Started Seeding Yellow Peas!!

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nice just uh making some pens here at all what and how are you know it's the same day but that other videos gonna be too long so I decided to start making a new one I'm gonna have a few here by the time we're done so that'll be nice he told me down for some reason now there's no water coming up Oh or bending the valve because he didn't take the block out there we go anyway we're gonna take this tank off it's too lightweight to haul fertilizer it's not a heavy-duty like these this one here and the one behind me on that other cooler and this black one here so what we're doing is we gotta use this lighter one for the sprayer trailer now which is going to be on the truck so we what are 1500 gallons of water so I'll be good for a half section of spraying so that'll be good enough and then once seeding is done then we'll use this trailer here back for spraying again after we get everything set up so the plan is this one's gonna go on there the lawn behind me is gonna come back and take the place of this one and we're gonna set all three of these up for liquid fertilizer so that'll be nice I'll be able to see it all day without having to go get liquid and then we're gonna all then all we have to do after seeding like I said is take the cam Handler and the pump and put it over on this trailer and we'll use the three tanks that are going to be on here so anyway I guess we'll get chit shifted around here we'll find some more holes at the dugout and yeah we'll get everything set up and then I'll bring you back here in a few so see in a bit alright so we've got most of the can you hear me now most of the all the spare shit's already ready to go all we have left is I got the more hooked up tier and it will cut some brush anyways we've got the sprayer trailers ready to rock there she is coats around up a got a loader box chemical or add the stuff that we put in there for a little bit like a long-acting chemical like hot shot and all Care authority love of whatever else okay we got that all loaded up or not yet but we have to load up the the Box stuff on there yet but we're gonna go and hook these heroes and hook on to the drill and we got dad went to town we'll get some fittings for the sprayer trailer or the fertilizer trailer and we gotta take that tank and put it on there now we gotta wash all those tanks on so we don't flood up with 5o plug or fertilizer up so after we get that on there we should be good to go I think so we'll see what happens but I've got to change a few hoses yet on there and a little green one that goes from the black one to the first tee that's got to be changed out what else we got to do on there I think that's it add a valve and whatnot on there yet but we will get her so as soon as we get that all set up I'll bring you back but like I said we're gonna go and hook on the old flexible now and bring that guy around we're gonna leave probably leave the liquid wagon here we don't need him yet so we're gonna unhook him and pant take the air cart and the drill up and then check ball tire pressures we got a couple Packers to change on there they're kind of shot so we're gonna have to heat them or cut them off or whatever so that will be next so we'll see in a few then guys in a few okay we got one changed their new varying on there there we go well now we got you this one over here might be windy over here but I'll show you anyways very windy so now I get to take this gang off and change this Packer look at that one this is not nice all right there get in the back two bolts out of the packer and once you get those out then I can lift it up are you good okay see that means lift up everything yeah now the drill is up and we can get that packer out and work on getting that shitty one out of the middle looks like fun doesn't feel good can we weld it together okay now we got to pick which end to take off yeah I think this one's cleaner all right okay boys we're having a of a time here I hate these goddamn things sons a dirty horse me anyway this one here was the one so I cut it off with the plasma cutter so I'm gonna do now is cut a bigger hole on this side smaller one on this side and hopefully this Packer will come off and then I can heat the axle whole pipe because when I heat here against the pipe here the peat only transfers up to the disc and then I'm same as here they can't get the teat can't transfer all the way through oh I'm all ready to throw it in a dugout actually that works too sometimes if you got all year to wait for it but anyway I'm gonna try that we'll see how things go here seeing a bit okay so here's what I done I cut one bigger one one smaller and that way I could slide the Packer off over the top this piece here I don't give a down when I'm gonna cut off I got to save this bushing cuz that's a proper spacer and then now I'm hoping I can get enough heat and against that pipe and let it loose so there's the packer and I'm gonna weld that back together and once I get that rest of the packer itself right here weld it off there but I'm tired of this so I'm going for supper good enough seeing a bit there we go boys got the new one on so now whoever I've changed this one we put a nice ease on this chopped yeah and we've change the other ones to every other time we've done to put a nice ease on so should be good now we're gonna weld it back up and I think we're all right now so next is the bearing key way then the other one and then two nuts there is Carter painting the whole shop yeah all right till seeing a few here guys okay boys all right this morning it's got going here again we got the stupid Packers changer last night so they're all good to go now good in you so here's our tips this is what we use they're Dutch stealth Eagle or Dutch super eagle I should say 1939 and all they have is a carbide wing on them for the liquid fertilizer tube to drop the fertilizer down so they're very easy to change you pound them on you pound the roll pin out you whacker with a hammer they fall off so find a new one do you know them here's a brand new brand new and they use the they all know let's give you new roll pins sorry here's a new brand new there's brand new used there's the difference so these are war this will probably be okay yet but I get worried about this if these get wore down too far then I start putting jerk into the little wee hole focus just a little wee hole right here and that pipe and then I got plug fertilizer runs and then you got yellow strips in your field and I hate that so now you just put this on like so and then like I say I give you new rope in here here we go yeah I shut you off anyway so here's a roll pin that goes in here whoops put it the right way like that and then the roll pin goes in the hole right there so that's how we do it but anyway so hot need two hands to do it so but I'll show you when I get it on and then you'll see the difference he's a lot of these ones I changed last year it's usually more and more we're out every year like that's a new one I'm back there's new that one's decent you know why is you wait if they're like that then they usually get changed I get that big dish in them so I got ten and I don't think I'm gonna need them all but I got them anyway so alright I'll get to work here okay so I got it started all we do is drive this in like that split the difference on the roll pin like that both sides and good enough so like I say I got a few of these to change I'll keep doing this and then you don't need to see me pounding pins out or whatever so I'll keep going on here and I'll bring you back in a bit here all right boys how are you now we're gonna go and take the old girl and sink her in the ground a little bit get the chains all turning on to pay services tank and this thing's ready to rock so alright I'll show you when we get over there does it get a signal seeing a few alright boys or governor it's a trial run here so the over dough we're gonna go there back make sure gotta steer set the bank is turning on the tank you see it by the wheel they're going like a bastard so that's good we're gonna go up to take her all the way up to there and then we'll turn around and come back so see how she goes I'll give you some more clips when we spin her around see in a few there we go boy I've to get someone to vacuum the cab again anyway we just turned around she's all scared by auto it's nice about five and a half mile are that's a little fast but that's alright we just want to get the chain board and there the old man's way over there and my old girl there he is all right we're gonna keep giving her here go up and back everything's looking pretty good I think so far so good hey Kahn I've been in Harbin almost yet there's nothing in them it's good though I can see everything moving in there that is perfect this one here for my liquid fertilizer we don't need that because we're just gonna see piece we unhook the back tank so that's a pressure gauge for it once we get going Goodin you seen a few there we go boys two strips let's gonna clean the old dirt offer anyway we're gonna head back to the yard cool move a few more things around and I'll get back and take a look at the tank and then we're gonna probably treat some seat here in a bit it's over alrighty see you in a few Oh granny boys we're ready to go see some peace oh yeah anyway we got everything calibrated the boys got the piece treated closer could have got some footage of that but I did and so that's all right how many haters still got a curse turn it to hackers up and down hold back there we go perfect okay we haven't left to yard yep so just gonna get everything fired up here a verdict a verdict hey hold on boys where the hell's my switch there she is I'm a GPS switch oh there's the peas can you see the peas in there oh yeah all right they're up off the ground there we go he's just here fault I know there we go whoa turn the other way there we go all right so like I said we got our peas loaded treated inoculated actually double inoculate I've used Cal Tech this year sell pick whatever you want to call it dust huh anyway dad's gonna come pick me up over there at the neighbor's place who put that bin there like seriously probably gonna hit it though follow me rock and roll going on jump there we go she was digging in the road a little bit but all righty okay well we're gonna get on rude here keep her on the Chuck in there we go that's real good anyway or in head up the road here down Lane head over mile half butter drop Gabriel you ever boys probably start tonight already use old next video probably will baby me CDs we'll see but yeah anyway over there maybe get started yet tonight so I'll see if I'll throw a little clip in there tonight on see them some peas or not but anyway if I go I'll have a look and maybe all kind of get a little clip of the old Vidya here [Applause] on this video so alright rambling on see you in a bit then guys okay alright so we just checked our girl I'll show you for a minute don't mind the noise [Music] shut the fan off when they're late on so what I did some running keys in both bins this year and that's gone down that one's gone down Taylor treated blue so that's good I should get about 30 acres 31 acres between just don't mind the noise here that turn the family forget about 31 acres per fill I got it set on about inch in 3/4 yep maybe what I'll do is I will run over and give that sumbitch a crank and make sure there's heat coming out and we should be good I think [Music] here so here's the monkey man yep we're good okay see the seats on the ground that's good you gotta check all the runs talk anyway I'll check all these runs make sure they're all good and I'll bring you back for a last little tour when I end the video here so we'll see in a few all right boys we're rocking her we're rocking her boys scavenger shed there's the piece High Definition anyway I got an AV line made here Center at zero degrees to the world and we're governor the old crank is just that going oh look at her go Louie [Music] so anyway just giving her right along here this is a barley ground here's what this is but anyway I guess I think I'm going to sign off here pretty quick cuz I gotta get to the end and make my loop uh it all keep you guys on here for a little minute get I'm gonna take this right to the corner here make a loop de loop and then I'm gonna go back that way so let's see what we can do here with one hand oh not so bad just like when I cut my finger off the other spring see with one hand that was real fun anyway here but my mind right there it is okay every bone phones here we go put her head flick the slip jinan paint here we go here we go what's a guy can play the radio would like on here you guys should be paying us to play they're shooting music you know that's what I think anyways we'd be kind of nice to have some ac/dc flames in the bracket back down sandesh trap hello my guys I guess that'll be her for tonight we'll get some better footage in the daytime I guess huh I got to see it all day all night it's my favorite job see unique favorite farm job of all time so usually what I do here is I make three headlines and that way I can it's be my third I'll make floor on this south end of this field cuz it's a little soggy so [Music] now on at the other end she's pretty shouldn't enough to make four down here and up in the corner there but anyway guys I guess I'll leave you here and don't forget to subscribe for more give us the thumbs up or tummy good new and yeah leave a comment tell me what you want to see more seating videos or yes in order to give a what your on the seat is that what's gonna happen pretty soon boys are gonna be seeing up a storm here lots of seed and warm we got probably good two weeks of seating here in Arizona baby we'll do some spring and then seeding and who knows maybe carts can run this one day and although spray or whatever we'll figure it out but anyway guys thanks for watching thanks to my subscribers who subscribed so if you didn't you better get on there get going so yeah I guess that'll be heard so we'll be over and out 10-4 good buddy and we'll top you in the next one thanks for watching see you later [Music]
Channel: Straight Pipe Acres
Views: 5,827
Rating: 4.9941859 out of 5
Id: qdhk57KC6_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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