The Wide Variety of Fantastic Kirby Spin-Offs

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it's a known fact that whenever a game series goes above and beyond it's practically inevitable that it'll receive spin-off games i mean just look at mario that franchise has so many spin-off games it took me a while just to list them all and just like mario nintendo's other star platformer kirby wouldn't be exempt from this trend of spin-offs though thankfully rather than lazily releasing subpar spin-offs just for the purpose of filling a quota kirby would make some just as memorable as the mainline games hello everyone this is the rpg monger and today let's dive into the creativity of kirby spin-offs starting as early on as after the second game in the series how laboratories would waste no time in giving kirby his own spin-off with kirby's pinball land in 1993. following the trend of larger franchises having arcade style spin-offs kruby's pinball land is a delightful little game giving pinball its own kirby twist with characters from the first two games boss fights and a harder extra mode for each stage when it came to how pinball couldn't have been a better starting point for kirby spin-offs as by that point they'd already made four other pinball games pinball spectacular a pretty simple game for the commodore 64. rollerball for the colecovision an nes remake of rollerball with multiple screens to simulate a longer pinball machine and revenge of the gator an expansion of rollerball's concept and now featuring bonus stages on top of the multiple screens of the main pinball machine for hal kirby's pinball land was the perfected version of the previous two pinball games having a lot more variety to it though when comparing the two kirby's pinball land and revenge of the gator do have some pretty noticeable similarities and well that's about all there is to it pinball land delivers pretty much all you'd expect out of a pinball game with some pretty decent difficulty added into the mix but next up moving on to the super nintendo kirby spin-offs would go from good to great with the release of kirby's dream course one of my personal favorite multiplayer games for the system at first glance the game revolves around a golf-esque system in which you have to defeat all the enemies on a course before being able to send kirby into the hole to win victory being determined by whoever has the most stars collected and not necessarily who gets into the hole first and when you hit specific enemies you can get certain copy abilities greatly aiding you if you use them right unless you get ufo that practically guarantees your victory after playing for a little bit dream course quickly becomes a ruthless game of betrayal and multiplayer the game providing many methods to completely screw over your friend since with the whole only being decided by the last enemy left standing it's possible to sabotage everything if you just make sure the hole ends up in a hard to reach spot let me tell you there's nothing more satisfying than being dead last then completely turning the tables by using the cores mechanics to your advantage though that isn't to say the single player isn't fun either whereas multiplayer only gets 4 courses to choose from single player goes through 8 providing a good challenge as well alongside a pretty basic storyline the thing is weirdly enough the storyline would only be presented in the japanese version of the game it all being delegated to the manual in the american release something i've never seen localization do to be perfectly honest in my opinion dream course would be the first spin-off where hal truly started experimenting creating a fantastic product that's now more accessible than ever the nintendo switch online version featuring online multiplayer now everyone can put their friendships to the test through betrayal after betrayal but anyways with unique localization decisions being an ongoing trend next up is kirby avalanche the oddity of the franchise to put it simply the game is just the popular puzzle game puyo puyo the problem was up until the early 2000's developers were hesitant to localize the games as they were to the west leading to a variety of reskins being released instead kirby avalanche being one such free skin if you like puyo puyo you'll love kirby avalanche i myself enjoying it a good bit though while puyo puyo is great and all the game has even more weirdness beyond it being a reskin mainly the dialogue yeah essentially one of the last things you'd ever expect from kirby games at the time not only is there minor voice acting of varying quality throughout the game kirby avalanche features the sole appearance of sassy kirby please don't tread on my roots it would not be a wise decision i feel like some apple pie like just imagine if kirby had dialogue like that in the modern games it'd be a far different series by now that's for sure though now leaving the super nintendo as i don't want to look at ddd's weird massive hands any longer we're back on the game boy with kirby blockball the franchise's spin on the classic arcade game breakout continuing the pattern of taking a pre-established concept and adding copy abilities to it block ball stands out with its classic gameplay various boss battles and surprisingly solid soundtrack plus like pinball land block ball keeps things from getting stale through bonus minigames my personal favorite being the air hockey however as i found out blogball went through kind of a development nightmare something you really wouldn't expect from a game like this apparently during the game's development higher ups at hal laboratories decided that the game wasn't curvy enough forcing the design team to spend essentially half a year redoing most of the game to please the company and hey if anything that just shows that even with a small game like blockball they'd hold it to the same standards they have for the mainline games all the more reason why hal is such a great game developer so sticking with the game boy next up is kirby star stacker clearly taking inspiration from a couple popular puzzle games star stacker fits right in with the other game boy spin-offs as a neat little game to play during your downtime like avalanche before it star stacker is a similar game where you have to match the right blocks together any star blocks wedged in between giving you points needed to win the game it's just different enough to be its own thing and i'd say star stacker is pretty fun though aside from quality pixel art there isn't much more to the game outside of the base modes however this wouldn't be the only star stacker game as in 1998 the game would receive a sequel with super kirby star stacker the only full kirby game and never released outside of japan which isn't the most surprising considering by the time of its release the n64 had already been out for two years but touching on the game itself superstar is pretty much just the first game with a shiny new coat of paint i mean hey at least the pixel art is great my personal favorite being kirby and the animal friends playing karaoke and getting drunk that definitely didn't help this game's localization chances and aside from that the game also has a little story added as well it isn't much of anything though in case you've always wondered who this character is when she's appeared in other kirby games she's the secret final boss of super star stacker plus weirdly enough later on in kirby superstar ultra the theme when you fight masked ddd would actually be a remix of a song from super star stacker what an origin though that's about all there is to say on the star stacker games now normally we'd move on to curvy tilt and tumble for the game boy color but technically there's one more kirby spin-off we haven't touched on kirby's toy box for the super famicom satella view network you see in the mid-90s nintendo would release a modem add-on for the super famicom exclusively in japan where through the satella view a variety of games would be released for download when it came to hal laboratories they'd contribute kirby's toy box a collection of small mini games for the service and interestingly enough while not technically kirby the unreleased prototype of kirby's dream course would also be released forza teleview a unique way to recycle what would have otherwise never seen the light of day that's for sure however now like i said earlier with that covered let's move on to kirby's first taste of motion controls taking advantage of a built-in accelerometer in the cartridge kirby's tilt and tumble would be one of the more different entries in the franchise as nearly all the game's controls rely on that aforementioned sensor it's cool don't get me wrong for the time tilt and tumble was unlike any other game boy color game making for an entirely fresh gameplay experience though on the other hand at least with me i feel the game is a bit held back by the console it's on for one as you have to hold the game boy color flat to play i found myself a bit annoyed at times since with the handheld having no backlight i sometimes ended up blocking the light above the gameboy further obscuring the game itself plus with how sensitive the motion sensors are if you're someone like me who has slightly shaky hands from time to time totes and temple can become kind of a nightmare as you try to keep from falling off the small platforms without a doubt it's a game that heavily relies on its gimmick and definitely didn't plan for future consoles to play it i mean hey i guess it's kind of an achievement to be the first game that can be controlled by holding an entire home console anyways even though this is probably my least favorite kirby spin-off i can't help but respect it for breaking the mold of game boy color games once again showing off that classical creativity what surprised me is this game almost received a sequel development progressing far enough to be shown off at spaceworld 2001. of note while most of the gameplay shown was the same as the first game tilts and tumble 2 actually utilized a concept that soon become commonplace a few years later with the ds as since you had to play the game using a gamecube and gameboy advance gameplay would shift between the two consoles much like how the ds made use of its two screens makes you wonder if this nearly unknown cancelled title had any influence on the future handheld definitely would have been an interesting game that's for sure so now with the early kirby spin-offs out of the way it's time to get into the really good stuff as alongside kirby's struggles to produce a mainline game for the gamecube kirby's creator masahiro sakurai himself would step in and create kirby air ride having been in development since before the release of the n64 kirby's air ride would go through a variety of prototypes before reaching its final version the game even being reported as cancelled at one point before once again coming back as a game for the gamecube and thankfully even though the game's development cycle was kind of a mess the team would pull things together to create one of the best games on the gamecube when starting up melee racing i mean air ride the game bears more than just a passing similarity to the massively successful fighting game as not only does the game share its engine with melee but like all of sakurai's games his wife would design the menus though when it came to the actual game itself it couldn't be more unique off the bat when you look at air ride you expect something on the lines of mario kart or any other kart racer spinoff but after further inspection that comparison couldn't be more far off in fact airright is actually three games in one consisting of air ride top ride and the reason i still play this game from time to time city trial and as much as i want to gush about city trial let's talk about the first two modes as they have a lot to offer as well starting with air ride in this mode all you've got to do is race however compared to other racing games air ride takes a very boost oriented approach when it comes to controls since rather than holding down a button to go forward once you've charged and released the boost all you've got to do is steer the only other notable controls being spinning your machine to attack and boosting again if you want to get a copy ability or go faster when you've never played the game before admittedly it does take a bit to get used to but with how simple the control scheme is it works really well especially when you find the machine that suits you best because as you unlock the variety of machines you can use in races each has a different gameplay style requiring you to learn how to best use it to win the race much like what mario kart would do in 8 years while part of the track has you racing on the ground if you go off a ramp you can glide an air ride the amount of time you can glide being determined by the machine you chose it's simple to start sure but the more you play the more depth you'll discover in this classic also real quick most of you probably already know this but man is the music and air ride incredible alongside the composers for the mainline games air ride would even receive some music from shogo sakai better known for things like part of the melee soundtrack and even the mother 3 soundtrack for real if you've never listened to it the air right soundtrack is a must anyways after air ride there's top ride a top-down racing mode that is essentially an entirely different game this time only limiting your choices to two different machines top ride plays much like other top-down racers the control scheme of air ride being spliced in of course and with the addition of various items top ride can become kind of chaotic as each racer gets different items and plows through the track it's definitely a fun one don't get me wrong but much like every other mode in the game it's greatly enhanced by playing with some pals though on that note as i can't resist any longer it's time to dive into city trial this game's multiplayer masterpiece drastically different from the first two modes city trial isn't a race in the typical sense rather it's a race to see who can build the strongest machine before the time limit runs out let me explain in city trial each player is dropped into one massive map filled with power ups special items and secrets then after powering up their machine of choice once the time limit runs out the game selects a random mini game for players to put their machines to the test off the bat it's an incredibly fun concept but where i feel city trial truly shines are all the approaches you can take to win for example while not necessary to win there's the two legendary machines you can get by collecting their parts if you're lucky you may manage to get all three parts easily but when someone else gets one of the parts you need it becomes all-out war or if you'd rather not go through all that hassle another approach is just sticking with the base machine you start out with and collecting as many power-ups as you can turning it into an absolute beast plus alternatively if you feel like destroying a friendship you can also absolutely annihilate your friends skilling all their hard-earned power-ups i've gotta say there's nothing more funny than setting down a time bomb and running away only for a friend to smash directly into it not to mention in each game of city trial the game utilizes a variety of events to spice things up some being very helpful and others making things incredibly chaotic just for me i'd say one of my favorite things to do is aim for the hydra one of the two legendary air ride machines as once you get it it's pretty much instant death for whoever you smash into even now with the game going on 17 years old city trial continues to be one of my favorite multiplayer games ever made and to be perfectly honest i'm shocked hal hasn't made another air ride since because there's just so much room to expand off of these concepts like just imagine city trial except with more maps equally as large or hell maybe even a battle royale type game except with a focus on exclusively city trial that's a possible masterpiece right there but unfortunately at the time of release air ride would be marred by poor reviews many reviewers flat out misinterpreting the game while it is still pretty fun on your own what was sakurai's knack for always including all sorts of unlockable content airright is practically made for multiplayer the game's true potential only being revealed when you're playing with a group of friends and as sakurai's last kirby game i'd say he left things on a pretty high note the question is what would hal do next jumping back to handhelds in 2005 the nintendo ds would release spawning a massive amount of games surrounding the handheld's touchscreen so to take advantage of this already massive trend kirby canvas curse would release one of the best touchscreen focused games on the system coupled with probably my favorite ad campaign for a kirby game canvas curse's control scheme was about as simple as you can get maintaining the platformer genre of the mainline games to move kirby around all you had to do is draw a line for him to roll on that's it aside from that the only other notable controls are tapping kirby to use a copy ability or dash and tapping enemies to paralyze them sounds easy enough sure but with the added factor of there being a limited amount of ink to use before having to fall to the ground to recharge it levels become much more strategic as you have to always make sure you have enough ink to take kirby where he needs to go and unlike any kirby spin-off games yet canvas curse would actually have a story equal to the ones in the mainline games basically one day a powerful sorceress named drossia emerged from a long forgotten painting and through the powers of a magical paintbrush vowed to rule a world made entirely of paint going to dreamland to make that goal a reality except after arriving and transforming the world kirby appeared to put a stop to her receiving a curse from drossia that turned him into a ball however in a stroke of luck he'd managed to obtain the magical paintbrush after she finished using it utilizing its power to put a stop to her it's a pretty unique story to accompany the unique gameplay but what makes this game truly shine for me is the art style with everything being stylized like a painting canvas curse has one of the most distinct art styles of any kirby game like just look at those backgrounds for such an early entry in the ds's library this game definitely made use of the handheld's graphical capabilities not to mention keeping within the theme of an altered dreamland nearly all of canvas curse's music is composed of kirby remixes the only notable new songs being at the very end of the game alongside breathing new life into the kirby platformer formula canvas kurz's presentation cannot be beat and to do it full justice let me talk about its finale while everything throughout the game fits in with how usual kirby games play out albeit in the altered canvas curse style the final level of this game takes a hard tone shift when you enter the world of tracia canvas curse actually becomes mildly unsettling the level itself being a chaotic assortment of colors and the only enemies to speak of being paintings that laugh at kirby as he rolls by plus in contrast to all the upbeat kirby remixes that filled the game the only song that plays here is a droning high-pitched noise with occasional melodies spliced in honestly this level does more to establish tracia's character than anything else showing how unhinged the villain is then once you reach drastia and start the only actual boss battle in the game it's time to throw everything you have at her but once you've defeated her normal form drossia transforms into the nightmarish drastic soul in actuality the first soul battle in the entire kirby franchise bouncing around as a massive sentient ball of paint drastia's soul is unique in more ways than one as in the entire series drastia's soul is the only boss ever depicted through a hybrid of 2d textures and 3d modeling since while the bald part of drastia is a 3d model her face is a separate sprite altogether with the flowing paint effect on her body being achieved through having another texture rapidly moving across the ball model just some useless kirby trivia for you all though it definitely makes me appreciate this game even more plus if you've played the more recent kirby games it turns out drossia actually had two sisters all separated at birth i swear kirby lore really extends to pretty much everything doesn't it so then getting back on track after beating drossia for good dreamland returns to normal a happy kirby waving goodbye before the credits roll and well that's canvas curse a fantastic touch-based game that hal definitely struck gold with in fact hal liked canvas cruise so much they'd actually give the game a sequel but before we get to that we still have some more spin-off games to talk about the next one being kirby's epic yarn keeping in line with the trend canvas curse started kirby's epic yarn is another spin-off platformer whose focus is on a certain art style this time the focus being well yarn however rather than taking the approach canvas curse did and having the game place around some all-new mechanic epic yarn plays like a normal platformer the only difference between it and mainline kirby games being that kirby can't inhale or get poppy abilities instead yarn kirby can morph his body into various things like using his arm as a whip or being a parasol to float to the ground though here's the kicker unlike every other kirby platformer there's no way to get a game over the only consequences of getting hurt being the loss of all the beads you've spent the entire level collecting hearing that normally you'd think then what's the point of playing the game if there's no stakes well when it comes to epic yarn if you're playing it for a challenge in the usual sense you're playing it for the wrong reasons while it can be challenging if you want to complete everything in the game for the most part epic yarn is a cheerful relaxing experience each level using the yarn theming to make fun new mechanics not to mention you can also play with a friend enhancing the game even more however even though this game has so much going for it when it was still being developed epic yarn almost didn't see the light of day that's because from its conception light dreamcores before it kirby's epic yarn wasn't going to be a kirby game instead originally being an entirely separate yarn-based platformer developed by goodfield during development work on the game hit a roadblock as team members working on it felt the game was more boring than anything due to its easy nature in turn at one point in development the game was made exceedingly difficult to combat this proving to be just as tedious as when it was easy then when just about all hope seemed lost nintendo swooped in to save the day asking goodfield to rework the game into the kirby franchise delegating what would have been the protagonist to the second player slot whereas in canvas curse the presentation complemented the gameplay and epic yarn it's more the gameplay that complements the presentation because this game really makes use of the weeds graphical capabilities from the individual sketching of everything to all the different arts and crafts throughout the levels i'd say this game is worth it purely to take in the pleasantly crafted stages plus along with the relaxed gameplay approach epic yarn has a pretty unique soundtrack as well most of the songs having a piano focus more than anything except for the very end of it all when veteran kirby composer jun ishikawa swooped in to craft a more traditional upbeat song for the game's final boss and speaking of that final boss let's touch on epic yarn story similar to canvas curse epic yarn's main villain is a yarn sorcerer named yen yarn who after essentially being robbed by kirby would transport him to a whole new world called patchland where everything is made out of yarn then as kirby ventured throughout patchland back on popstar yin yarn was hard at work transforming dreamland into yarn so that he could rule over it much like tracia before him and while there's not much else to the story aside from yin yarn's inevitable defeat via tank it is worth noting that even epic yarn has a small tidbit of lore mainly concerning yin yarn as contrary to what you'd think his true identity is actually the two knitting needles he's always holding his main body merely serving as a disguise though there you have it mixing a fantastic presentation with gameplay that constantly varies from typical platforming to all the vehicles kirby can transform into kirby's epic yarn does its job well and hey what could be better than everyone's favorite pink puff tackling the housing market but wait before i move on to the next game just last year kirby's epic yarn actually received a 3ds port bearing the incredible name of kirby's extra epic yarn much like the japan only super star stacker extra epic yarn released on a dying console ending up as one of the last entries on the 3ds though hey at least now you've got the game on the go the problem is when i see this port what it definitely strikes me as is the developers caving in to make the game more like others in the series with it now having weird pseudo-copy abilities that honestly just make things even easier plus for those still wanting a challenge out of this game even though that goes against the whole point of the original extra epic yarn has a hard mode and that would have been fine had they not put in this weird enemy that constantly bugs you throughout the mode it's a really bizarre decision that makes the game so much more tedious unlike pretty much every other kirby spin-off extra epic yarn stands out in a negative way definitely coming across as something good feels squeezed out without much thought all in all just get the original aside from the newly added sub games being okay and some other minor additions extra epic yarn doesn't deserve the extra in its title though now on a far more positive note it's time for the next spin-off kirby mass attack a personal favorite of mine once again on the ds kirby mass attack answers the age-old question of what if there were more kirbys it's a concept that sounds absolutely ridiculous at first but the second you start playing it all makes perfect sense much like canvas curse since mass attack solely uses touch controls this time the player serves as a guide for an ever-growing ravenous mob of kirbys touching the screen in the direction you want them to go and marking enemies to be brutally murdered plus when the situation demands it you can also flick kirby's for a more precise attack and well that's about it the game adds new gameplay elements in different levels but that's not where the real game lies it's all about those collectibles taking the form of medals like they did in canvas curse through collecting them in each stage you can unlock a wide variety of things in mass attack there being so many that i'll have to get to them in a bit because alongside metals the other challenge mass attack gives you is completing every stage without receiving any damage a challenge that i personally remember working towards constantly when 11 year old me had this game in particular it was that one level where you had to fight multiple bosses in a row that i could never beat without taking at least one bit of damage it haunts me to this day man but at the very least while you're going around trying to 100 everything hal got shogu sakai to return for the music this time handling the entire soundtrack and even sprinkling in some remixes of the songs he composed for air ride it's a fantastic game that i'd recommend to anyone and hey when you look at that the squeak squad makes an appearance in this game if that doesn't sell you i don't know what does so that all being said before we go to the story let's talk about the sub games of mass attack as out of any kirby game in general these are probably my absolute favorites having a whopping 6 sub games under its belt technically 8 if you count the boss russian minigame during the credits the devs of mass attack really went all out for this one though for the sake of this video i'll only be talking about three of them as the others are pretty simple first there's kirby brawlball a sub game that shows that hal still has the ability to make quality pinball games playing like a more refined kirby's pinball land this sub game is exactly that being a bit shorter than the original but just as addicting not to mention brawl ball has bosses as well seemingly having a more kirby superstar focus this time even featuring a fight with marx then there's stratopatrol eos a shmup type game that has a pack of kirbys going across a vertical stage and destroying enemies there being a different boss at the end of each stage of note in this one there seems to be more of a kirby's adventure theme with many classic bosses including nightmares showing up to challenge the kirbys like brawl ball this one is also incredibly addicting i personally remember spending so much time with them that it sometimes rivaled the time i spent playing the main game and last but not least there's kirby quest the sub game that proves hal never forgets about anything stylized like a turn-based rpg kirby quest is all about timing the strength of kirby's attacks being determined by how accurately you can tap the screen but that's not where the sub game truly shines as throughout the fight there are so many obscure kirby references not even seasoned fans will always notice them for instance take the fact that this sub game has one of the only references to kirby right back at ya in the entire series and even more obscure kirby quest even references kabuki kirby the most cursed copy ability where kirby just becomes a straight up guy funnily enough at the time of mass attack's release the kirby special that featured kabuki kirby hadn't even been released outside of japan yet only coming out over here in 2012 though now with the sub games out of the way let's talk story once again going with the plot frame of the villain transforming kirby in some way this time the villain is a death god named necrodius after splitting kirby into 10 versions of himself kirby mass attack's plot is pretty simple the only things of note being deroach helping kirby out along the way you know after pretty much the same thing happening in amazing mirror you'd think necrotis would learn from the mistakes of dark meta knight when comparing mass attack with its other touch game counterpart canvas curse while part of me definitely prefers canvas curse for the cool art style it went with mass attack is an incredibly fun game as well and it's an absolute must if you're looking for solid ds games though speaking of canvas curse seeing that it was such a success hal decided to go all in actually giving the spin-off a proper sequel coming out on the console that must not be named kirby and the rainbow curse would be the only touch-based spin-off in the series to release on a home console utilizing the gamepad's touchscreen to replace the one on the ds immediately when you see rainbow curves the first thing you notice is this game's incredible art style personally trumping that of candice curse and epic yarn rainbow curse goes for a claymation art style utilizing the graphics of the wii u to create some really stunning visuals it's just too bad the game doesn't really let you see them in their full glory unless you're not playing as kirby though i'll get to that later when it comes to the actual gameplay of rainbow curse things are pretty much just like the original albeit with copy abilities being replaced by transformations and a charge attack it's just more canvas curse which is never a bad thing plus instead of having many game bosses throughout the game rainbow curse thankfully brought in more bosses you can fight pretty much solving one of the only qualms i have with the first one however in its place rainbow curse made the interesting decision to add multiplayer and since only one person can play with touch controls if you're not playing as kirby you've gotta be a waddle d kind of messing up the gameplay in my opinion i mean when you go through these stages they're clearly meant to be explored with touch controls not as a typical platformer that's not to say you can't have fun with it but at least for me it kind of takes a bit away from the game other than that rainbow curse is just a genuinely fun time with some really stellar tunes as well though at this point that shouldn't be too much of a surprise and when it comes to the story finally things break away from the evil wizard transforming kirby in some way plot that had been used in the past three spin-offs instead with rainbow curse things are already clay from the get-go kirby rolling around as a ball more so by choice than necessity i mean with how many times he's been turned into a ball i guess it's just second nature by now but then after all the life was sucked out of dreamland kirby has to chase after a pair of mysterious hands leading up to a battle with what's essentially a form of dark matter after chasing it out of the character it possessed if you know nothing about kirby lore that won't mean anything to you but if you do well you know then i'd go on that whole journey but i already have in a previous video so i'll avoid it for now with the exception of questionable decisions rainbow curse is a fantastic entry in kirby spin-offs once again showing hal's boundless creativity but now as rainbow curse would be the only kirby game on the wii u next we go back to the 3ds yet again hal still making games for it despite the switch releasing the question is would the spin-off achieve success like mass attack despite the handheld's age well not really localized in early 2018 just two months before the release of kirby star allies for the switch kirby battle royale would come out on the 3ds hearing that title it makes you wonder do we finally have a game where you can pit a hundred kirbys against each other in a fight to the death sadly not really in actuality all kirby battle royale consists of is an assortment of battle mini games that's it i wouldn't go so far to say it's a bad game as it's really just kind of harmless one thing that interested me is this game takes a top down approach to kirby gameplay reworking many copy abilities to fit the new perspective though some many games do take the traditional side-scrolling view it feels like an experiment from how more than anything and it can be fun especially when you play the game online as when it was released battle royale was actually the first kirby game to have online multiplayer what isn't fun however is the game's price tag as for what's really just a glorified mini game collection it ended up being priced at forty dollars like come on at least make it twenty forty is far too much for a game with repetitive mini games so i don't miss anything i will note battle royale also has a story mode but honestly it's the most basic thing ever the plot's simply surrounding ddd holding a tournament to put kirby through more hardship though hey they did actually turn the sleep copy ability into something you can fight with so that's pretty cool price tag aside battle royale is a game that definitely comes down to your opinion more than anything personally i'm not the biggest fan of it but if you found enjoyment from it then good for you it's just a shame that this and extra epic yarn would be the games that wrapped up kirby's 3ds library and if i had made this video a week ago as of writing this battle royale would be the last full new spin-off ever released by hell but thankfully recent events have saved me from ending the video on such a low note however before we get to that let's talk about what i like to call the mini spin-offs kirby spin-offs that never received the physical release but are still pretty noteworthy staying on the 3ds but going back a few years there's the expanded sub games kirby fighters deluxe and ddd's drum dash deluxe both originating as sub games for curvy triple deluxe and releasing soon afterwards they're neat little games in fighters deluxe basically it's just smash only with kirby having more modes stages and copy abilities than the original sub game on hal's behalf it's a great concept as with the various moves each copy ability has most of the framework for a fighting game is already there it's just a shame fighter's deluxe didn't have any online play if only there was a future game that could solve that problem though drawing even more comparisons to smash rather than having a fighting polygon team fighter's deluxe has an army of ddds which is arguably even more terrifying and moving on to the other sub-game expansion there's ddd's drum dash deluxe a kirby rhythm game pretty much only providing new harder courses if you enjoyed the original sub game you'll love this both versions playing the same in drum dash you control ddd jumping on drums in tune to the song that's playing all the while trying to collect coins and playing a tambourine at the height of each jump on the backbeat in later stages it can become pretty challenging too especially if you're aiming to perfect each stage provided much like other spin-offs these two were definitely one of the more unique experiments by hal and a few years later after the release of kirby planet robobot hal would expand on its two sub games as well starting with kirby's blowout blast and expansion of robobot's 3d rumble this would be another bold experiment on hal's behalf dropping kirby into a full-on 3d space something they tried to do in the past but failed when it was just a sub game in robobot 3d rumble always stood out to me as kirby gameplay in a 3d space is a concept i'd love to see actually get the light of day and in blowout blast we almost got that you see blowout blast is essentially just kirby's dreamland but as a 3d platformer and while that is pretty cool don't get me wrong that also means no copy abilities which are something i was hoping to see in a 3d space but lack of that aside it's still enjoyable and some of the stuff hal tried out in this spin-off i'd love to see in a future mainline game then on the other hand there's the team kirby clash sub game receiving the separate upgrade team kirby clash deluxe formatted like a classic rpg kirby clash modifies the sword doctor hammer and beam copy abilities into typical rpg classes the four brave kirby's setting out on quests aka a boss rush it's an interesting little idea sure but compared to mainline kirby gameplay there aren't many differences however that's where clash deluxe comes into play greatly expanding the amount of quests available the only thing is compared to all the other expanded sub games rather than having a small price tag clash deluxe is entirely free taking on a kind of mobile game model now rather than being able to do all the games content in one go the game has a vigor system that depletes after you do a quest and recharges while you're not playing and although you can earn them by playing normally the game has a currency you can buy with real money that currency being needed at various points in the game hearing that if you're anything like me you'll not want to touch this game at all anymore but in my personal opinion compared to other games like it it's not all that insidious if you don't want to pay anything clash deluxe is just one of those games you can open once a day to play a little and then continue your day it'll take a bit but you can definitely play the game this way or if you give in to temptation the game doesn't force you to keep paying as when you go to buy the game's currency it permanently grows the tree you harvest once a day increasing your daily output of the currency forever so really i wouldn't say it's that bad at all other than all the payment bits clash deluxe is pretty fun mainly being worth it for all the new fights they made for the game my personal favorite being king d mind a combination of dark mind and king dedede like seriously the theme they conjured for this boss is crazy and that's not all as some time later for the nintendo switch clash deluxe would receive a sequel called super kirby clash retaining all the aspects of the first game super kirby clash in my eyes is more for the people who didn't play the first installment rather than those who completed the original as while it does have new fights many are reused from clash deluxe so i'd understand if someone didn't enjoy it as much due to that personally i had a blast with super kirby clash for one they actually gave nightmare a proper modern kirby fight which is incredible as a long time fan of the series and rather than having king d mind as the final boss super kirby clash brings back galactanite for the first time in ages sprinkling in some pretty big lore about his character basically if you take into account the fact that galactanide is called aeon hero and the fact that in his final form for this game he utilizes heart spheres in his attacks it all but confirms that aside from being the strongest warrior in the galaxy galactonite was also one of the heroes that sealed the way void termina the main villain of star allies if you have no knowledge of kirby that's all gibberish but man if you do then you know how crazy that is anyways back on track i really don't see much of a problem with the clash games existing sure they do have in-game purchasing but coupled with the new fights and online multiplayer added in super kirby clash i'd say the good definitely outweighs the bad and now had i made this video a bit earlier kirby clash would be the last spin-off to talk about but quite literally out of nowhere hal decided to drop an entirely new kirby spin-off kirby fighters 2 only releasing digitally like the original after being leaked the day before release fighters 2 blindsided practically the entire kirby community and finally whereas fighters deluxe was more of a proof of concept fighters 2 is now an actual fighting game complete with online multiplayer looks like i won't be needing this anymore seriously i would have already been satisfied with fighters 2 if it was just one with added online capabilities but they went even further beyond alongside adding many more copy abilities to choose from including a few entirely different characters fighters 2 added the all-new wrestler ability which is so fun to play as straight up wrestler is just a perfect version of kirby's old suplex ability and it's so fun to toss your friends to their doom with it though aside from expanding on everything from the original fighters 2 also has a decent little story mode where kirby has to climb a massive tower to face meta knight and king ddd at the top and on the way there are some pretty interesting fights too most importantly shadow kirby actually makes an appearance again the pause screen lore confirming that he's the same shadow kirby that appeared in amazing mirror which is definitely some pretty spicy lore but above all nothing will ever top the fights with ddd and meta knight as them being bros is a dynamic i have to see more of like seriously hell this kind of stuff needs to happen more in the mainline games i know you want to then once you feed in the four normal chapters of the story mode the fifth and final chapter is absolutely brutal going on for 50 floors and only allowing you to lose three times before having to start all over though thankfully if your rank in the overall game is high enough you'll unlock some story items that'll make this journey much easier and once you reach the top of the tower yet again kirby has to fight meta knight in ddd one final time the allied antagonist donning cursed masks to boost their power usually in any other game i just blow this off as a cold way for the characters to get stronger but knowing kirby i'm sure these masks will have some lore attributed to them in the future hell i've already seen people start to theorize about them though anyways after beating the story mode and watching ddd and meta knight take the walk of shame yet again i swear i'll never not love hal's fan service there's yet another single player mode to try returning from the original this one is far simpler as it's just a series of fights culminating in a battle with shadow kirby the thing is this one can also get pretty hard a new difficulty level being unlocked if you beat the normal hard mode compared to the original sub game and the expansion of it kirby fighters 2 has serious potential to become something more and as an already fun fighting game it'd be great if hal gave this game updates in the future to keep it fresh so there you have it all the kirby spin-offs as of now unless you want to count the little e-reader game or the board game that came with wendy's kids meals yup that's a real thing that existed at one point but i digress while there are a few that don't feel as substantial as the rest kirby spin-offs are games i always look forward to from the creativity of the canvas curse games to the genius multiplayer of air ride it's practically impossible not to enjoy at least one of these games i mean just on the ds mass attack and canvas curse are honestly some of the best touch-focused games around even tilt and tumble a game that's kind of a nightmare for me is still pretty admirable for trying out motion controls on a game boy color of all things all in all whether you enjoy them or not you cannot deny that kirby spin-offs always succeed in delivering that classic hell creativity and personally i hope it stays that way in the kirby spin-offs to come if you enjoyed this video and want to see more like it do subscribe and today's cool thing of the day is final fantasy 16. man the words cannot describe how excited i am for this game seriously yoshi p actually producing a mainline single player final fantasy that's like a dream come true for one it definitely means the game will be out in around 2 years and already i love the direction it's taking i mean hell they've got the guy who worked on the battle system of dmc 5 making the battle system for 16. if that's not the most perfect thing ever i don't know what is i'll cut my rambling short now but trust me however long it takes this game to come out you will see me make a video on it when it releases moogle promise anyways here's the twitch clip of the day oh oh no they made teddy into a marketable plushie oh god just like how my channel artist turned me into a marketable v tuber no so that being said i'm the rpg monger and don't forget that each and every one of you are fantastic you
Channel: The Rpg Monger
Views: 156,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kirby, Nintendo, Kirby Spin Offs, Spin off, Kirby Pinball Land, Pinball Land, Kirby Block Ball, Block Ball, Kirby Star Stacker, Star Stacker, Kirby's Dream Course, Dream Course, Kirby Avalanche, Kirby's Tilt n Tumble, Tilt n Tumble, Kirby Air Ride, Air Ride, Kirby Canvas Curse, Canvas Curse, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Epic Yarn, Extra Epic Yarn, Kirby's Mass Attack, Mass Attack, Kirby Fighters, Kirby Fighters 2, Hal Laboratories, therpgmonger, The Rpg Monger, Kirby Lore, lore
Id: hFnA7cKmeEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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