The woman who saved Paul McCartney | 60 Minutes Australia

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Paul McCartney is back where he once belonged since stage [Music] how old is too old to be a pupster hmm I thought 30 was too old and when I was about 25 I looked at 30 and thought oh you know I've got to have to be doing something different then but then things were still happening and the records were still selling and people would still come into our concerts so then I thought 40 is way way too old and you just can't do it now coming up to 50 thank you very much I can't believe it as I hear myself say that but it's true yeah you sort of think we know sixties nothing yeah you know [Music] the last time he did this a live concert tour was 13 years ago as for the songs well a lot of them he's never performed on stage since the bitter breakup of the Beatles [Music] I think enough times gone by now God you know you've got to forget that stuff at some point you can't just be something gentle I'll prune bitter and twisted about the past you know so I've got over all that did you relearn literally we learned some words some of them yeah you know after like 20 years you forget you know how much do you remember from 20 years ago well now this is one of the problems cuz the people in the audience do know them better than me but it was quite funny our shows in we're in Europe and we were doing this hora standing there I think it was cinder and I was singing I'll never dance with another and there's somebody who'd done all the words and they knew them all exactly and I was looking at this person in the audience bloody hell I'm gonna get him wrong and then she got it wrong it was great she said I'll never dance with a number got you [Music] these days they sing along but back then way way back when the song was first a hit they simply screamed we forget going to Australia what do you remember went around on a trailer groan hello Australia they are when that rearguard would be madness they're happy with us another plan of getting him into the well it's amazing to me I think the only scary thing for us was being so far away from home it was as far as you can get from England you know when you're a kid you're always taught that if you dig down you get to Australia and Americans are told you get to China we get to Australia you see so it was a bit kind of Wow yeah awful long way from home but we loved it the thing I find amazing is that when you were performing as the Beatles you were only doing 40-minute sitting on a good night really a man if we were annoyed it was 20 oh she loves you back tonight thank you and we were off no it was it was about half an hour a regular thing and what about the technology what about bird but it wasn't it just didn't exist you know easy to forget how simple how basically all wants they rocked the world and you couldn't even hear the lyrics [Music] we have a good friend of ours Neil Aspinall who was our van driver and Neil used to be in the screaming you know what I call the seagulls that roomful of seagulls that noise you know wheezed hey Neil used to be at the side of the stage in the old days shouting to the one guy who was who was the cinema followspot operator trying to shout over all those seagulls gone thanks but never heard now it's sort of head phones computers lasers at the completely different world now but you know make better music no [Music] though the hardware is more sophisticated these days it's still a pretty straight out he plays he sings and that's just about it [Music] I mean masseur of Michael Jackson and Jenna can you dance can you do any of that move I can't no I surprise myself you know I'm one of those people like I really think I can dance oh you know you get that stuff we go down the disco or somewhere I'm like a dancing fool no you know you yeah I like all that and but it's it's not what I do for a living if I want to try and be sexy but Donna's always gonna outdo me for some members in the audience for some rooms the audience but but you know what I mean that's not what I do I'm not that kind of guy and I'm not overtly sexy or I'm a bit of one in private you know it's just it's more private thing for me sex you know I've not been a great or G man in my life as always it let's go in this room love it was never kind of where you know I'm a bit more private with that kind of but this is a bit rich for the man who said he went into the Beatles so that you wouldn't have to get a job so you could pull the birds follow the birds what is quite true but in private you see we just wish it was in public onstage well consummation it was yes I know no I mean obviously that's different I was a gay bachelor I didn't have four kids and a wife who would kill me if should I'd consider anything like that the rolling pin had come out she as you might have gathered is Linda McCartney she earned the envy and the enmity of millions of teenage girls when she married Paul in 1969 the cute Beatle was caught and not before time [Music] how how wild were those days I mean are you wild how Wow how wild on a scale of one to ten thirty eleven it was the beginning of the sexual revolution whatever they call it girls suddenly were all on the pill so it was a good idea me and our family another fellas did more than alpha man so it was like as if Moses opened up all the water and sort of said go on let's have a good time so many of the sixties stars didn't make it I mean the shooting star syndrome and they got engulfed by booze and drugs and stuff how close were you guys pretty close yeah in the 60s there there was a lot of excess with drugs particularly and booze I think at the beginning of it it was all quite harmless it was all what they now kind of call social drugs you know it wasn't wasn't too bad sort of glass of wine and a bit of pot and it didn't drive anyone totally crazy and the worst ever happened to you it happened most the time you fell asleep you know you know never went out and murdered anyone or anything you know it was all fairly harmless but but as is the nature of drugs it escalates and once at one point there was a very good friend of mine who was into heroin and he said here to have a little sniff of this I said what is it zerrin and I say you know God knows how I did it but I actually did have that one sniff and it could have hooked me for life that but somehow my guardian angel just said you don't like this so this story I heard that you know Linda saved you from hero and this is a little bit of an exaggeration yeah that's probably she saved me from general overall excess which was pretty much total sort of party and work I mean I remember once with the Beatles were going into work on a Sunday and we'd worked like we worked all through the night on the Saturday would grab two hours sleeping who got all back into work I remember going in on the taxi and seeing a bloke water in his chrysanthemums morning and he's booked and I said who's got it right me with all the fame and every the money or him water is presents on a Sunday you know I suddenly sir he's got he's the one with the leisure I'm fooling myself together Paul McCartney and John Lennon wrote some of the world's most enduring hits songs which became milestones [Music] at the height of their fame in the late 60s the partnership collapsed it was an ugly and public divorce I know the most difficult period was when John when the bailiffs broken up and John was downing me in public that that was probably the worst to take because I knew he's got a an opinion a lot of people listen to it was just a critic saying Oh McCartney stupid you know but when it was John sort of saying things like all you ever did was yesterday I mean that's hurtful it was very sad I don't know if it was that Savage actually he just it just sort of said you know as a total drip and all this but his general portrayal of you is no a lightweight and yeah that whole area I tell you what hurts about it I knew it would stick like mud to the wall I knew it's thick it's a public hurt actually in private I made my peace with him before he died where the fire was speaking words of wisdom let it be the thing I'm glad about was I never came out with my huge chip on my shoulder about John because he's dead now and I would be so brought down if that all was in the air you know if I had to put my answer out and I resisted I just thought it's just John he's always goofing off John was always goofing off no he would always just come out with well you know is it made of mine he's called magic Alex he's my guru oh yeah and you know had to take John with a pinch of salt could someone like you a living doing lighter songs ever compete with I mean the martyr genius it's a pretty pretty tool I don't want to I will not live forever contrary to rumor so I will have my day you can be mattered genius no I'll have my day when I die I think there will be a number of programs and he wasn't bad you know that will be the Australian version sorry about that Hey let me down he's one of the richest men in Britain with one of the most famous faces in the world but this is what he'll be remembered for the songs of a lifetime [Music] to make it [Music] I know what I've done already I've done a lot I know I know that in the sea I'll tell you it's very difficult to answer this question without suddenly looking like the biggest added guy in the world but I know looking at the 20th century that I must be considered amongst the artists of the 20th century I must be in the top 20 how do you know that from record sales no just let it get that's out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello I'm Sarah abou thanks for watching to keep up with the latest from 60 minutes Australia make sure you subscribe to our channel you can also download the 9 now app for full episodes and other exclusive 60 minutes content
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 1,087,879
Rating: 4.8605351 out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Charles Wooley, Tara Brown, Liam Bartlett, Allison Langdon, Ellen Fanning, Peter Overton, Ray Martin, Jana Wendt, Jeff McMullen, Jennifer Byrne, Richard Carleton, Tracey Curro, Paul Barry, Peter Harvey, George Negus, Ian Leslie, Sarah Abo, Beatles, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Liverpool, Hey Jude, Here comes the sun, Yesterday, Let it be, Abbey Road, The Beatles
Id: dkHEf--YNng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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