Best Dungeons Yet! - Hard Dungeons of ARR FFXIV

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[Music] this was cool i like this but i like stone vigil more i like it this is brilliant but i like this [Music] greetings and welcome back this is grinding gear i'm garrett here as always with kyle and dude our journey to explore all of the dungeons that final fantasy 14 has to offer continues because we're streaming now every monday at 2 p.m eastern time right here on youtube.comtv so make sure to subscribe and uh maybe join us for some dungeons over the past few weeks you and i have been chipping away at the rome reborn hard mode dungeons and we have now run them all except for the level 60s it's also worth noting that these came out in a 2.1 or 2.3 patch cycle so whatever those future hard mode dungeons may be they will be influenced by the design and years that heavensward had this is an absolute insane amount of content i know that in the future i've been told that more like open world zones and exploratory areas kind of take precedence as to how you're going to level up and get gear i am so impressed as someone who enjoys dungeons and dungeon enjoyer how much content i've gotten out of this game same dude uh i'm exactly the same way not being in love with kind of how mythics work in in world of warcraft has has played a big role in me falling off of that as as someone who preferred just kind of the the old way we used to do dungeons over there um so this is just to me like you mentioned someone who really enjoys dungeons it's an embarrassment of riches and so for that the reveal of the revamped wall of dungeons you will notice the pictures are gone but they're needed room darted we needed that room we had to recover so there could be ample space oh yes or hard mode yes let's let's get to it the uh the new improved the return of our full proof dungeon judgment system the wall of dungeons one more note before we dive into it here friday's live letter mentions some big changes to dungeons coming so if you're watching this in the future please note the date that we sat down and had this chat because things might be way different if if you're watching this in the future also hi greetings from the past we are but humble youtube time travelers but let's get into it i want to start with hawkeye manor hard this was the one we were second most excited to see yeah i love hockey manor um i love disney goth it's like one of my favorite things like it's it's dark it's creepy uh but it's also kind of fun um yeah and this is like disney goth with cleavage so i have no complaints what's not to love so we're we're returning to hawkey manor uh but this one didn't actually quite a few of these don't have a a ton of fanfare for like ushering you into it it's kind of like go talk to the guard outside of the dungeon and now hard mode will be released i may also be revealing how much i didn't read some of these but um this this one we we go and we return to our our good buddy our poor disturbed butler the disturbed butler that's a good yeah that's a good way to put it and uh and things are uh things are not the piece is not being kept at hawkey manor yeah there was a band of like wood whalers uh ghostbusters not really who went in there to cleanse it out they haven't returned so we are sent in yet again and the place is in shambles there's piles of stuff everywhere changing the layout we go through a couple of other hallways which are now trapped and we get to fight some overall not terribly changed bosses there is the manor gesture uh giant kind of robot goat man perhaps the coolest thing was that the final boss summoned the previous boss and ate her yeah yeah we wiped once on the on the final boss the haller carnassus just wiped us once we didn't dps down the ads fast enough but yeah i i and i enjoyed this one i i would say for me it's it's pretty close to tied with og hawkey manor like story-wise didn't really like impact me i would say any more than the first time going in um but i just damn i just really love the place like is it okay if i want to say it damn near ties just because i like the dungeon i don't and i like going back with new mechanics man that's fine the the red aesthetic kind of adds to the more demonic nature of the place now and previously we kind of made an effort to remove the story from the dungeon anyway we're thinking about this more in a is it grindable kind of way is this something that if it popped up in queue would we be pleased to see it i think it falls in that zone you know i like uh i like getting a little more in the dungeon part but the trapped hallways sort of made up for it so i'm i'm solid you know putting this like right below keeper of the lake to start with i think i agree with that i think uh the the first time you go here you can't you can't go home again right like the the surprise of realizing that we're heading towards this this haunted location that can only really be pulled off once and to me that did a lot of heavy lifting of just making me absolutely fall in love with hockey man in the first place and so um while i it may not be fair to hockeyman or hard it is returning to the manor and i kind of knew what i was going to expect going in so i think i think uh i'm not going to fight you on that i like where that's resting too it it lacks that journey through that mike wazowski the eyeball kind of gave us as this through line this is just a series of haunted encounters let's move on to my favorite kyle as you can tell starting off the lowest tier we have on our wall of dungeons copper bell mines returning to copper bell mines kyle i was promised i was told many times in the comments that hard modes aren't actually hard they're entirely new dungeons that just happen to take place in a location you've already been to copperbell mine's a lie it feels like the exact same damn dungeon with one i'd say two memorable boss fights but it really kind of feels like the same place it's bluer and foggier now which is a common trait throughout a lot of these hard mode dungeons maybe perhaps the greatest victory of copper bell mines is it made me realize we're not actually fighting minotaurs they're they're people with helmets yeah they're they're kind of scarier looking without the helmets in in in my opinion yeah aranas the the final boss i think it's positively horrifying and we killed his son yes which was kind of a bummer yes it made me feel kind of bad yeah yeah it it made me feel quite bad but yeah overall like to me i would put this pretty much the same places as original copper bomb mines the only thing i would say is that the the master mind boss i thought was super memorable because like doing this like kiting boss fight on the catwalk with fire and like i'm pretty sure we didn't do it the right way but we got it done anyway it was fun it was chaotic it really stuck with me yeah it was a great set piece and the mechanics worked well with that i think the biggest bummer of copper bell mines for me i was excited to not have a time-wasting boss in that old slime but in its exact place in its exact place they put a really really cute boss basically a spriggan power suit and i was like oh look at this guy i'm gonna love this and it was the exact same wait for the bomb kind of delay mechanic yeah i and i think actually more annoying than the slime boss in in in my opinion because of the like the the the aoes that aren't tied to the bomb that can end up where you need to summon the bomb like i found that a little annoying although at our level i just started standing in it like i realize it's still like scaled down but like it didn't hurt that bad as a tank to just stand in the explosion and spawn another bomb um but yeah i would say where original copper bell mines is one among my least favorite dungeons but i fo personally found the slime boss in the original charming and memorable the new copper bell like copper bell hard i would say is still among my least favorite dungeons but mastermind i think is a charming and memorable boss fight so for me if you want to put it above or below og copper bell mines i will not fight it 100 it's above it had more character and there were mechanics that made it stand above even though the final boss sadly got a little cheesed and we didn't deal with like the worm thing going on by just like not standing on the sand to me it's either bottom of lame or top of trash i think it's top of maybe not the best there we go all right let's get to holla tali i'm just going to stop staying hard you know what i mean now uh overall like i have an overall memory for holotali which is uh i remember it just kicking our ass and definitely kicking my ass because this was one of the few hard modes i didn't tank and uh because we we had some folks join they were like hey garrett you want to you want to switch it up you want to do some damage you want to go back to your summoner and because i had mentioned on stream that my summoner was lagging behind in level i died a lot you and me both we all died a lot there was a decent amount of trash that could pile on but really it was some mostly cyclopean boss mechanics involving not standing at things not looking at things blinding yourself on alters in order to avoid basically instant death it was kind of hard yeah i'm still getting used to the uh the eyeball symbol on bosses where it's like for the love of god look away now or something bad is going to happen uh i'm i'm still not it hasn't become second nature to just like see that peripherally and react and so i had a hard time that that all that said i loved this dungeon i really enjoyed the way that it was this like four fun test of your middle and like all of these these warriors these these fighters are in there kind of egging you on and you go up to a gate and the the guard there is hyping up what you're about to fight and everyone's just jazzed to see how strong and capable they are in combat yeah the the arena update to holotali greatly changed the layout even if it was more like we were just teleporting ahead but with the traps going with the crowds with the final boss starting out as more of a pvp style battle and becoming something else it was a it was a really cute time yes i think this is one of the stronger ones in terms of how they kind of leverage the lore of the location because it's like well this is what holotally used to be and it is once again because you went in there and you cleared it out so thanks now it's a it's a fight fighting pit again so my only cheap concern is that we died a lot yeah i think everyone's gonna die a lot and this might be a bit of a lag on completing your roulette so the sadness of seeing it popped up has nothing to do with the aesthetic or the boss battles merely that you know you're going to be delayed because people are going to die yeah that said o.g holotali it's all the way down in our our lowest tier of maybe not the best i i think this is uh our first like massive massive improvement over the original uh i i would put this in banger territory i think we might need to make some room here i think it i think it beats out hole breaker isle certainly i at this point uh especially thinking about the grind ability of it i would put the praetorium at the bottom of banger and maybe replace halatali uh or maybe move up stone vigil i think i'd rather run normal stone vigil than holotali hard i'm really excited in that uh live letter they did praetorium's gonna become a four-man dungeon oh really yeah hell yeah that sounds really cool how do you feel about putting praetorium below haul breaker isle moving stone vigil up in its place and sliding hella tally between stone vigil and hallberger isle love it that's handsome i like it i like it let's do it let's send it and look at us moving right along to bray fox's long stop uh th this one in terms of like a and b like what the normal was like just from a visual aspect to now the hard mode like they drain the river yeah it's now night it's become this goblin mech camp which is a like a lot of people yelling illuminati about cheese so you know goblins they're weird no matter what fantasy game you're playing this was so charming i i thought i think uh brave fox says long stop hard just oozes ooze's charm uh the goblins in final fantasy 14 i i love i mean i tend to like goblins in most fantasy um i really like them in final fantasy just like the way they're they're drawn like they're designed in general they're funny they got big gremlin ears and oh man we just got like some classic goblinery in this especially like it ends with a giant goblin mac that like the thing it's made to look like a face with sharp teeth it looked very warhammer and that that gob machine fight it's it's like long and meaty and make your jokes but it was really fun yeah we had to kick away bombs we fought a sniper there was a avoid the confusing blue zones but that was a mech fight all the same definitely this is our first one where you walked in you said wow you didn't have to this was this was such this wasn't even just a changing the pathways kind of relay out they straight up reimagined what long stop could be and even it was a little sad to see you know the beauties of the nature gone it really feels like a new dungeon even though it you know it shares a name it shares the location but the way that they have that like the world has changed that the the zone that we're in has been shaped and influenced by its it's new or it's changed inhabitants all right where were you starting mentally with this like what what column because i'm i'm i think i'm a banger again hmm i i clearly have a desire to keep anything castle related in the banger epic territory of which this is not however i just thought it was very charming and i could go for more you know i i would order this again at the moment i think we're we're kind of in the same ballpark of holotali but i think a little higher i might i might slot it under wanderer's palace yeah i think that's i think that's safe i like that a lot yeah yeah that looks nice that looks nice well we uh we something just beat out original stone vigil so let's talk about how stone vigil hard holds up quite the change in terms of layout uh and it's like way bluer it's more snowy it seems somehow i don't know how you make stone vigils seem even less inviting but they've definitely found a way to make it seem less inviting yeah it's more catacombsy and it's full of heretics now people getting in your business it's very upgraded dragon or maybe even like dragon adjacent at this point previously all drakes and straight up dragons now we're more into like big lizards uh and turtles uh gamerobs spins and cannons being fired and then how do you even say this name g g rue veganus a big kaiju final fight which was really enjoyable and it cloned itself and had a nice little moment to it do i get to be the bad guy here i think i prefer original stone vigil more it's more classic dragon castle this was cool i like this but i like stone vigil more regular stone vigil stone vigil had a cleaner through line we went we sort of entered the castle we were at the castle entrance and we made our way up to the main promenade where we fought the dragon and eventually got the enterprise this is a lot more corridored and side roomed the the snow is nice the the active snowy-ness it's supe it is super snowy the theming is good like i don't think it's it's it's bad by any means it's just that i think i prefer the kind of classic nature of the original stone vigil more it's just like i just want to have some dragon fights and fight through a dilapidated castle and that's exactly what the original stone vigil delivers on where is this i'm like firing cannons and there's a bunch as you mentioned a bunch of humans to fight and there's like the like the mini i won't even call the boss fight is more like a mini gauntlet fight where you're shooting harpoons at trash dragons and it's it's it's fine but it's i don't know it's when i'm thinking about running it as like it comes up in roulette and i can about to grind through it there'll just be these moments where if my party's new i'm gonna stop and think for a second possibly explain things to them or even have to stop and think for myself uh you know you're gonna convince me easily with any argument against vehicles or not getting to play my character for a bit and having to go do some cannon firing turret business i i i do agree there yeah i do think that as much as i like that turtle fight uh i wish it wasn't as uh cannon-dependent like i love a turtle i love a big turtle boss i'm a sucker for it but i i want to i want to kill the turtle myself i don't want to shoot cannons at it well i mean this sounds like a perfect could be cooler a great aesthetic the snow's going we got heretics we got dragons we got great looking bosses it's just mechanically it was too invested in our opinion in side vehicle mechanics i i think that's fair i i would probably put it at the top of could be cooler i think i think it's really that turtle fight that weighs it down for me i'm a single issue voter on this kyle i'm for it i'm for it stone vigil could be cooler poster child who could be cooler this is probably a good time just to have a real quick mention though about how much how damn cool it is uh that hard dungeons are completely different like they may take place in the same location but you know new trash new boss fights all of that like even as i'm sitting here thinking about like oh i like this one more than that i like this one better than that kind of a thing it's really cool that there's this much more unique content in this game but uh now i have a question for you kyle are you comfortable because this next one's gonna be a meaty discussion it's time to talk about tamtara deepcroft hard which it's the best it's just the best do you have any any any argument kyle is there any reason this isn't the coolest dungeon we've run so far are we just slapping this an athbec and calling it done like top tier of all the redesigns it went full demon it went full diablo it's continuing a story that i noted on the side and loved as this game was initially getting going culminating in an absolute haunting moment where i had chills like i was playing a horror game yeah man this is it's so meta you come to this so much later in the story first of all you can skip it entirely all these hard modes right you don't need to do them uh but if you want to it comes much later than the story that it ties back into it ties all the way back in with the failed adventurer group from back when we ran o.g sastasha i can never say that right but it ties back into that and that whole group that group of failed adventurers dude it was it was it seemed like such a meta commentary on uh toxic mmo players because uh poor edda i felt so bad for ed i mean you i think there's an argument for edda is a horrible judge of character um but whatever the case is still felt bad for her but she was if you don't remember this folks all the way back in a realm were born when you find this like group of failed adventurers uh etta was the healer of the group and and the first time we meet them when they're i i think it's they're about to go into cestasha or you see them shortly after they have a this tank named avir and i guess edda's like in love with the veer but aveer treats etta like crap um and so does the rest of the group and i remember at the time thinking it was kind of funny but you know it's still kind of dark because later on you find out that avir died and the other two remaining members of the group blame etta and edda's like no he fear ran out of range of my spell which is a great way to die as a tank but as someone who's been playing mmos since 2004 it's such a weird blend of out of game talk with in universe consequences i love it i absolutely love it i mean there are so many rpg animes that cover the you die in the game you die for real kind of aesthetic getting this vibe very early on in the venture even though i know i'll get up and i'll be fine throughout it really flavored the game in a great way i realize etta has gone off the deep end but i'm kind of rooting for her because her group was so horrible to her so the fact that she's like corrupted these people i'm fine with it it's like she kind of has this like spiral in the darkness uh not unlike anakin in the prequels except i kind of feel she's like i don't know more more justified it was it was a really nice circle of candles and a really nice rune and major props to the game her dress robe actually lit on fire when she walked through the camp which i just i think we were both stunned because we're like any other first of all any other mmo it's a coin flip if they would have even bothered with a cinematic here it might have just been a bad like in scene thing where they fall off the edge but here any other mmo would have walked over those candles and just like i'm not gonna take the time to to light it on fire and and and she starts to and i just think to myself oh it would be really cool if it caught on fire but they're not going to go through the effort to do that no wait no never mind she's blazing and apparently now we're haunted chad was really excited that we ran this and i've heard whispers that in main cities on stormy nights like you might experience a ghost yeah apparently it's super rare but you run this and you're now haunted i remember that's awesome i remember like yelling at chat like oh that's why you wanted us to run this you didn't actually want us to experience one of the cooler side stories in this game you just wanted us to get haunted by a ghost through the rest of our time with this game and it leads into palace of the dead there seems to yeah yeah pretty much pretty much yeah i think we've we've confirmed with enough pan-ups that we're dealing with etta again here so i mean we made we made a long conversation of a short decision i think this is tippy top just grand yeah and and even like as far as grind worthy i think it's fine i don't think there's anything in here that makes me like causes me pause and like ah no i'm not looking forward to doing that fight again i thought it was fun it was straightforward and has amazing lore uh top best this is the best yes even if like i i was a little annoyed by some of the some of the mechanics the the thought that i might get to run this again with anyone who hasn't done it before and get to hopefully see some reactions in game chat no wonder people love this game so now let's get into something i can't pronounce sastasha hard we're back to the coral reef we're going back to the coral reef dungeon uh i remember og sastasha uh for me being kind of forgettable um as evident by our placement too it looks like you agreed with me uh because it's like right at the cusp of falling out of could be cooler into our lowest of maybe not the best now blue and foggy but there's a headcrab kind of business going on and there's a squid-faced pirate captain who has a parent which gets used a little bit there's a drain the lake business which was just frankly impressive and unnecessary but i appreciate it because it gave me reference to where i was as uh someone who uh played a d d session where my dm kyle ferguson drained a lake i felt like you would probably like this it was it was great i thought the story in here was was good i like it here i'm i'm here to announce kyle um i don't think any other dungeon has a better story than tamtara hard so uh nothing lore wise is gonna beat tamtara for me say it ain't so uh i thought this one this was good this was good in like kind of a subtle way it was cool to see like the head crab and kind of stuff going on as you mentioned and then we fight captain madison and he he's straight up like final fantasy davey jones you know he's a squid head but not in the way that like a mind flayer is it's it's definitely it's more like pirates of the caribbean straight up squid on your head kind of a thing going on and then we cap it off by fighting the kraken and there's even like an interesting lore revelation at the end of all of this because uh when you go to hand in the the ending quest for finishing uh sastasha hard you i guess recover the body of captain madison and bring it into town to get studied and there's this whole there's this little thing that like if you're not reading it you'd miss that they're talking about the effects of increased exposure to primal ether corruption and how they're like oh yeah i know like we know that primals corrupt the mind but it would appear that like increased or long exposure to primal ether also corrupts the flesh and that's what they that's kind of the cherry on top of what was happening in this dungeon when we return to it and this was released in 2.4 being one of the later dungeons put out and the fact that it really kind of took that moment to expand upon primal lore something i'm really digging right now was really solid and actually can i confirm that before we go any further can i confirm that this is the same kraken it got away at the end of hall breaker isle which would have been before this yes yes and this is where i i've i want to split some hairs on sastasha hard uh because in terms of like where i place it in our our pantheon of dungeons uh i think it's definitely better than original sastasia i enjoyed it a lot yeah um it's got some memorable fights and i i uh especially with captain madison i like the like the lore through line of the dungeon quite a bit and captain madison even runs away at the end of his own fight and you literally follow him to the next fight so i liked that line that kind of guiding arc through the whole thing that said i think the first kraken fight is infinitely cooler than this one on hallbraker isle uh the hallburger isle crack and fight just by virtue of those like air jumps to different islands to me that's so much more memorable than there's more tentacles to deal with it it felt a little more like uh whack-a-mole which i realized the original kraken fight on haul breaker isle also has that but because you're you're doing this like unique jump from island island to me it it feels more special yeah the raw chaos of breaker islands fight uh really made it a unique thing and the fact that the kraken got away at that point made it seem like an extremely powerful beast so if it is the same kraken is this a sad end for an epic boss for me it is a massive upgrade to the original satoshi which frankly it's kind of boring yeah it's it it feels very my first dungeon and i do give it credit for that like it's a whale in caverns it's a slow progress you get to see a couple of different zones but once we get into i wouldn't even call it like doc town just straight up like what's supposed to be the pirate bar this is way way better i think this is banger but i i to me the real question is does it go above or below praetorium the kraken battle on hole breaker io really elevates that entire dungeon and i think it's a crime to put satoshi hard above it so i think we have a perfect spot for it above praetorium but below hull breaker i think that's where it lives i think just below hall breaker all right let's get to the sunken temple of karn or at least let's return to it this one to me is is pretty simple i think this is a a strong return to a dungeon that i think is overall better than the original where did we put the original here could be cooler oh yeah yeah i think that that was fair right because it was going for that egyptian uh indiana jones feel but it didn't quite land it with the demon bosses and the final boss was a little lame our final boss now has been turned into rubble and the individual rebel pieces have to be defeated while there's also uh sand pits activating and i thought that was a immense upgrade this dungeon has two of the coolest bosses i for me a period of everything i've run so far i absolutely loved the uh the damaged adjudicator and i loved the uh the vice guarant to the warden uh the first boss and the final boss um some of the coolest mechanics i've seen uh the first boss really all that sand stuff the way that like the ground like kind of terraforms and also just the the square sand pillars that fire up out of it were such a like a memorable and unique visual that really sucked with me and then dear god the mummies the mummy wall what a cool model the mummies are such a good model and then you go fight this final boss and all these sarcophagi fire up out of the ground and unleashes a wall of mummies and i was just grinning like an idiot kid the whole time i loved it i mean the the boss's swords do look like fidget spinners but yes and mechanically i understand the need to make the mummies more visually clear so they had kind of this big like purplish pink aura about them but then marching across having to use that as your walls you had to dodge it was it was fabulous and even the middle boss the cactus boss which we died to the 100 000 needles ability it hurts i really want to fight these bosses again um i think whenever this pops up i'm going to be pretty stoked because i think these these fights are just straight up fun uh they're fun they're memorable solid mechanics all the way around i think for me and you tell me if you think i'm nuts here kyle i think i would be more excited to run this than keeper of the lake oh wow you close your eyes kyle your cue just popped it's keeper the lake are you happy are you excited oh man this does have little floor spear traps too yeah there's straight up indiana jones trap rooms yeah it's pretty cool [Laughter] i mean i definitely like the boss battles better than farah sirius and i really like that vibe of climbing the lighthouse so it's it's it's up there man i think you're right i think i would be happier to see this over keeper of the lake i'm splitting some awesome hairs because i would not be mad to run keeper to the lake again but i think just by pure virtue of wanting to do these mechanics again i mean are since we're going above hawkey manor hard are you do you want to put it above hockey manor i mean how high are we going here i don't think we crest our our love of fungal city the lost city of amdapor uh no and uh also and before keep uh there's i i think the aesthetic there beats out my love of the mechanics of sunken temple i mean hockey manor is a little old it's a little crusty ah boy you're really just asking me do mechanics outweigh aesthetics that's the question you're asking me but this is an aesthetic it's indiana jones you're right it does also have a good aesthetic i do love those me models all right you're asking me if i like mommies more than cleavage mummies could have cleavage which is where they messed up [Laughter] do i love mummies more than fan service mechanically it's better and aesthetically i'd say it's on par therefore it's better than hockey manor all right this pains me but let's do it but you keep that below m to poor keep i love band more keep all right the wanderer's palace is next as you remember kyle i i loved wanderer's palace kind of want to put it back in epic just based on my love of ton berries alone the original you now have a tonberry pet so yeah you've become a little more uh invested in the taunt i really like them i find them highly amusing uh and terrifying and dark and creepy in all the best ways and and this was one knowing that we were going back to wander's palace i really perked up and paid attention to the setup because i think it's easy to skip you're just talking to some dudes out in the world and they're telling me it's time to go back to wander's palace but if you read you find out that we apparently freed the tomberries dude by killing the tonberry king we we broke them out of some sort of curse and and now they're friendly essentially however now they're they're being invaded by lizard folk that are trying to take over the wanderers palace and they've imprisoned they've killed some of the tonberries and imprisoned the others and we need to go save them we need the the return to wanderers palace is to go save the tonberries it's a it's an intense little run the layout was improved i feel like it was a lot more streamlined there was less wandering around of course you know you weren't being chased by murderous giant tonberries i know you like lizard folk i like lizard folk if if bray fox's long stop was like warhammer 40k because of goblin mechs this was warhammer age of sigmar because we just had skinks riding dinosaurs yeah there's a lot of some nice there's some nice dinosaur rioting lots of totems the two-headed lizard boss had an interesting mechanic with banners i like the tone of mechanic before that with the the zulujah the totems go down and some of them are like we need to kill those but these hey uh you stand in that one you stand in that one because they give you a buff it's very green and it is in that way it sort of blends together into green foggy castle so there's moments that are elevated like the boss battles like the little tonberry moments are you are you really gonna sit here to my face and undersell probably the greatest ending of any dungeon we've seen so far i don't remember the ending you don't kyle kyle oh it plays on our ex it literally played on our expectations of how every dungeon run ends with quest complete and the the victory music and zoom in on your character as they as they celebrate and then it like all it was missing was a record scratch as an angry mob of tonberry's run in to eviscerate the boss that we just we just defeated oh yeah that's right oh that was adorable and our shocked face is watching it yeah and our actual shocked faces watching it yeah i mean wanderers palace is already pretty high and i think we're both kind of confirming that this is a better wanders palace it feels a shame to even put it at the top of banger so i think it's made it into epic now we have to decide how deep this is this is epic for me and again i i also like the mechanics quite a bit so i i could put this pretty high at the moment i'm leading below sunken temple because i really like the mechanics but i don't like them as much as sunken temple uh but i also really like the story i really like the setting visually i don't visually is where i think it falls off i'm with you it's a little monotone it just kind of feels like there's a bit of a fart cloud hanging over everything maybe it's dead tomberry oh god [Laughter] they are green all right i like it i like it so hockey manor moving down another notch here to make room for wonders palace hard and hell yeah kyle let's go to the final hard dungeon we're going to review today it's not going to be our final hard dungeon ever but the final one we're going to review today before we get into level 60 content md poor keep which ooh buddy the ocarina of time forest temple vibes are undeniable yeah the overgrown castle vibe the overgrowth is dangerous we removed the lambs of dolomite only to have it infested with spirits and creatures and the first thing we fight is headless horseman ganondorf pretty much i mean he wasn't running in and out of paintings no no there were there were statues and stuff like that but you know it kind of that that horseman vibe and then we go fight the boogeyman which is deku kid it sure looked like it was very majora's mouth looking to me and also uh it like reminded me of like like princess mononoke vibes as well because like very much had that kind of masked face aesthetic going on um on top of just being creepy because you would go stealth and you'd have to reveal the boogeyman to continue the fight and and then it's not even considered a boss but there's like a demon walls plural like mini boss room a crushing wall room thing and we didn't really we got through it just fine so i didn't know what was going to happen and i don't know what happens when it all crushes in and you fail i legit want to go back and fail it on purpose just just to see what happens it was nice to see the old wall again inching towards us points lost though on the weird snake jester final boss yeah not i mean that i think i agree with you but i think other people might have a different response this is not a design that really speaks to me although it's it's unique as hell at least at our point in the game we haven't we haven't seen this model yet plus who doesn't love a spinning scythe animation kyle i don't i died to it i floor tanked the last half of this you guys didn't even need me we we defeated a bunch of cultists so the void send energies infested the local creatures and spirits and the force spirits became bad which is how we got boogeyman and stuff like that he's he's a void scent himself so he is embodying the evil that we're defeating and i think he just could have been more cool i'm pretty sure we're not supposed to know this yet i'm afraid to google it because i don't want spoilers what was with the mysterious laughing at the end there's a cinema there's like a five second cinematic when you go to leave the dungeon of maniacal laughter okay so maybe he'll like grow on us or something we'll like get to get to know all silly shoes it sure seems like it's something that's gonna come back in the future okay that that could elevate it on a future wall of dungeons then just him anyway the rest of it i thought was great i thought it was a great dungeon this is a tough one i think i might rather do it than praetorium but i don't think i think there's a really big divide between sastasha hard and the praetorium and we should just keep that in mind because i think this goes above praetorium but i don't want that to make it seem that i think it's close quality syste to sastasha because i wouldn't i don't think it's bad enough to go and could be cooler i think this is a banger based on overall theming alone and i liked fighting every boss even if i didn't love the the model of the final boss that they were all good fights yeah i think you know i think i need an update here too after doing this today that will work in our favor here stone vigil is falling out for me it's a little bland it's a little lame you know it was our first dragon castle but we've seen a lot of castles now and it's it's losing its luster okay so we're in full-on closing ranks mode at this point yeah i think stone vigil is where amdapor keep hard belongs and now we need to decide where stone vigil lies because we put stone visual hard in could be cooler and stone vigil is not that cool i think it's still cooler than sastasia hard but i don't think it's cooler than hall breaker isle what do you think we make a little room like this we stone vigil right here and then and poor keep i agree with this i like this list all right i think i think we're done i i think this is look look how positive things have become i mean we've we've labeled all of our hearts in blue so we can really see the weight of this list we clearly enjoyed them like i said even things like stone vigil hard and copperville mines hard where we we put them lower than their original forms it's still so cool that this is how final fantasy xiv handles revisiting dungeons that it's changed up and unique and even comparable minds which felt samey again that first boss fighting carpetball mines i think that was cool as hell well let us know your thoughts where do the hard modes land for you we'll be returning to the wall of dungeons at a point in the future when we start hitting level 60 dungeon content but in the meantime make sure you like subscribe and ring the notification bell we upload every wednesday morning and we stream every monday afternoon right here on the grinding gear youtube channel and if you want to get in touch with us personally my twitter is at garrett art and kyle's is at kyle ferguson that's going to wrap it up for this edition of grinding gear and until next time good luck and have fun [Music]
Channel: Grinding Gear
Views: 30,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garrett weinzierl, kyle fergusson, amovetv, grinding gear, gg, a realm reborn dungeon, a realm reborn dungeons, ff14 greatest dungeons, hard a realm reborn dungeons, ffxiv a realm reborn dungeons, hard dungeons ranked, the hard mode arr, hard mode dungeons ffxiv, hard mode ff14, best arr hard dungeons, hard dungeons tier ff14, New to FF14, youtube plays ff14, wow to ff14, ff14 arr, best arr, greatest arr, ff14, final fantasy, ff14 tier list, ff14 best of
Id: _m_KnkUB_1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 6sec (2646 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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