The Way of the Cross - Fr Augustine Vallooran - Divine Retreat Centre

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[Music] the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen the way of the cross is the way to our salvation by meditating on the passion death and resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ we are entering the most precious hours of the earthly life of jesus as we follow the part to calvary with our eyes fixed on jesus the author and perfecter of our faith we will realize that we are on the way of healing reconciliation deliverance and restoration this is the only part for the disciple of jesus this is the only way to salvation we come into your presence oh lord accepting your invitation to take up our daily cross and follow you you were sent by the heavenly father to take upon yourself this burden of our earthly sojourn carrying the heavy burden you have gone ahead and carrying the little burdens of our life we want to follow you in the past we gave in to self-pity and gave up all together your face was not visible to us we thought we were alone with this way of the cross we remember you will never leave us alone mother mary as you walked in the footsteps of your son to calvary walk with us teaching us to pray your prayer here am i your servant let it be done to me according to your word [Music] on the road to calvary jesus me walk with thee foreign [Music] the first station jesus is condemned to die we adore thee o christ and we bless thee because by this then pilate handed jesus over to them to be crucified pilate the roman governor is pressurized into pronouncing the most cruel and unjust judgment against jesus the savior stands lonely condemned and helpless before the secular and the religious powers of the time jesus son of god an ocean of mercy you came to save us from the just contamination of death yet here you stand at the mercy of the merciless at this hour of your greatest need even your own disciples the ones you chose and nurtured have abandoned you you look around and you realize that the whole world has turned against you my jesus there were many moments in my life when the pain of loneliness burnt into my heart and the pressure of hatred and ill will intimidated me this unbearable mental anques that has clouded the various moments of my life i offer to you though pilate condemned you you did not condemn him you accepted this moment as world by your father in his great love and wisdom for you to accomplish your mission to save us we offer every moment of abandonment and contamination that your plan of holiness for us may be fulfilled lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] [Music] you stand alone to hide my [Music] the second station a heavy cross is placed on the shoulder of jesus we adore thee o christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross thou has redeemed the world he went out bearing his own cross the cross jesus carried on his shoulders was the burden of the people's pain and sin this very burden weighs me down as well there are heavy responsibilities painful memories uncertainties of the future financial burdens the day-to-day tasks of life unfinished responsibilities laid on my shoulders fatigued and overwhelmed i find the burden of this life far too heavy for me i am disillusioned by those who share my journey and i find fault with them i curse my own destiny and i'm pushed deeper into the pit of hopelessness there is no ray of light often i wonder how far i will be able to carry on lord i bow down before you and with open hands i pray give me the grace at every step of the journey to offer the burdens of my life with your holy cross then i shall also receive from your hands the grace to accept salvation that comes from the cross you accepted the cross not from the soldiers but from the hands of your heavenly father by praying not my will but yours be done on the way of my cross let me never blame anyone or slip into despair as i see you take up the cross for love of me i say walk in your shadow i know i shall shine in the joy of your glory lord jesus crucified have a mercy on us [Music] with a heavy cross faithful [Music] the foreign station jesus falls the first time we adore thee o christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross thou has redeemed the world for the enemy has pursued me he has crushed my life to the ground already fatigued by the physical torture inflicted on him with a scourging at the pillar and the mental anguish of the trial and condemnation jesus falls the first time the weight of the cross is crushing the way ahead seems impossible lord when i look back i see the many painful moments in my past when i gave up on the mission of life it seemed that failure was the final word in all my precious endeavors i had given my best then there was nothing left i languished in hatred and despair i then imagined the only way out was to walk away from my commitments looking at your staggering to rise up again with a cross on your shoulder i take courage to follow your footsteps to pick up that cross of my life and know that you are there ahead of me to show me the way lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] that i might rise [Music] the fourth station jesus meets his mother we adore your christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross redeemed the world simeon blessed them and said to mary his mother a sword shall pierce through your own soul also let no mother ever see a son in such a state despised as the worst criminal and condemned to be eliminated by the most cruel death as simeon had prophesied a sword pierced through the heart of this mother as her eyes met those of her beloved son the intensity of pain and of love were so great that everything else ceased to exist the pause of the moment and the sigh of the mother was cut sharply by the angry shout of the soldier the whip cracked the sun was pushed forward his heart was torn within the mother was left behind in an agony beyond what senses could hold mother mary from the moment you accepted your son into your womb you were solely led by your commitment to god you did not understand much and yet you did not wait to understand you were ready to accompany your son mother when the path of our cross and the pain of incomprehension becomes too unbearable for us we pray come and comfort us with your motherly presence a loving intercession all we want is for our hearts to love them as generously and to follow in his footsteps as faithfully as you did lord jesus crucified have mercy on us son no greater pain no greater love the soul has tears [Music] the fifth station simon of siren helps jesus to carry the cross we adored thee o christ and we blessed thee because by thy holy cross redeemed the world they seized one simon of cyrene and laid on him the cross to carry it behind jesus simon a lonely pilgrim from cyrene who came to celebrate the paschal festival in jerusalem was passing by curiously watching the drama but the soldiers seeing the miserable condition of the lord and scared they would not be able to crucify him alive now compel the cyrenian to carry the cross of jesus lord jesus you sow the simon of cyrene took the cross cursing his circumstances he came to jerusalem for the blessed experience of the festival instead what he got on his shoulder was the curse of the cross of a criminal truly lord it had always been your glorious plan to give simon the blessed role of sharing with you the eternal glory in carrying the cross of salvation how blessed indeed was simon when our plans failed and tragic sufferings and unexpected accidents come our way we have complained about bad luck and even of abandonment every form of pain is a share we are given in holding up your cross to save the world open our eyes oh lord to see the glory hidden in the trials of our life lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] [Music] see heaven's choice [Music] the sixth station veronica wipes the face of jesus we are dodi o christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross redeemed the world he had no form or comeliness that we should look at him no beauty that we should desire him a man of sorrows as one from whom men hide their faces in the midst of the ocean of contemptuous remarks atrocious accusations and cruel sufferings a touch of compassion comes from a caring woman of jerusalem boldly veronica comes forward refusing to count the cost or weigh the consequences with an act of mercy lord it is an indifferent world that we are living in no one has the time to bind up the wounds of others or even to consider for the suffering humanity everyone in tears every empty stomach crying for food every distressed soul waiting for a touch of comfort is you my suffering savior waiting to be consoled we offer to you lord all the indifference and arrogance in our hearts that turned us away from those in need we pray oh lord may we never miss the grace of the moment offered in the suffering brother and sister who comes our way lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] [Music] gently wipes your face [Music] the seventh station second fall of jesus we adore thee o christ and we bless thee thy holy cross has redeemed the world give heed to my cry for i am brought very low deliver me from my persecutor for they are too strong for me the weight of the cross crushes the shoulders of jesus the path is tony and impossible his strength fails him his feet gives way jesus falls again and begins to crawl in the dust of the road the cry from the heart of the mother did not melt the hardness of the soldier's heart with swords pushed under the cross they'd drag him out that he may take up the cross again lord jesus when i look back to my past i see that many times my will failed me and i fell in sin repeatedly yet even those whom i lived for did not care to utter a word of understanding i was crushed by shame self-pity and despair the loneliness of my human existence hit me hard as your face is pushed to the dust the stones of the hard earth jab into your wounds as you crawl on the ground under the weight of the cross i come to you oh my god praying for strength for those moments when the struggle was beyond my strength give me a glimpse of the sure glory of heaven when the sand of the earth darkens my vision lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] [Music] [Music] the eighth station jesus meets the woman of jerusalem we adore thee o christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross redeemed the world the woman prevailed and lamented him but jesus turning to them said do not weep for me but weep for yourselves and for your children the women of jerusalem came weeping by the way of the cross they had seen many criminals carrying the cross and they were happy that society was rid of these unwanted elements but now they were shocked and grieved that this should happen to jesus whom they had seen forgiving the sinner healing the sick comforting the afflicted proclaiming the season of god's favor great though his pain was at that moment greater was his concern for their consolation and salvation lord the reward for the good deeds that i do for others is ultimately to be found in you even those who benefit from my generosity my turn against me but you see my heart and you will be there with your faithful and generous love to console me there will be kind-hearted people in the moments of my pain i stand firm in the confidence of your love i shall receive the grace to rise above my pain and pray for everyone that they may turn to you and be saved lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] [Music] of [Music] the ninth station jesus falls the third time we adore thee o christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross redeemed the world he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we esteem him sticking smitten by god and afflicted the savior is pushed to the hardest and the most painful fall with the unbearable burden of our obstinate option for sin every time we clung on to sin the consequences in all its intensity was felt by the lord jesus my meek and humbled lord i come before you with my arrogant and adamant options for sin right through my life confidently justifying that nothing happened in the past when i sinned i took two minute chances but the truth is there was the heavy cost and it was born by you o lord it is that power of death that fell heavily upon you by gentle jesus crushing you under the cross let me never slip into the casual attitude of the world you took all the strength you could to rise up and walk on the way of your father i should know that no cost is too dear no effort is too much to turn to you for in you and in you alone shall i find life lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] [Music] [Music] let [Music] the tent station jesus is stripped of his garments we are dodie o christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross like a lamb that led to the slaughter and like a sheep that before its sure is dumb so he opened not his mouth the procession reached golgotha the place of the skull where jesus was to be crucified the self-emptying of jesus is completed in his ultimate sacrifice of the cross in bethlehem he emptied himself of divine glory taking the form of a helpless child in jordan before the baptist he stood among sinners for the baptism of repentance taking upon himself the sin of mankind now at golgotha he is stripped of even his human dignity lord jesus to this most painful moment of your sacrifice i bring the moments of my past when i was stripped of my rights my honor and good name those i loved rejected me and stripped me of the joy of my living though say counted on my line to me and stripped me of my good name you have always been there covering me with your love and giving me the honor of a child of god for this gift what you paid was your own dignity i also offer to you all the abandoned children all the oppressed and the poor in the world stripped of an honorable life may they in their moments of loss and abandonment never bow their heads in shame for you have covered them with your glory lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] [Music] christ you are my glorious king [Music] the leavened station jesus is nailed to the cross we adore the o christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities nails were driven into his palms and he was stuck to the wood of the cross the legs that went about searching for the sick are now rising in pain unable to move the hands that reached out to heal and bless are now stretched across the wood submitting to the most extreme pain the powers of darkness seem to have taken hold of the entire situation my crucified savior and lord there have been sorrowful moments in my life when i felt defeated by those who turned against me my own passions and desires have worked against me trapping me in evil habits i saw no hope for myself looking at your cross i understand you were nailed inextricably to the cross that i may be set free to love and to continue your work of the kingdom as i stand at the foot of your cross i consecrate my hands and my feet and my every breath for your glory to shine through my life lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] [Music] i the 12th station jesus dies on the cross we are dody o christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross jesus crying with a loud voice said father into thy hands i commit my spirit and having said this he breed his last after hours of agony jesus breathes his lust offering his life in the hands of the heavenly father he entered this world declaring here i come to do your will. and now leaving his bodily life he surrenders his spirit to god his sacrifice is complete salvation is achieved lord jesus i'm send to this world for a purpose when my own passions and desires drag me away from your path i need to die to sin offering my life to you that your will may be done in me your death took away all the bitterness of death and makes the moment of my death a grand moment of love when you come to take me unto yourself i do not know when and where that woman will be or who will be there by my side at that moment but your death assures me that you will be there with your angels to take me to eternal bliss now along with every living moment i offer the moment of my death into your outstretched hands that invite me to life lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] darkness [Music] his last breath was the thirteenth station the body of jesus is laid on the lamp of the mother we are dodie o christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross thou has redeemed the world behold your mother the mother longed to hold her son on the way of the cross her heart and her hands were reaching out to hold him close to her and give him a moment of comfort but there was no way the rough and cruel band of soldiers did not allow her anywhere close finally though when she did get to hold her son it was the lifeless body bleeding and mangled mother mary how final is your grief how did your tender heart take this cruel death blow when your beloved son laid dead in your arms covered with marks of extreme torture he endured mother i looked to you and i realized that beyond the greatest grief love shall triumph lord i bring those unanswered prayers that question my faith i remember those times i dared to nurse great hopes and turned intensely to pray and all i got in return were tragedies i pray pour out on me the grace to believe it's your mother and my mother did mother in my own grief i pray come and hold me as you held your son that my faith might rise to shine beyond the ashes of my expectations lord jesus crucified mercy on us [Music] [Music] who can behold this greatest greed the 14th station jesus is laid in the tomb we adore your christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross redeemed the world joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen shroud and laid it in his own new tomb the body of jesus was buried in a hurry even without the usual preparations because the sabbath was at hand and also since a criminal's body was not to be embalmed for burial jesus had predicted it when mary of bethany had anointed him much before his death his self-emptying is now complete being buried in a borrowed tomb the authorities wanting to ensure a dark and final end secure the tomb by officially sealing it lord today i am alive actively involved in my daily life holding dreams for a prosperous future but there will be a morning when the sun will rise and i will not be there to see it because i will be buried under the earth it is a passing world that i am living in if i set my hopes and the meaning of my life only on the achievements of this earth along with my body everything will decay to the nothingness of the dark tomb but if i live for you i will reign with you forever give me the grace not to be tied down with the affairs of this dying world but to live for you and with you lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] [Music] but i might see the light of days [Music] lord i have walked with you following your footsteps on the way to calvary but your journey did not end with the cross of calvary or at the dark tomb it proceeded to the glory of the resurrection your resurrection was the promise that we also will be raised to life we know that we are more than conquerors for in your love death mourning and sin are defeated let no failure lead us to grief that no sin lead us to destruction that no sickness lead to self-pity and let no death be counted as the end in every such moment let's be able to look at your glorified body and find hope a one prayer is that the race of your glorious resurrection should light in the dark moments of our life leading us to your presence amen [Music] you
Channel: Divine Retreat Centre Goodness TV
Views: 5,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divine Retreat Centre, Gospel, Jesus, Catholic, Eucharist, Praise, Worship, Adoration, Preaching, Anointing, Fellowship, Fr Augustine Vallooran, Goodness TV, Goodness Tv English, Augustine Vallooran, Fr Augustine, vallooran, Augustine, Maria Sangeetha, surrender, will, test, sad, sadness, experience, top 5 prayers, top 10 prayers, daily bible, hunger, thirst, message, courage, strength, obey, all answers, distractions, reveal, inspirational talk, spiritual life, servant, heart, word of god today, top voices
Id: ihO-pejuBhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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