The Return of the Church Part 1 - Her Essence | Apostle Orokpo Michael

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[Applause] you may be seated man of god opposed to michael roberts hallelujah wow isn't that wonderful we thank god for joining me on the air we thank god for the grace he gave you we thank god for your wedding and your new life we thank god for your ministry and everything let's celebrate apostle michael it is god in him we are celebrating he is a brother in the lord he carries god and we know join me with a clapping ovation and a jumping ovation to welcome to this microphone our own brother and father apostle knight a robot [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] somebody shout hallelujah are you ready tonight it's my honor and privilege to be here i want to celebrate god's servant and his wife i had the privilege of ministering in this conference last year and again the lord has put it in his heart to have me come be a blessing to god's people please celebrate daddy and mama come on thank you for raising a platform for the lord jesus [Music] and we know that you are not just a blessing to your generation but you'll be a blessing to many generations after you in the name of the lord jesus i salute all the ministers in the house senior ministers and everybody that has come this evening to receive from the lord and if you are expectant to receive this is your moment lift your hands toward heaven and begin to talk to the lord from the depths of your heart come on lift your hands toward heaven talk to the lord from the depths of your heart [Music] expectation is a spiritual infrastructure that bets manifestation every man will receive to the degree of his expectation and when a man is expecting one of the visible expressions of his expectation is a desperation to receive and so if you are desperate to receive from the lord tonight come on talk to the father we are about to take a flight in the spirit alive [Music] we stand before the monarch when a spirit wants to utter his oracles he summons men to the mountains because we hear him from elevated platforms that's why we are standing the spirit come on that by all means the man in you will come alive in the spirit oh is this how you pray indonesia you are i oh [Applause] oh you know in this conference we are about to take a journey in the spirit it will be a journey it will be a journey in the spirit it will not be a convention and a conference as normal so you must prepare your spirit to travel to deep waters where the secrets of god where the place is where the mysteries of god are kept for songs that's where we intend to journey to in this conference can you pray in the holy ghost when i begin to speak most of you we realize you made a mistake because you would have taken it for granted we are traveling to we where souls are in the spirit so they can bring witness to the faces oh uh oh ah listen to me the movements of the spirit have begun the movements have begun [Music] i am me there are seven messengers of god that he wants to anoint now [Applause] these ones will carry the message of the kingdom to the ends of the earth there are seven special messengers that are bound to be anointed by the holy ghost it's not everybody that came for a message some came for an encounter with god and before the message begins the waters of the spirit are already being spared please become please become in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i want to teach tonight so i want to control the atmosphere there are seven messengers of god are about to be anointed with the flames of fire these ones are revivalists they will carry the gospel of the kingdom to the ends of the earth not by power not by might but by the spirit of the living god the vicious i see in the spirit there are four ladies and three young men are about to come under the anointing of the spirit because they are carriers of the spirit of revival and so precious holy spirit everywhere they are in this auditorium touch i shall find them i want to touch them they are revivalists [Music] foreign yes so blow blow blow like i do it oh thank you holy spirit please stop playing the keyboard for a moment in the name of jesus be quiet please be quiet just be quiet so we don't get emotional quiet in a moment the hand of god will touch a set of people very quickly ushers please you have to be smart i don't have time in a moment the hand of god will come like a rushing mighty wind on three people three people these ones who receive the ability to understand the secrets of god they are being drawn into deep waters their ability to understand the secrets of god everybody under the anointing bring them i want to touch them precious holy spirit three three people bringing them into depth of intimacy with you now lord find them one two three touch touch touch touch touch i don't want you to be emotional you will touch something tangible and when you leave this conference your results will tell you you had an encounter holy ghost touch angels that keep the scrolls of the spirit begin to minister to them keep us of the scrolls of god i release that fire i release that information i release that impartation [Applause] [Music] m [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] bless it on every one of them thank you holy spirit there's somebody around here you are receiving a healing mantle the lord is anointing you for healing in the name of the lord jesus thanks [Music] foreign [Music] thank you father we give you praise we give you glory because indeed the angels will blow the trumpet upon these mountains [Music] thank you father thank you father thank you father i'm seeing a young lady that have been demonized for over six years the demon is leaving you now and you are receiving the power to cast out devils i speak as a custodian of the oracles of god right now [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus it will be a strange moment in this conference it will not be a conventional future as i'm talking to you the angels of healing have already entered this auditorium the angels of him have already entered this editorial if i move in that direction i'll be distracted there's somebody on this road towards the first seven lines you have issues with your knee there have been pain on your knee and it has been difficult for you to stretch there's somebody on this road who is that person whoever appeared quickly there's somebody you are the one shut that knee you have been healed the angels of healing have come check it you have been healed first five rules it's dependent is it gone the pain is gone the angels of heaven have already come and look at you those of you under the gallery there's somebody being healed of an eye condition it looks like an egr that brings out tears and it gets reddish creating very serious discomfort who is that person somewhere there i can see that person there can you ever be quickly somebody's been healed of an eye condition somewhere there if you are the one wave yes under the canopy can you wait let me see you yes it's a lady right come out that thing is gone it's gone you've been healed [Music] thank you father in jesus precious thing [Music] today is the first night so i want to do a teaching from tomorrow we can flow in the spirit but it is important for me to establish the coordinates for this meeting because the subject we are considering in this conference is very sensitive so it will be out of discretion just to minister in the spirit without establishing emphasis that are consistent to the subject please be seated in god's presence [Music] that eye condition is gone don't worry come come it's gone it's gone that devil leaves you forever come in the name of jesus i curse it it leaves you you are free [Music] is [Music] you just play at the background the return of the church [Music] thank you father thank you father thank you father you will pardon me i will teach this evening i know many young people that came here tonight came for reviver fire came for impartation i have to teach tonight in the name of jesus ephesians chapter one from verse 3 to verse 10. my job in this conference will be to define the church and i will define the church tonight from the standpoint of it of her essence and then tomorrow i will define the church from the standpoint of her purpose and ordination and then i'll give way for senior ministers to come and download heaven i know there are senior apostles coming so let me do definition of temps and i'll leave the deep things for them are we together are we together the subject of the church has been misunderstood as we as we look at the landscape it's evident that um setting foundational blocks are missing and so the idea of the church the idea in the heart of the father have not been articulately captured and so the kingdom the essence of god is not established in the territory and so when we look at subjects like the return of the church then we are being drawn to understanding the foundational blueprint the facts and the factors that is expedient in the heart of god when they decided to establish this spiritual infrastructure called the church and so i want to begin tonight by reading a few scriptures and then explaining a few things we have a very limited time so there are many things i can't share but i know the lord will give us understanding in the name of jesus in ephesians chapter 1 from verse 3 to verse 10 paul the apostle began to explain to us realities that were locked in the heart of god before he began the project of creation you know i've said it a couple of times and i will say it again and again when men don't understand that being called yahweh they will relate and interact with the things that he brings on the scene from a peripheral realm when you know the depth of the being called god and you have an understanding of his eternal agenda then you will realize that man and the totality of what man represents is only a dot in the cycles of eternity the project in the heart of god does not begin with man neither will he end with man when we look at the the kedar and the ranking system of the beings of heaven we will discover that god has embarked on many projects for many a years that were not captured in time remember time itself came into being as a an instrument of measurement in the civilization of men in the realm of spirits and the civilizations that existed before the civilization of man was instituted time was not captured so if you begin to look into the realms of the spirit and you see the beings that have existed there you will know that god have had projects that have existed many years before he began the project of man and if god had a project existing beyond eternity past and will travel into eternity future then you will also understand that what god is doing with man is not just about man because when man is gone man we lined up with the many infrastructures that god has put in place you know when you begin to build the house a man who sees the lintel will assume that that is all about the building if he doesn't understand about the intelligence of architecture because that linter you are seeing has a foundation before i got to the linter and when you finish designing the linter there will be a roof so if you design the linter independent of the foundation you can't have a beauty now the blocks in the lintel are like so the factors that govern their creation is consistent with themselves so those blocks we assume they are the only ones in existence the blocks at the foundation are different from the blocks of the wall and the blocks at the lintel are different from the blocks of the foundation and then when you get to the roof you don't even need a block you begin to use other kinds of materials this is how it has been with god so when you look into the angelic name for example you will discover that there are many rules that govern the operation of the engineering for example when you look at the elders that sit on the 20th and fourth rules you will discover that the the definition of their essence is worship so the bible says day and night all they know to do and will ever do in heaven is to worship god god doesn't send them on erect because the essence of their being is not to run around from god for god the essence of their being is to understand god to articulate that understanding and to vocalize it so that heaven can lend the ways of god from the 20 and for elders that is why when a strong angel doesn't get it right the twenty and four elders will correct the bible said john said he was in the spirit on the last day he heard the voices of a trumpet and when he was carried to heaven he saw that humanity was doomed and john began to cry in heaven john thought there was no hope for motors and then a strong angel told him that nothing will happen to help humankind so on the strength of the revelation of the strong angel man was doomed but when john was yet peeping in heaven one of the twenty and four elders came to him and said we've not i come from where god dwells i don't just live in heaven our preoccupation in zio is to look on god when we look on god what we understand by looking on god we now release it as worship so we dwell in heaven to study god and to worship god so the lamb and the civilization of the twenty and four elders is to know god and to worship him now if you step down to the realms of the angelic you will now discover that the the law that governs the angelic realm is to worship god that's why they are called angels what it means is that high commissioners messengers so if an angel ceases to serve god he ceases to exist when an angel wants to do anything other than worship he loses the right to be an angel so the lord that governed angelic is different from the lord that govern the spirit in the two room the spirits in the troll room are bound by worship so the bible said day and night forever and ever they worship him say holy holy holy is the lord that's what they were created for meanwhile the angels will run around to nazareth they will leave nazareth and run around they keep running around to deliver the mind of god so the elders are high and ranking and then after their civilization is the civilization of the angelic so when man came into the equation man was not god's first idea so there was a law that governed the civilization of man and the idea behind the civilization of man is communion intimacy that's why i said this is life eternal that you may know him the only true god and he has said he said this is the victory the secret the mystery that have existed for all ages christ in you the hope of glory and that's why when god wanted to create man god decided to put himself inside him so the idea behind the creation of man is the depth and the decree to which he relates with the god that is on his inside and know him the ranking of men is not necessarily predicated on service it's not necessarily predicated on any other thing apart from the knowledge of god so you can't serve god beyond how you know you a man who doesn't know god may assume that serving god is to make money and be wealthy so every day he comes to god he says lord lord i need bread i need wine if he's in church nothing interesting until when they begin to prophesy because the whole knowledge of god he has is to take from god and live his life but there is yet another man that knows god beyond bread and wine there is a man that knows god beyond money there is a man that knows god as his reward that man doesn't necessarily come to god for what god gives that man comes to god for god himself that's the realm where abraham operated for he said i am thy shield and i exceeding great reward so when we begin to consider the subject of the church we are trying to understand what god had in mind about the entire human race i don't know about the angelic assembly but when it comes to the human race there is an agenda in the heart of god so paul took us back to before the foundation of the world because there are certain subjects you can never understand until you go to the beginning and in ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 paul began to speak he said blessed be god and father of our lord jesus christ who had blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ jesus and then he went further he said according as he had chosen us in him before the foundation of the world so what god is doing with man does not begin with time what god was doing with man began even before god began to create the angels before god began the project of the foundation of the universes of god god had the project of mind in view and he said before the foundation of the world that he should be that he should be holy and blameless before him in love when you read to verse 10 verse 10 of that scripture said when time is accomplished god will gather all things in heaven and on earth together in christ so the idea that was in the heart of god is what paul began to paint is that that in the dispensation when time is accomplished when everything is over beyond bread beyond silver beyond gold when the dispensation of time is complete they say god we gather together in all gather together as one all things in christ both which are in heaven and which are on the earth but my emphasis of reading this scripture i can i can't preach here in this conference it's in verse 4 he said that we will be holy that word holy in the heart of god is the foundation of the church you know when we want to talk about the church the simple scripture to begin from is matthew chapter 16 verse 18 upon this revelation i will build my truth but if you read that scripture you will not understand what jesus is saying paul is saying that before the foundation of the world god had already predetermined in his heart that a specie called man we be separate the word holy is to be separate unto him that we should be holy and the word holy in this scripture does not only mean to be separated unto god it does not only mean to be called out for god it also means to be saturated with god to the degree that you can express god so the preoccupation of man is to be separated from the corrupting elements of his civilization and to be separated onto god saturated with god so much so that when that man shows up the only thing that man has to offer his generation is god when a generation needs healing there is a dimension in god that deals with sickness is called repair so that man becomes the revere of a generation when there is luck in the generation there is a dimension in god godly see that man become the missing of that generation when there is a deadness in a generation there is a dimension in god god else shall die so that man having been good with god becomes the revelation of the elder so the idea behind the creation of the church is for you to be different from every other thing created so much so that when they want to describe you the only thing they can describe you which is god if it is possible to describe you with anything other than god then you are not the church you have become like the word that's why i said what was in the heart of the father is for us to be holy you are not even permitted to be described after your grandfather because your grandfather may see a different dimension of god you will see another dimension that is why zechariah the father of john was a priest a religious priest but john was a prophet in the similitude and in the order of elijah john did not look like his father he looked like a dimension in god because that was what he meant good with so when a people become separate then the church can be recovered when we look like the people from the east we are not the church when we look like the people from the north we are not the church the church in enugu is not different from the church in canada because the church in anyone can all look like god but when the church in kanu begin to remember the culture and the tradition of those of the north it ceases to be a church when the church in enugu begins to look like the culture and the traditions of your ancestors no matter the religious rituals we carry out is no longer a church is a court [Music] what i'm talking about is not even among men only even in the realm of spirits the same way the four beasts cannot look like any other angels the same way the 24 elders cannot look like any other angel that's why they that's how they church too cannot look like anything else apart from god so even in the realm of the spirit the church was called out to represent god and god alone the reason we are superior to the angels in ranking is because in the angelica there are some angels that mirror the dimension of light meanwhile light is only one dimension in god so when you see those angels their power is in their intensity and their illumination there are angels that mirror the dimension of fire they are called the seraphims when you see those angels their power is in the decrease of their intensity but when you meet the church the only thing you should see is not light it's not fire it's the fullness of christ [Music] this is why we are superior to the angelic you know david could not understand it because he was in a dispensation when the church had not entered his full element and when he looked into the divine kedah he saw god the father the son and the spirit and then he was hoping to see the twenty and four elders and suddenly he saw man and he now came to earth and said what is man [Music] what he didn't say who is man because if you say who is man you are talking about mortals because what he saw included god man angels and demons and all of a sudden he saw that immediately after elohim psalm 8 verse 4 he saw man and then he saw angels and i said wait i thought when you are comparing man you will compare men with men so i can come to you and say my father is the president so i'm bigger than you he now said the comparison of man is not just with man in fact the bible says that compare themselves with themselves are not wise so the comparison of man is not with man the comparison of man is with god angels and demons and when he checked the divine keta he saw that only god was superior to man they now say what is ma ma is the church [Music] and i will show you because man is the house of god the bible said in first kings chapter 8 verse 27 god himself was talking god said where will you make my house for me he said the heaven even the heaven of heavens cannot contain me and he said the earth is my footstool so in all of the universes of god nothing could carry god do you know the throne of god is in heaven but the fullness of god is not in heaven remember the bible said all things consist in god so evil heaven is in god so the fullness of heaven is nothing the fullness of god is not in heaven now how does god come into heaven i want to show you i told you the definition of times so who understand what i'm trying to deal with that's why i'm calm the fullness of god cannot be in heaven god himself said it and he said the whole heart is his foot not feet his footstool so one of god's foot covers the whole earth so how does god come into heaven if you read revelation chapter five the bible said god is covered with christians jasper saddam well christ as we understand from the law of physics that christians reflect and reflect so when you look at the diamond if you hold a diamond crystal in the dark and there is light somewhere as you turn that diamond the crysta of the diamond will absorb that light and refract it so you see diamonds shining that's what happens in heaven this is why the 24 elders keep looking at god they keep looking because every time they look up another dimension of god reflects into heaven if they look up another dimension reflect they have never seen the fullness of god because the fullness of god cannot enter heaven if god enters heaven heaven with the material [Music] instead he dwells in light that is unapproachable where god dwells nothing can get there if you get there you will materialize so what god does is that in order for god to rule in heaven he allows different dimensions of himself to come into heaven part-time that's the significance of the east gate the east gate the gate from whence the presence enters the temple so in heaven the throne of god by the sights of the knot opens into the east gate so when the angels look up because god is cloated with crystals a dimension will refract and then they look at it and they think they have seen god and they wonder what to see the another dimension and they say we have been here for 10 million years we've never seen this dimension the reason is because the fullness of god can entitle so the only infrastructure that was created to host god [Music] [Music] [Applause] can i tell you what the drone room is about the drone room is not just the administrative headquarters of heaven their true room is actually the school of god because they cannot contain the whole of god god decided to have a true room where ranking princes in heaven can come and let go but when he came to man he didn't want man to see fire today see light tomorrow see coldness see no he could [Music] do you see why if you don't look like god you are not the church [Music] the church in germany is not different from the church in africa the only reason the church in germany will be different from the church in africa is because the church in germany will look like germans the day the church in germany looks like christ and the church in africa looks like christ it becomes one because that is the design now for this to happen please sit down tonight it's a calm night i'm just trying to escort you somewhere so that you will see the kind of christianity they gave us we come to teach people principles people who are dominated by mammals and then we teach that principle we think by principle they can carry out divine beings as beautiful as the principles of prosperity is as beautiful as the principle of honor is meanwhile many people use it to divide themselves so when a man wants you to fear him and respect him he will teach about honor for one year when a man wants you to give to him he will teach about prosperity for one year so it is the nature of the serpent that is using god to achieve the desires of the suffering now these things are godly they are of god i'm not talking down on them but these are realities that should flow out of us naturally when we become the church when god wanted to institute the church this one that paul spoke about in ephesians 1 verse 4 there was nothing he could do so he decided to create a universe and when he created a visible universe you know when god wanted to create the seraphims he brought out fire it was fire he used to create them so the seraphines are purified by walking through and throwing the midst of the coast of fire because their essence is fire there are many angels that god created with light there are angels god created with sounds but when god wanted to create a species that would be separate not only from other species in the natural but also in the spirit fire was not sufficient light was not sufficient so god began to meditate how do i create this species so god had to return to the highest court of zion the court of the godhead and the father the son and the spirit began to interact with themselves because the wisdom that created the first heaven the second heaven and the third devil was not enough to capture this new project god was embarking on so god had to leave the third heaven leave the second heaven leave the third heaven and came back into the studio of god where creation is possible it was in that studio that the father spoke to the logos and the locals spoke to the spirit and they said let us make man now what is the wisdom we can make man from fire if we make man from fire he will be a set of him we can't make man from light we can't make man from sound everything we know we have already used what else are we going to use to make man because there was no other infrastructure for making man the only raw material that was left to create man was god himself so the raw material for making man is god and the finished product is the god because you can't improve on god that was where the journey of the church began the church didn't begin in the wilderness the first church actually began in eden because that was where god wanted to create a species that was separate that was holy and there were five things in eden that defined that church the first thing that defined the church of eden is that the church of eden had god image so when you look at the the man that was separate the only thing he resembles was god number two the church in eden had god's likeness that means that man only did what god did if you see that man laughing it's because god laughs everything god created that man was following suit when god created a woman the man was sleeping when the man woke up he said you're a woman he didn't need to think because he was functioning at the frequency of god being god's likeness means functioning at the frequency of god you know today when you act like god they say you are a magician when jesus came back to restore the church he didn't say pray for the sick he said touch the sick because when you touch they see god touch the sick that's what it means to be in god's likeness because the church is no longer what it is the things that should be commonplace is what we now use as an instrument of merchandising people when you come to the recharge they don't need to call the pastor to pray for the sick anybody that meets the sick will heal the sick they don't need a prophet to prophesy anybody you meet will tell you the mind of god but the real church is what we are fighting to recover because the church we have today is a church where few men know the way of god the rest only know the acts of god so men who should be carriers of god are clapping and wondering when god is manifesting the things that should happen in your bedroom you now see them and you are wondering how come you are amazed when you see yourself if you see yourself in the mirror are you surprised the reason is because it's been long you touch god it's been long you saw god it's belong you interacted with god so when you see a man display god you are in bewilderment meanwhile the one god jesus started when they came back and told him they healed the sick jesus didn't testify when they told him we healed the sick he said don't rejoice that you cast out demons because the inheritance of the church is to cast out demons they said demons were subject to us say yes that's good but it's not that's not why we celebrate the reason we celebrate is because our name is in heaven [Music] so the second criteria of the edemic church is a church that carried the likeness of god so that church doesn't prepare for a meeting he's a prepared man that child doesn't prepare to pray for the sick anywhere he sees the sick where that is in a healing service or in the market he will pray and the sick will be healed that church doesn't need to do a religious regard in order to bet god he is god expressed in human form is the likeness of god and the thought thing about the church in eden is that that church is powered by the life of god genesis 2 9 is a god planted the tree of life in eden the 14th about the church in eden is that that church had the presence of god so the church of eden was not living under a big cathedral the church in eden was living under the canopy of the presence our cathedral as good yes but when the presence of god depart the cathedral becomes a monument because the house of the church is not a building the house of the church is the presence of god and the fifth thing about the church in eden is that the church in eden had the authority of god he had the life of the image of god the likeness of god the presence of god the life of god and the authority of god you know that church was about to manifest when the devil truncated it the way he always truncates the church so that church had the presence had the authority had the image had the likeness but he never had the life before that church could eat of the tree of life the devil knew there was problem so the devil came and truncated it so when the church was to be reborn the bible now tells us in matthew chapter 16 verse 18 he said upon this revelation i rebuild my church remember there were many churches that time there was a big synagogue that had 70 elders called the sun henry the cabinet of rome was also called the ecclesia so there were many called out people but jesus was telling them that my own church which is the pattern i wanted to create in eden it has its own blueprint the blueprint is that it must have what the image of god the likeness of god the life of god the presence of god and the authority of god and unfortunately in the whole universe that was not found anywhere because the first time you had that god had to come down from heaven and plant it it was not on earth he then was in heaven if you read ezekiel chapter 28 from verse 13 he said you were in eden the mountain of god so eden is actually not a garden garden eden is the mountain of god so god downloaded that thing from heaven to it and that's why eden was the presence of god and then the image adam didn't know how to have the image god gave it to him he didn't know the likeness god gave he was created like that he didn't know the law of authority god gave it to him so there was no way you could have those qualities on it because the first time that quality came to end god planted it himself so when god wanted to replant that same dimension on earth the only possible way to achieve it was to bring the man that carried the fire so jesus was the image of god the likeness of god the presence of god the authority of god and the life of god so when peter discerned him that thou art the christ the son of the living god immediately he said on this revelation because for the first time somebody has discovered what god came to act with to establish the first church what god came to actually to establish the first thought which is his image his likeness into his life his presence and his authority somebody for the first time had descended the other people called him a prophet others called him a liar others called him jeremiah as powerful elijah is the church can be built on him because elijah had the authority of god but he didn't have the image of god he didn't have the likeness of god this way of god was taught in him the only portal through which these five things could be found was the man christ jesus so the moment the guy said you are that man the christ the son of the living god he said somebody have discovered the foundation of the church and he said on this foundation i rebuild my church so the church of god is a person or a people that have the image of god the likeness of god the life of god the presence of god and the authority of god when that is lacking what we have is a religious country the church is not just the linguistics called outwards no the church is a person or a people that carry the image of god the likeness of god the life of god the presence of god and the authority of god if you check your life and these five things are not there if you like be an apostle you are not part of the church if you like sow the biggest seed you are not part of the church [Music] the reason is because the way you prove and veto the church is not by counting numbers of those who came for the meeting he said the way you check whether a man has become a church is that the gate of hell shall not reveal against him so god is sure of what he has created so when god created it he left the devil to come and test it if you don't have the image of god the likeness of god the authority of god the presence of god and the life of god when the devil comes you before and the fact the singular fact that you fail is a sign that you are not the church because he said for the church he said the gate of hell shall not prevail against it so when the gate of hell prevails it means something is lacking why did adam fall because he didn't have the life of god instead of him eating of the tree of life he decided to follow the devil to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so he ceased to be the church why will we fall today is because one of these things will be lacking there are those who come to church and pray in tongues loud but when they go out there they are of their father the devil and the lust of their father shaidu you can give the biggest seed but in the dark you are doing the lust of your father when jesus betters you he will say you of your father the devil so when we want to recover the church the first thing we will do is to bring everyone to have an encounter with jesus because only jesus carries these five criteria jesus was speaking in john chapter 5 verse 26 he said as the father have life in himself so has he given the son to also have life in himself jesus speaking the bible speaking in hebrews chapter one from verse one to three is a god what sunday times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophet has in this last day spoken to us by his son who been the brightness that's the image of his glory the express image of his person and then number three he spoke about the authority he said upholding all things by the ward of his power and then he also went further to speak about the presence jesus said my father matthew 8 verse 29 john 8 29 he said the father that sent me have not left me he is with me so he is the carrier of the presence when a man meets jesus these five things are communicated why in first corinthians 15 45 he said the first adam was a living soul he said but the second adam is a life giving spirit so when a man doesn't attain the fullness of this credentials he can call himself the name after a church but it doesn't mean he's part of the church of christ he said i rebuked my church he didn't talk about a denomination he's speaking about a people that has his revelation and on the strength of his revelation they become separate from their generation so much so that when you touch them you touch him so these people become an extension of his reality you know if you have a conference like this and then we come to tell you bogus things will lie to you i am telling you this so that when i begin to tell you how to receive the image of god you will hold it dear when i begin to tell you how to walk in the likeness of god it will make sense to you how to walk in the authority of the believer it will make sense for you how to carry and to express the life of god it will make sense for you else if i come here and begin to see a lot of things and you jump up and shout you will go back big without these five credentials and it doesn't matter for how long you are in the denomination because time does not impact reality you can be in a denomination for 30 years and you will steep you if you are not careful you even become more crooked than you were when you came because when you came you had conviction when you now came you discovered that oh this is not what i thought and then you normalize i've seen people before that were fornicators and they wept and eventually spread to them they wept and they came to church when they were in short for eight months did not discover that it's not so bad if i fornicate and i go to god and ask for forgiveness he will forgive me that's what he said so the guy who wept for fornicating and came to john now this comfortable church for the kitty meanwhile tight an offering is going on we are saints on sunday but on monday we are demons because when we come to church we do business as usual nobody is compelled to go back to the foundation but the ones that have discerned him the bible said in 1st john chapter 5 from verse 11 to 13 he said this is the record that the life is in the song and he said whoever has the son has life so the moment that person receives the song he receives life number two they say we are with open faces second corinthians 3 18 beholding us in the glass the image of the lord we are changed so a metamorphosis takes place we behold and we are changed so every time a man wants to attain the image of god the mechanism is beholden we behold we are changed into that image number three the bible spoke again the first is the life the second is the image and the likeness the thought is the presence of god it's a he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty he shall see of his god he is my refuge and my fortress a thousand shall fall by your side ten thousand by your right hand it shall not come near you for with your eyes you shall see and behold the recompense of the wicked why because you have made god even the most have your habitation so by dwelling in the present the man becomes a carrier of the present that's what reverend was talking about he said if you stay where they sell fish you will smell fish if you stay where they sell drugs you will set draw but when you stay in the presence you will emit god so a man who doesn't parry in the present can carry the presence a man who doesn't behold can bear the image a man who doesn't receive christ cannot have his life so these are the fundamental pillars that are no longer available in church when you call for a retreat or seven days you have three people when you call for a vg of a charge of ten thousand you may have three hundred so it is those three hundred who tarry that carry the presence it is those three hundred who behold that look like him meanwhile all of them may give her free but very few will look like him very few will behold so the same way we arrive the church to give that's how we need to begin to around the church to wait in god's presence because you can't carry the presence until you wait that's how we have to begin to labor to reveal christ to the church so that many we see him paul was talking to the church in galatia paul said through my preaching i painted they crucified jesus to you like a picture so when you heard the preaching of paul it's like you are seeing the crucified christ as though you were there so when you are in the polling church there is no way you will not look like christ it will be an aberration for you not to look like christ because the emphasis is to paint jesus and to make jesus become very graphic so for a people to carry the qualities of the christ these dimensions must come but if i ask you today when was the last time you beheld him when was the last time but if i asked you when was the last time you went for a program you will be shocked you went for a program yesterday how come you went for that program and you didn't see his image you came back the same you went for a program a drunk and nothing tampered with your conscience to make you know and feel that when i saw the image of the christ that was painted he was not drunk when i saw the image of christ that was painted there was no sin in him how come they painted the image of christ to you and you were comfortable with sin because he said when we behold the perfect image that law of liberty and we begin to do so the power to do is imparted because we saw how come you went there and you didn't see an image that your own contradicted to cause you to align it means jesus was not painted the reason we are talking about a recovery of the church is because jesus needs to begin to be painted in our tutorial not just the one that hangs on the crucifix the one that is life the living world because you may see the logo you may see a crucifix but you may not see the living christ it is in the gospel that the living christ is painted the reason the church is no longer what it is is because the gospel is no longer preached we preach principles some principles that can be taught in a business school that's what we preach we preach laws that can be picked by our morals the moral the moral essence of our lineage can teach the laws we teach in church so we teach things that our our customs and traditions uphold we teach things to validate our our acts and disposition before men they don't see christ you know the loss of honor you know all the laws of giving you know the laws that makes a man prosper how come you have not seen jesus to be like him how come you are different in church when and then you are somebody else in church and you are a different person in the market how come when you are at home you are no longer the pious and sanctimonious person in church because when you came to church you knew how to follow the cliche when you want to stop and bring people back to conform to god all you need to do is to show them christ i tell you warnings threats cannot make people transform the bible said in romans 1 28 he said because you have not retained his knowledge he said god gave them unto a reprobate mind and they began to paint all the works of the flesh when he reached verse 32 that was the scripture that scared my life he said even though this wants to know that god is not only angry with those who do these things he said they don't only do it they take pleasure in those who do it so you see a man somebody is misbehaving and is hailing him and when you check his name is matanya his name is matthew his name is christian when you stand for truth it is christian that will fight you and so now they do too much why not they overdo does something wrong you want to speak he said no you go somewhere you want to preach you say oh boy take our music now not only you'll be christian here because we are not shown jesus so we can't pick the bodies in the heart of god we can't pick the mandate we can pick the promptings of the spirit all we know are the things that we can pick from the world the day we begin to see christ we become like him and that is when the church will be recovered because the church is the image of the invincible god the day christ begins to be dished in our messages and men begin to eat it that's the day the life of god we man to lost this is why a brother or a sister can watch a movie for 10 hours but when he carries his bible to read after 10 minutes he begins to sleep the life of god is not strong in his spirit he is fed with garbage when he begins to eat the life of god a day comes when he may return from me from his work tired the moment he said father he ascends into the spirit because the energy he will be working with is a different energy this is superior to a car this is superior to a promotion in an office this is stepping into your rank as a song so you can walk from morning till night but when you get home and you take a shower you are tired and then you just begin to walk down if the life of god is there the moment you begin to speak in tongues you begin to provoke that life you begin to provoke that life and suddenly come back they lie in you comes out because you are functioning not with atp i know when you went to work in the morning you exhausted atp but because you are functioning by another life when you come all you need to do is to activate that life and if you activate that life after a while you will begin to function by another energy it is that same life that will modify sickness in your body hope you know the reason many christians speak and are weak is because of sin but when life comes because of righteousness they will become strong like mount zion that cannot be moved when the church returns men will not function by ego man will not function by bread you know that that for example if we begin to pray here now everybody will pray catch ready but when you give somebody the mic to come to the altar and pray because of ego and vainglory or the vocabulary of the spirit he will release it in five minutes so suddenly he's empowered because of ego he wants to make a point the moment he drops the mic and goes back so he's functioning by the energy of the flesh it is the same thing that the god in oba we do to be called this ego that's the same thing somebody else is using alta to do all of you are functioning by the same economy you are just using different platforms hope you know some of the people that throw money for people to clap for them when they see the poor on the street they don't care so it is not generosity it's ego at work it's the way of flesh meanwhile there are many christians clapping oh boy oh boy wait in the half because it inspires them when are we going to begin to live by that life he said as the father have life in himself so has he given to the son to have life in himself also that life that the son had caused him to do the will of the father that is the church it's not a church that cannot help the brother who is in need but he will give partnership so that at the end of the year when they are giving partnership award will be number 10. it's all about men it's all about applause the life of god is not there so for they try to recover everybody will begin to live by the life of when we begin to live by the life of god jesus said we die because the guy who is giving to the office of intercession he will be there praying he doesn't need a man's hand clap to make it to encourage him he doesn't need people to see him to motivate him there is an injury room at walk on his inside and every time he knees down he goes to heaven he may never come to the altar to preach there is no point going to speak evil against the guy who is on the altar because when these guys are sending he's also ascending at the end of the day all of them ascend and see christ so he's ascending on his knees the other one is attending on the microphone all of them are powered by the life of god you don't need to do politics to be ordained they cannot you don't need to do politics to be ordained a bishop because it's not about title it's about the presence this is the church that can challenge the gates of hell forget it they get your vest don't move our number the gate of us moved by our ranking our authority in the spirit and for us to get to that level of authority there must be image there must be likeness there must be presence and there must be life this is a church that people look like their parents people looks like their society so when you come to the church and worry when you see them dress you know you are seeing the goddess of a woman if you go to the church in dubai when you see them dressed you know you are meeting the god of religion one look modest the other one looks careless but all of them are still not the church so the one who covers everywhere is religion that is powering that person when you see that person you saw in dubai who clothed himself until the eyes was covered if you meet that person on holiday in texas you'll be shocked so you now discover that dressing was religion it has nothing to do with the essence it was religion if you bring that person from dubai to where after two weeks you will be shocked so what that person is doing is not powered by life and then we keep exciting ourselves we keep exciting ourselves we have service for four hours we will shout for four hours it has become like a scene for believers to even be quiet especially the church in africa at the end of the day nobody is hearing anything the guy finished praying in tongues for eight hours as he's going home on the road he picks a call and when you hear that call you see the most angry beast you have seen in this world what did that tongue do to you because he didn't know what the goal was he thought the goal was the ability to pray for eight hours so he exercises we to pray for eight hours and when he's sweating he's your boy what do you have waiting to happen he didn't know that the the idea of that tongue is to cause him to ascend because when jesus prayed the mark for jesus's prayer was not time the mark for jesus's prayer was essential he said as he prayed the fashion of his continent was altered his real men began to glisten so jesus's prayer was an infrastructure of transformation it was metamorphosis when jesus wants to transform and become more and more like god what he does was prayer and if jesus needs to pray for a whole night for metamorphosis to take place he will be there to pray for the whole night so jesus's prayer was not calibrated by time now if you are a beginner you need time to build discipline but when you begin to grow you know that prayer doesn't end until you have seen him that dwells in the midst of the course of fire you know that prayer doesn't end until you migrate from the energy of the flesh to the energy of the divine you know that prayer doesn't end until you are caught up in the spirit you see i was in the spirit on the last day and i heard a voice as of a trumpet and as i thought i saw seven golden lampstand so the guy wasn't praying and checking time he was praying and checking heaven because they want to migrate now we want to migrate we want to migrate to the spirit because i am beginning the presence i'm beginning to sense the presence of god i'm beginning to sense the atmosphere of heaven the idea behind the talk is to ascend to the mountains of god [Music] we are beginning to ascend we are beginning to ascend a church must be born that even in the they eyes see zion they are the purpose is the island of death but even when you are dying even if this is your last breath you can see yourself you can see a sin that's the church of the festival the church of the presence the thought of the image the church of the likeness the job of authority and the church of the life [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the sauce is [Music] god and the authority of god you want to praise the holy ghost the last time you looked at yourself you didn't look like this [Music] [Music] of your father [Music] listen listen if we don't attend to the standard of god our judgment will be worse can i tell you something in the wilderness without the holy spirit moses could climb sinner and carry before god in prayer until the shakkaina could appear after moses and when moses came down he stopped looking like an israelite the bible said his face began to shine moses began to look like the god that he met on the mountain how were they able to journey so far how come after 15 years of being in church you still look like your ancestors your father was a liar you are still a liar your father was a womanizer you are still a womanizer oh god you don't look like him yet [Music] a man in the wilderness could look upon god until he became like god the church must be recovered forget the theological definition you know what ecclesia is you know i call that one but are you one of us [Music] the church is not a denomination it's a people of god in the name of jesus just become for two minutes let me tell you something to challenge you and then it will help you know what is required to commit your all to jesus i know you are a ticket i know you are a prophet i know you are an evangelist i know you are not possible but this is the question i want to ask you moses at the age of 80 could climb mount sinai sinai is over 7 000 feet tall i don't know how many days it took him but an 80 year old man will climb sinner and he will wait in prayer for six days for eight days until god will appear and god will tell him i will not go with you and we tell god if you don't go with us we will not live here so the man challenged god and don't call if it means time in here until i die i will tarry but you must go with me and god will have no choice but to go with moses meanwhile we have the holy spirit we are 30 and 40 years old yet we can't wait until we hear the sound of heaven we can't wait until we see him that dwells in secret moses pursued god until moses could find god anywhere if god was in the pillar of fire moses knew if god was in a smoke moses knew even when god decided to hide himself in the dark the bible said moses stepped into the deep darkness where god was the guy could search god he could seek god search god and find god meanwhile we are carrying denominational dynamics nationalism on our head yet we don't look like god our goal and our title are in mundane things when you get to heaven there is no one denomination there it is called the church of the festival and the church of the firstborn has the image of god how comes every christian in the east look like an easterner how come the christians in the west looks like the westerners how come the christians in the middle back look like middle belter how come we have not ascended to heaven where the the spirit of justice is very perfect this is our cry tonight take me deeper take me deeper that i may see you and be like you and say when we shall see him we shall be like him take me deeper i'm tired of being called an evangelist yes i don't look like jesus i'm tired of being called an apostle yet i don't have the of jesus [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] do you know the most pathetic thing about our generation we know so much yet we can show so little we know so much yet we can show so little in the days of enoch when the story of enoch was told they could not even as much as right up to four verses because there was no knowledge to write about the only thing was that enoch walked with god and was not he didn't just been and not disappeared what it meant was that enoch walked with god until when you see enoch is god you see not enoch god flashed himself upon enoch and oak became a manifestation of god to his generation enoch they didn't write one chapter because it was not about mental knowledge the man just walked with god is there no being warned of god he moved with fear fear fear the man knew god until he dreaded the presence of god when god said noah noah could have backed up his life and noah was building an ark for 100 years here we are in church they are talking we cross our leg we know the doctrine but we don't know god enough to fear him god said don't go out there the guy goes i'll come back and say i'm sorry you don't know that god when you knew him you will tremble the bible said the voice of god is upon many waters the voice of god and divided the sinners of lebanon and discovered the forest we have all the titles this man didn't have titles he just called him noah but no new god to a degree that the bible said because of noah his generation was charged without title but noah had the fear of the lord and the bible said god accounted to him for righteousness there was no doctrine of righteousness thought but by fear he stepped into the economy of righteousness today to introduce a man only when we read five chapters to introduce a man yet there is no territory that trembles because the presence of god is there but in the days of all they just called them a island but wait for island to entire city if alan visits your city for six months men will stop alcoholism he will talk to them but he just entered your city you don't need to read a citation about other but wait on the island passing through your city [Music] wait until catherine couldn't visit sunisha and then even the creeper car that you knew for 30 years people will start walking before your eyes there is no remember there is no mystery he had she had power with god he said this be the man he didn't say this be the apostles it is this be the prophet he said this be the man that turn the award upside down you enter one city there are 300 denominations 2 000 churches yet you can't find god and then we theologically define ecclesia we preach take on a radio and live a city the city is still in darkness but the bible said the land of zapulu the land of naphtali by the way of the sea beyond jordan galilee of the gentiles the people that sat in darkness i've seen a great light why are we not ashamed that we enter a small as the campuses as small as the campuses we visit campuses from january to december yet the campus is in darkness because the church is yet to manifest in the brightness of our regalia can you pray to god i'm telling you make me a witness make me a witness [Music] we chant in the holy ghost [Music] oh [Music] oh is is foreign [Music] uh hey [Music] ah [Music] we're out of time there are two things that are going to happen now in the name of jesus please become there are 24 of you here that are about to receive a fresh baptism there are 24. listen when we preach like these people think we are taking them away from the abundance of life no the abundance of life is an art then do is they seek fest the kingdom of god and his life righteousness all these things that the gentiles seek will be added to you we measure in the additions [Music] thank you holy ghost in jesus name if you can be quiet i'm trying as much as possible not to get people emotional but listen there are 24 of you that are going to receive a fresh baptism of hunger for the presence of god it's not enough for a church to be full if you are sent out can you bring government that's where the question is but god wants to anoint people tonight father ushers please the people god will minister to now i want to lay hands on them you know just help me bring them out they are special messengers i keep hearing it tonight father 24 witnesses [Music] from the left to the right from the front to the back to the first gallery second gallery holy ghost torch [Music] pouch [Music] we [Music] we [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] well thank you [Music] in the name of jesus please listen to me i'm rounding up i'm learning now two things two things quickly in the name of jesus listen your lives will never remain the same again two things in the name of jesus there's an anointing listen to me please listen i'm rounding up stop playing stop play in jesus name peace be still in jesus name i'm rounding up there are two categories of people the hand of god is coming on i'm seeing sisters in particular the grace of intercession now there are some of you before that you stood up at night to pray but that that that that oppression of the spirit have died god wants to activate your altar and i'm these sisters in particular number two i've seen three young men that are receiving the mantles of revival this one should be revivalized by excellence god will use them to take territories and to take nations if i speak by the spirit of god father from the left to the right to the galleries all of them every intercessor and every revival is here holy ghost touch some of them will start running ushers catch them they will start running holy ghost touch i come in the spirit under civility of the revivalist and i provoke your altar come alive in the spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] god [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] there are three of you that are about to be anointed at first at the count of three that anointing rest upon you holy ghost one two three touche [Music] thank you in the name of jesus your way carry listen to me please in the name of jesus most of you listen my emphasis tonight is not a message i just came to tell you what the essence of the church is you will carry this presence and this word to your house most of you will not be able to sleep tonight you will pray in tongues through the night and some of them will have come under the power that power will rest on them for three days because there will be a re-engineering of your essence listen to me please there's somebody on this room you have had complications with conception pregnancy there's been a complication on this road i don't know who that person is who is that person there's been a complication with your stomach and is affected peace be still one the lord bless you the lord caused his first to shine upon you the lord lift up his countenance above you and the lord gave you peace in jesus preciously you were blessed by the message you just listened to and wish to make jesus your lord and personal savior kindly repeat this prayer after me dear heavenly father i believe in your son jesus christ and that he died for my sins and was raised from the dead for my justification i therefore confess with my mouth that jesus is the lord of my life i receive eternal life into my spirit i am born again thank you father in jesus name if you just say this prayer please send us an email on email discipleship or reach us on our website or to enable us to reach you and afford us the privilege to disciple you god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 13,642
Rating: 4.9568968 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, apostle Michael Orokpo
Id: 2XDnFKMyhR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 6sec (6726 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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