THE LIFE OF A PORN STAR (ft. Lana Rhoades)

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what is like what are your go-to favorite sex positions i am so basic i love missionary i love missionary too i think it's great i think it's [ __ ] great it feels the best for me like with mike at least one thing that's interesting that i just started like doing with him that i never did with anyone else is i said that we like missionary um so like whenever he's on top i like and he's like going and now i'll like pull him in like even harder just so it goes like all the way like are you pulling like his hips yeah his head how just like slamming yeah and and it's like you can't get in and hard like you're like i literally want you inside of my gut yes that's a i think that goes back to the enthusiasm like girls listening it's like if you can be grabbing the man like even if it starts helping him and then all of a sudden it's like ramping up and you're having missionary and then all of a sudden you're grabbing him even if you kind of like grab the back of his ass almost and like pull his ass mike what a great ass you've got over there pal i feel like you have an amazing you do what i've you feel i know you have an amazing ass does mike like [ __ ] you from behind a lot or no we rarely do like doggy positions we rarely cowgirl my ex was obsessed with reverse cowgirl um yeah and doggie like he was an ass guy right mike's a boob guy so they literally want to look at like what they're more into like right mike like has to touch the boobs he has to suck the boobs doing everything like i love the way you say mike has to suck the booth like has to touch the boots god forbid i leave my shirt on during a [ __ ] like he's like in what world do you think i'm going to be able to come if i don't see that like i have to see the titties we that is fascinating because it is so true like men are so visual and so whatever they're more into which is crazy like some are i feel like more guys are more ass guys recently than tit guys but i think that's just like our generation and then it's soon gonna change because i feel like it used to be going back towards skinny girls which somebody said i bought this big [ __ ] butt i got these big [ __ ] titties and now guys want girls who have like skinny little legs no it's crazy it's so crazy because i feel like the kardashians changed our generation and like they were getting all like the the butt and the injections and everything and then every girl was like okay i need to have the hourglass shape now all of a sudden it's like how skinny can you how skinny it's bella hadid like it's like look like you're so famished that you're going to pass out at any moment it's beautiful i can starve myself all that i want but i got these big old titty and ass now and they're not going to go away wait no but you like look amazing so you're fine it's amazing um you have a tattoo on your ass of an ex yeah so my ex-husband so maybe that's why mike doesn't want to [ __ ] you behind because he's looking at the guy's name thought of it like that yes he does ask me to remove it i told him once he proposes wait that's actually kind of amazing wait why haven't you removed it um it's just like a lot of work i also take accutane so i'm not supposed to like do lasers like on my skin because yeah your skin looks like i think my skin will like fall off or something if you're gonna like dye your butt it's gonna have like a little patch just like missing skin on my ass that wouldn't be good how did you even decide to get that on your ass it was that a big moment i can't imagine getting a guy's name on my eye you're going to think that i'm crazy i don't i was 18 um we were only dating for a month and i wanted to get a tattoo i was like let me get your name on my ass and it turned out to be good luck like we were together for a long ass time got married like i don't regret it do you like a guy to be vocal in bed um i love whenever mike like talks dirty and i love yeah like enthusiasm too like i love whenever he makes noises yeah makes weird faces like give me all the weird faces yes um occasionally he'll like talk dirty whenever he's like really horny and i love that it's i just want guys to be more vocal and yeah it's so hot it's the sexiest thing it's really [ __ ] hot like i sometimes i'll look up there and like i've had guys where i'm like like are you breathing like how are we doing like are you awake like what's going on like make a noise like breathe exhale and it's like what is going on and i i wish and i guess men sometimes don't know what to say like i feel like sometimes they get too in their heads of like the girl's supposed to dirty talk but i'm like if you even if a guy looks at me and is like oh [ __ ] baby your [ __ ] feels so good or like you god that would be so high i just came like i'm like oh my god i'm having an orgasm but not enough men like if you're listening to this for the love of [ __ ] god coming from alexandra cooper and lana rhodes please speak up please please and the grunts like i've made fun of it because i just think it's funny like sometimes guys have different like oh faces and when he's coming like have you had the guys that are like oh like they're like having like a exorcism they're like i would love that like more more expression the better i love whenever they make an ugly ass face whenever they're like no it's so true it's like as as funny as it kind of is when you think back later when you're like sobered out of the sex if he is like freaking the [ __ ] out i'm like yeah that's what my [ __ ] just did yeah yeah and it's like the best yeah so but then i also think there are girls that because i think guys don't would never fake that so then girls who are known to sometimes fake orgasms which like i've faked an orgasm in my life are you [ __ ] kidding of course i will not sit here and be like never in my life have i not faked one like i have um not that it's not that i'm enjoying it but i've been with some guys that i'm like okay this needs to like wrap up i had great time but like let's go yeah um everyone has you've faked an orgasm yeah only whenever guys like insist on eating my [ __ ] oh and i want it to be over with and you're like listen well i tried telling them i'm like listen let's just use my vibration all right like here you go here it is and he's like no my tongue can do it so it can't at first i try like come on just [ __ ] me just [ __ ] come here you try to grab it they're like no let me finish you baby then i'm like okay i just came no that is the [ __ ] worse when you try to convince them you're like okay [ __ ] me like and you try to do it so sexual like they've eaten you out long enough you're like okay yeah now [ __ ] me and then when they're like no and you're like a hint take a hint a man's balls are a very like foreign region to women because it's the whole misconception of like if you touch it the wrong way he will die like he will start crying like how do you work with the balls and the [ __ ] okay on a man the balls like it really depends on the guy like some guys don't like it yeah some have less sensitivity and you can tug on that put them all in your mouth like guys like [ __ ] yeah it hurts whenever you try to do it um and it's so interesting to always see like the difference in the balls because somehow like really tight really really saggy interesting fact about mike i don't know if this is every guy but he has something that we call like morning balls in the morning they're like super tight like sucked up like looks like a 12 year old wait why yes they're like really tight and perky in the morning and then at night time they're like lisa they're like all saggy out like grandpa balls wait that's so interesting i was gonna have to inspect i don't know now i'm gonna have to look i know [ __ ] no next time the guy um next time i'm gonna have to do that like let me inspect the balls in the morning and at night because the guy that i'm hooking up with we were like cuddling in the morning and he literally took my hand he was like please just like cup my balls like i want you to hold my balls and i literally was holding them they felt very like tight tight and up there and then later we were [ __ ] i'm like he doesn't have like that they were like swinging yeah i was swinging balls are so fascinating so no i think it's that's where i always say communication if you just ask your partner like they like what do you like with your balls like i think men would find that so hot because some guys are like do all the things yeah i love all the things and then other guys are like no i'm not into it what about the ass tell me um the ass like so i personally mike's only let me do this one time i don't even know if i should say it say it it's called daddy [ __ ] i find it like super like a big turn on like getting guys to do like somewhat like feminine things like that i got him to like go into doggy one time for me to eat it and that's like the best position for like eating the ass because then you can like eat it and then you can put your hand in the front and you know like jerk it off but he's only done it one time because he thinks like going into doggies we no i don't feel like dominant i think that if a man see i'm on the opposite spectrum where i'm like mike shout the [ __ ] out i think that when men can be confident enough in their sexuality to do that with their girlfriend i think it's so hot because it's like when guys to me you're like stop like if i'm even trying to like put my finger in their ass i'm like what is wrong with you like embrace it it feels good my [ __ ] process yet to let me put my finger in his butt and i've asked so many times are you supposed to let me peg him for my birthday but i guess i guess that was a joke too because he didn't let me do it we okay so you're eating his ass and then you're putting your hand around that yeah yeah so i'll yeah so i'll spit on the hand i'll like jerk it off or i could like do the balls and then like i'll like drop down underneath like lick the balls um maybe put my head on the other side like suck it a little bit come back oh yeah you're kind of doing like on one side of the fence and the other yeah like i'm getting all of it all of it well because his dick isn't a vagina you can't go back to front on a vagina i'm like thank you so much for my [ __ ] uti and my yeast infection you [ __ ] [ __ ] um but like a dick like you can go back from their ass and like go to his dick and like nothing i don't think anything's gonna happen um i love when guys want to just do like all the things and i think that it makes you closer i like like getting when i'm like in more in a relationship i like to try weird [ __ ] because even if you like push it to a level that's like insanity i think it's like more fun because then you can lay there and even if you're like we didn't like that as much yeah you liked it it's you you experienced it together and i really like like weird like sexual fantasies too like to play out with mike he's like the first guy that i've liked doing like fantasies with which is fine we walk but i'm like i mean i'll put on like the little outfits and stuff we've done some like really weird ones also he says no sometimes like the super weird ones that i want what are the super weird ones i can't even say because it's like they're so [ __ ] okay i can't say that like a little girl um i mean i've done like school girl like i pretended that he was like my pe teacher but those are like the more like mild ones like there's literally been ones where he's like there's no [ __ ] way i'm doing that he's like i will be mentally scarred from this and i'm not down to do that which annoys me like i want someone who's gonna do like everything that i want yeah but maybe he'll ease into it eventually yeah he'd probably have to be in the right mood for yes um so do you that's i think that's exciting for like i think a lot of girls want to do role-playing with their boyfriends but they feel super insecure to like start it how would you like how do you go about it like do you walk into the room and like you're in a character and you don't break character like how does it go down yeah so like i'll just like surprise him like i'll just like go into my closet like put on like a fun outfit and come out i guess it just depends on like your relationship like me and mike are both really open like sexually we have like mama sex right yeah i'm like i'll put on like my schoolgirl outfit i'll be like mr cheney i really want an a-plus in your class what can we do to work this out we will mike talk back oh yeah hey i love it i'm so proud of him because i think sometimes guys have a hard time like girls like we can get into character and i [ __ ] thrive off of it the school teacher one is like pretty [ __ ] amazing he loves like playing characters because you can either with the schoolteacher one you can either go the bad girl like i'm in trouble or you can do like that like i really want an a like i'm an a plus student like i want to actually like it it's going to be like the innocent one and then all of a sudden you're like choking yeah i can tell you like one weird one that mike didn't agree to what this is probably like so weird you tell me tell me okay so i got like a jar of peanut butter and i was like put this on your dick and pretend that i'm a dog and you wouldn't do it i honestly like this is so [ __ ] up but i thought you were gonna more so be like i wanted him to dress up as like a priest and like i i didn't know where you're going with it you're like so i want to put peanut butter on your dick and he wanted you wanted to pretend you were a dog or he was a dog no that no that i was like the dog and that because you know like people do that oh yeah and they have their like dog eat their [ __ ] out yes or like they're a wiener yeah and so i was like pretend that i'm a dog and you put peanut butter on your dick and you're gonna get on your knees and start acting and give it a good job yeah we i don't hate this isn't that hot though i think like i think maybe he was like he's like oh it's a mess or whatever yeah well i can't mike i don't know i also peanut butter is very [ __ ] like sticky probably like it's stuck in his wee-wee hole it would definitely be in the wee-wee hole but also i feel like for you there's two ways it could go like giving a [ __ ] with peanut butter it could be like you are so in it because you're having to literally like i could slurp and slurp or you could get like sometimes you can't like breathe whenever you're i remember not right like too much peanut butter in your mouth yes you kind of can't like um swallow or even like swallow like your whole mouth just becomes kind of like what even is the word i know what you're talking about i remember as a kid putting too much peanut butter and too much peanut butter in my peanut butter and jelly and my i couldn't swallow it yeah yeah so i i i wonder how that probably wouldn't have worked anyway yeah maybe let's try something different i just had recently a girl say she wrapped the dick in a fruit oh and she went but i didn't i want to bite it then that's also an issue all right lana let's maybe not do the fruit roll up because mike is gonna be like so i'm in the hospital this week because alex told lana to put a [ __ ] roll up on my dick um maybe like nutella something like i don't know something we could we could get chocolate sauce yeah yeah yeah but i think it's fun that you're saying like you this is a perfect example of you saying in your sex life you are like mixing it up yeah and you don't have to have someone come in and be a third [ __ ] yeah so you don't have to have threesomes to have chris all the women that he needs [Music] you
Channel: Call Her Daddy
Views: 3,836,645
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Keywords: Call her daddy, chd, daddy gang, call her daddy podcast, alex cooper, lana rhoades, lana Rhodes call her daddy, Alex Cooper lana rhoades, Jake Paul, Team 10, Lana Rhoades Team 10, BFFS lana rhodes, barstool podcast, call her daddy youtube, former porn star, Lana Rhoades interview, alex cooper call her daddy, ALEX, COOPER, call, her, daddy, lana, rhoades, lana rhoades interview, lana rhoades podcast, lana rhodes podcast, lana rhodes, lana rhoades baby
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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