"The Woman Rides a Beast" - Prophecy Encounter #5 - Pastor Doug Batchelor.

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all right here's our first question should Christians strive to become wealthy in this world's goods well this is not related precisely to prophecy but it's a practical biblical question you know Jesus made a statement where he said it's harder for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven than a camel to go through the eye of a needle you can read that in Mark chapter 10 and other Gospels as well that doesn't mean there'll be nobody with wealth in heaven the Bible says it's the love of money that is a root of all evil often when a person is striving to be rich they're preoccupied with money and you can read you know of course God blessed Abraham Isaac Jacob with great wealth as job and and David and others but sometimes with wealth becomes power and influence people begin to comes pride and then you can become more like the devil and so you don't want to be striving to be rich the Bible says that those that have riches should be willing to share and you know God doesn't want us to strive to be poor either you know the way that the Methodists used to put it earn all you can save all you can and give all you can that's sort of a good Protestant principle all right are you ready for our last question I think we're question time has been shortened tonight we started with some technical difficulties so why don't we go ahead we'll have that all right our last question all right but - oh that's not it here we go why are dogs not allowed inside the gates of the New Jerusalem and this is referring to Revelation 21 14 you didn't know it said that huh it does say that it says the dogs are on the outside that's because God is a cat lover yes no actually dogs were sometimes a couple of animals pigs and dogs were often thought of as being unclean jesus said you do not give that which is holy unto the dogs or cast your pearls before swine so when it tells us in Revelation that dogs are on the outside even Paul talks about certain persecutors as dogs it's not talking about people jesus said it's not appropriate to take the children's food and give it to the dogs and so it's God loves dogs don't worry it doesn't mean dogs are on the outside to talk about the lost it's an analogy so they're gonna be Doug's in heaven yeah they'll be and there's gonna be wolves - the Bible says so they'll be bears and there will be lions and there'll be sheep those things are specifically mentioned and it even says they'll be snakes did you know that after all they did wrong Bible says the child will play on the hole of a venomous serpent and it will not hurt or destroy in all of my holy mountain Isaiah chapter 11 all right that's more than you needed about pets but you want to know if your pet will be in heaven write it down that's tomorrow night all right tonight's program is a woman I can't see it where'd it go there we go there it is a woman rides a beast I'll try that again a woman rides a beast there we go I'm moving you did good good evening friends you know we have a very important study and there's quite a bit of material to cover tonight in this subject it Springs from Revelation chapter 17 in some of our presentations we're talking about you know things that might be of some lesser importance but you're going right into the core the meat of Bible prophecy in this study we're going to be talking about the beast power and you know as we enter into this subject I hope you'll not mind if I just pause for a moment and pray again because this is so important that the Lord prepares the way through his spirit for me as I share and you as you hear father in heaven we pray that you will speak tonight you are truth speak through your word we pray that the truth will be presented in love and in power and it will change hearts in Christ's name we ask Amen I always like to start with an amazing fact who do you think was the most notorious pirate in history people say Blackbeard and Captain Kidd and a number of others and might be I think there's one called Bluebeard the different pirates but actually one of the most successful pirates was a woman and she was her name was Ching Qi she actually started out as a prostitute and when her brothel that was on a ship was raided by pirates the captain of this band of pirates eventually took her as his wife turns out she was a very innovative bright clever calculating woman he started to entrust her with more and more power she was good at organization and when he died about eight years later the fleet of pirate ships fell into her hands and through her management and her rules it grew until it had nearly 500 ships now some of these were little Chinese junks some of them were much bigger at the peak of her piracy she had 50,000 people working for her men women and children and she was ruling the South China Sea she engaged in battle with Great Britain and the Portuguese and the Ching dynasty and and many others and she was very clever when she realized things were turning against her politically she negotiated amnesty she had so much wealth from plundering all these other ships and everyone feared her because she had very stern rules how the Pirates were to operate there was a code that they live by you misbehave they might tie cannonballs to your feet and throw you overboard if you desert they cut off your ears if you disobeyed a direct order you were beheaded whenever they gathered any treasure they all put it in the central place and it was carefully parceled out and and chronicled and when she decided that things might not go on forever she negotiated negotiated amnesty with a Chinese government they let her and all of her pirates go free she got to keep her wealth and she retired in Canton and opened a brothel died in 1844 she was made rich by plundering others prostitute turned pirate fits well she managed what they called the red flag fleet which is appropriate makes you think about a prophecy that you find in Revelation 17 it's called the Scarlet harlot this woman that also plunders a nation's you can read him up the fall of Babylon and all the wealth of Babylon in chapter 17 chapter 19 of Revelation I want to read a verse to you we're going to talk about this beast power Luke in revelation 17 verse 3 so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet coloured Beast which was full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns how many heads seven heads and especially how many horns ten horns now with that in mind there's another woman that appears in Revelation two prominent women in Revelation that represent two polar opposites one represents the Church of God we'll talk about her another night she is in Revelation 12 clothed with light and the dragon is trying to destroy her and then you got the woman in revelation 17 and she's called a harlot she's clothed in red they're just their opposites one is representing the pure Bride of Christ the other one is a corrupt or apostate Church a woman in prophecy is a symbol of what a church and you can read here in Revelation chapter 12 verse 3 and there appeared another wonder in heaven behold a great red dragon having how many heads seven heads and how many horns ten horns now that's the same dragon that is being ridden in Revelation chapter 17 by a woman now when you write an animal you presume the person writings in control here you have in Revelation chapter 12 it's the devil operating through pagan Rome when I say pagan Rome I'm talking about Rome when it was ruled by Caesars later in history you ask something called people you still have people Rome today in the Roman Catholic Church talking about people the the church in Rome so you've got pagan Rome ruled by the Caesars that was trying to destroy Jesus as a baby it was Herod and Roman soldiers had tried to kill all the babies in Bethlehem and it was Roman soldiers that tried Christ that crucified him that guarded the tomb but eventually the Roman Empire fell now look in Revelation 13 right between 12 and 17 and notice what it says and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea having so many hints seven heads and how many horns now you don't see that many beasts walking around with seven heads and you got moose crossings here in canada right do you have any Beast crossings like that seven heads ten horns no it's an unusual beast it's obviously a symbol and on his ten horns crowns and on his heads names of blasphemy or blasphemous name so with this background this is the Beast of Revelation we're gonna find out who it is what it means and what's going on in the world today first question we're gonna ask is what is a beast a symbol of in Bible prophecy let the Bible explain itself you go back to the Book of Daniel a number of prophecies are given with these apocalyptic beasts you find that in Zachariah and Ezekiel in Daniel revelation what do they mean you look in Daniel 7 17 says those great beasts which are four this angel tells Daniel are four kings or kingdoms that will arise from the earth so what do the beasts represent kingdoms now that shouldn't surprise you we do that today when for instance if I should say the bear what country is typically thought of when you think of the bear Russia correct and if I were to say the lion today Great Britain I'm alright the Eagle America forgive me what is Canada beaver I'm not laughing you're laughing you know Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the sign for America the national and I'm really glad he didn't get that vote but anyway so these different animals were symbolic of Nations and you can go on look in Daniel chapter 7 verse 23 the fourth beast shall be the fourth Kingdom upon the earth so the beasts represent what kingdoms it tells you right there and again one more you look at Daniel 8 talks about a ram and a goat and it tells you that you've got these two animals they represent the kings or the kingdoms of media and Persia and so this is what the beasts represent and it's also true when you get to Revelation it represents a political power or a kingdom next question is is there a beast with ten horns in the Book of Daniel you guessed it look at Daniel chapter 7 I saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of heaven we're striving or stirring upon the great sea now that great sea was what we call the Mediterranean you might be thinking well that's not very great compared to the Atlantic or the Pacific but you got to think like a Hebrew the Hebrew had they had the Sea of Galilee or the sea of Tiberias a the Dead Sea and then they had the Mediterranean on their Shore which was the Great Sea for them they've scarcely got out to the Atlantic they didn't really know much about the Pacific so that was their Great Sea so there in the Mediterranean these this strife there's war and it tells us that from their four great beasts came up from the sea each different from the other now it's going to describe four kingdoms that had authority over God's people these four kingdoms were going to look at right now are not the only four kingdoms in the world and when we study these prophecies in Revelation and Daniel people say well pastor Doug how come it doesn't say anything about the kingdom of the Inca Empire or the Mayans or the Chinese Empire or though the ones that were down there in Myanmar and and some of these others the only empires that are mentioned in these prophecies are the ones that occupied and often carried away God's people and so that's something consistent you'll see as we study these beasts it's the ones that principally had power over God's people and the Old Testament it would have been is Israel nowadays it would be the church at large and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible exceedingly strong it had huge our great iron teeth now that iron comes in play a little later it was devouring and breaking in pieces and trampling the residue with its feet it was different from all the beasts that were before it and there you have it again notice it had it what ten horns all right so you see now there's this beast that's got ten horns that you see in Revelation Daniel chapter 7 Revelation chapter 12 revelation 13 revelation 17 this is the great infamous Antichrist persecuting beast that has spoken of in prophecy by the way do you know how many times the word Antichrist is found in Revelation 0 the word Antichrist isn't in Revelation it's in the letters of John I kind of surprises people when they hear that it does talk about the Antichrist power in Revelation but the word isn't actually not there third questions now we talked about the winds in the water what does the wind and the sea represent in this vision it says that winds were striving upon the sea the answers are given in the Bible the winds represent a storm strife commotion and destruction you read about that in Revelation chapter 7 verses one through three and the water represents it's like a dictionary definition you look in Revelation 17 15 the angel said the waters are people's multitudes nations and tongues they represent masses of people population great civilizations and so it's talking about turmoil storms strife among the peoples of the world that will be going on during these transitions we're about to read about so let's go to the first one in the vision of Daniel chapter 7 now let me do it real quick you I know you can't follow me precisely here but I'm gonna read real quick from Daniel at chapter 7 I'm gonna start at verse 2 and just give you an overview of this Daniel spoke saying I saw in my vision by night and before behold four winds of heaven were stirring upon the Great Sea and four great beasts came up from the sea each different from the other the first was like a lion like what a lion and it had eagle's wings and they watched till the wings were plucked off and it was lifted from the earth and made to stand upon two feet like a man and a man's heart was given to it suddenly another beast a second like a bear what was the second beast it was raised up on one side and he three ribs in its mouth between its teeth and they said thus to it arise and devour much flesh I looked and behold there was another like a leopard what's the third beast a leopard which had on its back four wings of a bird and the Beast also had four heads and Dominion was given to it now this fourth beast is not like anything you might find in a zoo again I saw in the night visions and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible exceedingly strong it had huge iron teeth it was devouring and breaking in pieces and trampling the residue with its feet it was different from all the beasts that were before it it had ten horns and I was considering the horns and there was another horn a little one coming up among them before whom three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots and in this horn were the eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things or pompous words is what that means you know when you're little you sometimes get rid of your baby teeth because the adult teeth are pushing them out and that's what's happening is his little horn comes and pushes out three horns now these horns represent kingdoms or powers this is coming up later in our vision so do a quick review first you've got a lion it it's really easy as you're reading in Revelation to know these are the four empires that occupied God's people I'll tell you ahead of time it's Babylon Daniel's captivity in Babylon when he's first begins his book he got Babylon medo-persia better known as a Persian Empire but for a while it was a dual Empire it was the medians and the Persians you've got Greece and you got Rome and then Rome goes through a change it does not get swallowed up by just another Empire it goes through a transition and it's broken up into ten parts and you can see how amazing that is that Daniel foresaw this and it was all written before the fact babbling the symbolized as a lion because it was called the head of gold it was the golden Empire it was like the king of beasts so to speak even on the walls of ancient Babylon there you've got a photograph I'm putting up on the screen that shows you a relief in tile they had lions with wings that were symbols even during Daniels day they knew the lion was battling Nebuchadnezzar was its greatest king and it was a man great majestic Kingdom he is later converted during his rule and that's why it says to this beasts are given the heart of a man and he stands on his feet and he ends up worshiping God by the time you get to Daniel chapter 4 the end of chapter 4 correct and so um that's why it says he he's given a man's heart and he worships the God of heaven what does the bear represent in Daniel 7 5 and what are the three ribs in its mouth and what do they symbolize well you've got the next Kingdom when Babel and Fowler was conquered by the Persians Persians were a dual kingdom it says this bear is kind of raised up on one side because the Persians were stronger than the Medes they eventually took over there's three ribs in its mouth because when Persia came into power it had to conquer three kingdoms to get its power and those three kingdoms were the powers of Lydia Babylon and Egypt and when they conquered them then they sort of had complete power now as I'm going through these kingdoms let me tell you something and I'll show it on a map each kingdom reigns longer than the one before it each King Kingdom is in some way stronger than the one before it is like The Devil's learning from experience and their territory is bigger than the one before it so this isn't a power that seems to keep expanding as you study the kingdom's here now the Jews were conquered by Babylon and then again that territory was conquered by Persia Daniel was actually in Babylon when it fell and went to the Persians you know the story they handwriting on the wall he's there during the feast and and the Persians were outside the city Cyrus was very clever he diverted the river Euphrates where it ran under the walls of Babylon and they never thought they'd get over the walls they weren't worried they'd left the inner gates open his army went under the walls marching through the muddy river when the water level dropped they conquered Babylon well the Persians lasted even longer so what's the next one represented as a leopard you've probably heard of the Macedonian King better known as Alexander the Great he marched about 20 to 23 thousand miles with his soldiers without tanks and he only fought for about 11 years and in that short period of time he was just a military genius he went from victory to victory to victory very brave his troops would do anything for him he would lead them into a battle and he'd be one of the first ones over the wall in some cases he was wounded and he was shot with arrows once or twice and he had a leopard saddle on his horse and so it's interesting that he's compared to a leopard a leopard was a very fast animal and he's had wings and so this leopard it's talking about the speed with which Alexander conquered and he made his empire just did well I'll show you a map here in just a moment but when he died he could conquer the world but he could not conquer himself he went to a drunken feast and drank and woke up with a fever and ended up dying a few days later they don't know if it was the alcohol all poisoning or if it was from malaria but when he was dying his wife said who will rule in your place and he said the strongest well that was really a prophecy that came true because he did not really have an heir that was old enough to rule his kingdom was then divided among his four generals their names kasi under the Simic is Ptolemy and Seleucus and they basically divided his empire reached all the way from Greece into Egypt and northern Africa all the way to India up into Afghanistan it's amazing how far he marched he would have kept going but his soldiers finally said enough is enough we haven't been home in 11 years and then he went back to Babylon which is where he died so now it tells we all know about Alexander great and if you know even elementary history you know what happened next what world Kingdom is represented by the fourth beast you can read about this in the book of Luke chapter 2 it says and it came to pass in those days a decree went out from Augustus Caesar who's this this is Rome that all the world should be registered or taxed so the Romans conquered the Greeks at the Battle of Medina about 168 BC and then they reign even longer than the Greeks and their territory though it's not the same didn't reach all the way to India but it went into Western Europe and they were covering a territory from northern Europe and into parts of Asia controlled the trade routes became a very wealthy Empire and a very strong Empire so then it says that this kingdom the kingdom of Rome it is not just handed over to another Empire with another single king it starts to really implode from the inside and it goes through a transition where it goes from a kingdom ruled by a state and a pagan kingdom into more of a religious power and it breaks up into ten parts the barbarians came in from the north and they conquered Rome pretty soon you find that the Roman Empire is broken up into the modern kingdoms or nations that we have in Europe the ten horns which you saw are ten Kings or the ten kingdoms here's the Roman Empire the way you'll see it during its zenith and you can tell it was even bigger than Greece bigger than Persia bigger than Babylon but gradually they started getting weaker you know what contributed to the fall of Rome some of the things same things that are contributing to the moral fall of Western civilization they were preoccupied with entertainment pleasure wealth ease and gradually instead of having a strong military the enemies came in from the north barbarians and other powers and plundered them and they broke up into the ten divisions their power sort of shifted more to Western Europe and you ended up with these ten powers and for instance you've got they call them the alemana the franks the anglo-saxons Burgundians we've ilombardo goth the Vandals hair you lie and Ostrogoths you know them today better as alum and I who speaks Spanish here how do you say German Halima right yeah and you got your Franks the Franco the English anglo-saxons Burgundians Portugal Italy Spain and then you'll notice you don't see too many vandals here you lie and Ostrogoths because it says when a little horn comes up it up roots three of them but originally it was divided into these ten parts now before I go any farther I told you this is going to be industrial-strength prophecy here tonight if you know Daniel chapter 2 you're gonna find Daniel chapter 2 Daniel chapter 7 Daniel chapter 8 you got overlap between these prophecies they're often saying the same thing from different perspectives it's almost like the prophet he's got a truth here and he says I'm going to show you the truth from this angle now I'm going to show you the truth from this angle it looks a little but it's the same truth and so you find that in Revelation and you find that in Daniel an example in Revelation it gives the history of God's people from the first coming to the second coming one vision is called the seven churches that covers the religious history and then it's got the seven seals that covers a political history then it's got the seven trumpets that covers a military history they're covering the same history but from different perspectives and so you'll find that this is happening in Daniel and one vision it's a statue with these different elements gold and silver and bronze and iron and iron mixed with clay you get to Daniel chapter 7 it's using animals to tell the same story and we know this because the angel often tells you later what the interpretation is so you find there's overlap between these two now in Daniel chapter 7s prophecy what happens next after this beast with the ten horns appears I considered the horns and behold there came up among them another little horn starts out little and it says before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots and this one is different also it's not the regular monarchy kingdom behold in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things it tells us that there's a man at the power at the center of this kingdom so there's something different about it how is the beast of Revelation chapter 13 similar to the vision in Daniel chapter 7 well notice this revelation 13 you know what revelation 13 is where you find the Beast mark of the beast 666 it's all revelation 13 says the mouth is like the mouth of a lion did we see a lion in Daniel the dragon it says the dragon gave him his feet and wait a second right I went too fast at first it says the Beast that you saw was like unto a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear did we see a leopard and a bear it says its mouth was like the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power that's that nondescript beast you find at the end the dragon gave him his power his throne and great Authority now when you're in the Book of Daniel it says lion bear leopard monster beast but now you're in Jang and it does it backwards in Revelation yeah John wrote revelation and he's saying now you're seeing it's the leopard the bear the lion because he's looking backwards in history and these things are in the past and John is living during the time of Rome when he writes revelation so I want you just consider some of the parallels between Daniel and revelation this is all gonna come together and you're gonna go oh just stay with me I know I'm just looking at your faces and I can see some of you have information overload right now and I told someone earlier so boy I got a lot to cover tonight that's why the questions were short the prophecies in Daniel are echoes of Revelation a revelation is sort of a jigsaw puzzle that's got pieces of all the Old Testament prophecies I saw a question tonight someone's asking about the like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse you find that in Ezekiel also in chapter one and the same four horsemen talks about the creatures with different faces that's Anna's II kiyul the images that you see of the two witnesses that's in Zechariah so the key to understanding Revelation is you've got to go back in the Old Testament and so in Daniel you'll see chapter 7 it's got a lion bear leopard dragon ten horns mouth makes war on the Saints overcomes them for a prophetic period of three and a half years in three and a half Jewish years there are 1260 days now go to Revelation 13 lion bear leopard dragon 10 horns mouth makes war on the Saints and overcomes them rules for three and a half years but they're calls it 42 months if you've got 42 months you've got the same three and a half year period so the or parallels now what are some of the primary clues to identify the Antichrist beast of revelation 17 alright I gotta just stop here and tell you what I'm gonna say then I'll tell you what I've said then I'll say it are we friends I hope you know Paul says in Galatians chapter 4 am I your enemy if I tell you the truth don't you want the truth all right let me tell you what I'm gonna share with you I am NOT sharing something the pastor Doug dreamed up by myself this is what Protestant preachers taught for hundreds of years but you almost never hear it anymore in Revelation we think about the mark of the beast there's actually two beasts in Revelation 13 you know where you see 666 you read about the first beast in Revelation 13 then you get to verse 11 says and I saw a second beast and these two beasts work together I'm going to tell you who they are the second beast is Protestants seated in America now I'm technically a Protestant and I love Americans first beast is Catholicism seated in Rome it's not exclusively them but it's it's a teaching and you'll see what I'm talking about I went to Catholic school growing up to different Catholic schools I'm not trying to be unkind to Americans I am one or Protestants or Catholics is that clear do you still want me to tell you what this prophecy says are you sure see I figure if I get you to beg me then you can't get mad at me later that's the theory anyway all right we're gonna look at some clues now if I tell you I had I got a mystery guest in the audience tonight and you got a guess who it is well there's a few hundred people here so you it'd be pretty hard it's kind of like the lottery you'd have a hard time winning right but if I said okay it's a man cuts it down by 50% you got a little better chance and then if I tell you the color of their hair and then the color of their eyes and if I tell you the color of their shoes and they're wearing a polkadot red jacket would that help and if I keep giving you clues every Clou narrows it down so pretty soon you say we know exactly who it is this is what's gonna happen now we're gonna look at about ten clues that are given in Revelation to identify the beast power and there actually will be two beasts but talking about one tonight focus on another one another night first of all it says and the woman that you saw is that great city that reigns over the kings of the earth all right if you have your Bible some watching at home can see it's a little dark here but if you have your Bibles you go to Revelation chapter 17 and I'd like to read that she just very quickly and it says you're one of the seven angels who had the seven vials these are the ones the plagues are poured out of he comes to me says come on I'll show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters since think that Piratas I talked to you about tonight with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet coloured Beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns and the woman was arrayed listen carefully in purple and scarlet adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication the Bible doesn't mince words and on her forehead a name was written Mystery Babylon the Great the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth and I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints it's a persecuting power and the martyrs of Jesus and I was amazed later he says in verse 9 here's wisdom the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits and you go to the last verse here in Revelation chapter 17 and it says and the woman that you saw is that great city that reigns over the king of the earth kings of the earth so most scholars believed that this was talking about what was going to happen to the church that the church went through a great compromise not long after the apostles about 300 to 500 AD started largely with the conversion of Constantine but I'll say more about that another night so it's you talk about this woman it says she sits among Seven Hills now what does a woman represent pastor Doug you say that where is it in the Bible husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church several times in the Bible there's a woman as compared to a church seven Hills can you think of a prominent church that sits among Seven Hills what's Seven Hills type in Seven Hills google it don't do it right now but if you google Seven Hills it'll say Rome the city of Seven Hills Rome has always been known as the eternal city of Seven Hills and it does literally sit among Seven Hills and I can't pronounce all their Italian names but you can find that in in the encyclopedia here is a mind that has understanding says that woman is a great city that reigns over the kings of the earth what city was reigning over the kings of the earth when John wrote Revelation he had been imprisoned by Rome so you've got a large Church in Rome it tells you about the colors that are prominent says she wears purple and scarlet they are the official colors of the Catholic hierarchy the Cardinals wear the red and the arsh Archbishop's wear the purple that's nothing wrong with wearing purple Karen's wearing purple tonight nothing against purple I'm not trying to be against people I'm just telling you that it's giving us some stuff to help identify it it also says she's a darn with gold and pearls and precious stones and I think that never the UN estimated that the Vatican's treasure of solid gold is estimated by the United Nations knighted nations world magazine to amount in several billion dollars I don't know if you've ever been to Rome they can take you on a tour and look at some of the treasures of the Vatican and it's just spectacular Karen and I were in Spain we just saw some churches there and and that of course was a real beachhead of power for the church at that time tremendous wealth it's just fascinating and then it says she has in her hand a golden cup well if you read in the Catholic Encyclopedia it tells us that the golden chalice occupies the first place among the sacred vessels in the Catholic Church liturgy and their mass and you know you've probably all seen during the mass the priests which lifts up the golden cup and it's got actual wine in it now you know in the Protestant churches most Protestant churches it's grape trees it's unfermented but in the Catholic Church it's fermented and it says in Revelation that the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine now did Jesus have wine at the Last Supper yeah was it fermented or unfermented it's unfermented Christ says to the disciples I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until I drink it with you new in my father's Kingdom the bread was to be unleavened and the grape juice was to be unfermented because it symbolized the blood of Christ and so but not so I'm part of the big battle that was fought during the Protestant Reformation was over the mass it's a big word called transubstantiation when the priest would utter in Latin his declaration and you talk about the as an octa corpus that's where you get the word hocus-pocus they thought that he was claiming to have magical power to turn the bread into the actual body of Christ and this was a big battle that golden cup was a big battle during that time people died over saying the priest does not have the power to create the body of Jesus it's a symbol and they said no it's real and that was a big issue so these things played a role is there any other clear points from Daniel 7 to help us identify the Antichrist power so let's look at these clues that we've got here it's about 10 of them first of all it says this little horn comes up from among the 10 it has a human leader a mouth that's like a man it uproots three other kingdoms it's the verse are different there's something different about them sure of it than a regular Kingdom it's a persecuting power you don't cooperate there's persecution it rises up after Rome Falls Rome fell in 476 ad it rules for 1260 days which are prophetic days which were years 1260 years it is guilty of blasphemy we'll explain that it thinks to change times and laws that's Daniel 7:25 and it is a little horn Kingdom it's an independent power okay now let's look at these clues we just identified see if that'll narrow it down first of all does the papacy fit the description for being for these Dinh different points that we just identified first of all does it come up from among the ten kingdoms in the Roman Empire yeah it's in Rome can't get any more in the middle than that right in the middle of the Mediterranean the Great Sea where he sees this striving taking place the geographical location of the papal power was Rome Italy the very heart of the territory of Western Europe it tells us that the dragon gave him his power seat and great Authority we read in Revelation chapter 12 that the dragon was operating through the Kingdom of Rome and so when the Kingdom of Rome lost its power it gave its very same seat and power and throne to the papal power does that happen historically absolutely that's what happened you can read that with the conversion of Constantine and about 321 ad up until the time of Constantine all right everybody take a breath okay do a check of your partner next year for a second I want to I want you to catch this okay up until the time of Constantine Christianity was declared religio illicit a it was a forbidden religion you've heard the stories about them burning the Christians in Rome and feeding them to the Lions it was the Romans ruled by Caesars that did that he would force Christian's to worship their gods and honest Christians want to do it they built an underground city called catacombs all over Rome because of the persecution by the time Constantine came along he was a little more of an objective our realistic politician he said look these Christians pretty peaceful they're not hurting anybody we're spending all of our time fighting them and we got problems up in the north with real Wars let's legalize Christianity and he claimed to see a vision whether he did or not no one really knows but he said he was in a battle and he claimed to see a vision that he was supposed to conquer under the sign of the Cross so he said I'm gonna order my army to march through the Tiber River in Rome and he told all these pagan soldiers said you're gonna march through the river and you're getting baptized I'm baptizing you they all march through the river they had no idea what they were getting baptized into and you know they went down into the water dry pagans they came of wet pagans they still but now they're being called Christians and they painted crosses on their sword on their shields is there okay we're Christians and almost overnight all of these pagan concepts came pouring into Christianity for example all over Rome up until Constantine they worshipped thousands of different idols and gods now the Bible says you're not supposed to pray to idols well they went to Constantine and the church leaders they said look you know we we want to accept Jesus but we got these beautiful idols and Mercury and Apollo and and Diana and Ephesus and he said well just you know give him Christian names call him Peter James John and Mary this they did and the priests in Rome had these long flowing elegant robes and these fancy hats and and they said you know we don't want to lose our vestments in our garments and you know we got the respect of the people if we just walk around like Jesus and the Apostles nobody's going to respect us so now they started to adopt some of the vestments and they the uniforms and and gradually you started seeing changes come in changes came in in the theology little by little so that between the time of Constantine and about 500 AD all of a sudden you found you had a milkshake of Christianity and paganism the church had become unfaithful to Jesus in the word and in the Bible when you're unfaithful to Christ Christ says my bride is playing the harlot if you're Catholic don't take that as an insult he said that to his people all through history he called the Jews he said when you stop worshipping me Andy you start worshipping idols you're committing harlotry with these other nations these other religions these other gods he says it to Christians to Protestants whenever matter of fact Revelation chapter 17 says Babylon is not only a harlot she has daughters that come out of her that are harlots many Protestants took some of these pagan things into their churches God wants his people to follow the word amen so this is what's happening politically now when Constantine was converted he ended up moving the capital from Rome to Constantinople that's where it gets its name Constantinople and when he did this you would have thought that Rome was going to decline this is from Abbot's Roman history the transfer of the Emperor's residence to Constantinople was a sad blow to the prestige of Rome and at that time one might have predicted her speedy decline but the development of the church and the growing authority of the Bishop of Rome or the Pope gave her a new lease on life and made her again the capital this time the capital of the religious capital of the civilized world so by the time you get to Justinian which is 538 ad as the Roman Church he leaves and he takes his capital up to Constantinople he just appoints the Pope as head of Rome he gives him an army says you've got political and religious power and all of a sudden Rome still becomes a cinder but now it is the religious center because Christianity had become the religion of the kingdom it was forced on people which was never Jesus plan you can read further to the succession of the Caesars came the Secession succession of the pontiff's or the Pope's in Rome when Constantine left Rome he gave his seat to the pontiff so very words that you find in the Bible are in history received its power in its authority its seat its throne from the pagan Roman Empire it says it would have a man at its head who speaks for it and I got it several pictures here Pope Francis and he seems like such a nice guy I'd like to meet him like to do Bible study with him I wouldn't hold your breath but Edgar you really need it's one of my dreams it's on my bucket list but nothing against him he might be a nice guy we're talking now about these positions it says it would have a man at as its head who speaks for it the papacy definitely has one man the Pope who speaks for it and he has authority is given to him over every tribe tongue and nation you can read actually in the Catholic writings where Pope Boniface the 8th said we moreover proclaim and declare and pronounce that it is all together necessary for salvation for every human being to be subject to the Roman pontiff or the Pope did you know that's part of their teaching that in order to be saved you must be subject to the Pope they say there is a particular man that is large and in charge well that's what the prophecy said there would be a central person at the head they don't have like a senate they don't have a congress it's just really one person who has complete authority it tells us when this power begins to rule and it happened about 538 ad it would pluck up or uproot three kingdoms and write about the time that Justinian left the church began to wage war on three powers the three parts of the Roman Empire that we're not recognizing her power they were the hair you lie the Ostrogoths and the Vandals you know where you get the word vandalism the Vandals did not believe in idolatry they were right about that so they went through the Roman Empire and they were defacing and how many of you have seen statues of Greek and Roman gods and the mists in the head and the arms and all that noses broken off I was done by vandals who said you're not supposed to worship idols and that's where we get the word vandalism it was from this kingdom they did not believe in the Pope being head of the church they did not believe in these things and so there was a war that was fought and they were overthrown these three powers and now you're down to the seven and it tells us that this happened between 593 and 538 finally they had pretty much supreme power by 538 it would be diverse or different from the other kingdoms because it's not a political entity it is largely a religious entity it goes on to tell us it would make war with and persecute the Saints now anybody that knows anything about history understands this it tells you in Revelation 13:7 it was given him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them it is a well-known fact that the church the papacy did persecute and they clearly admit it you know my father met Pope John Paul the second and he kind of had a private meeting with him he and my stepmom stepmother number four there was one more after that and she was actually younger than my wife that's another story but she was Italian and and my dad donated like two million dollars to the Catholic Church for the year of Jubilee part of what happened during the year Jubilee is they apologized to Protestants for the persecutions of the church so they freely admit this the British historian Sir William Edward Leakey wrote that the Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that has ever existed among mankind is something that will be questioned by no Protestant who has any competent knowledge of history but last month Karen and I were in Spain and why we're walking up the streets we saw a sign it said see the torture implements and I said what no we asked they said yeah it's two dollars we had no other plans we said sure so we went down to this dungeon that was below the store all around on the streets so where were we in what did Toronto Toledo we are in Toledo Spain but underneath all the churches they show yo you want a tour you can take a tour they show you all the torture implements that were used during the Inquisition you've heard of the Spanish Inquisition I thought about showing you some pictures but I think there's one on the screen that's one too many but yeah there was a lot of persecution that took place now did Jesus ever torture people if they didn't believe does Christ say you've got to follow me and if you don't well I'm gonna torture you until you say you love me does that work very well that was never God's plan for growing the church and it also even happened among the Protestants the English the Church of England they persecuted people were hung they were burnt at the stake so it wasn't just a Catholic Church but the longest period of time was done during the time of the Dark Ages there it tells us it would emerge from the fourth kingdom of iron the pagan Roman Empire that happened it says that God's people the Saints would be given into its hand here's the time period that really seals the deal as you would say for a time a times and the dividing of a time that's what you read in Daniel 7:25 you go to Revelation it calls it 42 months it's the same period of time that time period a time is one year a times meant a pair or a couple of years that's two more that's three so the dividing or half that's three and a half three and a half three and a half three and a half is all through the Bible famine in the days of Elijah how long three and a half years the book of Esther begins with a three and a half year period in the third year of the reign of Ahaz you eros there was a feast lasting 180 days 180 is exactly half of a 360 day year Jewish here they're on a lunar calendar how long did Jesus teach three and a half years how long from the time of Christ until Stephen was stoned three and a half years it's called 42 months it's called a time a time in the dividing of times it's called 1260 days this is a time period God doesn't want us to misunderstand it's given many different ways so from the time that the Catholic Church a very clear benchmark is given in history from the time Justinian the Roman Emperor he leaves town he tells the Bishop of Rome where the Pope you're now in charge and here's an army you've got religious power absolute religious power you've got military power and you can rule from that time that was 538 let's look here some quotes from history the legally recognized supremacy of the Pope began in 538 ad when there went into effect a decree of Emperor Justinian making the Bishop of Rome the head over all the churches and the definer of doctrine and the corrector of heretics I mean he could punish the vigil ascended the papal chair 538 ad under the military protection of Basilius that's a history of the Christian Church but then it says at the end of this time period you read this in revelation 13:3 the first beast he receives a wound says his one of his heads were as it was wounded to death it looked like it was all over for that Empire what happened and the deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the Beast so it's wounded but it doesn't stay wounded it comes back with a great political power again you've heard of Napoleon Napoleon didn't care after the French Revolution Napoleon eventually came into power he did not care very much for the church and so they used the excuse of the murder of a Frenchman in Rome for him to send his general Berthier into France 1798 and at that time they arrested the Pope they carried him off to valence where he died in exile the church lost its unlimited authority during that time now how many of you play chess game play chess anyone you know what are the pieces next to the king and queen bishop on the right and on the left that's because all during that stretch of 1260 years of history the kingdoms of the ancient Roman Empire they couldn't make decisions without consulting the church they had tremendous Authority tremendous influence off the on the people if the people if if it King didn't go along with what the church said the Pope would say none of you can get into heaven you're gonna all be excommunicated and the people would rise up against their king and so the Kings were very afraid one king waited in the snow for two days barefoot to talk to the Pope and that's for forgiveness made tremendous power back then but when Berthier came in he abolished the papal government and established a secular government in Italy but things have changed now it says his power would be guilty of blasphemy there are two definitions in the scripture from blasphemy one is claiming the power to forgive sins you find that Luke 5:21 and the other is claiming to be God they accused Jesus of blasphemy on those two occasions they said you know one can forgive sin but God and you're claiming to be God and both times they said that's blasphemy and that's the accurate definition does the Catholic Church fit that definition here's a quote from Pope Leo the xiii we hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty that's I think a pretty bold statement and again here's a pope pius xi you know that i am the holy father the representative of God on earth the Vicar of Christ which means I am God on the earth I mean people I'll go up to the Pope they they bow they kiss his foot that kiss his ring if they carry him around he sits on a golden throne I mean it's really different than Jesus walking around in sandals so they were crowns the last couple popes haven't wanted to wear the crowns in their ceremonies they got a crown they got three tiered crown means king of heaven king of earth and king of purgatory that's what the the three tiers mean the supreme teacher of the church is the roman pontiff union of minds therefore requires together with a perfect record in the one faith come pleats submission to the obedience to the church in the Roman point of as to God himself and it goes on to say in second Thessalonians he sits in the temple of God calling himself God that temple is a sitting over the church the Bible says what don't you know that you are the temple of God Jesus said destroy this temple made with hands I will make one without hands my body the church is called the body of Christ it's his temple you are living stones in this temple and no man is supposed to claim that he's in charge because Christ is one in charge amen who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sits in the temple of God showing himself that He is God it says that now what about forgiving sins do they claim to have that power according to the dignities and duties of the priest God Himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of his priests and either to pardon or not to pardon according as they refuse or give absolution the sentence of the priest proceeds and God subscribes to it where in the bible does it say you have to confess your sins to a priest doesn't say that in the Bible and so here it says we have the power to forgive sin God and God only can forgive sin it goes on to say he would think to change times and laws you read that in Daniel chapter 7 25 now normally when you read the Ten Commandments you get commandment number 1 don't worship other gods commandment number 2 do not make graven images and bowed down to them commandment number 3 do not take the names Lord in vain commandment number 4 remember remember the Sabbath day often when I Drive home I go by a Catholic Church and right out in front they've got a copy of the Ten Commandments according to their version and you'll notice commandment number two is don't take the name of the Lord in vain you and wait wait where's the commandment about idolatry for obvious reasons that was deleted and he said well how do they end up with 10 they took the 10th commandment that says do not covet and they divide it and say don't covet your neighbor's wife and that's a separate one from don't covet your neighbor's goods but for the Jews that was one commandment and so a whole commandment has been deleted so do they think to change times and laws that's only one and this is from their own writings notice the Pope has power to change times to abrogate laws to dispense with all things even the precepts that means even the teachings of Christ now friends I'm sorry I just have to tell you I respectfully disagree I do not think the Pope has that power and that should not be changed the Bible is pretty clear you should not pray to images you know a little amazing fact one of the great statues we'll find in the Vatican it's a statue of Saint Peter did you know the statue of st. Peter is older than Peter it used to be the statue of Jupiter that was considered great big bronze statue that Hizb it was considered he's got a solar disk on it it's clearly something strange it was taken from the temple of Jupiter and moved to the Vatican and the worshippers have kissed off the toes several times it's had to be replaced and so are we supposed to pray to Peter no you're not to worship a man are we to pray to statues it says thou shalt not make them and bow down to them and I'm sorry friends this is what God says I assume you're coming you want to know what prophecy says God foretold in prophecy this would happen this power that would reign this exact period of time says it would be a worldwide power does it fit the definition they are right now about one-point-two and growing billion Catholics in the world it's the largest religions second largest would be Islam with about 750 or 800 million and it is not just a religious power it is a political power I don't know if you noticed when a couple of years ago Pope came to visit in North America the United States and he went to all the central places of our governments our government headquarters was in Philadelphia New York City Washington DC he went to Philadelphia New York City Washington DC went to the White House met with the United Nations it is not a church it is a very powerful religious political institution that will have a role in the last days working in partnership with Protestants and I'll talk about that another night so I'm just picking on them first but don't worry I'll pick on you two just to keep coming but this is what the I just want to tell you what the Bible says and I ask you again am I your friend if I am I here enemy if I tell you the truth says it's an independent power it's a little horn do you know one of the smallest kingdoms in the world is the Vatican the Vatican is an independent country from Italy did you know that there are ambassadors from the US that go to Italy and we have separate ambassadors that go specifically to the Vatican it is a kingdom with a hundred and nine acres about 1,000 people it's got its own postal system it's got his own police force it's called the Swiss Guard they've even got their own railroad it's a little pope railroad doesn't go very far but yeah it is an independent to get their own currency it's an independent country why else do you think the United Nations would assemble and listen to an address from the Pope why would the US Congress the Senate and the Congress president everybody gather to listen to an address from the they never did that for Billy Graham they don't do that for pastors of churches do they this is not just the religious power this is a very strong political power that has a role in last day prophecy now pastor Doug are you saying that Catholics are gonna be lost no there are gonna be millions of Catholics in heaven did you all hear that and there's gonna there's gonna be a lot of people there are good people in every church do we agree with that we got it and there's goofy people in every church we've got our also in our church and so we're not talking about people here there are good people in all different denominations we're talking about systems of belief and what the Scriptures teach there's some people that they're worshiping God to the best of their knowledge and they may not know and God looks upon them and he judges them based on what they know God is very patient but he wants us to come out of darkness into his marvelous light the Bible says in the last days there's going to be a polarization there's gonna be a shaking that will take place there's gonna be a Great Tribulation and everybody is going to have to gather under one of two banners they're either going to gather under the banner of having the seal of God and the Holy Spirit and worshiping God or they're gonna get the mark of the beast everybody in Revelations marked we're gonna talk about what that seal of God is tomorrow I hope you don't miss that presentation talking about the hundred and forty-four thousand in the seal of God but most of all I am praying that if I've said some things tonight that shock you ask yourself did he give it to me from the Bible I don't want your problem to be with Pastor Doug I want you probably be with a Bible because all these churches were talking about are supposedly basing their teachings on the scripture let's find out if they do you've got to read it for yourself the Bible has said that God's people have often drifted away did they do it in the Old Testament God calls man then the devil gets into it and they drift away they did it in the time of Christ his own people betrayed him they did it during the dark ages it's happening in the churches in the world today churches are lukewarm and Laodicea but God is gonna have a people that will want to really have the real thing they're gonna want to really have God really have the spirit really follow the word in the last days and that's the appeal of Jesus he doesn't want us to have the external religion where we pray and fast and give to be seen of men and it's all the fanfare it's all the ceremony and we have the forms of godliness and no power he wants us to have the real thing that's why we do these seminars so you can just be able to say no wait is this is this really what the Bible teaches I'm hoping you'll make your mind up to find out for yourself you can read in Acts chapter 17 verse 11 talks about when Paul went preaching through Asia that some of the people in the synagogue's were so shaken by what he said about Jesus that Jesus was the Messiah and that their own people the Jewish people had crucified him and some people tried to stone Paul when he said that but it says the people in Berea says they were more noble than the ones in Thessalonica because they received the word with all readiness of mind and they searched the Scriptures daily for themselves to see whether or not those things were so that is my appeal to you find out is this what the Bible really teaches jesus said you'll know the truth and the truth will set you free Christ said I am the way the truth and the life you're thinking pastor dad what difference does it make what doesn't make a difference every lie that you believe is distorting your picture of Jesus every lie that you believe is separating you from the fullness of what Christ wants to do for you as you take a stand for the truth it will liberate you do not choose to turn away from the truth because God says if you do he will allow you to believe a lie many people will be lost very close to the truth but God says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because they rejected knowledge I will reject them that's opposed a chapter 4 don't reject the truth say Lord if this is true it may be tough but I want the truth if you tell the Lord that if you pray that prayer he'll send you the truth what's the promise seek and seek and you will find that's my Peale to you friends and I look these things up for yourself and study them out is that your desire alright I'll make you deal I'll have closing prayer and let you go if you promise to come back let's stand together as we ask him loving and father lord we've covered some very important some details and some heavy things tonight and I just pray that your grace and your spirit well water those seeds that were planted in people's minds and that your word will bear fruit and it will sprout I pray that each person will sincerely pray in their lives Lord if this is true help me to know the truth direct my way Lord we know we're living in the last days we see the prophecies are unfolding all around this the very final events are happening now and Lord we want eternal life we not only want to be saved we want our loved ones to be saved help us to know the truth help us the study to show ourselves approved and then help us to share the truth bless these meetings Lord I pray your blessing on each person coming those who are watching bring us back again and we thank you and we ask in Jesus name Amen god bless you friends be safe driving home now here in rains in Vancouver and we'll see you again when's our meeting tomorrow night and Thursday night every night this week please count god bless
Channel: Aaron
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Length: 69min 14sec (4154 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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