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welcome back to yet another awesome episode of the [ __ ] show brought to you by shag mag shag mag is a digital magazine featuring the hottest women in the industry we are 100 uncensored a hundred percent a hundred percent of the time guys i'm nervous can you tell don't be nervous are you nervous i'm kind of nervous jordan i got this i got this we're gonna have fun so don't worry i literally am on set naked and i'm not this nervous this is insane okay a hundred percent uncensored 100 of the time at speaking of 100 uncensored to my right i have the wonderful becca that's it no it's me what'd you say earlier there's more than one of me oh no because you were you're going to say one and only but he's doing it i know she was like no you're not the one and only he is i was like okay i guess i'm the two and only so ruining my intro to jordan the one and only the wolf of wall street there i am in the flesh and the flesh today you're actually the wolf of all streets wolf of all streets thanks to becca thank you did you see becca's mug let me see him it says send lewds i wish by the way i wish thank god they're illegal because i'd take two right about now no way i'd probably give each of you one but then again yeah becca has literally been talking about it all week she's like really once she's like i want to know what it's like you know it's like it's like it's very hard to so there's different phases of a quality right the first phase is called the tingle phase you take them and your fingertips start to tingle it's like boring it's amazing right and you're then you're going from there into the what's called the slur phase you start to slur your words but you're like well you know babies slur rice that's fine you're like really cool with that too right and you go into what's called the drool phase where you start to drool out of the side of your mouth right and then it comes unconsciousness so those you want to stay between like tingle and sounds like a friday night um but then of course well listen you know what guys then of course there's ways to balance it out with other substances so back in the day you know after that then we'd come to coke and you'd you know up down no the idea was to be in a state of perfect toxic poise like right balanced in the middle that was the key so hard to achieve but hard to achieve many experiments many experiments but i did achieve it on more than one occasion nice i want to answer all your questions i i want you to ask me like we're getting into it really let's go let's rock and roll so a lot of people don't know but i actually had the pleasure of kind of interviewing for our september issue that just released um and what i found most interesting not most interesting but one of the interesting things i found was that when we asked you about a guy how to get a guy how a guy would get a girl out of his league you said if you think she's already out of your league you've already lost my thing is i feel like it's almost human nature for guys even humans to be real to doubt themselves and i was wondering like what kind of helped you did you always just kind of have that confidence or is there like one thing in particular that like helped you gain that yeah no i i didn't always have that confidence that's like a funny answer but the truth is is that so you know how you there's two things it's how you actually feel inside in what you portray to the world right and those you know are very often two different things they always say like when you date someone you don't really know who they are to like six months in like they said in their reputation they could just dealt with that that's true right we all right they send you their representative first like it's the best version of themselves right but i think when it comes to women i've listened i've been fortunate i've dated a lot of gorgeous women over the years right and they were probably all out of my league in some way or another but but like i never looked at it that way to me it was more like a numbers game like like a lot of guys i think are just intimidating they think that a beautiful girl uh is gonna reject them and they'll be embarrassed by that but to me it's like i think it's the a lot of really gorgeous women are insecure because you know it's like when you feel like you're only being judged for that and there's always someone more gorgeous someone richer someone thinner so i mean like yeah i think that no matter who you are you know when you look in the mirror you always kind of you can always look up one imperfection that you have and i think that it's you know it's pretty toxic for for men and women to to look at it like oh my god they're either better than me or i'm better than them so what i learned to do honestly is just to ask and act in in spite of any fear i had so you know i'm not saying i was never afraid or embarrassed but i acted anyway i always asked girls to go out and yeah a lot of times i got rejected and but you only remember when you're in a ball with your friends guys those guys here in the audience right you don't talk about the ones that rejected you talk about the ones that said yes right so the more it's like it's like fishing you know you cast your pole into the ocean a hundred times you gotta catch some fish you cast it five times you're not gonna catch that many fish right and every once in a while you catch some really good looking fish right you guys taking notes yeah spence is taking notes on his phone he said catch fish sometimes hot but but also i think also there's also like what you actually say to them too and and then especially i think the keys though is the is the first date i think i think it's pretty easy to get a girl to go out with you on a date i think it's always been pretty easy and then there's certain things that like really i know turn women off and it's probably the same things that turn guys off right like seriously it's a cliche but when uh if i'm with a girl who just talks about herself and how beautiful she is it's like gross and a guy if you're with a guy who thinks he's god's gift and he's you know not asking you questions so i think those are pretty obvious things but they really do matter you know yeah no they do matter would you say that you're a fan of like the whole saying faking it until making it yeah i mean is that like the so yes and no i mean faking it i i'd call that acting as if in other words you know i say yeah act as if but you better be really aggressively closing the gap between what you're faking and what is reality so like for example in a business setting like you know i teach sales people how to close yeah you want to act like an expert because the only way to become an expert is to act like one and do it right but you better be working really hard to close the gap so in other words if you're in in a dating sense if you want to be with a hot girl you know you want to be pretend to be this great guy or pretend to be someone that that you know has a great sense of humor well you better [ __ ] eventually get one you can't just fake it for very long you could fake it and then get better at it and get more confident and become what you're trying to fake you know you know what i mean you gotta yeah yeah you gotta close the door at home they're like what a long day yeah yeah pretending to be someone i'm not yeah yeah yeah exactly would you say that you could make any person into a good salesperson that you could pick any person off the street and make them into a good sales person to a degree so i i mean i think that you know there's a question of like desire so if someone really has the desire the answer is yes if they don't have any sort of mental deficiency right yeah well yeah yeah of course well like there's some you know i we do a lot of recruiting of sales people for companies so like i say some people have a face that's made for the telephone you know maybe they shouldn't be knocking on doors or or doing in-person sales when you're on the phone no one can see you right so it's all about your voice and your tonality in person there are certain body types and certain types of looks that definitely give you a bit of an advantage right yeah so the idea is number one that if you want to make it easy for yourself then you know kind of put yourself in a position to succeed and do what you probably are most likely to succeed don't give yourself an uphill battle but if you're determined to succeed at something you're not particularly natural you can overcome with hard work and perseverance and that the other day always wins out hard work and perseverance seriously like are you taking notes yeah i'm taking notes so i have a question becca you think you can sell jordan these pair of sunglasses oh my god i knew you were going to do something like this come on i think you can do it i think jordan should get maybe give you a couple pointers okay turn the lights up okay oh boy here we go what do what what should you start with jordan he's like oh i'm like here you go there you go no it's good please buy these from me please i'm like is it bright in here you guys turn some more lights on how about this if you were gonna if you in reality you want to sell someone a pair of sunglasses the first question i would have is so are you in the market are you interested do you wear sunglasses do you want sunglasses if you say i don't wear something like have a nice day go [ __ ] yourself those i don't think you're not cool if you tell jordan to go [ __ ] himself the thing is as a sales person the biggest mistake sales people make is they try to sell things to people who don't want them and need them and that's not what a salesperson does so the whole idea of when you're saying sell me this pen or sell me these glasses is you're trying to first see well does the person even want what you're selling so you start asking them questions if you're just trying to say oh these are the best classical you look so sexy at these they'll make you you know feel great they're the best value like blah blah [ __ ] blonde like i don't want i don't use glasses so it's like listen it's like dating right it's a numbers game so when you're dating looking to get me a man or woman the more what are you looking to do do you look in to try to find a man few girls right that doesn't it's not interested in that about someone that's not interested in dating you that already has a boyfriend that already has a girlfriend right or maybe that's you know maybe that's homosexual right yeah okay what's your chance of closing that guy and going out with you very low very low right yeah so so are you going to waste your time trying to convince that guy to go out with you or yeah would you rather be in this case becca's guy's probably glutton for punishment right yeah but no the idea is is that you know what you do is you say great you know have a nice day you're not for me next person hey how are you doing so do you have a boyfriend no are you gay right you're getting tell me right are you gay okay we're on the right track perfect you know exactly so ask him okay so do you do you want some i was thinking about maybe buying something you know what i have someone's but i lose so many glasses that i could always use another pair oh yeah wow well how much do they cost how much are they um they're about fifty dollars and it's you know it's been so bright outside really i know it's really bright in here and um also you know you want to protect your retinas these are you know uv protectant yeah not from the how about this you know what i want you know what i want you to do put the glasses on okay tell me how you can you know what jordan you look so awesome look at you know how sexy you're looking those those glasses they make you feel like a million bucks you just look brother you look like i'm gonna they actually look great on you thank you they really do honestly they're her glasses you're making me blush no they know they're really the perfect fit to your face seriously how do they feel on you great they feel great you know what those glasses i think they normally go for 200 bucks but right now just take my money just take it off like it's been mowing jordan under the table for her own goal like can i scan your code yeah yeah i'm going to be able to scan your barcodes no i love it i think you could i honestly think you could do it bikes i think we could send you a door to door to sell shackman okay by the way i was like you wanna hear a funny story yes i told you i was just in texas you know what i was doing in texas what i was i swear to god this is a true story i was going door to door no way in texas because i have a company we recruit sales people right and it's a very very large company in pest control bugs and ants right they hired my company and they want to hire like five or ten thousand sales people and they want and my company hi i find them and i train them i thought you know i'm not my big company that does this right and but if i'm gonna take a contract that big i never would ask someone to do something that i wouldn't do myself or have done myself and i wanted to experience it myself what it was like to go door-to-door to sell pest control so the owner and i went out as a goof right and we went out and we were knocking on it was so [ __ ] hot in texas it was like 105 degrees i was sweating my ass off right but the 10th door sure enough all right boom we sold this guy pest control this guy a really nice guy then of course i ended up giving him because he um he was a bilingual i was i gave him a contract i felt banks i took the guys hey i'll give you some how about this i'll give you guys two for one yeah yeah but we sold them pest control and then all right the next day i flew to midland and i went unsold solar door-to-door because another another contract with the company they want me to train and hire door-to-door people for them for solar and i went out because i'm a big believer guys you should really do this in anything that you do in life you want to build a company just never ask people to do something that you haven't done or wouldn't do yourself because if you haven't you can't say it with conviction right now in this case you know i've sold tons of things on my whole event i was very young i did door-to-door sales right but i just wanted to see you know if i'm gonna help train what are people really saying about this right don't ask people to do what you wouldn't do you guys are building a company right yeah and you're doing a great job seriously you are right you got a lot of people that work for you they respect you and they love you right and the key is to building a great company is don't ask people to do jobs that you wouldn't do yourself you got to work harder than everybody else be more dedicated that's the secret to success at least one of them yeah i love that i love and i love how you probably can take i love how you can literally take different things and sell them door-to-door like i'm sure you use kind of like the same kind of culture well you know again and then by the way my son i made my son who's 25 now right he's in texas right now does he have a girlfriend he has a girlfriend right but i have another son i have another son by another 24 year old son really handsome really handsome guy no no it wasn't blonde six foot one okay great he's not his name is bowen really happy i love him no he's really handsome he's super handsome kid super handsome kid the nicest kid ever he's so not by the such a nice kid he really is such a great kid he's any girl that gets him he works me both my kids work me so i made my he's in marketing my other son's in the uh sales and training center i made him go door to doors he was in he called me because dad i was knocking on doors in the pouring rain in texas and it's the best feeling i ever had wow i wish i was your guy's age to go back and do all the stuff again because the [ __ ] world is great guys you know you have i know it's [ __ ] right now at corona rules idiocy with corona [ __ ] right but you know what it will end soon enough and you guys got the whole world in front of you so you're just gonna [ __ ] kick ass make tons of money have fun get laid all the time don't use protection i'm just kidding but oh yeah use protection use protection no don't let society judge units political correct insanity which i think is destroying the world i call it [ __ ] culture yeah [ __ ] yeah it's cancelled [ __ ] [ __ ] culture yeah everyone's all [ __ ] you know yeah and we're talking to you guys no there's so much [ __ ] virtue signaling going on right now and so much disingenuous [ __ ] yeah like do as like you know do as i say not as i do and it's all over the place it's not even about democrats or republican it's [ __ ] every it's just like insane and i'm not really sure what's what's causing it right now but you know it's people like you guys seriously you guys are the future you got to stand up against this [ __ ] because it's toxic it's not good so the other thing i found interesting too in your interview with us when we asked you about your go-to pick-up line you said not to use a pick-up line yeah i don't use it but i'd love to know like you know back in your crazy wild days if you saw a girl at a bar that caught your eye what is what was like your go-to move like what was it a buy or a drink was it let her come to you like what is like your signature when it came to women so it was it was i was fortunate because i became very well known at a very young age so for me from the time i was in my early 20s i never had to really pick up women like that it was so i really it was the truth is i didn't i always had uh where i'd go out i was always kind of know really well known and if i wanted to meet a girl i was introduced by someone else but i but it's still there's still that moment like what do you say to someone and it's really weird because like it's it's still to this day you know i when i i'm trying to think so when i met my oh my god so my last wife who's amazing you know when we're not together she's a beautiful lady great lady right we broke up about year and a half ago right and like she was probably the toughest sale i ever had to close was her like she was really tough because my my book had just come out the first book so where the book came out before the movie everyone was talking about my book and like and you know we were our kids were on the same soccer team right she was a soccer mom there you go megs yeah she was a soccer mom and like she was like running from me you know i had to like kind of pursue you know but i was with her it was more like you know i was very persistent and i i said let's i asked her to go out she's like no i want to go out with you and then she was but i'll meet you to ask you questions about your book she read my book and she wanted to ask me questions i said fair enough asked me some questions right so he went out and i think she like she said she thought i was going to be an [ __ ] but when we went out you know i i'm i started asking her questions about herself and pretended i was interested i really wasn't looking at her ass though but but you know but and you know and um answering questions like turned away yeah yeah exactly snap yeah basically and then i'm sorry i dropped your book that was many years ago right and um and then and she was very skittish she was like a skittish cat like trying to corral a cat right but ultimately you know with persistence and and um you know and also i think girls love a great kisser right i think it's really important that the first kiss is bad you're [ __ ] as a guy right i've heard this of so many girls like like they always say always a good kiss you're a bad kisser right and uh so i think that she liked it was a good kisser that was like you kissed her after she interviewed you for your book was it that day it was that is that that dinner yeah i um i got the first kiss and then my my girlfriend now you know we met we met she was in guadalajara she's from argentina um and she was modeling in guadalajara i was on tour and we met at um at a first the restaurant and she was sitting on one side of the restaurant i was on the other in different groups and then we ended up in a club that was like attached to the restaurant right and then we were in the club and a lot of people asked me for pictures and then we took a picture together right and then like somehow i think we like oh i got her inch like her name and when i got back she was really beautiful right and um i saw look i looked at her instagram [ __ ] she's so hot right like i fell in love with her instagram right so yeah so i dm'ed her right and then we started dming at night she was now is still in mexico i was back in the u.s what was your first dm [ __ ] i forgot but i'll tell you the point ready for the punchline here yeah so we start dming five to six hours a night dm'ing back and forth about god knows what right you don't want to even think about it it's not the dm she has this guy dming her right now jordan and i swear to you let me play you i'll reel them in let me know yeah no i fell in love with this girl of over dms right and then here's the punch line ready so i said listen she was in guadalajara and now i was going back to mexico to mexico city to give another speech right and she was going to be in mexico city the same time said hey let's go out for dinner she goes i can't i'm like why not because i don't speak a word of english i'm like what the [ __ ] i said what do you mean she was i'm using google translate no way so i didn't speak a word of spanish she didn't speak a word you learned spanish you got rosetta stone seven no i memorized the dictionary so in like literally 14 days i was fluent in spanish i went down so i flew i got semiflu in 10 days and then i actually got really i got completely fluent because we had this amazing we met this amazing first date we fell in love and like it was really heavy and then she came to florida then i had to meet her parents over um she was like a really really high up family you know very respectable family and they don't speak any english so i had to then i crashed it and like within another week or so i was fluent in spanish i met the family and in putadela you guys know the last day in uruguay guys you would love you guys would love put the last day these were all the hottest parts ladies pack your bags all the hottest girls in south america and and it's basically the sancho bay of south america it's ridiculous and great beaches ridiculous women super rich guys and and just fun parties all night long and no pretense it's wild i'm like all right bye but yeah we're like going pack our bags so wait wait you literally learned i did give me a sec give me a sentence give him your sentence that you always use you like to sting and dance i know yeah and um come papa sweetheart i don't like pet french fries okay yeah there's all thanksgiving no i i really speak spanish well i was actually fluent in december here's what happened then she moved back into the us with me right and she came to stay and we i switched all my teeth the way i learned spanish i'll tell you i memorized the top 5 000 nouns verbs and adjectives and adverbs right i read about a five-page book on grammar learnt the conjugations then i just and so i memorized every photograph and then i watched movies with subtitles and i literally became within two weeks i was fluent [ __ ] netflix and chill it's now learn a new language and chill yeah you have to find someone that's going to learn a new language with you that's the new you know what i call that you know you know in in in spanish you know uh le poder de [ __ ] the power of the [ __ ] like like i would not learn spanish she doesn't like what i say i hope she don't understand this back that's right but no seriously you know only for a woman but i learned spanish you learn would you learn a new language for a guy um it depends if i loved him i'm like olaf all she knows how to say no no i love you oh my god i was engaged to a russian girl for uh oh my god oh i know yeah that was true i didn't learn she you speak um i speak hungarian really yeah okay wow why is that um my mom's from hungary she's from budapest oh my god how about you i speak pig one you speak latinos working on english still working on i speak douchebag pretty easy i mean pretty fluently all right so let me i have this theory with my guys i know all the guys think this there's nothing better than being a gorgeous girl in this world like there's gotta be right to be a gorgeous woman is like a great thing i would think how is it like tell me what it's like to be like the guys that buy [ __ ] for you and like do you get like freebies or or is it like it's in some way it's its own cross to bear wear yeah you're beautiful but you still feel all the same pressures and insecurities and and longings and lacks and highs and lows that everyone else does what is it like to be beautiful as girls i mean to me honestly i think it's you almost feel the pressure more because you feel like you have a certain standard you have to uphold especially if people meet you in person i think you have like people already have an idea of and expect something out of you and maybe it's not even like the best thing i mean you look at certain content you know i put out and i feel like people already have kind of the stigma around me so i think there's the pressure to break through those stigmas and kind of prove that you know i'm not just a pretty face i run a business i am more than just what's on the outside i think is where the pressure really gets put on me and this does that does that pressure you think it's put on you does it come in from yourself you think yeah definitely i definitely think just like when it comes to you don't want to be you know when social media comes i say it's what i do it's not who i am and i think i put a lot of pressure on myself not to just be a pretty face you know looks can only get you so far and they only last so long so i think unless you're more than that then you know your future's it's not that bright look at it this way so people used to say that about you know kim kardashian like oh i mean who's saying that now she's his [ __ ] brand she's you know wealthy and and you know you could hate her but she's respected and you know anyone you just remember this you know people that are lazy [ __ ] love to point the finger and put labels on other people but you're doing it you guys are doing it you know you're actually doing something amazing you have built a business there's a million pretty women in the world how many have their own podcast have a magazine you know success you know so i really i mean i it drives me [ __ ] crazy when people look and judge because you know listen you know you it's you know you're using an asset that you have but you know what that without the brains behind it you would be nothing you just remember that's what anyone says to you it's just [ __ ] it's not yeah and a lot of people say i feel like um like oh yeah it's easy like it's not that big of a deal and then really then why aren't they [ __ ] doing it i know that's what julio says like try just trying to do it i do i do have to ask you sure you don't have to answer it i would really want to know your craziest one-night stand story oh my god the craziest night i've ever had or the craziest craziest one craziest with a woman crazy i mean it doesn't even have to be a one-night stand just maybe even like the craziest place you've had sex just like give me something that gets us going that beck needs to know it gets us fired up i think beck was most looking forward to this question the craziest place i've ever had sex well i mean i've done you know obviously so you know i've done the whole up in the air mike you are a mile high club are you part of the mile high club no no that's like shit's old this whole tactic like we did that back when i was like i'm like an economy economy yeah it's like the bathroom's like this small bike's just like rubbing i'm like come on i think i'm not going to say who i did this uh okay and you don't need to say who i i i did the mile high club in first class cabin in the seat like while we were like like while we were flying with those people in the process how do you pull this off because it was so uh so wait just openly or were you guys sneaky about it openly no it covers with covers with covers like a cover over us no she was sat in my lap and and and i had sex right in the plane i'm not gonna say which wife it was with okay um wait how many wives have you had well i've had four i think like three real wives okay and four you know the last one we weren't formally married we were married so three plus one almost wife uh the russian she was the she was actually the first and last miss soviet union she won the compute the contest miss soviet union back in 1990 and then the country broke up she was the first and the last that was she was a piece of work right julia yeah she didn't think we landed on the moon because this is this is hoax and bad ass mother russia you know anyway um but your yulie was gorgeous tough as [ __ ] nails she kicked my ass right she was like kgb material or something you know but um no but in this plane actually we um we had sex and pretty pretty like serious sex like with like covers like you know caught two covers whatever right and then as um as actually i shouldn't say they'll probably borrow me from the airline but [ __ ] i don't really fly commercial much so singapore airlines if you go on singapore airlines you can get a suite so they if you you get a suite for like 30 000 to go from here to uh singapore and like it's the two middle cabins and it's it's actually closed off and it turns into a double bed so i'm sure i assume you suppose i someone said saying you're supposed to have sex yeah definitely i think it's like yeah there's no way if you don't shame on [ __ ] you right so yeah so that's like that's probably you know an interesting place i mean i love it becca if you ever saw anyone having sex sex you'd be that person like you're doing great do you like i'll keep watching someone's coming it's sexy someone's coming and it's not just you scuba diving at like 50 feet no way yeah nowhere jordan how i i just no you know i used to love scuba diving i went scuba diving and had sex and yeah i was uh with a hooker actually but and you know huh wait how do you have i've been schooled the pressure's too high he's like i love scuba diving and i love sex let's do it together let's bring it in i used that before my yacht sank i used to have old used to hit these wild wild trips and we used to take the boat from at certain points it was in florida so we'd go from florida to bimini and from bimini to uh like freeport and we it was really it was awful it was awfully great by the way but you know this is back in the day when you could do this [ __ ] no one had cell phones with cameras yeah yeah you just couldn't it's like a different world now you definitely would end up like trending on twitter daily mail and i remember i remember there's one we had like it's like 50 like brokers we called them strat knights and like 40 hookers and we um i think it was 1995. wow you guys were you guys even born yet yeah i was two bet you two okay so yeah so one of my partner's daughters was right so anyway so uh and we had all these girls we went absolutely wild like on the way from uh i think was from fort lauderdale to bimini these two little iron islands bimini and cat k that are next to each other like off the coast i mean 10 miles off the coast of uh florida right and it got so disgusting and decadent on the boat like it was like so bad that like all the guys are like like we have to get the hookers off the boat we have to like we can't so we literally we we actually stranded no there is not an island with hookers on it right now no we said helicopters we took the hookers we put them in a thing you put them off on cat pay and then we watched as the boat there were like tears in their eyes we give it like a case of water right like sent some helicopters to pick them up you know the sick part was we flew them back two days later to freeport oh and they're like they're down they were still down they're like oh my god yeah so with all these hookers i'm sure you have one of these i'm genuinely curious this was one of the things i want to know what is one of the dirtiest things that a girl has said to you in better during sex that kind of like you're like i'll turn you on because yeah i mean you can do both if there's one that maybe didn't turn you on but you just want to say it by all means please just say it oh my god i can't say this because yes you can well i'll tell you what's her name change the channel um um probably you know ass to mouth sort of stuff like a girl that want like like was doing that [ __ ] then wanted to kiss me and so it's like that was literally the dirtiest her mouth is dirty like that sort of stuff right i mean you know this is a long time ago guys i'm like really so like kind of calm now you know you know like i had i have a wonderful girl in my life a great ex-wife who's a good friend yeah i'm lucky you know what i'm saying but you know this is back in my year yeah and by the way just you know and i think like i always say there's things that you do in your 20s that are totally [ __ ] cool and correct that you would never do in your 40s and and your 50s right so i'm i don't i'm not upset about anything i did i don't want even embarrassed about it at all the only thing i'd be embarrassed the only thing i'd be sorry about is if i said something that hurt someone i loved i don't give a [ __ ] about myself like you know if i ever just you know if i ever like pause for a moment it's not because i care about how it's not hurting me as i think about is there's someone else that i love and care about that will be hurt by what i say that's what means i i stop it's never because i care i don't care what anyone thinks me at this point you know yeah no i feel that i feel that do you think this is the other question i feel like the gentleman would want to know um and if you can't answer this by all means but is there was there ever a go-to move like back in your wild days with all these women you know coming for if there's a girl that you really wanted to impress did you have a go-to sex move that you knew would be so it's so terribly cliche but it it's like you got it you guys are going to me just the tip you know how many times i said that and it [ __ ] worked what what just you just tell them just the tip and then just they don't want to upset it's just the tip oh look they've all used it you've used it you've used it has anyone used that here just a tip come on guys raise your hand if you've got it it's master fl it works really well just the tip i'm not the saying uh you know i i never owled but i never i've never worn a condom during sex never no and i never caught anything either it's amazing right on wood yeah it's like viruses and [ __ ] doesn't scare me right anyway um but i just you know but the just the tip that doesn't really like impress her like what is something that maybe you could do well no that was my way in though like just a dog come on no no just a tip that was your sales pitch yeah door-to-door just the tip listen just let me what's the worst that could happen just let me in a little yeah just one step come on like putting your foot in the door putting your tip inside just one toe yeah okay what's the what's the other side you want to know like to like if there was a girl you took home and you're like damn i want to impress this girl in bed oh oral sex masterful oral sex like which is a gift to me by the way but i like it more than they do so it's like you know really oh yeah and the older you get guys the more you like it just trust me you know it's like the older you get you it's like it's like almost like i've been after a while because you you come to appreciate the female like for what the guys like isn't i get i don't understand i wish i was gay because i [ __ ] get along so well with guys i'd love to be able to play tennis with a friend and [ __ ] them afterwards but i'm just not like that i just don't know i think it's a gift to be gay seriously because i could [ __ ] all my friends that i i get i get along really well with god but i don't but i just don't have those feelings right it would be a gift to have those so they don't but you know the point is like with i don't see it like to me it's gross and disgusting i can understand two girls together makes perfect sense to me yeah you know because like defeat yeah they're beautiful it's all open but i don't get it you know that's me yeah i know she's always like i'll [ __ ] you i'm like you don't get it you just don't get it it's not the same but you would say oral but no i don't i had a gay assistant for a while and this guy had [ __ ] made this guy would get like we'd go somewhere we'd like go to like you know czech republic or something and like he's like in the coat closet how'd you do that it's like i'm like wow it's like there's like a special like freaking thing he does i don't know it's like it's a gift no seriously but not for me you know what would you do specifically like during oral that would like because actually specific moves there's because i'm telling you jordan there's a lot of guys out there that don't know what they're doing with you i'm trying to i okay a true story my god we're getting it out of him back since what we wanted bring it baby my ex-wife will love this story and because she i actually took her to meet the girl that taught me how to give oral sex to it was when i was in college my first year as a freshman in college right and i didn't know anything about anything and i met this girl she was an older she was like a junior right and like she wanted like you know we were fooling around and she wanted me to go down on her and like how would you this is like remember there was no internet yeah like if you saw girls and then he was like a glimpse in a playboy or a speed of noise you know what was what or where was what or how to do anything no one knew this stuff right then so i just assume if you want to make a girl come and get a ramen in your finger inside everything and i'm like the internet exists and guys still think they still think that right yeah that's why all the girls are like well guys shame on [ __ ] you because it's all out there right now but i didn't know that and like and i was like thinking like i had to like really finger like i don't know what i was thinking right but this girl taught me like that she loved she loved getting eaten out and like i and i i would do it for like a long time back then it seemed like a long time you know and and and i was and i was trained well in that you know and um yeah then i actually met my introduced my about seven eight years ago my my current wife to mother girl we went out like we were still friends and uh yeah that was where i learned so the movement seems like i think to focus on you know okay it's it's uh it's intuitive right it's obvious it's thought of slow you think it's obvious you know but it's not no and if you do and also if you do it too fast or if you stay in one spot it's it's spicy it gets yeah it gets it's it's not inc it's not it's uncomfortable and also you have to remember every girl is different some girls like i you know just once and they're done other girls want to it can go again and again if you just rest for a few seconds and then it's like you know i've trust me i've been i've you know like a four round she's like it's a boxing match with like she's like baby we're going i'm like okay one down three to go there's something that didn't really exist much when i was around you know and this whole phenomenon came out after this whole squirting thing like it didn't exist back when i was you know and out there playing the game never heard of it it never really happened much and then you started seeing it like in the i don't you know are you raising your hand oh no you squirt you swear she's like an escorter in the building like put your hands in right there i'm invisible i didn't raise my hand i swear i was scratching my eyes yeah that's what we call a tell like he's like oh no no [Laughter] no but you know here's the thing i got to say though the one thing i think is terrible about the internet um is that it gives people young people an unrealistic sort of view of what really sex is about and also like it leaves nothing to the imagination which is good in some respects in bed and others like you know it used to be like you know porn was like this thing either you went to a theater and then even like on when it came out on videotape it was a bit more there but still you kind of like it was mainstream now like okay i want to watch a donkey a horse and a giraffe with two men in a [ __ ] oh yeah there's five thousand videos literally and it's unbelievable and you could watch it anywhere you could literally watch it at the grocery store like exactly you don't even have to becca's favorite is actually donkey porn yeah shut up oh my god yeah she really likes asses that's it no but seriously so it's like i think some guys they they um um almost like you know desensitized yeah exactly yeah desensitize them and also make you know gives them an unrealistic expert i will tell you there's nothing better in the world than making love slowly to a woman that you love slow lovemaking to someone that you really love and that's better than any of the crazy [ __ ] that you see i'll take it any day of the week you know i do have okay so when what the hookers you have to answer this again but what is the most you've ever paid for a hooker in cash or casino chips um both there's a difference there is yeah well wait wait is it chips you don't think of them this guy probably in ships i probably pay 50 000 in chips i didn't just like i think toy money when you know moxton i think it's probably 20 maybe 20 000 i think yeah we have a friend who's like i don't want to out him but like um but let's add him anyway yeah he's like a huge fan of hookers and literally like his crazy stories he's literally like i'm like what's the most he's like i won't pay more than five thousand for hook so i was just curious wasn't it ten it was a ten or five i think it was ten he was like he's like he was like there was one i paid 50 bucks and i don't even know if it was a girl or a guy yeah well you know the whole thing about hookers you know you don't pay hookers to have sex with you you pay them to leave afterwards oh my god no i said you know it's really sad because nowadays i guess it's what do you do i got really lucky i got locked down with my girlfriend you know when corona hit she was there and we got locked down together which was amazing but what do you guys do when you're like single how do you hook up is it like how does that work now what do you mean how do you do that so seriously do you go on is that go online like dating sites people just come is that what happens yeah i wouldn't say online especially not during lockdown i think i mean all right people still go out that's the problem yeah people still go out where do you go out now people's houses parties yeah the house parties are back some restaurants especially here in l.a it's just horrible just a cesspool you know it is everyone sleeps with everyone really yeah so yeah if anything if anything people want to [ __ ] like even more because they're like because they're like don't [ __ ] everyone's like i want to [ __ ] it's just true when she says everyone she means her everyone yeah no come on be myself and i yes let me ask you girls a question so when you are looking for a guy what are the qualities that you look for that cause you want to expect funny i love funny guys if you make becca laugh you're in which is almost it's a good and bad thing hey okay that's not it not just funny but then one more thing a mustache she's a big fan of mustache i guess for the oral sex part right it tickles you is that why no i honestly don't really like mustaches i like mustaches if they do it as a joke like if it's funny so she yeah she's just funny how about you i think someone who's very driven driven because i think i mean obviously i have to have charming i have to have someone but someone that keeps me on my toes i get bored not bored easily but i think i just like someone who keeps it you never know what you're going to get in a good way because i've dated that you never know what you're going to get in a bad way and it's still attractive but i think with me it's like the spontaneous let's go do this it's like that little kid energy of like how about physical is how important is physical attraction to you so important very important yeah i have to be right i think like that's what i think when it comes to physical attraction i think that's what draws me in and then emotional attraction is what keeps me there but without that i have to have some sort of attraction i feel like you're the same way i feel like physical attraction is like pretty yeah i mean honestly as deep as a puddle when it comes to physical attraction yeah i really need to be attracted to someone yeah for sure i feel like when you first like meet someone let's say like if you meet them through mutual friends sometimes you're not off the bat kind of like into them like oh like they're hot but you kind of see their personality and then they get hotter and yeah it goes on but i'm not gonna like approach someone that i don't really like i'm not physically attracted to yeah at first so i feel like what do you think it physically attracts you to a girl thin ankles i hate i hate fat ankles like cankles everyone's home no i know everyone's picking their socks up marina i i no like i mean i'm talking i have a thing for fat like people have cankles i [ __ ] freaks me out i have a panic attack right so but listen though i'll tell you ready i have um i i have a beautiful beautiful face i love a beauty um and i love a great ass and legs breasts not that important to me um no no i like no i don't want flat but i mean i don't know it's not like my my big thing though is beautiful ass and legs um and then a girl and then then of course i got so i would never i would never be with the girl who who i didn't think was gorgeous that doesn't mean that they're gorge i think they're gorgeous so beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder right so you know my my uh girlfriend would kid around she was you know because would you love me if i got that no [ __ ] way i would like because no honestly aids if i said i would be lying yeah and also it would show a lack of respect for me in the same way when i let myself get fat and out of shape in other words i don't i keep myself as a respect to the other myself and to the person i'm with but i i think it's it's one of the problems sometimes in marriages as they progress is that people let themselves go physically you get comfortable yeah and and i don't think that's fair and i think once you do that i think it it sets the stage for a lot of other things so to me physical is extremely important but it's not just that because i would never be with someone that wasn't sweet and nice that i could talk to um and i think the the to me it's sweet sweet i love the girl i don't like some guys like [ __ ] girls i do not like [ __ ] girls like girls was sweet um and um and feminine and and thin ankles sam's shaking her head over there she's like [ __ ] no no your ankles are fine it says you're fine i'm talking about that i'm not like when when like this ankle and and there's no difference between like the cat no you're a cat you know you're good sam you're good you have nice calves you're muscular yeah yeah that's fine i'm talking about the ankles the ankles that's like okay everyone's checking their ankles right now everyone who knows who makes makes fun of the fact that i love thin ankles and bells yes the ankle test you know the ankle test you like anklets then don't you yeah people say that i like blondes but that's not i think it's coincidental like those i've married a few girls that mostly were blonde uh ankles but no it's not like it doesn't really matter because someone could die their hair blonde you can't cut off your ankles sweet you know what an intelligent yeah i i think that stupid people i always say i'm this i'm a racist as two races of people that i hate i'm very racist you know what i hate lazy people and stupid people everyone else i love eagle i don't care about your skin color or what you i hate lazy and stupid those are my two races of people that i hate you know i feel that i feel that right becca you gotta becca [Music] what's the longest relationship that each of you have been in um three and a half years okay mine's in about two years two years almost three years yeah what's the longest tradition we've been in uh 12 12 years how do you separate after 12 years very painfully yeah i can only imagine my last last white very painful separation and it was just one of those things where we just grew apart you know and uh like that's the most painful when something like doesn't happen and you just have to be like tara that was really really sad because i still loved her and she loved you just wasn't working and you know you weren't making each other happy and you know and you start saying yourself god if i keep going i could you know i could burn ten more years like that and you know as you get older you're like you know that's a lot of time right so i think the biggest mistake people get into one thing i could tell you that to give you some a warning is that don't stay with someone because of you're scared to be alone that's the big i made that and i've made that mistake myself yeah like where i didn't want to be alone not because i'm insecure i just didn't want to be alone it's not always insecurity to this day i hate to be alone i hate it i'm alone right my girlfriend got you know she's out of the country now she's has to get back in which is no simple thing now right you know but i don't like being alone but i would never again get myself because it's very easy to get into relationships and sometimes not so easy to get out i feel that right so what you had your lungs and why did you guys break up what was it same kind of did you just yeah um well we did it throughout like the end of high school and like into college and stuff so i just feel like we were like young and honestly we were just kind of i mean we still like loved each other and like we're still friends like to this day but um you know you just gotta mind that the business came first you know it's like have experiences the business first gotta do what you gotta do i think that's what it comes down to do you girls wanna do so what's it like now when you're do you wanna get married and she's like is that the thing to do these days no no no no ever never i mean i mean i can't say never about the time i always say i'm marrying shag back i mean not right now but i still want to get married so tell me what's the goal with jack wait okay what jordan i'm interviewing you jordan the goat by one i find you girls intriguing you know young entrepreneurs you know i love it i mean i can say the goal of shag mag five years i'm here to replace the bunny that's like my goal i'm here i think playboy had a name for itself back when he was around and i think he did a great job but i think right now we need a platform where you know cancel cold you know cancer culture doesn't exist but a platform where women can come feel empowered feel sexy shoot really sexy content be in control of it and you know a place where guys can come too kind of like the man cave where they can read about sex sports dating get advice from girls get advice like this that they need and see hot women i don't think it exists these days and for me it's like why not build it that's like the end goal you the same way same same one that's it that's what that's what she said she said i do i do want to know if there's if there's one night that you could go back and relive what's the one night you would pick uh wow um good and bad so that could probably relive take back one night it would be the night my yacht sank i i took my yacht out and got caught in the storm and almost that was insane um but were you scared i was too high to be scared i was really i was real i mean the reason that you know the movie is inaccurate in that part like it says i was i took the yacht out because i was trying to get to switzerland because my aunt died that was true but not my aunt died and i needed to get someone not that's not why i took the i took the yacht out because i was really high i gone quaaludes and i and i was on blues and coke and i ended up getting like this in this phase where i had to move i wanted to move and when i flew into rome and the boat was in the port there and there was a storm and we got to the harbor the cabin's like you know there's waves in the harbor i'm like you know can we make the crossings like well it's going to be tough and i'm like captain hook i got to [ __ ] go like i got to move i can't sit still and i convinced i used my powers of salesmanship to convince the captain to take the boat out into a storm which turned into like a hurricane basically and it's this freak gale 47 gale and you know 50 foot waves and um and i found myself with my wife and my friends and we were all on the boat and it was like this was very close to dying very close yeah um and because the boat flipped over it was it was [ __ ] crazy right but there's one one that i could probably live over again wait why would you relive that one no i would relive it to do it differently to do it differently yeah yeah would you do it differently you wouldn't get on the boat i probably would have stayed in the harbor yeah but you don't think going through that that then didn't teach you like anything no no no no well people only poop people always say like close experiences teach you to appreciate life i've been closer to death than that you know i and i overdosed a couple times and um i've done a lot of crazy stuff over the years in a good way the one night i could live over again wow i've never really been asked that but it's a good question um [Music] i would i would think that oh i know it'll be the night that i invented the straight line system that i i teach a system of sales that's changed like millions of kids lives like all these kids use the system i created how you teach someone to sell and it's a very like it's actually a system like it's a thing i invented and had this like thought one night and i remember i was standing in front of my all these it was small had a small firm was 12 kids it was before you guys were born and um i was struggling to get these kids to close and i had this idea about a different way to sell and i got an idea popped in my head over the next four hours i invented a system that's probably created you know ten thousand million and more i'm a millionaire so many and and it this system defined my came to define my entire life everything that happened was from that moment on because that was what caused my firm to grow so fast and that's what caused everything and then so my entire life was defined by that moment did something specific spark it or did it what sparked it what sparked it was um i had i stumbled upon this niche in the market which was selling five dollar stocks to the richest one percent and i was doing it and making a fortune myself i had trained one guy the jonah hill character danny had trained him to do it he was doing well and had these 12 kids working for me and when i tried to train them they couldn't do it yeah so i had this we're calling the same people and pitching the same stock using the same script and for some reason i was able to close the sale danny was i taught danny and these other kids 12 couldn't and i knew if i could teach them how i'd make a billion dollars yeah it was a billion dollar idea and it was like just freaking me out so for a month i was trying everything and then i just it was like you know you know things happen is that inspiration this was desperation right and it was like mother you know they say necessity is the mother of invention i needed to come up with a different way to teach kids how to become expert clothes and this idea of like all of a sudden i realized what i was doing what made me so great at sales and it i was able to just this one moment this idea of a straight line using it as a context for you know there's an open there's a close and this is what you do and there's a sort of way you line things up and the next day the kids went from not being able to close to becoming the top closest in the world and and then thousands of kids came to work for me and i made hundreds of millions of dollars and then i [ __ ] up because i smuggled money to switzerland and and did massive amounts of drugs but then that turned into a movie with leonardo you know so everything stemmed from that one idea i had and then i just pressed and pressed and pressed and even to this day my business today were the you know the largest companies in the world you know you know retained my company to find them sales people so what i do is basically my business is based on not training salespeople i actually recruit them for companies so companies companies say i want to hire a thousand people or a hundred people big ones small ones um and then i'll go out and find you know we have you know i have 170 recruiters that work for me we go out and scour and we look for the right people and then we train them using this so i train them and then i deliver them already trained that's my business yeah yeah exactly like that little puppy right and you know what it hasn't been it changes kids lives so when i say kids i mean kids in their 20s and 30s changes their lives because they learn a skill that for the rest of their lives will allow them to a get rich b get laid because because you can't close the [ __ ] deal good luck trying to get laid guys i mean seriously right say single most important skill in any skill call if you don't want to call selling call human communication the ability to express yourself your value as a person you know why would someone want to talk to you how to get someone to engage in those first few seconds that are all important in any conversation how to negotiate so it's a life-changing skill i teach people and and that's awesome and you know and it's like my own hide these days just doing that doing that how did you balance back in the day how did you balance partying and working as hard as you do because i feel like a lot of entrepreneurs you're like big like keep your head down you're in the office but i feel like you were both a super big party but also a super hard worker we had a saying if you want to go out with the boys you got to wake up with the men okay and that was the saying so we literally it was a rule we would pull i don't know how i did it by the way right because like i it's crazy because we would go out literally six nights a week like [ __ ] rock stars yeah like like everything's like i think sunday was like a restaurant in haiti right and we would go sunday's scary absolutely wild every single night and just partying into the city and then we wake up at 6 00 a.m back in the office sleeping three hours a night um and then it worked great so you know drugs are funny it's like you know it starts off okay and it just creeps on you and creeps on you and then by the time i would say after like three or four years of that uh it became really very destructive and you know the gamble was massive gambling involved too yeah we used to gamble millions of dollars a night and and casinos would go there and win or lose millions in one night i had a few people that would that blew out like they lost like 40 million dollars over like three yeah it was big can you imagine coming home yeah i got you know i had my at my bachelor party in vegas like you know people are still missing 20 years later right it was really evil but we did it for a long time he said that so casually he's like yeah people have you seen bobby now bobby has never came back to vegas you know bobby and you're listening we're looking for you we're looking for you still your wife is calling still calling my ex-wife yeah but um and and that was it was just understood that like if you you know we used to say like you know if you're not making you know half a million your first year you're suspect yeah you know you're [ __ ] suspect it was all about like you got to be an earner if you if you were an earner if you weren't a hard worker get the [ __ ] out like you know do anything else could be excused you know you could be a bit of an [ __ ] when you got into that office it was business and if you didn't show up for work on time you got fired so there was a certain level can you say that can you say that one more time she lives here and she's late you said by the way you said the word you called it standards you said that you have a high standard right well guess what at the end of the day it's about standards it's the standard that you hold yourself to like for me it's in it's impossible for me to live a life and not be successful because i will not allow i won't stop working until i achieve a certain level of success and then you know what your standard is everyone's got a different standard and there's no right or wrong answer it's just you know what's your vision for your future what do you want where do you see yourself in five years you guys are obviously a very bold vision you have this really great awesome vision which you're passionate about that's great and and and obviously you want to do the work to make that happen there's a lot of people out there they'll talk about things oh i got this vision they won't [ __ ] do it because they're standard they can't get themselves to do the things that they know they have to do and this is by the way a huge part for you guys as young people if there's one thing that you need to succeed is you have to train yourself to do the things you know you have to do even when you don't feel like doing them like it's easy to do the stuff you love yeah but it's about getting yourself to do the [ __ ] you don't like every single day yeah girls you listening yeah no that's it that's the seat it's so much of a secret it's because you know easy when you party till 4am how the [ __ ] do you wake up at 6am and [ __ ] do it i just like sheer drive and you know i mean cocaine but everyone mega is better listen no now you have adderall you have modifical destruction [Laughter] what's that oh it's better than adderall so pro vigil is um prescription it's it's medicinal yeah medicinal so 200 milligrams of modifinal i love that i take it every single day for like 20 years but no no it's great it's great it's no no jitters and i'm going to be putting that in becca's waters yeah it's a smart drug it's it's really cool it's really cool so but in the back of the day you know it was just you would um you know you'd be surprised what you can get yourself to do if you train yourself like you you train yourself your brain is far more powerful than you think it is and you know you get yourself into the habit of just you know just saying hey this is who i am it becomes your identity my identity was you know i i you know i see that like there's a gift i've given my son lately he's like his identity has become being a hard worker like he views himself as that and once your identity becomes something it's almost like an insurance policy for your own success because you'll you won't it becomes who you are you know god i'd love that i love that you have any questions i know you got something burning in you um honestly you want to [Music] i know you want to do it like i'm like i just have one question who's venice i'm surprised so i actually someone did reach out to me um about i think seven or eight years ago claiming to be venice the hooker no way yeah i love it only one i'm surprised one and and i'm not sure it was interesting because i always thought venice would reach out this because venice was a cool hooker so venice is real venice is real she's not a normal hooker she's a cool hooker she was so like no it was like there was like it was a couple one hooker named sammy one i still remember their name something like there was regulars like a regular there was girls who called them gina girls you know so we classified certainly class classified hookers like stocks we did we had the best hookers were called blue chips and then you had like the ones beneath that they were like falling blue chips they're too old you know they fell down from that blue chip status or they were never hot enough to maintain to retain blue chip stats they were called the masdax you know and then we had the pink sheet hookers with the lowest like street walkers like you know the face of a sheepdog on the shoulders of an nfl linebacker basically right we [ __ ] them too okay for good measure right now when you wanted to punish yourself you went with one of those right you know and there was something good about that in some way but anyway but venice was a blue chip and she worked for a woman named gina who was a madam at a townhouse on like i think it was 78th or 81st street manhattan it was an apartment it was started off as a town's entertainment apartment and you go to the gina girls and you know just it was always like you know four or five gina girls hanging out in the house and then you could call they just go anywhere hey meet us in vegas meet us in atlantic city come on the boat and the junior girls would go anywhere and then the junior girls had friends everywhere so my bachelor probably like flew in gina girls they hooked up with girls in vegas it was just great you know nuts so i love it venice was a gina girl a gina girl it kind of goes along so we have this segment it's called our word of the day shag mag word of the day which is called short of the day we normally make becca guess it if you if you think you have an idea feel free to chime in our word of the day is called twitter bang twitter bang twitter bang is that like sexting through the dms no okay you got this think about it i don't know come on think about it don't look at it there's an actual it's a phrase called twitter banging like wrestling yeah slang it's obviously sexual okay twitter banging twitter banging okay is that like you know um like i guess it has to do with like you know kind of verbally [ __ ] people on twitter no no come on guys come on i'll tell you i'll tell you banging someone that you have exchanged less than 140 words with get it because it's a tweet that's pretty funny i love that did yeah do twitter banging back in the day i did next you're going to do some twitter very nice about the thought of twitter banging you know twitter banging try it guys you never know you never know that's a good word yeah that was a good word of the day thank you thank you i think it's good to wrap on right twitter banging twitter jordan can you tell people where they can find you they can find me at guesswhere i'll tell you what i'm sure there's a lot of guys here right a lot of girls both right yeah tell you what if you if you seriously guys think about this if you want to work in the world of sales right check out my website because i got some great companies really big companies in all different industries looking to hire young hard-working people that have been already trained so what you do is when you come to my company we'll get you a really high paying job you can make a million bucks a year or something not all some of a million don't even think about it you're staying here back and and we'll train you first you get you know training as well so it's a really awesome i i think a career in sales is awesome not for everybody but if it's something that you're interested in check it out i agree i agree check it out check it out check out tombex remind them baby no shout out subscribe like comment check us out on itunes the audio is going to be released on tuesdays if you want to watch on youtube it is released on thursdays we will see you guys next [ __ ] week yeah give it up for joining thank you what a show baby awesome a [ __ ] show
Views: 548,667
Rating: 4.8791494 out of 5
Id: Q17ZPE3NBg8
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Length: 63min 15sec (3795 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.