah a boy named itris for about 10 years exploration begins to shift upward and the council asks for an attempt to be made to dig a tunnel to the surface this leads to the creation of the great shaft a vertical tunnel which will aid in the construction of a means of getting to the surface however after the deaths of two workers and the near death of a friend of idris's valvus the project ended however the link to the service wouldn't end there in fact this was just the push needed to ultimately allow two worlds to meet but in order to construct a true passage some help needs to be made on the other side of the tunnel from the human-owned surface world [Music] anna was a thinker and a master of approaching problems from any angle she was born to a geologist and together anna and her father made a decent living in their work when anna was 18 years old her father was employed by lord amanjira of tajinar in the present-day region of new mexico they were employed to scout the region for precious minerals during their expeditions they discover a curious rock formation a stone circle and the two contemplate what could have caused it unfortunately anna's father becomes ill and cannot report back to amanjira despite protests for mana her father insists on leaving him behind to rest near the dig site while anna delivers the report to their employer [Music] when she returns to the dig site anna discovers her father has been exploring the area around the stone circle he is excited to share with his daughter the discovery of a rock wall that appears to be blocking some kind of tunnel a deep one over the next 10 days the two finally managed to break far enough in to start traversing the tunnel both explorers have their imagination sparked as to what could lie beyond deeper in the tunnel anna not only finds water but a reddish substance that her father theorizes may be artificial anna's father could only begin to deduce what this could mean when his illness caught up with him he was suppressing it for the sake of the expedition but anna awoke the following morning to see that her father had made his way into the cavern one last time only for his daughter to discover him after succumbing to his illness meanwhile in dunny there is a renewed appeal to continue the expansion to the surface but the final ruling will be decided in a council vote both itris and veovus are now members of the council veovus has become increasingly xenophobic insisting the only creatures on the surface are savages and he tries to sway i trust along with other council members fijar and swarnier while the latter two appear convinced i trust isn't and decides to abstain from the vote entirely [Music] anna is left at a crossroads at the dig site she was still grieving her father but was alone in the arid landscape thus she made preparations to head back to tajanar however to satisfy her curiosity and in honor of her father anna decides to head back into the cavern one last time she goes deeper than they had ever attempted together with her father what she found was beyond anything she anticipated going deeper and deeper during her excavation she discovers more evidence that this tunnel was artificial and even discovers some tools and digging machines eventually it became clear that she was on the outer reaches of a civilization one that wasn't deceased her assertions are proved true as almost out of nowhere her curiosity takes her to the dunny city itself as she sees the dunny civilization around a deep underground lake anna stood dumbfounded and she couldn't believe what was before her eyes but before she had time to appreciate it she was arrested by the local dunny patrols simultaneously the vote to tunnel to the surface is about to begin as xyz starts to have doubts he feels so strongly that exploration should continue that he feels he should not abstain voting is postponed for an hour for more discussion to take place as a messenger bursts into the guildhouse interrupting deliberation to relay urgent events shortly after the council announces to duny that further digging isn't necessary as a surface dweller has just reached dunny anna is immediately imprisoned and interrogated by dhani and were at a loss for what exactly to make of her over time she proved her intelligence by acquiring enough of the dunny language to be able to present herself before the council veovus and certain members disagree with allowing this outsider to speak with the council but itris and others cause a change of heart with the current lord of the council upon intensive questioning she is released but she was not allowed to return to the surface as while the council trusted her for the most part humanity as a whole was still deemed too hostile i trust is asked to let anna live with him where i just quickly agrees and offers to teach her more about their culture here anna learns about the magic of the art where she is instantly blown away when itris takes her to their family age of koa using a linking book later on veovus starts to warm up to anna veovus anna and nitrous become close friends and connect over time with the three often spending time on veovis's island home kevier however veovus and nitrous disagree on one crucial issue whether or not to teach anna the art soon though i trust makes the decision himself and he and anna began writing the age of gemadet together named after a dunny game that the two would play together often theovis reported this to the council who revoked its linking books however after convincing the guildmaster kedri that this was merely a sign of progress and throughout dunny records it was not unheard of to teach outsiders the art or language it was ruled that this should be allowed for the betterment of duny and the books were returned gemadet is created and anna and nitrous bond while exploring their age after some time anna learned the art completely and was able to link anywhere she chose including back to the surface however she decided to stay as she and i trust had fallen in love eventually she was proposed to by idris and the two were wed following a full blessing from matris's father it was around this time that anna began to return the favor to its teachings by giving him stories of the surface over the course of their relationship itris starts referring to anna by the nickname tiana which means storyteller she grew fond of the name and would become addressed as such by the dunny from here on they are happily wed for the next few years and would go on to have a son named again agaris was a member of the guild of writers and had been gathering a good reputation for himself until he was accused of a number of crimes against duny most notably of which was the stealing of a precious linking book though he denied the charges he was still expelled from the guild and had his betrothal broken he decided to move to the lower city where he established a name for himself as the philosopher writing pamphlets for the residences of the karathan district but in reality he set his sights on dismantling duny he was enraged for his expulsion and punishment and wanted revenge by destroying duny after his reputation had grown he had a meeting with veovus where agaris learned of his bitterness towards the growing approach to dunny cultural expansion with outsiders and wanted that hate to grow to do this agaris would frame him agaris was a master forager and would write documents to implicate valvus of trading illegal linking books he would also kill two young maintainers using a dagger belonging to valobus all this would lead to an investigation that resulted in veogus being sentenced to a prison age for life where he would seemingly never know who implicated him tiana and iris's son genn is appointed to the guild of bookmakers and i trust convinces tiana to finally take them to the surface they made a temporary base of operation at a spot named the cleft which was a small gash in the ground near a dormant volcano this was located directly above the great shaft in what is likely modern day new mexico after they returned to dunny agaris made his move he was able to get access to vailvis's prison book and free the framed writer he was easily convinced to aid a garrison his plan to tear apart duny the two of them along with their friend suarnir plotted various terrorist attacks on dunny this included planting a bomb in the dunny inc works and desecrating one of the five classics the masterworks of dunny agaris was able to do this by replicating the original writer's handwriting and altering passages that tore the world apart tiana fearing the safety of her son rushed to be with genn their son was already a special case among the populace he was the first half-human half-dunny child and as a result of his biology he suffered many ailments while he was a toddler he was also harassed amongst his peers but got through his training due to his sharp mind and intelligence along the way to check on her son however tiana discovers veovus along with an unrecognizable age later known as ederot she links to the age where she quickly recognizes both agaris and soir near who are later joined by vaiovis through her investigation she discovers documents and journals linking agaris to the framing of veovus she also is able to overhear the three taking responsibility for the acts of terrorism and their bigger plans to collapse dunny during tiana's investigation itris starts having suspicions of his own and asks veovus prison to be investigated by the council his judgment proves sound as the prisoner is nowhere to be found within the age a search has begun for the escaped meanwhile i trust discovers tiana to be missing without a trace while he searches vaova's appears before i trust and tells him he has tiana hostage goading him into following veovis to ederat theovis is unaware that tiana is actually in ederot veovus and agueros quickly knock out iris and imprison him as bait for tiana tiana already in that age gathered some evidence along with a few linking books veovus has to leave ederot she eventually discovers an imprisoned itrus but not before being discovered herself by the three terrorists tiana flees partly through setting valvus's linking books ablaze except one that leads to the chambers of the dunny council tiana links and without knowing the destination veyovus does as well the two link and appear before the council where veovus is immediately sentenced to be executed after tiana's evidence implicates him for the attacks however after further investigation of the evidence it was proven that agaris framed velvets for the earlier crimes of smuggling and murder tiana pleaded with the council to reduce the sentence and they obliged instead of execution veovus would once again be sent to a prison age however this time the only linking book to the age would be destroyed upon his entering a rescue party is sent to edera to retrieve itrus agaris who suspects this will happen hides while the search party comes and lets them discover itrus and suarnir knowing they will bring a linking book back to duny he secretly links back without the party knowing and overhears the trial of veovus and his sentence before veovus can be sentenced agaris infiltrates the council and locates his prison book he enters the prison linking book in hand and awaits the sentenced prisoner i just returns to duny and along with his wife they stay with their son genn until his graduation from the guild of bookmakers at age 8 about two to three years later meanwhile veovus is tossed into his prison age stripped of all belongings and the linking book burned however an acquaintance was waiting for him veovus was at an impasse he now knew agaris was likely the one to frame him and start this messy chapter of his life but at the same time their ideals were still aligned and agaris had his only means of escaping this lifetime of imprisonment eventually he decided to take agaris's offer to escape and the two fled back to duny and went into hiding developing their new plan for the next two to three years they forced chemists to work for them in secret developing a biological weapon that had the potential to bring the dunny civilization immediately to an end game by the time genn's graduation had arrived tiana felt he was becoming more distant from her genn loved his father though he was beginning to feel more and more ashamed of his human heritage and did not want to be seen as an outsider however while these thoughts were racing in the family's mind during their son's graduation a loud explosion from the walls of the dunny cavern could be heard from the walls began to pour a dark cloud which soon reached dunny and its inhabitants the gas was deadly and spread quickly through the streets of duny infecting nearly all who came into contact with it nearly all of dunny was devastated with only as few as several hundred being able to escape to other ages almost instantly a civilization nearly 9 500 years old was destroyed in what became known as the fall of dunny tiana itrus genn and nitrous mother to sarah were able to escape the fall of duny by quickly linking to one of itres and tiana's own ages their first one gammadet aytra spends the next few days crafting equipment mainly a simple gas mask that he can use to return to investigate duny reluctantly tiana allows him to go it's a grim sight in duny the entire civilization is ruined deserted and he finds the council dead he deduces they were killed by a virus that was dispersed by the gas attack unfortunately it doesn't take long before i trust becomes heavily fatigued and nauseous and realizes that he has the disease as well he spends the energy he has left mapping out an escape route through the tunnels of duny while finding a good hiding spot for his gemadet linking book for when he warps back eventually he does and quite literally collapses back to gamadet where he rests in the care of his family for several days unfortunately for itres while his symptoms pass being away from the main gas he does pass the disease to his mother who succumbs to the disease on gammadet the rest of the family realizes they are stranded on this age and their only option is to try and mount an escape through duny after a few days of preparation they make their way to duny where ichis provides them with his map of the tunnel system at some point itras hears cries of help coming from within the city however the selfless itrest gives tiana again his map and begs them to continue to the surface not taking no for an answer i trust bids his family farewell once more he didn't mention it but i just recognized the scream it belonged to his old friend valves he arrived to find veyovus bleeding out from a wound to his back with his dying breaths vaobis explained that he had been betrayed and stabbed by agaris and that he was likely to kidnap is family now that they were separated agaris had wanted to turn their age ederat into one where they would be worshipped as gods something veovus was vehemently against as it went opposed to all beliefs of duny there's an upside though agaris has no linking books and would likely not head back to duny or to the surface he would likely go to an outer library of lincoln books theovis's old home kevire theovus gives itres a linking book to veovus's study which contains a book specifically to kaveer so he can cut igerus off as veovus finally succumbs to his wounds vaiovis was correct in his assertions agaris had kidnapped tiana and her son and was using them as hostages but when he arrived in kavir he did not expect to find itres waiting for him i just revealed that he had burned the library's contents and all its linking books much to the anger of agaris he threatened to hurt tiana but as soon as he turned hostile i just pulled out a book on his person he used it to link beckoning agaris to follow realizing i trust must have other books on him to leave said age hagaris gave chase and warped without a second thought but even then though it was too late the book the two had linked was agaris's age of aderot but heavily altered by idris he quickly rewrote the age to destabilize its structure and caused the world to erupt into a blazing inferno this was not a prison age it was a death age and both itrus and agaris fates were sealed the moment they touched the book tiana could read the ederot book and understood what actress had done she and her son mourn the sacrifice of their beloved i trust but eventually they knew they had to escape using nitrous plans notes and maps that tiana still had she was able to backtrack and eventually made her way back through to the surface where she and again arrived at the cleft where they were finally free from the caverns [Music] tiana would remain at the cleft farming and caring for her son however again only grew to resent his mother more and more for what befell his father and his people gem would continue to only grow prouder of his dunny heritage and denounce his mother's human half eventually six years after arriving on the surface when genn is 14 he runs away from the cleft tiana attempts to find her son but eventually concedes that she won't be able to find him on her own and continues to farm garden and care for her small oasis alone in the cleft genn wanders about the barren areas of what is currently the us and mexico border he wandered for days until he was eventually found and taken in by a people known as the ahmad it was cleared again that these people weren't dunny as they had no knowledge of the caverns besides legends of their people however they also possess certain dunny technology such as a basic imager sort of an early form of holograms upon further study decades later it became more likely that these people were the result of old tales of a dunny becoming lost in the caverns and making their way to the surface eventually there they intermingled with local native american tribes given the time period and location this was likely either the suma or mescalero apache tribes here these people seem to belong to both humanity and dunny not unlike genn himself and so he stayed embracing the culture and even falling in love he would eventually marry an ahmad woman named leira also known as keita when genn was just 19 his wife became pregnant with their child even scarier however she fell ill and no one in the tribe could do much to aid her desperate again swallowed his pride and attempted to seek his mother for assistance they found their way back to the cleft where tiana still resided it had been 10 years since genn left but despite this his mother was willing to help but even her assistance was limited she was able to deliver the child but despite her best efforts she could not save keita who died in childbirth genn was furious once again denouncing his heritage and claiming his disgust for his mother he carelessly dug a grave for his fallen wife in the garden of the cleft that tiana cared for and angered tiana insisted to give her grandson back to his father but genn claimed you saved it you look after it and he fled once more this time genn went underground and went into the now ruined dunny city where the air was finally becoming survivable there he tried to piece together what he could about his ancestors and progenitors meanwhile tiana now in her early 60s was left in charge of her grandson whom she named after her beloved husband but simplified by removing the eye and thus tiana would raise the young actress in the cleft anna would raise aetrus alone as a hermit within the cleft she would only have occasional contact with some caravan traders that passed from time to time she was self-sustaining though not only could she farm but she was able to carve from rare minerals and create paintings all of which she would trade for other forms of food as well as things like textiles she was very protective of waitress she would teach him the dunny language as well as stories of the civilization but was fearful of outsiders with her grandson she would teach him to hide on the opposite side of the clef's volcano while the traitors were nearby atrous was a smart boy running various science experiments in the cleft but he was also kind as he tried to follow the teachings of tiana he loved his grandmother but aegis longed to see the world and explore instead of staying in the cleft meanwhile underground genn was foraging what he could from a lost society he would piece together an incomplete education of the art through ancient tattered books he found in the ruins of duny during the following years he would practice by writing ages only to dominate conquer and eventually destroy them he believed in the writer as the creator of ages and thought he had the right to rule over any age he had written however these ages were flawed genn wasn't a master of the art far from it his knowledge and teaching was incomplete and this often left his writing with contradictions and fragments that led them to quickly decay and collapse soon after the completion of their descriptive books finally on his fifth attempt genn was able to create a stable age that lasted well enough beyond the completion of a descriptive book this one was made by piecing together fragments of pre-existing books this is actually not an uncommon technique but it's used in order to create linking books from a descriptive one linking books are often created from specific fragment placement from the original descriptive book however creating an entirely new descriptive book from combining others was something that had not been seen genn would dubbed this semi-successful fifth attempt the fifth age and would soon begin exploiting it for his own means in actuality the natives referred to their own home as riven and the people there the rivenese out of respect for the rivenese everyone besides again referred to the age as such as will we as we continue after 14 years of conquering and ruling over riven genn decided it was time to start teaching an heir the only woman he ever loved was keita and thus his only children would ever be the one he left with his mother he decided to return to the clef to retrieve his son he forced aetrus now a teenager away from his grandmother and led him to the ancient dunny cities there on the island of kavir where his grandfather perished atres was taught the ways of the art by his own father atreus was clearly gifted embracing what genn knew quickly while also intuitively picking up on what his father lacked in a few years time atreus far surpassed his father in skill during these lessons atres witnessed how on his father's ages genn was revered as not just a king but a god convincing the people of his abilities as a creator and a wielder of the art something again wholeheartedly believed himself upon the years of training he was with atreus iv his son witnessed genn conquer and destroy ages both societally with his tyranny and structurally with his poor grasp of the art gen believed he was a god as the one with the most dunny blood left who still had connections to the capital itself it didn't take long for the observant atreus to realize that his father had gone mad and even after repeated attempts to sway his father's mind it seemed to have been lost to power after arguments over the ethics of being seen as a creator to an age and an attempt to escape to the surface was thwarted again locked atreus away in a room on kavir where his only means of escape was the riven descriptive book kept locked in the same room from this point onward gen would start to shift most of his focus towards riven as well and looked to the natives to begin teaching the ways of the art fortunately for aetrus his grandmother hadn't stood idle while her beloved grandson was taken tianna followed genn to dunny kavir and later riven watching over her grandson from the shadows not long after arriving in riven atres was taken in by the locals and met a native ravenese girl named catrin catron's name would eventually be altered to catherine later on due to atres's initial mispronunciation though catherine quickly grew fond of it as a personal nickname catherine was one of 10 other rivenees who again was training to build his own guild of writers she quickly stood as the one most capable with the art noticing this when she was in her twenties gen betrothed her to himself in order to help him restore dunny and rule over more ages that she could help him create genn believes that catherine would be easier to control than his son who he deems as impossible to manipulate at this point of course this was all in the hopes of genn no students other than atris had actually shown tangible results with the art this was until katherine put her dreams to paper [Music] catherine attempts to use her knowledge of the art to write the abstractions of her dreams in her writing of a descriptive book she tries to put her ideas to paper bending a lot of rules that seem conventional for the art eventually a panel started to take shape in the book and catherine herself was able to travel to this strange fantastical place she needed to show someone whom she could trust and so went to aetrus aetrus read catherine's book and while he admitted the world was beautiful to read it was full of contradictions and broke most of the rules of writing with its physics and wildlife however after some persuasion catherine was able to convince atreus to link to catherine's first age there he saw a wondrous sight an age with two flat sides and a tunnel in the center connecting either side with a contained water cycle through the tunnel causing perpetual fog and an upward water cascade here the rock was glassy but had the texture of wood and smelled of roses and camphor the air had a smell of lemon pine and cinnamon there were no natives but it was full of butterflies on the lighter side and golden red fireflies on the darker side along with these shifting fluid dreamlike creatures atres was stunned by the talent and skill on display from catherine he wanted to know more and encouraged the two could learn from each other and thus they grew close it became increasingly clear that not only was gen growing insane but desperate his skill in the art was not as refined as atreus's or as imaginative as catherine's he needed them if he was not only to rule over subsequent ages but also to keep the current one alive riven was genn's best age to be sure but that didn't mean it was stable some signs were already starting to show a long-term deterioration of the age and it would likely only survive a few more years on its own eventually it was decided by catherine and atres to escape riven they decided to write a new age with a single linking book for them to escape to while at the same time removing all means again being able to escape this age at this time tiana had met up with catherine to help her with the new linking book though she would only reveal herself to atreus after the book was complete while atres kept genn busy with his research tiana and catherine would work on the age eventually this age became known as mist mist was a small but quaint age and over time it was fleshed out with devices living quarters and eventually some linking books that atris brought to the library on mist island during this time as well catherine also worked with tiana on the riven descriptive book they worked to try and repair the instabilities that had existed since its creation while it likely multiplied the lifespan of riven it left a few anomalies various enormous daggers appeared in the landscape as a means of representation of the pins and stitches the world needed to survive amongst the most notable anomalies was the opening of a small gash in the ground near one of riven's temples atres and catherine discovered this phenomena and saw that it led to what could only be described as a vast starry expanse as if looking into the night sky itself however it was not entirely like outer space it wasn't a vacuum it appeared like there was air inside and puffs of smoke and swirling gaseous mists could be seen within the rift the pair thought to use this in their escape and decided to take the riven descriptive book with them and make repairs remotely after trapping again genn was growing suspicious of his cohorts and decided to speed along wedding plans realizing it was now or never atress catherine and tiana put their plans into motion as well on the day of the wedding similar to aetrus's grandfather he snuck into gen's laboratory and burned all of his linking books and later regrouped with tiana and catherine the two of them used the book on atres's person a linking book to mist and the last linking book on riven after the two left riven atreus fled to the starfisher where he was met by gann they had a temporary standoff when atreus made his play he fell into the starfisher linking book in hand and while falling warped to mist this left the mistbook to fall deeper and deeper into the starfisher hopefully this book would be lost forever leaving again without any means of linking out a riven and atres safe with the two people he cared for most by his side on mist island the three would live in peace and spend their time writing ages two years after arriving atres and catherine were wed in a modest ceremony led by tiana and years later they had their first son a half-reveneese three-eighths human and one-eight stunning boy named akinar two years later another son cyrus was born on mist island for the next decade the family lived peacefully and happily taking care of themselves and writing books atris would write the ages of stoneship and everdunes befriending the natives of each meanwhile catherine would write the spiritual age of serenia one of her proudest accomplishments unfortunately it was around when the two sons were turning 10 that tragedy struck while exploring one of catherine's ages an accident occurred the accident unfortunately took tiana's life and devastated the family details of the incident are unclear including the age that it took place in however it is known that her body was recovered and taken back to mist where she was buried a tombstone still exists on miss island bearing her name the death of the beloved tiana sent different shock waves to her family members since the incident occurred on one of her ages catherine felt deep regret and became consumed by sorrow she vowed to never write with the art again after this incident meanwhile atres did the opposite he tried to support his wife whom he did not blame however he became obsessed and lost in his writing which would consume him for years to come all this affected the children as well their parents were too distracted by the death of tiana to properly care for them as such cyrus felt like he had been rejected and akanar became stir crazy after having a hard time to process such emotions in his obsession atrous would write three ages and explore them thoroughly osmoen channelwood and celentic these would be the first ages he would take his sons to in order to show them the potential of the art catherine was hesitant but allowed it as she understood what this meant to atreus about three years after the death of tiana atreus's depression had waned and sought his sights further on his sons he saw his sons as the future of duny and decided to begin to teach them about the art through practicality he wrote jananin voltaic adana and amateria specifically with the purposes of educating the boys on the principles and concepts of ages following tests on these four ages a fifth was written narayan this one was specifically meant to educate on the systems of a balanced age benefited by an active civilization and vice versa narayan contained a mostly thriving society and atreus wanted his sons to learn from them he spent a couple months with a narayan scholar named savedro who agreed to educate the sons on the principles of interdependence during their education the two sons personalities would develop cirrus was soft-spoken but highly intelligent he would often assist his father with engineering projects and other technical skills akanar meanwhile was showing signs of erratic emotion and instability he would often show signs of violence and hostility to local fauna that would worry his parents over time the two became angry that they were not being formally top the art by atreus who was hesitant due to the immense power that ability held and knew from his father what would happen if someone without proper guidance had even the slightest bit of control over the art this frustration would lead to the brothers becoming more and more power power-hungry over time soon atres wrote an age simply known as mechanical which was home to a large floating rig on a vast ocean the residents who lived there were being threatened and plundered by a group of pirates known as the black ships led by the ebony cardinal eventually aetrus was able to construct some simple defenses for the people but cirrus had other plans in an act of rebellion he convinced his brother to come with him on a small boat and leave mechanical in search of the black ships eventually they found the ships and were brought aboard the two were almost killed by the captain but upon learning of their skills and violence and ingenuity as well as their knowledge of their sworn enemy atreus they were permitted to be members of their crew here the brothers learned of tyranny and conquering looting the rig scattered across the mechanical age becoming as dark as the pirates of the black ships but much more capable they became greedy power hungry and even filled with bloodlust eventually this age could no longer satisfy them but they knew exactly where they could extend their reach they waited for the opportunity to escape the black ships not without some plundering of the ship itself and fled to the main port of mechanical where they were eventually found by atreus and catherine while the brothers were severely scolded and punished their parents were mostly just happy to have their sons back again but these boys had changed and sought more than what they had been given and they realized they had the means to obtain it while the two sons weren't given the means of writing ages they did have access to their fathers fortunately for the boys their father was preoccupied over the course of the coming years in writing new ages and maintaining the ribbon descriptive book so it remained intact for the native people the latter of which was becoming a concern for him atrs's ultimate goal was to rebuild bunny but if genn caught word of this he would certainly do everything in his power to assert dominance over the reconstruction and atres couldn't let genn's ideals influence the next generation of duny he needed to ensure genn was trapped without escape however going to riven himself was too risky as he would need to take a returning linking book so he decided to write an age where he could experiment haitrus wrote a tundra age that had an ample supply of crystals that when charged with the right frequency could project images from linking books he would hope to use these crystals to create a device that could observe riven without actually going there he dubbed the age rhyme it was around this time that atreus began to fear losing his work to those who would be tempted by his ages he would write two prison ages spire and haven written with distinctive red and blue linking books and warned his family to never use them [Music] meanwhile genn was busy on ribbon he thought about jumping into the starfisher after the miss linking book but figured the uncertainty of the chasm was too risky he was for all intents and purposes trapped on riven without an exit however he decided to make an attempt to write while he kept his subjugation over the rivenese people he continued his book experiments writing hundreds of failed ages eventually he was able to craft a small age with a single building that he would start to migrate to personally in the event that he could not find any other means of escaping riven before its collapse again in his systematic way bluntly called this age the 233rd age its meaning obvious the work on rhyme had kept their father busy and as such the two brothers set their sights on the ages that they could manipulate this mainly meant ages that had sentient natives that they could exploit namely channel wood and mechanical they inserted themselves as kings and ruthless tyrants over the people and exploited them for their resources laying waste until the population dwindled and most of their resources had run dry though this was only half of their lives they of course had to keep up appearances with their parents when not subjugating an age cirrus was helping his father with constructing rhyme when not torturing an innocent populace akanar was assisting catherine with maintaining the island this all came to a culmination when the suns returned to narayan at this point the boys were in their late twenties they were more knowledgeable more cunning and obviously more ruthless narayan was a very traditional age they worshipped and sacrificed a great deal to their deity the great tree the boys arrived and promised to make their lives immensely easier they relayed information of the art saying their inconveniences and struggles were all because their creator atres had written the age to show the boys what an age should not be and with their knowledge of writing and the art which they of course did not have they could make the lives of the norians exceptionally easier by changing the basic structure of the age but only if the whole populace agreed upon this the brothers knew this would never happen and only wanted to sow chaos and confusion amongst the people as expected the narayan elder council along with much of the older population did not want to abandon the traditions of the people while the younger members encouraged change and progress to benefit the populace the brothers would continue to breed malcontent among the younger people and would often incite violence the brother's plan for anarchy worked too well and in the end an entire civil war began raging the great tree of narayan became unattended and as such explosive spores that were normally supposed to be manually brought to branches burst into hot steam raining down and destroying several villages amidst the chaos the boys decided to salvage all the valuables they considered worthy to take back to their home the wild card in the norian civil war was cevedro the old mentor of the brothers he was shocked to see the boys return and even more shocked to see them speak out against the traditions cevedro feared an ensuing rebellion and wanted to defuse the situation by talking to the younger side he was afraid of his wife and children being caught up in the violence alas the brothers were too convincing and the civil war raged on as the fighting reached savadro's village he told his family to hide and went to confront the brothers he was able to catch them just as they were leaving with boxes filled with valuables they had just used the linking book to jnanin as cevedro without thinking followed them to the age with the intention of begging the brothers to keep their promise the brothers expected some stragglers and as such they lured zavedro inside one of the large tusks on the age and knocked the poor man out upon entering they tied him up and beat him severely all the while explaining they didn't intend to fix anything and intended to salvage from any place they thought were too easy to deserve otherwise they lit a bonfire in the tusk and linked away leaving cevedro to die in a hostile age burning to death at this point atres had essentially finished work on the chamber and rhyme using proper crystals and specific viewers he could get a live feed of any age given its descriptive book he was able to see riven and could see that his father was still trapped at this point however the brothers decided to do their ultimate goal of conquest to steal what they felt was rightfully theirs their father's possessions first they needed to get their mother out of the picture they decided the easiest way would be to trick her catherine was aware the progress on rhyme was nearly complete and was eager to finally be rid of genn in all respects the brothers used her excitement against her by lying and saying that aetrus had already gone to riven and was waiting for catherine to join him she believed the brothers and used the linking book to kaveer which was the only means to get back to earth or dunny and from there she took a linking book to riven awaiting her was a station guard of ghenz at riven's entry point who immediately captured her and took her again now to get rid of their father atreus wouldn't go to riven even if he was told his wife was there as at this point riven was becoming more and more unstable if his wife was there he wanted her to be safe and that meant writing and reinforcing the descriptive book from afar to keep riven alive as long as possible so when atris noticed catherine's disappearance they instead told him she was waiting on kavir which was now a waypoint between mist and riven he believed them at first but not before his preparations were completed and was about to leave before he saw his sons start to burn his library likely believing he had already left he needed to make sure the riven book was safe and still proceeded to gever but not before leaving a message to catherine who we now believe to be still on mist and his sons were lying however his sons had managed to sabotage aetrus's returning missed book by ripping out a page upon atres's arrival to gavir he realized based on catherine's absence and the altering of his mistbook that he had been completely deceived by his sons and now he was trapped catherine had left a note seemingly for her sons as she assumed that atres was on riven and now atreus had assumed that catherine had been tricked as well and was on riven likely captured by one of gen's guard even worse numerous cave-ins had occurred over the years and kavir became cut off from the rest of dhani atres was trapped without any access to other ages or even the rest of dunny and earth cirrus and achenar had seemingly won atres's library was theirs including all of his linking books and journals adrius had hidden all the descriptive books to the ages but the brothers assumed the linking books would be the only ways anyone but atrous could access them so in their greedy nature they look through the library keeping only what they deemed valuable and burn the rest this left only eight ages channel wood celentic mechanical stoneship and rhyme along with spire and haven they also kept the kavir book locked away in a secret entry in the library the two's first target was clear those mysterious red and blue books that father had warned about spire and haven when being read and through its imager looked like paradises of wealth and comfort and so the two compromised cirrus went to the red book to spire and achenar to the blue book haven however as soon as they linked something was wrong these were not the ages observed in the book spire was a barren rocky obelisk cold and dark with a sea of grey clouds surrounding it haven was a jungle island filled with dangerous creatures and no other sentient life these books were prison ages designed to trick greedy adventurers with misleading descriptions and false images atres also wrote his prison books with two interesting functionalities first they were incomplete and missing pages these were rigged so the book would only work once and then wouldn't work again until the pages were re-added second these ages had a fixed capacity of one when someone attempted to link to the age if someone was present the current resident would be immediately sent linking back to the linker's original age these were works of art from a writer's standpoint but to the brothers they only felt anger and hate toward their father who seemingly left an act of spite upon them worst of all no matter how hard they looked they could not find any linking books on the island they were trapped just as they had done to their family mist was abandoned and the family was separated and trapped on their respective ages cirrus on spire achenar on haven atria sun kavir and finally catherine on riven atres constantly tried to reinforce riven's descriptive book through his writing but he knew he couldn't hold on forever meanwhile catherine's stay on riven was interesting on riven while she was being led again some assailants tranquilized catherine's captors as well as catherine herself she awoke in the headquarters of a rebel group of revenues called the moiety fortunately one of the rebels recognized her and filled her in on the events in her home age catherine was told that her home was now unrecognizable riven once a large diverse island was fragmented into five smaller islands with most of the frightened populace residing on the largest forest-like island the islands were connected by bridges and small maglev trams [Music] she was distraught when she finally learned atres was not indeed on riven and that she was in fact tricked catherine wanted to prove her bravery and her loyalty to the cause by venturing out with a couple rebel members together they went to the highest point of the main island and she could see the sorry state of riven she also investigated the star fisher once again it had been sealed with rock and a small panel of glass with a telescope to observe it she instructed the moaiti to stay away from it as she wondered what secrets the void held and if atres's mistbook was still floating in the endless starry expanse from there she also met with numerous villagers whom they recognized as their goddess catrin the only one of them who could truly create worlds from paper she heard from the villagers that genn was using technological means to power and maintain books to compensate for his lack of the art she was also given a failed experiment linking book of gens gan had tossed it into a furnace after seeing it fail but it was salvaged by the moaity katherine was still immensely skilled in the art and made her decision to end her vow of not writing in order to help her people from the salvaged book catherine wrote a stable age small and a bit desolate but with immense potential that would be the rivenese and theirs alone she convinced the moiety to break into one of gen's book-powering domes to steal a riven linking book genn had them made so he could come back when going to experimental ages catherine needed one to travel back from her new age with the two books in hand the mawaiti began establishing themselves on this new age dubbed tay also sometimes known as the moaity age or simply the rebel age soon nearly all of the moiety were moved to tay but nearly all of the common residents of riven were still in villages fearing gen's wrath catherine would eventually try to convince the general people to join them as riven as an age was dying and they deserved to be free however in the process she was captured by genn's guard and imprisoned genn tried to interrogate her with catherine being stubborn and only talking in riven ease he gave up once he was convinced she didn't have a linking book on her catherine was fearful she and atres knew riven was running out of time likely only about six months before the age would collapse and neither could do anything but stalled the inevitable from their position there were no linking books that atres could access besides the riven descriptive book but he needed to stay and continue writing just to keep the age alive day after day catherine was imprisoned without access to tay with the moiety or the mislinking book that was lost forever in the star fisher [Music] or was it the star fisher is one of if not the most mysterious anomaly in the mist universe as atreus observed when he briefly fell in it appeared similar to outer space however he felt wind and an active current pushing him within as well as a presumably breathable environment its origin is truly unknown genn believed it a result of aetrus and catherine altering riven's age during their escape catherine believed it to be an act of the maker to serve a greater purpose it is likely that the expanse is a representation of the space between ages the space that is traversed whenever a link is taken with a book of course linking is so fast that a traveler will have no idea what it's traversing so this might be thought of as a sort of dark matter between the ages of this vast multiverse as if the fissure was a tear allowing access to the space in between normally i would steer away from speculation especially when it comes from my own personal opinions but with something both as mysterious and integral as the star fisher i'm going to try and fill in some gaps present it was observed both by genn and briefly by aetrus that there is a sort of current within the expanse atreus even noted that for the brief period he fell into the fissure he could feel a sort of flow pulling a certain way like a river i would like to propose that currents within the expanse are formed as a result of a flowing force between two rifts that have opened between ages almost like the expanse even in this most brute force of ways encourages linking it's unknown how or if a second fissure was created if it was it might have been written into dunny by the guild of writers of old for seeing any accidental fissure creation in distant ages and if someone were to fall through while duny likely didn't know everything about the expanse they might have been aware of some of its properties if someone was exploring an age and caused a starfisher and fell in they needed a means of escape thus another opening on dunny might have been written in that would appear for any traveler lost in the expanse giving them an exit but where on dunny putting it underground in the cavern was too risky it needed to be large but it was observed that these could be prone to absorbing its surroundings seemingly if written purposefully they could be put anywhere even mid-air thus it was to be put a few feet above the surface of earth right above the civilization of duny and so when atres fell into the fissure on riven and warped away his mistbook kept falling through the fissure toward a seemingly empty point until suddenly the fissure opened once more allowing the book through it fell to the ground only a few hundred feet from tiana's old home on the cleft in the middle of 1770's new spain present-day eddy's county new mexico here the book lay undiscovered for over 30 years while the explanation for this journey is again mostly speculative the takeaway here is that the mist book did make its way through the starfisher on riven through the expanse and to the surface of earth that much is clear [Music] eventually after these decades had passed the book was found by a stranger exploring the area around the cleft there they found the book and returned to their campsite the book had a single word on the cover mist flipping through the book they read a summary of a fascinating island with unique buildings devices and other books it kept them busy all night until the book was finished the stranger was satisfied but still curious about the first page of the book which appeared as a black panel however after staring for only a few seconds the blackness shifted to a sea that appeared to be moving which would eventually pan upward to see an island in the distance that was it missed island it looked so real in this impossible panel almost as if the stranger could just reach out and [Music] touch it [Music] suddenly the stranger was warped to the docks of mist island with nothing but the clothes on their back the stranger's identity has never been formally revealed by cyan worlds or anyone else for that matter given the location of the book and the real-life time frame it's possible that the stranger is of either native american descent like the ahmad or potentially of spanish mexican descent however they have been shown to read and understand english atres's first language taught to him by tiana and thus how he wrote his journals while possible this was an exceedingly rare trait amongst the aforementioned groups a somewhat popular fan theory is that this was a traveler who was along for the lewis and clark expedition and became lost on the return trip eventually wandering to what is today the southwestern u.s while a bit outlandish it does match up decently with the time frame none of these theories really matter though as at the end of the day the stranger is and was always intended to be you the player the stranger is essentially the only aspect of the universe to which the developers don't go out of their way to provide an explanation instead any traces of the stranger's identity is left purposefully ambiguous to serve as a nice self-insert the character is a silent protagonist entries featuring the stranger are always first person where no traits of the character can be seen and the character is referred to with they them pronouns or with general descriptions such as the traveler or simply my friend for the sake of consistency the character will continue to be referred to as the stranger from here on upon composing themself the stranger explores the island and its mysterious fixtures all abandoned many appear to be blocked off by various codes and puzzles eventually they stumble upon aetrus's message informing catherine of the betrayal of at least one of their sons along with the burning of the books in their library he mentions that he's hidden a few of these linking books before leaving along with small hints as to where to find them on the island from there the stranger decides to investigate the library where they do confirm that most of the books have indeed been burned though some of waitress's journals still remained giving insight as to his adventures on some of these ages also in the library the stranger finds the red and blue books to spire and haven upon opening them they found a linking panel similar to the one on the mistbook however this one didn't give an image it was all static and noise until they noticed a red and blue page next to their respective books and when placed inside these strange bound books the page seemed to merge back with its companions as if it was never removed suddenly a figure appeared in their respective ages cirrus and achenar noticed the opening of the book and could barely mention anything through the static but could convey a request they asked the stranger to bring more red or blue pages hidden across mist or potentially on other ages without much of a lead and needing more information the stranger decided to search and eventually uncover the hiding places for the hidden ages of atreus these included mechanical channel wood celentic and stoneship here they found homes wrecked with no natives and could see traces of devastation from both brothers it appeared that atres had hidden a red and blue page in each of the ages which the stranger could find using hints and atres's journals along with their own ingenuity each time a page was returned to the red and blue books the static would dissipate a bit more and the brothers would give a bit more information essentially each tried to blame the other brother for the misdeeds of other ages including the destruction of the library as well as the imprisonment of the other brother and their father they both insisted on their own innocence and that the righteous thing to do would be to free them eventually the stranger was starting to catch on that both of these brothers were to blame and that they really couldn't trust either of them unfortunately they had no other options at the moment and decided to be cautious as they continued searching for pages finally the two brothers were extremely clear in the panel and they both said they needed only one more page to be able to leave however all accessible ages were searched including missed island itself what else could the stranger have missed the brothers both realized of course the secret alcove in the library hidden behind the fireplace teachers put numerous secret items in the alcove it must be there but wait the brothers thought they also remembered what they themselves had put in the hidden chamber they both separately gave the stranger the access code to get behind the fireplace asking to retrieve the last page but if they find a book with a green cover do not open it they both made up alive at being another prison book created by the other brother the stranger left found the proper code and uncovered the secret alcove where they found both pages along with what was likely the book the brothers spoke of the stranger felt they couldn't choose a page they both were so untrustworthy that they decided to pick the middle route they opened the green book and saw a linking panel with images slowly forming eventually a man riding in a large tome behind a desk in a cave could be made out atress noticed he was being watched and called out to the stranger asking who they were but immediately following up by telling them not to link through yet instead atres asked the stranger to find a missing page to a missed linking book giving them a few places it might be the stranger would find the page hidden in a switch near the dock that the stranger first arrived at with the page in hand atreus asked the stranger to finally warp through the green book where the stranger found himself in kavir with aetrus [Music] upon handing over the page atrius was quickly able to repair his missed linking book freeing him and now the stranger as well from kavir aetrus immediately goes back to mist and burns the linking books to spire and haven keeping their descriptive books locked away upon return he talks a bit with the stranger the stranger talks about all that had occurred atres laments that he could not provide much of a reward for freeing him besides free access to his ages it does occur to atres that he might finally have a proxy to send a riven however and mentions that he might be able to help with the stranger returning home if they can help him again when the time comes over the next few months the stranger was introduced to rhyme and atrous would work to continue fortifying riven as well as observing the situation from rime's crystal viewer the situation was dire riven was still unstable both in its society and in its physical foundation after around four or five months atres was ready to put his plan into place he had finished writing another prison book similar to the ones holding his sons this one however was meant for genn he needed to sustain riven as long as possible so we asked the stranger to make their way to riven in his stead while atreus continued writing armed with the prison book and natrus's personal notes on the age the stranger was given two objectives to trap again and to free katherine afterwards find a means to signal atres so that he may arrive with a means of escape at risk of capture the stranger couldn't go to riven with a linking book the two also discussed the star fisher a means of returning to earth potentially given that atres was able to deduce this was the destination of the passage seeing as that's how his mistbook ended its journey on the stranger's home [Music] upon arrival on riven again still had the entry point guarded of course no one had come through the link in roughly a year since catherine the station guard was about to doze off expecting no one to arrive just like any other day until the stranger arrived at the entry point which had a small structure built by again around it this was actually a cage with a pressure plate that when someone linked in the plate would trigger causing bars to raise and trap them this happened to the stranger and the guard monitoring the station was awoken from their half slumber and motioned over to the stranger [Music] following the procedure given the guard was told to immediately search for any linking books on the person if one was to arrive he noticed the prison book and despite some resistance he is able to force it off the stranger's person he starts to read through it a bit before collapsing to the ground he had been hit by a poison dart from someone just outside of the stranger's view two assailants appear variety rebels who had been monitoring the station from a distance and grabbed the prison book off the guard and dragged the body away meanwhile they pull a lever dropping the cage and jamming the mechanism essentially breaking operation of the cage bars by the time the stranger leaves the cage the two rebels are gone with the stranger noticing the guard's body having been thrown off a nearby cliff now a third objective had presented itself to the stranger get the prison book back [Music] the stranger started to explore the island that they had arrived on one of the five islands that riven had been broken up into this one was dubbed simply as temple island by genn after the many places of worship that were constructed for him in rivenis the natives called it ayapo meaning waterpool after the lake in the center which was used for power the rebels started calling it ayatuan meaning pool of stars named after the starfisher which was formed under the island via maglev tram the stranger made their way to what gen called jungle island where most of the current natives of riven lived mostly in fear of ghen because virtually all of the rivenies lived here this island was simply dubbed riven by the natives here most of the revenues would hide from the stranger as they explored looking for clues as to the whereabouts of the rebels eventually the stranger makes their way to two more of the islands book assembly island and survey island the villagers had no names for these as they were only visited by genn and some hand-picked guards and scribes here the stranger found that this was where genn did most of his experimenting and observing of both riven and the art gen was nowhere to be found but his journal was the stranger read about how catherine is being held on the final smallest island simply called prison island this island was formerly where riven's great tree was before it was cut for paper to be used in books then it was turned into a private office for again until finally being made into a prison gen was likely on the 233rd age which the stranger read about in genn's journal eventually the stranger was able to find enough clues to locate the hideout of the rebels a renovated cell in one of gen's prisons here the stranger could find a hidden linking book to tay the stranger linked and found himself on a cove on the outside of a circular canyon with a large tree stump and nest on the center island almost immediately the stranger was hit by a tranquilizer dart and knocked out the two rebels had hit them and dragged them on a boat to take them to the nest where most of those living ante resided [Music] the stranger awoke in a room with a journal written by catherine which the stranger read to catch up on her actions since leaving mist eventually one of catherine's friends nayla arrived nayla arrived with the prison book that she convinced the guards to give her as well as a linking book back to riven [Music] finally the stranger had the prison book back and now needed to look for again the 233rd age even as small as it was required its books to be powered by marble domes all across riven this was a result of gen's ineptitude with the art cracking the code to unlock the domes meant having immense knowledge of riven's geography and power sources undeterred the stranger was able to use their collection and research of riven to activate the books and make their way to gen's hidden age [Music] there similar to riven itself ken had rigged a cage that would trigger when someone arrived not long after the stranger was trapped in the cage genn returned to the single building on the age he explained in his calm tone the nature of who he was and his relation to atreus [Music] he takes the prison book from the stranger and analyzes it similar to the books used to imprison atres's sons this book gave a false view of what it appeared to be to an observer though this time it appeared as if it was a linking book to duny it had seemed that genn was fooled for a moment but realized this was too easy the stranger was a bit frustrated until he heard genn's request in order to prove the authenticity of the book he insisted the stranger link first suddenly everything about how and why the prison books were designed made sense it was a gamble but the stranger took it and linked using the prison book the stranger observed a barren age unlike the promised dunny in the book and anxiously awaited a few moments until finally genn trusted the link himself and went through by aetrus's design the stranger was forced to link back through to the 233rd age leaving genn trapped in the prison book the stranger was able to escape the trap in the 233rd age and began exploring genn's private collection and chambers they discovered a journal of his and began learning about the last few years of gen's life following this they discovered an arbitrary combination of sounds that genn had by his bedside finally there were five linking books each leading to a different island of riven here the stranger knew what must be done this was their chance to access the isolated last island the prison island where catherine was being held here the stranger used the combination on gen's bedside to open the cage and free the imprisoned catherine she was relieved to see an ally of waitresses and even more so to see that genn was finally captured she told the stranger to go plan a signal for aetrus while she would inform the revenues of gen's imprisonment and help them escape to tay riven's time was extremely short now it was beginning to collapse the two separated and the stranger needed to think of a way to change the age enough so atres would notice it and also the stranger was starting to think about how they could make their way home now with their missions completed might as well tackle both at the same time the stranger headed back to the point of entry and riven which was near where the star fisher had been covered mostly by iron and rock with a small glass window here there was a telescope above it used to observe the anomaly catherine had written the combination to the glass casing in her journal after inputting the code the glass was now accessible the stranger proceeded to remove locks on the telescope causing it to plummet into the window and crack it the crack grew until the ground itself separated revealing the starfisher once more riven had begun to fall apart and atreus absolutely saw this happening [Music] the stranger saw the link point activate and atrous had arrived instantly running towards the stranger he asked about catherine and the prison book and before the stranger could answer catherine arrived and the two embraced she happily showed the book with genn trapped and informed the two that riven had been evacuated the only ones left with the three of them atres presented his mislinking book to catherine which she uses and nature's prepares to follow but not before atres says his goodbyes and thanks to the stranger expressing hope they will meet again leaving with the reminder that they know where to find him he warps leaving the mistbook to fall into the star fisher and the stranger feels the ground below them crack as they let themselves fall into the fissure as well [Music] the stranger in mist continue to fall in the starry expanse until they finally reach the other rift leading back to the cleft the stranger's home earth it wasn't long after the events on riven that atres and catherine realized that they were only being reminded of bad memories on mist island tiana and their children were gone and they wanted an opportunity to start fresh atres worked on building a home on the surface of earth together they traveled to an area that atreus had found from observing duny which he dubbed tomana it was in the general area of the cleft but more of a fertile canyon with water and the potential for vegetation here they built their new home in the valley after moving their belongings including all their books to tomana atres once again continued to work on his writing he wrote an age titled avarone which was his first age since narayan to include native inhabitants soon atreus started to reflect on his family most of which had become lost he needed a new goal something to pay tribute to what he wanted the future his family to witness he decided to in a sense carry out his father's goal of rebuilding duny but this time ethically and with proper guidance and structure he wanted to start by grouping as many dunny survivors as he could find and thus this required expeditions to the ruins of duny he employed the help of those in avaron to start excavating and unearthing the secrets of duny the first step of course being to free the blocked passages that separated kavir from the rest of duny at this point no portion of dunny was toxic but it was absolutely abandoned the priority was looking for intact linking books with stable ages places the dunny could have fled to during the fall and stayed after the fact atres's helpers from avaron were excited and enthusiastic and naturist is able to look through gen's journal from the 233rd age to learn of dunny legends that might help their research atreus and his team find some ages and atrous is able to gather some survivors and even followers eventually they begin construction on the ruins of the fallen city the population of the colony and dunny grows to about 1200 before a mysterious linking book is discovered inside a fortified room a dunny survivor targon encourages atreus to leave the books be but eventually he decides to investigate anyway and the book is retrieved atrs discovered the book to be terani an age where a majority of the rhone fled during the fall of gardener atres knew not much beyond that from the books that held stories of the age he catherine and some followers traveled to the world and were greeted by an immensely beautiful world of rene descendants while the grammar and accents were very different the language barrier wasn't too great even after thousands of years atres is guided by the friendly escort idra the travelers are quickly welcomed by aristocrats of the age and atres immediately is given a tour as he starts telling them about his people and the age of duny he is exceedingly impressed by the society and it isn't long before he asks if taranik can simply take in the dunny survivors which would be easier and safer than rebuilding the old city the ronee natives are quick to agree and it seems like this would be a wonderful idea however aegis starts to harbor doubt when he realizes that the values of the old writers and kings of the ronie have lasted into present day tehrani he witnesses a class system the ronee aristocrats are harshly separated by a slave class that constructed all of the architectural and technological feats of the age between them is an intermediate class of overseers the aristocrats used to keep checks on the slaves those of tehrani believe those not of their racist blood who could not write books were inferior an angered atreus speaks out to the king of tehrani describing the mixed blood of himself and the lack of either dhane or rone blood and his wife both of whom could write idra speaks of his compassion for the slaves but only a few share his belief and as a result he cannot speak out against the king aetrus spends weeks thinking of the best course of action to take when suddenly the decision gets taken out of his own hands an invasive bacterium brought to tehrani from duny starts to spread amongst their populace a bacterium that was unnoticeable to duny as it was harmless to humans and the native dunny populace grew resistance to it the countryside of tyranny quickly falls into chaos the only people that were saved were those that the dhani were able to quarantine and care for which mostly included the slave population most of the population of tehrani were wiped out including all of the upper class rene at this time atres saw this opportunity to meet with gat who was the leader of the slaves now freed after the death of their captors many intermediates who also survived attempted to claim power but gat and atrous sent an army led by the militant yemir to counter them they succeeded but yimur quickly declared himself dictator of the new tehran knee actress and gat planned a diplomatic way to take him down but nimur was quickly assassinated by his own subjugated servants atreus and god agreed it was best to leave tehrani to seal it and let the past die as the duny returned to earth and nature's promised the slaves a home in either dunny or other ages for them to be truly free the whole tehran knee debacle caused atres to reflect perhaps he should take letting the past die even further his people's history were stained with misfortune and at times malice he wanted his people to be defined by the future they chose to create and not the ruins of a legacy left behind and so atres did what he did best he wrote he wanted to do as his distant ancestor reena had done and created a new age for his people to call their own one where they wouldn't be bound to their past but could start fresh as new people salvaged from the old atrous would spend the next seven years writing what would become religion meaning the whole in duny over time atrs began looking towards past works for inspiration one was the age of jananin which along with its companion ages were used for training the fundamentals of age building to his sons he traveled there to seek inspiration for the current age he of course expected there to be no one else on this abandoned age he was unfortunately wrong nearly 20 years earlier cirrus and achenar had left cevado to die amidst a bonfire savedro however was able to escape his immediate bindings and his death sentence he was of course unable to chase the brothers however as they had left the missed book burning in the fire savadra was an intelligence scholar and was able to figure out the tests meant for the sons anjananin voltaic amateuria and adana eventually he made his way back to narayan however he could only get to the linking point which was separated on a floating island encased around an ice-like shield through which he could only barely make out the other islands of his home and was convinced it was desolate and his family was gone he made his way back to jinani and now with his family gone combined with his exile he was driven mad on jinani there was a small ravine with a thick fog that savager realized was hallucinogenic and became easy to lose one's mind in his despair cevedro gave into the fog and lost himself over time he forgot who he even was and for over a decade cevedro spent his days lying in the fog in jannanin in blissful ignorance of his former life until one day in what he thought was another hallucination he thought he could see a familiar silhouette in the distance the figure was holding a book on a cliff at the edge of jananin savedra thought it was death come to finally take him but to his surprise it was atres who touched the book and linked away savadra was afraid but eventually made his way towards the cliff and the book the fog had caused him to have a great fear of the book but soon he overcame his concerns and opened it and recognized a linking panel on the first page some of cevedro's memories then came rushing back as he remembered who he was and why he was here he kept the book and proceeded to write a journal in order to help him dispel the fog and recollect the fragments of his life that he was trying to piece together his emotions soon manifested itself into anger rage towards the two sons of death that had trapped him and killed his people and family he wanted revenge on atres who brought the angels of chaos and death to narayan he planned on using the book to go to aetrus's home and take his life however upon warping he found himself alone in aetrus's study on tomana he started searching the cabinets and bookshelves he found some journals of waitresses and memories kept pouring back into savagero with his hatred growing ever stronger he eventually found a janani in linking book and used it knowing he now had a link only he knew was being used between the two ages he returned a few times in secret to tamanna and found great interest in his journal detailing his progress with relishon he read how atris was bringing quote new life to duny with his project and cevedro made a deep misunderstanding he believed atris possessed the ability to revive dead worlds with the art and so he hatched a plan he spent the next couple years manipulating the ages of jananin and planned to hold atreus's precious religion as hostage until latrius agreed to fix narayan all the while he observed atres's family and saw how despite the absence of the despicable sons they were happy and in their new home angering savager who had lost everything because of that family a family that was in fact growing a few months prior to the completion of religion catherine and atreus had another child a daughter named yisha it was a happy year for the family and as such with the final touches to release on being made atris wanted to bring an old friend to celebrate what they had allowed to create aetrus had gotten in touch with the stranger upon moving to tamana and the two had kept in touch through letters atres and catherine invited the stranger to come to tamana to introduce them to both yisha and velishon the stranger happily accepted and made their way back to the cleft and then to mana upon arriving the stranger is quickly acquainted with the family and is introduced to baby yeesha before long atress eagerly brings the stranger into his study to show them religion and to lead them on an expedition there [Music] however upon entering the study cevedro suddenly appears linking to tamanna he quickly grabs religion and throws a fire marble on the ground sending atres's study ablaze atreus in a surprise only can call out no religion as the book is taken away back to jananin with cevedro leaving the linking book anticipating being followed the book however is caught in the fire and only lasts a few moments before being unusable in those few moments though the stranger without thinking rushes to the book and links to jhananian to give chase the link is closed and at that moment the stranger is trapped on jananin savadro believing that he has lured atreus to his age goes ahead with his plan the stranger makes their way through janani into the central tusk where through a window he sees cevedro linked to narayan using a linking book that proceeds to lock itself after being used by cevedro upon entering the room the stranger witnesses a recording left by cevedro intended for atreus the recording tells aetrus to go through the trials his sons went through on the three ages of janani to find murals and hidden messages and then meet him on ryan the stranger proceeds to go to the three ages and learn the fundamentals of each that atres had used to teach his children on the energy-filled voltaic the lesson of energy powers future motion was taught on the brimming with life adana the lesson of nature encourages mutual dependence was taught and finally on the eccentric amateuria the concept of dynamic forces spirit change was taught at each age the stranger saw cevedro's various tampering and manipulations evidence of some puzzles being altered to make them more difficult from years past pieces of cevedro's journal detailing as madness are spread throughout the ages as well as some painted murals showing the trust and complete betrayal of cirrus and achenar towards the narayan people after visiting all three ages and returning to jananin the linking book to narayan is now accessible upon arriving the stranger finds themselves in the isolated island surrounded by an ice shield they quickly find a linking book that allows one to return to jananin using the lessons taught in each of the ages the stranger solved the first puzzle and lowered the ice shield however this only opened up the way to the balcony where an outer ice shield still stood this first puzzle was long solved by cevedro but the outer shield eluded him with access to the balcony the stranger climbed to the roof of the structure where there was sevedro's tomato book as well but the stranger needed religion before they could go not long before approaching the roof savager revealed himself and was mortified to discover that it was not atress that followed him he was furious and told the stranger that they were now trapped in the janani and ages with him if the stranger ever went back to tamana savager would follow and attack atres's family there must be something missing the stranger went back downstairs to solve the mystery of the outer shield they soon found that the device used to operate the outer shield required a solution that involved four lessons a combination of the first three learned as well as a final one which neither the stranger nor cevedro it seemed could recall but upon looking through one of his journals that the stranger had on hand the final lesson was discovered balanced systems stimulate civilizations from here power was restored to release the outer shield which when dropped the distant islands of norian were brought into view to sevedro's shock and disbelief his people appeared to be still alive in stable portions of the age maybe even his family was among them there was a catch though the power could only be dropped to one shield at a time and mechanisms supplying power to both shields were located inside both domes this meant that cevedro would need to trust the stranger to drop the outer barrier so he could leave and go to the rest of narayan the stranger couldn't trust cevedro given his state but through some rather harsh diplomacy worked out in exchange if cevedro gave them religion they would drop the outer barrier upon performing the switch cevedro could finally leave the island and return to the narayan people [Music] with religion in hand the stranger returned to tomana and returned the book to a relieved catherine and atreus who were just finishing putting out the flames with the nature's study [Music] for now aetrus's enemies remained trapped but none were truly gone and as the years went on he would find that the past would continue to catch up to him while he felt genn was lost mentally and couldn't be redeemed in his prison atres always felt remorse for what happened to his sons maybe if he had raised them better or grew them up in a better environment or even focused on actually teaching them the art he wouldn't have had to do what he did and he and catherine didn't want to make the same mistakes with their daughter yesha they decided to raise her into mana overseeing her trips to other ages and being willing to teach her both the dunny language and the art meanwhile aetrus couldn't stop thinking about his sons and decided to use the viewer on rhyme to see if they were at least still alive in their prisons spire and haven the brothers were indeed making the most of their respective ages upon his initial arrival cirrus built a bonfire on the tip of spire before proceeding where he looked for the mislinking book his father must have used he eventually realized that this age was not the place of wealth he believed and that it was a prison age his father must have let the book fall into the abyss with the sea of clouds cirrus begins to explore the rocky terrain discovering crystalline caverns with minerals of magnificent properties that have incredible scientific potential a few months into the imprisonment the stranger arrives on mist and cirrus tries to convince them to be released which we saw how that turned out over the next few years cirrus writes a journal and dedicates himself to learning about the crystals and their electromagnetic potential he is able to construct a means of dissension down the grim cliffsides that could potentially allow him to traverse the area below the cloud sea of spire upon doing so however he saw that the mountains only continued into a large plasma-like ball of energy below the mistbook was lost and for the first time since his arrival cirrus truly felt trapped [Music] over the years cirrus continues to advance the technology of spire creating a hovercraft of sorts to explore some nearby islands he wanted to be sure the age was uninhabited as atrous had previously accidentally written a couple natives into intentionally barren ages prior with no such luck though cirrus began to take to sculpting as well creating vignettes of his memories while continuing the construction of more and more intricate devices and power sources with inspire on haven akanar was met with a much more abundant age there were several species of wild beasts on a mostly jungle-filled island there was also an abandoned shipwreck to make linkers believe that they had made it to a wealthy or at least inhabited age similar to cirrus he started to look for an accessible mistbook but he realized this was a prison age when he couldn't find a book and it was further confirmed with the actions involving the stranger here akanar made no major attempt to locate a missing missed linking book atrous could have easily dropped it into a bonfire in actuality he swam into the middle of the swamp and used it while letting it sink thus destroying it akanar spent the years fashioning small bases both in the jungle and on the shipwreck according to his journal he grew to favor hunting the small beasts and spent most of his time studying their behaviors in fact he was even able to befriend the more intelligent mangry species something that would allow him to retain his sanity through the 20 years of exile meanwhile yeesha is progressing well in her training and she is growing into a fine writer and more importantly a fine person catherine and nature's grew more remorseful and began looking at roots to rehabilitate or at the very least observe the suns more actively atrous began by looking at them remotely more often via the crystal viewer and rhyme before beginning the thought of entering the ages himself upon some convincing from catherine atress started planning and later began writing additions into the spire and haven descriptive books he wrote linking chambers made mostly of hard nara stone into the linking points of both spire and haven these were built to allow someone to link into the prison ages with the rest of the age separated by a glass wall think of these as similar to a prison's visiting room it allowed for people to talk from either side and allowed certain objects to be delivered on either side of the glass both brothers noticed the construction of these chambers and for the first time in 20 years they had confirmation that their father was alive and soon enough they each had the opportunity to meet with him once again [Music] at first only atres goes through the portals and meets with his sons on spire cirrus wants to discuss his accomplishments and advancements made on the age but atreus only discusses the past actions of the son who burned the books in his library he tries to desperately convince both his father and later his mother that he has regrets but his envy still shows he believes the only reason atres went to such lengths for them to meet was to further flaunt his power of the art something no matter how intelligent cirrus is he will never have he becomes convinced that his only hope now will be to escape there is a linking book on spire now only separated from cirrus by a nara and glass wall which through his knowledge of molecular vibration and frequencies that he has mastered on this age he might just be able to break free meanwhile in haven akanar wanted to relay his adventures to his father while he was impressed by the resourcefulness and tenacity of his son atreus was worried he had turned his son into a savage unlike cirrus who was interested in the sciences atrous didn't have much to relate to with akanar fortunately akronar did appear less hostile in greedy and basic conversation and was more willing to simply talk with his family [Music] the two's development took a turn when atres thought it was time that the two sons finally met isha both had expressed a certain amount of shock that they had a new sister yisha now about seven years old was excited to meet her brothers cirrus very frank and to the point could see how his father was so affectionate towards her she seemed very bright and observant over time he grew a bit jealous of how it seemed his parents cared about her this jealousy turned into anger once she learned that she was being taught the art by aetrus something he had abandoned teaching his sons out of fear of their abuse of the power in haven however akanar had grown less bitter in his exile and instead grew a greater appreciation of life and relations with other species on haven he was excited about the prospect of having a sister and would talk for hours with her about stories that they both had often he would try and bring gifts from haven for her things ranging from fruit to a necklace of bones that he had made this was met by mixed reception from his parents but yeshu was always grateful and it was clear akanar cared deeply for her he honestly couldn't care less whether she was being top the art or not [Music] eventually cirrus realized that he needed a specific sample of nara to match the frequency needed to break the linking chamber he was unable to chip away at the linking chamber to get a piece however he recalled that he and his father used to play chess with a set made of nara and asked his father if he could bring the set in order to play a few matches itras was happy to oblige and cirrus planned to use a couple of the chess pieces for his frequency experiments [Music] meanwhile aetrus and catherine were at an in pass as to what to ultimately do with the brothers mainly if they finally deserved to be set free ultimately they decided to ask for guidance from the only other person they could trust with the fate of these two and that was the stranger atrest asked for the stranger to come and meet the sons face to face and to see how they've changed catherine however would leave tomana to clear her mind for a few days on tay [Music] the stranger had been to tamana a few times since the cevedro incident and had seen nisha growing up but hadn't seen the brothers in the 20 years since they had left them trapped in their prisons upon arriving atres first offers to show the current state of spire and haven through a crystal viewer since atreus had a second one made on tamanna however a glitch causes the right crystals to burn out prompting atres to head to rime to fetch replacements in the meantime yeesha leads the stranger on a tour through tamana showing some recent developments and aetrus asks the stranger to repair some power systems on tamanna the stranger does so but soon after is knocked out by a mysterious blast the stranger falls unconscious until a few hours into nightfall the stranger quickly begins a search for yeisha but can't find her anywhere in tamanna aegis is able to leave a message to the stranger through the viewer and tells them that he is trapped in an electromagnetic storm on rime he likely won't be able to link back for about a day while unable to locate yisha the stranger finds an amulet that was being worn by her which allows the wearer to view an object's specific memories and by using it they can catch a glimpse of yisha running from an unknown individual at this point the stranger is able to link to both spire and haven and uncover the pass of both cyrus and akanar the linking chambers of both ages have been destroyed by an apparent explosion and neither brother is anywhere to be found on either age through the usage of the amulet the stranger can deduce that cirrus was successful in destroying the linking chamber using the frequency generated from his nara samples he was able to create a few portable marble-sized nara bombs he would use these to both cause the explosion on tamanna and then on haven to free his brother on haven the two had a brief altercation with the stranger not being able to see any more than that using the amulet after fully exploring the two prison ages the stranger arrives back on to mana to witness akinara linked to serenia using a book in yisha's room yisha had spoken fondly of serenia and its people how she enjoyed the spiritual nature of their culture and their ability to view dreams in a physical form thanks to a particular plant that grows on the age the amulet that the stranger now held was a gift from one of the serenians to yisha the stranger gives chase to serenya and finds evidence that the brothers have kidnapped yesha they see akanar run off and eventually run into anya a protector of serenia and friend to both catherine and isha she says that she hasn't seen nisha but takes the stranger's warning seriously and goes to warn the other serenia protectors that yisha may be in danger anya suggests the stranger visit the memory chamber where the protector's entire past and memories are stored in memory globes on the way the stranger witnesses cirrus harvesting empty memory globes however upon being spotted explodes the harvester with a nara bomb the destruction of the harvester will set the cernions back a bit but there is a spare harvester near an older memory chamber it was abandoned after its plants started emitting toxins towards the end of its life cycle after exploring the age further the stranger learns that using materials on serenia cirus has created a device that could remove memories from a host and put them into the empty globes it seems that the original plan was to remove atres's memories of the art to teach to the sons but they'll apparently have to settle for what yeshua knows the stranger is taken to the hall of spirits where the protectors have entered a dreamlike state to ask serenian ancestors and guardians for advice on the whereabouts of yisha's location the stranger then proceeds to run into akanar who is holding an object called the lifestone stolen from the memory chamber he says he knows it looks bad but he's stealing it to stop cirrus who he claims has gone mad and kidnapped yisha he tells the stranger to find akanar's journal which details cirrus's plan upon finding it the journal details that cirrus is actually planning on swapping memories between himself and nisha thereby essentially switching minds allowing him to pose as isha and learn the art back at the hall of spirits the protectors reveal that the dream spirits didn't make sense to them and ask the stranger to go in themself upon finding a spirit guide the stranger goes on a journey to the spiritual world inside the dream world they talk with their guide who reveals a specific color combination which at the moment doesn't seem to make sense after leaving the dream world and the active memory chamber the stranger heads to the second memory chamber where behind the entrance he finds cirrus who tries to convince the stranger that akanar has yisha and will kill her if the stranger doesn't stop him he said he only destroyed the harvester to prevent akhenar from destroying the memory chamber as akanar has gone insane the stranger already has a hunch as to which of the brothers is telling the truth but makes their way to the back entrance to the second memory chamber currently locked however the unlock combination was the color code the stranger was given in their dream state and after inputting the combination they decide to pursue cirrus inside the memory chamber they find cirrus and a steel coffin comatose and yisha tied to a steel chair at a control panel there are two levers to pull yesha begs the stranger to pull the left which will release the restraints as they are about to do this akanar runs in with a crossbow and tells the stranger that cirrus has already gone through with his plan and that this is actually serious in nietzsche's body yisha calls akanar crazy and says he's just trying to kill both of them akanar refuses and begs the stranger to pull the other lever which will return memories to their point of origin yisha claims that this will kill her but akanar insists on doing it before the memory chamber loses power from him removing the lifestone the stranger ultimately trusts akanar and pulls the right lever akanar thanks the stranger while cyrus has given up his act in nisha's body and claims that his performance was perfect before falling unconscious however something is wrong the memory chamber begins to tremble as the plant begins to die and cirrus nor yesha have woken up with their memories intact the stranger once again returns to the dream state this time in the same memory chamber as isha and cyrus allowing the stranger to visibly see both of their mental states meanwhile akanar tries to return the lifestone to stall the death of the plant the stranger's spirit guide shows how cirrus's mind is still leeching onto some of yisha's memories unlike the stranger or yesha who have spirit guides cyrus's mind would die in dream alone so he clings on to yisha's mind to survive however if the stranger can sort out the memories of yisha and cirrus to their original selves cyrus's mind will have nothing to cling on to allowing cirrus to be stunned long enough for yish to freely make her way back to her body upon successfully doing so the stranger causes cirrus's mind to drift off into dream and die upon waking the stranger sees yeshua wake up in her chair where they quickly pull the other lever releasing her akinar heads into the room and reveals that he had to manually break the glass of the plant chamber to put the life stone back giving the stranger enough time to sort out memories akanar had ingested enough toxins for it to be fatal as he is just barely able to make it back to yisha to see her one last time he expresses regret for his past actions but no regrets for the sacrifice he has just made before dying in her lap later atres thanks the stranger for saving yesha he expresses both happiness for his daughter along with sadness and regret for the deaths of his sons both he and catherine vowed to devote themselves to yesha and provide her with the best possible life she could have it's widely known that dunny had exceptionally longer lifespans than other races in the series including humans and the rivenese it was not known how much this life expectancy would be reduced if dunny blood would be diluted from a mixed parentage for example as it turns out it didn't appear to be reduced much atreus lived far longer than catherine who passed at an unknown time following the death of her sons similarly both atreus and yesha outlive the stranger as well isha had the appearance as if she was only in her late teens and early 20s when she was likely in her late 40s or 50s when the stranger had passed following the death of his wife and the stranger atrs left tomana and decided to take residence in religion assisting with the building of a new dunny society where he would spend the second half of his life meanwhile yisha desired to go off on her own and in her own words find her destiny following the death of her brothers she dedicated herself to learning the art something her father was very motivated to teach not wanting his knowledge to go on past to future generations yisha's knowledge of the art had become vast by the time that she went on her journey she first went to the cleft and restored a bit of her great-grandmother's home which was left unattended for decades similar to her grandfather again yeshua decided to make a journey down to the city of duny where she would study their history and gain deeper knowledge for the people and their abilities however in the underground isolation she would eventually start to hallucinate she would form companions with various plants and animals that she met underground eventually while wandering agura she made her way into a library it was here that she met a dunny survivor by the name of callum he was fairly old and a member of the guild of riders before the fall it's unclear as to whether callum had returned from another age or was a resident of relation once yesha realized that he was not a hallucination she let down her guard a bit they quickly became friends traveling through the dunny ruins together they often argued about clashing views callum was firmly aligned with dunny traditions while yisha questioned a lot of the dunny ways all the while she admitted that there was still much for her to learn and callum was happy to fill in the blanks yushi became adept in both old and new styles of teachings and seemed to possess the most advanced style of the art over the course of their exploration however yisha and callum discovered something incredible that was hidden deep within the dunny city something that went undiscovered even to most of the dunny populace [Music] this hidden treasure was a large tablet sealed in a chamber and dunny in the chamber stories and descriptions of the intended use of the tablet surfaced primarily in how it is related to a previously unknown race called the barrow these creatures appeared as a large bipedal insect-like beings they apparently had the innate ability to link between ages at will though at the same time they were bound to the tablet in question whoever controlled the tablet controlled the borrow according to the scriptures the duny had enslaved these creatures using the tablet ever since their arrival why and for what ends is currently unknown yisha did not reveal the reason and it's likely that she didn't think it mattered yisha read tales of the prophesized grower given by the watcher and millennia prior and was convinced that her friend callum was the grower however as they were resting after another day of exploration a bandit came to loot the two and in the process murdered callum yisha in her rage tracked down the assailant and killed them in revenge she begins researching the tablet and reads more about the watcher's prophecies she suddenly begins piecing together more details about these predictions the greater prophecy surrounding the grower seemed to have quite a few similarities with her family the rebuilder of pride was her grandfather again the burdened one was her father atreus the writer of dreams was her mother catherine the sons of the burdened one was her brothers cyrus and achenar and that just left the grower someone who could eventually possess supernatural abilities such as time travel and linking without books could this be her [Music] eventually through the powers of the tablet she met the borrow themselves and learned more about their abilities and their plight she spent over a century learning from the borrow attempting to replicate their powers and writing while her raw accomplishments aren't as well known as actresses yisha likely became the greatest wielder of the art who ever lived meanwhile the human world was settling after two world wars and a fear-inducing cold war and after the fact there was an overall greater time of peace and the world set its sights on learning more about itself in the late 80s two wealthy american archaeologists decided to look inward and do some studying around their own country john lofton and elias zandi eventually concentrated their efforts around what had now become the southwest united states in 1987 lofton discovered some of the dunny digging machines buried just under the surface zandy was positively ecstatic by this find and quickly dedicated himself towards excavating and exploring the tunnels they later took their first major trip inwards and discovered the top of the great shaft which supposedly gave them a much greater perspective as to what they were stumbling across over the next year or so they took two more major trips within the caverns on the second they made it as far as the internal dunny passages and caught a glimpse of the immense ruins of the dunny city after this discovery elias zandy started to make some calls to other connections he trusted as well as purchasing thousands of acres of land above the caverns doctor of history richard watson became involved in the project and began exploring with a pair of archaeologists on their next three-week long expedition the three were able to make it to agura the capital of the dunny city of old on this land they discovered an immense number of artifacts including journals written by a woman seemingly named catherine most entries were dated fairly recently in comparison to the city as a whole only a couple hundred years prior elias zandy felt something fascinating resonating from the journals upon arriving back to the surface zandi forwarded the journals to some friends of his rand and robin miller of cyan incorporated zandi encouraged them to present the stories as fictional in order to find people who understood quote the call using these detailed journals the brothers began work on what would become the games missed and riven [Music] another expedition was led a year later but this time tragedy struck john lofton unfortunately lost his life during the voyage while the circumstances remain unclear watson to a great extent seems to blame himself for the incident watson and zandy continued the work of lofton seeking to restore this immense society while they were able to work together they had conflicting views on how to go about the restoration watson wanted to undergo a conventional archaeological restoration of the city however zandi believed that there were humans who were partly of dunny heritage which wasn't entirely false and had the unique idea to repopulate the city with those who believed they were descended from duny at this time isha began observing the explorers but still maintained her distance to see if they were a threat to the borrow in around 1992 zandy's health was beginning to fail he later would have to have open heart surgery and the doctors heavily encouraged him to slow down and retire his explorations but he refused at this point in the mid 90s other explorers started to arrive saying they felt the call after playing the first missed game elias believed that these were the descendants of duny drawn to the old site these people would become volunteers in the restoration including elias's son jeff jeff became critical of the views of his father jeff thought that populating the old dunny city was simply a physical restoration and this needed to be a quote spiritual restoration of the people the father and son would have a falling out and likely never spoke after however it wasn't long before elias's passing he wore himself out with his efforts eventually leading to a fatal heart attack in 1996 his money was left to the newly founded dunny restoration foundation and left his land to jeff this organization was quickly refounded by dr watson as the dunny restoration council or drc for short jeff wasn't interested in the drc still claiming it did not align with his vision for dunny for the next six years richard watson led the dunny restoration council and efforts in revitalizing the dunny city as well as its neighboring ages some members included douglas sharper who was in charge of teledon and kept detailed journals of the goings-on in dunny and teledon nick white and sam reynolds started working with watson to translate and decipher the dunny language ikuro kodama becomes an inspector for ages over time more machinery and tools are being brought into the city in preparation of opening various aspects of the city to the public by the end of the year 2000 parts of the dunny city and teledon were deemed safe the ages of gary sen and annone are explored and a device called ki is discovered that can be used for communication and record keeping think of it as a sort of pda or pager device that's placed on your hand visitors start to come to the city as more ages start to open the main island of agura is almost ready some cavern stabilization needed to be put in place as well as well as better oxygenation for humans to navigate meanwhile yisha comes into contact with jeff sandy who shares the spiritual drive of what duny should be yesha was extremely skilled as a writer not only had she mastered the art but she possessed unique abilities through her time with the baro she could link without the need of a book she could create separate instances of an age personalized depending on the owner of a book she could create linking books that traveled with the user after using them to link she could also create journey patches which allowed for various specific linking points on an age and a more convenient way of carrying these linking points through her power she accepted her status as the grower and during the years prior she attempted to free the borrow by taking control of the sacred tablet however she fell to the corruption of the tablet and its allure apparently the tablet sensed the corrupted desires and stopped responding to yisha the barrow were once again tethered to the dunny city yisha fell into a deep despair believing she had failed in her one chance to free the barrow however upon realizing that explorers had started making their way to dunny she thought maybe there was someone with a stronger sense of a spiritual connection towards yavo the baro and the links themselves so she decided that as the grower she would lead these new explorers on a journey to acquaint themselves with the spiritual aspect of linking books new travelers started arriving to the cleft where they received guidance from both zandy and yisha allowing them to access the cleft dunny and the ages of telodon gary sen kaddish tolessa ergira and erekemo one of yisha's abilities was the skill in personalized ages she could create an age where each linking book would link to a user's personal version of the age that they could alter and expand without changing anyone else's version of the age it was also possible to link to the age while within the age something always thought to be impossible the age was dubbed relto and its base form took some inspirations from the original mist island zandy had already announced to the drc that this surge of new visitors was going to happen and that they couldn't stop him dubbing the project uru yisha wanted new explorers to go on this journey to understand the nature of linking and ages the history and current developments of dhani the plight of the borrow and to find a way to help by fully exploring accessible ages collecting the journey cloths placed about and then gaining access to artifacts called borrow pillars each explorer could release a trapped barrow into the rudenna passage a small cavern above dunny upon the completion of these tasks yisha would meet with an explorer back at the cleft and give them some further insight she explains how powerful she is how relta was originally the first age she ever wrote and was a gift for her parents before leaving she proves her immense power by doing something her father couldn't but wishes he was able to for his grandmother tiana she causes rain to fall on the cleft watson and the drc are thrown into a bit of stress by the incoming unauthorized visitors but they attempt to accommodate they also discover the relto books and reach out to zandy for copies that can be given to the drc also around this time there are rumors that a legitimate dunny survivor is starting to lurk about the city various rumors are starting to cause discouragement in the drc's actions the whole established order appears to be in a bit of turmoil mostly out of speculation that zandy and yisha are right about the true way to rebuild duny [Music] phil henderson was a drc restoration engineer who went missing at some point in 2003 accidentally finding his way behind a borrowed door and later making contact with the enigmatic creatures this in a sense altered his mind it was opened far more than any of yisha's explorers he would seek out a relto book which was discouraged by the drc at the time he took the uru journey and later convinced his friend douglas sharper to do the same and he was also given a ralto book phil spoke in riddles but gained a following as a believer in the messages of yisha and zandy after an attempt to climb the dunny guild hall he was captured by the drc for his own mental stability as a friend and at this point believer sharper decides to start his own war on the drc sharper was also deemed as too agitated amongst the drc and members such as ikuro kodama succeeded in taking numerous restoration projects away from him out of fear for his friend's safety when phil was eventually released by the drc sharper stole phil's ralto book he believed phil would not do anything too drastic without the book in his possession this assertion was false however as phil once again attempted to climb the guild hall however this time the drc could not stop him before a wall on the hall collapsed causing phil to fall and have debris fall on the man killing him sharper would blame himself saying phil could have saved himself if he had his relatobook with him watson would fall into a period of mourning and sharper left for a couple weeks on his return dunny is a mess most have left after henderson's death and watson is wandering the tunnels without purpose laxman and kodama take over efforts slowly as the city is closed from public access sharper decides to keep quiet and observe for a bit no one has the energy to kick him out watson starts seriously considering if jeff zandy was right all along and considers that the restoration should go in a different direction he continues to find a way to have the restoration continue while the same time everyone's staying safe however he does come to the ultimate conclusion eventually that aetrus was right dunny can't be restored atres made the correct choice in starting from scratch with relishon and that's all that could be done watson eventually wanders to the great shaft and makes his choice to quit the drc and travels back to the surface upon doing so he also undergoes isha's journey of uru over the next two months funding for the drc comes to a halt the city becomes more and more abandoned once again kodama and laxman leave their projects and sharper is the last to leave the city yisha however hasn't stopped her efforts she calls upon the explorers that passed her journey to explore more of dunny now that it has been abandoned where explorers learn of the drc's downfall and unfortunate circumstances that led to its shutting down areas such as the bevin and kirell neighborhoods were visited as well as the great zero later the final batch of explorers is led on one more journey by yesha in the watchers sanctuary a location frequented by sharper also known as the great tree pub is a legendary puzzle created by the old guild master kaddish it is known as the path of the shell it is said to limit access to the eponymous great tree to those who could properly interpret the prophecies of the watcher only kaddish could ever solve the maze as it was always meant to deceive others into thinking that kaddish was the powerful grower mentioned by the watcher in order to solve the maze explorers can go to anone meant to showcase kaddish's abilities of time travel which was said to be an ability of the grower the age contained three stages of itself in the past present and future however upon careful exploration it's revealed that all stages are just an illusion the other age to visit was arcana which showed an industrial age that contained apparent contradictions such as luminescent algae and cavernous lakes but were actually clever scientific tricks created within reason by kaddish all of these are clues which explorers use to solve the path of the shell upon doing so they find that it has been looted and in place as a single linking book to mist upon arriving in mist library they must solve one more puzzle to receive a book to kevire where they meet isha here she reveals that she not kaddish is the grower and states that his body no longer lies in his vault this implies that she traveled through time to save kaddish who is presumed dead after locking himself in the vault thus proving she is the grower with extraordinary abilities such as time travel it's unclear why yisha doesn't use her time traveling abilities more often but it's likely that her abilities are not omnipotent traversal through time it is more likely that as the grower she has the ability to create a linking book that allows her to link to an age at a specific time in its history and create an alternate timeline or age from her actions at this point in time yisha bids the explorers farewell and thanks them for their assistance in doing what they could to help the borrow and set dunny on its proper path during this period of time only yeshua wandered the caverns of dunny wondering what to do next however she soon realized that she might not be alone as the freedom granted from the drc's exit allowed for a certain dunny survivor to be less careful in how they walked the caverns it was about mid-2005 and yeesha needed a solution to the problem of the borrow's continuous imprisonment by the tablet thanks to the explorers of uru nearly all of the borrow were now in dunny but so long as the indestructible tablet existed the burrow would still be at the whim of the user yisha started to consider that maybe the blood of the dunny shouldn't be in contact with the tablet at all and decided to seek out a human to be able to bear the burden of the tablet jeff zandi was mysteriously unavailable and so she decided to call for the only other human who undertook her journey and knew enough about the dunny civilization [Music] dr richard watson was summoned to kavir to meet up with yisha and show him the tablet that was in control of the baro it was currently placed under a lock and a keep written by yisha that could only be unlocked by extracting symbols from slates of various ages these slates on four different ages seemed to be extensions of the tablet and could be used to give simple commands to the borrow and utilize their unique abilities the four ages in question being tagira todelmere lucky on and nola ben which is later revealed to be the native homeworld of the baro however before gaining access to the nexus where these aegis is linking books are held watson passes through the cleft where he meets a mysterious man named escher esher reveals himself to be the dunny survivor he has heard rumors of and has been lurking through the caverns for the past few years over the course of his travels watson received some slight aid from escher who tells of his lack of trust in yesha due to losing herself to the tablet's corruption once before escher also blames her great-grandmother tiana for dunny's downfall watson uncovers some journal entries of yeesha's that seem to confirm escher's suspicion that yisha cannot be trusted with the tablet as even she doesn't trust herself with it after her own experiences escher instead encourages watson to eventually give him the tablet who will use it responsibly however watson uncovers evidence on nolaben of escher's true persona on nolaben the barrow's homeworld watson learns that this is where escher fled in order to escape the fall of duny asher saw the borrow as animals who perverted the art a dunny craft he tortured the species in order to understand their abilities and eventually takes a patch of skin from one of the borrow in order to give himself the ability of linking without the need of a book through the torture he likely learned about the tablet as well he believed himself to be the grower and thus sought to restore duny using the power of the tablet and the borrow using all the slates and releasing all the locks on the tablet watson received the mystical artifact he is left with two choices giving it to yesha or heading to mist island where escher is waiting to receive the tablet watson though does not fall under the corruption of the tablet and instead chooses a third option in order to issue a command to a borrow watson would scry a specific symbol on a slate and place it on the ground in front of him similarly now watson places the tablet on the ground in front of him issuing a command for the borrow to pick it up the tablet now belonged to the borrow and only they could decide their destiny from here on yisha appears both ecstatic and relieved by this as the borrow instantly used their power to link a couple of their own as well as watson and yisha to release on where they are greeted by an elderly atreus atreus and yisha embrace as the borrow brings a restrained escher who is led to be imprisoned for his heinous crimes against the borrow the borrow for the first time in millennia were truly free [Music] over the next couple years the borrow had to decide how they would cope with their abuse and go about their future most wanted to move on leaving the past behind however there was a faction the barrow necesal led by a tortured subject of eschers who desired vengeance against the dunny this leader of the nekhisha ended up being the baro whose skin patch was stolen by escher the peaceful faction of the baro were dubbed by yisha as the baroshurat [Music] at the same time the drc received a new benefactor in kate alexander who desired to move ahead with the restoration in a more efficient manner but also doing right by the spiritual nature of duny and so invited douglas sharper back into the efforts in order to help with this aspect upon his arrival sharper is asked to deal with a creature on an age known as negalan that has been viciously attacking wildlife sharper cannot find the beast but sees evidence of a slaughter with vicious claw marks but no tracks he leads a second expedition to negalon with fellow drc member nick white to further investigate however when on the age they receive a message that another member willow engberg is trapped in a cave-in on duny at the same time though sharper believes he sees a native bird-like creature known as an irwin being carried away by something in the distance he tells nick to head back to help willow while he investigates the creature the creature lures sharper into a field who reveals itself to be a borrow and sharper realizes that he has walked into an ambush where a number of other borrow rush into sharper believing him to be dunny sharper is rescued by a second group of baro appearing just in the nick of time sharper flees back to dany to relay evidence of the civil war to the rest of duny it is later learned that willow had been killed in the cave in by abarro this enrages sharper who heads to nola bends swearing to kill one of the hostile borrow in revenge he returns claiming that he has done so and leaves to aid the borrow shahraz in their efforts in the civil war the drc eventually disbanded following the civil war and after a few months of fighting sharper returns to the surface of earth where his whereabouts are currently unknown meanwhile the civil war continues to rage through ages with the heaviest casualties being in kavir and relishon the most heavily populated areas related to duny eventually yisha decides that this must stop and takes responsibility on herself to do so she travels to kaveer and claims that she will lure the borrow necessal leader and thus the war away from the ages she claims she will be able to do so as she quote has something that belongs to him while yisha's whereabouts are now a mystery she appears to have made good on her vow as the nekker shall have left both earth and religion with peace coming to the ages for the time being [Music] and thus we have reached present day a bit of a cliffhanger in some areas but not without some closure with others it is unclear if dunny will ever see a full restoration but for now humans danny and borrow are for the most part at peace even if yesh's whereabouts are currently unknown there has not been a canonical entry in the series since mist five and the missed online forums have been mostly inactive in terms of word of god information at least in over a decade nevertheless cyan has recently come back with a resurgence their recent adventure game abduction as well as soon to come firmament not to mention the entire series has been recently re-released on steam for the series anniversary so please feel free to check out this incredible series first hand the saga of mist and the dunny was indeed one of an entire civilization's rise and fall and the lasting impact of its legacy saying that the lore of the series stretches far and wide would be a vast understatement and even with the length of this mini-series certain aspects did need to be summarized or cut for the sake of brevity nevertheless the struggle of the dunny people atreus's family and the borrow are something that millions have been able to experience personally through adventures created by talented developers looking to do what they do best create immersive worlds hopefully this series has done what i set out to do by taking a step back and observing the full scale of this experience as a whole there was so much effort put into the saga and lore of these characters these stories and these ages that it seemed a crime that it was so unknown to most this was a universe that deserved a look that did more than just scratch the surface of the saga firsthand experiences of all these adventures are heavily encouraged because even though this world is fictional it is more than easy to transport yourself to this timeless wondrous universe of beauty tragedy and exuberance i hope to see you on the shores of mist island and as always the ending has truly not been written as a bonus aside to this journey i thought it would be interesting to take a look at a long-standing tradition in the miss series the quote bad endings every entry in the mist main series from mist one through five features bad endings that result from a non-canon choice made by the stranger or in the case of mist dr watson in the context of this mini series let's consider these to be the start of alternate timelines the continuities that are not canon but give some fun what-if scenarios most of these endings are result of a wrong choice made near the end of their entries in the franchise though there are exceptions they also most of the time simply result in a game over or instant death of the player but again there are some exceptions and sometimes the credits do roll lending to the credence that these are the beginning of an alternate non-canon timeline in total there are 24 alternative endings in the miss series seeing as how we have a bit of time left in this episode let's take a brief look at some of the other ways the stranger could go about their journey beginning with the original mist the three alternate endings all have to do with the final choice made in the game which occurs at the game's finale with one page left to return to either the spire and haven linking books the two brothers inform the stranger of the final page's location in the fireplace along with the mysterious green book that is actually the linking book to atres and kavir the first bad ending results in going into the fireplace and doing as sierra says grabbing the red page and adding it to the spire linking book the stranger then uses it and thus frees cirrus cirrus is ecstatic about being freed before mocking the stranger on their foolishness the stranger in cirrus have swapped places as looking through the panel the stranger witnesses cirrus continues mocking as he begins to tear out pages of the red linking book static once again appears to fill the panel as the last thing the stranger hears is an indication that cirrus plans on also destroying akanar's book now that he is free the game ends with the stranger trapped on spire [Music] the second ending is very similar but instead involves bringing the blue page to free achenar from haven the ending events happen in a similar manner unlike cirrus's gawky boasting though akanar appears more giddish and vibrant as he tears away the pages of the haven linking book now that they've swapped places with the stranger he then presumably does the same to the spiral linking book next this time the stranger ends their journey trapped on haven finally the last timeline involves the kavir linking book if they do not heed atres's warning and the stranger immediately uses the linking book to go to duny without the missing page to atres's missed book they find themselves trapped with atres an angered atreus calls the stranger a fool and scolds them the stranger natures remain in dunny trapped forever with the fates of riven and the suns left uncertain [Music] the events surrounding riven's alternate timelines are a bit of an outlier there are quite a few but they differ in the fact that they can occur throughout the adventure rather than just in a couple decisions at the very end for simplicity's sake we'll be covering these endings in order of the earliest they can be obtained the first ending occurs when the panel above the starfisher is opened and the telescope is set to crash into the glass above the starfisher before the stranger reclaims the prison book or even goes to tay at this point in time idris has not even considered the stranger being near done with their tasks and does not even travel to riven leaving the crevice to collapse with the stranger alone falling through the passage presumably back to earth with riven's fate unknown a curious trait is that while this ending was intentionally put in it's potentially the hardest to achieve as the only means of accessing the password to open the observation panel is in katherine's journal which is obtained at the same time as getting the prison book back since this code resets every playthrough upon starting a new game the only two ways to get this ending are to either brute force the password or to go to tay write down the password and load a save from earlier in the game the next timeline occurs by doing similar actions with the telescope but this time after getting the prison book back but before capturing again or freeing catherine atreus will arrive this time and approach the stranger the stranger shows the prison book but idris is confused when he sees it empty genn then reveals himself and shoots atreus before taking his mislinking book and thanking the stranger the guard then shoots the stranger as well killing them [Music] the next few endings involve the prison book after retrieving it the stranger can use it any time even before being in the presence again if the stranger enters the prison age while on tay including as soon as they retrieved it they are trapped and the rebels ante find them in the book they are confused but don't seem to take any chances with the mysterious book and the untrustworthy stranger given the glow around the rebels it's possible that they are preparing to burn the book but its and the stranger's fates are left unknown after the book is shut if the stranger uses the book anywhere else for example riven or age 233 before meeting again the book will open revealing again forcing his guard to enter the book it's likely the guard found it wherever the stranger used it and brought it again this forces the stranger out of the prison age and the stranger finds themselves in the cage on age 233 with genn before either says anything genn shoots the stranger and as they die genn expresses his confusion at the situation and his disappointment that he wasn't able to kill atreus [Music] if the stranger gets as far as age 233 and meets again the mad writer will eventually offer the stranger to go first into the prison book to prove the authenticity of said book the stranger can refuse and gen leaves giving the stranger a chance to think about the offer [Music] if the stranger calls upon genn two more times and continues to refuse the offer genn loses the trust of the stranger and shoots them killing them in the 233rd age [Music] after gun is trapped the prison book remains accessible to be used if the stranger uses it at any time after trapping again they once again swap places gen is free and the stranger is trapped leaving again to look into the book and question why the stranger made such a move before closing the book for good with no chance of escape the most fleshed out alternate timeline is if the stranger signals atres by opening the starfisher after capturing again but before freeing catherine aetrus arrives and asks to see the prison book he is confused as to why he was signaled before his wife was free he expresses grief that his wife is trapped on a collapsing age as he returns to mist this is the only other ending to receive a closing narration from aetrus as he laments over the sacrifice of his wife and the uncertainty of rhythm and its people the final ending to riven is a bit of a secret one if the stranger heads back to tay after capturing genn and uses the prison book there they will swap places the stranger then sees again readying his rifle presumably with the intention of slaughtering the rebels on their age which had eluded again until now genn thanks the stranger before closing the prison book all the alternate endings to miss three revolve around the final choice made in the diplomacy in both getting religion back and also allowing cevedro his freedom the first of which occurs as soon as the stranger meets cevedro face to face on narayan if the stranger does not heed savedro's warning and immediately goes back to tomana where catherine and his are cevedro keeps his promise and before the two can ask about religion they witness cevedro also travel to tamana as he knocks out the stranger with a stone hammer and the last thing the stranger hears being the screams of catherine and natrus as he sees cevedro moving to attack them after cevedro makes the offer for the exchange of religion in return of opening the outer barrier he will become frustrated if the stranger still remains in the presence of cevedro without doing what was asked if the stranger stays around cevedro for too long the exiled becomes frustrated and attacks the stranger there are two versions of this one where the stranger simply stays by cevedro after his demands are made where cevedro eventually tosses religion over the side of the island and attacks the stranger the second variation involves the stranger leaving partway through annoying cevedro to seemingly complete the task and then returning to cevedro to frustrate them further this causes slightly different dialogue as well as cevedro instead choosing to attack the stranger with the religion book as opposed to the hammer if the stranger chooses to free cevedro immediately before encouraging him to return relishon cevedro will take advantage of the situation with his exit clear he decides not to hold up his part of the deal as he still holds anger for aetrus's family he decides to toss relishon over the side of the island and proceeds to make his way onto the gondola back to narayan [Music] the stranger can choose to link with tomana where they relay the news to atreus and catherine who end the game in mourning of the age and depressed at the failure to recover the book a similar ending can occur if power to the shield is taken down atop the balcony this is largely the same but with a different angle of the events that transpire with savages escape [Music] if you trap cevedro between the shields which is how you convince him to give the religion book back first he lies in between the shields depressed if you raise the inner shield after doing so cevedro takes this opportunity to brandish his hammer and attack the stranger a slightly different scene plays out depending on if the stranger immediately raises the inner shield again and what direction they look at immediately after doing so the final ending of miss three is likely the most similar to a canon ending in the entire series after getting the release on book back from cevedro the stranger has the choice to leave cevedro trapped between the shields or set them free to return to narayan setting him free is the canon ending however the stranger can simply leave and return to tamana where a very similar ending takes place between a stranger atreus and catherine the only difference is a slightly altered closing narration from aetrus who details his sorrow towards his son's actions and wonders if he was in the stranger's shoes would he have left cevedro stranded [Music] mist four and five have the fewest alternate endings at just two apiece both endings in mist four revolve around the levers the stranger must pull at the end of the adventure when yesha is restrained and asks to pull the left lever and akanar enters asking to pull the right the right is the correct choice but if the stranger pulls the left siris and niesha's body is free and runs to the back of the room to drop a hanging stone slab used to travel into the dream slate this presumably crushes akanar and knocks out the stranger the stranger awakens to find cirrus with akanar's crossbow who says that this proves his performance must be good enough to fool his parents as he kills the stranger with the crossbow [Music] the other ending occurs if the stranger waits too long before picking either lever akanar will get frustrated and lean over to encourage the stranger as cirrus uses some sleight of hand to grab the crossbow and shoot akanar he then proceeds to kill the stranger to remove complications and claims that more bodies will only make the kidnapping more believable finally the alternate endings in mist five revolve around the decisions made with the borrow tablet at the end of the adventure if watson gives yeesha the tablet it falls through her hands and the tablet is lost this results in a depressed yisha to warp away from watson gone with an uncertain fate from here if dr watson chooses to go to mist island escher will arrive and scold watson for giving yisha the tablet before abandoning them on mist without escape finally the last ending involves going to mist with the tablet and giving it to escher he will get excited over the fact that watson trusted him before telling the doctor that now he will gain control of the borrow and use them however he pleases escher rewards dr watson with missed island as he once again leaves the doctor trapped without escape [Music] thank you all so much for watching what i believe is the definitive version of this series that i made last year this was a long time coming so if you're back from those videos thanks for being patient and if you're tuning in for the first time i hope you enjoyed it there's plenty more on the way from this channel which i hope you look forward to see you guys next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CrimockLyte
Views: 59,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, History, Lore, Myst, Adventure, Timeline, Chronology
Id: q9WUXlJjZfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 34sec (12454 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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