"The Woman of Light" - Prophecy Encounter #7 - Pastor Doug Batchelor.

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now we try to reserve about 15 minutes for questions so some of them all answer quickly because their answers are actually coming up a little later in the series this week so let's get into them miss Batchelor all right our first question if someone has fallen away do they need to be rebaptised possibly now it depends on what you mean by fallen away you know when Peter denied Christ I don't know that Jesus said you had to go out and get baptized he repented almost immediately after having done that Jesus is not saying that if a person Falls or they sin that every time they sin they need to go and get baptized but there are examples in the Bible where a person would be rebaptised one example is in Acts chapter 19 and there's three reasons a person might be rebaptised a one is if a person was not baptized biblically they should be the other reason would be if a person has divorced themself from the Lord you know they turned away from God they turned away from the church they you know publicly renounce God then you really get remarried it's even like in our culture if you divorce your wife and you realize you know a year later it's a mistake you actually go through another ceremony you get remarried and then the third reason would be that if a person has just come into a whole new experience and just like a real conversion and maybe they didn't really understand before and that's what happens in acts 19 they just a new revelation of the truth they said we want to be rebaptised and filled with the spirit and that's one other example did you say if they get new knowledge yeah that's the third example I don't know if I said it that way but that's the idea all right are we supposed to pray to the Holy Spirit well I don't believe there's anything wrong with that God is God the Father Son and spirit but you do not find an example that I know of in fact most of the time in the Bible when someone prayed you know we always tell the children let's pray to Jesus and there's nothing wrong with that but technically I can only think of one prayer in the Bible directed specifically to Jesus and that's when Steven is being stoned he says Lord Jesus receive my spirit most of the other prayers in the Bible are directed to the Father in Christ's name or in the Old Testament they may have been directing the prayer to Jehovah which would have been maybe Jesus in his pre-incarnate state but you don't really see anyone praying specifically to the spirit you have places where the spirit speaks to people but I don't see where people are saying dear Holy Spirit can you please help me with this or that they usually pray to Jesus and ask for the Holy Spirit all right in the name pray to the Father in the name of Jesus for the spirit there we go all right how can Jesus Joe I'm sorry how can Jesus be a son of David if Joseph is not his father well we've shared with you that in the genealogies of Christ the genealogy of Luke traces it back to David but it goes through Mary's father and if you look in Matthew it's going through Joseph's father now I'm not saying I endorse this but it's got enough validity that I won't mention it to you one Hebrew Christian that I know he's actually a PhD he said when the Bible says that Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit he said we have artificial insemination all the time in our society where the seed is taken from the man and inseminated and the woman he says what makes us think that God couldn't have taken something from Joseph supernaturally and put it in Mary and something of God himself so we've got to be careful about saying that oh we know absolutely that that didn't happen Jesus had features that probably looked at at least like his mother and maybe you like his father so when the Bible says Jesus the son of Joseph the Lord may have done something that way we don't know didn't like my answer I'm just thinking okay all right she probably never heard that I told you I'm not endorsing that I'm just telling you that was an interesting concept that this professor told me okay keep going keep going Jesus is related to David through Mary definitely thank you okay you've answered my question now did you put that question I didn't because I didn't like your hands all right all right we're gonna move on she keeps me in line our next question does God still talk to people the way he did in Bible times sure but I mean you know I don't know that we can point to an example where God speaks from a mountain with thunder and lightning like he did to Israel but I do believe that God still speaks through dreams through visions that he still guides people I think you need to be careful when you hear evangelists and people saying God told me not you know I'll tell you story one time about when I heard something that was so loud in my conscience it felt like the voice of God but it was probably God speaking to my conscience and sometimes God speaks to our conscience that was very powerful or he speaks to us through Providence but that's not to say God doesn't speak to us through angels and even he has the power to speak to us audibly you look in Joel chapter 2 it says it'll come to pass in the last days I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters will prophesy they will see visions dream dreams so the same things that happened in the Old Testament have happened in New Testament times God did speak to the apostles and some of the early church leaders and I think he's done it through history he'll do it again in the end God has not become limited because we're in New Testament times well in Ellen White had angels come and visit her yeah angels visit people all through history that's right okay who are the twenty-four elders in the book of Revelation when you look in the book of Job it talks about there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also and Satan says I've come from the earth so there's a meeting going on in heaven where it talks about these sons of God and then you read in Revelation it says that God sits among 24 elders now the number 24 well that's kind of coming into our lesson a little bit tonight it's a symbol for the church you have 12 fossils in the New Testament 12 patriarchs in the Old Testament symbol for the the leadership David actually had two groups of 12 that lent out in worship in the temple a total of 24 and so the number is a number that deals with the leadership of the church but God has unfallen worlds we believe the Bible says that God through Christ made the world's not just this earth there's unfallen worlds out there and Jesus left the ninety-nine sheep that didn't send he came and found this one lost lamb this world so there are several verses that seem to imply that these could be the leaders of other worlds as Adam was the son of God and the representative of our world these could represent the leaders of other unfallen worlds so some believe that some believe it's those who are resurrected when Jesus rose from the dead in the end of Matthew it says when Christ died there was an earthquake many of the graves around Jerusalem were opened and the people came out of the graves and ascended to heaven with Jesus at the ascension but they appeared to many in the city and they say this small group that Jesus resurrected around Jerusalem they could be the 24 elders I'm more inclined to think it's the sons of God leaders of unfallen world's some Christians believe that if you are truly saved you cannot be lost is this teaching biblical well you know it's how do you know if you're truly saved and so you know people this idea once you're saved you can't be lost is not biblical because you look in the Bible of people who the Prophet Balaam he was a prophet of God God spoke through him you would assume he's in a saved condition if he's a prophet of God but he grieved the way the Holy Spirit and he was lost the Bible lists him among those who are enemies of God in Revelation as well as in the Book of Numbers you have people like King Saul chosen by God filled with the holy spirit at first he was humble but when he became proud he rebelled against God he grieved away the holy spirit evil spirits possessed him he ended up turning to a witch and he fell on his sword he was saved but he turned from God and he was lost the Bible talks about the person who is washed like a pig but returns to wallowing in the mire and so I would love to tell you that once you're saved it's impossible for you to be lost but that's not biblical because you are saved by virtue of choosing to come to Jesus he doesn't force you to stay with him now you can have assurance of salvation it has to do with faith in love now this bachelor and I've been married this Sunday's our anniversary I forget it's somewhere under a hundred but we wouldn't married quite a while and I never worried about her she doesn't worry about me I've got confidence in our relationship I've always been faithful she's always been faithful am I free to be unfaithful yes but I'm not worried about it because we're there's love and there's trust then you can have assurance you can have that same relationship with Jesus regarding your salvation he will never let go of you he will never let you down and if you determined to keep your hand in the hand of the man that's still the water you can have assurance of salvation but to say once you're saved you can't be lost is not biblical too many other verses in the Bible that talk about examples where that happened Judas walk with Jesus went out preaching but he would not fully repent and he grieved away the Holy Spirit he hung himself and there's other examples okay all right is it okay for a Christian to drink beer or wine in moderation no next question I feel very strongly about this the Bible says wine is a mocker strong drink is raging whoever is deceived thereby is not wise now someone's gonna say pastor Doug didn't Jesus make water into wine that means wine is okay the word wine in the Bible or you knows it's you don't find the word grape juice anywhere many times it was fermented many times it's unfermented in Isaiah 65 it says as the new wine is in the cluster is it fermented in the cluster No and so fermented wine the Bible talks about strong drink and just look in the examples Noah drank wine and walked around naked lot drank wine and slept with his daughters twice yeah David tried to get Uriah to drink wine so he would go against his conscience they offered Jesus wine on the cross and he refused it when he realized what it was says he tasted meat earned it away he did not want his mind clouded when you look at all the misery caused in our society today even if you just think the Bible set it aside just as a Christian when you decide what's good what's bad if over 50% of the people that died on the highway are under the influence of alcohol or struck by people under the influence of alcohol if over 50% of the people that go to the hospital because of illness and accidents are related to alcohol if over 50% of the people in prison are there because of crimes committed under the influence of alcohol and over 50% of the police calls or because of domestic abuse related to alcohol how much should a Christian support that way well I just I just use a little bit you know one out of seven people that drinks becomes an alcoholic would you keep a dog that bit one out of seven people who came to your house and so how much should a Christian support that I think the Bible says avoid all appearance of evil right do not do anything that would make my brother stumble now I might be able to drink a little wine and put it back and I'd be okay I used to pastor a church of Native Americans in New Mexico and all of them struggled with alcohol don't ask me why but every Navajo Indian is born with the propensity if they drink they will become an alcoholic then it's they studied it it's a mystery but it is a fact and all the time that my uncle 60 years lived on the reservation he said I never saw one Navajo pick up a bottle take a drink put it down and stop they always drank until they were out of money out of alcohol or passed out now I'm not offending my Navajo friends they know that's true so if I as their pastor if I can handle it and I just say I'm just drinking one glass of wine half a glass of wine once a week by my example they might say pastor drinks and what could I do to them by that I can maybe handle that they can't I don't want to be the cause of them stumbling I don't think Christians should drink you don't need it right there's so many other things to drink all right so thank you was that clear enough that was very clear ha would you like to keep going or what yeah yeah let's do one okay is having a wooden cross with Jesus hanging on the wall considered idolatry you know many people that have crosses of Bible images they go by and they maybe pray or they cross themselves and it could be the means of stumbling technically having a reproduction is not idolatry in our presentations you know we got paintings of angels and Jesus hopefully nobody's praying to them so technically having an image is not an idol the Bible says do not make them and prayed to them and so one example would be Karen when I went to Russia 24 years ago and we were giving away posters of prophecy pictures and the pastors there said what are you doing see in the Catholic Church they pray to statues in the Russian Orthodox Church they prayed to paintings icons they said why would you come and give paintings to our people they're gonna take those thing home they're gonna put them on the wall they're gonna pray in front of them and so I thought well that's probably not a good idea so you don't want to do anything that's gonna make anybody stumble same principle right right you want to go to our last question yeah let's do the last question alright our last question is creation biblically acceptable creation oh I'm sorry cremation I think we should accept creation where the operation is biblically accepted cremation now let's go to the cremation it's just had one extra letter in it come on guys a third letter what's wrong with that all right yeah is cremation biblical people ask this frequently they say does the Bible say you need to be cremated or buried and you know in most cases in the Bible I always like to tell you what does the Bible say in most cases in the Bible when people died they were very Abraham was buried Isaac Jacob David so forth but there are a couple of examples of people who will be saved that were burnt or cremated Jonathan who is a dear friend of David who will be in heaven he was captured in his body was mutilated by the Philistines the Bible says that the men of jameth Gilead rescued his body and they burned it and David praised them for that now a lot of people are worried they think well when the Lord comes and he resurrects us you know if you can mark the grave and say there's the skeleton God can put them back together again but if they're burned and they scatter their ashes God may come down look around and go I can't do that you know right they're all over the place how do I do that and it's it's like you know God's not big enough you know the Bible tells us ashes to ashes dust to dust when you die you turn to ashes you really decompose because the early church fathers believed because man was made in the image of God they would do their best to preserve the form of man even in death so they were buried you did enjoy I've had his father Jacob embalmed Joseph was involved and they thought we shall preserve the image of God even in death that man bears but it's there's a lot of martyrs that were burned at the stake is God gonna resurrect them of course so now with a very high cost of burial people ask that question a lot we'll let you and the Lord work it out well we get new bodies when Jesus comes that's right in the twinkling of an eye you going from mortal to I want a hundred percent new body me too yeah eighteen all things made new amen alright our program for tonight is called the woman of light thank you very much mrs. bachelor appreciate that and again thank you friends for coming and joining us at this special prophecy encounter Canada program we're really enjoying our time up here and we're having some very important studies in prophecy now just want to mention in advance we're winding up we've got three more programs Friday night last night you heard about the Sabbath truth we're having this special program Saturday morning Sabbath morning right here we invite any of you who would like to know how do you keep the Sabbath you know what Jesus said come and see we invite you to come we'll be doing one of our presentations here and then the final program is going to be on Saturday evening a regular time regular place we encourage you to come and that's also true for the streaming those who are watching the live programs as well online now tonight we're gonna be talking about this subject the woman of light and I'd like to begin with an amazing fact sad fact 2016 a family the great family were vacationing in Disneyworld and in the evening the father and the mother and their two young children a lane grave was two year old boy was playing by the lagoon there at the Disney World Hotel they're watching the movie Zootopia and they're waiting in the water at the edge and parents were watching them and out of nowhere an alligator came snatched the boy the father saw what was happening he ran off the water leaped on the alligator and it swam away with his son the boy some of you heard this in the news the boy's body was found about 16 hours later and that they were devastated there that dragon wanted to devour the manchild which is part of our study tonight but the amazing thing to me in this story it's not the first time that's happened in Florida is this family they had the possibility of now suing Disneyworld for probably millions of dollars and they probably would have won at least something and when they were asked later they said no we've chosen not to we are going to forgive and that to me is the most incredible thing they said we want to move on with our lives we've been hurt enough we don't want to go through a painful court process we're just gonna move on and how about all the attorneys thought you're crazy you could just take all that money and they said no we don't we don't want to do that they didn't intend for it to happen there's nothing they could do to prevent it alligators roam all over that country we're not gonna sue and I thought that is so unusual to have that degree of forgiveness how many people today would turn down millions of dollars after going through a crisis like that say we just want to go on living our lives well you know in the Bible it talks about a battle that takes place between a dragon and a woman and a man-child turning in your Bibles if you have them some at home are watching they can read their Bibles you know it's a little darker here I will read this for you and then we'll review it on the screen our study tonight is almost completely going to be based on Revelation chapter 12 this of course is a prophecy and counter-program let me read this for you and I'm just going to start by reading the first six verses now a great sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a garland or a crown of twelve stars then being with child she's pregnant great with child she cries out in labor and pain to give birth I've seen switches and another sign appeared in heaven behold a great fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven Crown's on his heads and he drew his tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to give birth to devour her child as soon as it was born and she brought forth a man child who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up to God and his throne the dragon did not hit the child child has caught up to God and his throne then the woman let into the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God that they should feed her there 1260 days I'm going to jump down to verse 13 we've covered some of verse 7 2 verse 12 now the dragon when he saw that he had been cast to the earth he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child but the woman was given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place where she is nourished for a time and the times and half a time that's again three-and-a-half the same as the 1260 from the presence of the serpent so the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away with the flood but the earth helped the woman and it's opened its mouth and swallowed the flood that the dragon had spewed out of its mouth and the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring the remnant of her seed that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ and there's the prophecy what is that talking about what does a woman represent Church we talked the other night about the woman in revelation 17 that sits among seven hills that's clothed with the purple and the scarlet and and so forth now we're talking about the antithesis of that which is a woman a woman who is pure she's clothed with light one is clothed with artificial adornment this one is clothed with God's creative light and we're gonna find out what that means so how does revelation picture God's true church once again we read revelation 12 verse 1 2 and 5 a woman clothed with the Sun the moon under her feet and on her head 12 stars you know you look in Genesis it says God created the Sun Moon and stars on the fourth day that's the natural light that we have in the heavens the light of God jesus said to the church you are the light of the world do not hide your light under a bush right now this is a woman standing on the Sun what does the Sun represent here standing on the Sun that's the life a glory of Jesus in the New Testament I'm sorry she's standing on the moon I'm getting old standing on the moon that's the the light of the Old Testament she's clothed with the Sun the brilliance of the Sun and that's the light of the New Testament the fulfillment of Christ and above her head are twelve stars that's talking about the leadership in particular the 12 apostles and so here is this woman who is going to be bringing forth a man child do you need to guess who the man child is she cries being with child she travails in birth she pained to be delivered and I told you there are seven examples in the Bible of barren women who miraculously then brought forth children and all the children were types of Christ Isaac was the result of a miracle birth Sarah was barren Isaac went up the mountain as a sacrifice with his father a type of Jesus Jacob was Rachel was I'm sorry Rebecca was barren Jacob and Esau were born Jacob becomes the father of the twelve of patriarchs Jesus has the 12 apostles it tells us that Rachel was barren Joseph becomes a type of Christ he is sold by his brothers as a slave he is forgiven by his brothers he feeds a whole world with this bread of life Joseph is a type for Christ Samson was born of a barren woman he's a miracle birth Samson he was handed over by his own people his people bound him and handed him to the Philistines Jesus was bound and handed to the pagans the Romans Samson was sold by someone he loved a woman he loved sold him for silver Jesus loved the church and yet he was sold out by his own people Samson stretches out his arms and he lays down his life Samson was blinded Jesus had a bag put over his head he was blinded Samson is a type of Christ you read about the shunammite woman she brings forth a miracle son because of the prayer of Elijah the boy is working in the field with his father and he dies but he is resurrected that isn't that a type of Jesus a boy being resurrected and so you look at these examples of the miracle babies and I didn't list them all John the Baptist is one you look Samuel as one kanna's barren she prays that the temple god gives her a miraculous baby Samuel becomes a prophet a judge and a priest Jesus is our prophet our judge and our priest so there are all types of Christ and here is this final ultimate woman who's bringing forth this man child all of these miracle men child in the Bible are all served coalescing in Christ Christ is the ultimate miracle birth right and surgery but the dragon who is that the devil wants to devour the manchild as soon as it's born and he sends his soldiers out to try and stop it she brings forth a man child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron now do we need to guess who the manchild is the Bible tells us other places in Revelation and even in the Psalms God rules with a rod of iron that was the strongest metal they had back then and it's talking about a strong king and so this is all telling us about Jesus then it says her child is caught up to God and his throne after Jesus taught and he lived and he died for Humanity he ascended to heaven into the presence of God so it's very clear who the manchild is right remember the first prophecy in the Old Testament it talks about in Genesis chapter 3:15 I'll put enmity between the Serpent and the woman between the seed of the Serpent and the seed of the woman and there'd be this battle and so you see all the way down now you get to Revelation get a serpent the woman in the seed of the woman so this theme of a battle between the devil and his children and Christ and his children goes all the way through just because you go to church doesn't mean you're a child of God jesus said to the religious leaders that went to church you're not children of God you're children of your father the devil you know he said that that's not very political is it I'm not politically correct to say that if you're gonna be a child of God Jesus that if you were Abraham's children you would do the works of Abraham so it's one thing to say Lord Lord it's another thing to really be following the word so we read on here now what does a woman represent I have likened the daughter of Zion is Jer - six - to a delicate and comely woman to a beautiful woman this woman of light you read the last chapter in Proverbs it talks about the perfect wife and it just has all these beautiful things about this perfect ideal woman never says who this was and it's really an allegory of God's bride the church have you read the Song of Solomon Song of Solomon is a love story between Christ and his bride and there's other things you can learn from that but it's really the love story it's a symbol event so all through the Bible you've got this when God's church was unfaithful God told Hosea I want you to go take a wife who is a prostitute I said what he said yep I want you to illustrate to the people what they have done to me I am their God I'm their husband that they have gone whoring after other gods so when God's people were unfaithful he referred to his church as a prostitute when they were faithful to the word he said that they were light in the world so this is God's church in the ideal state and again say unto Zion the church thou art my people Zion like a beautiful delicate woman husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church so a woman is a symbol for the church now who is the great red dragon do we have to spend a lot of time on that it says right there and that same passage the Great Dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and Satan you got a dragon serpent devil Satan we know who he is he's the ultimate arch villain who is the most cold-hearted of all and there you have that passage the dragon that old alligator stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered to devour her child as soon as it was born did the devil make an effort as soon as Jesus was born to kill him as a baby when Herod through the Roman powers sent soldiers into Bethlehem and that's foretold in the Old Testament that that would happen Rachel weeping for her children and they are not so it's the Herod tried to kill Jesus is a baby the dragon tried to devour Christ but God delivered Jesus at that time and I told you there are two other examples where the devil tried to wipe out a savior he killed all the baby boys in Egypt her tried when Moses was born he tried to kill the male children of David when a falaya was queen and her son died she didn't want one of the sons of David to reign by the way she's the daughter of Jezebel alpha Wyatt was the daughter of Jezebel you know Jezebel was a bad Queen yeah you ever met anybody the names their daughter Jezebel no kind of an infamous name and so you've got several examples of this in the Bible now just want to pause here and say something you probably if you travel you will see pictures of Mary here's one I just grabbed and she sometimes are standing on the moon she's clothed with light and she has 12 stars above her head and so in the Catholic Church they often say well that woman was Mary in Revelation chapter 12 I respectfully disagree because it says later the woman flees into the wilderness and the dragon tries to devour Mary moved in with the Apostle John and she died in Antioch as near as we know she never went through these experiences Mary is a type of the church but the woman in revelation 12 is not Mary and so God's bride all through history is Mary it's it's is the church it's not talking so much about Mary so what happens after Satan fails to can I ask you another question before I leave that subject just popped into my mind I felt the Lord want me to say it can you show me somewhere in the Bible where we are commanded to pray to Mary no was Mary a godly woman yes she was chosen by the Lord had a wonderful job was she ever guilty of sin yeah the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God there's only one that has not sinned and who is that Jesus are we supposed to pray to Mary it doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible and so I mean I know a lot of sincere people do that but we are supposed to pray to God through the Holy Spirit ng name never doesn't say that we pray through a person to reach God right okay and so her child is caught up unto God into his throne that again of course is Jesus now after Jesus a sense to heaven after he's caught up to heaven what does Satan now do to the church you can read here in Revelation chapter 12 verse 13 it says when the dragon saw that he was cast to the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the manchild so when Jesus ascended to heaven and the devil realized he could not get to the church anymore the devil then vented his fury on God's people now this is very simple the devil hates Jesus the big battles between Christ and the devil does the devil want to hurt Jesus yeah but now Jesus is out of his reach so the way to hurt Jesus by hurting more Jesus loves who does Jesus love He loves us the devil doesn't understand it but he knows it now if I want to hurt you what would hurt you more to torture you or to torture your child in front of you so why is the devil turning on the woman now because he can't reach Jesus he's trying to hurt God by hurting the woman so what happened to the church after Christ ascended to heaven you probably heard the stories about Christianity was soon declared forbidden religion and so the Romans began to persecute Christians even during the time of Paul do you read it in the New Testament the emperor expelled all of the Jews from Rome and many of the Christians went out to because they believed the same God they believed in the same scriptures and they were all addicted from Rome and because the Jews got into a battle with Rome the Romans figuring the Christians were sort of a division of Judaism they began to attack Christians and Jews and it became what they call religio elicits a or illicit or forbidden religion Romans had lots of gods and they allowed lots of other religions but Christianity became forbidden Christians had to go underground and you've heard of Nero you know under the reign of Nero Peter was crucified upside down Paul was beheaded Christians were burnt at the stake they were told unless you worship our God's you're gonna be thrown to the Lions in the Coliseum you're gonna be butchered by the gladiators they would set them on fire you you heard that Nero would light his gardens he'd smear pitch on Christians and put him on poles and set him on fire alive he was brutal and they died a brutal death - but there was a great period of persecution the most severe persecution under the Romans you read about in Revelation took place it says over a period of 10 years during the Church of Smyrna there was great persecution from 303 to 313 under the Emperor Diocletian he wanted to eradicate Christianity but the more he persecuted the Christians the more the church grew it's like the church Father Tertullian said the seed or the blood of the martyrs is like seed you ever tried to get rid of weeds by mowing them you mow him down you just spread the weeds like mowing dandelions it has spread everywhere and that's what happened the more they tried to mow down the Christians and what would happen is the Romans would go to the Colosseum is to be entertained by the Christians being killed before the main act and when they let the Lions loose on them they were calm and they prayed and they sang and they were fearless and the pagans had so much fear they thought how do they get this peace and they would start asking he didn't any Christians I like to talk to him and even though they were building cities underneath Rome and the catacombs a lot of people turned to the Christians and said what is it you have you guys have you know the reason I became a Christian I was a pagan I met some Christians that just were so happy I'm always looking for happiness some drugs and alcohol and I said you guys aren't using anything and you're happy you're high all the time what are you doing and I found out about Jesus and it was attractive the gospel is good news we should make it attractive amen but as Christianity began to grow the Roman Emperor came along who was pretty shrewd Constantine they called him constantine the great his mother converted to Christianity well that would make it to make it illegal he knew a lot of Christians he said they're not really hurting anybody and according to history he was involved in the battle with that Maximilian bridge with another there's a split in the Roman Empire and he claims that he saw the sign of the Cross in the sky and that a voice told him he would now conquer under the sign of the Cross he knew very little about Christianity only what he learned from his mother and he kind of declared it was now unofficially acceptable religion in fact he ordered his army to march through the Tiber River in Rome I think I told you this and he says they're going why so now you've been baptized you're all Christians well when you add people to the church like that and they're not taught and they're pagans and you just say now you're Christians is that okay you're the boss whatever you say all of these pagan teachings came pouring into the church so pretty soon you had a milk shake of Christianity and paganism the Roman religion just got all mixed up and idolatry almost overnight came in a number of ceremonies and things that just really weren't in the Bible the idea for example if you're good you go to heaven and if you're bad you go to hell the Bible does say there's a heaven there's a hell but does the Bible say you go right to heaven in Hell or are you supposed to wait till the resurrection in the Judgment Bible says you sleep until the resurrection of the judgement now if you're saved and you die your next conscious thought is the resurrection right whether it's the good resurrection or band resurrection see it's instant for you if you die but it hasn't happened for us because we live in time Jesus said at the second coming the dead in Christ will rise the judgment is the last day that is all still in the future correct but they started saying look if you're good you go to heaven but you might have to go to purgatory you might need to be purged from your sins for a little while but if you pay us enough money we'll pray for you and get you out of purgatory and only the priest can do this and if you're bad you go to hell right away and you will burn there forever and ever erina does the Bible teach that the Bible says the wicked will be consumed they will be devoured they will perish heaven they'll be no more tears no more pain no more death no more crying but now the church began to teach a place of everlasting torment is there a lake of fire yes in Revelation but does it burn for billions and zillions of years without end people riding in flames God sort of became a sadist people started coming to church not because they love God but they were terrified of Hell and that's not the reason to serve Him right so all of these things begin to change that were not the teachings of Jesus jesus said fear not him who can destroy your body but he cannot hurt your soul rather fear him who can destroy Matthew chapter 10 destroy soul and body in hell what happens to the lost soul and body destroyed they will be consumed they perish never are they anymore God makes a new heaven and new earth all these teachings began to change they came from Greek mythology how many of you have heard pictures of the devil being in charge of Hell he's got a pitchfork and where is that in the Bible the devil is getting cast into hell he's not in charge but they started all these strange mythological teachings began to creep into the church and many good Christian teachings but many false teachings to Constantine was the one who was almost solely responsible for helping affect this change almost overnight when Constantine legalized Christianity his mother was a Christian everybody suddenly thought it was very cool to be a Christian and all these pagans without reading the Bible converted and they began to persecute the Christians who said you guys are drifting from the Bible this at all you guys you're stuck in the mud you're old-fashioned so you got to get with it this is now the modern religion and the ones who said no you're changing things we got to stick to the Bible they now became the persecuted so the genuine Christians were not accepted by the political Christians who have the power and they had the buildings now and a great split took place in the church and all of a sudden their church itself became a persecuting power now did Jesus ever torture someone that didn't choose to follow him now if people he said follow me if they didn't he said I love you anyway you know he never forced people to believe by the way any government that is fighting to keep the people in their country like during the Iron Curtain people had to escape from East Germany and scape from Russia I would think I was the president something's wrong with my country people are trying to escape if you got to build a wall to keep people in your country there's something wrong with your government if you have a religion that says your people are not allowed to look at any other teaching there's something your religion is afraid to stand up under investigation if you've got a religion that says if you leave our church we're gonna shun you or kill you there's something wrong with your religion you shouldn't have to force people and during the dark ages that came now all of a sudden now the church became the state they mixed and they began to persecute if people did not believe the way they were told happened in Europe where the Catholic Church happened with the Church of England happened with the Orthodox Church the Eastern Orthodox Church they started forcing believe can you force a person's heart Jesus wants our hearts so a terrible darkness came over the church part of this happened because they took the Bibles away from the people they were afraid if they read the Bible they find out that salvation is a gift and you cannot pay for it they find out that you don't go right to hell and burn forever and ever before a judgement day here and some of these false teachings and they took the Bibles they chained them in monasteries they started teaching the religion in a foreign language of Latin that only a few people still spoke the average people didn't know what the Bible said and there was great darkness the Bible is a light thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light ty path you take away the light what do you have so these were the dark ages so during this time where did the woman go you read that when the dragon began to persecute the woman she fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared of God that they should nourish and feed her there for 1260 days that's that time period we talked about from the beginning of the church being a political and a military powder power 538 ad until they lost their power in 1798 there's that time period we've got up on the screen where those years of persecution when the church was in the wilderness during that time many faithful Christians you've maybe heard of the Wold and sees the alba gen sees the Hussites and and a lot of christians had to flee into the wilderness quite literally flee the cities because the established church was a political religious military power and it would persecute and it made things very difficult it happened exactly from 538 to 1798 you know what that time period is you got 1260 days in in prophecy what is a day it's a year 1260 years and that time period is very interesting if you know your Bible how many of you remember if you know your Bible you read about Elisha a famine during the days of Elijah why because a wicked pagan Queen Jezebel married a hab wicked King they persecuted the prophets prophets had to flee into wilderness they were fed by Obadiah with bread for how long 1260 days literal days right during the time of Jesus Christ was haunted and dogged and persecuted how long did he preach from his baptism to the cross 1260 days 42 months 3 and a half years same time period so just like you had Jezebel persecuting the prophets during this famine and Elijah went into the wilderness and God fed Elijah with bread from heaven with a raven during the Dark Ages God's Church fled into the wilderness he fed her with a word of God they had little pieces of Scripture and they would get together and they would hand copy the scriptures and they kept the church alive during that time period while the mother church were sort of persecuting and running things what are two other identifying marks of God's true church now you realize what we're talking about tonight this is talking about God's true church and so we want to know how do you find a church pastor Ross and I do a radio program in Sacramento we're on Sirius satellite radio every week you can hear us we got satellite radio here in our car I'm assuming you get it around Canada you go to 131 we're on every Sunday night we've been doing this program for 24 years we get a lot of Bible questions you know a common question we get pastor Doug there are so many different denominations I've read the Bible I've accepted Christ how do I pick a church isn't that a valid question we're gonna get to that so what are two of the identifying marks of God's true church in the last days since the dragon was wroth with the woman and he goes to make war with the remnant of her seed the remainder of her people to characteristics keep the commandments of God does that mean 70 percent 80 percent are all 10 keeps the commandments of God and has the testimony of Jesus that really means the law and the prophets keeping the Word of God Jesus said Malachi chapter 4 it's actually the Old Testament last prophecy in the Old Testament remember the law of Moses behold I send you Elijah you have the law and the prophets you go to the New Testament to people appear to Jesus on this glorious mount Moses the lawgiver Elijah the greatest of the prophets the law and the prophets these are the two witnesses in Revelation chapter 11 it's the Word of God you can call it Bible says it's a sword with two edges the Bible calls it the new and the Old Testament it's the law and the prophets is the term that Jesus typically used and so the Word of God it's a dual in nature it's like God gives you two eyes so you can keep depth and balance so we're to remember that it says this church is going to have they're going to keep the commandments are gonna have the gifts of the Spirit the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy that's revelation 19 verse 10 so if you want to find the church how do you find it you find truth by what you read the Word of God so if you're gonna decide how do I pick a church you know the first thing gonna say make sure it follows the scriptures if it's not following the scriptures Isaiah chapter 8 says there's no light in them now don't all churches keep some of the Bible matric just about every religion I've visited every religion not just Christian religion keeps some biblical principles I mean even when I was into the Eastern religions they believed in karma Karma's kind of do unto others as you would have them do unto you I mean it's a biblical principle that you're gonna get what you give in life it's sort of true and so you're gonna find varying degrees of truth in many religions but this often poison mixed in that can make it dangerous so we've got to know what is the truth so how did Jesus say we're to demonstrate our love for him he said if you love me do what keep my Commandments and keeping means obeying right and again for this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments so you go to Revelation chapter 14 and in Revelation 14 just before Jesus comes back three messages are to go to the world I'm gonna just turn there real quick and share this with you now revelation 13 you have the mark of the beast we're gonna talk about that later this weekend revelation 14 it tells us I looked on on Mount Zion there was a lamb with a hundred and forty-four thousand we read about them in chapter seven you remember and then you get down to verse 6 it says I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who are on the earth then you go down verse 8 and another angel followed verse 9 then a third angel followed now reading all that to you because I want you to go to verse 14 then I looked and behold a white cloud and someone sat on the cloud like the Son of Man three angel messages go to the world then Jesus comes in the clouds so what is the message that goes to the world just before Jesus comes sometimes it's known as the three angels messages of Revelation chapter 14 and right after these messages go to the world and as a messenger flying in the heavens proclaiming this message what is the message that's to go to the world before Christ comes here you've got it first message revelation 14:7 fear God the angel says and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come we are living in the last days the last age of the church in Revelation is called the Church of Laodicea the word Laodicea means the judging of the people we are living in that time how many of you know revelation says that when the Lord comes he's giving rewards so does a judgment take place before he comes in must if he's dispensing rewards when he does comes right we're living in that time right now of what they call the investigative or the last days judgment so it goes on says worship him worship Him that made the heaven and the earth the sea and the fountains of waters is there a commandment that also says for in six days the Lord made that heaven and the earth and the sea is there a commandment that talks about worship a day to worship and so they're giving a commandment about worship is the world believing now in evolution a lot of people does the Bible say that God created everything is God being forgotten as creator so it's a message that God is the creator it's a message of worship it's a message of remembering the Sabbath among other things and then it says and there followed another angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she made all nations drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication the Bible talks about Gavilan and her daughter's that would represent Catholicism and fallen Protestantism and I told you I'm a Protestant so I'm not trying to speak against any group I'm just saying there's a whole lot of Christians out there that are not following the Bible do we agree with that do you know that there are more divisions of Christianity than any religion in the world people say if Christianity is true why are there so many different denominations it's because Christianity is so true the devil is trying to divide it follow me jesus said all men will know you're my disciples by your love for one another the devil heard him say that the devil thought if all people will know that they're Christians by the love for one another I'm gonna do my best to fragment and fracture the Christian Church as much as I can and so it's like a pile of broken glass right now there's so many different divisions of Christianity and they all good people and I believe there's gonna be people going to heaven from many different Christian churches did you hear me okay but buried in all that broken glass there's a diamond there is a truth it's the biblical truth God still has a people that he has committed the Oracles of truth - so Babylon represents you know where the word Babylon comes from Tower of Babel where everybody was babbling because they were confused Babylon represents Christian confusion and the wine of Babylon is like you get intoxicated it's like this and I don't want to be unkind but I've been to some churches where in the service instead of teaching where there's understanding there's a lot of babbling that goes on when God cursed people at the Tower of Babel there was babbling they could not understand at Pentecost God poured out the spirit they could understand God reversed the curse of confusion of tongues but there's a lot of churches now that have a confusion of tongues and they call it the Holy Spirit now I believe in all the gifts of the Spirit I believe in the gift of tongues but I believe that the devil has a counterfeit for every truth of God and you see this going on in a lot of truth come on friends they're pastors out there now they're saying if you love Jesus send me money and they're living there living high on the hog you know and they're flying around and one of their multiple jet planes and is that what Jesus taught and dear sincere people I guess they fall for it and they say if you want God to bless you you got to send my ministry money it's your seed of faith and and then he'll bless you it's called prosperity preaching a lot of gullible people out there that are being taken in by this by the way I get a pass-through salary I just thought I'd let you know I'm pastor Church and I get a pastor salary and so one of the messages babbling has fallen come out of her my people not white oh I'm looking at the clock why does God say that Abraham married Sarah in Mesopotamia that's where Babylon is he brought her out of Babylon to the promised land Isaac's wife came from Mesopotamia brought her out of Babylon into the promised land Jacob went to get a wife guess where he went back to Mesopotamia Haran brought her out of that land into Canaan God's people were unfaithful they were carried off to Babylon then God said Babylon has fallen this was talking about the Book of Daniel Ezra Nehemiah Babel and his fallen when Persian conquered them he says come out of her my people they had become so comfortable in battle and they didn't want to come out they were all speaking Babylonian they were forgetting the language of Israel they'd stopped worshiping the true God they'd mixed that the religion of the true God with the religion of the Babylonian gods and God said Ezra Nehemiah get the people out many people stayed in Babylon many Jews stayed in Babylon and they suffered some plagues from doing that God says come out of Babylon that you do not receive of her place in the last day as God's church has got mixed up with Babylon false religions of the world false doctrines any system might people come out of Babylon if you're in a church that says you don't need to keep the Ten Commandments you're in Babylon if you're in a church that says that if you die you go right to hell if you're lost and you burn forever and ever you're in Babylon if you're in a church where they're telling that you're saved by paying money you're in Babylon there's a lot I don't have time to go through all of the false teachings out there there's no shortage of false teachings out there in the name of Christianity amen and the last days God you know what I love about this verse it says come out of her my people God has got his children in many different churches amen and he's calling them together coming up and now he's not talking about literal battle and because you look at Isaiah 13 and it says specifically regarding literal bable and the glory of the kingdoms of beauty of the Chaldeans pride it will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah it will never be inhabited it will never be built again and the Arabian won't even pitch his tent there so it's not talking about ancient Babylon ancient Babylon has never been rebuilt Saddam Hussein tried to rebuild it and then the gulf war came along his plans were abandoned because the prophecy would not fail and then what's the third angel's message the third angel followed saying with a loud voice if any man worship the image and his beast and receive his mark in his forehead or his hand the same will drink the wine of the wrath of God and I don't have time to read it all but the most fierceful curse in scripture is found in the third angels message there's a message to go to the world to warn people about the Beast and its image amen God's true church is going to be sharing the prophetic messages revelation says blessed is he that reads this book so many churches don't even teach it anymore because it's got some strong medicine God says we need to know the truth the truth will set you free to whom will the church preach this message it says they have the everlasting gospel that preaches to them that dwell on the earth it's to go everywhere to every nation kindred tongue and people all over the world so this is one of the criteria this message is to go everywhere what specifications has God given us in his word to help us positively identify his endtime Church well one thing we noticed it says this church is going to appear after the wilderness experience that ended in 1798 you know it's interesting that in America a movement rose up and America was not specifically recognized as a country until 1798 now when I'm reading through history of America right now but of course our Constitution 1776 but we were not recognized as other by other nations as an independent country until 1798 America was not settled by conscience the doors looking for gold America largely was settled by people looking for religious freedom revelation talks about to boot to beasts first beast I told you is talking about Catholicism rooted there in Europe second beast is Protestantism rooted in America I'm just being honest I'm an American but I'm telling you what the is I'm a Protestant I'm telling you what the prophecies say America starts out like a lamb but it ends up speaking like a dragon before it's all over says it'll teach the true church rises up during this time it says it'll teach some of the same truths that they will teach those same truths the Apostles taught and all of its teachings will agree with the Bible it's a remnant in other words it's the very fact a remnant any of you ladies by remnant cloth you know what a remnant cloth is it's what remains on the bolt it's what's left over on this long roll spindle of cloth whatever comes off at the end is gonna be similar to what went on at the beginning and God's church in the last days is gonna be alike God's church in the days of the Apostles God poured out his Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 2 the former rain before Christ comes he's gonna pour out the latter rain and prepare the world for the great harvest the second coming of Jesus they're gonna be returning to the faith that was once delivered to the Saints we have drifted the devil is always trying to get the church to turn away from God to a pasta size to drift God's people are gonna have a great revival and return to the scriptures before Jesus comes back and that's gonna be his church now I know some of you are thinking pastor Doug you're gonna probably tell us to join your church of course I am what do you expect me to say I mean do you expect me to say well I go to this church what have you do don't join it and so yeah yeah obviously now you have to decide for yourself that's why I joined because I think it's a biblical Church right but you need to search for yourself the Bible says prove all things tests all things but I applied these biblical tests and you know when I came to the Lord and maybe I'll be sharing some of my testimony with you this Sabbath morning but when I came to the Lord I was so confused there's all these different denominations I had nowhere to go I never even heard of seventh-day Adventist before you probably figured out by now I am a set of the Adventists but they in my opinion meet the criteria that we're talking about it says they will teach the same trees that the Apostles taught they will keep all Commandments including the Bible Sabbath it will have the spirit of prophecy they'll believe in all the gifts of the Spirit and I believe we meet that that criteria it'll be proclaiming the three angels endtime message with a loud voice where to the whole world it is a worldwide movement you got some churches there like a neighborhood Church where they got a few churches here and there around the country or a state but the movement I'm part of is a global movement in fact the seventh-day Adventist Church out of like 220 countries in the world we're in about a hundred and ninety of them and it is a message it is the fastest growing Protestant Church in the world we've got the second largest educational system second to the Catholic Church second largest hospital medical system second to the Catholic Church largest Protestant medical system it is a missional Church it is growing 20 million members and it's only about a hundred years old because people from all different denominations that are reading the Bible are saying this is the most biblical Church that we found there's a great revival of people returning to the word it's a worldwide movement a couple of years ago Karen and I were in New Guinea we will never forget that we were met at the airport by 60,000 people that was reported in the paper it's not our number and then when we actually spoke there are over a hundred thousand people that came they've been watching our programs on satellite it was wonderful few years ago we were in South Korea had a wonderful experience there this earlier this year we were in Africa this is actually a small meeting I'm just at a university here we spoke outside thousands of people at the arena praise allure 2014 amazing facts was the first Christian ministry that was invited to the three of China to preach a public meeting in China recorded for television 15 presentations first time since 1959 God opening doors people said how did you do that it's a miracle now they're kind of cracking down again but we got in a window that was a miracle and now the videos and the DVDs are going all over the country because of that it's a worldwide and I'm just one of a thousand it's not that we're the ones doing it I'm one of a thousand ministries doing this right now that's why I think Jesus is coming it will teach the everlasting gospel which is salvation through faith in Christ alone and that's what we teach now Jesus gives you these seven prophetic identifying criteria and he said go find my church what is this promise you know this Luke 11 verse 9 seek and what will happen seek and you will find and where do we do our seat or searching look in the Word of God you want to make sure it's something that follows the scriptures how many organizations in the world will fit these seven points the Bible says there is one Lord one faith one what one baptism and I think that there is one truth now friends again I want to emphasize there are good Christian people in many different denominations pastor Doug before I was a seventh-day Adventist I went to church on Sunday and I worshiped in many churches since becoming a seventh-day Adventist I have preached in Assembly of God Methodists they used to teach Methodists Sunday School Baptist Nazarene Foursquare Calvary temple this year Karen and I were in India and by the grace of God through a miracle I was able to preach in the largest Christian Church in the world used to be in Korea it's now in Hyderabad India and it it was an evening prayer meeting twenty-eight thousand people came out for an all-night prayer meeting they have a hundred and ninety thousand members a Hindu country has the largest Christian Church in the world isn't that a credible when you think about it so we see things and the pastor watches our programs and we just see wonderful things that are happening but we believe buried in all that broken glass there is one truth somewhere and we want to take a stand for the truth we need to know what it is now many denominations call themselves Christians does that make them God's true church you know the Bible foretells in prophecy that would happen you read in Isaiah chapter four it tells us in verse one it says in that day seven women will take hold of one man saying we will eat our own bread will wear our own apparel only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach lots of different churches and they all say oh yeah we're Christians but they have their own bread what's bread represent their own idea the word their own apparel their own idea of Christ's righteousness but they say we want the name Christian because that's the only name under which our sins are taken away but they're really doing their own thing Christ wants his bride eat his bread where is apparel see what I'm saying so how do you pick a church do you know what the main reasons are people take a church let me just give you there I'll pick maybe 10 of them it's a church my family went to another one it's close to the house I like the music program they have a good children's program the people are friendly it's a beautiful building why do you go to that church I just love the building stained-glass makes me feel warm the pastor is good-looking I know that's why you're all here tonight right and charismatic their sermons are good the people are friendly that isn't that important I did I already use that one I keep repeating myself there so I'm four oh it's the one where the influential people go the important people in the community that's where they go now all of those are nice things I mean wouldn't you like to go to a church that has good music don't you want to go to a church as a good children's program people are friendly the pastor can keep you awake he's not hard to look at that's a close to the house it's the church where your family goes all these things are wonderful things with all they're all ideal things but you realize not one of those things is the right reason to pick a church but that's how most people do it why do you go to your church well I like the pastor what do you believe he believes what the Church teaches what's your church teach same thing the pastor preaches well what is your church in your pastor preach they preach alike people have no idea what the foundational teachings of the church are but the only reason to join the church is are the teachings of the church the same as the teachings of Jesus what you know if I go by cereal you go to a cereal aisle in the store you got like a thousand options right they get cereal they market cereal to reach everybody they got cereal for kids got cartoons on the cover they got cereal for athletes on the cover and they get cereal that's them for the old people need fiber and then they got cereal for just you know I got they market cereal in the boxes for everybody but I don't look at the cover you know what I look at I flip it on its side and I look at the ingredients first ingredient in so many cereals it's sugar I look at the agreements now easy does it have the nutritional value in you know want to have some favor to you want to have the good stuff in there when you're gonna pick a church read the ingredients isn't that right what do they teach what are their doctrines are they drinking the wine of Babylon you're responsible for what you support when you join a church once a person discovers God's true endtime Church is it necessary to become a member the Bible says the Lord added to the church daily those that are being saved what would you think of a man who said to a woman you know I love you and I'd like to marry you but I hope we don't have to live together when people say I'm a Christian but I don't want to join a church that's really it's sort of spiritually irresponsible it's like saying you know there's some people in that church that are maybe a little difficult and I just don't want to deal with it well you know what part of being a Christian is loving your neighbor I used to live in a cave by myself I found it very easy to love my neighbor when I had no neighbors you don't learn to love when you don't have people around you and that's right even in the church you might have some challenges but we need to learn to love and work together when a baby's born you don't drop it off in the wolves it needs a family and God wants us to be part of a church family how many ways of escape were there in Noah's a day one Lord one faith one baptism and Noah's day there was one Ark and one door when Jesus comes again I believe that God's gonna have a people he's pulling together the Bible says by faith Noah prepared an ark to save his household now since there are so many different Christian churches in the world today many lovely people and there's only one remnant in the last days what will happen here's what Jesus said other sheep I have that are not of this fold he said I've got other sheep out there I'm telling you that but before he comes back again he said them also I must bring and they will hear my voice where do they hear his voice through his word and there will be how many one fold and one Shepherd you got a lot of sheep scattered out there but before he comes there's gonna be one fold and one Shepherd friends think about it before Jesus comes everybody's gonna fall into one of two categories Christians spread everywhere many different churches I agree with that but he's pulling them together why soon you're gonna have the mark of the beast everybody will have either the mark of the beast or the seal of God there's going to be a shake in the world right now things are polarized and you're gonna see people are gonna be falling under the banner of Christ the true bride or the counterfeit and they're both gonna look good you notice even the woman in revelation 17 she looks good she got gold and silver and beautiful clothing rich but that doesn't mean it's the Bride of Christ they will hear his voice jesus said babble and his fallen come out of her my people you come out of Babylon but you don't just come out and wander around you come out of Babylon into Christ's bride he wants us to come out of some being into something one fold one shepherd says otherwise you are partakers of her sins and you receive of her place Jesus is in the business of saving people his church is to be a delight in the world we are to be a lighthouse people are being called into this body you know I remember hearing an amazing story from history I shared this during our amazing fact radio program I don't know if you've ever read about Ida Lewis Ida Lewis father captain Hosea Lewis he-man the lighthouse near Newport Rhode Island it was off in the bay by itself on an island rocky island and they had to keep the light burning to avoid keep the ships from wrecking well captain Lewis had a stroke and he had a small family Ida was his oldest girl and as a teenage girl it fell upon her they couldn't afford to lose their job to keep the lighthouse going and not only did she keep the light going and help her family she had to row back and forth for oil to keep the light burning she would roll her younger brothers and sisters back and forth to school and here she was this small teenager but she became extremely strong rowing the miles all around the harbor there furthermore in the years that passed she became responsible for rescuing a lot of people that were drowning in the waters let me read you a little something here about Ida that I think you're gonna find interesting her vote her rowing strength and skill and courage would come into play many times during her life she conducted her first rescue when she was 16 years old with her station lifeboat she wrote out to save four young men that could not swim who nearly drowned when their sailboat capsized the boys were ashamed to be rescued by this slight teenage girl in 1866 when she was 24 she rescued a drunken soldier in a disabled boat by towing him ashore in 1867 she saved three workers from my swamped boat that was sinking when they tried to save an employer's prized sheep that had fallen into the harbor after rescuing two men Ida went back and saved the sheep on March 12 1869 she performed her most famous rescue during a blizzard Ida was sick with a terrible cold when her mother saw that a boat had overturned in the freezing waves I ran out into the churning icy water in her stocking feet and rode a boat out to save them she rescued three of the soldiers a boy drowned this brave feat put her on the cover of Harper magazine she became a national heroine I had received fan mail from the rich and famous even Palissy president ulysses s grant went to visit her she also received quite a few marriage proposals New York gave her a mahogany rowboat with red velvet cushions so that she can continue saving people over fifty years I'd attended the lighthouse on the Lime Rock Lighthouse she rescued about 36 people when she died in 1911 every Bell in Newport rang all night you know when the Bible talks about Jesus crossing the sea to save those that were drowning he came to save his apostles he pulled Peter from the water and Jesus wants to save you but he wants you to get in the boat he doesn't want you to stay in the water there's sharks out there will you come to Christ do you want to be part of this people there's only gonna be one Ark in the last days friend there's only one true bride and he wants you to be part of that is that your desire is that your prayer can I pray for you as we close why don't we stand together and we'll ask him [Music] your father we see that there is a storm coming in this world and we're so thankful that Jesus has come out on the waters to save us that Christ has provided a lifeboat in his church that is to be a light to the world and a station of salvation I pray that we will all heed your warning and come to Christ be part of his body be part of his people Lord there's many who are out there now some who are listening that know that they're in Babylon and I pray they will hear your voice to take a stand with your people with this movement in the last days please bless I pray that we'll know that the truth is based on your word and be with all of those who are struggling maybe with the things they've heard and give them courage that you will only call them to follow where you will give them grace and power to walk we thank you be with us now through the remainder of this series we pray in Jesus name Amen god bless you friends as always when is our next meeting tomorrow night we're gonna be talking about a prophetic new birth and you're gonna want to hear this so come bring your friends we have room anybody watching if you're local come and join us here god bless you [Music]
Channel: Aaron
Views: 61,381
Rating: 4.7657933 out of 5
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Length: 77min 9sec (4629 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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