The Voice Stage Marathon | Part 2 | Stage 26-50

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[Music] is it actually nick jonas oh i love nick jonas jonas brothers are sick that's crazy my name is tate bruce i'm 16 years old and i'm a sophomore in high school all the boys and i love the jonas brothers i'm like totally fangirling oh my okay all right growing up i loved to play soccer and golf now i'm on the high school varsity team having two big sisters was really cool because they're able to just give me advice you know with girls obviously boy oh tate is the biggest catch all my older friends are like i would date your brother if i was younger so we love him oh man i was writing songs about girls since i was like 11. i wouldn't tell him they wrote songs about him but my mom everything i show her she just loves you know she's even if it's not very good [Music] singing started for me just as a little kid just with music around the house you know coldplay and u2 and recently i've started producing my own stuff in my bedroom and it's it's nice being able to make it and then going and gigging out this winter i was able to get six days up at the park city during the sundance film festival i was really lucky to have that opportunity my family and i have watched the voice for a long time so to finally be here today and it's such a big step because i'm at the very beginning of my career blake is an amazing coach he's won the show six times and john legend really seems like he cares about the artist and he's insightful and has this really honest criticism but i feel like from any of these coaches i'd have so much to learn here we go i've found a love [Music] cause i [Music] cause [Music] this time [Music] [Applause] [Music] barefoot on [Music] now i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] oh my god what is your name and where are you from my name is tate bruce i'm 16 years old from salt lake city utah [Applause] wow i thought that was an incredible performance thank you and i tell you that towards the end when you hit that note that's when nick was like oh crap you know i was going to try to play this cool and wait till the last minute and then he turned his chair around so there's no way i'm gonna let him get away with this so i'm gonna wait and see what he says and then i'm gonna come back and tear all over the park you got it such a bullet yes tate you have the wily veteran he's been here since the beginning of time it's so true it does feel like it the guy on my right nick jonas wow you can tell the crowd really likes never didn't get as many owls yeah nick has traversed this industry as a young man and i feel like he has a lot of great advice for you i say go with nick jonas that's just my opinion out ouch i could tell you were young and i mean that in a positive way because i think that people like you really do flourish on this show because there's somewhere for you to progress to the cool thing about blake because he is very eclectic and he knows how to win nick though he's fresh here he's never gotten to do this before so you will do well with both thank you i appreciate it i wonder if the other guy that's trying to be your coach has anything to say that's a good question tate i write things down as a way to remember things but i wrote the word fight because i i heard the fight in your voice and i think i can help you just hone in the moments that vocally weren't your best so if it's okay i'll do some real-time coaching with you that's all right blake you have just lost all right when i was 16 just having come through that point in your voice when it starts to break i know it well i would rely on just my throat right so what i want you to do is think about your posture you're standing a bit taller dancing in the tube between my eyes [Music] the vowel sounds i hope you open up dancing in the dark listening to our favorite songs [Applause] we could do great things together how could you top that my friend i don't have a dog in this fight i i feel like i'm at a disadvantage i just want to help what you can help me just think a little bit what in god's name [Applause] that was adorable what just happened on stage [Laughter] tayden i want you to know that uh if you don't choose me as your coach this puppy's gonna go straight back to the animal shelter he's a hostage taker you don't let go take good care of them there don't don't worry about it but anyway i wanted to say to you dr evil over here i've been doing this show for hold on what is wrong with you oh my god don't feel any guilt or anything just because poor snowflake here he made the name up on the spot the choice is yours the choice is yours tate tate do you pick a coach or the dog sorry blake i gotta go with nick [Applause] what has he done to you thank you a puppy that would have come to blake you should be ashamed of yourself don't about this though the dog will be fine i got my first artist and i'm feeling great the ice has been broken now i can breathe tate thank you i'm so glad you're on my team let's do this what kind of a person did you take i would hate to think what poor snowflake is going through right now tate has turned his back on you snowflake go to kelly i'll be right back i noticed that nick needs uh reminders because he writes down words like star uh wow fight is a word that he uses and so i added a couple of what's you right i wrote nick is my name [Music] we got practical joker over here now pickle i always thought that word's funny it's a funny word so how are you feeling nervous i'm just like i just want someone to please turn around turn around i'm jasmine sawyers i'm 22 and i'm a professional long jumper i've been david for about 10 years i competed the last olympics in rio as a kid i'd watch the olympics and go that's what i want to do i finished eighth i was annoyed at the time because i wanted more but eighth in the olympics was a good result so for now i'll take it [Music] athletics is my first love it's my main passion it's what i've been working for for years but it's not the only thing in my life ever since i was a kid i've also had a great love for music it's hard to have two things that you love because how do you give one the attention it deserves but my motivation to do well in music is a shot up olympic final with this what is worse i think this is worse because i know what i'm doing a lot more on the track [Music] being on the show is a big deal when i walk out under the track i'm in control i get to decide everything that happens but here today i don't and that's quite scary all i can really do is go out there and give it everything and hope for the [Music] if i best mine interested or i'm not listening different but truly i ain't got no business here but since my friends are here i just came to kick [Music] and i don't want to get with you so my friends i'll be over here [Music] no matter if you are me a reason to love me i [Applause] just [Applause] [Applause] wow first of all you must be really something special if you got this one to turn this chair around oh my god what's your name i'm jasmine and what do you do for a living um i'm an olympic long jumper wow wow check you out that's dope idiots i must say and how long have you been single i used to do musical theater as a kid but i stopped when i was about 14 to focus on the sport and then two and a half years ago i picked up the music again which one have you been doing longer long journey by a mile wow you can long jump on a mile how did you do in the olympics i came eight [Applause] thank you it wasn't what i wanted but at the time i was really angry because i was you know seven whole people beat me i mean i'm 22 so hopefully there's gold medals in the future you got that one well yeah yeah you call me golden ears but you got you got the ears there i think um there could be some magic give her her voice i think she's a great addition well done thank you so much anyone who gets to the olympics is a hard worker she's going to listen she has desire passion commitment it shows some mad determination you lucked out it's going to be a good partnership i can't wait to get started i want you now hope i look alright no i don't like wearing shoes at all i feel better already i'm claudia harrison i'm 18 years of age and i'm from wa [Music] i've surfed ever since i could walk really dad's put me on the surfboard i'm pretty much like a boy i'm the boy he never had [Music] the way i would compare surfing to singing is that you get the same free feeling how does it feel [Music] it puts you in a different zone to anything else that's going on around you as soon as i start surfing i'm in my own world and as soon as i start singing i'm in my own world as well i'm really scared i'm really scared to go on stage because i've never been on such big stage before with a lot of pressure everyone watching me when i get nervous i can't breathe and nothing will come out when i try and hit my high notes so i'm scared the coaches won't turn [Music] [Music] that's beautiful [Applause] did not expect that [Music] [Applause] hello hey guys what's your name i'm claudia harrison i'm 18 years of age and i'm from perth wa wow amazing how did you get into that style of singing i mean what drew you to that i just kind of was born really singing opera like from a young age when i was six mum was in the kitchen and i just started singing opera that's what she said but i can't really remember you were like oh i can do oprah yeah first words were oprah i think what's really nice about you is that you just don't fit the bill of an opera singer you've got such a pure gift like i i turned around and i i swear that's probably the most shocked i've been like i did not expect like a beach blonde girl to be singing that do you study opera no i've never had singing lessons or anything i actually sing other singing as well like acoustic foe would you mind if i heard you sing your other style as well go quads um all right let's hear it been out on the [Music] ocean sounds beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] and when it's time i'll leave the ocean behind [Music] where everything starts leave the ocean behind me wow seriously you are a team delta girl that i have to take all the way you have to come on my team i will not take no for an answer you've got beautiful opera but you've also got pop and you still sound very current wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me just make it very clear i know exactly the kind of music the kind of songs that we would choose together i'm not here to change you i'm not here to put you in any kind of genre box but i would love for you to be on team kelly and i believe in an artist like you you're very lucky that you can do those both things you've got the opera thing and then you've got this kind of tender folk thing which is also really touching so there's a lot to experiment with and i'm the king of experimentation [Laughter] my mum loves you she'll be your mum's got great taste is she here um yeah yeah she's here i'll bring her out oh my god wait wait wait but if i bring my mum out can i bring my sister out because she loves delta if she loves me to bring her up perfect oh she'll be so excited your mom's so glamorous hello hello hello please hello can you please tell your sister to pick me up do you have any uh family members that like me at all annie can i just say come on team delta can i hey hang on hang on no you definitely cannot dance [Applause] hang on so in this industry sit over here in this industry there is so much hype anyone can tell you you're talented and blah blah but that doesn't mean that will get you to where you want to go all of this is bs if you don't have the end game which is the song that showcases your gift and i think it should draw in a little bit of your opera gift i think it should draw on your folk i think you would fit in my team beautifully do i pick now yeah like can i just pick oh you can pick by the way by the way i'm best friends with your mum now put your arm love your mom don't feel any pressure though to upset your poor mother [Applause] well i want to say thank you for all turning around first i'm really stoked that he's all turned around i didn't expect it um i think i'm gonna have to go with [Applause] delta oh [Applause] i'm so excited you're on my team i was not going to let you go i didn't know if anyone was going to turn i thought you were going to get her but she was so in love with delta oh yeah there was nothing she should have gone with guy technically she was trying to go for like more trills and runs and she would actually have benefited to learn that from you but the biggest thing about artistry is placing yourself in a position where that person that is mentoring you doesn't tell you everything you want to hear yeah i just want you to have the best experience i want you to learn a lot don't be afraid to ask me questions i'm an open book i'll tell you anything you want to know all right thank you bye bye bye bye nicely congrats to me on team delta yes yes i think the sis got me over the line bye mama okay love you oh my gosh bye as if he just said love you to it i do love her oh my gosh coming down the red carpet is guy sebastian's brother chris with mom nelly and best friend jc when people see me i think the automatic assumption is i'm only here because of who my brother is whether he was doing it or not i'd be doing the same thing i'm not just some famous guy's brother i'm here to do my own thing when i heard of the voice it made so much sense the coaches not being able to see me they've got no idea what my last name is they just get to hear me sing i can't think of a moment where i've been this nervous for something that i'm about to do every time i step out onto a stage i'm always a brother but today i'm my own artist i'm my own singer and i'm finally doing what i want to do for myself [Music] yeah remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] baby [Music] baby i can see your head though [Music] though [Applause] i know that guy i i would ask your name but i believe i might know it yes it is um did anybody else pick this a mile away [Applause] the second you started singing i was like oh that voice and they're like hang on a minute hang on a minute and then i turn around and i see you just just killing it and being one of your brother's best mates i just can't tell you how excited i was to see it with you i just thank you so much i'm so excited by the way we're talking about guy sebastian like amazing you know i'm friends i'm friends with your brother he told me that that's my body man but you didn't turn around man but listen listen listen buddy me not turning around has nothing to do with me thinking you deserve to be on the show or not you have an amazing voice it obviously runs in the family you guys are blessed with looks and just sweet dudes so i'm really happy that you're going to be through because you're definitely one to watch so congratulations man thanks so much man i appreciate my summer hey chris that was sensational thanks man he just oozed everything that that song sounded like it was such a good thing i feel like an idiot for not pressing that but um you're you're in tremendous hands with either of these guys thank you so much welcome to the voice chris thank you uh really good performance um and here it comes i thought your performance was good tonight i i'm not quite sure what it was at the beginning of the song i couldn't really find you i did however see you went after it you decided that you weren't going to be denied and you went and got it i turned around because i want you to happen he's looking into his eyes stop so understand you can go with delta and that's cool and it will be really cool but understand that if you come on my team i'm only interested in one thing and one thing only making you great yeah okay thank you so much all right brother [Applause] chris chris it really is up to you man you have to decide i have to ask when you when you hear me when you see me what are you what do you see for me as an artist what is your vision for me i see a diamond in the rough it's that simple you have the thing that is really really difficult to get a hold of right you can sing that's a given but what you have is something really special you are a star i want to help you communicate that to everyone else that is what i would give to you okay i'm going to give it to you straight the reason why i believe you should be with me is because i think we can just make this easy and i just think that then we can just take it to the top it won't be hard i love you seal i love you very much you know this but i have heard seal say this before and here's the difference i naturally understand your spirit and i understand this country this is my country i love australia we can make this happen together it will be a very easy ride for us that is a very good pitch and it's true it's what i would do i do any i need you i would do anything when i love something that is a very high pitch that she is making there's one thing that doesn't really sit with me with in in in delta's pitch right and she keeps using the word easy right it's not going to be easy brother and pick whoever you will hold on a second easy and what you will get with me is i will make you work but when you come out the other side you will stand the best chance of winning on my team i've never had to make a decision like this in my entire life and the whole basis of why i'm doing this show is because i wanted people to see that just because of who my brother is it doesn't mean that i'm not willing to work so so hard [Applause] [Music] i have to go i have to go with my gut and and delta you are such an incredible person and such an incredible artist but i have to go with seal oh thank you so much i appreciate it [Applause] i remember what i said you showed me that you have it and i will give you as best chance as anything to get this okay come here i'm sorry that was a tough one good job chris thanks man i really wanted to pick delta and the reason why i picked seal is when she mentioned easy the last thing that i wanted this country to think is that i want to take the easy way out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 17 year old music student anna mcluckie has a first for the voice a stringed secret weapon [Music] people always associate hearts with like cherubs and like little girls being like huh so i kind of want to make it more current and you can just pull it like outwards yeah towards your hands but it went at different times didn't it it went rather i've got quite a subtle voice i know quite a lot of people who go on the voice have like fake like christina like i don't really have anything like that but it's more folky and but i hope that gives me something like original yeah ultimately it is a vocal competition so hopefully my voice stands out over the heart um i'm quite nervous but i've been told that if i like picture my butterflies like flying out of my stomach then i'll calm down so i'll try that it's pretty crazy thinking that i would be able to be mentored by these people at 17 like they've had like a life's experience in the music industry so it'll be amazing [Applause] [Music] wow yes come on [Applause] come too is to give up who we are [Music] i'm up all night [Music] [Applause] [Music] to give up we are she's incredible [Music] i'm up all night for fun [Applause] hey [Music] hello hi i'm anna mclucky and i'm from edinburgh well that was beautiful thank you really i'm not knocking at the original or anything but that was a thousand times better it's just that i couldn't add anything to it that's all but but it was lovely that was absolutely beautiful and the reason i didn't turn is because puppy dog eyes over there was a goner and then puppy dog guys number two turn around so there's a thing in in not turning and knowing that you're safe with someone else and if you want just girl chat come to my dressing room um i waited to the very last minute to turn because i was thinking like should i turn because she's probably gonna go with ricky but you know what i don't mind losing trying to win you i would you know coach you through um a whole bunch of song selections out of your comfort zone so so that when you're up there on during the battles you shine even when it's not your you know your comfort okay thank you hello hi the song choice was great but you could have been singing the tetris theme and i would have been shaking still um it was it was all i had to turn around i couldn't and then i was transfixed i couldn't even smile i didn't i didn't know what to do with myself um i think you can bring beauty to any anything like ace of spades or something like that you could just make it into something so beautiful people would forget the original and they would just be taken away to a different place just like i was then yeah i'd love you on my team thank you i'll fight for you if you're on my team i will fight for you right now i'll be there i'll be the girl that walks around going round two [Applause] i think i'm gonna go [Music] i'm sorry [Applause] i'm sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] right oh what a shame she's really good she's amazing team will has started i don't like to be gunned because i don't like pistols that was bad i just thought the world could for me like production-wise like choosing songs and doing things a bit different i thought maybe he'd have some good ideas well done thank you absolutely amazing anna with the heart she was singing and she broke my heart fix it again when she started singing got on the drums and i started swinging i think will did that just i'm glad that she's on i'm so glad she's on my team really so she's dope she's dope hey next a girl with a troubled childhood arrives with her pride foster parents could she be the first one to find a home in team delta my name is karise eden i'm 19 years old i'm from the central coast in new south wales when i was about 13 i was self-harming stopped going to school i hadn't been to school since i was 12. i spent about two and a half to three and a half years in refuges moving place to place growing up i always felt like i've been very pushed down and shut down and not really worth much [Music] i met auntie marilyn when i was four years old she's a foster auntie she later married uncle frank they're awesome they gave me a guitar i really think as cheesy as it sounds you know i wouldn't have a life if it wasn't for them she basically just improved to the stage where she basically earned it so we got a guitar and she's continued i think basically she just needed some direction and it was something that she embraced and loved so it just went from there music was a major outlet for me i've never really felt like i'd been heard never really seen that i had anything to give doing something like this is like me saying i'm here can you please listen to me i know that this is what i want to do and i just want to give it one shot and sing the best that i can this is [Applause] [Applause] to take us over the road a song that means something [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] wow wow what is your name um my name is karise aiden no wait a minute you can't talk like that when you just sang like that [Applause] what's your name my name's karise eden i'm 19 i'm from yeah i'm 19 and i'm from uh the central coast new south wales no no no no no you you you're from outer space i'm not free that you know what you are exactly what this show's all about unbelievable unbelievable man that was phenomenal what is it that makes you find that kind of depth when you sing i just enjoy singing um it's just a place where i go that i like it there wherever i go okay well i just want you to know i loved it immensely and of course it says everything i want you and if you would like to come with me of course i could i'd be happy to work with your incredible talent what can i say you swallowed janice joplin i swear it was it was amazing i was like it was so like 1019 is what you really must be in age because that's just got the you many many lives down in that voice and i was so gobsmacked that we got to hear that tonight and to see it too great job you know for the first time i'm completely lost for words i actually don't even know what to say to you finally this has not happened i almost forgot to press the button right you know you're possessed you made some deal with the devil to to be able to to have that thing come out of you that's just incredible if you look behind you you'll see that it's called the voice right and i don't think there's been any bigger testament to that than what we just heard you are incredible god bless you and i'll tell you what as phil said if you made a deal with the devil i will follow you to hell and back if you're on my team [Applause] but it is your decision what do i do now i don't know what to do it doesn't really matter what happens here tonight you're going somewhere so we've already established that the question you should be asking yourself is can any of us here take you on that path and if we can is it the path you want to go on every one of you have influenced my life just dramatically um but i know who i'd like to choose [Applause] amazing to the voice [Music] i've never seen a crab before especially uncle frank it's like oh my gosh sale sale sale that moment just then i've never felt just that freaking happy and that just like somebody wants me somebody heard me and i have a voice that someone wants to hear welcome to the voice [Applause] i'm esme dentius i'm 26 i'm from holland but i now live in london and i work in a frozen yogurt shop it's not my dream job but it helps me support myself and my career [Music] when i was 18 i was signed to justin timberlake's label it was amazing like a dream come true i recorded an album with him i went on tour with him i'll keep you coming back again one of my songs called outta here it did pretty well it went to the top 10. [Music] so justin basically found me through videos that i put up on youtube i had a massive online following he was pretty impressed and then flew me over to the us when i was signed i seemed to have it all it was just the most incredible experience [Music] unfortunately things didn't work out it's called the music business it's all about selling stuff as well i was devastated i thought that this was going to be my life and all of a sudden it just seemed to be slipping away from me the second time around i'm a lot older and wiser and i know what i want i'm ready to give it another go if they don't turn around i can honestly say that i'd be gutted i'm definitely more ready than ever [Music] look at the stars look how they shine for you and everything you do [Music] and all the things you do [Music] [Music] oh [Music] beautiful [Music] oh look how they shine [Applause] oh my god what i know you do you yes i do please remind me of your name my name is esme denters we had a conversation a while ago i think it was like 2008 what do you you even remember the year yeah it was 2008 and the month was just i think what was the time i know it first week of december 3 o'clock we're in san francisco you are one of the first artists that had hundreds of millions of views at the time you were getting more views than artists that had record deals anyways that's the last time we had a conversation that was 2008. yeah oh my god i can't believe you're all just there i was like at the end i was like please turn but you were freaking awesome you did a great job that song was no one can take a song that we all love the way it is in its form the reason why we all turned around is because you did something magical and congratulations thank you i remember watching your videos i know you've worked with justin timberlake i didn't know that obviously when i when i turned around but i recognized your voice and i was confused and i was like it can't be is it it just goes to show that you just never know what this industry is gonna do and it can either swallow you up spit you out and you're still standing on that stage and i have to give you props for that you are so exciting you deserve to be on this show and i'm very happy that you got four turns oh thank you wow what legend tom i'm at a disadvantage here because my two colleagues know you you're american then no i'm from holland oh because you sound american when you when you snap no it's very confusing i i guess i grew up watching the fresh prince of el air that's where i got this accent is that what you saw me then was it because i was on the fresh prince about it yeah yeah but anyway i really enjoyed what you did you sounded fresh and and and i love that and that's why i turned well that is really nice to hear coming from you it was lovely thank you thank you hi hi i'm ricky yes um i know i'm at a disadvantage too because um i don't know who you are i didn't know who you are and then you started to sing and i felt like after you sang that song like i've i've known you all my life and um wow you're a charmer it's not a trick because it's like when you meet someone you really like i'm not chatting you up by the way because if you meet someone you really like you don't have to chat them up you just know there's no lines you don't you know my boyfriend is backstage trying to flip your ass i'm just uh [Music] [Applause] that's classic that's never happened before i'm just trying to get you on on my team and i don't know any other way to try and do that and just say how magical it was and i felt like i knew you already that's it okay well that's that's amazing to hear i mean i'm honored to have all four chairs turned i mean i was hoping for just one to be honest so that i could show people that i still really want this and you know which one were you hoping [Applause] [Music] for well i'm a huge fan and i've had the pleasure of meeting you before you're a mogul rita i respect you a lot as an artist as a young female and then tom you're a legend ricky i loved your attempt at um being the charmer that you are um i think i will go with [Music] um my man will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's crazy this industry is crazy yeah [Applause] [Music] hi my name is sapphia i'm 16 years old and i'm from sydney australia my whole life has revolved around music and around my family [Music] yeah i believe i got my musical gift from my dad he would always walk around the house singing dancing anything like that he was just never dull in late july last year i lost my dad to heart disease it was only me and my sister when it happened and we called triple zero and ambulance came and we thought he's gonna be okay later that night we lost him [Music] it was really hard considering that he was always there he would never leave my side [Music] he was my best friend [Music] [Applause] by not having a husband there their father it completely changes everything it's like every performance that we did for sapphire every concert every music opportunity she's had he's been there every step of the way if he saw her right now there are no words to describe how proud he would be it's going to be hard knowing that he's not here but he's here in my heart and his flame will never go out ever how you feeling i'm nervous yeah how's sapphire feeling very nervous like she does a few gigs but this is the biggest this is the biggest so far yes feel i'm standing still nothing else matters now you're not here so where are you i've been calling you i'm missing you so where else can i go [Music] memories to dust please don't bury us [Music] [Applause] i [Applause] [Music] i'm ready if i lose myself so good what great news her dad will be approached first off can i just come hug you yes ah what's your name my name is sapphire seth oh my god sapphire and your name is sapphire oh my gosh i waited the whole day for a rare gem called a sapphire i don't know if you know this but they all have their teams and i finally have mine and i'm so happy hi sapphire wow what a voice incredible how old are you i'm 16 years old you're 16. you know why you know why that's shocking is because for you to connect to that song so well at your age is unheard of but you just put your heart on the line there and everyone in this room felt it um the song means a lot to me because the lyrics talk about how i was at a breaking point because i've lost my dad and it's been very hard healing and being you god bless you got this [Applause] [Music] it's been really hard because it's only been me my mom and my little sister and we're still healing but i'm so sorry my dad had a massive impact on my life he was that every performance i performed at and to be here now honoring him i just hope i made him proud you made him proud [Applause] [Music] take a deep breath in me and you need to take a deep breath ah you are so brave and so beautiful and i'm so happy you came today and thank you for trusting this process and please trust me because i got you i got you this process [Applause] y'all give my sapphire a big [Applause] let me get my shoes that was beautiful wow that was really incredible way to go where'd you go i'm so sorry i'm so sorry for your [Music] [Applause] uh your loss here oh i'm so excited your family's here that's it that's that's the end of lunch for me it's been the most fun lines i've ever done oh hello are you mom i'm kate nice to meet you katie she is so special thank you and i promise promise promised to take really good care of her on this journey i promise oh my gosh she's going to make me cry all over again you're going to make me cry i'm so proud welcome to team carol amazing outfit by the way i'm sorry i have to compliment no it's okay it's okay well i look forward to working with you sapphire thank you so much for sure [Music] [Music] hello my name is [Music] hello emily [Music] uh [Music] [Laughter] kindergarten [Music] [Music] nightmare before christmas in [Music] [Music] there are few who deny it what i do i am the best for my talents are renowned for far and wide when it comes to surprises [Music] like charms i have seen grown men give out a shriek with the wave of my hand and a well-placed bone i have swept the very bravest off their feet [Music] yet year after year it's the same routine and i grow so weary of the sound of screams and i check the pumpkin king have grown so tired of the same old [Music] began to grow there's something out there far from my home [Music] [Applause] nice [Music] oh my goodness wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right all right let's do it each of the scooter song for the birth of the wicked heist [Music] okay here on onions birth of the wicked yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i've been singing since i was young in church with my dad and i wasn't good till i was like 18 i would say so when 16 year olds come on like it blows me away oh what holds me back because i'm 16 and all these people get so much more experience if you just focus on me are you as nervous as i am probably not no problem i'm ifa and this is my twin sister katie we're 16 years old we live in this small little village in county mead in ireland great being a twin because you know you always have someone there for you we get unlike good friends like sometimes i actually forget that we're twins i always do leaflets clothes always music has always been in our family like every family event there's a session going on [Music] they've listened to us since we were four and they all sat and watched oh you're amazing i'm like we were not very amazing at all but they loved it so proud of you guys really my dad was a musician so we kind of got that idea of music from him they've come so far and they work really hard and for me if it's their dream it's my dream it's it's all the same to us we never thought that we'd be here we're kind of taking back like oh my god this is crazy thank you none of it feels real it just feels like a dream [Music] to think that we could be singing for international stars i never even thought i would get to meet in internationals yeah on everything in rhythm [Music] [Applause] that's not something you get to do every [Music] day tell me what's wrong eyes there is no hope for tomorrow [Applause] you can wow it i can see that you're all so sad so quiet [Applause] you'll be dancing once again [Music] time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we are twins and we're 16 and i'm from ireland you're 16. wait you guys are like twins and stuff yeah obviously not identical but yeah but you guys are in the same belly yes yes i'm a twin right yeah you're a twin yeah it's a cool thing right it is a cool thing who's older i am by three minutes best three months of my life your face your face by three minutes you're so cute i'm so happy i loved it i think you felt so great thank you so much thank you how long have you been singing for we've been singing since it was four years ago i think we came together but first we like were separate and we're like i don't want to sing with her she's not my sister people are like oh sing together these are amazing together so we kind of just sung together and we're like you know this is okay do your mom and dad sing too my dad sings a lot he's like our idol and our mother sings sometimes mom's a very good singer but she doesn't do it for many people i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't turn i really am i was listening and i loved it and i couldn't find any fault with it and i just didn't go it's okay tom we forgive you oh thank you thank you well i just want to sound really excited in town i i loved it i really was really enjoying the performance i saw that megan turn so i was just like well you're on the show anyway but just great voices and and so lovely to meet you both i can see you're going to be a joy to work with so welcome to the show thank you so much [Applause] [Music] it was just me like i wouldn't be here i wouldn't be who i am if it wasn't for you and be the singer i am [Applause] hey what does your brother look like well we haven't spoke for like 10 years you guys don't get a while we had a big argument yeah i was on x factor and i couldn't make his wedding because i was on the show and it was just a bit of a it was a long story basically but yeah we haven't spoke for 10 years i feel like the next time i'm going to see him is probably going to be at the worst place to see someone yeah be it someone that we lose in our family which i i don't want that to be the case and i'd have no idea that's a shame yeah it's a shame more so for my mum because you bring two people into the world yeah you know and like you guys shared the belly yeah and i i i do miss having you know my twin with me we had like these two different sort of personalities but we just had this bond as a twin it's something i was so proud about yeah and i still am like i'm a twin it's quite a proud thing and i brings back memories you know what i mean well it's bound to when you see them together yeah i want to see two twins together well you know i'm your twin huh that's good i don't know i'm kidding i'm sick bro when we were kids like we used to sing all the time so you sort of think i like we we could have been up singers together you know but i understand what you're feeling things happen things happen you know but you you will you'll get back together [Music] you can do whatever you want now you know rekindle it i hope we can i hope we can yeah anyway let's let's let's carry on with the show oh god bless you thank you though i love you guys ollie breaking my heart [Music] oh man i had no idea it was two of them it's crazy [Music] you all right yeah i just [Applause] [Music] i think i've been a smiley shy person since i was a little kid and i still am i guess in a lot of ways yeah i feel more confident with singing than talking walking down the empty piece [Music] i spend most of my days creating music and swimming at the beach the ocean is my sanctuary such a beautiful space for thinking it's like my escape from anxiety my escape from everything it's my happy place it's the ocean before a big gig i'll just swim and then i'll feel like my lungs will be open and ready to sink so that's my type of warm-up i don't think a lot of people expect me to to sing the way i do from hearing me talk it's an unexpected voice that comes out of me i've been told that i don't really have a mainstream voice it is just a natural voice for me and i have sang like this since i was little and i hope that the coaches like it [Music] i've been alone with you inside my mind [Applause] and in my dreams i kissed your lips if i was in time i sometimes see you pass outside my door i love it is this me you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh thank you so much okay what's your name my name is soma i'm 26 and i'm from sydney well i think it's safe to say that you have a very unique sound yes would we agree on that it's yes it's kind of i had to turn and see who you were because there was a lot of things i heard in it and normally i'm a little bit critical of what people call the affected voice but you just made it work and that is really all that ever matters if your sound works it works and it was just like a snake it just crawled all over me and took me over and i had to turn so thank you i'm glad it was enchanting thank you what do you mean i don't know about the snakes part but enchanting is an even better word that's enchanting is way better that's the thing it was and i think you know yeah i would encourage more of that yeah people do say i have a unique sound i don't really know i think you never really know what your own sound sounds like sounds like you it sounds like me exactly yeah you have your own sound and there's a certain like tone that's electronic almost you know what i mean i think it's interesting that you're able to do it naturally instead people put an effect on when they're in the studio do you know what i mean yeah so it's cool that you're able to do that by yourself and i'm really excited because all i can think about is like dance songs right now i know i would be a great coach for you yeah just you make me excited like you as an artist makes me excited thank you terry i'm really sorry i didn't turn around but i genuinely was so intrigued and i'm looking forward to seeing you in the battles i really need to watch you sing like that again but congratulations hey summer okay um firstly thank you so much that was it was just it was so graceful and so beautiful and effortless and you know we're in an age at the moment where people are just craving individuality and and uniqueness and the thing is you don't really sing like anybody you've got little bits of other singers in the best ways i would imagine you on on festivals on any stage but then you would also get invited to a lot of blues and roots festivals i just feel like what you've got we're gonna hear from you and and i never say that right like i never say that because we've got people like like vera blue and like so many people that seem to just have something unique and something special and you just want to hear it on the radio and to me you've just got that so i think it's about growing with you as a coach and it's the end game with you at the end of the show it's almost like you should be kind of booking stuff straight away that's how i feel about you and that is literally the exact thing that i'm looking for and i feel like you'd be perfect on my team you would be amazing based on that information he just gave you i think you're more perfect for my team i really really love the unusual you know i like things that break the rules i don't like anything that's like a strict genre i've got a lot i can teach you a lot of experience you know this is so hard it's not hard at all actually you actually belong on my team i think you would fit in my team beautifully [Applause] oh my god i would choose wisely i i don't know actually what happens now what does happen now just tell them so i'm choosing am i yes i i come on i do have to go with oh no i kelly that but it was difficult i love you guys too dammit you too you're so talented i cannot wait to work with you you are such an exciting thank you beautiful you're amazing my gosh love you i know you're my favorite thing i've heard so far not because this is so good i know damn it i should have used my blog i should have used my she's blog guess what she's mine you'll screw it up she'll come crawling the team guy no she won't yeah [Applause] he's really upset kelly if you're gonna dress like a starfish then expect to get wet who filled this you got one too and mine's got no water in it that goes with me i'll kill someone go cali [Music] mine literally has no water in it mine has all the water in it [Music] let's go my name is nathan isaac i am a professional dancer from sydney there have been amazing artists that have danced for you know katy perry and rita ora little mix and i want to keep going i don't want to glow it this is not my first time on the voice stage i've danced many times for artists doing their performances i used to look at all the artists singing and i would stand there and be like oh my god i would just love to do that and now that i'm actually here there's just so much pressure it's crazy i haven't sung in front of people like this ever in my entire life people don't even know that i sing i always dreamed that i would be a singer and i guess i was just always way too nervous to push myself and actually be the person on the microphone singing i normally don't get nervous but knowing that i'm about to go on stage and sing makes me sweat and i just need to grow some balls and do this i would love for a chair to turn i feel like anyone here wants that that's why you come here and it's kind of almost like you're validated like you know you are worth it you can actually do this and you can actually sing and if those chairs don't turn [Music] and i i get to know your name [Music] i love this song [Music] wreck-it baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] baby [Music] oh what's your name my name is nathan i'm nathan i'm 23 and i'm from 23 year old nathan hi nathan what a performance congratulations i'm sorry but i officially have to speak first because i am officially from the 80s and i knew pete burns for a long long time the legend pete burns you know it's almost impossible to imagine anyone singing it and doing what you did with it i was like there was a hint of freddie mercury in there as well a little beer you know there was a lot of kind of beautiful elements like a fine wine but you really did a good version of it and it had a bit of a sort of there's some sort of weird foot fetish going on over here apparently yeah i really love your look yeah you know what i really love your look i do like your voice like a whole lot and i'm hoping that you'll make the right decision and go with my lovely friend delta goodrich i called in support because i i feel like this was going to be a a strong battle up against george and this 80s connection right now i was born in 84. um me wait wait wait wait i met pete burns in the 70s so we're talking your decades out oh george let me hang in the decade with you i didn't turn around but i'm just gonna take this opportunity to say don't do the obvious thing in the words of george don't do the obvious why would i be obvious we've never met before in our entire lives i know because you already made a connection oh i'm from the 80s and this is why this is my era you know i was very lucky to grow up in an era where individuality was a really really big part of it and i think that's what you just did then as well thank you so i salute you for that yeah i i wish i i saw it because i think what you do visually is probably a huge part of you as an artist what what do you want out of a coach um i think what i'd want out of a coach is someone that's going to have fun with me and i'm going to learn something you know that i need someone to teach me and elevate me i always want to learn and evolve and keep going to somewhere different i thought you were great there's a lot to work on and that's why we are here is to be able to be on that discovery with you of who you are and so i would love to be your coach and i think you should come to last year's winner over here we made it hard i didn't even expect anyone to turn so no well you you're obviously very talented you're completely worthy of this moment so be proud of yourself this is great so you have a very easy decision to make and it is my girl delta good job but i'm gonna yes how are you okay so make a decision nathan you got it you got this ah this is hard it is hard but you've made hard decisions before you've got this i just want to say i just feel incredibly complimented at the fact that you you've both turned around like it just means so much to me and i admire you both you're both so amazing look i have to say i am really big with star signs and i so happen to be a gemini and mr boy george is also a gentleman wow so i would love to work with you bye george sorry delta you're good you're good that was a real good that was good i liked it thank you he did actually give something else to the song it wasn't a parody of of pete burns you know it's a hard song to sing he was beautiful did you think i was too i is that's what i knew you were gonna do that's why i put my feet up [Music] i thought it was fabulous i'm kind of annoyed i only have one space left so i have to now exert a degree of self-control but i may not have in me america [Music] [Music] [Music] beatles barikandenko all secret numbers when i find myself in times of trouble mother mary comes to me so by [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] when i find myself in times of trouble mother mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom let it be [Music] and in my hour of darkness she's standing right in front of me [Music] let it be [Music] there is still a chance that they will see there will be an answer let it be let it be let it be let it be let please let it be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello oh hey honey um ecomo syria depends 17 year outs and panel 3 are netherlands [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] support uh [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so nice ah but is it all ruined now [Music] oh yeah from the time she wakes up till the time she goes to bed she's bossing somebody around it's mostly me well she likes to practice the most who wants to practice the least oops our trio name is worth the weight i'm tara and i'm 47. i am mia and i'm 15. i'm jc and i'm 13. me and her are sisters and she's mama we live in a small town it's called center [Music] the girls have been singing pretty much their entire lives i would say hey guys see if you can find the harmony so i go and i thought well that's fun hello blake so yeah he was a psychiatrist mom has always been really spontaneous in any store if the cashier says that they are having a bad day mom says well can we sing for you so we were in a store one day [Applause] we sang and the woman that was in line behind us recorded it on her phone that video went viral and we hit around 40 million views from that point on pretty much every weekend we were booked somewhere soon originally our trio was with our older sister sadie sadie had a baby and so she wasn't able to sing with us anymore because he's special needs jackson needs a lot of full-time care he was born with a rare skin disease they came to me and said they feel like that third part needs to be there with tears in their eyes and so how could i not at least give it a shot [Music] not having their sister sadie along for this journey is difficult because she deserves to be here but sadie will always be with us in our performances you're gonna make me cry if you don't have a chair turn around if you have all portraits whatever happens is going to be a beauty thank you i want to push this button coming from small town america you just don't have these types of opportunities knock at your door every day our next artist is answering now i'm ready i'm feeling this is team kelly guys we're gonna put everything we've got into it and try to make it the best experience of a lifetime i feel like i hear like a lot of feet been cheating [Applause] [Music] love he always breaks my heart [Music] is tell me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good what are your names where are you from i'm mia i'm jc and i'm mama t mama t okay so what's the deal are you family uh daughters yeah i'm mama oh you're the i'm mama you look like a sister oh of course thank you is there a name of the group worth the wait they're worth the wait we're thrilled worth the wait so this is my situation i'm sitting back there and i hear one voice and i turned around i don't saw my face literally in shock and then all of a sudden you guys came in and it was like magic and i love that it's mom and daughters that's so crazy cool and i have another daughter that also sings oh wow they were the original trio and i've had them singing pretty much their whole lives and then she had a special needs baby she said i've been praying and you have to sing with us oh my gosh wow oh my gosh that's so amazing i also was in a band with my brother for nine years we wrote don't speak together we wrote a bunch of songs together so i know the family thing as well so what is the style of music you guys want to do we like country did you see that i was on the country chart did you see that i just wondered if you saw half peg closely did you see twice number one just wondering if you saw that when it comes to blake shelton obviously being a country king it's true that he has been on the show for 19 seasons he is so burnt out not only like on this show oh a shot has been fired he also has a lot of country singers on his team i have no country singers on my team trying to get three more i feel like i'm like the fresh one in the country lane i have a lot of support from the community the country community i actually play the video that i have here um just some of the support that i have what the hell is this so clearly you're told i believe that every person is allotted a certain amount of good luck in his or her life and blake as is evidenced by his girlfriend has used his up yes yes preach trace so even trace you are armed right a legend what an idiot i want you to choose me you know what i'm saying so i'm just i'm just saying i'd love to work with you guys you guys are so much fun thank you thank you so much hello ladies i really enjoyed it i love that song i love the harmonies we don't have anyone like y'all on the show i will be honest with you there were parts where it's not completely in sync you have to be so dead on because people will not let anything slide so if you pick me as your coach i will definitely push you like a choir director good job well done obviously you got a four-chair turn and just congratulations in general for making this show y'all thank you so much thank you hello worth the wait hey i actually think that's the perfect name i have one spot left on my team and i've been sitting here waiting for whatever that's going to be it's been worth the wait right in order to handle this right and especially hearing that your country by the way there's not much you could have done about that anyway because i heard you speaking i know people here like y'all have an accent i'm like no you have the accent i think you need to have songs that let your harmonies soar yep i would be proud to be your coach thank you so much well that leaves me [Laughter] i am not an expert in country music of course but i did grow up singing with my family i did grow up in the church as a choir director i did direct an acapella group so no one in this group has spent more time thinking about how people should harmonize together than me you all are one of our very few four chair turns in this whole season so you should be proud of yourselves and i would love to work with you thank you so much who do you think is your coach worth the wait [Applause] i think we've decided on [Applause] blake [Music] i love you guys thank you so much hello i love you you're here with us i promise i love yours [Applause] let's go you coming home with us here we go this is what you've been waiting for i know i know um i'm lara george i'm 32 i'm a learning support assistant from essex me and my family are really close like literally walking distance mum and dad are seven doors down hi mom my dad hi lg my cousin luke carol and their daughter catherine colin and their three children who are my cousins there's always somebody that you bump into that you say hello to always i work in a school in essex absolutely love it i've been here for 12 years good morning everyone we are a social emotional mental health school for children that find their learning and some social times a little bit challenging so we support them to form positive relationships the job's so rewarding the kids are just absolutely fantastic good stuff at 16 i worked at a call center and that was where i met olly murs we realised straight away that we just got on well so we made sure we're on the same kind of shift we sat next to each other we basically just laughed the whole time which is probably why i didn't sell anything and i can't remember what it was actually meant to be doing does he know you come in no i thought we'll leave it as a surprise and see what happens yeah so of course it would be lovely if you turned around it'd be lovely just to say hello here we go here we go we back i want it and i feel like this is my last chance you know i want to be able to make music that people can relate to i want people to recognize my voice [Music] going out there knowing that it's one shot is nerve-wracking of course it is but i think i just keep saying to myself just go out there and give it your [Music] i all here with a broken heart that no one else could see your smile on my face or paper over me brooms hair tears dry cracks they don't show so don't be so hard on yourself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh no [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] i was like i know this voice laura what are you doing here thank god you turned yeah this is i didn't think you did wait wait what's your name lara from essex near me tell us about her this is mad whoa we worked together at kitchens direct so we were like 16. and then when i first started singing lara was the person i looked up to like she was already doing all the gigs she was always like so confident singing everything i was like oh my god this girl's amazing and i remember we had i fancied her loads as well i was trying to oh no and then we became really good friends and i'm so proud of her to come up here and do this do you remember our history remember when it was just you and me and we were just here together alone oh laura your tone was amazing i was like okay i have this we're having a real moment here and then they ruined it you're too strong not to turn i mean that's what i uh that's all right yeah thank you you sound like you were so forever thank you thank you very much how long have you been singing since the age of four probably i would say around the house do you write as well um i've written a little bit i get right for you well listen as a friend i'm i'm really proud that you've done this and you've got three turns that you truly deserve so i'm really tough for it i really am really tough are you going to pitch right now of course i'd love laura on my team but you know what me and laura have been friends for a long time i think it's it's clearly out of you guys so you you pitch away well you could just pick me [Music] [Applause] your level of skill and talent is pretty up there is at the top and i feel like i could take you a very long way i know it's my first time on the show but i'm here to find a superstar and help them win this show i think you sing great and i think you're powerful i love the way you handled the song you just came through loud and clear so you want to come with me come on so it's up to you now laura okay it's up to you to decide who's gonna be your coach oh this is really difficult [Applause] i'm gonna go with tom if you'll have me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just buzzing absolutely buzzing like amazing for me i think this is it now this is where i just throw everything into it and make something of it because it's something that i've always wanted so just go go for it team tom [Applause] angela fabian [Music] i am 50 years old and i am from a place called omaha nebraska right in the midwest of the united states i was employed by the united a nations around i traveled the world for about six or seven years singing for the united states troops [Music] you know we would do all of korea somalia and worked in honduras panama and a lot of the war-torn countries was just like a femoral welfare for the troops i met my husband paul in beijing he's actually from australia and that's how i made it here to australia hi angie this is mom and we just want to say [Music] [Music] did congratulations the king of secrets don't stop crying and be happy go and enjoy today my husband he is he's the best he makes me feel beautiful i love my husband very much [Music] i decided to come on the voice because i won't give up you don't have to stop when you're 50 you just keep on going and reaching for your dreams retirement is not even in my vocabulary oh man oh god [Music] sweet the sound that says [Music] like me [Applause] now i'm found was blind but now i see [Laughter] was blind [Music] i see oh my god oh my god okay what is your name goddess in cream where are you from angela fabian i'm i'm from brisbane sorry oh and i'm i'm from omaha nebraska in the u.s us tell us what you're feeling right now i've been overwhelmed it's uh it's just such a good feeling because that song it's just i wanted to move everybody with that song but it's amazing to me that i could actually move myself i'm so sorry why would you apologize for that that was so amazing to watch and there was so much truth in what you just did you know the minute you started singing it was just like i really like as george i really hope people at home feel we all just felt in this room right now the goosebumps just straight away it was unexplainable there was such a quality to your voice it pierced through my body and i was going to hit my buzzer but then i saw you guys hit yours and i didn't go but now i'm regretting it because i know what you can do you're a beast of a singer you've got honestly a beautiful gift i love the fact that you're crying i would cry but i ruined my makeup and i'm really i just want to i just want to say one thing you know a lot of people come on this show and they go with the person they're the fan of go where you think you're going to learn the most where you're going to learn new things about yourself you know not that i think emotionally there is anything you need to learn i think it's really in fact it might be nice to learn some stuff from you you know i'm ready to learn too so you know i would love to have you on my team i'm a very loyal loyal person this is your path that you choose right now you just made us all feel and that's that's what we want in music thank you so much for this moment whatever the next moment is i am with you i'd be honored to be your coach for whatever that is i'm here for you that sounds like you're giving up i think i'm i never give up and i am not in this position in my career forever giving up i am incredibly strong and i love music with all my heart that's all i know the essence of which you're singing from i feel it all over me i know that i can protect you on being your coach i know that we would be able to choose even more amazing songs you know an amazing grace and you'd be able to minister to everybody not just in australia but internationally too and i trust that about myself as a coach i know it would not just be it would be everywhere i can help with that as well i'm known in a few places around the world too actually how many records have you sold 150 million yes at last count i don't know all three of us would love you so but there are no wrong choices you know they're just choices the right one [Laughter] i am the i'm the right choice i do know that we don't know that for sure yes we do no we don't yes we do just because you won last year i won the year before hello and by the way by the way i wanted to say as well i felt it in every part of my being as well i've been in this business 39 years i've been up and down more times than anyone you can imagine and i've called back from the abyss many times i could take you to the end of this competition you are the kind of voice that could win this show and if you come with me i will make a promise i won't let you go i will not let you i'm going to hold you to that we'll not let you go you've got a difficult decision to make who's it going to be [Music] i just love all of you but i i really like george wow yeah i really wanted you i was like what am i gonna say to get this lady welcome to my team hey george just remember remember you said you will never let her go never well you'll see it's a pleasure to meet you [Applause] it took everything in me not to cry like songs like amazing grace like i got that i got goosebumps galore on that i think she was going with kelly eventually but i begged it back you fought you fought yeah it went in i really do i can't say that you haven't fought for for the artist now on that one [Music] you know when someone's a bit of a prize fighter vocally like this beautiful lady we just saw they've always got a chance of a comeback you know what i mean because if you've got that that's you know special voice it's all about the moment you know it was just beautiful and also you know i i'm a buddhist so i chant every day and i've been making sure particularly through this kind of period to chant every morning you know and i i just really thought about you know sort of expecting something kind of beautiful and magical and um i think i just found it oh my god you're here you made it the voice are you nervous yeah really nervous really i think i'm even more nervous than what you are yeah my name is kamio williams i'm 18 and i'm a student i grew up in layton buzzard it's a really small town i live at home with my family and i'm really really close with my mum she's great she's very loud she's uh very really supportive we like spending lots of time together yeah we're really close when she's about five years old it was a harry oakley she got up and sung oasis is wonderful and she's been singing ever since she just absolutely amazes me with her talent [Music] at the moment i go to college and study music in birmingham when i'm not at college i really like to go out on the street with my guitar and busk busking is really difficult because you can see that people are going about their day but it's really like calming when someone stops and they just like listen to you for a minute it's really nice today's massive for me i've never done anything on this scale to get this far and to be in front of those coaches and all those people you've done us proud no matter what yeah i'm in complete awe of her she's this tiny little girl that's grown into you know beautiful woman oh i'm gonna well up um yeah so proud i was 10 when i started watching the voice and i can't believe that i'm here now i'm going to be so nervous last deep breaths there's a lot riding on today i really really really want this got to get on stage and sing my heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] out [Music] i was losing my mind [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] it was [Music] [Applause] mistress let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hello what's your name where you from my name is cameo i'm from leighton buzzard and i'm 18. 18. this is so crazy how long have you been singing i've been singing since i was around 11. so while then yeah are you at college or are you worried yeah i'm at music college i'm nice yeah well cammy i've got to say that was so interesting thank you i was sat there just thinking i've got a turn for cameo now because this is just so different and that's why i was looking this year on the voice was something unique thank you cameo for coming on the show because that was fantastic thank you we never wrote that we shouldn't have let go and then you came and sang and i thought i'm not gonna do that now because this girl belongs on this show i could hear you breathing you know in between words but you know it added to the song i think i really really enjoyed it thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi i love the way when you were singing you sounded like you were crying sometimes and a lot of singers don't understand how to do that and you took it to a whole new level and i was just so happy that they turned around they're going to be amazing with you you're in really good hands you have to really be proud of yourself for all the dedication that you put to your craft in music college you write songs as well yeah i love to write songs amazed oh i blew it well you have two great coaches to choose from tom ollie start pitching now i love the way you sing i have a lovely voice and it's tender and it's emotional and i'd like to see how far i could stretch that and see what happens thank you listen you are the most interesting voice i've heard in this competition so far thank you this moment for me feels very similar to last year when i got molly she went all the way to the final one so [Applause] [Laughter] but listen i you are just great and i i personally just love your voice you know well like thank you guys so much for turning like it's so incredible and i've got to be here and i've got two amazing coaches turned but um i think i'd really like to go with ollie come down lovely to meet you i love it thank you she's so sweet welcome to my team [Applause] yeah she is how are you oh good i can't believe this happened it was breathtaking thank you [Music] he was great yeah the first one calm down calm down [Applause] last year was the first year we had all-stars dinah was an all-star and she won last year [Music] so she set the bar really high for the other all-stars it's a fair bit of pressure on them i think that people are waiting for them to wow them it makes you excited all over again [Music] anyone who walks on that stage and has command of that stage and is undeniably meant to be there is a pressure on everyone else it just is about what happens once that light goes on my name is john wyza and i'm an international all-star i was on the voice columbia in 2013 i made it all the way till the semi-finals i was huge in guatemala and puerto rico so i'm just very excited that i get to do this now in australia it's awesome to have a second shot i think my fans are going to be very very proud of i'm sure that they're going to be loving this moment for me it's just going to be a new chapter in my life as an artist as part of voice australia this would have been an amazing moment when they see their first international seriously um wow yeah so i hadn't really thought about it until you said it that way it is enough pressure to be an all-star now being the first international all-star it makes me extremely nervous it feels like a huge responsibility it's a very special opportunity and you are completely in charge of making it special come on [Music] [Applause] she took the midnight train [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh oh my god nice t-shirt thank you what's your name my name is john wyza i'm an international all-star i was in the voice colombia i came all the way from the other side of the world to see you guys right now please don't feel that it was a wasted journey because you have a powerhouse of a voice thank you but you gave us everything straight away when you came into those magical moments you'd already gone too far to really show off what you were capable of i would say with your voice it feels like to you what you think is the most i guess important tool that you draw on is your is your range because you've got this incredible range and you can sing super high but i will say sometimes even if you're not hitting as high a note it can be more impactful to hit something really strongly because you can don't go and you've kind of hit the note but if you went don't stop because you're hitting these notes which won't impress someone as much as you go yeah it's like way lower but it's like so much balls to it i gotcha thank you thank you by the way for that our pleasure holding advice lovely to meet you thank you thank you see you for us you too thank you thank you enjoy australia [Applause] it's quite heartbreaking as a coach when you turn around and you see the disappointment when the artist hasn't got a chair turned we just don't want them walking away feeling like a failure you know we want them to walk away feeling inspired and and actually give them something to work on are you nervous yeah i'm nervous i'm excited though i'm okay larger i'm 17 years old and i'm a student at school i am so honored to say that i am head boy i love coming into school early i love having conversations with the teachers i love talking to them about what's happening in the news spending time on the music block writing music getting my creative juices flowing i took politics as an a-level and we were studying past prime ministers and i looked at the list and there wasn't a black prime minister so i thought to myself you know what why can't i be the first black prime minister number 10 i'm coming your way i'm a little bit nervous because you're going on a really big stage it's really big are you excited to see it [Music] i'm nervous about today's brand edition because i'm performing a song that everyone knows about but i'm putting my own twist on it and i've taken inspiration from martin luther king's speech it's his most famous speech i have a dream when my brother's up there performing i really hope he gets four turns today is so big for me because it's a message to all the young people that watch me i just want to show them that regardless of what people say you can still be powerful and chase every single thing that you want to achieve in life [Music] voice uk welcome to my dream i had a dream i got everything i wanted [Applause] had a dream had a couple fists who scored five years you could have a couple of years too try float from dining in the full of it i'm trying to hope i'm smarter than the skill of it i had a dream one day and will realize i'm mostly fine looking in your real life i had a dream i'd talk about i wanna i just wanna watch just my character i know my color mlk [Music] [Music] [Applause] love wins my finisher i do it for the people i'm the young prime minister i have a dream you heard me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that's awesome bro you wrote that song yeah so obviously it's a very alice um hook i got some of the words from martin luther king's famous speech and i incorporate it in that rap so yeah i just want to go to judge my character you know music is expression music is escaped and uh i felt that and for me not to turn for that would be a crime we could use some waking up in a very gentle urgent way so um you're on team will hey let's go i appreciate that your energy is so nice i wanted to turn so bad but i left it too late and he went at the last minute i i feel like i'm really jealous right now so who knows what will happen to be honest with you i loved what you did but i didn't want to step on anybody's feet just in case thank you so much well listen i've got to say your personality and your energy lights up the room all three of us are guided now that we didn't press our button it's going to be really exciting to see what you do next [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i'm on the voice uk are you done i thought you would have turned i really thought you would have turned it i should have i should have turned ah shoulda coulda woulda come on standing by i'm just trying to get in the zone at the moment slightly apprehensive yeah do my best that's all i can do my name is benjamin haycock i'm originally from birmingham but now i live in devon devon is just a beautiful place when i was a child i used to call him on holiday with my mom and dad i fell in love with the landscapes and the beauty and the nature but really meeting my wife was what made me stay here i'm really proud of you and yeah i think you're going to do so well i've met brooke at a music venue and we hit it off i propose to her after a mountain hike she's incredibly kind and caring she's a big part of what inspires me now musically [Music] for my blind audition i'm going to be singing one of my own songs it's called restlessness it's a very personal one to me yeah i think the coaches are going to love it my song's really an open letter to my dad i was 16 when my dad died he had a wonderful heart and was always the happiest man in the room to lose him at such a young age it was a big thing the song it's me telling him what i've been through but where i am now married living in devon and it's almost like coming out of the other side as the day is approached more and more i've wanted a coach to turn and so if i can get into what the song's about as much as possible it'll be great can you shake it off oh can you shake it off doing my own song it's a risk but one night things worth taking [Music] [Music] i've found of now i would move to the coast as well and apparently i'm looking more like you every day than my groom i know yeah my hair's gone curly like yours maybe even more and i'm surfing away give me wave i paused and i think of the way you engraved and assaulted the ocean the place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we fight what we've been through [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] christmas [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i love it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sir what's your name what's your name what's your name benjamin benjamin hayek i'm from birmingham originally but now i live in devon you're a singer songwriter obviously yeah yeah that was an original yeah wow great song thank you so much it's called restlessness my dad passed away quite a few years ago so i'm speaking to him about things that we battle with on our mind and you know the things that we keep in and don't really want to tell anyone about it really it's almost an open letter as you will you're the real deal thank you i really appreciate that [Applause] when you're singing it's so obvious that you have an amazing voice an amazing tone and then when you started rapping i just loved your flow because i was just like how can you sing that world and have that good of a flow i just you have but you have both so that's why i turned and i just think you're great thank you so much i appreciate that thank you i haven't heard anything like that you've taken it to another level as far as i'm concerned the rhythm is fantastic your timing you think the patient is is on it but the singing is is the thing that that i liked i thought it was tremendous thank you so much sir thank you it's a massive risk for anyone to come out and sing their own song credit to you it was stunning i would love to break the rules on this show i'd like you to sing your songs on each and every round to the final because if the songs are that good they should be heard on every single stage we all want you in our teams i think we're all going to bring something different to the table in this i never tell a singer what to say okay unless they ask what do you think i should do so i think an artist for them to blossom needs to one either make the mistakes that they that they're gonna make and then if you if you made a mistake and you feel like oh man i should have did it this way great bro how can i help you work where can i be helpful i'm there for however you need me to guide you yeah i just love what you do i mean and and that's that is the bottom line thank you [Applause] obviously you're amazing but i really appreciate your message as a person who speaks out a lot about mental health and all that kind of stuff i think it's really important for people like you to be you know in the industry and singing about that kind of stuff if we work together we can really hone in on that and we can make that the forefront of you so i'd love you to be on my team thank you very much thank you you can see we all think you're amazing so really it's just up to you to decide what you feel in your heart and your gut who's your favorite coach [Applause] the coach i'm going to go for is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i definitely weren't expecting that i'm over the moon absolutely over the moon his flow was sick yeah that's what i thought i mean i'm i'm not a rapping connoisseur but i know what's in the pocket yeah that's a perfectionist what an amazing person that you have now yeah yeah i think my dad would be a later um and i would give nothing more you know to see him to see him once more and to see how he'd react and maybe give him a hug i'm really happy because you know what it means to them what they've been through that's pretty freaking awesome our next artist 27 year old gemma lyon from new south wales is hoping a turning chair will mean a turning point in her career i'm a full-time session musician and have been doing this for the last three years i've always been close with my family members both my parents were musicians my mum and dad were a duo together music was all around the house always learning songs together and long car rides with you know five-part harmonies so is that where you got your musical talent from your mouth well from dad as well when the kids were little and then we stopped for the kids i'm singing a very well-known song by a very powerful girl band one of my favorite girl bands of all time it's sassy it's sexy and it's got some attitude this song is a risk so i'm feeling a little bit of pressure i think i'm more nervous than her yeah we definitely are here she comes [Music] see my name acting can't say shady and calling my baby i know pretty much [Music] come on [Applause] is [Applause] no one is [Music] no one is [Applause] [Applause] say [Applause] like totally i thought you were gonna go out there and like sing with us like totally what's your name what's your name my name is gemma lyon i'm 27 i'm from sydney i love the way you started the record of course you can only imagine how many times i tried to flip this song live you know with and without the ladies i love you vibe the fact that you got everybody on their feet in here tonight like you really just nailed this oh thank you so much and i know one of the reasons i'm still standing up is because i've got this like secret thing where i just want to come up there with her please go up show up oh my gosh come on [Music] [Applause] say my name say [Music] what a great moment [Applause] okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you're going to be on my team let's just make that very clear this is a totally slow job isn't it but have a voice like you're going to be on my team on my team on my team [Applause] okay crowd i need y'all to help me out can y'all help me out okay i need y'all to say jimmy go [Music] you on my team right are you ready [Music] [Applause] it's very cheeky what you did obviously it paid off but it would no it was it was cheeky you know i'm i'm totally serious we've come a long way i mean george really pissed me off you got to really piss me off but it would be like such a genius curveball if you went with seal or boy george or delta when it comes to the girl's honor you don't mess with this she is all good and i'm supporting that there's three destiny child so i'm gonna just join the group [Applause] see you later boys [Applause] [Music] george [Applause] what you want to do george what you want to do what you want to do on this stage no it was juniors but just imagine if it had happened adam is so mad because you would have started it it's a happy ending what a day can't take any more of this it's too much [Applause] i'm julius cowdery i'm 26 i'm from london and i'm a singer-songwriter i feel my style is sing a songwriter pop [Music] is that a thing but also i don't want to come across too preppy i'm not rocky definitely not edgy this is not edgy this is straight down the line probably quite boring but as far as i can remember i've always sang i kind of got it from my mum my mum sang jazz around the house i remember just listening to the music and just being happier than any other moment and so i thought what an amazing thing that music can make me feel like that i love it maybe i can make people feel amazing through what i create it's just a massive moment in my life so thanks thanks all thanks all for being here and supporting you what's your goal with your music to be performing madison great square gardens is probably the number one or diot arena the only problem with the o2 is the parking what are you singing today uh it's a song called take me home it's my own song okay everyone's saying it's something all my friends are like it's a risk julius it's actually making me more nervous these four coaches they've all ridden music they've all been around it for a long time they're pros you know so for them to hear my song is cool fingers crossed it was the right decision this song it's about a past breakup huge breakup and i remember how heartbroken i was i'm glad i went through it because it makes you a better person if i didn't go through that pain then i wouldn't have written this song i hope i get this system it's a massive moment in my life so uh this means the world i'm nervous i hope they uh see the guard come down and i hope they like [Music] just wanna it your hand [Music] sleepless nights in this hometown lie alone with [Music] if i asked would you start new i know that you feel it but i don't wanna lose it now please just tell me am i losing my mind take me home cause i don't know i don't know when we went wrong do you know do you know [Music] will you still be mine now we're outta time do you know [Music] [Applause] it's so good [Applause] that's even worse he's a great [Applause] songwriter was a definite mistake oh man that was beautiful i want you to reach out what am i doing here you should have come down and pressed it for me it was good there was a couple of like flat notes that we that was hit i think he needs some more work on his control you think so it could be nerves yeah i'm i'm gutted actually yeah um it's an original song could have been a risk but it's hard to tell sad sad that it's already over the journey [Music] do you think it's hard for us to make a decision because it's an original song well i wish i'd known cause it sounded like something i'd heard before that kid is talented how old was he was he young [Applause] and he's a baby what about you tom when did you start when would your career start i recorded it's not unusual when i was 24. and they went to number one and [Music] yeah i recorded it at the end of 64 and it came out at the beginning of 65. when you when you went in to record the song did you feel at the time when when you heard the song was that yeah this is a hit i thought so yes because i did the demo you see for sandy shore that was that was meant for sandy shore but when i heard it back i said whoa and then they played in the sunday show and god bless her she said whoever's singing this i said song wow so then we recorded it probably you know so wow but i knew the song was a hit you know when i did the demo on it i thought this sounds like a hit song well i haven't heard it in such a long time that song did it did it do you guys have that dude [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] it's not unusual to be loved by anyone it's not unusual to have fun with anyone but when i see you hanging about with anyone [Applause] [Music] [Music] it happens [Music] [Applause] to why can't this crazy love be mine all right come on baby tell me one more time [Applause] thank you thank you [Applause] this is a real motorbike how you feeling then buzzing to be hello action i'm sweeney i'm 30 and i'm a dancer and a fitness instructor from london i'm born and bred london people take the mick out of me for how much i love it i love it for the culture i like the people i really really love it all i live in camberwell with my dog margot and i know that sounds like a middle class name but she's not everyone in the area knows her so i get stopped it takes me about 25 minutes to get to the station [Music] i work as a freelance professional dancer back in dance i guess you could say i've been really lucky with dancing it's sort of taken me around the world and i've managed to dance with some really cool people like pussycat dolls cheryl take that and anne marie i love her music she is like spot on usually i go out with 10 15 people dancing for someone else and today i guess i'm going out yeah with no backup i've come to the voice because i think it's about time i actually did the thing that i love doing even when i was dancing i've always looked at the singer and been like oh quite fancy being that guy rather than one of the eight behind them not that that's a bad thing i've had the best time but this is my time to give singing a shot [Music] my main aim is to pursue singing as something that i can do full time [Music] who we got i think i got four yeah i've got three three i've got four i have four and who's got the blocks me the two in the middle you got the block i'm gonna be tough now come on if i can go out there and get one chair turn it means that i'm proving to myself that i'm going in the right direction with my singing walking out on the stage today means that i finally get to be the front man [Music] do you remember the holidays [Music] [Music] is feel like you remember dreaming of the pastor couldn't last but now we're changing the framework i think it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is thinking is [Music] he can dance i danced for ann marie a few times wow yeah she was actually like my favorite person to dance for not just saying it you guys met before yeah what the what so what type of dance like you do like like maelstroms strip dancing i was like i was a commercial dancer backing dancer for emery oh what the what she did and you sing like that yeah sometimes yeah well that's awesome ollie you're blocked [Applause] oh my who did that then oh well sweeney amazing i felt like i was a youtuber i thought i was at your gig if i'm honest i absolutely adored what you just did it was thank you i really appreciate that honestly really well done and you deserve to not be a dance for anyone be you and be front of stage speakers thanks mate you are the man thank you cheers that was so good so you you didn't know it was him then absolutely not i didn't know you sounded like that no idea oh that's good but i've known him as a dancer and i never knew that he'd you know wanted to you know i didn't know is that good but you never know the folks that are in the back doing like support stuff or sometimes choreography just how fierce and just like oh i'm ready i can't wait for my yo bro salute you yeah thanks yeah it sounded great if you could dance anywhere near the way you sing but you know you you got the whole package there thank you i can't believe it got blocked man he's just killing me over here right now i just wanted to pitch yeah as soon as i turned around and saw your face i was just like yes i mean obviously i want you on my team i feel like we already know each other we can work with each other again that would be great if you came with me please thank you thank you i just love what you did i thought well i i got a term for you because you've got to show respect for somebody that that does what what you did what i heard you do i had a turn yourself unique to me and that's why i would like you on my team so now it's up to you that's me um all you can't either because i want noise i didn't do it did you just confess it with you no no i didn't do it i think uh [Music] it would complete my journey nicely if when we've anne-marie but thank you so [Music] much [Applause] i knew you would oh my god that was so brilliant this is the video of um sweeney dancing with me oh there he is sweeney oh wow yeah he's so good at dancing yeah you must be so happy do you know what what a great what a great circle that was in life he's a freaking for real deal he's amazing yeah yeah i didn't know his voice was that good i cannot believe i got three um and a block and all right it's like just mad mad hi i'm joel i'm daniel and my name is lloyd and together we are the lions [Music] know that dance from a small town once we've been performing together on cruise ships for 11 years that time there's music like jersey boys temptations and the old classic how's my hair yo let me just fix it in our experience when we perform sometimes by just hearing our names and seeing our looks sometimes people judge straight away oh how good are these people are but when you sing it breaks all the boundaries the music breaks all the boundaries and that's wonderful hi everyone hello hi family look how beautiful you are i heard that you guys have some great moves up your sleeve yes absolutely we're definitely just like having fun and when we do that then all of a sudden we realize that the audience are actually having fun with us are you guys looking for another member i just appreciate it no that's just the beginning oh my god all the splits when you see their faces with laughter and smile and genuine happiness very fulfilling and rewarding well it is complicated and a big challenge to sing in a trio because every single note has got to be precise especially with our harmonies with our nerves being there one wrong note it will end up a disaster how are you guys feeling are you nervous [Laughter] thank you oh my goodness look at them is about to go down i've got a feeling [Music] the lion sleeps hey guys [Music] wow you did you did awesome hi wow wow hello you're not what i expected to see tell us who you are and where you're from hi i'm daniel mallary i am joel gonzalez and my name is lloyd samuel and together we are the lions you know from the gold coast how did the lions then start like how did you guys get together well we're all born in the month of july or all leos a trio of leos that's what you should be called right you ever dress up as lions because you know i like my fashion it could be quite a good thing to do though it was one of those things i wasn't really sure first of all i didn't know what i was going to find when i spun round but he was dancing up a storm back here like and i was loving it because there was so much about it that i liked i was like this is really good there were some bits where you were a little off with each other but the quality was really good and it was like everyone was into it but i just didn't know what i would do with you i was like you made this moment all yours you should be so incredibly proud i felt like the nerves kind of got the best of you which is why i didn't turn but yeah i mean i had such a good time i think we all had a good time i didn't get to um i didn't get to see it though i really wanted to see what was going on so what did you guys do it was towards the end of the song obviously i just heard a whole bunch of noise oh we were doing lots of awesome movements can i please see it please yeah a one and a two and uh [Music] [Applause] come on [Applause] actually watching you the second time around there was so much joy and so much more relaxation and you really saw how professional you guys are no wonder you anyone should book you you're fantastic i'll book you for a party tomorrow and i will keep to my word it's gonna be in delta's flat but it's gonna happen let's do it let's do it [Applause] if you had to be an animal on the lion king which one would you choose the mother of uh simba ooh that's a great choice i have no idea because i've never watched the game what what really i'm not that kind of homosexual oh you need to you need to watch the lion king you do i think i did go to some theater production of it but i don't remember anything about that that is oh on the tail i can't barely remember the 80s little unlion king i'm telling elton you'll never feel happy i'm wesley and i'm 30. i'm jordan i'm 27. and we're from coventry yeah we're about to say at the same time as brothers we're close we'll go for food and we'll go to get ice cream or desserts we love our food we get on most times what you doing i'm always right you can have the green we ain't have an ice cream i think i said everything we're very family oriented our family isn't small on a sunday typically we'll come together we'll eat and we call it like a minute christmas lives every sunday lots of food laughter wesley and jordan two lovely boys they're always laughing when they do sing i think hammer wanted the critical one for them and i said oh that didn't sound so good you went wrong there didn't i'm saying we started singing in church my dad's a bishop and we've had the opportunity to sing as a duo as part of groups and choirs what would the world be without music that's what i always think it's healing it's fun we enjoy music and we want to kind of share and spread that love with everyone the dream for us is to make a living doing music this show is a big opportunity and it has the potential to open a lot of doors we're going to bring energy we're going to bring up liftman we're going to bring everything that we have to this stage and we're going to leave it there yes the song we're singing many people might not know it's a different dynamic so we're quite excited about that [Music] it would be amazing if one of the coaches would turn around for us we're gonna give it all and if they can get up and stand up with us come by all means [Music] are you looking through a you telescope [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you're stronger than you've ever [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay go go [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm wesley and i'm jordan we're brothers from yeah wow that's awesome how do you guys 27 30. wow okay okay okay what's the name of your guy's group george woodman you guys singing church yeah 100 i know i can feel that yeah i'm raised that's a bishop yeah we couldn't get away from it when you guys put out music uh-huh is it gospel is it soul like r b like what is it and i say it's gospel with a r b h i'm kicking myself like i didn't turn for you guys there's no one like you guys on the show so far you guys are the unicorns it was fantastic honestly genuinely like it was i was just ah like it really it took me places and the energy you guys put on that stage was fantastic like it was just such a vibe love you guys already brilliant i mean i loved it i love what you did thank you very much but my team is getting you know he's filling up that's all right that's fine don't worry you know thank you all right cool pitch because i want to fight for them wow already well listen i i've had the privilege over the years to to be a coach on this show with with sir tom will and jennifer hudson and i learned so much about gospel music and i'd love that opportunity again to have you both and i feel like we'd have a great time it'd be a lot of positivity you give a great energy and that's what team ollie's all about and i'd love to work with you guys i really really would i would really want you on my team i thought that your voice was so clean and i was looking for a duo and i love that you're brothers and i want to hear your voices all the time and i want to work with you so please please come on my team [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] they're talking about soul talk yeah go ahead what do you mean we've decided why are you able to make it okay so the coach that we're gonna go with [Applause] [Music] is ollie yeah [Applause] yes fellas love that no choice [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] we felt great we got two turns and we couldn't be happier that was good oh they're really good i love them love their energy yeah love what they stand for yeah god that was a good battle between me and marie i gotta say it's 50 50 that i hope there's another someone or people that can match that energy true so happy with them whatever this is the business
Channel: Best of The Voice
Views: 5,123,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Of The Voice, The Voice, The Voice 2020, Blind Auditions, Blind Audition, Voice, the voice best auditions, The Voice 2021, The Stage, The Voice Stage, Marathon, The Voice Australia, The Voice Uk, BBC The Voice, ITV The Voice, The Voice ITV, The Voice Australia 2020, The Voice Australia 2021, The Voice UK 2020, The Voice UK 2021, Full, Song, Cover, Story, NBC The Voice, La Voz, La Voz 2021, The Voice of Holland, TVOH, The Voice of Holland 2021, The Voice of Germany, TVOG
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 59sec (12299 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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