Walking in the Spirit Without Measure

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we have access to everything God has everything God knows everything God has ever said hallelujah and everything he's ever gonna say because we live not by bread alone but by [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Jesus had an unlimited supply of the Holy Spirit's power but he's made that same power available to you coming up Kenneth Copeland explains how to walk in the spirit without measure on today's believers voice of victory open your Bibles to our foundation scripture once again tonight from the 16th chapter of John verse 10 believe us now not that I am in the father and the father in me the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he does the works now you can sum this up as we read in other places we read in in the 5th chapter of John the son can do nothing of himself he didn't say he wouldn't do it he said I can't do it I can do nothing of myself as I hear I judge or in other words as I hear I'll make my decisions now when you sum up the different scriptures where he said that in different parts of the New Testament and fix scriptures that refer to that you come to this summary I only say what I hear my father say and I only do what I see my father did and other than that I can't do anything he never spoke one word not one that he didn't hear from the father I'll take just a moment here we'll don't turn there I'll just because don't take the time to do it but I'll remind you in the 11th chapter of the book of Mark he went into the temple and he spent the day there he went in there and they said when the evening came he went back Bethany didn't say a word didn't do a thing now they were acting just as ugly in there that day as they're going to be acting the next day when he went in there so then why didn't he say something why didn't he do something because the father didn't say anything and the father didn't do anything so he didn't either why then at the Pool of Bethesda did he only go up to one man and say will now be made whole that's the only one the father said anything about that's the only one he went to I can do nothing of myself now here he said the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself it is the father that dwells within he does the works now notice verse 12 verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I go to my father are you with me and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name I will do it if you love me keep my Commandments if you love me do what I tell you to do that's how you do verse 12 verse 21 he that hath my Commandments and keeps them he it is that loves me and he that loves me shall be loved of my father and I love him and I'll manifest myself to him the scripture said he that God sent spoke the words of God therefore God gave him his spirit without measure it wasn't because he never sinned it was because he only spoke God's words God gave him his spirit without measure when you speak God's Word and you are completely committed to inquiring of him and speak his words there will come a time when you begin to walk in the holy spirit without measure the measure will grow because the more you are entrusted and the more that you can be trusted to not go off on your own or not get enough in fear not get into unforgiveness and go to shooting your mouth off about what the devil said the more you walk in that then then the tide will begin to rise you will begin to say more powerful things but you're not going to be walking in a mountain moving glorious power and getting that and shoot your mouth off on the freeway call some guy honk his horn at you blow out all of his tires I don't think so you understand what I'm saying all right that's the reason Jesus walked in that place and that's exactly what it's got to say he that believes on me the works I do shall he do also how do you do it he you do what he says do he said if you keep my Commandments would he say look at it he's not talking about just the 10 commandments he is talking about the commandment of love and not only that he's talking about what he tells us to do and what he tells us to say if you ask anything in my name I'll do it if you love me keep my commands do what I tell you to do I will pray the father he'll give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it can't see him neither knows him but you know him how did they know it he was in Jesus he just kept their saying and that they came up and said show us the father you remember what he said why did you ask me that if you've seen me you've seen the father he's not talking about in his natural makeup of course that's true to Adam and God look exactly alike cause everyone's exactly alike and so did Jesus in the father but you are born of the Spirit you're born from above and you were born again by incorruptible seed not corruptible seed incorruptible seed by the Word of God which lives and abides forever if your spirit men were to step out of your body and right at that pull and then Jesus woke up right next to you look just exactly alike but now when we begin to walk like what he's describing here you inquire of him and then he tells you to do something you do it then whatever he told you to do is the works of Jesus now of course when he says the works that I do showed you do also we just immediately think about you know healing and miracles and raising the dead and multiplying the fish and the bread Norlin and that's of course there's not that's exactly what you're supposed to be thinking of amen but as like I've told you already a couple of times this week yet this is what he said to me he said Kenneth if I told you to carry out one can of trash and that's all I ever told you to do and you carried out that can of trash in obedience to me you just did the works of Jesus because he's the one told me to do it can you see can you see where that's leading if I'm obedient and carrying a can of trash he said I can make your trip from the back door to the alley that won the greatest adventure of your life but if you're obedient in that and you keep being obedient you keep being obedient you keep being where you're supposed to be and you keep saying what you're supposed to say you're gonna come up on some people that need healing you're gonna come up on people that need miracles you're gonna come up on dead people that need raising and if he told you to do it the Father dwelling within you will take care of it if he didn't tell you to do it don't attempt it now don't back out of course you're afraid but if he didn't tell you to do it don't let anybody talk you into doing anything that God didn't tell you amen now let's go on now and and and look at this very carefully now verse 16 I will pray the father and he'll give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever now he said here in the seventeenth verse he will be in you he's talking about the same father dwelling in him the one that has been with them all of this time and they have seen the father function in Jesus but he's referring to the day of Pentecost when he shall be in you now can you see why Jesus came his purpose was to bring about a new race of people a supernatural Holy Ghost born race of people hallelujah born of the Spirit just like him with the same spirit functioning on the inside and he is the example and he said the things that I do would you do also and when you get on the other side of this you get on the other side of the day of Pentecost you'll do greater works than these now he said I am going to send the Spirit of Truth and he will be in you back to this sixteenth chapter how be at thirty first when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth now are you with me now read this next phrase very very carefully put your spiritual antenna up right now he will guide you in all truth for he will not speak of himself this is what he got the saying about himself I don't speak of myself the words that I speak are not my own it's the father that dwells within me he does not work now the process has been ever since the day of creation the process has always been you study it up this is a reason people get confused about the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and so forth but it's still the same process the scripture said God aided all things through him huh he created all things I don't have time to go through all those scriptures look him up yourself he created all things through Jesus let us make man same process God said to Jesus light be jesus said light be the Spirit of God was moving on the face of the deep but when anything happened until Jesus said like people like and it's good now that light was not sunshine that's four days away or three days away if you don't count first one either way it was not sunshine what was it the glory the light of his glory the same light that lights all of heaven coming from where come on huh now coming from the faith of Jesus I love this man he will not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak Jesus is Lord Advocate General of the church he's responsible for every human being in it he is head of the church he's Lord of the kingdom of God when we were born again we were delivered from the authority of darkness and translated into the kingdom of his son we are Kingdom citizens we've been raised up and made to sit with him in heavenly places Philippians 2:20 says our citizenship is in heaven in Colossians a second I mean Colossians a third chapter it says you have already died and gone to heaven where your real life is you're already there now the scripture tells us to consider that to set our affections on things above instead of on things of this earth in the spiritual realm the more you do that the more you begin to begin to be aware of the heavenlies instead of this earth well you can get say heavenly minded you're no earthly good that's a lie now you can get some religious minded you not worth much and that's really what created that idiot saying I didn't said it was an idiot that said it I said it was an idiot saying well the idiot Satan is one no truth in him Amen now I said all that to get us to this point Jesus hearing from the father you can't change this process it started in the beginning we live in a word created word dominated environment you can't get away from that we're blessed by it and Satan stuck with it he can't do anything he can't get outside that process that's the reason when the father speaks and Jesus speaks that direction to the Holy Spirit the sower shows the word and you receive it gladly Satan is coming he's coming immediately to steal the word he has come to steal kill and destroy in that order he's not out after your money he's not out after your body he don't care nothing about you you don't care where you live or die if you go to heaven and suit him fine get your dangerous self out of his way what is he trying to steal the word that's what's dangerous the word now if he can steal the word he can get you money if he can steal a word you're no problem to him anymore anyway he can just sweep you out of the way and going about his business until you wake up and resist him and then boy he got bad trouble in but he knows that and he knows if he lets you alone and you receive that word gladly you will begin to speak it and you begin to believe it and the father within you will do the work that's the process you can't change that all you can change are the words under which you live so look what the devil does it's this isn't this is not all that deep he saw the solar Souls the word and you hear it and you receive it jesus said it go in your heart so the word did its part and you receive it gladly but these then are the wayside and so phones on there's five things they're tools of Satan that's holy God now there's another two things that will enable him but he can't make you do that he uses these five things the other two things are to close your ears and close your eyes well if you can close your ears you can open your ears if you can close your eyes you know community amen but it's very simple he sews the word he knows you get to listening to this and you gonna believe it you start believing it you're gonna start saying it you'll energize the Spirit of God in you and you're gonna do the works of Jesus because you in you license the father that dwells within you to do the work so he's gonna come not only have you heard what listen to me have you heard what they didn't say indeed if you ever start listening to him he's got you because you will begin to say those words and you have been authorized him to do the work and that's what he's after same process different words all right now you're with me here so far okay this is so powerful I'm telling you it just it still thrills me to my come of the mirror of my bones when I read this he'll show you things to come say I receive that the father that dwells within me I open my ears to him he will show me things to come now Jesus said he will glorify me I received that now listen for he will receive of mine and show it unto you o things say all things how many is all 75 percent o folks all things that God hath that's a bunch that's all things hold your place and go to the book of Hebrews chapter 1 thank you for that lord I appreciate it Hebrews chapter 1 and be sure no was your place that could we're gonna take this and jump right back over there to this God who at sundry times in in different manner spoke and time past unto the father's by the prophets now why did God speak to the prophets now wait a minute that's not a quick trick question why did he speak to the prophets so the profit speak for the people huh right why did the profit speak to the people to give the people something to say that's where he came from see in the Old Covenant now you get over into the New Covenant and the Spirit of God that was on them as now in you amen so the words that we get come direct oh that's good so he has in these last days spoken unto us by his son and now what we just got this in alright now look whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom he made the world there's the whole process with it who being the brightness of his glory and Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power whoa glory to God you like it don't you praise God now then the scripture also says needs chapter Romans that we are joint heirs with Jesus so he has been appointed heir of all things that means that we are joint heirs we have ownership we're no longer servants we're sons of God who serve God he we are not stewards of somebody else's property well after all it all belongs to God well that's right but what belongs to him belongs us so our steward ship is not it being stewards over somebody else's property we are stewards on the ownership level we have we have ownership here we own everything that his hands have created now I wish had time spend on that but that's another week glofish ago now flip right back over there verse 14 he will glorify me he shall receive of mine now you see it he shall receive of mine he's been appointed heir of all things and shall show it unto you all things that the father has are mine therefore said I he will take a mine and show it unto you we have access to everything God has everything God knows everything God has ever said hallelujah and everything he's ever gonna say because we live not by bread alone but by every word of God what if you had someone who could help you make the right decision pick good relationships and choose the right Road you do get to know the hem in the holy spirit a new package which includes the teaching series and study guide the holy spirit by Kenneth Copeland and the mini book God's will is the holy spirit by Gloria Copeland the Holy Spirit teaching series and study guide by Kenneth Copeland is a great foundational resource for every believer get back to the basics see how God gave you the Holy Spirit to be your comforter teacher counselor and friend be directed by him walk in his supernatural power every day and into the destiny God has for you God's will is the Holy Spirit a mini book but Gloria Copeland shares the scriptures about the Holy Spirit God has provided for you to be successful in life receive the answers you need the direction you're looking for and the power to walk daily in the Holy Spirit develop a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit order the Holy Spirit and you package on CD with accompanying study guide and you'll also receive Gloria Copeland's book God's will is the Holy Spirit order today for only $29.99 a savings of 20% visit KCMG org / TV special and request your packets today be guided from the inside into the destiny God has for you for an additional 10% off order your package online Kenneth Copeland ministries is here for you the believers voice of victory is available on DVD or CD at KCMO org you can also view the webcasts online at your convenience or download them as video or audio files continue to grow in God's Word and build your faith with this week's product offer these word based teachings will help you live in victory order your copy today receive the great grace God is abounding toward you and live in the blessing
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 18,672
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: purpose, kenneth copeland ministries, youtube, holy spirit, 4616593202001, trust, process, kenneth copeland, ken copeland, faith, word of god
Id: umAE1uhHUPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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