How Planet Robobot Perfected Modern 2D Kirby

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one thing that the kirby series always loves to do is put their best games out towards the end of a console's lifespan they've been doing it practically since the franchise's inception while it comes with a disadvantage of poorer sales if there's a newer console already out this kirby staple ensures that those games have all the experience of developing on that console backing them it definitely worked out in kirby dreamland 3's favor and when it came to modern 2d kirby the last mainline entry on the 3ds would push the series to new heights hello everyone this is the rpg monger and today let's dive into kirby planet robobot ever since the kirby series had gotten back into its stride with return to dreamland halide created a pretty good foundation for future kirby games make sure to maintain the classic copy ability-centric gameplay but also spice things up with a new gimmick every game and while return to dreamland and triple deluxe are both great games i feel robobot took the best ideas from both of them to make one of the best kirby games in the series though before i get to that i'd be remiss not to immediately address the aspect that from the very beginning sets robobot apart from every other kirby game it's theming expanding on the mechanical setting and atmosphere established in previous kirby locales hal would take those isolated segments and make a whole game out of it sure the game still contains many kirby hallmarks like worlds based off of typical things like grasslands the ocean and a desert but in robobot they're all presented through a mechanical lens it's as if you're watching the steady eradication of pop star's nature in real time only making the urgency of kirby's mission all the more real don't get me wrong the cutesy fantasy theming that's synonymous with a lot of kirby is perfectly fine i'd go so far to say that it makes kirby games what they are in certain circumstances though a sudden change like this is exactly what the series needed and out of everything this isn't seen clearer than in robobot's new gameplay gimmick following this new trend of creating gimmicks out of pre-existing kirby mechanics like stronger abilities or a stronger inhale the robobot armor of planet robobod outshines its predecessors by a mile at its core it's not all that different from super abilities considering the robobot armor can take on various abilities to wreak havoc it's the decision to make it less of a kill button and more of a direct extension of kirby that i feel makes it much more fun plus who doesn't like the idea of hal just giving kirby a mech it's perfect the fights where the robobot armor actually gets utilized have to be some of the most memorable from the series despite it not being hard that fight where you have to quickly unscrew the robot as missiles close in on you was next level intense so being overpowered aside i feel the decision to make the robobot armor function like a stronger kirby works better for puzzles as well whether it be moving circuits around or sending your bombs off to solve things for you and with its 13 abilities you gain access to throughout the entire game the robobot armor absolutely beats super abilities when it comes to variety as you progress through the game it's always a joy finding out what more abilities they made for this gimmick some of them like wheel practically transforming the game altogether when it comes to my personal favorite i kind of want to say mike purely due to the luxury of actually having mike be a proper ability and not three one-off attacks they're all great though when it comes to normal copy abilities robobot would also create some new ones for kirby as is tradition this time the new abilities brought to the table would be dr poison and esp starting with doctor it's definitely the most ridiculous out of the three for a lot of its attacks it's pretty standard kirby stuff with a focus on its pill projectiles the main unique thing with doctors the ability to craft potions on the fly there being a one in four chance of said potion dealing fire ice or electric damage with the chance for a healing potion of kirby's heart then with poison it's kind of a reskin of water with a few differences the main difference alongside a few diverging attacks is that many poison attacks leave behind residue that'll damage the enemy over time if anything it's almost as if the water copy ability got polluted due to the mechanization of pop star lastly with esp kirby finally beat earthbound after all these years of this ability probably being my favorite out of the newcomers for one its ability that lets kirby disappear and reappear while dashing is so much fun to spam i didn't find myself using the controllable sphere of energy all that much admittedly but the power to counter attacks with precision guarding gives esp a good leg up on its pierce too bad that like with every game i suck at the timing and while those are the only three newcomers they're technically not the only new abilities per se as robobot brings back both mirror and jet from the abyss receiving the return to dreamland treatment of getting significantly modified i cannot tell you how happy i was to see mirror back i'm sure plenty of you will agree that its split dash thing was always the best so now on top of that mirror has even more cool attacks like its upbeat and downbeat moves that have kirby suddenly multiplying i must be too used to playing superstar as hearing mirror attacks without the og sound effects just doesn't feel right jet would also receive some notable changes its new attack and improved hovering and modernizing the classic ability it's just much like with its original incarnation it was never an ability i gravitated towards necessarily aside from those robobot's ability pool is a great mix of all the new two of the new abilities triple deluxe created making a return don't worry beetle you'll be back soon hell this game would even see the return of the smash bros ability only found in select areas if you don't have the right amiibo to get it though next to abilities robobot would also bring back equippable items again for the most part these are pretty much taken from triple deluxe but the few they added were a nice addition to the game kind of functioning like return to dreamland's key and robobot brings in the battery item that gets used in quite a few puzzles to usually get either a sticker or a collectible however in an entirely original idea robobot also added the remote controller there aren't that many levels where it shows up but when kirby holds it a robot in the background follows your movement then usually in order to get a collectible or progress you've got to navigate the robot around without it or yourself getting hurt it's a pretty fun idea and now that i've covered the core gameplay found in robobot i can't hold myself back any longer from gushing about its levels and plot like a surprising amount of kirby games a planet robobot falls back on the classic kirby trope of some unknown entity corrupting pop star from above only instead of a one-night altered horror this time it's capitalism one in the same really what an opening cutscene too that part that has both ddd and meta knight defending pop star was quite the way to set high stakes immediately as from the get-go the mechanized world of this game is a hostile one take the very first level where while keeping in theme with most first levels being peaceful grasslands gets turned on its head as a mechanized wispy woods is out for blood i really like the detail of it trying to attack kirby through the tube and now that's how you set the tone for a game in the actual layouts of stages here things aren't too different compared to triple deluxe since this is after all the 3ds kirby expect lots of going in between the background and foreground throughout the game not to mention while minimal a robobot would retain some 3ds motion controls in specific sections and of course with robobot comes a new bottomless pit of collectibles to get on your journey in this case the code cubes much like triple deluxe's sunstones they mostly function as a way to unlock both the world's boss and extra stage if you collect all of them though there are a few bonus rewards if you get everyone in the game then far more importantly there's the stickers replacing the relatively useless keychains in comparison and robobot stickers actually have a nice cosmetic use in game other than being nice to look at in your gallery upon collecting a couple you can actually use them as decals on kirby's robobot armor which no matter what form it takes in the game will always display them proudly finally a game where i can create the ddd mobile there without a doubt one of the best utilized collectibles in the kirby series albeit sharing the same slightly annoying property of keychains where the game will be perfectly content with giving you every sticker but the ones you need to 100 the game going back to the levels in this game i'd honestly say robobot has the best first world in the series kirby 64's pop star will always hold a special place in my heart but they throw so much at you here on top of the ones i've talked about where you get chased and you get the robobot armor the other stages are good too that one on the train being a nice unique change of pace then in the last one before the boss there's the one type of stage that's seen in all but one of robobot's worlds appearing to be a factory or lab in the shape of a screw these levels are always a treat especially for me as they all contain a different remix of a past kirby song which brings me to this game's soundtrack i'll definitely talk about it more later i guarantee you but to just touch on it now man is it so good in robobot where kirby music was great before robobot's theming makes it so much more memorable and better like how egg engines warp the soundtrack of return to dreamland we see that here on a much larger scale with practically every song having a more electronic sound to it and even a healthy dose of chiptune here in particular the song they chose was sand canyon 3 from kirby streamland 3 a fitting choice considering it plays in the bizarre alien spaceship originally about time too as at this point dreamland 3 was very much in need of getting some modern remixes i'll do my best to limit my gushing about the rest of the remixes until later at the boss of the world now clanky woods is definitely worth talking about since much like many things in robobod it's absolutely the best incarnation of the iconic first boss of kirby for one after getting mother 3 to clanky woods is extremely mobile things mirroring his normal fight at first until all of a sudden things go full kirby 64 with a second face though why stop there in robobot regular bosses will even get third faces as clanky woods traps kirby in a tight spot he actually managed to damage me here which is definitely something to be said when it comes to wispy woods fights to think this was merely how the game started next in resolution road we've hit probably one of my favorite set pieces of the game with this part of popstar getting urbanized into a little city it's so nice seeing what creative ways hal managed to merge its usual whimsical locations with a mechanical developed landscape like here in resolution road the actual buildings that make up the city are shaped like little cute milk cartons and drinking cups or later on when the haltman company is extracting oil from popstar using massive blenders with spaghetti tied around forks serving us power lines clearly a lot of time and effort went into making these unique background set pieces that honestly only make robobot as a whole stand out that much more and by far my favorite of these has to be in the water world where the underwater cities are actually composed of glass bottles upon going back to those stages for cubes i realized the early stages in that world actually took place in a giant sink but i digress so going back to resolution road a robobot bestows the jet mode for the robobot armor here once again bringing back some solid side-scrolling shoot em up gameplay into kirby and much like triple deluxe planet robobot would continue the trend of creating special themed stages on top of the overarching one of the game as seen earlier in the train stage and now with the casino paired with the other one later on these are such a joy to go through with the various casino-themed hazards you've got to overcome i especially love that part where you've got to punch a pool ball in order to get the treasure chest in the background solid stuff paired with a wonderful track then at the end of this world with its boss of the hollow defense api we've hit the beginning of robobot's plentiful bounty of fan service in retrospect it doesn't necessarily reach the point that star allies took things where practically half the game was comprised of it though at the time a robobot had by far the most references to past kirby games this fight for one is literally one big reference sandwich with a recreation of kirby 64's second boss making holograms of past kirby fights really neat way to incorporate one of the more mysterious fights in the series into the ever growing mass of kirby lore it gave ice dragon a chance to trample me once more in the game's harder modes so it's a win-win in the ocean-centric world following that a new gameplay-changing robobot mode would see the expansion of the wheel ability now alongside going fast the robobot armor can jump into the background or foreground at will an ability that in my eyes is the peak of this mechanic and the 3ds kirby games however it does come with a side effect of me getting way too overzealous and jumping to my doom stuff like this is why the robobot armor will always be my favorite kirby gimmick and aside from that the one ice themed level they snuck in always puts a big smile on my face when you've gotta make those ice cream snowmen then at the end of this world when kirby meets susie the secretary to the boss of the haltman works company we learned that to fund their ongoing mechanization of pop star they're sponsored by skillshare hey you tired of wasting all your efforts trying to get back your lost daughter from whatever dimension she got sent to want to hone your skills in a timely fashion in order to use your ancient supercomputer to bring her back well it's not too late that skillshare is a service for you with skillshare's wide variety of courses on practically anything you can think of and now you can get the programming skills needed to properly utilize such an ancient device actual side note here i've been really meaning to take a proper course in something like music theory in order to get better at how i analyze songs in my videos i've picked up a few things here and there but it's nowhere near where i want to be with it so now that i have skillshare from the sponsorship i'm genuinely going to use it for those ends and turn if you need a good starting point for a passion you want to pursue or improve your skills in anything do use the link in the description for skillshare the first 1000 people to use it will get a month-long free trial to take any courses you're interested in that being said let's see what the rest of mechanized pop star has to offer in the last two pop star worlds of robobot most of the gameplay mechanics found in the game have already been introduced at this point so instead of bringing more the game focuses more on expanding what's already been brought in for instance this world features the best jet robobot segment in the game where they even brought back kabula that laser attack of hers does a really good job of messing with you as it goes from the background to the foreground later with the ominous tech pyramids of this world i honestly wasn't that surprised to hear the remix they slid into these stages i mean sure don't get me wrong i love this rendition of factory inspection from kirby 64. but let's be honest with ourselves did anyone really think they weren't going to bring this track back for robobot that and sand canyon 3 were some of the first times kirby even experimented with mysterious technology-centric stages like this oh and i guess technically the various themes of the hal bird fall into that category too though trust me they made it into robobot and then some speaking of which at the end of the fourth world meta knight shows up or well kind of as upon losing to haltman's invasion they outfitted meta knight with cybernetic enhancements to create mecha knight you may not be thinking about it a lot with all the cheery kirby gameplay but things like this definitely highlight how dark robobot can get more on that in a bit with the exception of bestowing the mic mode for kirby's robobot armor the fifth world is similar to the last one in that it mostly features expansions of previous level concepts now don't misunderstand me that doesn't mean the entire world is a mere rehash because all the things they bring back are considerably enhanced i'd go so far to say that rhythm route is my favorite of robobot's pop star worlds the new casino and train are a fun time but the new area made for the robobot armor's wheel mode is where i feel things shine the most i always loved areas that feature visuals and time to the music though when it comes to music the boss of rhythm route still has one of my favorite songs out of the whole series breaking the tradition of ddd getting possessed the haltman works company decided to just clone him instead in this fight appearing normal at first only for ddd to split into three ddds look at how determined they are to get kirby too bad they get easily annihilated in any other kirby game and that'd be it pack it up we've filled our ddd quota for the year except this isn't just any kirby game because once the elevator the fight takes place on reaches the top the 3ds get into a specially designed cannon in a vacuum this fight isn't that much more challenging than its previous phases as the cannon does become predictable after a bit but of course what made me adore this battle is the track backing it i swear this is the last time i'll gush about music until after i cover the next world i just can't help myself in the beginning it's groovy rendition of the ddd theme in 3-4 time is already good on its own however in the second half of the song where the ddd theme transitions into my friend and the setting sun from kirby superstar i genuinely had to pause the fight so i could listen to it properly literally this game could not have hit me in a weaker spot when it comes to nostalgia i can't praise it enough that orchestral swell near the transition it pushes it far above merely being just another remix in my book i'm sure you'd agree truly this is the best dtd theme right next to mask ddd i never thought the latter would ever get an equal the way the ddds get sent flying into ds still cracks me up to this day so now that all five pop star worlds are done and the access arcs legs are all broken it's time for the final world of robobot taking inspiration from the introduction of triple deluxe's funnel world as kirby enters haltman's vast mothership every one of the levels found here are pure gold as if representing a slow descent into madness the first one here is about what you'd expect out of some big corporation it's clean halls adorned with countless images of haltman of being probably the most normal in the entire access arc seeing how it's definitely canon that haltman visited rockstar at some point to be able to recreate picks it seems he also somehow got to halcantra's egg engines in order to replicate the metal general then in the various labs that make up the next two levels we see the return of nearly all the mechanics introduced in the game each one not sticking around for too long in order to keep the variety going which brings me to the last two stages of access arc where things completely go off the rails in what's still one of the most ominous final portions of a kirby game at the end of axis arc sends kirby into a strange altered reality that's practically creating itself as you move through it it's a pretty sudden shift in setting that's vast emptiness is more than a bit off-putting even now as i replayed this game those platforms that form out of nothing were so anxiety inducing they really did have to put that one cube right in the corner so by the time you notice that it's already too late and of course this wouldn't be a modern kirby game without the final stage serving as a victory lap for the game's main gimmick and this new version of the mini boss rush being the absolute best because instead of just throwing them in front of you to punch away like you'd expect you're actively shooting them down with the jet robobot which was a nice surprise i will say seeing the harder version of the gigavolt fight here it does make me wish there were more robobot armor exclusive fights like this not really much of a gripe as what they made for it was already enough but you can't deny that it'd be cool now with that final level done let's take one final look at the game up until this point or more specifically its music like i said earlier on the more electronic instruments used in robobot's soundtrack absolutely make it what it is the abundance of remixes found in the game actually makes sense thematically as in my eyes with the areas of the game all being located on popstar it only makes sense that altered themes would play in areas kirby's probably already been to before the invasion out of all the level remixes i'd have to say the robobot version of dark castle takes the cake i mean honestly not only is it a fantastic remix but i'll always be happy to see dreamland 2 get some love though enough on remixes when it comes to original tracks there's no end in sight to the quality if i had to pick one that initial theme for the desert world's first level goes way harder than i'd ever expect that aggressive percussionist music to my ears and the deep sea theme from the world before it gets an honorable mention however i don't want to spend too much time on the pop star themes as i could go on and on what i want to focus on the most are the bankers of access arc more specifically the middle two themes of the world because they're both superb absolutely blindsiding me from the beginning of its second stage ajuni shikawa takes robobot's already electronic leaning soundtrack and pushes it straight into full edm i never knew i needed kirby music like this and honestly i want more the part of the theme that slides in some surprise dubstep and makes this already great song if that much more memorable you can tell he had fun experimenting with this one then in the song backing the bizarre virtual reality portion of access arc this level is absolutely carried by its theme sure the insane background and sudden platforms do help but nothing makes you more uneasy about this section than this song with it starting out in pure chiptune with barely anything accompanying it robobot makes you keenly aware that this location is unlike any others preceding it this is only further emphasized when the melody switches over to strings those strings only speeding up in pace throughout the song as if to represent the massive computational power of the access arc generating this barren virtual landscape it's a jarring tone shift that sets up the insanity ahead pretty well in my opinion so with that taken care of we're headed for the climax although before reaching this haltman guy we've heard so much about there's a new mechanite fight to be had this time actually sporting his theme i'll admit it was a bit unsettling when he all of a sudden generated that disproportionate oversized arm glad we at least get a chance to free meta knight from being trapped in such an awful situation following that after all this time we finally get a chance to meet president haltman who at this moment already dropped some pretty significant info i've gotta hand it to how after all these years of boss crafting they've still got it and then some with this haltman fight going immediately insane absolutely topping any of its counterparts in previous games this battle is a worthy climax for a character that's been alluded to practically all game even in the normal mode here if it's your first time playing you'll definitely be caught off guard as haltman can be incredibly unpredictable to achieve that along with a solid pool of attacks to choose from the fight technically has four different phases to it each one changing the stage attacks or both in the fight at a glance it's nothing that crazy as half his attacks consist of him shooting or charging at you it's the sheer rapidness at which all this happens that makes him hard to keep up with at times in a storytelling sense you can absolutely tell there's something off with him and when it comes to audio this fight doesn't only have a fantastic track it has actual voice acting not voice acting in terms of speaking words mind you but haltman's laughs and screams throughout the fight are genuinely upsetting in their intensity seeing how hal started experimenting with actual voices more and triple the locks you can tell they got their bearings here especially with the attack that sends four energy beams out that scream he does honestly blurs the line between him crying out in triumph or in pain knowing his juicy backstory it's so much more unsettling can't forget about this fight's theme though because to match all that it's a crazy one packing in enough time signature changes to keep you from ever getting comfortable with the pace of the song it perfectly encapsulates having to face such an insane egomaniac as if that wasn't enough the frequent distortion of the melody combined with the generally bizarre instruments like that vocal sample that's used makes everything about the song come together perfectly in one chaotic package seriously going back a few kirby games this would already be final boss levels of quality which when it comes to normal kirby fights technically is for the main story because from here the upcoming fights are unlike anything we've seen until now in the following cutscene that sees stardream absorbing haltman's consciousness after susie's betrayal we're at what in my humble opinion is the coolest moment in the entire kirby series i'll fight all of you on this as to chase after star dream has taken the company's goals a bit too literally and now plans to eliminate all organic life the only way kirby can stop it is to get in the robot only the normal robobot armor isn't enough to chase after star dream it needs way more firepower which conveniently comes in the form of meta knight's ship the halberd i don't care if this was your first kirby game or you've played everyone like me this scene that has kirby fusing with the entire hal bird is the best especially if you had some good stickers on your robobot armor it doesn't get more hype than taking to the skies with a ship that's been shown throughout the entire series to be incredibly powerful i can barely find enough words to praise it thus changing things up from the side-scrolling shooters we've seen quite a bit now in kirby the final showdown with star drain goes full 0-2 with the gameplay transitioning to a rail shooter in this new final boss star dream throws practically everything at you with a variety of lasers and missiles and even other robots what's cool about this portion on top of everything is instead of this purely being a rail shooter hal managed to maintain one of the core kirby mechanics within it because while you absolutely can beat this fight solely by shooting at it kirby can technically inhale things still or to be more specific if you manage to destroy certain projectiles thrown at you their debris can be absorbed by the hal bird to charge an all-out attack for a segment that only appears at the end it honestly makes the fight incredibly dynamic since now you've got to focus on both avoiding and getting in the line of fire all so that you can absorb more debris not to mention that spin move you can do saved me a lot of times honestly nothing sets the stakes quite like the backgrounds of this fight showing the fates of all other mechanized planets in full display it's pretty dark when you think about it rather than pop star being the main target of every villain ever this time it was just supposed to be another footnote in haltman's unchecked mechanization of the known universe so despite it throwing everything at you here this is only the first phase of three star dream screwing itself into the access arc and combining with it if a bit ominous this fight is pretty similar to the first phase of more advanced projectiles and attacks getting sent out it's probably due to the sheer size of it but that attack where it regrows its leg things was seriously threatening though unlike the last phase as you do damage here pieces of stardream's armor begin falling off which for the more astute kirby fans might look like there's a familiar face hiding within the access arc itself and once you enter the third phase it becomes clear that stardream as a whole was just a nova this entire time i'll save you from the lore ramblings as there's no need for me to do it twice but purely as a kirby fan i had to pause the game for a solid second just to process the implications of this reveal this is what i love about being a kirby fan and there's really not that many series out there that reward you this much for following the series from the beginning especially not that many that have been going on for this long however at the same time i don't ever feel like it takes away from those who play these games as their entry into the series like sure this fight is riddled with references from stardream conjuring the original galactic nova's accessories to the countdown in the battle but it's still an incredibly fun fight for the uninitiated that charge attack is practically essential with it allowing you to deal more damage after you use it also one little tidbit i realized while writing this know how at the end of the countdown in the fight star dream hits a fatal error and restarts well with the knowledge that haltman had reactivated stardream in order to get his daughter susie back the rogue wishing machine is probably still trying to grant that wish despite everything only as susie made it back on her own a long time ago it's permanently stuck in a cycle of trying to retrieve something that's long been recovered robobot really hits different though then there's a matter of the music backing these fights all of which are superb this time starting out with a triumphant theme filled to the brim with light motifs it brilliantly sets the stage for this world ending battle making it all the more unsettling when in the second phase everything shifts to a pretty ominous and calm theme in comparison in my case it pretty accurately mirrored my anticipation at what exactly was behind the access arc's armor and boy oh boy the theme of the third phase it's been used as a motif throughout the game but it's pretty wild how the core of the song is actually just the title theme go back and listen for yourself if you doubt me it really is alongside it they also sprinkled in some heart of nova for good measure the beat from the theme persisting through a lot of the song as if to remind you this isn't the first time you faced such a foe thus after that final phase hell had to end this off properly with one final push i love how they established this mechanic early on with gigavalt only to bring it back for the finale that's some good game design so with that melancholic end to one of the best kirby scenarios ever created it's time to bury our sorrows and unlockables assuming by this point you've gotten all the code cubes and received your consolation prize we're still left with a good amount of content like this game some games for example with team kirby clash the gameplay transforms into an action rpg that i'm sure plenty of you are familiar with by now there's not much to it honestly but i guess that's kind of influenced by the knowledge of all the content that'd be made for its successors more importantly in my eyes there's kirby 3d rumble the sub game that actually experimented with 3d platforming now that's relevant right now i really wonder if that canceled game was going for gameplay somewhat like this i know the platforms in the one screenshot of it definitely looks similar to these but i don't want to spend that much time talking about those because to the joy of many a meta nightmare makes its third appearance in robobot functioning much like it did in superstar ultra with it largely being oriented around meta knight zooming through the game it was interesting how they modified two of his abilities here i'm glad they managed to bring his crew back in some capacity here but man i'll always miss that screen covering tornado and just like its last incarnation aside from harder bosses things are about the same until the very end where replacing star dream as a final boss you've got to fight three all-powerful opponents back to back laying on even more nostalgia than i expected first star dream recreates the dark matter swordsman from kirby's dreamland 2. full disclosure all the dark matter entities in kirby have some of my favorite designs out of anything of the two phases of dark matter swordsman and being one of the best and here we get the best of both worlds because they kind of combined both the phases into one fight there are no pushover either that laser attack from the second phase still getting me after all these years next in a far more recent reference stardream revives septonia from the last game aside from her doing some of her harder attacks earlier on she's not that different compared to her original fight here no more dealing with her japing you by smashing that crystal at least it's a good warm up for what's to come because to the detriment of star dream a galactic knight triumphantly makes his third appearance where i found return to dreamland's galactic knight to be a bit too similar to the original to challenge me that much they modified him just enough here to put me in a shallow grave not to mention of course all these remixes sufficiently slap but this version of galactanite's theme is still my favorite the injection of more electronic instruments to get the song to fit into robobox theming works really well then like always with that taken care of all that's left are the arenas in all these playthroughs i've managed pretty well taking down true arenas with no copy ability for my past two kirby videos i got both of them done in an afternoon well let's just say that wasn't the case when i finally got to robobot's 2 arena i managed the earlier fights decently enough some always taking a bit more health for me than i like but good god the final four fights of this one are hell without an ability i guess it makes sense that in a game with so many cheese abilities doing it without one is true punishment i know for a fact that the only way i beat it originally was through the funny arrow method and even then it took me multiple tries seriously some of these are pure evil like dark matter and septonia getting combined into one fight just talking about it now is bringing the pain back in dark matter's first phase your window to get a projectile is so small and somehow galactic night is still worse than that it didn't help that i could never seem to make it this far with very much health leading to many runs getting destroyed as i kept trying to beat him without taking damage that new attack where he gets you from the background always took me by surprise with how much of the stage it covers honestly i'd say galactonite gave me more trouble than the true arena version of star dreams rail shooter segment though that's mostly due to it being fairly easy to avoid attacks there if you know what you're doing well everywhere except for the third phase where admittedly it was significantly more challenging actually getting debris while also avoiding attacks i hate that one with a burning passion all in all though it still didn't take any choice for me to take down stardream soul's third phase which i guess makes sense considering this isn't even the hard part in a twist deviating from the end of the story star dream soul has one brutal final fight within it fully remixing heart of nova and overtly referencing the fight from superstar there's no starship to save you now at first in the phase where you're taking down the individual parts it's almost as if the game is luring you into a false sense of security with how simple they are to take down only to then destroy you in the next phase that sees the core of star dream attacking you itself it's a really well designed fight showing that when they want to hal absolutely can make some truly challenging kirby content i feel the worst part of doing this without a copy ability is this fight becomes twice as long with how many attacks you've got to brave in order to get a projectile i know it would have probably helped me to dodge more i just really suck at the timing star dream got me with its soul cutter attack more times than i'd like to admit and when you get to the end of the fight finally you've beaten the true arena your naive little mind thinks as in one final middle finger from hal to the droves of people who incessantly complain about kirby difficulty the boss sends out three attacks that'll ko you no matter how much health you have i don't care how good you are everyone's fallen for this bs at least once it has to be one of the most cruel things in any kirby game the final final attack where you've got to thread the needle between the two of them is only made harder by how tense this portion makes you though if you managed to overcome that congratulations you've beaten kirby planet robobot now it needs to be said that without the games leading up to it kirby planet robobot would be a shell of its current self after all a triple deluxe waltz so that planet robobot could run in most of its core features including grinding for collectibles to complete the game remaining in robobot i am glad they changed up the trend with 100 completion cutscenes albeit the one here is pretty bittersweet knowing all of the lore it may not have full multiplayer capabilities like return to dreamland but just looking at the core game as a whole i really think robobot is the peak of modern 2d kirby it's like the devs of the game had been saving tons of great gameplay ideas and finally let them lose in a single game and sure i do acknowledge that i have a lot of bias affecting me here with the vast volume of remixes and references to previous games but i feel even beyond that robobot's core gameplay is some of the best kirby's ever had with how much is taken from its predecessors alongside new mechanics it makes for the perfect kirby package plus don't even get me started on the story and lore they definitely matured a fair amount with the lore of triple deluxe but i think everyone will agree that robobot still has some of the most heart-wrenching lore in the series i'm still not over how you can hear haltman's faint screams when you destroy parts of star dream soul's final face if anything the one downside that came with robobot is it set an extremely high bar for subsequent games to top which as much as i love star allies i believe still hasn't been done yet however with kirby and the forgotten land coming out later this month i have high hopes that hal will be able to do just that it's definitely looking like they will and while i'll absolutely be streaming forgotten land in its entirety from day one i figured what better way to lead into that than to marathon as many kirby games as i can daily until the game releases i'll actually be starting that tomorrow with whichever game you all decide i should play through the twitter poll that's up right now go follow me fast if you want to help decide the stream begins tomorrow at 8pm est so do stop by if you happen to miss any of these i always upload them to my vod channel the day after i stream so yeah that's kirby planet robobot of accumulation of countless games that in my opinion will continue on as a shining example of how to make a proper kirby game to those who've continued to help out the channel i'd like to give a heartfelt thanks to everyone who's decided to contribute you guys are the best if you want to help me continue making more videos like these and receive a special thank you amongst a lot of other bonus stuff do check out my patreon a link in the description now i'm sure you're thinking monger didn't you skip a game and yeah sadly i didn't have enough time to cover triple deluxe with how close forgotten land is i figured it'd be best if i cover robobot first before anything with how much it'll affect the series going forward don't fret videos on both star allies and triple deluxe will come at some point in the future i've got a lot to say about the both of them by the way if i sound any different in this video it's because i got braces on earlier this month hope my lisp wasn't too bad so that being said i'm the rpg monger and don't forget that each and every one of you are fantastic [Music] you
Channel: The Rpg Monger
Views: 104,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kirby, Kirby Planet Robobot, Robobot, Planet Robobot, kirbyplanetrobobot, review, retrospective, analysis, explained, 3DS, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, forgotten land, kirby lore, lore, The Rpg Monger, rpg monger, platformer
Id: 8bEbKtdRH-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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