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[Music] guys it is literally a winter wonderland outside today there is so much snow not a particularly nice sky to look at but look at all the snow falling i love snow so much hello you guys and welcome back to my channel today's video is all about vancouver clothing essentials for surviving the fall winter and spring here in beautiful vancouver british columbia for those of you who do not live in vancouver and are coming from outside of vancouver whether that be in canada or internationally i wanted to take some time to share with you what some of the vancouver clothing essentials are for surviving the fall winter and the spring vancouver's weather is relatively temperate i don't want to say that vancouver has very extreme weather it's pretty predictable and more often than not extreme is five centimeters of snowfall however i love stone so much i think it's beautiful i think it's fun to play in sure it makes things a little bit colder and makes your hair a little gross when it lands on it but that aside snow is beautiful the clips that i showed you at the beginning of this video i'm sure you could understand why it is really important to make sure that you have the proper clothing for vancouver but when it comes to being prepared for the rain and the cold and the dampness there are a few essentials that you need to have so that you can walk around campus comfortably and not get soaking wet with that being said the very first clothing item that i dub essential a water resistant or waterproof jacket now you can get a winter jacket that's thick and warm and fluffy and cozy that's great but if it is not water resistant it is not going to do you any good it is worth investing in good clothing because it will carry you through for years and years i'm not sitting here telling you to go and buy a 300 rain jacket what i am telling you is to go and buy a good one making sure that you have a warm water resistant rain jacket raincoat or winter coat of some sort is very very important for staying warm here in vancouver this here is my lovely closet where i keep all of my jackets this guy right here is my super light rain coat slash windbreaker it kind of doubles as both which is really really nice this jacket i think on sale was about 60 which is pretty reasonable and then my more serious winter coat is this guy right here this one has definitely seen its day i wear it almost every single day so i definitely got my use out of it and i think i also got it on sale at a clearance outlet or something for like 80 which is pretty reasonable for a winter coat the only thing i would say is that it's not super water resistant anymore which is a little unfortunate um but that's where this guy comes in and again if i put a super warm sweater on underneath i'm usually okay with that having options is nice but at the end of the day you really only need something that is going to keep you dry and keep you warm so whatever form that takes get it that's what you need the next thing that i would say is absolutely essential when it comes to staying warm is the hat and mitts or gloves of some kind now this is pretty straightforward any toque will do any mitts or gloves will do so it doesn't really matter where those come from or what they are so long as they keep your hands and your head warm now the next thing is not an essential per se but i am a sucker for cozy sweaters not that having a cozy sweater is essential to survive the vancouver winter but i will say it does make it a lot more comfortable and very nice and very warm and that is something i greatly appreciate these are my lovely cozy sweaters i think i've got like five cozy cozy sweaters so like this guy here then i have this overcoat right here this is my newest addition i love it so so much it is so warm and then i've got this guy which is super big it's super puffy super warm and then i also have this one over here that i got a while ago but i love just as much so as i said cozy sweaters are personally one of my essentials because they keep me super warm they keep me comfortable and i think they're cute so that kind of takes care of the upper half of your body having a hat a jacket mitts and a cozy sweater is great it will keep you warm and keep you dry which is the most important part here the other trick to vancouver though is dressing in layers you can go outside and initially feel cold but if you're dressed in super warm things you can heat up really really fast i usually wear between two and three layers some sort of shirt some sort of sweater and then a jacket this is completely up to personal preference and how warm or cold you like to be i hate being cold and i get cold so easily so for me wearing lots of layers and warm things is very important to actually staying comfortable in terms of the lower half of your body it is completely up to you what you wear you probably should have some sort of water resistant pair of pants with you whether that's for walking around in the rain or rolling around in the snow when it does snow it's completely up to you it's probably warm enough to just wear a pair of jeans in the winter but any pair of pants will be okay you don't really need to worry about completely decking yourselves out from head to toe here so long as your upper body is warm and you're wearing something comfortable in your lower half you should be just fine when it comes to your feet making sure that you have a very warm pair of shoes or boots that are water resistant is crucial i also like to typically pair those types of shoes with ridiculously fuzzy socks i love fuzzy socks i just love anything cozy my feet are always cold both in a metaphorical sense but then also in a literal physical sense so i've got two pairs of boots that i would classify as winter boots and then one pair that kind of doubles as winter and fall boots the ones i have at home are my sorel winter boots which are great for the snow they're super warm they have great traction so if you're walking on slippery ice or snow it's very unlikely that you're gonna fall which is great i am a klutz and then the other boots that i have with me here are my blunt stones blunt stones i would almost say are like the staple vancouver boot a lot of people have them they're really popular they last a long time they're really good quality boots i think i paid close to 250 dollars for my bloodstones and that is kind of the baseline for those shoes and it is a lot of money to pay up front but given the fact that i wear them every single day they keep my feet warm they're waterproof they're fashionable they're comfortable to me they were well worth the investment you don't have to go and get bloodstones not at all they're just one of my personal favorites they're really great boots but any water resistant waterproof boot will do bloodstones are a great option sorel's are great options i'm just naming these brands because these are brands that i have tried and trust of course if you have found something that is reasonably priced great quality and is something that you actually like there is nothing stopping you from going and buying that instead i'm just sharing some of the things that i have and some of the different brands that i really like during the fall and the spring is usually when i'm walking around in slip-ons or converse or sneakers anything of the sorts the winter time here does not totally permit canvas cloth shoes it just is not a good combo it doesn't work so make sure you have some water resistant boots we are back in my closet and my friends these are my beloved blind stones these are my favorite things ever i personally think that they're kind of cute great tread which is also very important because it gets very slippery here again i'm not saying you have to go and buy bloodstones they're just a great option as i was saying earlier i also have a lovely collection of canvas and soft material shoes that are definitely not waterproof those guys are typically reserved for spring and the fall on relatively dry days so yeah that is my lovely collection of shoes that gets me through the fall winter and spring here at ubc in terms of clothing and footwear those are kind of the main things that you really should consider getting i am strongly encouraging you to invest in those items they are well worth it and especially if you're coming from a warmer country wherever that may be you might be a little shocked by the temperatures here that pretty much does it for what i would consider to be essential in terms of clothing your body between hats mitts jackets boots and socks and sweaters and all that good stuff i would say you would be very well dressed if you were to invest in those items there are some other things i'm going to mention that aren't considered clothing items per se but still i would consider to be absolutely essential for vancouver first being an umbrella making sure that you have one of these little bad boys is very important because it likes to rain a lot here i really like having a small one just because it's easy to pop in my backpack if i have to not only does it have a little flashlight on the bottom but it also has like a little slipcover which i think is great especially if you want to put like your wet umbrella into your backpack the other thing i would say is very important is having at least some sort of semi-water resistant backpack of sorts or a backpack cover or just something that will help keep your bag dry so whether that means you're using an umbrella or maybe you get like a water resistant spray or just a backpack cover or a backpack itself that is water resistant it doesn't matter so long as it is kind of protected from the rain when it rains here it's not usually torrential downpour but it is pretty heavy and the drops can be kind of big sometimes i wouldn't say that get having a water resistant backpack is essential by any means but just having some way to make sure that you're protecting the things inside of your backpack if your backpack itself is not doing the protecting is really important i'm just trying to think if there's anything else that would be considered essential for vancouver weather but i think this is kind of everything that you guys need to know to get yourself started at least i hope that you guys found this a little bit helpful and have a better idea of some of the things that you might need to get before coming to ubc especially if you're coming from somewhere halfway around the world with a completely different climate but regardless i do hope that you guys enjoyed today's video and found it helpful if you do have any questions relating to some of the items i've talked about or anything else you think you might need here in vancouver feel free to leave a comment down below or reach out to me via my email which is found in the description box below as always thank you so much for watching you guys and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Maddy A
Views: 12,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ubc, ubc vancouver, vancouver weather, vancouver bc, weather in vancouver, university of british columbia, weather at ubc, weather at ubc vancouver, winter essentials, vancouver clothing essentials, first week, online school, first week of classes, ubc online classes, ubc residence, ubc first week, week in my life, first week of school, ubc science, ubc lfs, personal profile, ubc personal profile, second year, ubc student
Id: tZ7Ix_cdG20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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