The WEATHER Of VANCOUVER - Full Details!

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[Music] so [Music] hey guys my name's adam and today we're covering a very popular vancouver topic and then also very controversial one for whatever reason which is the weather [Music] this video is sponsored by me actually as some of you guys know i've been creating some vancouver guides to help people move to vancouver a student guide a family's guide and a single slash couples guide and i'm happy to announce that they are now available on my website so i'll leave a link at the top of the description to my website where you can find more information on the guides there so many people just know that it rains a lot in vancouver but in this video we're gonna take a look at the whole year and talk about what you can expect throughout it as far as weather goes before we get into that let me tell you guys the number one reason that i actually live in vancouver and that reason is the weather even though it rains a lot it's pretty rare that we get below zero degrees celsius it might happen a couple days of the year but i'm not one for the cold so that's why i live here and that's important to know if you're gonna move to canada because there are some places that you know you're gonna get negative 30 or even higher living expenses are high rent is crazy car insurance can be a joke and it rains a lot but you will rarely experience weather below zero degrees celsius so that's enough for me to say you know what that's cool i can deal with the rest now just because it doesn't get that cold here doesn't mean it never snows the last two years we actually have had some snow but more often than not it usually just rains i'll show you guys what i'm talking about i'll put two photos up on the screen right now that shows my street one time halfway through the year and the other time is in december of 2019. like i said even though it's not that common it's certainly something to be aware of if you are moving here and the times where it does snow it usually only sticks around on the ground for like a day or two before the weather melts it away or like the rain comes and washes it away and speaking on how much it does rain you've probably heard people say oh it can rain for months straight and it's true we have months where sometimes it rains for 30 maybe even 60 days straight where we don't see the sun and the days where it doesn't rain we probably still don't see the sun because it's super great personally i'd say we get a month out of the year where we just don't see the sun and i know the gray and rainy times have a different effect on everybody i'm gonna throw up a graph on the screen right here so you guys can see like how many days of each month it usually rains and this is pretty accurate because usually the weather is pretty predictable my last note on the rain is that when it does rain here i would never define it as a storm the weather is never that bad here where you can't go outside or it becomes like anywhere near dangerous you can pretty much always still go out when it's raining it might just not be that fun so let me give you guys a yearly breakdown of what you can expect each month even though the weather changes like slightly every year it usually follows the same pattern so starting in january and february usually those are both rainy months where we might see some snow next is march april and may sharing similar weather which is rain slash sun slash clouds june is a mix of sun and clouds and july and august are mostly sunny september is more sun but also with a mix of clouds and october and november are a mix of sun clouds and rain and finally december is more rain and clouds with potentially some snow so you can pause the video here to take a look at the months if you'd like or even take a screenshot i couldn't find anything this specific with like what weather you can expect each month so i made this one myself if you're someone who's from a place that's always warm or hot there's probably days that you come across where you don't even want to go outside even for a walk it's really rare in vancouver that the weather is so extreme that you just like can't or like don't want to go outside at all sometimes the rain but the heat will never be so bad that you just don't want to go outside you can pretty much always go for a walk and it's not common to go above 30 degrees celsius those are like super hot days for vancouver [Music] so most likely at this point we understand that vancouver's weather is like quite neutral it never gets too hot there's not an insane amount of snow ever and it's never too cold well like it's never really cold and what that neutral weather means for us is not just like how warm or cold it is but also it gives us a wide variety of activities for the summer and winter obviously in warmer places you have stuff like you know biking or just being outdoors going to the beach or surfing but if you wanted to build a snowman or go skiing you would have to trek pretty far to get to that climate where you can ski and same goes for where it's super cold if you wanted to go get a suntan on the beach you're gonna have to go pretty far for that as well and this is another one of the largest reasons vancouver is such a sought after place to live because not so far from here about an hour and a half we have whistler where there's a bunch of ski mountains which is actually where i grew up so i can recommend it one of the best ski resorts in canada and also the largest and for the summer in vancouver you can do all the activities you'd associate with warm weather go to the beach and stuff like that another good thing about the neutral weather is not only that you get to pass up on the extreme heat or extreme cold like other places but you also get to pass up on some of the extreme things that come with those temperatures namely shoveling the snow off your car or even the ice off your windshield or even having to shovel the whole driveway that was one of the things that i disliked the most about where i used to live having to get up extra early just to shovel out my car living somewhere previously that had a lot of snow made me feel like i needed to escape and get away from like the extra work and pain that the extreme weather causes and i can say after living in vancouver for almost three years now i've never had to like escape or get away from the weather obviously vacations are nice once in a while but i wouldn't use the term escape if you are moving to vancouver you most likely know you're moving into a rainforest which is why i say to people that the rain isn't as bad as you would think it is it almost seems like a trend nowadays for you know the people of vancouver to like hate on or complain about the weather or the rain which is kind of funny because we all know it's a rain forest and in one of my recent videos when i said the rain isn't as bad as you'd think a lot of people were saying are you kidding it rained so much and there's so many gray days in a row so what i can say about the rain here is it does rain a lot and if rain is something that makes you super sad or you just hate the rain then there will be days that you won't be super happy but if you're someone like me who doesn't really mind the rain and actually enjoys it once in a while i wouldn't say the weather in vancouver is something you have to worry about but even on that note there'll be different opinions about the rain so if you live in vancouver currently or if you've ever lived here tell us what you think of the rain and how bad it is for you i shared some opinions about the weather and also the facts and the numbers so by the end of this video you should have a good idea if vancouver is for you or not basing it off the weather since i live in vancouver currently let me tell you what i would change if i could change the weather just slightly so you have an idea of like what kind of annoys me or annoys people here number one i wish our summers were a bit longer sometimes we only have you know the sun and summer for two to four months if i'm stretching it somewhere around there so it'd be nice to have a little bit more of the sun throughout the whole year and for someone who lives for outdoor like sports and activities that's a big one for me my second change would be upping the average temperature throughout the year maybe like a couple degrees four three four degrees and that's just because it gets cold sometimes in the winter like a little bit too cold for me but i mean i'm just a complainer maybe people say but uh yeah sometimes it gets a little bit cold and that would actually get rid of the snow that we get once in a while and the final change i would make is you guessed it a little less rain like i said the rain isn't that bad for me personally but there are days there are months where you know we're gonna go without sun and non-stop rain for 30 days it's rare but it can happen and going that long without the sun affects everybody eventually as i mentioned the weather is quite similar each and every year so it's kind of easier to make this video and obviously some things will change but the same months we'll get the rain or the snow in the same months and the summer will be warm of course if you're moving in vancouver soon and you're looking to learn more about it you can always check out my guides my moving to vancouver guides linked at the top of the description on my website and if you guys don't follow me on instagram yet you can check that link out in the description as well i post a lot of stuff about vancouver and photos and i also try to answer all my dm so if you enjoyed this video or it helped you at all make sure to leave it a like and i will see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: Adam J Bell
Views: 75,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: does it snow in vancouver, downtown vancouver, how much does it rain in vancouver, is vancouver expensive, things i wish i knew before moving to vancouver, whats the weather like in vancouver, burnaby canada, does it rain a lot in vancouver, vancouver kitsilano, is wage good in vancouver, adam j bell, british columbia, does it rain in vancouver, is vancouver depressing, life in canada, is vancouver hot, moving to vancouver 2021, van, moving to vancouver, vancouver weather
Id: hWuOv4bwMEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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