4.3.2022 | Way of the Cross | 1st week of Lent | English | Archdiocese of Bangalore

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[Music] i want that far away from god [Music] lord i'm coming [Music] [Applause] never more [Music] i've wasted many precious [Music] lord i'm coming coming home coming home [Music] my [Music] [Music] coming over to [Music] introductory prayer dear jesus life is in the fast lane the pressure of time with deadlines to meet obligations to fulfill and jobs to complete have kept us so busy that we often end up not making time for you and your holy word may our journey through these stations of the cross be our journey into our own life help us to seriously reflect on those areas where we need to repair our life and our relationship with you give us strength where we need it most and help us be to others what you are to us loving compassionate and forgiving [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] close to [Music] the first station jesus is condemned to death [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] to be condemned to death is a horrible thing legal battles are being fought across nations seeking pardon ever for the worst criminals who are sentenced to death even these most hardened criminals of our time find at least a drop of mercy and compassion from someone somewhere i may not be condemned to death but there are many unjust criticizes false allegations and hurtful comments against me that make me feel like most innocent person condemned to death but there are moments when i too have done the same to others jesus knows what it means to be condemned and shamed in public that is why he lifted up the adulterous lady who was about to be stoned to death jesus did not look at the depth of her sin he looked at the depth of her wound jesus does not want anyone to be condemned he loves to give people another chance to live do we unjustly criticize make false allegations and pass hurting comments at others [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed [Music] keeping [Music] [Applause] close to jesus [Music] the second station jesus is laden with the cross [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] a burden free life looks impossible for many at times they fall upon us so suddenly that we just sink into deep despair burdens can come to us in many forms a shattered friendship a broken marriage financial loss serious health problems a legal case pending for long harassment physical or verbal and emotional abuse academic or work-related failures an unloving relationship from someone in the family unemployment fear of the future or a habit we are struggling against when burdens overwhelm you don't ask jesus to take away your cross ask him to strengthen your shoulders jesus knows what it feels to carry a heavy burden it was not just the weight of a wooden cross trust upon his shoulders it was the heavy weight of the many sins you and i have committed that he had to carry on his shoulders we become bitter when we have to carry burdens but we must instead think of the burden of our sins that jesus carried and thank him endlessly the burden of sin is always heavier than the heaviest of burdens we can carry through life which is why jesus offers to take it away [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of god rest in peace [Music] through your is [Music] [Applause] [Music] the third station jesus falls the first time under the weight of the cross [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] the burdens in life can be so heavy that we crumble and fall we break down in tears run into depression ruin our physical health lose faith in the next step and do not see light ahead of us there seems to be darkness all around some of us are blessed to have someone to lend a helping hand a listening gear a shoulder to lean on but just think of jesus they whipped him kicked him in the face and shouted nasty words forcing him to pick up the cross on his own and continue to walk his burden is more than physical pain it is a feeling of abandonment that he went through jesus knows what it means to fall down and have nobody to help you get up and walk again when peter was sinking in the water jesus stretched out his hand towards peter and never allowed him to drown jesus reaches out his hands to you he have you ever placed your hand completely in his shoulders [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] the fourth station jesus meets his most holy mother [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] whether our mothers are alive or not they certainly have been a blessing to us mothers have rocked our cradles put us to sleep clothed us fed us and filled us with dreams they had for our good they have wept when we went the wrong way they knelt and prayed for us unceasingly mother mary had a profound influence in the life of jesus to have a praying mother behind you is a greater consolation the world can offer mother mary was that wonderful mother who prayed with jesus from the um to the tomb mother mary prays for you and me too now and at the hour of our death how often do you meet this mother on your way through life jesus knows that closeness to mother mary was the source of his consolation he knows that for those who show reverence and honor to his mother there is great comfort even in the worst moments of life how often do you call upon the name of mother mary what is your closeness to this mother [Music] hamas [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of god rest in peace [Music] christopher [Applause] oh [Music] the fifth station jesus is helped by simon of syrian to carry his cross [Music] christ and we bless you because by the holy grail [Music] it is very hard to forget anyone who walked with us in times of suffering and pain it is hard to forget those who were there with us when everyone else walked out of our life when things were going wrong there are hundreds of people around us who are with us when when we are successful and joyful but when we go through failure and grief not many are around us love and the world loves with you weep and you weep alone true friends are like stars you don't see them in the day you see them in the darkness night jesus knows what simon of serene expressed when he carried the cross to have a share in the sufferings of others is a joyful feeling to feel the pain of others in our heart is a christian obligation are we ready to lighten the burden of others when we see them suffering [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed [Music] is [Music] behold the sixth station veronica wipes the face of jesus [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] the daily news we read and hear speak so much of the injustice in the world we ourselves have often been witnesses to such injustice women tortured unfaithful marital relationships children abused employees arrested or underpaid fraudulent dealings and corruption nepotism of various kinds it takes great courage to step out from the crowd and tell the world you believe in jesus whose preach justice peace and love veronica had that courage and conviction she steps out of the crowd and right before the violent soldiers wipes the face of jesus we are pretty shy about professing our faith in jesus not many of us talk to others about jesus and our personal experience with him when we witness injustice we don't want to talk about jesus whether in the bible to such places christianity by its very nature is mission oriented by the very virtue of our baptism we are called to proclaim the message of christ where there is disorder jesus knows jesus knows if we are serious about proclaiming his name or not jesus knows how deep our convictions are and how much we really really upon him jesus knew that veronica's act of wiping his face was no ordinary one it was an external sign of her conviction [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of god peace [Music] is [Music] the seventh station jesus falls beneath the weight of the cross the second time [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] sometimes it is hard to understand why we fail and fall over and over again we feel life is too hard on us we only wish the tearing journey through life is over for jesus the journey is not yet over he is almost drained of his energy when he falls under the weight of the cross the second time it happens sometimes to us too when we are completely drained of our resources at the moment something terrible happens and another problem strikes us we fall beneath the weight of our burdens we question lord why i am facing so many problems why are problems coming one after another jesus knows jesus knows how it feels when our burdens wait heavily on us he experienced it himself jesus does not want anyone to have burdens more than he can bear he said come unto me all of you who are tired of carrying heavy burdens and i will give you rest take my yoke from me and learn from me for i am meek and humble of earth [Music] may the souls of the faithful the mercy departed god rest in peace [Music] taking a day [Music] [Music] the eighth station jesus controls the women of jerusalem [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we all cry we cry at the death of someone we love we cry when we are frightened we cry when we are betrayed we cry when a friendship breaks we cry when we are insulted or hurt we cry when we are lonely these womens of jerusalem were crying they were crying because they could not bear to see a good person being tortured and dragged to his crucifixion but jesus wants us to cry also over our sinfulness jesus knows many a times they are tears we share that others cannot see outward smiles often cover a million tears drops but jesus knows every silent tear we cry he knows the depth of the loneliness our owns and uncertainty we go through he hurts us and he asks the women of jerusalem to weep for ourselves and for our children he wants us to feel and sincere remorse for our sinfulness [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed [Music] i [Applause] oh [Applause] the ninth station jesus falls beneath his cross the third time [Music] we order [Music] [Music] some people experience failure and losses discouragements and disappointments so often these are moments when you feel like giving up completely this happens when you go through the worst despair in life your finances are all gone your health condition is worsening friends betray you your family members fail to understand you your loved ones desert you your own life partner turns out to be unfaithful your children will treat you jesus falls under the weight of the cross for the third time it is almost a point of no return getting up is a near impossibility jesus knows what it means to be let down completely he knows what makes you feel like giving up on life at times but he invites you to draw strength from his own fall he fell but he had you and me in mind so got up to continue his journey to calvary look at the crucifix when you feel it is almost over and you will see a new ray of hope he died so that you might have life and life in abundance walk always in the shadow of the cross unite yourself suffering with his [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of god rest in peace [Music] do [Music] desolation [Music] the 10th station jesus is stripped of his garments [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] they are so many of our brothers and sisters battling for life or struggling with some deadly disease or sickness many have become bedridden those around them to have to suffer much pain and angony but there is always hope for those who place their complete trust in jesus a lady with an illness for 12 years said if i touch even the lamb of his garments i will be made well the garments jesus wore was more than just a piece of human clothes it was secreted because he wore it jesus knows your need of for healing all he wants from you is a complete trust in his power he invite you to just touch the limb of his garments to experience healing you can do this by showing reverence and respect for sacred things [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of court rest in peace [Music] touch my spirit [Music] station jesus is nailed to the cross [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] doing carpentry walk with his father joseph jesus knew what it meant to drive on nail through the wood but he never knew how it would feel driving nails to the human flesh until his own hands and feet were hammered with nails we all must die someday but none of us wish to have a painful death we want to die peacefully but look at jesus what a painful death it was he is already dehydrated exhausted and sinking and the soldiers want to watch how he will scream when nails pierce through his hands and feet what a cruel painful thing to do some of us also do real things to shatter people we backstab we talk sweetly before someone and behind their backs slander the name let anonymous let us to defame someone or hall unjust and destructive criticism against others jesus knows jesus has gone through it all the elders in the temple schemed revenge against him so often they spread hateful things about him even calling him demon possessed they even went to the extent of throwing him off a cliff jesus knew who was walking against him are you walking against someone are you trying to hammer a nail on someone stop now itself listen to jesus tell you in as much as you have done it to the least of these my brethren you have done it to me when you hurt others you heard jesus [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of god rest in peace [Music] make me [Music] with the love of christmas the 12th station jesus died on the cross [Music] christ and we bless you [Music] [Music] there can be joy even in the last moment of life when you have all your near and dear ones around you death bed but look at jesus he comforted so many during his time his three years mission he made the blind to see the deaf to hear the dumb to speak and the lame to walk the paralyzed to get up and walk again he forgave people their sins healed lepers and brought the dead back to life but when he was dying only jon and mother mary were in sight where were all the others it was a lonely death but even in that loneliness he had his loving mother to pray by his sight jesus knows that a praying mother can substitute the comfort of thousand people by our bedside in our dying moment how true it is that mother mary prays now and the hour of our death when you have mother mary with you you have no need to fear death do you constantly pray the rosary and invoke the name mother mary [Music] souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of god [Music] holy mother news [Music] [Music] the 13th station jesus is taken down from the cross [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] the dead jesus in her arms is a precious to her as a baby she founded in the stable in bethlehem no lady in palestine was ever broken so much as mother mary was even in the shattering loneliness she whispered in her heart the same yes that she said to angel gabriel at the annunciation mother mary would have recalled that simeon told her this child is distant to cause the falling and rising of many in israel and to be a sign that will be spoken against so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed and a sword will pierce your own soul too jesus knows that it is very to say yes to god when god's will for us seems pleasant but very difficult when it seems difficult challenge and bitter for mother mary saying s both at the annunciation and at jesus death was both very difficult yet this holy mother said yes because she knew that in saying s to god new possibilities would open up for the salvation of all say as to god even in the most hopeless moment of your life and you will see new possibility open [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of god rest in peace [Music] your takings may my soul your goodness praise the 14th station jesus is laid in the tomb [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] when he was born he was born in a poverty with only a piece of swaddling cloth around him while he was alive he had no place to lay his head foxes have their holes and the birds have their nest but the son of man has no place to lay down his head while he was dying his executioners gambled for the only piece of property he had on earth is caught when he was death he was laid in a bordered grave through the pity of a friend he never owned a home jesus came into the world with nothing material he left this world with nothing material but he left us with the greatest wealth the world has ever known the promise of salvation and the gift of eternal life jesus knows that material emptiness is not a danger but spiritual emptiness is we can possess the whole world but if we suffer the loss of our soul what does it profits us or what the use of pulling down our store houses and building bigger ones if the lord is going to call us from the earthly home tonight all the world's health cannot buy us our salvation only the precious blood of jesus can believe in life after death prepare for it on earth so cling in heaven and its promise [Music] unison [Music] may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of god rest in peace [Music] concluding prayer jesus our savior there are many times we have been insensitive to the needs and to the struggles of others there are many times we have been selfish thinking only about ourselves our friends and our family we have not paid attention to people who are carrying heavy crosses in life because we have been busy with our own crosses help us jesus despite our own burdens to think of others to help us to draw strength from you because you carried the cross keeping us in mind help us to draw inspiration from you who died not for us but instead of us may almighty god bless us the father and the son and the holy spirit amen [Music] my god my god why have you abandoned me [Music] me [Music] love [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] he relied on the lord let him deliver [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] me indeed many dogs are around me a pack of evildoers closes in upon me they have ears my hands and my feet i can count on my my god [Music] did you bite my garments oh [Music] but you lord [Music] is [Music] me me [Music] my god me [Laughter]
Channel: Bangalore Archdiocese
Views: 1,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wNjLeXNabtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 5sec (3065 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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