The Wheat And Peas Are Desicated!! 765SE Willmar!!

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so we're just uh making some pins here now what holy crap guys it's been pumping out today they all won't be out in one day but i've already made two today so that's pretty sm pretty uh sweet uh anyways we got the spare going i guess i gotta go through here got the spare going and uh we are going to go and spray the wheat i got to go to the shop and get a little air in the tire front tire and then we'll load up with uh whoa we'll load up with raglone and then we'll be laughing uh this stuff we gotta spray at night because it's activated by i'll let you look at dom while i put it in my seat here uh it's activated by daylight so you want to get most daylight the first day that you spray it um that and i gotta change i gotta change the light on the front here it's uh kind of shitty out in the front but whatever you know how she goes so that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take this old girl around and uh yeah get some marinara i gotta switch my uh switch my nozzles over to 15 gallons and then uh away we go we can go give her but i guess in other news of old bomb there we never did get that never to get that shaft out but i don't know we'll see if we got time or a rain day or something we might just take it out and weld it again and call it good enough for a little bit of straw that we're gonna drop or something but i don't know we'll see i got i've already put enough money into the other two combines this year so mind you that doesn't really cost a whole lot of money that old bomb but it's one of those time things you know a guy just doesn't want to work on all the time but anyway i will uh get the spare going and we'll get her loaded up and then we're going to head over to the p so uh we'll see you in a bit then i guess okay guys we got to switch from the blues to the browns uh they'll come down here a little bit the blues to the browns uh greens are five browns are fifteen blues are ten so we're all on uh fifteens now we got them all switched over and now we're just loading her up and we're gonna give her so i guess i'll see ya when i get over there we changed a few uh lights up front there too so i could see a little better they were kind of uh only half of them were working so anyway see in a bit here [Music] all right guys well uh we just uh gave the old girl a drank and we're heading over with the old desiccation station here boys nice uh this is the start of harvest 2020 i guess she's uh shit's about to go down here so we only got about a half mile yeah about a mile from the house to go down to the uh where the peas are to desiccate them they're just a little waste from the house so that's kind of nice uh we didn't bother moving the semi in the trailer because i'm just going to drive home and fill there for the two fills i got to do here and then when we start the wheat tomorrow i'm going to uh i'll be moving the truck and trailer over there and uh we'll give that a good old shot so anyway i guess uh set a to you guys while i'm driving i'll just uh bring you back when i get there good new locked in a few well boys we're giving our crap here the uh accent piece look pretty good considering a little bit of rain we had over here this year uh actually we haven't had a whole lot of rain anywhere but uh whatever the heck we got over here is actually not so bad so it looks green to the led lights but it's there's i mean there's a few green spots but it's not that green um i'll bring you over in the daytime or something maybe i doubt it just kidding anyway um yeah she seems to look alright uh there i mean there's a few shitty spots you know where yeah you kind of go down a hill or whatever but i guess time will tell when we uh get her in the bin so maybe it's all shitty i don't know we'll see holy crap old girl anyway i will uh keep going here i only got 75 gallons off this tank so it won't be long and i'll be down this side i got one more ship on my way back yet and uh yeah so i'll head back home and we'll fill the old girl back up and we'll head her back out here i got the other side of the there's a row of trees here it's about 40 acres on either side so anyway i'll talk to you in a bit guys alrighty guys round two loaded up back on the road heading back uh to the peas so this should be the last load we've got 620 gallons in there ready to go so uh yeah we're just gonna go back hammer those peas off and we'll see what time it is i think it's already 11 or midnight or something so that'll probably be it for tonight um tomorrow i think we'll start on a combine or we'll spray the wheat i gotta see if i my uh dad's off work tomorrow or not if he is then we'll probably start working on the other column by getting them back together so either way i'll uh be talking at you here shortly so see you in a bit all right boys we got her done got her done got her dude got her done done done nice look at the clover in here this year the freaking piece on uh the guy we bought our those five cows from uh pier breads we bought there this uh summer he said the same thing look at all the freaking clover in my peas wow the rest of this field is good but down on that uh uh south end there along the creek holy man is there freaking clover in there so kind of neat i guess maybe it's because it's been so dry i'm not not really sure but anyway see you in the morning gonna head her home and uh probably just go to bed so talk to you later well i figured since i'm here spraying the wheat i may as well i may as well uh water my cows i guess they look like they want some water so that's good so anyways i'm gonna go over here and uh give these moms and kindergarteners uh a little drink so anyway i'll uh see in a bit when i get rolling here again so all right let's go give her somebody missed here with the drill well boys we're uh giving our in a week here what's up this is the same field that i did that live stream seating here remember when my fertilizer up there and i had to come back and reseed uh probably from here i don't know but near 35 acres anyways whatever it goes that way so but uh i don't know the wheat looks pretty decent in here uh i hope it runs as good as it looks it from from way up here looks okay but so we're just about done we got to get over to the uh over to the semi there and that's her we've done the half section today so far so get this done i went all the way over to where the towels were on the other side of the creek so that's good now just uh probably got about 20 acres left so anyway just a little update and how we're making out here so uh we will see you in a bit i guess well boys there we go uh i gotta pack up some stuff on the trailer here yet and then uh we'll run this old girl home the semi leave the sprayer here because i don't have a ride to pick me up yet so anyway i guess that's a plan uh maybe bring uh take the spur over to the other we maybe tonight maybe i don't know we'll see how she goes but anyway i guess that's the plan for now so i will uh talk to you in a bit then i guess here probably tomorrow i'll probably talk to you tomorrow guy can spray the rest of the wheat so we'll see how things go but uh harvest is going to be here right away guys so before we know it i have a feeling but uh anyway i guess i'll uh talk to you later probably in the morning if i i'll check and see how much minutes i got on this spraying video and if i got enough then it's kind of shitty right in here actually yeah whatever if i got enough video minutes here for uh the spring desiccating video i will uh see in the next one so if you guys want to see what old straight pipes is up to and jump on the old sinking titanic here you better subscribe and uh watch some wait for our harvest videos if you don't want to miss any so they'll be be coming up here shortly guys so i'm thinking probably give or take probably a week or so give or take a week we won't be long so anyway guys thanks for watching and uh we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Straight Pipe Acres
Views: 4,410
Rating: 4.9797978 out of 5
Id: ljhXNViW1JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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