Why People are Leaving Canada, Top 5 Reasons Why People Leave #Canada

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I've been traveling the world for a year and a half now and everyone I meet when I tell them I'm from Canada they'll be like oh my God I'd love to visit Canada I've always wanted to go there and then I start to tell them all the reasons why they shouldn't go to Canada and why I left so I'm just gonna make this video today about why everyone is leaving Canada including myself and some reasons why you should not consider moving there there's so much I have to say but I'll try to keep it in under 10 minutes or I'll just make a part two so the first thing to mention is that the cost of living in Canada is truly insane you're gonna have to spend about half of your salary just on rent I was spending around fifteen hundred dollars a month just for my studio which is considered a pandemic price but nowadays if you want to look for a studio it's probably going to be around 2000 if you're in a good area and if you want a one bedroom it's probably going to cost more than 2500. I did that last summer when I went back to Canada I rented a one bedroom from my friend and they give me a discount for 2500 so just to browse on Facebook Marketplace can show you these prices and you can check for yourself just looking for a room in a house will cost you around a thousand dollars so what's the point of a good salary when most of it goes to rent Toronto came out with a number to be able to live well you need to earn around forty dollars an hour to afford a two bedroom and 32 dollars per hour to afford a one bedroom but keep in mind the minimum wage in Canada is around fifteen dollars so let's work it out this means you need to be earning around eighty thousand dollars a year to live comfortably and how much does the government tax you on that so in Ontario you will have to pay around 29 taxes and in BC you will have to pay around 27.9 taxes how much do you actually earn at the end of the day if you're earning eighty thousand dollars a year you're actually going to be taking home only around fifty seven thousand dollars after you pay the taxes to the government with the rise of inflation and the cost of goods and the services I know many people who grew up here now work two to three jobs just to keep up and to afford all of their living expenses so from my experience when the cost of living in a place goes up the satisfaction with life usually goes down and I found that for myself I was constantly stressed about going out to eat I wasn't really eating out that much and I was just thinking about trying to save money a lot of the times that can take a toll on your mental health as well now that I'm living in Southeast Asia I eat out pretty much every single day every single meal and I don't really think about my money or finances that much and it's much easier on my mental health as well the second biggest reason why you shouldn't move to Canada and a lot of people are funny and difficult there is the lack of infrastructure so in Vancouver which is where I live most of my life there are only two SkyTrain stations which means that you can really only go to downtown or to Richmond with those two SkyTrain stations to go to anywhere else you're gonna have to own a car or take a 50 Uber ride if you've been to Japan or Taiwan any of these big cities like Tokyo or Taipei you're gonna see a dramatic difference in terms of the infrastructure in Taipei and Tokyo I could go anywhere I want in the city with just changing lines and just getting around with public transport because the system was so developed that there were 10 different lines and you can just get to anywhere you want within 20 to 30 minutes however in Vancouver this is not the case even though there are a lot of nice beaches and parks and coastlines to visit you're gonna have to own a car and drive about an hour or two hours just to visit these places because public transportation usually doesn't reach that far although there are buses you're going to have to spend about two hours or like two times the amount of time just to get to where you want to go and if you do choose to live in downtown which is a little bit more convenient you're going to be surrounded with a lot of homelessness and crazy rent prices which brings me to the third point there is a drug crisis in Canada itself for example when I was living in Vancouver I was living in near the Chinatown and downtown east side area and whenever you pass by that area you just kind of feel like it's an apocalypse there is a fentanyl crisis that's taking over Justin BC Alone 2 000 people died from drug overdoses last year if you're sensitive to energy then you're definitely going to feel the dark Vibes even just passing through downtown on a bus Which happens a lot of the times I didn't even live right in downtown down east side but I had to take a bus just through that area and you're gonna have to see so many homeless people it's basically a street filled with tents and everybody's camped out there for long periods of time and it's even uglier in the winter because the weather is so bad that these people have to barely make it just to survive now when it comes to healthcare everybody thinks Canada has amazing Health Care once you're a citizen or PR however that is not the case I am a Canadian Citizen and I've lived there for over 20 years however I still do not have a family doctor because it's extremely hard to find a family doctor nowadays they're all full or they have waiting lists because everybody's trying to find a family doctor and there there's less and less of them for some reason I don't know why but nowadays when I go back to visit Vancouver I just go to a walk-in clinic if I need to go see a doctor and those clinics are always known to have poor service because the doctors there are either new or they're just switching around from Clinic to clinic and they don't really know any of their patients that well furthermore if you have a real condition where you really need to see a specialist the wait times can get up to a year or two just to be able to see the Specialists because there is such a long waiting list for most things these days so a lot of people who have conditions maybe actually go to the states or to Asia where they can just go to a hospital and see a specialist right away or in a matter of weeks and the fifth point I want to bring up is that there is a huge brain drain from Canada to the United States and less opportunities as well so what I mean by that is that a lot of the people who graduated from Canadian universities actually go to the United States because just by going down a few hours south you can get a 30 increase in your salary and a lot of my friends who graduated from the same University as me ended up moving to New York or San Francisco to work for big tech companies because you earn way more even if you're working for the same company I find that there are a lot less opportunities in Canada compared to the United States because there's a lot more companies and startup culture happening in San Francisco and in New York comparatively Canada is not as great of a place to develop your career which is why a lot of the talented people end up leaving and there is lack of opportunities and all of the talent end up going to the South of the Border and the last point I want to mention about the downsides of living in Canada is the weather if you lived there for a year or two you'll realize that it's definitely not great for the weather if you live in the Pacific West Coast which is considerably better than all the rest of the territories you're still going to get rain for about nine to ten months out of the year and only in June to August you're going to have sunny weather which is what I prefer and most of the time I get really affected by the rainy weather from September to March or April it's going to be rainy most of the days so it ends up having a huge impact on my mental health and state of mind if you want to have good weather then I don't recommend being Canada because even if you decide to live in Toronto you're going to have a lot of snow and it's going to be really cold maybe even negative 30 I think in Calgary last year it was like negative 30 degrees and you don't really do much in those weathers you just kind of stay at home or go to the gym I also want to bring up another point which is that if you are a young person I would not recommend you to go there move to Canada because there's just not a lot happening at night or a lot of opportunities to meet other young people because even though I've been traveling around the world for a year and a half now I find that Vancouver is the hardest place for me to make friends because people there is something weird about the culture or something but people usually stick with your close friends that they've known since high school so for me I changed a lot from high school and University and also after I graduated so I was looking for new friends that match my values and mindset however it was really hard to find find that because most people already have that group it's harder to have those opportunities just because there's not a lot even happening at night most stores close around 6 PM so if you go out after 6 PM you're not going to be able to find anything much to do there might be some bars or clubs open but most people don't really go there for example when I was in Thailand just a week ago I would be able to have a night market just in walking distance wherever I lived there's probably so many night markets open and there's so many young people there all the time so it's much easier to socialize and have friends when there are so many infrastructure and activities like that happening around for example in Vancouver there is a night market there but that night market is only open for two months out of the year and people just go there as like once in a year thing whereas in Asia you could go to a market every single day so who would I recommend Canada for if you have a lot of money already and you're ready to retire and you already have a family and you're ready to settle down then I think living in Vancouver would be a great option there's all the basics you need to raise a family and there's Great Schools there because also there's not much to do in terms of nightlife so if you already have a family you can just hang out with your family every night and you'll have a lot of time to be able to surround yourself with your loved ones however if you're single then I would not recommend moving there because there's not much to do in terms of nightlife but what did I do when I was there well I mostly just hang out with friends maybe once a week go out for dinner and most of the time I would just come home after work and watch Netflix or TV or just spend time online or I would go play badminton or some indoor sports because it gets pretty cold in the winter so it's hard to play sports outside another thing to mention is that everything just seems a little bit harder in Canada for example just to go play badminton I would have to find a friend who could give me a ride there or I would have to pay 30 or 40 dollars just to get a uber right there there and plus there's no grab drivers here like in Asia so grab is a system where you can actually book a motorcycle ride for two dollars or a 20 minute ride and it's much easier to get around even though I don't ride a motorcycle here I don't have to spend too much money to be able to get to destinations that I want to go which is actually very important in terms of quality of life so who would I not recommend Canada for if you're just a single person who just graduated from school and you're working full-time I don't think you'll be able to save enough to buy a house which is what most people actually want to do they want to be able to afford a house in Canada or in Vancouver but now the housing prizes are just insane because there's so much more investment that's driven up the price of the real estate market plus it's even harder to meet people if you just move here since everybody in Vancouver just stays in their own Social Circles even as someone who grew up there I find it hard to find my own tribe or I'd say Vancouver is one of the hardest places to make friends that I visited so in inclusion I've touched on a lot of points about why it's not ideal to live in Canada as a young person and why a lot of people are leaving nowadays if you have any points to add feel free to drop them in the comments below and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Angel Nomad
Views: 749,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leaving canada, why i left canada, canada, canadian, vancouver, toronto, vancouver housing, vancouver homelessness, vancouver downtown, digital nomad canada, life in canada, canada pr, canada vlog, canada immigration, canada immigration 2023, canada immigration 2024, leave canada now, people are leaving canada, canada economy, living in canada, justin trudeau
Id: 2vXjQHNfiW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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