"The Great Judgement Day" - Prophecy Encounter #9 - Pastor Doug Batchelor

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yes we'll ever before the Beautiful's are beautiful spy [Music] it's me [Music] soon we'll reach the signing [Music] we'll see [Music] be hearts welcome [Music] would [Music] boys [Music] the beautiful the beautiful [Music] but we're the same spider such news by the swing [Music] that rules by the throne [Music] thank you so much Alvin and Kelly that was beautiful sure appreciate that good evening friends with it's been such a delight to be with you for this last week I think this will be ten meetings including the Sabbath morning that we've had with the prophecy encounter and we've enjoyed making so many new friends and we want to thank the staff here and the media team there's been so many volunteers the ushers and everybody in in working together as a team to make this program available to this community and because you have been hosting it it's been going via the internet around the world we're getting responses from New Guinea I'm not exaggerating all around the world people are watching the stream it's archived and they can watch it whenever they want and we hope that you'll stay connected with us through amazing facts we're doing programs like this around the world all the time if you ever want to check in on us just type in amazing facts Google or Yahoo and usually we're the first thing that comes up we'd love to stay friends you too amen yes absolutely how can we work that out let's get to our questions okay [Music] all right we kind of knew that might be coming in oh and I might mention at this point that when you came in tonight so maybe we're not here last night we had a card that we distributed that talked about baptism yes two things I'm into mention before we get to that question one is that we have a card that deals with baptism some say that they'd like to know more about that they've not been baptized biblically they're perhaps interested in remapped ISM so you may want to fill this out at some point during the program and you can put it in also this card will be a great way to communicate with the staff here if you want to be part of the continuing prophecy study program the Bible the prophecy encounter continuing Bible studies and maybe I'll reference that again in just a moment all right with that how old should one be before they get baptized I saw the microphone go up I thought she was gonna say something but she changed her mind there is no set age given in the Bible there are criteria the criteria are repent believe be taught the foundational teachings a person needs to be old enough to have a personal relationship with Jesus some children mature at different ages I think Karen was nine I was new baptized you wondered sometimes if you might have been a little too young but yeah amen someone once said if a child is old enough to be lost he's probably old enough to be saved so I like to ask when parents talk to me about baptism does your son of your daughter have their own personal devotions are they able to read the Bible today on their own have prayer time do they read the word and if they have their own personal relationship with the Lord if they show an interest in sharing their faith with others that's usually means they understand the importance of what the decision is and so that may vary with like I said different children and Jesus was 12 years old when he came to the temple for his first visit that was sort of typical in the Jewish culture and today if a boy is 13 he's old enough for a bar mitzvah girl bas Mitzvah is 12 or 13 and so that's a ballpark but every parent needs to decide talk to your pastor and talk to your children all right since God created Lucifer isn't God really responsible for Lucifer's sin our parents responsible for the bad behavior of their children no not me you well once they get to a certain age once they get you can tell right now who's responsible when they get to a certain age they are according to the Bible the son shall not bear responsibility for the sins of the father nor and that's Ezekiel 18 I think nor the father for the sins of the son the righteousness of the righteous will be upon him in the wickedness of the wicked being upon them once a child reaches the age of accountability they're responsible now you know you've had parents before you've known them good parents have six kids they raise them well they raise in the same same environment and you got three of them that are great and three of them that go berserk I mean if they make their own decisions and so God made all of his creatures free Lucifer is the greatest evidence that he makes us free to love free to choose we don't know how long Lucifer was a well-behaved angel before he chose to rebel but it was his choice God is not responsible for giving us the freedom to love and in order to have the freedom to love you need to have the freedom to not love otherwise it's force all right is the Trinity doctrine biblical you do not find the word Trinity in the Bible I don't know that you find the word Bible in the Bible there's a lot of things that are in the Bible there are terms that you may not find the phrase the Trinity is a biblical teaching it's talking about the Father Son and Holy Spirit some people get confused they say well Deuteronomy chapter 6 it says in verse 4 here o Israel the Lord our God is one I said there's only one God how could you have Father Son and Holy Spirit in the Hebrew mind one did not mean quantity it meant unity it could mean trump prominence or priority a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and the two become one when one flesh you read in John chapter 17 jesus prayed to the Father that the Apostles might be one the father as you are one and I am one so when Moses said there's one God you read in Genesis God said let us make man in our image you also read that in Genesis 11 at the Tower of so God is composed of the Father Son and spirit that are perfectly united in their work of saving man I wrote a little book on this you can probably read for free online alright how can I witness to a friend who is an evolutionist that believe science contradicts the Bible well it may be a challenge I would respectfully disagree I was an atheist and an evolutionist and when I read the Bible I wasn't going to believe the Bible unless I found some scientific evidence and I became convinced after a time first of all I think creation is extremely scientific the idea that you could get all the organization and design and intelligence and diversity and symbiotic relationships in creation by accident you can never produce that in a laboratory yeah I mean it's obviously requires outside intelligence if you're walking across the desert and you see three rocks stacked one on top of the other you'd say hmm wonder who did that something as simple as that that takes design you realize there must have been somebody here who marked the trail but if you're walking through the desert you see a motorcycle on a kickstand you would never say well I guess that just moves down to the rock the billion years would never make that motorcycle come out of the rock what's more complicated a human or a motorcycle people creatures are infinitely more complicated so I think science tells us that there had to be a super intelligent creator that brought this world into existence and there's a purpose and a plan for life all right the Bible only seems to mention that angels are male are there any female angels in the Bible typically in the Bible when it talks about angels are always referred to in the mail that says he did this to that I don't think you want to assign sexual gender to angels because Jesus is pretty clear angels do not marry nor are they given in marriage they do not procreate typically it refers to them in the mail there is a vision zechariah chapter 5 were talks about two women lift up this basket and they carry it with stork wings some of argue were the angels i think they're more like the women that you saw in Revelation 12 a symbol of God's church and but yeah I want to take the angel gender thing too far all right is it wrong to play professional sports on the Sabbath now we included this question because it really it helps us address several questions simple answer would be no I can't picture Jesus out playing professional sports on the Sabbath and he's our example Sabbath is a day of rest usually what you would find in the environment of a sports field on the Sabbath would not take your mind to holy thoughts tackle them so depends on the sport I suppose here it would be hockey right and that's even more brutal than football so yeah so you know when it comes to Sabbath keeping you can find a good definition in Isaiah chapter 58 when it talks about not speaking your own words or doing your own things or going your own way the Sabbath is a data to the light in the Lord it's a day for physical rest it doesn't mean you can't go out and get some recreation or exercise but it's it's a time a holy time for witness you put the regular secular things out of your mind I wouldn't even feel comfortable watching sports on Sabbath because it just takes your mind out of that place it's holy time between you and God where you set aside the typical things of the world and you focus on those things they're going to build you spiritually all right how do I respond to my atheist family when they ask why innocent children get sick and suffer from an illness they don't deserve now perhaps you remember the night that we talked about the origin of evil when we talked about the villain of Revelation we explained that God is wealth God is good I had a brother born with a terminal disease and I used to think why him and not me and the life isn't fair and but because there's a war going on in this world this world has been hijacked by an enemy Jesus came to ransom this world that has been kidnapped by the adversary with his own blood and if you say why did the innocent suffer look at the cross Jesus is exhibit a of someone innocent suffering at the hands of the Archfiend called the devil it's because there is a maniac loose used to be in the universe he's now confined to our world and the whole battle between good and evil is being fought out on this planet and yes innocent people suffer because of sin because of disease and it can be traced all the way back to the decision of our first parents we always forget that there's a Satan in the world we just automatically assume that it's God either God did it to us or and that's a normal assumption people say well if he's all-knowing and that he's all-powerful if he's love then why is this so much bad and evil if you ever doubt what God's plan is go back to Genesis read the creation where God says everything was good good very good it was paradise then go to the last chapter in the Bible find out what his plan is when he wipes away all tears from their eyes and there's no more pain or suffering that's what he wants that's why Jesus came to end the suffering it's Satan that wants the suffering and their evil and he wants us to blame it on God that's right so anyway all right does the Bible say anything about getting a tattoo I was almost afraid to include this but no I didn't put this question and it was in there I really it did the Bible actually does say something in Leviticus 19 25 it says you shall not 28 28 thank you you shall not get tattoos for I am the Lord it's very clear your body is that now I know everyone's gonna say oh do I have I committed the unpardonable sin no thank heavens that is not listed as the unpardonable sin but God's pretty clear that our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and I just don't see in the Bible where God says that our skin is a canvas for us to get creative with you know permanently so I just gotta take it up with the Lord read it yourself it's pretty explicit then another reason is some people think the mark of the beast is a tattoo in the hand of the forehead I hope you plan on coming to one of the follow-up Bible studies because they're gonna be talking about that it does not say in the Bible there are some translations that say tattoo it doesn't say tattoo it says a mark in the hand of the forehead and we'll maybe talk about that another time do you wanna go to the last question or just wanna do another one let's try another one here okay when revelation is speaking of the woman as the church is it a specific denomination or just Christians in general well in Revelation it's really putting the two exhibits exhibit a chapter 12 of Revelation would be exhibit a for the godly woman of light God's church a revelation 17 is exhibit a of the harlot Babylon when you first see the woman in Revelation 12 it's representing God's people now God has always had a specific people it doesn't mean they were the only people did God call a specific person when he called Abraham and his descendants and did he sure he did yeah and God very clearly said that he had given the Oracles of truth this is what Paul said unto Israel were committed the Oracles of truth they were his people does that mean they were all saved no were they always faithful no quite often it was a roller coaster but they were still his people that really had the truth the woman at the well John chapter 4 she asked Jesus shouldn't we worship on this mountain she got into a doctrinal discussion or should we worship on Mount Gerizim around sy Zion and Jesus said to her salvation is of the Jews meaning if you want to know what the truth is I committed it to the Jewish nation the Bible you're reading has been the Jews were the guardians of the Bible until the New Testament era and he committed it to them well once Christ came of course he included anybody who had turned to Jesus becomes a spiritual Jew but does that mean God has a people in the last days I think he does I believe that God calls us into a church there's so many different churches and I believe that the seventh-day Adventist movement it's not just a denomination it is a movement into which people are being called from all different backgrounds around the world it is the fastest growing denomination movement in the world today and it's because people were nearing the end before the mark of the beast and the seal of God issues become prominent there's a shaking that's gonna happen and people are gonna gravitate to one of two ends everyone will have either the mark of the beast of the seal of God and it does matter Christ that other sheep I have that are not of this fold they will hear my voice there will be one fold one shepherd John chapter 10 so I do think there's a specific people that doesn't mean that only people in my church are saved a lot or not and it doesn't mean God doesn't have people out there but there's a people that are a guardian of truth that he has in the last days all right is that our last question better be alright you want to jump to that okay oh no that's less I like that oh you want that all right I get to do one more can fallen angels repent they would if they could but they can't so they won't they've lost their capacity to repent they've grieved away the Holy Spirit which is the unpardonable sin and no they will not repent they are already now bound in everlasting chains of darkness according to Peter and Jude and don't be waiting for the devil to repent someone always says now if the devil repented would God forgive him if he really repented you probably would but he he is proud to the core he never will the prophecies have made it clear he has gone to the point of no return no they're not going to be forgiven I hope you don't feel sorry for him oh you know thank you very much she's looking at me like you're forgetting something she was right tonight we were gonna have an offering again this was the final opportunity some of you were not here last night when you came in you received an envelope we deeply appreciate anything you could do we don't want anyone to feel any pressure this is just if the Holy Spirit moves you you want to give a love offering to help with the expenses for this program amazing facts Canada we'll greatly appreciate that helps us continue to broadcast you know amazing facts Canada has to pay for their own broadcast time on vision TV and for programs like this and we're very grateful some of you who are watching you can even donate online if you'd like to help amazing facts international it's just type in amazing facts dot o-r-g and it's real easy to click there and donate and while your if you have an envelope why the ushers come forward and they receive that we're very thankful that once again Kelly is gonna bring us something kelly and rebecca Stonecipher are going to be playing nearer still nearer [Music] [Applause] [Music] Amen you say what's that beautiful thank you so much and thank you friends welcome once again to this prophecy encounter Canada program we're so thankful that you're here at the Church of the valley this is a beautiful facility and we want to welcome our friends who are also watching online tonight's presentation dealing with the subject of the great Judgment Day is going to be covering some about you know the last three chapters revelation 20 21 22 in revelation but there's so much more we need to continue studying and so I hope that you will plan now to continue with the Tuesday night Bible studies that will be going on and register that you would be interested you could use your card and just let us know here if you'd like to be coming to the Langley meeting when the Tuesday night Bible study begins continuing with the prophecy encounter program or the Abbotsford meeting just you might want to check on your card leave that at the door some who were here last night and you didn't have an opportunity to turn in your card you had an interest in baptism or remapped ism you can use the same card you received for that just mark your name on there we appreciate that some of the best subjects still haven't been covered yet we've got a lot of things in Revelation and Daniel and just some outstanding trees about the Bible the second coming we know you'll want to be part of that but tonight you pray for me because in this message on the great Judgment Day we're gonna be talking about the judgment the millennium heaven hell and death because these subjects these chapters encompass all of that so it's going to be kind of like a five ring circus so see if you can stay with me I'll be talking quick you'll need to listen quick to keep up I like to start with an amazing fact have you heard of baron fabian von schlafen Dorf that's not his whole name his whole name was Fabian Ludwig Georg Adolph Kurt von Schlemmer Dorf how'd you like to have that handle on your keychain he was born in Germany in 1907 a very bright well-educated and was making his way up in the professional field when world war ii broke out because of his wisdom they drafted him into the Nazi forces and made him an officer but he was convinced that Hitler was mad and he was destroying the country in Europe so he became part of the resistance and one time when Hitler was visiting an army base Slav and Dorf put a bomb on Hitler's plane it was a time bomb but it failed to go off well pretty soon there was an investigation and they found him arrested him tortured him to try to get him to turn in the other conspirators and he would not talk so they sentenced him to a firing squad he was brought into this courtroom filled with people officers and witnesses and everybody that was telling him what a traitor he was and they sentenced him to death well because it was now 1945 and the war was in in its full fury they weren't gonna like put him on death row they marched him out of the courtroom to execute him by firing squad that same day but as they were marching him out of the courtroom fire alarms air raid sirens began to sound and before anybody could take cover a bomb made a direct hit on the courthouse and it killed everybody in the courthouse except slamming Dorf the one man who had just been accused and condemned to die for really trying to save people's lives was the only one that lived all his accusers were gone well he escaped briefly they eventually apprehended him they put him in Dachau powa camp but he was still alive when the Allies came in and he was freed well the rest of the story is he went on become a judge in Germany so the one who was judged and can became the judge talked about a reversal of fortune there was a day when Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate and when he stood before Caiaphas the high priests and Jesus was condemned don't you think they're going to be surprised when Jesus comes and they must stand before him the Bible says the day is coming when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord now we're gonna begin our study tonight in Revelation chapter 20 and I'm gonna just read the first few verses with you and do my best to go through this with you and cover as much information as possible it says then I saw revelation 20 verse 1 I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he laid hold of the dragon that serpent of old who is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years these are similar words you find in Revelation 12 the serpent devil Satan he's bound with a chain if hospitals say the Devils are bound and chains of Darkness Satan is now bound in this world once he could roam free through the universe he was one of God's highest angels they were the ministering spirits but Satan and one-third of the angels that followed him have now been really confined to this world and it says they're bound for a thousand years now you maybe have heard the expression the Millennium Bible talks about this millennium what doesn't really use the word millennium it just calls it a thousand years millennium is a composite of a couple of Latin words mil I in them and it just is the teaching of the thousand years that you find in Revelation chapter 20 we're gonna study that now because this thousand years comes at the end of history it's in the future right now you and I are living at a time that is approximately six thousand years from creation in other words if you add up the ages in the Bible Adam was created around the 4000 BC then you got Abraham 2,000 years later then Jesus came 2,000 years later and now we're getting ready for his second coming and we're about 2,000 years later we don't know the exact time but it's in that time then we spend a thousand years where we sort of live in rain with the Lord like a thousand years Sabbath you know the last word you find in the Old Testament in the the history of The Chronicles children of Israel were carried off to Babylon the land was a desolate for 70 years and it says while the land was a desolate it kept Sabbath and the people were taken off to the golden kingdom of Babylon there's a scenario an allegory there that's similar so let's go with our first question now what events marked the beginning of this millennium and that great Judgment Day that we're studying well it tells us that it begins with the Lord's return first Thessalonians 4 6 the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout voice of the Archangel the Trump of God and then something else happens it says the dead in Christ will rise first so the the events that marked the beginning of the 1,000 years are hard to miss it's a coming of the Lord the resurrection of the righteous and then after this happens it says they live and reign with Christ a thousand years see there in Revelation 20 it says blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection but what about the rest you read in Revelation 20 verse 4 the rest of the Dead wait-wait-wait presented blessed and holy are those that have part in the first resurrection when it says the rest of the Dead it's the ones who are not in the first resurrection who's in the first resurrection the dead in Christ so if the dead in Christ rise who are the other dead the ones who are not in Christ so you got the righteous first resurrection wicked second resurrection they do not live it says until the thousand years were finished did you know Jesus said there are two separate resurrections Christ said the hour is coming in which all that are in the graves will hear his voice they that have done good shall come forth the resurrection of life first resurrection and they that have done evil the resurrection separate resurrection of damnation says this in Daniel chapter 12 that there's going to be two different groups and so the dead in Christ rise first this marks the beginning of the 1,000 years that you find you can see just put a little chart on the screen to kind of give you a rough idea begins with the first resurrection the 1,000 years ends with a second resurrection but there's other things happening at those times that's the second question what else happens at the first resurrection well it tells you we will not all sleep but we will all be changed sleep Paul is talking about not going to sleep he means death like Jesus said our friend Lazarus is asleep he meant he's dead he said we're not all gonna die some will be alive when Jesus comes but we will be transformed changed in a moment at the last Trump for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and will be transformed how we changed it tells us for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality now I need to ask you a question do we have a mortality now do we have immortal souls but you know a lot of people say well we've all got the immortal souls where in the bible does it say we have an immortal soul it doesn't say that in the Bible it's not in there we receive immortality as a gift from God it says then this mortal must put on immortality Jesus will change our vile bodies our old bodies that it might be fashioned like unto his glorious body we're gonna get the kind of bodies Jesus had when he rose from the dead what kind of body did Jesus have was he real he was and we're gonna get real glorified bodies when Christ rose from the dead he said look the scars in my hands this is pierced aside he said feel me I'm not a ghost I've got flesh and bone and then he said you have anything to eat he did everything he could to tell us that he was not a spook Jesus had a real glorified body see when Adam and Eve sinned they lost their ability to live in all dimensions there's a whole spirit world around us that we don't know right now and God wants us to experience that for example Adam and Eve used to be able to talk to angels there's angels in this room but we can't see them now because we've lost that dimension we will get our glorified bodies that do not age the cells do not atrophy have vigor Bible says you'll run and not be weary you'll walk and not faint we receive that either at the resurrection if you're dead or when Christ comes and you're caught up to meeting to meet the Lord in the air then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the brightness of his mouth so this is telling us now what happens to the wicked when Jesus comes they're destroyed by the brightness of his coming and the spirit of his mouth and it goes on to say and there's a great earthquake now does it sound like it's gonna be a secret when the that time begins no great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty an earthquake and so great and it says every island fled away and the mountains were not found this is all happening to Jesus coming there's nothing secret about it and there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven and it says every stone of hail was about seventy-five pounds now up there on the screen that is an actual picture of baseball sized hail that fell I think in Oklahoma I forgot to double-check where it happened but it was in in the plains of the US there's been some big hail storms that have hit now all these events mark the beginning of the millennium nobody's gonna miss that coming to the Lord resurrection earthquake we're transformed it is a big change we go from this literal world where we have time we enter eternity at that point and so some people have said now if a day is a year in prophecy is a 1000 years symbolic and it's really three hundred and sixty-five thousand years I don't mind if it is but I think this is a literal time that we're talking about here because the other six thousand years in history are literal thousand years it's kind of interesting God's six days you'll work one day the rest a day where the Lord is like thousand years and a thousand years like a day so then at that point the beginning of the millennium says an angel comes down with a great chain in his hand and Satan is bound in the bottomless pit now some people wonder what is the bottomless pit where Satan is bound that is a place where the King James translators got a little bit creative you know there's a story about Carlsbad Caverns I don't know if any of you have been down to the state of New Mexico and you've seen the caverns there Karen's been there right back in 1901 there was a young cowboy about 16 years old named Jim white is out looking for some missing cows one day and he saw what he thought was a fire in the distance smoke coming up and it turns out it wasn't a fire he found this crack in the ground where bats were boiling up like a tornado out of the earth he said I gotta check that out there must be a lot of room in that cave to host a million bats he came back very brave young man came back made a fence out a barbed wire lowered himself down in there with a primitive lamp and began by himself to explore Carlsbad Caverns he pretty much became the guardian of the caverns for the rest of his life and made it a national park but once when he was 16 he's down there by himself he's way off in the deep cavern by himself nobody knows where he's at and he dropped his lamp his light went out wouldn't that be terrifying you know the bats squeaking overhead and you're in there's cliffs and chasms everywhere and he fortunately was able to fumble around in the dark and relight his lamp but I told him to be a little more careful well in Carlsbad Caverns there's this this one big open hole and people would go to the edge of it and they would drop off a rock and the guides would say this is the bottomless pit because they throw a rock off in the rock wouldn't you know and came out of China somewhere yeah yeah and so they for several years they would take people they said yeah this the bottomless pit and eventually as time went by they got a little crude and decided to explore it and they went down with some ropes and they found it was only about 300 feet deep but at the bottom was a whole bunch of very fine lime sand and so they never heard the rocks hit because he went so I wasn't bottomless bottomless pit is not talking about a black hole in the universe the word in greek is abussos that word it means the nothingness or the void it's the same word that you find exact same word I talked today if you were here earlier about the demoniac and when Jesus went to cast the Devils out of this man they said do not throw us into the abussos same word in Revelation 20 and what that meant was don't cast us into a place where there's nobody to possess and manipulate devils are workaholics and if they don't have some people or animals to possess then they go stir-crazy because the only way they can affect our world is through some living creature or something and so that was called the abussos the deep the nothingness and this is what happens during the the the 1,000 years Satan now is bound on this earth with nobody to tempt or manipulate for a thousand years and he must now look at the devastation all over the world caused by his rebellion and so part of the reason for this is so later people will see he has not changed his ways so who is raised in the second resurrection and when will it take place you read in John 5 28 and 29 I mentioned this to you all that are in the graves will hear his voice and come forth they that have done good the resurrection of life they that have done evil the resurrection of damnation the Bible tells us the rest of the dead do not live again until the thousand years were finished now I want to pause right here I touched on it earlier but there's a very popular misconception among many Christians all you got to do is walk through a graveyard in a typical church cemetery and you'll see the confusion on the tombstones one tombstone for example will say our dearly beloved mother rest in peace is now waiting for Jesus coming next tombstone will say our dearly beloved mother singing now with the Angels and you wonder is she resting or she singing are the dead conscious and you've probably been to funerals before where they say they are now looking down and the media says oh yeah Robin Williams is up there making Jesus laugh and and they're always talking about a person dying and going right to heaven the bible does not teach that the bible does teach absent from the body present with the Lord meaning when you die this body decomposes your next conscious thought is when God then puts your spirit in the glorified body it's a moment for you let me prove that to you King David killed Goliath will he be saved yes King David the killer there's only one David in the Bible King David as to Moses is several Jesus is only one David in the Bible he's gonna be saved right absolutely Acts chapter 2 Peters preaching after the resurrection said men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he is dead and buried his grave is with us it wasn't far from where he preached in Jerusalem he says David is not yet ascended into heaven dead buried not in heaven now David died about three thousand years ago he went to sleep slept with his fathers how long does it seem for David his next conscious thought he went to sleep lost consciousness wakes up glorified body second coming but he's not there yet you and I live in time that's important because some people say yeah I was talking to my dearly beloved relatives today the Bible says that's forbidden to try to communicate with the dead did you know that people that do that are called mediums and witches and it's forbidden in the Bible so it's got to be really clear in our minds that the people are not resurrected as soon as they die let me read something to you from first Corinthians chapter 15 and I think I'm gonna go to about verse 22 just see somebody has some doubts about this this gives the order very clear I'll start with verse 20 but now Christ is risen from the dead and become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep for since by man came death by man also came the resurrection of the dead for as in Adam all dying because of Adam sinned we die even so in Christ because of Jesus resurrection and his sacrifice all shall be made alive but each in his own order here's the order Christ's the first fruit afterward those who are Christ's at his coming when do they raise at his coming and so they're not there yet and so the Bible's really clear they dead in Christ rise when he comes Jesus said our friend Lazarus is asleep you know there are 12 resurrections in the Bible approximately one of them Paul was stoned and look they thought he was dead he caught back up we don't know if the Lord raised him or if he was just unconscious but there's about 12 resurrections in the Bible are you aware that of those 12 resurrections what would be the first scene you would ask a person who had been dead that came back to life what happened what do you see who are you with what do you do what do you experience do you know that out of all 12 resurrections nobody ever makes a single comment on what they saw or experience in death because the Bible says they're dead know not anything that's what it tells us the living know they'll die but the dead know nothing the Bible says it's the living that praise the Lord the dead do not praise God there's hundreds of scriptures that make it clear it's not until the resurrection in the judgement that we get our glorified bodies God's not giving out rewards before judgment does that make sense all right the rest of the dead do not live again until the foul thousand years are finished what will the condition of the earth be during the 1000 years when it begins the whole the Lord makes the earth utterly empty he makes it waste he turns it upside down the earth is broken down just two principle views about the Millennium some churches believe that during the Millennium that Jesus comes we're here on earth reigning over the wicked I don't want to reign over the wicked I don't know about you they teach that through the Millennium is spent here but jesus said I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place I will come again receive you unto myself it says we're caught up to meet him in the air that where I am you may be so he's taking us back to heaven with him when he comes we're not on this world where there's all this destruction according to the popular Left Behind scenario they've always got people alive on the earth but you read these prophecies it says the earth is turned upside down it is utterly empty look in Jeremiah chapter 4 verse 23 I beheld the earth and lo it was without form and void and the heavens and they had no light I beheld the mountains and lo they trembled and there was no man and how many men I bailed the earth and there was no man and all the birds of heaven were fled and they were once they're in their friend now what caused this devastation what causes the earth to be depopulated keep reading the fruitful place was a wilderness and all the cities were broken down at the presence of the Lord and by his fierce anger there's a time coming when there's nobody alive on earth except Satan and his angels that are bound here in this abussos do you know the word abussos in the Greek Old Testament when it says in the beginning the earth was void and without form the word is used in the beginning the word the earth was an abussos it's the world during its chaotic destroyed condition was Satan has nobody to tempt nobody to manipulate it tells us during that time this is Jeremiah 25 the slain of the Lord shall be in that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth they will not be lamented nor gathered nor buried no funerals all the Dead all over the earth from the second coming why there's nobody to lament or to bury them and so it is very clear that there's going to be a time when the earth is depopulated now what will the Saints be doing during the 1,000 years and and I'm sorry what will the Saints be doing during the 1000 years and what will a where will the Saints be during the 1000 years and what will they be doing it says I will come again I receive you to myself that where you might be also so he takes us to heaven and it says I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them and they live and reign with Christ for a thousand years now I've heard there's going to be three surprises in heaven one surprise is it your be there the second surprise is you may get to heaven and you're gonna see the angel again where's the pastor where's the deacon where are these people I thought were so godly and they say well we'll show you the records and then they take you on a little heavenly library field trip the Bible says all those things done in secret will be proclaimed from the housetop are you aware that if your sins are not under the blood of the Lamb it's going to be plain for everybody to see during the 1,000 years it says that we live and reign with Christ and we will be involved in the judgment third surprises there's gonna be people in heaven you're gonna go what are they doing here right and I've got these things I get a lot of questions asked when I get to heaven can you imagine what it will be like when you get to heaven and Stephen the first martyr he's in heaven the angel he gets his glorified body as angels showing him around and they see a parade and they're carrying somebody on their shoulders and as they get closer Stephen says that's all what's he doing here last time I saw him he was killing me how did you guys usually do good work you made a mistake he's not supposed to be here and the angel will say well let me show you Stephen last thing you did before you died as you said Father do not lay this sin to their charge God heard your prayer he forgave him Saul was converted he became an evangelist and he reached a lot of people because of your testimony Stephen ago well praise the Lord can you pictures Stephen ends and Paul hugging in heaven another interesting meeting will be a uriah you know your eye is he's the man David had killed so he could take his wife Bathsheba Uriah was a godly man we believe Bathsheba was forgiven she's a mother of Solomon and David will be there now that will be interesting to hear David explaining to Uriah what it was exactly that happened that put him in in the situation he was in and you know I've got some other questions to ask you know I've got questions I want to ask Abraham Isaac Jacob I want to ask Jacob how is it that you didn't know it was Leah until the morning you guys just read that chapter there and what is it Genesis chapter 29 I mean so there's gonna be a lot of questions that we're gonna have during the 1,000 years right Bible says in 1st Corinthians 6 do you not know that the the Saints will judge the world it says do you not know that we will judge angels so we're not judging the world and who saved and lost but we are going to be looking at the records of God and be participating in affirming the judgments of God as you'll see in just a moment and when it says judging the Angels not good angels what does that mean fallen angels now all the records of everything God's got not only records of everything you and I say the Bible says every idle word that you speak you will give an account thereof in the day of judgment for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned I don't know about you but that makes me nervous I'm so glad and you know everything these days is recorded you got to be careful what you say and do some of they got their phone on right a couple years ago I got a notice in the mail and I pulled it out of the envelope and it said here's a citation you got to pay $50 for an illegal u-turn I said illegal u-turn I was never even there I didn't make an illegal u-turn I continued opening up the letter and there's a picture of me looking very suspicious driving and I said oh I guess I was there I didn't remember that they got cameras going all the time now right well do you think that the government was the first one to think of that or has God recorded everything in the Bible says that all that we do is naked and open to the eyes of God and so that's why we need the grace of God because I tell you what I want my sins under the blood I don't want you to know what's in my book I want to be forgiven I wanted erased by the blood of the Lamb amen you got two choices turn your life over to Jesus or everything is everything is gonna be public record that should be a motive right there for a lot of people to find the Lord tonight right but the Bible says everything done those things done in secret will be proclaimed from the housetops so what happens at the end of the 1,000 years behold the day of the Lord comes and his feet will stand in that day on the Mount of Olives at the end of the 1,000 years Jesus comes back with the Saints comes down to the world Christ's feet touch the Mount of Olives why the Mount of Olives that was the last place that Jesus feet touched when he ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives he gave the prophesies of his second coming Mount of Olives you could look there he wept over Jerusalem it was just it's where the Garden of Gethsemane was where he prayed and said not my will thy will be done it was on this spot it was a delight earlier this year to stand in that spot with Karen and think about the second coming and the Mount of Olives will cleave the world's destroyed he's gonna split the mountain and it says the New Jerusalem comes down i John this is now in Revelation 21 notice we've gone over to 21 I John saw the holy city the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband husband loved your wife like Christ loves the church who's in the New Jerusalem the Church of God is in this city and it's huge it can read it's 375 miles on each side which means it's about the size of the state of Oregon I'm sorry I can't find an equivalent here in Canada you're too big but in Oregon and people wonder will to be room in the city for me well you know New York City's got like eight million people do you know here's an amazing fact the DFW Airport Dallas Fort Worth Airport is bigger than the island of Manhattan Manhattan's not that big where I grew up but there's eight million people right there so when you get a city that's 375 miles on each side people say will there be room for me yes and first of all God might have heavenly skyscraper mansion sooo it could go up you don't know I've heard there are more people that live below street level in New York City than the whole state of Wyoming I think it's true so there's plenty of room in the City of God and not only will you have a country a city home he says that you can go forth and build a country home to when Jesus comes down and his feet touched the Mount of Olives what happens next the free Satan from his prison Satan has been bound because he's had nobody to tempt and manipulate now when Christ's feet touched the ground no notice what it says the rest of the dead don't live again until the thousand years are finished which means when the thousand years were finished what happens the dead came up not the good dad the one the wicked bad dead all the wicked who've ever lived through history obviously gonna be billions of people are gonna come out of their graves someone's gonna say well what kind of bodies do they get do they get glorified bodies oh no I don't think so I think God's just gonna patch them together enough where they know what's going on kind of like what some of you do to keep your cars going and he's gonna put them back together so they're aware and now the devil sees this massive hoard covering the planet and he thinks I still have a chance there's more of us than there are of them now does the Bible say that Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life and few that be that find it now there are more good angels in the city with the saved than bad angels but there are more lost outside the city there are saved in the side of the city I don't know what the ratio is but look at Noah you got eight people on the boat nobody believed now I believe it'll be a lot better when Jesus comes in this I don't get discouraged yeah but it's definitely not the majority the Bible says do not follow a multitude to do evil but seems like the world just follows a crowd if you want to be a Christian you got to be unique you got to be willing to take your stand for Jesus and go against the flow amen and then when the thousand years are expired Satan makes his last stand Satan is loosed from his prison why he sees this vast army another little amazing fact you know Napoleon Bonaparte he was of course the Emperor of France he declared himself the Emperor at the end of the French Revolution and he looked like he was going to he was conquering battle after battle but during the Battle of all nations up until World War one it was the biggest battle in history the Battle of all nations Paris was occupied he was forced to abdicate abdicate and they put him on the island of Ebla elbow rather and but while he was there he knew they were gonna ship him off to Saint Elena he made a very bold clever and daring escape managed to get his way back to France reinstituted power took over France again and for a hundred and eleven days he was back in power he made his last stand but of course he was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo correct Napoleon's last stand you know the devil has been bound for a thousand years and God is just releasing him for a short time to show that he has not changed you see Satan is going to be judged and all those angels are going to be judged and keep in mind all the good angels used to love Lucifer all the good angels were friends with the bad angels before they rebelled they're real creatures are intelligent creatures they're not robots of God and God is gonna cast them into the lake of fire God is going to show the good angels and the unfallen beings he has no choice that's why this whole millenium final battle thing takes place follow what happens what will Satan do when the wicked are raised he will go out to deceive the nations who are in the four quarters of the earth Gog and Magog now let me read the rest of this verse to gather them together the Battle of the number of whom is like the sand of the sea now who you are gog and magog I listen sometimes I listen to other preachers on the radio and I listen to some of the popular teachings and and some people say my god that's Russia and Gog is China and Russia and China are gonna gather in the valley of Jezreel and fight against Israel and you can't even fit the Chinese army in that Valley I've been there it's not talking about a literal battle between political powers the last battle of Armageddon begins with Jesus coming when the devil makes war against the woman and the final battle of Armageddon is at the end of the 1000 years is like a war that has got two principal battles and it's when Satan launches his last attack if you want to know who gog and magog are read Ezekiel 38 it tells about these powers you find Magog first mentioned in Genesis chapter 10 they were a tribe of people that became enemies of Israel their ancient enemies of Israel that name represents all of the wicked through the ages keep in mind the names in Revelation our symbols Revelation talks about Jezebel it's not real Jezebel she'd been dead for six hundred years talking about spiritual Jezebel revelation talks about Balaam it's not real Balaam he had been dead for sixteen hundred years when that was written and it talks about Gog and Magog that real Gog and Magog that's the symbol for the enemy have got people gog magog means the children of God it means from the matrix of God or the ones who have come out of God it's like what you have in Revelation Babylon and her daughters you know who tried to kill John the Baptist Herodias and her daughter who tried to kill the people of God in a hams day Jezebel and her daughter Atalaya and you often see as I this parent-child team that tried to annihilate God's people that's a gog and magog talk about the wicked and the children of the wicked it's like the woman and the seed of the woman it words things like that in the Bible and so they are all there and Satan says who do you think's in that group Hitler probably y'all agree he's not in the city probably Napoleon the only poll Ian started saying something about Jesus before he died in exile on st. Helena Alexander the Great's I'm the great who knows Julius Caesar some the great military geniuses of history are all there and we don't know how long this little season is it says there Satan is released from his prison for a season might be long enough for them to form armaments but they say we're gonna take the city and what they're showing is even after Satan has had a thousand years to look at all the desolation he's caused by his government all the pain all the misery all the destruction destroying the world the environment it's all Satan after he has that opportunity to look at it firsthand he's surrounded by the dead all over the planet and his angels have an opportunity to look at Satan's leadership and they say why do we listen to him we lost everything even after they have a thousand years to repent the first thing they do when they get a chance to fight God is they want to pull them from his throne God has no choice but to deal with them see what he's showing so they go up on the breadth of the earth you read this in Revelation chapter 20 verse 8 and they come past they surround the camp of the Saints the beloved city same thing you read in Ezekiel 38 about Gog and Magog in Israel and fire comes down from heaven out of from God and devours him now before the fire comes down just as they're ready to launch their final attack Christ is exalted above the city so that everyone will see him and Christ is going to do a great white throne judgment now this is one of the most spectacular moments in Bible history do you realize this is the moment in Bible history when you and I will all meet again everybody who has ever lived they're Satan and the bad angels are outside the city Christ and the good angels inside the city the lost who have ever lived her outside the city the saved are all inside the city everybody's gonna be there and at that moment Christ when he is exalted above the city in a position where all can see he's gonna cause a panorama of the plan of salvation to review before everyone's mind you ever heard a person say I nearly died my whole life flashed before me well he's gonna literally have every deed of everyone's life flashed before me some people think the great white throne judgment is this long line like the California Department of Motor Vehicles where everybody is is all lined up and one by one they come and they stand before the throne and and they look at all the books and they value it as yeah guilty in a sentence you say that would take eternity right can God save ten thousand people at one time like Pentecost Peter preaches three thousand saved can he judge millions at one time this is a great epoch where the world is judged and Christ will have the plan of salvation play in a panorama on the heavens where everyone sees him on the cross they see what Satan did when the crowd was saying crucify him crucify him they hear Jesus say Father forgive them they see the contrast between God's power of love and Satan's love of power and the the factors the evidence will be clear for everybody to see and the Bible tells us there's a point when everybody will ultimately declare that Jesus is just at this crucial moment what stops everything I saw a great white throne and him that sat upon it from whom the heaven and earth fled away and the dead were judged out of those things that were written in the books according to their works although I don't think God necessarily has paper books I don't think he uses a DVD I mean even in our world look at all the ways we've got to store information God somehow has it all backed up there are recording angels everything is going to be there and the evidence may be before our mind will see the different times for God gave us hopper but I don't think the judgment is just us I think others around us we're gonna see maybe if we're saved we're gonna see the times when we influence others for good and there in the kingdom if we're lost we'll see the times were by our influence other people turned away from God you know it's not just about you being saved but your decision to follow God or not follow God will definitely affect where people end up it's true sometimes I'll meet a father you'll see yeah yeah this church stuff's good I send the wife and kids and I hope they find religion and that's good for them and father stays home and he watches professional sports drinks beer and think the kids aren't watching what their father does they're looking at the values you are going to relate your values to others by what you do and so that's why it's so important friends they through your example through your influence you are going to bring either in heaven or outside the New Jerusalem there will be people around you who are there because of your influence so your decision to follow Jesus is not just about you your decision will affect others I promise you all that will appear in the judgment some people will come to you and they'll say you knew about this a day you claim to be a Christian and you didn't tell us and then there'll be people who will be in the kingdom they'll say thank you so much for telling us and so it's gonna be a very sober event how long that will last I don't know but everything's gonna be made plain what happens after the wicked are judged Bible says Romans 14 11 as I live says the Lord every knee will bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God again Philippians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of the things in heaven and in earth and under the earth and that every tongue how many tongue is how many knees everybody who has ever lived at that moment when JA God makes his judgments clear every knees gonna bow Satan will at some time bow and acknowledge that Jesus is Lord the rebellious angels we'll finally be overwhelmed with a sense of their guilt and they will confess did Judas before he hung himself confess he said I have betrayed innocent blood that he took his life there will be a confession of God's righteousness that will be made by every living creature at this point because God is good and God is fair and everyone will see it we can see it now if we studied to know the truth I heard a great voice of many people in heaven saying true and righteous are his judgments now notice what's happening here we in the judgement are judging God's judgments and what do we declare at the end God's judgments are true and righteous we're getting to look at the books and see you know you get to heaven god forbid you see somebody you love is not there you say why aren't they here the angel says come with me we look at the books and we see God did everything he could to save Mildred no one named Mildred here and and but there were some secret sin in their life that they just refused to confess they refused to turn to God they refused to trust Jesus and they just lived a lie and will say the Lord did everything he could you look at the records God wants you to enter eternity trusting him there might be some tears in heaven there's a period of time before the Millennium is over when there may be some sadness but God promises he'll deal with it so what happens next after this judgment after every knee bow it tells us that this is when Christ goes forth to fight you read about this in Revelation chapter 19 Christ comes conquering on his white horse it's a symbol of his coming fire comes down from God out of heaven and devoured them and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire this is what we call Hellfire now Hellfire is not the way some churches teach it they teach sort of a medieval version of it the Bible says when people are cast into this lake of fire fires not down in a cavern fire is going to burn all over the earth people say well where is Hell gonna be it can be Langly named abbotsford and vancouver probably hotter in the cities but the whole planet the only place that isn't burning is in the New Jerusalem where we're protected the Bible says the walls are 144 cubits and so they're well insulated God's people are in the city do you know it says in Psalm 91 only with your eyes will you see and behold the punishment of the wicked but we're not going to see it forever who would want to look at that forever says we'll go forth from the New Jerusalem and tread down the wicked for they are ashes under the soles of our feet but the idea that the wicked burned forever and ever I just want to make it very clear to you friends the Bible says Malachi chapter 4 that the day that comes will burn as an oven and all the proud and all that do wickedly will be stubble the day that comes will burn them up it will leave them neither root nor branch read that Malachi 4 Bible says the wicked will be devoured you'll diligently consider this place and it will not peak it will not be anymore there'll be no more sorrow no more suffering no more pain all things are made new and so the idea that the wicked are being think about how horrific this is some people have been driven away by God thinking people by this idea that God is going to burn people forever and ever think about how long forever is pick the biggest number you know a zillion zillion years of burning in the flame and you manage to swim to the surface and you say Lord how long he says you haven't even started billions of years you I mean here you got some teenage kid there at the age of accountability but they get discouraged or confused they die lost and God is going to burn them as long as they all Hitler where's the justice in that there's so much misconception this was invented during the Dark Ages by the church to scare people now there are some difficult verses in the Bible there's a couple of verses like it says the wicked are burned with eternal fire people say there it is it burns forever no it's as Sodom and Gomorrah were burnt the same way the wicked are burned are they still burning today no it says it's ever Sene punishment it is everlasting punishment how long does the punishment last the result of the punishment is forever there's no second chance it doesn't mean they're feeling fire through eternity it is eternal darkness it is eternal separation from God but just the idea that God is torturing people Bible says there is no more pain revelation 21 no more tears all things are made new how many things all things if God has immortalized sinners the penalty for sin is what death now did Jesus pay our penalty on the cross if the penalty for sin is eternal burning the Jesus didn't pay a penalty is that right but he said you got two choices whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life you get two choices everlasting life or perish God is not promising everlasting life to the Lost some people think it's everlasting life in heaven or everlasting life burning Bible doesn't say that and I just want that to be very clear I do believe in hell I do believe in a lake of fire but the Bible says it goes out I'll get to that in just a moment so looking at the events surrounding the Millennium Jesus comes you get the first resurrection second coming at the end of the 1,000 years second resurrection holy city descends then this is great contest during the 1,000 years the right to star in heaven they're judging the Saints the earth is a desolate nobody alive Satan is bound down here during the 1,000 years you still with me after the fire goes out what will God then do for his people the Bible tells us behold I create a new heavens and a new earth God is gonna then take this planet that has been purified by the fire and he's gonna make on the ashes a new heaven and a new earth and we will get to watch the act of creation that's why the Bible says you will go forth and tread on the wicked for they are ashes under the soles of your feet the Bible says blessed are the meek they will inherit what the earth that on earth made new and it'll be nothing like this one John says I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first Earth were passed away what do you mean heaven don't be confused by that it doesn't mean new heaven where God lives the Jews used the word heaven three ways first heaven was the atmosphere around the planet where the clouds float in the birds sing it's called the firmament yeah that was called a heaven second heaven was the solar system where the stars and the planets are third heaven was the dwelling place of God off in the cosmos wherever that is paradise and you might wonder where's the seventh heaven it's not in the Bible so he only talked about three heavens in the Bible and so when it says new heaven new earth do we have a dirty atmosphere sometime I talked to our friends in California because of these Paradise fires they can't breathe down there right now atmospheres been transformed God's gonna have a beautiful invigorating clean air new planet all the creatures the children will play by a venomous serpent the lion will lay down with the lamb and everything is going to be beautiful you will go forth and build houses and inhabit them you will plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them you'll be able to see like an eagle you'll be able to hear like an elephant and smell like a basset hound that doesn't smell right so I mean you'll be able to all your senses will be exaggerated you will run and not be weary you will walk in that Phaeton quoting scriptures here the wilderness will blossom like a rose the God is not going to allow this awful evil and misery to go on forever it's gonna come to an end and know what friends it's gonna come to an end pretty soon according to his promise 2nd Peter 3:13 we look for a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells what righteousness no wicked Christ is offering to make you righteous have you receive his son he'll forgive your sins you will justify you and he will give you power to walk in a newness of life and he will sanctify you you'll be a good new creature and what's the best part of it all where will God and the righteous finally live you can read here in Revelation 21 verse 3 behold the tabernacle of God with men and he will dwell with them God Himself will be with us we shall see his face because of sin man was separated from God because of Christ we will be restored first three chapters in the Bible talk about how paradise was lost this week the town of Paradise was almost completely consumed it's interesting that Karen and I we did meetings in that town and that the church that burned down there and this world was once a paradise it was lost but in the last three chapters I'm very happy to let you know paradise is restored in the first three chapters man fell because of sin because of the devil in the last three chapters it tells how through Jesus we can be restored we can be saved but it must be because of our choice he that has the son has life he that has not the son has not life I remember hearing this story years ago that there is this father that this man he just really loved art and he was an expert in art he knew have a spot art and he found great art deals he was very wealthy he was an entrepreneur and a businessman had lots of money and he began a collection of some of the greatest artworks in the world and as his son grew up with him his son also developed this appreciation for art and they really loved each other the man was a widower the boy's mother had died so the father and the boy grew especially close they would travel Europe they'd look at the different museums and they often were able to acquire at auctions beautiful masterpieces of art well then the Vietnam War broke out the son said I want to do my part he went and he joined the forces and it happened that during a terrible battle the young man's friend was hit with a bullet and in the process of trying to rescue this dear friend that was wounded he was shot and instantly killed well when the father got the news that his son died he was devastated lost his wife now he's lost his son and his heart was totally broken it was compounded by our it was mitigated a little bit because he knew his son died trying to save a friend well it wasn't long after this that the man had a knock on the door and the butler answered and said he want to see the master of the house finally the father came and the young man at the door said I was your son's friend I am the one he saved in battle I was with him when he was struck I knew we talked all the time he told me about art and and I was a little bit of a kind of a shade tree artist myself and I wanted to give you something it says here and he presented the father with his portrait of his son he says I painted a picture of your son father was impressed he thought he did a pretty good job reproducing the image and the look in the eyes of his son and he thanked him profusely and he invited him in and he said well I can't stay and he he left I just wanted to tell your son loved you and I wanted to show you how much I appreciate what he did to save my life all the man was so moved by this that even though he had these very expensive works of art he took the portrait of the boy and he put it at the most prominent place in the living room above the fireplace mantel when you came into this beautiful estate but it was painted by a totally unknown soldier' artist well not long after this the man died probably of a broken heart and word got out that his estate would be put up on auction and that there was going to be and everybody who was in our collector knew that he had one of the best art collections in the world and all of these collectors from around the world came to this auction of this gallery and they couldn't wait and so the auctioneer he gets up and he says okay the auction is gonna begin the first thing they do is they take the this painting up there they move the veil away and it's the portrait of the boy that was painted by the soldier and all the art critics they look at it go that's what's that we're not here for that we don't what is that's amateur we bring out the masterpieces bring out the van Gogh's and the Rembrandt's we don't want to see this and the auctioneer says how much do I have for this picture and nobody said anything and he said go ahead we have a thousand dollars nobody said anything and he kept lowering the price can we 500 going once and everybody's getting sober exactly he said look we're here for the real paintings this is just you know this is like a cartoon what are you showing us this for and they became very aggravated and find us do we have $100 and in the back someone raised their hand they said $10 it was one of the gardener's the landscaper of the man who owned the estate had come into the auction and he loved the boy he said I'd like that painting but I don't have much I give you ten dollars he said ten dollars ten dollars can we make it 15 going once going twice gavel came down the painting goes to the man the auction is over and all the collectors ago what do you mean the auctions over we're here to for the art collection there we want to see some of the masterpieces and the auctioneer says I wasn't allowed to share this little detail with you until now but there were some secret instructions that were given in the will that the first and only painting to be auctioned was that of the son and whoever wanted the son got everything else so if you don't have the son you don't have anything the father wanted everything to go to the one that loved the Sun do you love the Sun he loves you he's shown his love for you in that God so loved you not just the world but you individually that he came into this world he suffered for every sin that you've ever committed he suffered for every sin you might commit I don't use that as an excuse but he wants to provide you with forgiveness but you must turn your life over to him the reason we do these prophecy encounter programs is so that people can find Jesus and find everlasting life now there may be some of you here you still have not made your decision we gave you those cards again you can use that card we gave you and say you know pastor Doug I want you to pray for me I want to fully surrender my life to Christ maybe you've been wandering from the Lord and you want to make that decision this evening before I close with prayer I want to do something I haven't done yet during this seminar I want to be very specific if you've been coming and you've been hearing the Word of God and you're thinking you know I need to make a decision I've been thinking about it I've been next to it but I haven't firmly decided tonight I want to stand in Christ's presence and say Lord I'm yours I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I'm gonna trust you to follow you I want to surrender my life I want that gift of everlasting life I want the son is there someone here maybe you haven't made that decision before and you are willing to stand and say that's my prayer pastor Doug will you pray for me would you be willing to stand in his presence right now don't worry about what someone here might think I always ask people to take a stand for Jesus publicly because he died for you publicly if the Holy Spirit is speaking to you praise the Lord I see so standing then maybe some have not been baptized you know you need to make that decision you can also stand with this group and we'll pray for you stand in his presence praise the Lord can you say thank the Lord are there others just can be here a minute longer you've got an opportunity the best time to surrender to Jesus is when you're hearing the Holy Spirit's speak to you if he's speaking to you now then listen he said today is the day don't harden your heart now is the day of salvation best time to come to Jesus is when you're hearing his voice anyone else before we close with prayer you'd be willing to stand and say pastor I want to make that decision there might be some of you you know you've been on the edges you have wandered from the Lord you need to come back why not now some people feel a struggle inside it's between your devil and your Christ and you've got the tie-breaking vote you're willing to stand and tell them yes anybody before we pray don't worry about what these people think they're all lost - we're all all sinners and we're standing because the Holy Spirit speaking to us it's only by Jesus anybody is saved I invite people to stand publicly because every time Jesus called somebody he did it publicly and He died for us publicly amen anyone else before I close Holy Spirit speaking and you see tonight's tonight don't worry about how you'll do it tomorrow but you want to give Jesus a hundred percent now Stan some who are watching you can make it wherever you are in your home you can say I tonight include me pastor Doug in that prayer I want to accept Jesus can we all stand together now then as we close father in heaven we are just praising you for the power of your word Lord this has been the beginning of a journey in the scriptures to know you better we believe that you are coming soon we would pray Lord that you pour out your spirit on every person be in a very special way dear God where those who have taken their stand for Jesus tonight surround them with your angels give them peace in their hearts healing in their bodies the gift of your spirit to guide to them and Lord then help them grow as they read your word and fellowship with your people I pray for others who may be struggling with this decision you'll give them the courage to say yes Lord now I want to come to you and then we pray for the ongoing meetings that will happen both here in the Langley in the average furred area and others who may be watching that we might study your word we believe Jesus is coming soon we want to be ready Lord we want to help others be ready pray your blessing on this church run its leadership and pour out your spirit in our lives we thank you Lord and we ask all of this in Christ's name Amen amen god bless you friends and thank you so much for participating you still have lessons as you go out tonight I will ask you to kindly exit and take our Visiting into the lobby I'll be out there in a few moments
Channel: Aaron
Views: 34,715
Rating: 4.754601 out of 5
Id: uVKH55m4qss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 27sec (5187 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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