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so we're just uh making some pins here now what how are you now boys oh not so bad we uh just got back from wayburn or south of weaver and i should say when uh we bought five more cows purebreds uh four pairs and one that lost her her calves this uh spring so she's open so we can ah breeder actually they're already ai to uh decent bulls so that'll be okay but uh anyway we're just uh taking the oiler up on the trailer and the wife's got the cows and uh black truck with the cattle trailer so i'll bring you back when we uh get up there so see in a few well here's the new kids we're gonna find the rest i guess the other group anyway we'll get better footage of them another time uh undo these straps and take off this off the trailer and uh yeah we'll get that done we're gonna get the creep reader up here yet so that will be next seeing a few well boys i seen uh old edward was having a live stream on his channel but uh i got a cow with pneumonia pastor in pneumonia so got some res floor and neighbor terry's dart gun and i'm going hunting so if i can get any footage of it i will uh do so but since i'm by myself i i highly doubt it so i hope the uh hope the old girl will be okay but i gotta go make sure that i can uh do it here so anyway we'll talk to you in a few hari and all boys good news just giving her here uh we just opened up this barley the old cadillac barley old stone there and uh i don't know she looks pretty good so i got we seated some alfalfa on there too i got a few cuts out of there but really not that great there's a fair bit of foxtel in there so i think i might leave a bit of it but anyways we're just uh there might be some more uh back there so i'm just i just cut a trail there for the wife set the auto steer for so when this is actually ready then we can uh cut away out of here we're just making this into green feed so ah it's not quite ready it's uh the grain is still in the milky states but instead of coming out go all the way around all the way around the creek and then back over there to get to that little bit of alfalfa we seated i figured i'm just going to cut a straight line through it so that's what i've done but uh yeah i don't know looks pretty good like there's a swath nice not so bad but uh yeah anyways i probably gotta wait on them i'm thinking probably a week to cut the rest yet depending on what this heat does this week here that might bring it on pretty quick so talking like 35 36 degrees celsius yes down here so uh i guess we'll see how that goes but yeah like some of it's pretty early yet um some of it's fairly green because we got the late rains some of it's uh it's looking here it's over the push bar on the on the front of the hay bind so so that's nice so we should get a few bales out of this this stuff here is uh smooth um beards it's what do you call smooth ons or whatever so that's pretty good i can just hear singing underneath on the old crimps that's pretty good but uh anyway i guess i just gotta i'm not gonna really cut a whole lot today but i'm gonna get uh we gotta go to the city get some parts for the combine and a whole bunch of other um yeah so anyway we will uh see later i might be able to bail this afternoon is what i'm hoping i got i cut one strip of uh barley up here before and i cut a little bit alfalfa over and that creek there like i said does not wasn't really a whole lot worth cutting but it might be might be ready here this week so anyway i will uh see in a bit here so talk to you later okay boys oh there's not bad screenshot anyways i come over to the barley here and i got three strips cut as you can see two i caught uh yesterday i think it was yeah it was yesterday this one i caught a few days ago uh probably oh i would say four days ago but we had some rain on it so what i wanted to show you is this uh baylor moisture tester i just bought it at pvmart i don't know quite a few years ago um as you can see everything is cured but i'm worried about the moisture so what you got to do is the reason why i like this one is because you don't have to make a bail all you need is a five gallon pail i forgot to drill holes on it anyways and you take this and you fill your pail with your uh windrow kind of twirl it up in there and then push it down with a little bit of pressure and hit the p here p r u n and then i'll give us a moisture reading 19. so 18 and a half is bone dry good for a realm bale so i think at 19 i'm gonna give her so i will bail this up like i said i think it's uh i squish the heads and nothing come out of the heads so and like the straw itself i think is pretty good i know the alfalfa is good but we're gonna test it uh test them let me get there anyways um there's a bit of right here and whatnot there's uh some weeds in here i think it'll be okay because i got a dry grass core in the baler right now so i'm not gonna worry about that too much but uh anyways let's go get that uh strip build up let's see how many bales we get out of there so we'll see in a few i can't believe all the camera makes it look so bright out it's actually really dark that a guy needs the lights on but looks pretty good this way just gets that light in there and just really works it good so anyways uh we got caught up with the bailing there uh well not really caught up but i finished on one farm from the stuff i cut a couple days ago and i got to move home and i got some oats to bail there old green feed and then i'll move back to the other farm and i got a bit of alfalfa there to bail up what i got cut there ah let's see a couple days ago so some of that might be ready uh some i just cut today uh well this morning anyways and then ashley came out and finished off what she could there which you picked through the fox tail and and that so that was good so we're just going to uh actually the wheat looks good right here boys look at that just nice so anyway uh yeah we've got that all cut now and we're gonna move home and cut some more old green feed and then we're done for second cut our first cut then we might move back to the other farm where we build that alfalfa uh i don't know was it who knows whatever a while back boy there we go and uh yeah so we'll probably move back and uh cut that second cut and then uh probably start on the barley green feed look at this here i cut all this i got two bales out of there what a joke i quit bailing it it too rough swaster they can lay there i don't care anyway there's no water tower right here boys right here last year i never cut this and i got uh 26 bales out there this year to it i ain't worth my time anyways so we'll get that old scout at home and and then we'll move back and then we'll cut that barley and then maybe that second cut alfalfa and that will be it for the year so there's probably i've caught 132 acres i caught already and we got another 30 100 probably about another 130 acres ago yet so anyway the bales are rolling in on that alfalfa there so that's good and we got to go round up the rest that we caught at home we got about uh 55 about 60 bales gotta get them home yet and uh and then yeah well everything they get off our second cut we're probably gonna be sitting around i don't know three four hundred bales from maybe four or five hundred we'll see how things turn out so anyway boys i'm gonna talk to you in a bit keep following carts taking the sprayer home good new well nick there you go first one is done got the chain links on i did this one double side for you so when you uh start at your start then you can chain it to a post or whatever then just keep continuing on and if you need gate or want to hang your gates and just take your plasma cutter blow holes through here or there or whatever and hang some gates on there so anyway there she be now she's too hot to work in here i'm just sweating so that'll be it for today working on panels i'll probably uh keep going tonight so when they bring me a load of bales when they bring me a load of bales then they'll have uh a load of panels to take back with them so hannah white get enough see and a few i think i'm gonna go try to bail so maybe we'll see out there we'll see well boys we're just out ripping around picking up these uh wild oats and wheat volunteer wheat uh sauce and uh in the pasture um yeah it's dry but i'm having a bit of trouble i wanna i lift the pickup up a little bit on the baler but the uh uh we're picking up some green and it's it's getting into the bale but the thing is um if i leave it the green is going to keep growing up through the swath so um we're just getting her picked up i mean whatever not much you can do about it but it's making decent bales anyways um i just do that to keep my stroke deliver head like that keeps my pressure up on the gauge so we're just getting these picked up here i made uh three bales so far i don't know how many acres i've done some spots it feels like i drive for quite a long time before i before i make a mail but like i said whatever it's got to be cut so our yeah cotton bale but i got the more fixed up for the wife and she's just been uh and i said to her i said well i said it actually looks like it's a decent crop till you cut it and then there's really piss all there so she cut all this heavier here the other day um it's i don't know it's not too bad i guess whatever it's making feet so good enough but we kind of kind of halted stop uh cutting mostly like i said you look across the the field and it looks like there's lots there but you start cutting and there's not much of a wind road um basically i told her i said you know what's gonna happen i'm just gonna keep driving and driving and driving and more is gonna fall out of my uh pickup and then it's going to go into a bale so anyway she she cut the cut the heavier spots where the wild oats were really thick like along this creek there's actually ravine that runs through there and uh down towards the bale that was on the first opening round so but anyway i uh i'll bring you back and i make a bail and we'll check her out here so good enough seeing a few all right boys well we got that done so that was pretty nice you need a little gopher anyway made another uh bail out there there he is that little patch there whoa stay on the road old girl anyway got that done so that's nice um we're gonna go back and we're gonna go take uh water to the cows so right now as it stands i'm caught up bailing again for uh for what's ready to bail so all this green feed or whatever you want to call it oats and wheat is uh all picked up all wrapped up in a bale now so that's good i got one two three uh four up on the hill and i think one over here so five five bales that ain't too bad that's a few days of feeding so that's good but uh yeah so i gotta go back i gotta take the uh my white truck and fill the tank with water run it up over to the cows at the pasture where we are currently pasturing the main cow herd and i got some actually a bunch of heifers over at uh neighbors place and uh i got a couple there we got our bowl running in with those guys so that's the plan i'm gonna go take those other guys water drop the tank off on my way back i will pick up the hay vine that's over at the other farm and bring it home and i'm gonna go cut there's a bunch of oats over there that's nice and thick so i'm gonna cut that down i think i'm as i'll turn that into hay so that will be good but uh anyway for now i'm just gonna take this back and i'll talk to you in a few i guess when i uh grab the hay vine or get the water filled or whatever i don't really know but anyways talk to you in a bit here's the wheat boys i got uh red berry wheat seeded in here and then when you get up around the corner it's up there when you swing around back by the pasture there's uh that's where i seated that late barley but i'll uh i'll bring you back in a bit here and all show you the barley but the weeds looking pretty good nice big heads on there we've had enough moisture to make it fill anyway so that's kind of good you can't see the tits on the mouse running down in there so that's good but anyway i'll uh show you the barley when we get there so tucked in a few here guys i just forgot to show you the barley boys coming good this is all that sailing area in here this is uh um that's what i see the lake here like five bushels of the acre or whatever the hell it was but uh yeah i lost the hubcap off my trailer that's why i remembered to show you i'm trying to find it on my way back but i don't think i'll have any luck but we'll see i was only in first gear cruising around here so whatever see what happens but anyway i'll uh see you when i get to the swather so all right take that home and probably start cutting some more oats oops all right good and new all right we're back at the old 9300 here just gonna check our oils and uh oh jeepers she's good nice now sometimes if you got a uh um sump or pulse smackdown swather like this you can run believe it or not oh i got 1540 in the uh hydraulics you can call if you want but that was straight from macdon so and this side is engine oil what should be good look at that just mint holy have a beer butt you're just shaking with the old bang dang in there there we go all right so we're going to fire this up we're going to take that home and probably i'm going to go have a bite deep first but i want to uh uh check these barley barley swash that were over here they won't be ready to bail but i want to see if everything is curing and and stuff we'll see how that goes it's not quite ready yet but see it's it's not quite cured as the trouble so i don't know leave her for a few more days probably another good day like if today if the if the sun would come out it's supposed to be 32 today but it's cloudy so chances are with the high humidity like that it's probably gonna rain on us so i may have to rake these swaps because here's the shitty part when we open the field up you got to go the same way as the drill went and when you do that all your uh stuff falls in the in the in between the rows and they have a bit of time picking it up so anyway i guess we will uh head her back so talk in a few all right boys we're out here just a governor uh cutting this is the other part of our password mailing over there this morning yeah it's raining spitting on us bad whatever not a her so we are cutting the oats here and whatever roam grass and everything else that has grown up underneath and uh actually you know what it's making a pretty good swap so it's worth cutting like looking here see how that bar pushes that over that's when you know you actually got a swap so i'm gonna keep on uh giving her in here and then uh we will see in a bit i guess just want to give her try to get this done if a guy can we got the auto steer set pretty good and uh yeah there's a little bit of wheat in here too and mixed in with the old so that would make good good feed nice decent old green feet so that's all right but uh yeah anyway i guess you guys seen me cut before so just kind of want to let you know what a guy's up to but uh anyway i will see in a few talk to you later hey boys well we got the uh all the oats caught up over there and uh we're just doing second cut on some alfalfa to make some square bales so i'm going to some spots is really really good like in here every low spot i fertilize this again here this uh summer give it some 1152 anyways we're just uh giving her on this stuff like i said it's not the best but she'll make squares that's good enough i was like making uh squares with second cut we would have got a little more rain it would have been a doozy but oh well that's all she goes so it's making a swath anyway that's the main thing so i will keep giving her here and i'll find something else to show you but yeah it's it's not too bad so anyway i they're talking thunderstorms tonight so whatever i'm gonna get two rounds cut here anyway but i gotta lift up here so i'll drop you off here and i'll bring you back in a bit all right boys i sure say that latte anyway there's our second cut it's not the best but it's pretty damn good um we haven't got a second cut around here for like i don't know i'm gonna say oh four or five years it's been that dry so pretty thankful we got the rain here now we did this here we haven't got a whole lot but it's enough to make it grow and remember when i cut that alfalfa early that was kind of the the plan anyway i wanted to uh i wanted to get some a put up in uh squares i don't know we probably won't make as many as we usually do but it'll be good like i say second cut alfalfa is always best in square so lower rounds whatever but either way i will uh bring you back again good enough alrighty guys well i brought another panel in and as you're gonna see on nick's uh vidya his next one maybe his next one i don't know anyway i started cutting these holes i built the frames before and then i ran out of sucker rod so i went and picked up a whole tray load of steel there you've seen that in a previous video and uh yeah nick and amanda and the kids come down this morning we loaded up a bowl i uh give them my black bowl to use old ferdinand they figured their little willy's too small yet too small of a willy anyway that'll be it for this video so i'm gonna keep tinkering away in here uh they're chopping silage across the cross where i guess can't see the semi just went by with the chopper but anyway that'll be it for this video so thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe leave a comment give us a thumbs up tell your friends get some more subs going come on let's keep her going boys anyway oh yeah i just turned over four thousand the other day that was pretty neat so thanks for that that was pretty cool but uh anyway good enough good good good there's the goats [Music] you
Channel: Straight Pipe Acres
Views: 4,299
Rating: 4.9869709 out of 5
Id: m8ZiDt6cAJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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