The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters with Pat Boone (Full Show)

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good evening tonight we're about to enjoy a show that might rightly be classified as a comedy show no doubt about it there'll be plenty of laughs but the wacky world of Jonathan winters could also be called an adventure show was certainly an adventure for Jonathan's guests without a script without cue cards Oh ad-lib an appearance on Jonathan's show always meant a trip into the unknown it said that the night his greatest fear is forgetting his lines well then his greatest challenge must be inventing his lines that's what this unique show is all about on-the-spot comedy invention with a master of improvisation the fellow who makes it look so easy so effortless welcome to the wacky world of Jonathan winters appearing with Johnson tonight Mary Gregory and [Music] [Applause] [Music] the majority of addicts I've ever seen a dusty cluttered place is not exactly cheerful that Jonathan winters attic may look a little like that at first glance but once Jonathan enters the place it becomes a lively playground for his wild imagination suddenly the quiet neglected old storeroom becomes well a very funny attic Jonathan is there right now and let's join in [Applause] all hands tend to [Laughter] Oh I'd really like to play some by Chopin [Laughter] I am with some insurance company this is Tobler would you come in why it's always necessary to have a woman there's present when I'm looking at you now let's see now [Laughter] I'm good at snapping do I win the contest miss Swanson what what mine did this a lot of times when I'm alone in word cake I do this type of work the Sun you sure notice the freakiest in here I did this when I was under the heavy influence of sleep [Laughter] it's a partner for you I don't have an abode in a bad night crazy [Applause] come this way [Laughter] these are the keys to the car [Laughter] what did you do to my hair [Laughter] well gang we got over 15,000 miles to cross here in the desert freeze Jonathan now here's the situation we're going to put you in take that canteen and I believe you're a Scoutmaster you've taken your troop out in the woods for a hike and you've lost them okay action where are them kids 14 hours now haven't you [Laughter] that you felt the voice is changing fell [Laughter] [Music] I never thought I'd see another human being again this is my name is Mary Jo Spencer I can't tell you how glad I am to see your brother having the stents for dynamite people they said yes I just wondered I we used to play around that building when we was kids yeah load up here about two weeks back guy is all over the countryside I'll talk with you about that later listen I have lost oh wow I'm so glad to see unbelievable what's wrong well there quills on there please please what did you say your name was again Margene damn money yeah you're gonna find this hard to believe but out in the forest somewhere out there I have lost 10 little girlscouts no it's coincidental because I've lost 10 little boys now it's time for another improbable story are you the locksmith yes I am I'm Hiram sweetie hello mr. sweetie just had a jump on me Oh would you just July no would you just just do this to my back just push in sweetie I left my keys in the house you see and I have the oven this is my house do I have to give you a dinner for my oven on in here and I think the house may explode any minute would you open the door please let me see well we're gonna have to try at least 3/4 of you know it's a terrible thing to say but you might be better off out here for file because you step in there you could be blown through the door we had a gas here's on [Laughter] open the door so I can get into the church wait a minute I'm taking in the gas [Laughter] yes is anybody else in there no no you live alone if somebody else was in there they would open the door wouldn't that make sense you live by yourself I am married I have sold my one language asked me nothing I'm gonna take this pocketbook and hit you over the head now ooh violence where are you baby you called me don't you have one of those things in there that you can cut up can't you pick a lock sure all those keys let me see you know what would you hold those sweetie we don't have enough time to go through wait a minute now that's not gonna open the door that's the wrong thing don't you have a hairpin or something in there a hairpin I'm no broke up with my assistant he he had happy please open this door well you know let me see would you like I don't need the old one open the seven is gonna explode any minute I'll have front room property out here you have room property out here [Music] you know this is a lovely place is this your house no and you know I'm getting sleepy I think that gas have anything in there that breaks doors open or anything like that you stay right here I'm going around back and trashed that lock in the back of the house then I'm gonna light a match and you're gonna see I just love to come right through the house war now it's time for a face the folks a completely unrehearsed TV panel show featuring three of the country's leading political reporters today they're going to interview king quasi the ruler of the little far eastern kingdom of quasi lands we've asked each reporter to make up his own set of questions and king quasi hasn't heard any of them in advance he and mr. John shubik and now here to face the folks King quasi of quasi land your moderator is Miss Mary Gregory I will start up questioners with mr. dunnison who are we starting with mr. Jerry Dungy I only arrived in the country about four hours ago I was just hustled from our big limousine into the studio here and there was a small parade for me because you have a small island are you experiencing the president didn't even meet me with some attache slapped me off I mentioned that when you arrived here you were in your words left off I guess it was unfortunately sequester lantus not to you know like Russia or China or the United States Gosselaar and yourself little floating island is what we are we have big oil from under this island will just float around all over the world and whatever country gives us a fair shake that's what I was going to bring up ever since the end of World War two your little floating island has received about 800 million dollars in American aid yes and we're very grateful for that food and clothes our break would rather help as they say here prayer but at that same time sir the poverty level in your country has gone up astonishing Oh poor people are something else about the prison reforms which you said you were going to initiate this year but have since not discussed at all now are you initiating these prison reforms what about them well we're trying to put in new calendars [Laughter] you don't feel that this azuz remaining treatment I don't feel it because I'm in the palace [Applause] is it true that you have a Swiss bank account in seven figures I'll go to Zurich for skiing have a few coins there yes how did you find that out you talked a great deal about women's liberation and yet you have we are told some 34 wives and the most of the women in your country are not for you at all we are coming around to freeing women I have dropped from 34 wives to 10 [Laughter] if I might you mentioned Zurich you said you went there for skiing there are reports in European magazine saying that at Gustad and zermat that you were a seen philandering at all hours of the evening with certain local types television do you deny this I'm not ashamed I love a good party be fair sir to define you though as a swinger [Applause] welcome to slice-of-life theater [Music] to come by here and see this fabulous home I I know this is the old wreck or a state and I've been well myself and my wife have really look we've looked at this place so often so many times and I tell you it really honestly I I'd like to I'd like to buy it how much Joe would would you be asking for this place well we're asking 38,000 G I tell ya 38,000 there's an awful lot of money that coming for us well I just haven't I I've got a little hardware store and that's all I've got to tell you the truth I I don't think I've got that kind of money well we've put a lot of work into the house and 38,000 is really fun well I don't know I just just can't push that what do you have on what do I have on me is fine you got a new house why wait a minute there's a fire going on no that's houses on fire that's my wife she's a marshmallow freak [Applause] you can learn a lot about the great figures of the past from history books but we can't be sure that the historians are always accurate however with Jonathan's imagination recreating great characters from history we may still doubt his accuracy but who cares we're in for a lot of fun as we take a peek at the past today our guest is the greatest genius of the Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci here's the nudes gonna survive and the girls for centuries people have been wondering why the Mona Lisa is smiling can you enlighten us just to finish a big bottle of wine how did you get along with Michelangelo oh he's a nicer guy but he's all the time on his back in the day he's a hard guy to reach Joe did you go in much for nude painting I like it the paint in a nude but it's gold my boys I just another pain that gonna sing like a bandit [Music] many many of today's artists like to work in acrylic paint what did you prefer to work in I paint the mostly whatever that aha you know house paint stuff anything I'd paint the way if there's no wins an opening [Laughter] great work of yours that is still undiscovered oh there's plenty stuff in the basement fifteen thousand things in the basement whatever bad news but someday some cat someplace are gonna buy these because I signed my name reonardo the beach thank you Thank You signor da Vinci signore is that what you call me yes let me tell you the southerner who you are you're a modern lady I like you I just the swallow you do [Applause] [Music] to a gift its [Music] hello officer well I'm gonna ask you a very simple you know you were in I don't know whether whether you realize it or not I'm gonna ask you this anyway you were in a 15 mile an hour zone and you were doing 95 I can't believe I was going that fast are you sure I'm always sure see when you're on the side of the law you're always sure what is your name Pat Boone Oh boys of course I now recognize you there recognize your Pat Boone you know about ten years ago I rested Gladys without but I really am in a hurry officer I've got a TV show to do and I'm late doesn't everybody everybody has a TV movie or something don't think now I'm gonna put down pat p80 yes capital B double O and tiny [Music] officer surely I wasn't going 95 miles oh I know I know yes you were doing 95 and a 15 mile an hour zone that's unfortunate are you a real policeman because you don't see a gun on see how normally most officers carry guns I carry grenade [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you don't mind if I ask you your number do you know you know I always get that you know this town is full of people that have passed that question I want your number yeah there it is right there a 91602 what's your name trouble trouble allen troubler and that number yeah let me give you a no no I want to help you I know listen I'm gonna report this myself I know you are and I want you to I'm gonna report it myself I'm going to the chief go you going to the chief because you're acting very irregular know what a tower I've got a little surprise for you mr. Boone the chief is here wait till you meet him I just like to meet that he'll be back in just two little seconds I'll be writing you out of ticket Nemean okay what is this Mickey Mouse [Applause] did you hear what the man said the man said you was doing 95 I was here back the trunk in the car I heard what you said that's a joke Livernois world is filled with questions especially the world of gesture honey hugger you know I was just thinking why is it that I can't have more than one pet register have more Peter that's all I have I should be allowed to have a kitty Billy Princeton has a kitty I'm not kidding you know how big his kitty is his Kitty's head is that big imagine if the head was that big did you know that Marty she's born I don't care I don't care it's the truth I wouldn't lie to you I'm 8 years old and Billy pinched her does have a kitty with a head that big and the kitty jumped on their sever brothers the other day they weren't an open convertible and ate them they think I kid a lot here in the home but I don't I saw it that cat will eat this town before the show we passed out these cards to the studio audience and we asked everybody to write down an occupation and a situation for an ad-lib routine by Jonathan so now Jonathan you haven't seen any of these cards right okay well let's get it going ah you're a minister who has accidentally hit his thumb with a hammer friends brethren I thought what we do now the Sun is out again he has put up the barn Lord willing [Laughter] now you're a owner of a delicatessen and you're taking an order over the phone for Howard Hughes hello yes is misters alga mister cured oh this is an order for mr. Yu's I thought it was mr. used not how are you is Erin just you work for him that's interesting what would you like huh just rye rye bread be sure you wouldn't like some corned beef in there so maybe some locks just rye bread his heels just here's lettuce he puts money in there you're an Italian guide at the Leaning Tower of Pisa Italian guy hey please to gather round to me very close everybody do this building is that way hey you fellow you drunk nice building huh see it's a leaning tower of peace what is your name in video why you you're a camper who discovers a snake in his sleeping bag oh mercy what is that [Applause] [Laughter] here baby you play with that you're a door-to-door perfume sales [Music] hello I missed your pardon pardon her Arnold puddling er I'm a perfume sale a lot [Laughter] one to the state pretty you're a TV weatherman who's had a bit too much to drink I didn't think one of those guys that way on there hello weather weather fan rip people let's take a look at the forecast today mm-hmm did you wanna bring the chart in thank you so much this to give you an idea in this area a lot of smog in the basin over a period tomorrow no desert in the high desert will be real good a presentation rested percent there'll be some rain thanks for joining us in the wacky world of Jonathan withers until we meet again make the most of your wacky world [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Magnetic Tape Head
Views: 32,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1980s tv, 80s, cable tv, pay tv, Satelite Tv, 1970s comedy, sketch comedy
Id: G5TRpwNYgRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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