Apostle Arome Osayi - THE MAN GOD USES

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the threat that was sent to elijah was not a human being sending a threat the reason why she was absent was because she was on an escapade of consultation she had drawn that threat from the belly of the altar she's sworn by the spirit of that altar that this would be the destiny and the fate of elijah so it was a threat that was concocted from the realm of the spirit this guy just finished leading an entire nation to god and when that threat came i don't know how strong it was it disbalanced his soul so much so that he decided to flee for his life the guy that could invoke fire from heaven what was he afraid of you see you cannot analyze it that way if you don't understand the power by which that threat was concocted and that trait sent this man into a season of transition and the bible reveals that he went south of judah that's a long journey because besheba is in the south and the southernmost part of judah and that's where he went and he dropped his servant and just in case you are strict you are attacking him with gps and there's a tracking system your tracking system will only be able to trace the shiva and after dropping the guy in bishop he walked for one day so if you come you know you can go check for one day in any direction the last place somebody saw him was in bishop and the bible says he himself went today's journey a day's journey the direction was not mentioned when i went north south went even if you are reading the scripture you won't have been able to trace him he was he was not available and he went to a place that doesn't have a name and in that place there was a junior battle right you know do you have palm trees in ghana the juniper tree is a relative of pantry only that the reason why i'm explaining that is because if he was so tired and was looking for shade he won't choose a juniper tree for shade because the gene factory is not good for shade just like palm trees may not be the best trees you might need for shade purposes so what was elijah looking for around the universe well that was his god zone you know yes that was his god that's why he encountered god as a young prophet since he i don't have time he located his console notice that when he got to his godzilla he did not breathe he just slept if elijah was going to locate or trace his gut zone when he was in trouble it means he had left that place for a very long time meanwhile he was doing the revival thing and god confirmed what he was doing in the city center meanwhile his gut zone had been vacant for a very long time the next city close to his god zone was the shiva and i think i think that he left this juniper tree and went and manifested some things in besheba that was how he blessed some lives and they gave him that his servant for free that's it we don't have cds to give ghana cds to give you will not have anything but we have this book take this book that guy had become a full-grown man when jezebel encountered him and he began to walk in a reverse mode back to the shiva and left the gift he received and then he walked on the reverse move back to the juniper tree and he did not even vocalize the prayers that he was hoping to see at that point he just later and when he laid down because that place was now a spiritual space that has testimony of his labors previously the visitation of an angel was sponsored and the angel came and gave him food to eat without telling him why yet he drunk he slept again this encounters he was receiving was sponsored by the relics of his fellowship with god on that spot he had some relics there were some things on that ground that testified that there was once upon a time that a man visited this location in search for god he had raised and prosecuted a priesthood at that point and there was angelic activity that filled that space he had created a spirit city in that location on the account of his priesthood and when he came and laid down there his previous activities on that sport sponsored an angelic station that took care of his meal hallelujah god did not take care of his fear not take care of his challenge the threat if we go on you will find out that god was not even concerned about his hunger because elijah thought it was his hunger god was trying to minister to until the second dose of bread now came and then the angel told him why he was being fed he said rise and eat not because of your hunger if it were for your hunger will allow you to die rise and eat not because the journey is far it's a stone truth the journey is too great not far it's too great for you in this your composure and this your current state is too great so you will need to eat so that you can survive the journey now this man was fed because of a great journey but he converted the energy that he got from that fitting into a lamentation he said now lord it is enough because if you are saying you are feeding me because of another great job are you not aware what happened after the great i made a name for you i made a name for you i i made you popular i see the result of my evangelistic initiative now you are saying that there is a great job you say okay it's all right it's enough um you you're the only one that knows about that journey me my own journey ends here it is enough but he made it still he said take my life why because i am not better than my father it means that he came from a long line of prophetic people most of his ancestors in the prophetic ended after that threat and the last one that handed over to him warned him about the season that will come when the paths of darkness will harness their full potential to seek any light in the land to quench it they told him about that do you realize that the prior information they gave him about that day of evil did not did not was not an advantage to him obviously because he was not adequately prepared for that day even though he was reinforced the fact that you were told that danger is coming doesn't necessarily equip you for the times ahead prophecy is not necessarily an advantage it can even be a snail it would have been better for you not to have known i was invited to preach in a missionary university to take some courses in that university so i was given a cubicle to stay on a cruise of water to survive on because they expect that you should be in meditation and prayer and you shouldn't be looking for food but a cruise of water will be available while i was praying one of the staff of the school passed by and the lord spoke to me said tell this one there is a terrible season that is coming and in that season if it meets you unprepared your outcome after that encounter will be bleep there will be nothing left again in terms of your future and i told him i called him so he said he's ready he's ready and outside seven years later he was struck with cerebral malaria you know that kind of the person behaves as if he's schizophrenic and that was the beginning of the journey and i mean that guy is exceptionally intelligent but he never made any progress from that point anymore because even though he was pre-informed of a doomed day that was coming that was not necessarily a strategic advantage to me elijah was informed but did not translate to anything positive i am not better than my fathers there was a testimony of insufficiency that was on ground are you with me as pathetic as that situation is if you if you never get to that point where you see your insufficiency you are useless to god you are totally useless to god you'll be serving god on the strength of your flesh and immortals don't understand the language of flesh they don't understand the language of human effort they only understand grace because when god views he deals with grace and if you are going to understand what god has in mind with which he expects us to prosecute his enterprise upon the face of the earth it is spiritual energy you will not sign up for it except your insufficiency steps you in the face and up until this time elijah saw himself as a classical figure the guy that can bring about change glory to god a big god and something orchestrated from the spirit realm had to be allowed to touch him so that he would see that the utensils he had gathered all this wire cannot prosecute the mind of god even though he was begging to die and his state of insufficiency was obvious to him god didn't rebuke him because god had been waiting for him to get to that point for a very long time he didn't get that encounter by the juniper the first time he attended school there and he obviously left school before graduation so when he came back again the curriculum was revived and the issue of brokenness had to he wouldn't understand brokenness if it was taught like a lecture he had to have an experience first because many of you know okay i'm in ghana so i can't strike today hallelujah he never knew that in the absence of god there was because if we investigate the menu that was brought to him we may not have time for that but i guess no let's try let's try to investigate what kind of food did they give this man because it was bread and you think that the angel stopped buying a bakery to get this bread until you see the impact of that bread on elijah because when you eat that bread the bible says that he walked 40 days and 40 nights in the strength of that meat unto hurt the mountain of god he did not sleep in the night the bread sucked out sleep and weariness in every form and fashion such that he was able to maintain his work for 40 days and 40 nights until that empowerment is only for people that acknowledge that in their default mode in their best orientation they are still incapable of furnishing the expectations of god they have do you know that in all of this man's prophetic ministry he never knew that there was any strength administering bread that was in the heavens he never knew that until he came to this point several things about god you will never know until you arrive at the altar of brokenness you will never know it and are you with me please don't be offended i just have to say the truth okay don't be offended don't be funny if you look carefully you will find out the civilization that we have in the body of christ right now doesn't have the capacity to take us beyond this point it doesn't have the capacity meanwhile we have not yet seen opposition or at least in ghana you guys have not seen opposition yet the beast of reckless wickedness has not moved here yet and then suddenly you will find out that people that are prophesying are helpless about this beast people that hold meetings and nine million people attend are totally irrelevant about a menace that has overtaken society it means that the kind of thought we have been doing is stretched within our own enclave and conclave and once we finish that our ceremony we don't have evidence of what we did in society the kind of priesthood we are running he centers around this infrastructure called the pulpit meanwhile in the days of jesus ministry he had no pulpit we need to find out ask ourselves what are we doing because i know schools in egypt once you finish attending for four years you become a terrorist what do we become when you attend church whatever learning never coming to the knowledge of the truth and the issues and the dynamics of the kingdom into which we have been born and not issues that we know our this path of measurement is primordial we are looking for what unbelievers don't need jesus to get as the height of our the whole mark of our spirituality there's something wrong with our vision it is because something is missing and this thing that is missing has been missing for so long that we have not realized it but in this state we are about to collide with something that will reveal our insufficiency if care is not taken that was what happened to elijah he's starting too long on the stage far away from the university until he was totally oblivious of what god was saying he liked the idea of being a star and god had to orchestrate allow the enemy to look upon him with vengeance so that at least he knows the address to the universe that's why men are forged i know you have a title maybe you're a bishop and you operate with the title and all of that and it gives you a sense of importance relevance in society you must have found out you know we have prophets that can call people's name in nigeria you you know some of them and tell you your father's name the day you were born but those same prophets could not tell where the cheaper girls are in san diego forest then you find out that there's something wrong with our prophetic ministry because it only affects people that come together around us in our clique and our club but he doesn't have the potency to bring about direction to generation that's not the description of the prophet according to the book of acts of the apostles if you check men like academics they give direction to this is what is going to happen on the strength of this i recommend that you do this do this but we have people that can call names meanwhile we are lost as a generation and this deception this deception is bringing us to a point of of an encounter with the kingdom of darkness that will reveal our insufficiency you must have heard in the news some of the kind of stuff that is happening in the church in nigeria it's an exposition time and many people that were on the crescendo there are several discoveries about them that have been made at this time it was a transition season for elijah it was in the midst of that brokenness that he saw that there was resource in heaven to queen king a man that was insufficient and incapable and he was able to walk 40 days and 40 nights and to grab the mountain of god do you know god was standing on that mountain waiting for you and god did not close the gap so that to make it easier for him he was he didn't change he was where he was he was expecting elijah to move to the valley and to come to the mountain and that's the same valley that we call the valley of dry bones many prophets tried to make that journey they ended up booms now i came to tell you that what we have celebrated all these years will not survive seven years the next seven years come all the things we have tried to keep were try to protect a storm is coming that will reveal his insufficiency only men that have access to the second dose of bread will be able to find sufficient strength to arrive at horeb the mountain of god i need to take another scripture and that scripture will be revelation chapter 1. after revelation then i'll start teaching that if this time revelation 1 hallelujah a revelation one okay um oh my god okay to make it shorter let me start from verse nine i john this is an introduction john is telling us his um his credential revealing his credentials say i john who i'm your brother and companion in tribulation and and in the kingdom and patience of jesus christ was in the aisle that is called partners and what brought me to this isle is because of the word of god and because of the testimony of jesus now this was not the political reason why he was on patmos the reason why he was on patmos was because he was the last patriarch he was the only one among the disciples are you with me can we travel now okay he was the one do you remember this guy john you don't remember him i'll show you this john and his brother james came to their mom and say mom we are seeing greatness in the life of jesus and we we know you you are the leader of your woman forum you know how to you know how to talk you are quite persuasive with your ultras can you visit jesus and secure a position for us because we know he's going to the throne the way we are seeing him he's migrating straight to the throne so can you get him to commit himself about our possibilities around him and he was a woman that was tipped for this kind of road and you must say you people know my you know how women can pray jesus she was excited and she went to jesus and applied grant that one of these my songs will be on your right hand the other one will be on your left and in your clean jesus assumed that she knew what kingdom she was talking about he didn't question the kingdom hey all right ask them because there's an ordinary level requirement that they must fulfill in order for them to be adopted yes all level requirement and the whole level requirement is that they must be ready and willing to partake of my cup and my baptism and he did not tell he used metaphors to speak to them because if he had spoken plainly they were escaped so he said my car my car meanwhile that card that he was talking about is a cup of suffering because if we are going to prosecute the mind of god upon the face of the earth to implement the kingdom of god it is going to be at great cost great cause i have not rested since january since genuine i don't even remember the last time i cleaved to my wife that they said as it is a plague to marry a person it's a plague it's an affliction if you are not called for it you will always be insufficient you will oh i can't see and so she she she applied and jesus said well let's be sure that the ordinary level of requirement has been met are there willing to drink of my cough and to partake in my baptism the woman said she would have allowed them to answer but he say this my sons they are true born and jesus said all right in this kingdom there are authority levels at my own level of authority i can accept to include the cup and the baptism into their destiny however the fire has been forwarded to the quarters wherein there will be a decision about who will sit on the left and right after my own approval you can't even see you no you will not do it again without them knowing what the corporate baptism was for and about and it came to pass that when satan rose up in the acts of the apostles it was jesus that were killed first because it was him that he was the one that the heavens had allocated the baptism of death to because the the the high point of the the ministry of jesus was his dying it was his death barrier and resurrection that forms the permutation into entrance in the new creation and so this james was the first matter because his was the baptism of death and the reason why this guy could not die is because that's not his person his own person is suffering you are now with me [Applause] if you have read bible history and historical perspective you would have discovered that they attempted many times to kill this man in fact they put him in boiling oil it came out dead was far from him even though his body was mutilated and after that they now put a milestone around his neck and threw him into the sea he lived in inside of the sea as a water creature for three days then he was banished to partners that since we can't kill you go go and i don't know go and do something with your life do do something with what is left just do something but away from civilization and ensure that it was on fact muscle that there was a mighty sea that separated him from the people he was supposed to minister to i don't know how long he was tending to his moves but the bible says that on the last day he happened to be in the spirit now see he met a procession heaven was not waiting for him heaven was you know in heaven the civilization is a perpetual continuum and so it was the day he piped into heaven the scene he met was he didn't start with that scene the realities have been going on and then that scene appeared that was when he was in the spirit and then he was before the truth now this man he said he came to the isle of patmos he was speaking from the standpoint of understanding now that the reason why i was released to partners was because of the word of god there's an aspect of the word of god that was supposed to receive there's an aspect of the testimony of jesus christ i was supposed to so he's speaking from the standpoint of understanding not that if he speaks from the standpoint of experience it would have been that i found myself on the isle of partners because of persecution if his experience was a focal point of the whole matter but he was speaking from another perspective he was speaking from understand do you have you been able to really translate the meaning of every pressure that you have gone through and heaven's perspective about that pressure because we we we normally sit in our own perspective and then we will and wonder and then say god is not faithful but this man was speaking from an understand he knew that there was a reality that was beyond his own personal experience that was captured in god that was responsible for everything he had gone through and when he he picked it up then he now told us from that perspective that it was because of the word of god it was because of the testimony of jesus christ that that he came to partners are you with me all right let's go on next verse i was in the spirit on the last day and i had behind me a great voice as of a trumpet i can't touch this because because if you check if you check if you check okay all right saying i am alpha and omega the first and the last and what thou seest writing a book and sending out to the seven churches which are in asia stop there now what is it means that there is a book that god wants this man to write he had written books before i know you know he wrote so many books he wrote his gospel he wrote first john he wrote ii john he wrote ted john and now he's discovering that the reason why he was preserved and sent to partners was because there was a book that he had to write that means he prior to this time he was writing apostolic books to establish the brethren in the truth concerning the lord jesus and to bring encouragement onto the house of god but this book he's about to write is a book for which he has no competence before this time to write because it's a book that is not apostolic in nature it's a book that is prophetic in nature and there was a dimension of god that he had to encounter in order for him to gain the competence that is required for him to write this book see so what we are seeing here is that this man is entering into a higher dimension of his ministry but what was the way the way of partners was the way into this dimension that means god had ordained that he will be in practice but how did he come to patmos he came to partners by intense persecution intense brokenness and found expression there was nothing left to desire life for it was in that shattered broken situation that heaven's voice became clear to him inviting him to come into the prophetic encounters that will qualify him for his next line of ministry you will never know you would think what you are doing now is anything god and you can build a title around it and build a concrete beauty click build a club around it and then meanwhile this man had arrived at that point of of glamour in ministry he had arrived at that point and at this time he was the last living survivor among the apostles of the land he was highly revered almost worshiped among the brethren and because of that for god to help him in order for him not to be killed by god himself he had to orchestrate the separation so that he would live longer because there was yet a book for him to download and the the people that are supposed to be the final consumers of this book are on the other side of the sea from partners are you seeing the challenge that this man is faced with here and i don't have time to touch that so go to the next one now if there was any disciple that knew jesus it was john i don't have time to show you how that john's book is deeper than all the other gospels whereas matthew saw jesus as a king 33 times in the book of matthew you will see this phrase the kingdom of heaven because it's the book of the kingdom if you go to the book of mark you will see that jesus was seen from the perspective of a servant someone that um doesn't have the right no a slave not the servant the slave someone that doesn't have the right to choose what he will do because the bible revealed that um he was given a party in order for him to prosecute that which was written in the volume of the books and the book of mark happens to capture that servitude into which jesus was released and deployed the book of luke is the book of the universal grace of god and in the book of luke jesus is called the son of man because he is seen as a representative of the human race and the things that god will do to him will have implications on the entire human race but in the book of job he's seen from the perspective of his divinity from the perspective of the life that he has which is alien to humankind and he is called the son of god now you see only john saw him from divinity and that's why the book of john you're going to find 18 things that jesus did and the only reason why he could do those things and say those things well because he was god and all of that is in the panoramic view of the book of john and the book of john happens in the book of life are you with me this man knows jesus he was the disciple that the bible says it normally leans on the breast of jesus so there were many details in his book that you will not find in the other gospels when this guy came to patmos in order for him to enter into the purpose of god on the ground of that brokenness god had to reintroduce himself to john the reintroduction had to take place because john at this time knew jesus from a time-based revelation jesus of nazareth his time based but jesus happens to be an eternal personality and except john captures that fact he cannot enter into the realities that will give him the stature to write this kind of book so jesus came to introduce himself to john and called himself alpha and omega now in the original greek there's no end in between alpha and omega it is alpha omega i don't know how to explain that but okay how many of you know this is your day benny hinz benihin's program this is your day okay there was one of those times that i am a dangerous student of that man's life okay so there was one of those times that he had to preach somewhere in the middle east and he didn't have time to take the case to the production manager for this is your day program so when they called him up hey you have not brought any tape what are we going to show it actually takes two weeks of post-production before this is your day film to come out he was not even available at all so he said pick any pick an old tape clear an old tape at least bridge the gap so the production manager just picked the tape randomly but professionally the tip he picked was not the kind of tape he should have picked because in that tip benny hinn gave a very specific word of knowledge about a lady that was wearing yellow her name was phoebe she was in her living room she sat on the couch and she had cancer and god was healing the cancer it's not professional for him to use that kind of tape that has a specific word like that well but the tape was already run so there was nothing the production manager could do about that so ten minutes after the broadcast then this lady man calls in and says she's the phoebe that then he was talking about she was wearing yellow just like he said she was sitting now my question is was that an old tape oh yeah okay because you are not with me i will not i will not broke now you see we do some local things look at things and we think we don't know jehovah the systems that we have built and the we we need to go closer the dimension that was revealed in that clip it's it's an everlasting dimension it's not time based but the tip provided the facility for that dimension to be tracked it was still put into power in that dimension i prayed for the sick ones for blind people and then somebody recorded it and took the tip somewhere and somebody was listening to it and then a blind person now was around the place in another city and was participating as i was praying was answering and then the person started seeing and i didn't know i just went to that city and i was told see this person is seen because there's something beyond time that was at work that thing never started and that thing would not end it's like a stream and he was trying to tell john i never began you know me as jesus of nazareth this is this is a defective revelation and in order for you to step into your calling for the moment you need to know me again that's what happens at the university when this man was compelled to know god again just in case your life has crystallized and you've been in one civilization for so long you've not been able to break far beyond that it is because you a revelation of god has been withheld from you that's why you are still in one stroke of civilization this man is about to experience a paradigm shift and this shift was predicated on a revelation of god that he never knew before notice he turned back all right he turned back to see what did he see seven golden conductors so where was he calm down try use your brain use your brain this seven golden candlesticks is what we call the menorah that is in the holy place in the holy place we have the brazen altar the table of shoe bread and the menura if john said he turned back to see the menorah it means it was in the holy holy of holies okay let's leave that since since you can't picture it let's leave it he had gained mileage can you oh my you are not okay let's live let's leave that you don't gain my e he had gained mileage so much mileage and when he turned back he saw one like unto the son of man navigating through the seven golden candlesticks there were several places locations in the temple that jesus would have been but he choose to be within the seven golden capacities and he two metaphors were used here two metaphors and unlike us to crack those metaphors if we finish cracking them then i cannot tell you i can say something i'm using nigerian time here what is happening okay okay so jesus was navigating in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks i will touch this later because we will have to unveil what the candlesticks mean because a metaphor was used here when you go into the spirit room um spiritual principalities like concocting proverbs they don't like speaking plainly if you meet god never think that what you heard him say was what you think you need like 15 years for you to understand it's a proverb it's concocted so you use the metaphor there you saw seven golden candlesticks and you need to allow that same spirit to come and interpret what the candlesticks mean don't use your brain you'll be wrong okay hey no time okay can you jump jump to verse um 18. quickly let me try to rather this is still jesus speaking he said i'm here that leave it and was dead and behold i'm alive forevermore amen and i have the keys of hell and death next verse he said right now this is the real writing he was brought to patmos to write but he could not begin writing until he had encountered that dimension alpha omega see the kind of writing he was asked to write right the things we now have seen present the things which see in past the things which are present and the things we shall be here after no stop that go back to 19 let us see we have the things we have seen has passed the things which are present and the things we shall be here after that's future that's prophetic right what kind of book is that that you are writing it captures the past it gives perspective to the present and it also invades the future he had no competence to write about this kind of things outside of the revelation of alpha omega he captured see there was an empowerment that brought him into this new season the way we enter into new seasons is not by printing a poster as a next level new dimension new new life the way we introduce seasons is by fresh encounters a fresh encounter makes you a new man because you need to have a change in your paradigm a fresh encounter brings you to a point where you find out god's willingness to stay in covenant with you so you have a rich supply of his grace because of that fresh account so the writing is prophetic that's what i wanted you to see in verse 19. and he wrote apostolic writings before but in order for him to write prophetic writings he had to go through that process and that process did not begin until he went through all he went through to arrive at partners which ensured that he was totally broken because his destiny was to bear the cop of suffering it is through that corporal suffering that he accessed this dimension of prophetic writing because when god takes you through such a process the outcome is an empowerment that you cannot get any other way you know we have pastors that preacher like they haven't dressed alive and if one buys a car this type of car you're not home by now say wait wait we have this when you have this kind of encounter you don't need to advertise there is nothing anybody can do to copy you because the process you went through to get what you got that made you who you are was custom made was custom made all right let's do the interpretation before i start i have 12 points but i will just drop one i drop one point then you can go and study the rest of the point verse 20 please the mystery aha you can increase your volume a little the mystery yes that's how principalities in the spirit that's how they speak they speak in terms of mysteries yes so when have you ever had a dream before you finished dreaming you woke up from your dream as intelligent as you are went to commercial read engineering you are quite intelligent but you receive the dream from god and you could not interpret it with your brain the communication mode is higher than that which your brain can handle so you need to go back to god and okay this is the real time oh okay you need to go back to god for him to enlighten your understanding and take you into a stop so that you can think his thoughts that's where you can have the accurate interpretation to the dream i know it's quite humbling to know that as educated as you are there are communication modes that are quite more complex than that which humanity can have and so god will have to upgrade you you are still not you have to upgrade you educate you quickly bring you into his thoughts so that you cannot touch the things that are trapped in that dream that god intends you to know that's how principalities speak they speak in terms of mystery and so the principality himself will have to do the interpretation don't receive dreams from jesus and go to pastor for interpretation go back to the source of the exposure of the exposition if not you will get it wrong 15 years later you know you were wrong the mystery of the seven stars which thou saw was in my right hand so jesus had seven stars in his right hand and jesus was navigating in the midst of seven golden candlesticks so the principality now comes to give us perspective he said this the seven stars are the seven ageless of the seven churches i don't have time i don't have time oh see the church the church in scripture we can look at the church from the eternal perspective we can look at the church from the um global perspective we can look at the church from the universal perspective we can also look at the church from the territorial perspective and the context from whence the church was viewed in the book of revelation happens to be territorial and that's why it's the church in sminer the church in philadelphia the church in foundation there are territories on earth so this word angels here in the greek is ageless it means messenger the messenger to the churches are not spiritual angels they are pastors they are human beings because the context is what victoria you get that good now i'm according are you with me so the ministers that are set in strategically in these territories to bring the perspective of heaven the only way they can bring the perspective of heaven is because this immortal is upholding them meanwhile the metaphor that was used to symbolize the minister in this context this is star that's the metaphor indicative of the fact that the minister is supposed to be a luminary just like a star is illuminary but held up in the galaxies of god and i need to explain that turn your bible to the book of john chapter three let me explain the foreign from where you speak from determines whether you're a minister or not because there are stars the seven stars are held in his right hand right in john chapter 3 verse um are you there in john 3 30 1 john 3 31 thank you he that comment from above please you must know where he's coming from you're not here a star is held up in the galaxies of god that's where he bears witness from he that coming from above is above all and just in case he is operating from that that orbiter circumstances and situations will not be able to truncate the purpose of god that is represented in the life of that individual because he that coming from above is above all he that is of the earth is earthly how do you know an athletic earthly messenger is when he speaks heavy messenger always speaks of things of the earth always talks about how you can get a breakthrough promotion meanwhile in the kingdom are you with me because the bible is the book of the kingdom god knows you need breakthrough okay but the orientation for the kingdom is not you don't seek breakthrough don't seek wealth you seek the kingdom and as you seek the kingdom god causes what you need to prosecute your divine purpose to navigate in your direction we must understand this because serious wealth is going to come on a few individuals in the house of god that started seeking god accurately for who he is to advance his purpose then they'll just realize that part of your calling is to be a steward of kingdom wealth for this kind of people as long as you are aligned with god you have the power to get well and god would have told you how and what you need to deploy this way to achieve hallelujah the bible says he that is of the act the way we know where you're operating from his heart if we check what you are speaking because he that is of the edge picket athlete stuff next verse and what he has seen that is he that is from heaven is what he has seen what he has heard that he testifies about and that means if you are from heaven and you begin to be a testimony of the things of heaven it will be obvious where your source is and the metaphor that represents the minister from this perspective is the star a luminary that is held up in the galaxies of god that's why he shines from bearing witness you will know that is the spirit of christ that is speaking to the churches those were that was how many stars of that of those days where he that has ears let him hear what the spirit meanwhile human beings were the ones speaking using their vocal cords to communicate but it was not ugly what was speaking actually was the spirit of christ bearing witness bringing testimony so you would know truly speaking where the person is operating from and we cannot claim to be building an earthly church [Music] and then we we claim we are not aware that this church will be important against the wives of the death no that's not it's not true in my own opinion we are where we are because some people choose that will end up here that's i can't see it any other way we can be using deploying early resources and then ensuring that with the mind that one day will be strong enough to possess the case of the enemy that's not how it works it's upon this rock i will build my church right it is when we have built on the revelation of christ the resultant effect is not emotional it's not a prayer point the gates of hell will be totally incapacitated if you build any other way you will have the gate over here to contend with forever so you can say we are here mistakenly it is deliberate to navigate us to this sorry position is a deliberate attempt that have been orchestrated right now except something happens except something drastic happens the church of our day has no has no message to the young people except something drastic happens in our time christianity is going to suffer great loss in the next 18 years the reason why i brought us to the book of revelation is to show us that the man that john became in order for him to write that book which was the last phase of his calling and destiny he became another man in order for him to write that so when you submit to the protocol of brokenness the man that arises from that ashes is not the man that died you become another man it is within the context of that new man that you can prosecute a new agenda there is something that will have to die in order for you to be qualified to receive the grace that will enable you to prosecute a new agenda on the heart of god there are several people that have tried to fit in several dealings dealings dealings and the reason why god would not compromise those dealings because he knows what he wants to achieve there's something that would die and then a man that never existed before your vessel will now arise is that man that can take the two doses of bread and walk to hurt the mountain of god in my research in the scriptures and in the spirit i found 12 such men that will need to be on the scene the agenda of god is going to prosper on this earth and if we go beyond this comical level into something that is kingdom and strategic and there are 12 kind of men that must come upon the scene um i said i will show you one you study the 11. so let me start my bible study now first kind of function i like us to check matthew chapter 13 and pick one from them after which we start praying several things i saw in the spirit while i prayed much more than what i prayed for then i began to fear because and i started asking god how we like how will i do how can i represent you discipline in this way this way this way so i now said i won't preach all my messages in fact you need to know what i prepared i prepared i had to throw them away i invoked my ancient diary anytime you see that diary means there's trouble but i have to keep all those things down and trust god come with me to matthew let's do a critical study matthew 13. are you there right um how can we do this all right let's try matthew chapter 13 verse 3 long reading and speak many things unto them in parables saying behold a sower went forth to soul before we begin to engage this let's try to get some points first point what was jesus saying to them from this verse what does he say to them that's the verse that you can pick it from there what you are saying parables you are wrong what he was saying he was saying many things but parables is a teaching aid the medium true which is saying those many things so he captured many things in the medium of what i wanted you to get that so now now that we are exploring these parabolas what are we looking for we are looking for the many things that jesus said about the kingdom of god we must understand that the parables are just a means by which he was able to say many things all right what you think is he's doing parables no that's not what he is complicated he's communicating what now i like us to you know we said principalities normally use metaphors and mysteries so his these parables are metaphoric so i'd like us to pick all the metaphors get the meaning because this is the model of all parables if we cannot break interpret this parable then we cannot interpret any other variable my emphasis is not this parable we are passing through this corridor because we need to get this interpretation as a basis of interpreting the one i want to take us to i know we don't study the bible anymore it's a body it's a body to start that's why we have fake people everywhere somebody comes with color nut and palm oil and something and says that we have a prophetic night we have to go back to scriptures okay now first of all he said behold he saw i went to seoul so this is the first metaphor so on so write it down number one so what they saw i went to sew yes that next verse and when he sold some seeds fell seeds another metaphor number two seeds by the way side another medal for their wayside and fouls another metaphor came and devoured them up next please are you getting the metaphors we need to get this crime who is our scribe now that is helping us with the writing how many metaphors do we have already four metaphors are you sure it's just four all right okay four so far some fell on upon stony places that's another metaphor stony places where they had no much earth and fought with the sprang up because they had no deepness of death yes and when the sun was up they were scorched because they had no roots they withered away and some fell among tongues that's another metaphor and the tongue sprung up and choked them he has gone but order fell into good ground and brought forth fruit some 100 some 60 and some 34 amen so this is the parable and jesus was so gracious decided to interpret it himself so let us consult jesus verse 18. let us get the meaning of all the parts meanwhile how many metaphors do you have now okay i need to get my note because no don't worry let me get my note and let's be sure of the number of metaphors that we have so you say you have seven wow okay seven seven then if you add the last one which is good ground it will become eight it's good we have seed wayside farms stony places sun root thunds good ground okay um verse 18. are you there in verse 18 here he there for the parable of the sower when anyone here at the word of the kingdom so the seed there is not the message of prosperity is not the message or breakthrough it's not the message of deliverance it is the message of the kingdom so are you with me the message concerning the government of christ in fact the way our salvation was configured your own effort is totally excluded and the reason is because you owe it to you become indebted to jesus the moment you partake of the sun the salvation that the sacrifice produced so that it can be easy for you to submit and surrender to him the idea is government the full implication of what you got through your salvation you realize it when you are in object submission to the will and the government of christ so the message that was preached here is a message of the kingdom the implication of operating under christ government is the emphasis here and when you begin to operate under christ government that's your destiny by god in order for you to become everything that god has ordained you to be you must function under the government of christ so that's what the word of the kingdom is about right um when anyone here at the word of the kingdom and understand that it not then commit a wicked one hear the word of the kingdom he doesn't understand it so um the wayside personnel is a man without understanding then satan which is the foul so can you replace number three satan number one message of the kingdom number two no understanding number three satan and demons all right and cut it away that which was sown in his heart this is he which received seed by the wayside the devil will always steal the word of the kingdom from the heart of any man that doesn't understand it that doesn't know that that's the objective that god has in mind to bring you on that government because believers will do every other thing except accept the government of christ because demons understand the potential that we have if we subscribe to his government okay so let's go next verse but he that received seed in stony places the same is he that heard the word an unknown with joy received it yet had he not root in himself but do it for a while for when tribulation or persecution tribulation of persecution number five metaphor is persecution arises because of the world that means if you receive the word of the kingdom that word will be tested because it will be tested with what with persecution we are submitting to jesus now and then suddenly a bribe now comes the question of whether you will align with jesus or you will take advantage of the temporal satisfaction that's one level and because you're standing with jesus you are likely to be a victim of persecution because you know a deal in the office needs to flow through many people and then you now become the barrier that will block it meanwhile the man on top was expecting to have a sheer and then now you are not playing ball you are obviously going to be persecuted because of your subscription to and so if a man is not rooted when the persecution comes in oh boy this thing is hard is a ruthless he doesn't have roots and that's why he will not be able to sustain his conviction and his testimony about the matter yes let's go on where are we and he became offended by by the persecution yes next verse okay let me give you all the number seven is the case of this world and the deceitfulness of riches that is he that receives the word among tons and then he now interpreted it to be the case of this world and the deceitfulness of riches he believes that he is operating on a particular level just because of the work that is around him well that purpose becomes a basis of deception deceitfulness of riches and then you know what the good ground is is the heart that is receptive now listen are you here all right so when the message of the kingdom because we need to understand the product what is the outcome if this parable of the soul are prosperous what will be the outcome here have you seen it see you are seeing you are seeing fruitfulness out of context the ground that god is showing the word of the kingdom is your heart so the product that will come out of this engagement if god's seed prospers is a believer that is operating under the kingdom the son of the kingdom becomes the product of this first paragraph a man or a woman of the kingdom so if god is planning to bring his kingdom influence into the territory he's that person that this parable has prospered in his life that becomes his agent of change together with me are you are you following he requires walk this stuff requires a lot of work that's why we need to study the scriptures that's the product it means that several believers that god doesn't think of if he's talking about an invasion the message of the kingdom has not prospered in them so they are not useful to this kind of initiative what they want is the father christmas god that will come and wipe their tears and he has time for that he's our father he has time you are crippled on crutches every day he will come and administer first aid and make you look okay oh how are you doing but when he wants to talk about the kingdom and the issues of kumasi have come to heaven and there is a meeting how do we send this kind of civilization into kumasi he doesn't look for christians with crutches he looks for people that have matured in the things of what the kid people that are willing to sacrifice to expose themselves to persecution expose themselves to all kinds of things just to see that the purpose of god prospers those are the kind of guys that god begins to think of when they are kingdom issues so the product of the parable of the sower is a kingdom man a kingdom woman are you are you there with me now the next parable in the next parable the outcome of the first parable which is a kingdom man becomes the seed in the second parable i guess in it yeah the kingdom man becomes the seed in the next parable because in the next parable the context is territorial and god wants to bring about territorial influence the guys that have become the product of the first parable become the seed in the second parable now watch this let's go on where are you let's do um matthew 13 from verse 24. another parable put he fought unto them saying the kingdom of heaven is likely not to a man which sold good seed so well we are back again so there is seed there first metaphor in this comparable is seed in his field okay are you getting the first one please write it down first metaphor is seed but while men are you here second metaphor is what men slept his enemy came and sold tests another metaphor among the wind can you please see this metaphor with this man and went this way next verse how many metaphors do we have now four but when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit then appeared the test also go on so the servants that's another metaphor servants of the householder came and said unto him sir it's not now so good seed in the field from whence then hot it tears next verse now he said unto them an enemy metaphor has done this the servant said unto him without them that we go and gather them up next verse but he said nay lest while he gather up the tears you put up also the wheat with them are you with me next verse now let boat grow together until the harvest that's the another metaphor harvest harvest all right and that and then flash meta for their reapers so let let us analyze it and jesus was graciously again in this parable to explain it himself in that verse 37 verse 37 he answered and said unto them he that sweat the good seed the son of man so the sower here is the son of man because the sower in the first parable would have been past order but this one the second parable the person doing the sowing is jesus himself um are we are we there good next verse the field is the world the good seed are the children of the kingdom and you see that the end product of the first parable is the seed in this because what god wants to achieve is territorial influence he's using kingdom men placing them strategically placing them in offices placing them in the banks placing them in the military placing them in the police force the reason why he's doing this strategic placement is so that his kingdom can gain influence the police force in the banking system in the media system in the political arena he will build this kingdom people and then his hope of taking over the territory is tied to their resilience their performance and their submission their loyalty to the spirit of christ right so the children of the kingdom are deceived his souls and the children of the wicked one are the seeds that the enemy shows if you have this situation there's one thing you cannot avoid which is warfare because the tears and the weeds will begin to compete for resources and i don't want to go into all of that now no time for that are you with me the enemy that sold them is who the devil and the harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are the angels there are only two metaphors that jesus did not interpret check your list what's number one servants number two no man while what men slept an enemy came you know what i said in order for us to fulfill our kingdom destiny you will have to become another man the description of demand we are talking about is not according to the titles the ecclesical titles that we have today but it's consistent with kingdom functionaries within the territory are you with me oh you are not with me you are not with me you have not been following this my teaching hey it's not according to those bishop prophet no no that's no more the context here is territorial and the people that god is putting in place are territorial functionalities like i said the scriptures actually it doesn't recognize a prophet is a territorial personality when you come to find that person what we do in church is all around this thing that's what was our visit our scope of measurement is defective meanwhile when jesus wants to do something the territory he looks for sons of the kingdom he doesn't know which denomination they are threatened people that the gospel of the kingdom has prospered in their lives and they have accepted the rule and the dominion of christ and they have matured in their growth with god according to that principle and i says okay i'm going to open the door for you i'll release you into the business world and you're going to interface with all business people you will find people in courts people that use their first daughter for money you will find all kinds of people there they don't believe what you believe they don't pray in tongues while you are praying tongues in the night they enter into their chamber and they invoke the dead body of that their daughter they use is still there in a room that the wife cannot enter he goes there for him he's that dead body that permits money that's the place he releases you into meanwhile if that release comes he will give testimony and says breakthrough meanwhile the setup that is going on here has nothing to do with you is a mission the one sowing here is jesus himself strategically positioning people where he is expecting them to influence places consistent with the ideology of the kingdom obviously when you meet those aquatic people in the business lane they will test you and then if it is obvious that you have capacity to withstand them tested you they said you tested you and then released sickness and then the sickness came and struck the person became paralyzed and you say ah this is my business partner let me go and visit it and then when you now visit his christ so you are the only one that doesn't understand the game the songs of the wicked one know the game very well but you are the only one that is not seeing this thing from the perspective of territorial dominion dominance you are not seeing it if that man ever gets born again it will be because he tried you he didn't walk that's why he submitted to your call and that kind of guy will not come to this your purpose so when you get back think of how many people you reach with this thing then you find out that the real people we are talking about don't come before this thing so we need to look for them within their context and frame of reference so when jesus is making strategic kingdom positionings he puts men into territories kingdom men it's not everybody he puts believers that want to survive on crutches he has a big pediatric hospital for all those ones he gives them milk he gives them he has a massive pediatric fire and sanity but kingdom people that have matured then he releases them where they will find the position in this opposition is the victory of the kingdom that's how it works are you with me now now you know two metaphors were not explained here the first metaphor are the men that's the first kind of functionality that must be in the territory because if these men are not around demons will penetrate do you notice that they didn't mention pastor in territorial business bishops were not mentioned and i am not belittling your ecclesiastical title by no means are you with me i'm not doing that i'm just trying to say that the emphasis here is not the time to the impasse is here is a function territorial function so my question today is who are these people that he called men that's the first kind of kingdom functionality and it doesn't matter the kind of plans government has for the land if those men are not there demons and devils will invade the entire landscape and make the seat of government look like a mockery then you find out that the most important functionality in the territory may not even be the politician everybody is struggling to enter into one capacity or the other you don't enter this one by election but these are the most influential men in the territory men so who can help me what's the identity that matter for men men so the name of this functionary is called the idea that's the first type of territorial kingdom functionary these are the people that satan needs to put to sleep if he wants to visit your family just in case you were raised as a guide in that family satan knows that he needs to put you to sleep in order for him to get through to the family just in case there's and there's infiltration there's a pattern in your family you've seen that marriages don't last marriage is done the reason why the devil is having a carefree day is because the men are sleeping i don't have time to ground us in the oppression of guardianship i don't have time because it will take us back to genesis the first guideline was ada first guide was idle he had two job descriptions to dress the garden and to keep the garden the keeping aspect is a guideline aspect oh before i talk about adam i would have shown you how the heaven and the earth how they were constructed to give you an insight into what guidelineship means the kind of education are supposed to be receiving in the house of god for the past 35 years that's not what we were taught we were not trained to become kingdom functionaries we're just trying to be church members just come on your seat was vacant today your seat was like no it's not about my god it's about territory was he talking seat they said you sat 25 years ago he's now empty are you not wasting you are wasting you have soul that's supposed to be see how people speak without understanding the mind of god we're not trying to be kingdom people and so the guidance among us are supposed to receive special training special training specialty whereas normal believers can sleep in the night guardians can sleep from 12 to 2. they have a grace on their line you know i said are you with me you will never know your true identity until you understand the grace that is at work in your life if i had time out i've shown you tips on personal discovery the science that will show which department you operate from and that's your true description from the territorial perspective and you can be involved in any of that distraction that's how heaven sees you and those those are the people that satan must make to sleep before he invades the scope the territory of their guidelines and this thing i'm telling you i'm not just telling you in theory my authority to say it is tied to the fact that my family happens to be a long line of necromancers yes in terms of necromancy technology they have affected it when young necromancers practice what they do is they look for a medium they walk and this work they invoke the spirit into this walk and then this the world will begin to use the voice of the person that has died to communicate that's elementary the real necromancers when they do the sacrifice they don't need the medium their voice everybody in this congregation just like you are hearing me now will begin to speak and if you know the person when the person was alive this is his voice that's what they used to say to land dispute if you say your great grandfather sold land to his great grandfather they say no problem to you you see that they will vote no problem okay okay no problem what's his name they will invoke him and they invoke your own great grandfather then you hear two of them talking and if you were alive then to know their voices is the same voice we hear so you cannot preach to those people who don't have if you are not deep in the supernatural because they see this financial every day so what are you you're coming to do more or less oh oh and don't fight them don't fight them in all the weapons that the devil developed no one is as strong as necromancer the only way you can succeed defeating them is that your your legs your feet must never touch the ground that's why that means this is your shoe you wait forever don't ever let it not be heard that you stepped on the ground they will appear number two don't drink water just look for a way to survive without drinking because if you have anything to do with the elements with fire you want to cook they'll come out of the fire except you use infrared okay okay so some of us when we went to look for jesus we didn't look for how to write toyotas yes we're looking for the god that can has power over death that was how this battle lasted for 10 years i undergraduated with the first class from the university while i was in the hall writing exams they would come and touch my head and everything i read you might be in the congregation and you're suffering from memory loss i know the story of memory loss i know the source of it through what i went through i have authority to reverse memory loss now oh why are men i don't have the permission to say meditate we are not we are not ready because oh for you to say you want to divide the up then you need to you need to be walking in light and in you there should be no darkness at all you are not aware of this because you have not started kingdom engagement what we're called to do in church is not from faith his kingdom yes and in this kingdom there is war so when the guidance go to sleep because that altar it we paralyzed it we brought it down the people that were supposed to inherit the rituals to continue the priesthood we gave them holy ghosts yes we gave them thomps they speak in tongues now so there is no link that thing died in our generation he died in our generation yes it doesn't matter how ancient it is a guideline has authority within the scope of his guidance yes he has authority there if your the scope of your guardianship has to do with the corridor government there are people you cannot sit because of that authority because we are not properly educated that's why we look powerless at the church but even the devil knows that he can only prosper when these men sleep there's no other way you can go around it is why men sleep that the enemy can come now so you go and sort the rest out the second one is the servants the servants and so you you stop that metaphor then we have the custodians before the psalmist then the interpreter these are different kinds of grace that are not necessarily around pulpit displays they are territorially based and if you have never been involved in territorial engagement what i'm saying would look strange to me there were people that could not die men like simeon they prayed to die death didn't come because he was in custody of his secret his eyes must see the salvation of god there was nothing the devil could do about even satan knew that it was awfully meaningful for him as long as he bought that secret in his heart he could not die those are custodians they keep secrets of god in the earth they keep it those secrets their lifespan is consistent with the secrecy they have and it doesn't matter how much satan rampages and ravages the entire ecosystem custodians don't die because of satan or death demons and this is not popular it's a territorial functionalist the next time you go home you ask yourself why is it are you the one who is to come or should your family expect another because it's obvious that the guardianship of that landscape has not been properly kept because we are not kingdom like that ask yourself are you the one or do you need to wait for your children what god wants to bring to our generation is not what the church is preparing for and so what god began to do in the last 15 years was that he began to arrest some people he intends to use and he allows terrible circumstances and situations to overtake them so that they will have no means of escape but to bend the knee in prayer and then in the midst of this turmoil he began to form separate understanding several insights to raise them to become that kind of person that heaven wants to use because the level of engagement this time is going to be different from what you have been prepared for it's it's it's strange the true grace that that establishes guidelines is about to come back into the earth and i don't have time i don't have time to i will stop there for now so that we can pray because i saw something today that i've never seen before you know i've seen the lord five times he appeared to me and then two weeks ago he appeared the sixth time was going for a meeting and then he showed something he was shining far more brightly than this light and he said unto me for those of you that have deliberately delivered yourself unto death you will leave that's what he said so i was wondering what do you mean then he said again i will heal your affirmative and you shall leave by me that's what he told me 20 times you shall live you shall live by me you shall live by that's what he said and he kept saying he kept saying it kept saying it he gave all of us a time space for us to die to something and anything that is the confidence upon which your life is pleased or that god is an idol and god will need to clear your confidence in that thing sometimes it takes a very terrible situation that will shake your foundation so that you can consider looking outside the box the dealings of god as such that the flesh will not desire will not like it but the end product is a peaceable food a wonderful to become i don't have time to tell you stories of process the twelve years where god had to deal with pride i was a graduate from bible school many many years i thought i was ready for ministry then he started this book and i was arrested in the jail of god at that time i could not even say okay okay if this had this thing is up i could do the protocol was already emotional the program was initializing i didn't know it would take 12 years so i'm afraid to be proud you see i'm going to give you revelation and revelation and pride cannot work together so i need to kill pride so that you can carry revelation or i will kill you so which of the options oh you you know okay you have not heard god speak that way he is the father christmas you have admitted that comes with gifts looking for an address he said we just left him now looking for where to drop our stuff he's deeper than that 12 years 12 years if i finish preaching now go back and allow him to assess me before i will know if i did well or not because you can be cleaving him and still be doing miracles he will stay outside his name i've seen that happen many times where people were celebrating me and i i lost my peace inside he was not happy but people were celebrating we're going to pray tonight like i said you will finish the bible study we have sevens there i just talked about the guidance and satan needs to put these guardians to sleep before he can act on it they have the authority to stop the capacity to stop satan you know we have sevens those servants are called the watchers when they watch and see a trend they have to report it to the master and they hear how the master intends to deal with it they don't have the power to deal with the situation but they have the capacity to see and also to report then they will hear the strategy that the master wants to adopt in that situation when watchers are lacking when they are lacking what happens you know every in the political scenario um you have a representative in the senate that is representing the voter regime in the senate all right he's supposed to be bearing the interest of your region in that place and just in case they're about to overlook several things pinching the voter people that senator is supposed to say no but what happens if the senator is not attending sessions it means there is no hope for voter now the watcher is like the senator he is giving a grace to be appearing in heaven as a representative of a certain constituency notice that it was the day that sons of god were coming to meet in heaven job was one of them to do in sitting are you with me all the things that happened for his half of his lifetime came from just one city that he was absent what happens when your own constituency doesn't have to represent no voice i don't have time i don't have time to go into this matter we are here doing church wait wait we don't have time anymore people with genuine territorial grace will have to wake from above young man young woman the first thing you need to put aside to to accept the consecration of a nazarite put aside those dances die to it those are elementary issues walking in holiness is an elementary kingdom matter that is we should be talking holiness to new combats but we have to bring it back on stage because there's a challenge there's a major challenge so it's a major gospel that we need to bring back meanwhile paul says well we will preach these things if god permits that is we're going through elementary issues if god permits we should be talking kingdom issues and how to take territories and how to invade the political species and choke it and overtake it but we have no plan of territorial takeover the medical system the medical world the media war people that run the lodges are the ones controlling business in your nation and we are here beating drugs and that's all we do in the name of the kingdom god left this civilization long time ago now he's reason territorial people that have the capacity to teach the skills he knows in whose hand he can put prosperity not everybody that will prosper that in that way not big one no you need to be called to be a still world of kingdom resources to enter into that big level if i if i ask this lady now if i give you a million cities what would you do with it a million cities no she's even small what would you do with one million citizens you know the reason why she's not answering she doesn't add need for it me i do i know what to do with it even in my sleep i will be telling you i'm not my stuff not a car my god not not that stuff we are looking for how to to to bring bail down and to raise functionalities enough functionality that the devil will we will know this trouble we are praying tonight we're asking god to remove the veil let us see what is calling our generation to do let our eyes be open to see his call on our generation that our hearts begin to pant after that which he wants to do [Music] [Music] let your holy spirit come and take the control [Music] of every situation that has [Music] all my kids and bodies [Music] she [Music] holy ghost [Music] may the lord open our understanding so that we will see [Music] is [Music] in your days [Music] [Applause] [Music] should we expect another should we expect another [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] in jesus [Music] mighty name [Music] what god wants to do is far beyond what we are preparing and he wants to do it in our lifetime our eyes we see it we don't just want to see it we want to be
Channel: AmenRadio #KeepOnBelieving
Views: 32,600
Rating: 4.8882236 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Arome Osayi, 2020 sermons of apostle arome osayi, Arome Osayi 2020, sermon on the man God uses, by apostle Arome Osayi, the man God uses, messages by apostle arome osayi, apostle arome osayi new sermons, apostle arome osayi live
Id: uvu7Sb-FDls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 16sec (6856 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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