The Work of Byron Katie ~ You Were Supposed To Love Me | The AWARENESS INQUIRIES (Part 6)

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what I experience is the mind has always been an enemy perceived as an enemy so we write the line down on paper and then we ask the questions in that way it's the mind asking the question fine and then if it asks with intention and it really wants to know if you're a lover of truth it asks the my task and then the heart it's always been clouded over with all of this thinking all of this chaos hi Kevin the mind as the questions the for questions and the heart will give the answer every time it'll give it in pictures it'll give it in knowings it'll give it in thoughts and if you wait it'll just feed you and feed you and feed you and then the mind begins to just lose itself in that piece it's always been thinking it's the mind finding a home in the heart and the heart and the mind come to know in that space but they're the same there is no mind and heart there is no separation it's a merging we want to give our bodies a home let's give our mind a home we want to give our sweet children a home we want to give the homeless a home focusing always on that so we don't have to give the mind a home that is safe and that's the power of understanding in truth there is no mind and heart you know the symbol of heart the mind knows that that's why it never goes down it's coming home to itself it's been out there a while it's a nice trip out for me 43 years it's bad and that's what this work does you know when we begin to look forward to it but look forward to the worst that can happen and may as well we've had a wonderful teacher here that shows us you know here it comes so this work is we go out and the work is the way back now so we began to look forward to the trip and eventually there's nothing that can stop the flow it's an in-and-out I there's no harm anywhere our story about what is of the harm we experience with ever and if you should feel the discomfort of that and if you think this would investigation would serve you it's an offering the sweetheart let's begin okay I'm angry at Suzanne because she told me the night before she left for a month which she's gone now for a month that I repulsed her when I was snoring and I repulsed her because of my overweight body and that I repulse her yes so sweetheart have you ever been repulsed you experienced that by myself yes and what else by your parents at some time by my abusing children that were abused and like airports yes yes so could you stop it no okay so you look at what is this kind of like child abuse we'll talk about that it happens all over the planet so we stop that one but we haven't solved anything it happens all over the world I go into prisons it doesn't appear to be stopping there it's continued but the story you tell about that is how you abuse you you are the child you're abusing could you stop whose business is your thinking and your your your repulsion hoggish remark whose business is that what repulses is this your wife whose business is it what repulses her I'd get into some heavy sheds about what a beloved summation they can feel see aha that's a good one so I'm you know right in the middle of realism no you don't answer the question it's not my business whose business is her repulsion purse and what happens when you mentally those of you new to the work I found three kinds of business in the universe I couldn't find anymore as long as we're in separation let's get this duality thing down let's get your body is yours your thinking is yours - mine and God's is God's okay could you stop being repulsed could I stop being repulsed so you saw the child abuse at the airport okay but she's supposed to stop because of this marriage mythology we have running [Music] I've been carrying the that's how she should be with me for my whole life and yes and I'm and I'm right now at the point where I'm I'm losing I'm letting go of that yeah yeah that could've been your wife back there [Music] someone's ever stand-in why okay sweetheart how do you treat her when she's home when she was home how do you treat her when you hold the belief that wives are supposed to see their hunt a husband as less than repulsive to dimensionalize how do you treat her I want physically how does it look how does it look like you okay close your eyes and look at you look at you look how you treat her when you hold the belief she's supposed to see you as a loved one how do you treat her what do you say what do you do why why are you being that way with me don't you see Who I am how can you not see I know I do other things I'm just so nervous right now I can't think of it so when you're doing that how does it feel a prison can you see a reason to drop the story absolutely can you see a reason to keep the story that is not painful that she is not supposed to be repulsed by you not not anymore yeah when it comes to keeping our family together and honoring what I know to be true for us your your is the soul mate thing yeah I'm really I'm caught I'm in the process of letting go of being caught there yeah still are still doing some work around yeah so let's do some work with it now read the part about she's your soul mate what hunting again not ridiculing oh I am whatever your story says I'm so that's my thing that's what I do yeah I am no more and no less than your story okay yeah yeah when you sit on this couch you are meat ground round you oh yeah yeah yeah I'm a lover of truth okay and when someone sits on this couch I am clear that they are too I love you I want what you want you want to keep it that's what I want to keep all of it you wanna let it go that's what I want I just want what you want so sweetheart read the part about soul mate don't have all the qualities of that so what she doesn't accept me as I am she you know she leaves me or what doesn't accept me for who I am turn it around I don't accept me for who I am and haven't also turn it around again I haven't I don't I do not accept me for who I am and there's another turn around I do not accept her for who she is yes she is a woman who tells the story about you and repulses herself nothing else is possible nothing else is possible I've been holding her to that for years yeah and myself you tell the story about her and you repulse you I do are you happy you all right what happy you happiness you my husband says do you love me and I waited and I waited and I waited and I waited and I waited and I waited and I waited I said I guess not sweetheart I can't find it now where do you find something like that then I noticed that he gave me something and I felt this feeling I love you now that must be it then I noticed I liked that a lot but then he took it from me and I said you know sweetheart I noticed you took it and I don't love you now if you want me to love you give me something simple what I came to see is personalities do not love they want something so I had to take a look at that how is it that I could learn to live without that being a condition to get a feeling inside of me that someone calls love and it was me I don't know good it's on tape so you tell the story of your wife you turn you on you tell the story of your wife you turn you off she tells the story of you you turn you on and she turns her on she tells the story of you she repulses herself nothing else is possible I can't so read the first one again I'm angry at Suzanne because she told me that I when I saw and I'm overweight because I'm overweight and I repulser turn it around I'm angry at me because when I look at my when I look at Suzanne when I look at Suzanne when I look at Suzanne I'm not sure to turn that around she just the way you wrote it I tell her okay read it the way you wrote it again you're doing really well honey this is gosh this is tough stuff you know uh-huh you don't have to do it right okay I'm angry at Suzanne because she told me that I repulse her because of my snoring and my overweight so turn it around I'm angry at my rythme because I thought Suzanne told Suzanne that she she repulsed me yes for her snoring her what for for her willingness to dispose the relationship so easily yes so you have everything in common with her you snore she's repulsed she leaves you're repulsed what's the difference Oh I am repulsed by that oh there's no way she cannot be a mirror image if you think him there is no way there is no one out there but your story what does repulsed me and I don't how you live with your children when you hold the belief she should stay yeah okay so no wonder you repulse you also this is not what you are this is not who you are your sweet friend hmm my sweet friend look at the next one okay I'm I'm angry at me when I repulsed me for being overweight and snoring and being overweight I'm angry at me when I repulsed me for being apartment for what for condemning her for leaving for holding for being self-righteous that there's a way she should be that doesn't conform with what I want whose business is it who you live with it's not my who I live with yes like my business is my is I in my business yeah you want to live with her it's your business who you want to live with right so you fight it to the finish and you use your children sometime right so this is exactly you know I turn around she wants to live with someone else you want to live with her she wants to live with someone else you both want to live with someone she's she's doing what you're doing she wants to be with someone else and she'll want to be with someone good yeah that's true that's true I've been doing that for a long time let's look at the next one the next question yes Suzanne what do I want that I want Suzanne to be grateful for life as it is she is or she's not whose businesses turn it around I want me to accept though I'm reading the second one I want me to be grateful for life as it is yes you know that thing you preached her you know that thing you preach to your children you have that thing you preach to the world you live it yeah and you can understand a little with a little more humility how we don't yeah and then you have it down we have a teacher that moves you to work with but as long as you were trying to teach us there's no hope because you're teaching what you don't know yet yeah this is the sweetest thing it gives us an internal responsibility and that's where we find our freedom rather than being Suzanne realized you can be self-realized yeah yeah I'm gonna find one in this kit in question this one that I want to there's a lot of energy I want her to own her own power I mean this is just such a can you hear the arrogance excuse me only your own power I have it so ironic because she's the one that I've designated the one that has the power and the family and to me so it's I've given her that I haven't abdicated my own power yeah so turn it around I want me to own my own power and stay out of her business and experience the power yes [Applause] I want her to understand that there are consequences to her temper so much self-righteousness here I can't even I just I really are you good this is this is self-realization hmm I mean we we are so clear about them but when it hits here it's like oh whoa whoa mm-hmm let me let me begin now this is the beginning moving to meet ourselves mm-hmm we are our favorite subject we begin now so let's look at the next next question I what is it they should or shouldn't okay Susanne should oh my god hmm okay [Music] well I'm just some people up here saying read it anyway like they're not the ones that need it you know only in this group they know they are so it's like weird anyway you know I want some freedom here Suzanne should not fall in love with the fantasy which she's right now meeting another man in Europe right now okay so oh you ate everything you wanted to do it's everything I have done yes I'm falling in love with this I've been in love with the fantasy yes and fighting and hitting my head against her and being repulsed that she doesn't match the fantasy yeah welcome home sweetheart hmm and every single one of the things I wrote here is I'm rubbing my face in self-righteousness I mean Suzanne should see how incredibly thoughtful considerate and loving I am oh absolutely and the power of love itself coming back to it so it's very sweet and then it can be so crippling you know the legs maybe where we hit this stuff they might like experience a paralysis and they just don't move you know who would we be without our story it's a really weird for a while you know because it's no control we begin again like children and it's a lot of fun I like to say the grass starts smelling like it did when we were three the colors getting bright and the air smells crisp doesn't who would we be a daughter story I've been hanging myself on that story for my whole life yes and then coupling that with reading myself up for not being whatever so it's that self-important self-rejection thing that's just been me dancing away through my life so I want to see how much how thoughtful and considerate and loving I am yes and how thoughtful and considerate and loving she is yes I mean because she is and the thing is you love her with all your heart bottom line that's it there's nothing you can do about that no condemning is going to move that in you you love her when I found that with my first husband he was the cause of all my problems and when I found that in this way that we're sharing here today ah I love him there's nothing I can do without them with all my heart and I know why we didn't get along now uh-huh I reversed them it was very clear right he would not be steamy as anything less than repulsive yeah so let's play yeah st. Joe isn't that what the mind does yeah well this is the same question or different I will say it yeah what Susanne should it's all suffering it would be grateful for all the years I've been the sole breadwinner mm-hmm so you you gave her your money because you wanted something from her absolutely what was it her love her approval her appreciation her acceptance seven years is because I couldn't give it to myself so you gave her nothing you gave her a price tag right yeah and that's what you feel and I'm repulsed by that yes angel yeah I really did feel like I could buy that yes isn't it fine that here we are now it's really hard so next time you try to buy your children or her or anyone else you have this wonderful life experience too you can call on the expert you so next time you give your children money for her money where's the one money they'll be Stephen is in the moment you give it that's it you touch it again it's hot the giving is in the moment you give it that's all you get it's over one thought after that about it is how you don't give the gift so it's a double loss the other way love is an impulsive act it's free it's what we do afterwards two story we tell about it afterwards it's our poverty I just touch you that's a mine what do you say about it the story you tell about it has no effect on me that is your story what does that have to do with me did I touch you and I received that I love you that's mine it's over and the air I kissed that it kisses me now now everything is a constant breath in and out as of giving or receiving and giving a receiving everything is attaching to these insane what I call stories without investigation is how we cost us the gift that we are your hand taking that Kleenex blowing your nose that's a gift the handing of the cleanest is a gift who made the Kleenex it's a gift the wood that grew it it's a gift it's an end and ending it doesn't say stop you owe me something don't blow your nose yet it's a flow it only stops and get stuck there now sometimes to watch it that's the joy the Balch a light gets stuck to notice and then it stops and it laughs and it's free let's look at the next next question yes you may as well here it comes yeah I need Suzanne to love me as I am I'm gonna say a few to love my strengths and weaknesses to understand my need to actualize myself as an artist and spiritual being this man's a composing he does very well at it doesn't he to give me room to go through this major midlife passage I'm going through and trying to find more meaning and what I'm doing so all that should stop on once they turn it around I need Suzanne to I need I need me I need me to love me as I am Mort cinahl yes oh my gosh who couldn't love a ward I haven't been loving myself warts and all yeah yes but I'm starting to is it the story you tell of the warrant the work just waits for a sane mind to see it really doesn't do any harm it's just there like like a leaf on a tree you don't go argue with a leaf and say yo let's talk you know look at that shape you need to do something about it you don't do that but you focus here like an award you tell the story of it and you repos you award god I've even done that to my music as I'm writing it I'm insisting it be a product before it's even through its process so I I'm imposing a value system before it's done you know everything you do with Suzanne and your mind you do with your music read that again about Suzanne the way you wrote it I need Suzanne to love me as I add more tune all of them so I need people to love my music mmm I need people to love my music as it is works and all I need me to love my music as it is sortsa moment that's what I want yes that's what I want that's who you are that's what you want because there's so much that wants to get out there hasn't even scratched the surface yes is how you keep it from coming out investigate that afro people oh yes really this is what you've been composing yeah so we're ending that composition and flow communal composition it's been decomposing I hope you write some lyrics to it so sweetheart that was the one where you had the run on them let's turn that around and put her name on it I want me the one about actualizing myself or yes I need Suzanne to UM I need me to understand my feed to actualize myself as an artist in a spiritual being I'm looking for her approval yeah and when you're mentally focused on her you can't have a life you know it's like get a life life is internal focus on her no life well I've been always feeling like she's been threatening energetically too you know I have the love be conditional that I need to act a certain way in order for her to being a certain way back to me I mean she's been playing this one with me turn it around I've been needing her to act a certain way it's the repulsed thing again yeah I've been needing her to act a certain way and I've been conditional with her about how she acts with me oh god there's no exception sweetheart when it goes out your children would be much better off with her at home can you really know that that's true no I don't know that it's true yeah I don't know that amazing I know and that's the thing that's cause the most pain is the thought of not living together but I don't know that it's true which my daughter would thrive without us being together his path would be much richer with her mother at home can you really know that that's true can you know her God so we don't take all the time you know what's the sound of it I don't want to not be a 24-hour seven-day-a-week dad that's the truth of amazing but but I also my devotion to the work and being in the studio a lot is taking me away a lot so there's a contradiction in that you know mmm so but I want to wake up with my daughter you know yes I do and I want you know that the picture of a family together and I think it's hardly gone really tight too you know I have that picture really vetted in yes you do father Reid was my favorite TV show a really fun yeah Wow and you know her leaving is not the problem it's the death of your mythology oh god yeah absolutely I've been lying about that yeah I have been lying about that she's messin with your dream big time and I'm so grateful to her for this yes sweetheart because I know it's not so you don't want to be a 24 I really do I want to be yes I said I want to be wanted me I want to be I mean I want to be I don't want to live in separate huh you know that's the myth that's it so what I would love it just that you would know for yourself right right that's what you want and this month I'm that's what I am well she's gone and I'm loving it that's the truth of it and I'm not missing her right now in this month right now isn't that amazing so what I'm hearing is she really did did you get it yeah [Music] look at the next one okay this was I need Suzanne to hold our relationship and family sacred so she one fell in love or another man is it true that's what you mean it's my myth I don't need her to do anything that isn't her truth and I love her a lot I don't want her to do anything that isn't her truth I want her to do her truth and how do we treat her and how do you talk to her and how do you now argue with your daughter when you hold this story this one you just read selfish needy wanting her to give me gimme gimme so push your eyes look at her look how you treat her when you hold that story okay I'll sweetheart would you be without your story a really strong talented sexy man [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that's my secret that's what Ivan honey welcome to the power of ownership no one can touch that not even you this has just been pretending it didn't work 45 years of looking at my best friend in there did you feel the shift are repulsive to sexy and powerful how many felt this year and nothing happened but awareness I closed my eyes and I I saw what I've been afraid of sitting on telling the story not to let anybody see teach that by the way you know I want to I am yeah let it come through your views that can live it with your daughter yeah well she says something about her mother that you have taught her you can let her know that you used to feel that way to say that again I missed it when your daughter says something about her mother and you noticed that it's the very words that you taught her to get your approval can you hear it gray area I can hear this is important say it again when your daughter talks about her mother and the way that you have taught her in a negative way yes I don't Oh interesting I died I don't do that to see to my daughter not in words ah this opposite of this empowered sexy man this empowered composer you have taught her the opposite by the way that you live I've taught her how to react how to think how to be I've been a list I've been a total wuss that's how she will be when someone leaves her that's what you teach I'm not teaching that this this is last few months I haven't been teaching that but that's because I the tapes [Laughter] [Music] and he heard it and he dubbed it 9 over 90 times and played all over this little equipment and I've been pregnant and I've been doing even before I heard the tapes I've been doing different work on this yeah but but I hear what you say I've been modeling for her by the way that you live as your daughter speaks in the words that you have taught her by the way that you live okay I get it yes I get it you can't speak to her of that from where you've been got it and what your experience has been with that and let her have what you taught her and you live what you know to do got it and she learned to live the way you live and she will continue to learn to live the way you live hmm and that's how it shifts in our families and we don't have to give them the work hmm this stuff is lived you lived there the turnarounds that's good one sexy empowered dude what do you think either at the beginning mm-hmm oh boy this is I let I let it fly right here you said go right for it all right Suzanne is a hot-headed who is spoiled immature and who for whom nothing is ever good enough Wow and I'm wondering why she's interested in someone else Wow yeah Wow yeah you know you're the last to know yeah right I'm the last to know yeah and the most to lose 40 hmm hmm sweet friend mmm let's turn it around and take a look I am a hot-headed bastard who was spoiled immature and for whom nothing is ever good enough from you true it's true yeah it doesn't take me long to find it either hmm I'm everything everyone calls me I don't delude myself anymore and if I have to go back to 3 years old to find it I'll find it I'll meet you there it doesn't mean that I've done it in the last several years or 10 minutes you call me something and if I go to war with you it's a place in my story of the past that I haven't met with understanding so I don't care where I have to travel I don't care there's no time there's no space there's no place there's no pass there's not India as long as we think there's and you and on me you may as well travel in time so I drove back there I'm fearless because I have this to hold me I don't need a concept anymore just the one that hurts in the moment let me deal with that one okay sweetheart in the next one Suzanne is a childish disappointed grief-stricken woman who murders herself all the time I am a childish disappointed grief-stricken man who murders himself all the time absolutely true and that's what you teach and I'm the last you know you're absolutely right yeah I have not I have not been seeing this same job and I've been doing I mean you know I can I've been working I've been working on this we begin joy we begin now okay look at the next one I've been Suzanne is a talented delightful beautiful wise remarkable wife mother and and friend yes angel and you love her with all your heart that's it what I say is I love my ex-husband with all of my heart and what grace that I don't live with him well you know I have nothing to do with it what is this we don't have to people don't have to be alive for us to love them because dead or alive we're telling the story of who they are and that's what we are rappelling from or moving toward your that's our pain or our heaven or hell well let's turn that one around I am a talented delightful beautiful wise remarkable husband father and friend [Applause] Suzanne is an unpredictable wounded soul and I am an unpredictable wounded soul yeah in the moment I see you as an unpredictable soul I feel like an unpredictable soul because I haven't investigated the life is unpredictable that's just the way it is well it's not unpredictable thing it is what it is it's not unpredictable I mean like no guarantees everything just comes up you look forward to it that's order one only good happens this woman left you and you're being spared this is a good thing it has to be because there's only good and if you think that's not true find something that's not good to see how that feels write it down and investigate can you hear this if you don't believe that everything is good then find something that is not good so don't even bother it'll find you write it down and investigate at the heart to give you the answer don't be airy-fairy don't be woowoo just let the heart answer just straight up the answer is within you it's not a spiritual thing it just is waiting and you show us that sweetheart your wife is your soulmate can you really know that that's true no what do you get for holding the belief that she is your soulmate you know I had to stop her because it's not all the way true that I feel that she's my soul and because I'm done but I mean it's never been what is true is that I felt like I found someone with whom I knew I was going to do an amazing a very deep piece of work with I just didn't know how long that was gonna last well now you know and that's that's the truth of it Ivan I knew that going into it yeah but I haven't been telling the truth because of the Donna Reed thing yes [Laughter] that's a valid reason as I've ever heard but I I consciously went into that without knowing that I just I just wanted it all forever yeah because I don't want to be left I want to guarantee that someone will love me see me before me so this thing about life is unexpected things happen they don't if you don't what I like to say is I'm a woman without a future so everything there's no surprises it just is what it is very exciting because nothing can happen it's not good and I look forward to something happening it's not because I had this my son called me and said mama I am so excited I lost that contract for all of that money that I already had spent in my mind can you imagine what is coming in that is better than that and he was right he's always right he knows that only good only good can come of it Wow and he hits places that really hurt and he has this yes yes the end of the pictures yes there's another story I'd like to tell my daughter called and was very angry with me hung up the phone call me back just a few minutes later and said I am so excited mama I just did the work on you and I came to see that there's nothing you can do to keep me from loving you it was that fine then I have another son that doesn't do the work good I don't see that he needs it if I think he needs the work I need the work so I think you married okay angel number six I don't want to be abused by having her light into me with verbal abuse so I'm willing because you may have that picture in your mind again or it may be someone else so what is that how do you tell you that I'm willing and you read it just the way you wrote it I'm willing to be abused oh because it's what happens okay nothing unexpected all of a sudden I'm willing to be abused by having her light into me with verbal abuse Wow oh my okay I look forward to I look forward to being abused by having her light in Tonopah I look forward to her verbal abuse Wow oh my lord okay that is a turnaround that is a turnaround yeah that's about it you know especially for self righteous stuff you know that's a big one yeah okay I don't want to be a party to saying that you are in love with someone you haven't seen but one day in 14 years alright so I'm willing to hearing that you're in love with someone that you haven't seen in 14 years except one day I look forward to I look forward to it Wow okay and if it still hurts then I got more work to do yes isn't that fine because I'm arguing with the truth with reality yeah okay yes I don't want to malign the relationship without seeing its riches and its strengths and the extraordinary ways that it has been I'm willing I am willing to malign to see you malign or to malign the relationship without seeing its riches experience and its extraordinary ways yes I have been so self-righteous about these issues and this I could do some work with this one I don't want to feel guilty for not measuring up to her demands and expectations of how I should be for her I'm willing I am willing to feel guilty I don't know I I don't I'm willing to feel guilty item I'm willing to feel good I'm willing to feel guilty for not measuring up to her expectations and pictures of what I'm supposed to be doing you could experience that again and if it hurts there's a piece left like I look forward to that's what this work is about good you hurt and do it again you're either attaching to a story or you're investigating attachment is like this you don't attach to your houses and your wives and your husbands you attach to your concepts your story about them and as we've seen here this has been your attachment investigate and it opens like this it's called health life it's a very nice place to be so Katie I have a question about this yeah so there have been things that have been done and said and I've been holding the space for the last three months because of probably my best investment in the myth of the die marie thing but also because probably be definitely okay but also because I've been turning it around and looking at how much I've been in an illusion and so I haven't wanted to run away from that so I've been wanting to stay better than leave the house so she comes up goes away and I have a feeling she's going to come back wanting to actually try it again and I have it in me that I am NOT the strong powerful sexy man with integrity if I stay and continue to be willing to face somebody that I can't trust so sweetheart do the work there's nothing else to do she comes back do the work if she stays gone and do the work this is about you but I don't I don't want to be a doormat anymore in terms of that I don't really do the work have it for breakfast you eat it or it'll eat you my husband comes good he goes good there's nothing's happening but my story you should stay he doesn't love me but if I leave from a place of self-love because I choose to leave because I don't want to do that anymore I don't wanna I don't wanna I mean sweetheart there's nothing you can do to keep you from coming or going you just tell the story about how you have something to do with anything you mean that's my habit no what you're saying a story arises you attach to it investigates be free so if I find a notice that I'm still there even though I'm telling myself that the in path of integrity would be to finally walk and start a new life with somebody else or with myself most of all honey it will do you so I either will do it or I don't yes and you should just I should just trust that again life is a very nice place to be nothing ever goes wrong in life except attachment to the story in the moment that hasn't been investigated you know I have a marriage that I'm devoted to I respect I cannot tell you how I experience my husband if I just think of him I melt I tell the story of Paul and my heart is ah it's like speaking of myself and I experience Southworth and I don't even live with this man your husband yes someone invites me here I come here but I travel all over the world I see him less than most people and I love him with all my heart what is is I am not running this show I don't belong to me and you don't belong to you we are not ours we are thee is and we tell the story of oh I have to leave my husband oh I'm sure good company here it's just not true I don't have to leave him IMD is I flow with that there's nothing you can do to not let her in and there's nothing you can do for you not to leave her this isn't your ballgame in my experience she comes you tell a story the story the effect is you get to be a martyr or she comes and you tell the story of how you're grateful and you get to be a happy guy you're you are the the effect of your story that's it and this is hard to hear that's why I say have the work for breakfast come to know for yourself what is true for you not me my words are of no value yours those are the one you're the one you've been waiting for marry you okay
Channel: Brian Cormack Carr
Views: 69,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Work of Byron Katie, Byron Katie, The Work, Self Inquiry, Nonduality
Id: EI9QF_xf_EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 5sec (3665 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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