The Voice Stage Marathon | Part 3 | Stage 51-75

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my name is lelo ramasimong i brought my hobby and i also brought my older brother my sister-in-law and my nephew the closest person in my life right now is my husband who is my biggest supporter every time i see my wife on stage i just get butterflies i get goosebumps i just fall in love again because that's the same reason why i actually fell in love with her because we actually fell in love on stage i'm a drummer and i'm also a producer he does play for me often the most recent performance that he played with me was the color purple i played the role of one of the church ladies and the second season i played a lead role suge avery i think the thing that was very similar to me and her is the fact that she loved performing on stage i tried other things very early on in my career and i realized that music is really where i wanted to be and then when i was in music i realized all the hardships of music sometimes you don't earn a full salary and it doesn't come at the end of the month every month but what i told myself is that if you really want it then you'll you'll push through it yeah we've we've gone through a lot like in terms of our relationship as well you know always being a part you know like going through terrible things these postures so yeah [Music] i think this is not just my break it's our break [Music] that's why i think most of all she needs this this means everything for her she must just stay focused i literally wish her everything like i know i know that she can she can do it ideally i would like all of the coaches to turn from here but i think i'd like ricky rick to turn for me i'm i'm a fan of them yeah i was in an uber with ricky requiems just so y'all know it's a do or die for me because i feel i've been at this for a long time you know when things don't happen for you the way that they might happen for others you say okay it's fine it's their time it's not my time yet i've been saying that for a long time now now i just want it to be my time i want this with my whole with my whole entire being you've got ahold of [Music] show me [Applause] baby please have mercy on me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sacrifice my life mercy mercy on my heart [Applause] [Music] [Applause] girlfriend hi hi what is your name my name is lelo where are you from i'm originally from durban but i stay in johannesburg now [Applause] i know i know a little something about zulu girls since i'm from germany myself and i i saw a little bit of lyra lyra online like when she was when i turned around i saw a little bit of lyra in you that epicness that gorgeousness amazing sister girl that was h-o-t-t-t-ttd thank you thank you so much my gosh thank you so much oh my gosh that was super super sick there was so much power there i think it was just attitude and power from start to finish i really really loved it i turned first i want you the most she's starting a pitch i took this i i was the first and and let me tell you why and if i have to prove to you why you should be on my team i will if you want to go with lyra or somebody else i'm going to have to fight really hard take her advice there i'm going to say girlfriend don't you know that i will [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i write music i really want to walk this path with you i want to develop artists into recording artists who can have a sustainable career in this country and make a difference in people's lives that was a phenomenal pitch really honestly i can't i will give that to you i really really loved it i think i'm probably the unobvious choice out of the four of us but uh you know i think it's also good to go with something that's not so obvious if you want something alternative you should go with me i think you are not the norm you know i know i know this is early in the in the blinds but you know what we heard is not it's not normal that was very good it's amazing thank you i am in complete oh honestly and that's how i see this this opportunity is just to serve just to be by your side there's a greater force at work the rest of us are just tools and ushers in this process whatever happens you are destined for something either way i am just asking for an opportunity to serve to walk it and see this flower blossom so what's really up to you now is for you to choose who will best serve your gift and your part okay what do you think she's going to go with and you know rihanna says a good girl dude who should go okay um i'm going to have to go with my gut it's not what i expected to choose oh wow but i choose rihanna [Applause] okay [Applause] after turning four chairs lelo jones then and parker and team rihanna [Applause] no that was a proper place that was a proper pitch [Applause] [Music] what are you going to be feeling when those doors open i'll be nervous then but i usually get like butterflies yeah on stage and then it kind of goes away right when we start i think once you find your place please report to the stage i'm dane i'm stephanie we're twins and together we're jane and stephanie we've always just been super close as kids we'd be like dancing around together singing together we just had a built-in best friend from the day we were born [Music] i go by dane but i was born dana i was born female i always remember in elementary school i would vividly daydream about being a boy and how i would look i was 14 when i realized i was transgender i was so closed off about who i was and in a really bad place with myself the hardest part was thinking for so many years how am i going to come out and am i sure that i'm transgender it took me a while just to tell stephanie there were so many times that i wanted to but i was just scared of the reaction i was going to get i would support him with whatever [Music] he deserves to be happy just as much as anyone else does it's hard it's a transition but i will never turn my back on my kids and i'm proud of all my children no matter what i'm extremely proud for dean to be able to come forward and say this is who i am it's huge when i got my first haircut and i looked in the mirror it almost instantly felt like that was me it was probably one of the bigger moments in my transition music was always something that i was passionate about and i knew it was part of my dreams as well as just being able to transition and be myself my voice is still changing from hormones it's something that we've been adjusting to lately but singing together has helped a lot when i sing i just feel so much more like myself and i can hit so many more lower notes i'm kind of loving it so much more i love the whole idea behind the coaches not seeing you and just hearing your voice and for us it's based on how we sound together please voice gods please being able to be on the voice and being a trans person is really important for me because i get to share who i am with the world oh my gosh this is [Music] when you left this town with your windows down and the wilderness inside let the exits passes [Music] [Applause] [Music] lost in me lost [Music] i belong i believe [Applause] holy crap [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what are your names and where are you guys from i'm dane and i'm stephanie um we're actually twins and we're from bloomfield new jersey i love your sound family harmony is so beautiful and i thought you all did a really stellar job thanks thank you thank you i really got into it once you started harmonizing together the blend was gorgeous and i've never had a duo on my team i directed choirs when i was growing up i love the idea of arranging multiple vocals together so i would love to have you on this one thank you thank you great did you arrange the choirs i haven't done any vocal arranging or any choir leading but i have won the voice six times he's never been this is a high school okay this is the freaking voice i'm the only person to ever bring a duo to the finale let's see where this journey takes us come on come to team blake [Music] it's time to pick who do you pick as your coach [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we choose john [Applause] i just love their harmonies together their voices sounded really rich and i'm excited to come up with some cool arrangements for them so they could make the most of their beautiful blend it was fun to be blake it doesn't happen all the time but this year is happening more often than not you did it hi [Music] i'm gabrielle i'm yolanda i'm shalom we are equipped to overcome we met each other at uni and we all started singing in the university choir we sing gospel songs they can be modern day gospel or old school gospel so you really want to spread the gospel worldwide we study together we go to the library together that's how much you're around each other yeah too much so as a group we juggle a lot uni lectures seminars now we've got the voice that's just added in a positive way is [Music] [Applause] our pronunciation is right though like all of them yeah don't worry guys yes you got this if we do get nervous on stage we've got each other i wouldn't dare enter this competition without my two friends here oh i think we're ready to get out there yeah we want to step out of our comfort zone we're so used to singing in churches we're looking forward to singing on the stage in front of a whole audience [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] i [Music] and saved was and the rain was pouring away [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you fix me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what's the name of your group we are equipped to overcome equipment or overcome yeah we're a gospel group [Music] so how did you meet you go to the same university of kent we study the same course and we basically lived in the same block as well so yeah and then y'all was like yo let's start this gospel group yeah yeah yo that's dope that was beautiful ladies thank you i'm all about the the trios and the harmonies i wanted the music to drop and y'all just laura can you just give me that one good time capella acapella honey my shoe would've flew across this room so quick [Laughter] oh jesus [Music] give it to me you came and saved me you know it's awesome they hit you with that note i'll look at each other in your eyes figured out how y'all were going to join just glued together so perfectly y'all didn't like discuss it y'all go me me me me usually people be like me i just watched y'all do it with your eyes i was like that was dope [Applause] to me like you breathe together yeah where one is the others are that's how groups are supposed to be that's the type of harmonies you look for in a trio how long have you guys been singing together two years two years yeah you sound like sisters yeah eddie very special thank you so much i i just want to say it was beautiful it was absolutely stunning you know and it was really really nice so thank you for taking me to church that was great [Music] [Applause] let me just say this i don't have anybody like you in my team i've got a lot of fellas good singers but all individual singers i don't have a trio you trio trio-less and here comes three awesome african women singing like angels exactly no really i mean to me you're special yes the blend is fantastic the three of you together is magic i would get the best out of you and i on my life i mean that i know it so if you feel what i feel then we got it and i would love to work with you [Music] first of all i um totally understand where you come from because i come from the same place as you ladies but i've come to learn the church is only the building the real church is in you and it's not so much of what you sing but where it's coming from and i mean i would support that i don't see nothing wrong with singing about jesus everywhere you go honey that's all i'm gonna say and i'm gonna leave you with that lord okay um what i would bring if you would to pick me i make happy music i make music to make people smile to bring people together and i would i would encourage you all to sing as many different styles as possible that accomplish the same goal well listen it is time for you to pick who your coach is going to be and you've got obviously three amazing coaches on the floor who are you thinking can we have a minute to have a chat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right welcome look forward to it [Applause] tom got his trio yeah at this they've all got one each woof i like she's in front of that yeah james stop crying you're not crying you're tremendous so though when they come together it's powerful did you hear the blind though [Applause] my name is amy chasing i am 26 years old and i'm from cape town i bought my parents with me today i'm so proud of you amy you're going to be so amazing and i'm so excited to watch you sing amy's only child so it's not they wanted to fill the gap and she is my life this whole journey dad's been there basically been to almost 80 percent of gigs the hardest thing i've had to overcome being in the music industry is i used to get teased a lot for my squeaky voice i could do a performance on a show they upload it and then they'll just be comments of people saying you should never sing you suck you're squeaky you know it's just people don't respect what you do i feel like like life is so hard as it is for everybody and i feel like if somebody has managed to convince themselves to smile and be happy why would you say anything to take that smile away from them i spent a large amount of my career working on ships i mean you get to travel the world and see the most amazing places it really helped me grow as a musician and eventually i worked my way up and i became the music director on board and i got to head up a whole musician team and play in bands and learn about music from all over the world i stopped working on cruise ships because i was becoming detached from my real dream which was to release my own music and i went full force into the production phases of my latest album it was quite a process to put together i had to save up a lot of money and i actually hired people so that i could do this thing properly i also got engaged and he had a really good job opportunity in london so we decided let's just try it out so i packed my bags we went there i got a few gigs and a few opportunities there are you happy that you came back to do the show i'm happy and excited i'm i'm just i'm nervous because it's a pop song there's like no like moment in in the song i feel like because it doesn't like go anywhere it's just a normal pop song amy but that beginning of your song is where you capture them okay but if they don't turn then what do i do with that he's standing there i'm just gonna sing my notes extra long at the end and be like music is my life this is the only thing i've ever done you only really have a few years to push yourself out there i've put everything into this and this is the only thing that i want to do baby lay on back and relax put your pretty feet up on my who [Applause] [Music] long as you're knows here next to me everything's gonna be all right cause if it's meant to be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby [Music] if it's meant to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my word thank you very much for tuning what is your name my name is amy chasing i'm 26 and i'm from cape town your tone is um something that we just haven't heard at all and that that that intrigued me like a lot it's just about the the steadiness of it yeah i want to hear what you're doing next now and i'm so glad you're in the show thank you thank you very much i thought that was super special for me i didn't even hear the shakiness you know you don't always have to come with like vocal acrobatics i think there's just a quality to your voice that is really unique and and i think all of us heard that tonight i guess you got a lot of people to prove that somebody can come with the type of voice that you have yeah and shine on a big big big stage you know i've always met people who were told their voice is pitched too high or their voice is pushed too low for oh my gosh i used to have that i used to have that let's get you playing everywhere and i think i'd be able to help you over my brother there on the left i would like to tell you this i've been playing music for a while and i've made a way for myself in a small niche market and i would love to help you navigate your way through this competition in the same way okay i put it together right well i've got energy i've got power i've got everything combined at once but for me i'm giving the people who are underrated and people aren't seen to be big performers and people do they don't expect to end up on on huge stages making people rock every i'm giving those people a chance that's what i'm doing ricky is a rapper he doesn't know that much about voices cause everyone knows i'm a rapper don't i look like a rapper come on man come on man everyone knows i'm a rapper man it's not about rap it's not about genre it's not about anything it's about vibe it's about spirits and this is the type of spirit that we're welcoming on our team but more than that franco just can't make a case for himself that's why he had to pull out the right i can make a case i would like to work with you because you have the voice and you have a special voice for me once i fight back [Applause] i like you both the same [Music] it's a touch one it's a tough one okay i really liked everything you have to say i feel like ricky was not as expressive as francois coming into this i really wanted to work with ricky [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're building up the portfolio it's mad diverse and the biggest thing is that we're coming with unique voices that are going to kick everybody's ass can i say ass on tv kick everybody's ass unique voices for africa trust me do not sleep real talent real talent real talent [Music] i'm a bit nervous obviously but i keep my smile and my put my front on [Music] i'm jeremy levith i'm 29 years old and i'm a french and german teacher i absolutely love the job it's great and i often use singing to help the pupils better learn the language i'm from france but i've lived in scotland for seven years and four years ago i met my beautiful fiance kirsty i met jeremy at a friend's birthday party he was the only man at the party so there's quite a lot of women interested in him at the time for him to be my fiance i'm so lucky he's just amazing [Music] jeremy is french however he wears a kilt he plays the bagpipes he turned his hand to a couple of scottish phrases all right pal how you doing what's your chat he really is a scotsman deep down remember to breathe look past the chairs i really want to make kirsty proud and i'm adding a wee bit of genesequa moment to the song i really hope the coaches will get on board with that [Music] there's a lot of pressure on today because if one of the coaches turned it could really help me become the singer i dreamed to be would be amazing if it happened [Music] i hope to do my best to convey the song as best as i can [Music] how long will i love you as long [Music] [Applause] [Music] as long as the seasons [Applause] [Music] as long as the sea is bound to [Music] is [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] will i love you [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is your name jeremy where are you from i'm from france you're from france yeah i'm from france you have a four turner check this out four turns one block he blocked me i don't know how'd you say block in french say yeah you've probably heard this before like you have a really really beautiful tone and thank you the way you sing is like you're playing an instrument oh thank you what'd you do for a job i'm a french and german teacher wow right okay brilliant yeah i'm so grateful to be here and thank you so much for turning i didn't expect that your voice was so beautiful every part of it was just perfect i heard the french i just love hearing music in different languages it takes you to another level i just think you're incredible thank you so i'm glad you're here [Music] tone is really really lovely but the thing that got me more than anything else was the control that you have it was human you know i could feel you coming through there so to me it was right on the money thank you so much thank you magnificent it was a magical performance like this show's about the voice you've got the voice it was just fantastic honestly i'm devastated i've been blocked me too i follow you on instagram oh so i mean so i i think you're really funny oh thank you so i thought i thought you bet sorry ollie dizzily yeah i just discarded me i'm out of the way it's difficult to choose between you three it's so hard because you're all amazing it's entirely up to you yeah um i know you guys but i'll go forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] man that guy was really really good yeah he's good wow he seemed surprised when he picked you i thought he was going to pick tom first secondly i thought he was going to go with anne-marie who did the vlog he did it first year i think i did it on tom did it second yeah but when i hit it it didn't work exactly oh so you'd already done it yeah well that's good he was great in 20 years i still won't believe it it's crazy [Music] from a small age i've been obsessed with fashion and design i mean this jacket screams beyonce's son [Music] i'm yotta kraft i'm 18 and i'm from alberton so my name means blue in an old native american language my mom always told me that she wanted to call me something to do with the color blue because your dreams can stretch from the lowest of the ocean to the highest of the skies [Music] i came out as queer to my mom two years ago she was very accepting it was one of those moments of like you didn't really need to come out we knew like you didn't really hide it that well he always played with dolls dressed him katie designed clothes for them although his father was a true rugby player he was very alternative very open-minded so he actually picked yours up knee put him on the table and he told you do you know what work i'm sorry i have to do this you and you're only four years old but you have to choose whether you're going to be yourself and be happy or are you going to go with the flow do what other people expect you to do and be unhappy i don't need to be fake for people to like me like i can just be myself and people will be okay with it but also what's really nice is there are more people who are coming forward and looking different and being different and being themselves and it being okay i started doing vocal coaching when i was about six or seven years old you've been singing since i can remember acting since i can remember i would go like shopping and then i'll see outside all the people watching the shop then you'll be standing inside the window entertaining the people when he grew older i told him listen are you sure this is what you want to do yep i said go for it [Music] i am currently studying musical theater at stageworks school of performing arts i just love performing as soon as i step on stage i can be who i am in here and just show it to everyone in 2016 in a show called born to perform it was at the lyric theatre i stood center stage with a number on my chest because it was an audition scene and i sang maybe this time from cabaret and then i had a sweet little falsetto at the end as i hit that falsetto a guy in the front where he just went yo deman and then i was like oh okay people like this people like what i'm doing my mother is my biggest supporter by far she is at every gig she is at every concert she's everywhere and joining her of course is my godmother [Music] i'm trying to hold my breath let it stay this way can't let this moment you set off a dream in me getting louder now can you hear me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] steal [Music] [Applause] towers it'll never be [Applause] for me [Applause] come on [Applause] oh [Applause] thank you thank you hi what's your name i'm yatu you are cute as ever thank you you are so cute how are you come on okay wait let's get you back wait okay you have to you have to let us win your heart okay okay i'm ready you have to let us win your heart fair and square okay so let's compose ourselves and convince you tell us about your fashion choices nice interesting outfit i make my own clothes a lot awesome you made that yourself no no no this i ordered on like well where to hide myself off and then be like i'm not wearing anything on it um but i do make my own clothes yeah i wear a lot of my own clothes because plus-sized fashion isn't that fashionable so way to just make my own can you make me a pair of can you make me a pair of the jeans jeans just like that sure how old are you i'm 18. awesome and the thing that made me turn was that last final note was insane powerful and beautiful and it sucked me in i couldn't help myself thank you thank you oh i should have turned for you and i'm sorry i didn't no please no i want you to know that you were worth a fortune turn thank you oh i'm crying i'm so happy that i got to turn in time to see you actually performing and not just not just to hear you because your moves and the way that you also show the emotion with your body and the way you move you're a real performer thank you thank you so much to be quite honest from the first note i don't know what i was waiting for from the first note i was like yes lock and when i turned around you just gobsmacked me you just your your colorful personality and one can tell your voice is truly beautiful and you're so charming oh thank you so much i tried he is so cute should you want to make his choice [Applause] i have no idea i have no idea sorry ricky but i'm gonna have to go with lyra [Applause] this is exactly what the show is about it's it's about finding unique people that perhaps might not find a space anywhere else it's about somebody's talent hi my name is maddie thomas i'm 15 years old and i'm from roma in western queensland [Music] i live on a cattle property about 500k from brisbane it's about 250 000 acres of just dry dirt it's been like a long drought we were looking at the dams the other day and that was just cracks almost half a metre deep into the ground you look out in your backyard and there's just cows dying every day you can't make it rain the drought [Music] it takes its toll on your family a lot to see mum and dad so sad like you just want to help them as much as you can but you can't really do anything to help them [Music] yeah the voice is just incredible it could not have come at a better time in our family it has just given us something to look forward to which has just been amazing um great you're gonna make me cry [Music] beyond proud of what you are [Music] to turn a chair would be a childhood dream come true [Music] i think i'll be able to do the song justice it's an emotional song and i think that i can connect to the song and bring that to the stage [Music] [Music] [Applause] nothing breaks like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nothing gonna save us now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is when nothing breaks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes where are you from i'm from roma which is in southwest queensland oh awesome and what's your name maddie maddie nice to meet you maddie how old are you 15. 15. wow wow oh i'm so proud of you maddie i loved it when you did that it was just beautiful your lovely little performer it was really lovely it has a sort of like almost a 60s protest singer quality which was so beautiful and i think you should come to last year's winner over here that's kind of my pitch i loved all those like swoops you ah that's all like the way you were sort of placing it you weren't afraid to sort of um just sit into the note and then just like give your like heart and soul into it that was really beautiful and you know what there's so much we can work with if you come on team delta yeah and did you bring your family here today yeah my family's here do they sing as well where'd you get this voice from i don't know and why did you choose that song i guess that song really relates to me at home because we're going we um own a property and it's in um really bad drought at the moment so that's been really tough so you sang that song for your family um i would just say some probably not singing for my family but with my family it was absolutely absolutely beautiful performance i would love to be your coach and congratulations on getting through thank you all right that's delta's pitch let's see what kelly's got it's always exciting when you meet an artist especially as as young as you are and you have this moment where you get a chance to like sharpen your gift you know what i mean and i know that that's what i do as a coach i know i sharpen my artists and it's the most exciting uh thing to me about being a coach here and as like beautiful as you sailed on the notes i felt like that's something that we could work on and i know that we could finesse that and i can bring that out of you so i'd love to be able to be your coach did that confuse you or did that make things clear [Applause] take a moment um the coach i'm gonna choose is [Music] delta that was really good yeah something fool's good i'll just go actually i really enjoyed that it's been really lots of nice things lots of nice honest moments gotta tell you what a voice thank you we don't know where she gets it from it's certainly not us well it's lovely to meet you all i'm gonna head back out congratulations thank you so much thank you and we've got all these really good emerging cool kids coming which i get excited about teamwork you did it [Music] that's incredible exactly i can't believe it [Music] you're all right yeah still alive still alive and kicking because i am get him come on we were backstage and thomas talking about when michael jackson showed up to tom's house and rang the doorbell yeah michael jackson said wow you've had a great career i said having [Laughter] it's not over yet and that was about 30 years ago so far so good so far so good yeah come up one step my name is peter donegan i'm 35 and i'm from london i live at home with my wife alina and my three and a half year old son eric alina and i have been together now nine years we actually met on facebook eric is awesome he was born in 2015 and it took us about two and a half years of trying so when we finally got him it was a massive dream come true it's totally brilliant i grew up around music quite naturally because my dad was lonely peter as soon as he could he started to imitate his dad and doing his songs by the time i turned 17 i ended up touring with dad being his piano player to suddenly be on stage with them was phenomenal i learned so much from the man which i'd grown up watching and idolizing unfortunately in 2002 he passed away that was very sudden for all of us [Music] i see his dad through him and it gives me a little tear and i know his father is watching it i'm here today because i want to support my family finally doing what i love doing i want to make my name in my own right while still paying homage to dad you know it'd be wonderful for someone to turn around and believe in him it will mean a lot [Music] i'd like to finally have that career that dad would be able to look down and be proud of and also that my son can be proud of so when he grows up would be like you know hey dad look what he did okay good to go yes enjoy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hoping i could find true love [Music] along the broken road [Music] now i [Music] straight to you everybody [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] the god [Music] [Applause] [Music] to you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what's your name my name's peter donegan and i'm 35 and i'm originally from london in relation to lonnie donegan that's my dad no not really not he's my dad really wow wow what the what the who we did shows together you know your father and myself i know but you're okay now you've got your father's sense of humor i'm sorry about that no no no that was great dad was my best friend so you know he's always going to rub off he's a great great man great great writer he wrote i'm never going to fall in love again for me you know it was a song i did when rock and roll first kicked in in the 50s your father was one of the few british singers that held his own you know with rock island line he made so many great records i'm glad to see that you're following in his footsteps i mean you're a great singer in your own right i appreciate that thank you for that and that's why i came [Applause] you know what that's kind of that's magical you heard something in his voice and it struck a core and you hit your button and turned around i mean that's a beautiful magical moment that's awesome some things are meant to be you know that's true it's true you know the song that your father wrote for me i do indeed can we do it together yeah i have to fight on the piano oh you're gonna play it oh okay good gonna take the top okay thank i'll you after it my dad's guitar perfect be careful ollie ah don't break it all right here we go i've been in love so many times [Applause] thought i knew the score but now you've treated me so wrong i can't take anymore and it looks like i'm never gonna fall in love [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm never gonna vote in love take your time [Music] again go ahead all those things [Music] [Applause] [Music] his arms baby i just broke down [Applause] [Music] please don't make me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you look like it old man now i can see it yeah from here down i got the nose welcome to this thank you i don't think that is the last time we're gonna see you guys sing with each other i hope i've got a feeling you're gonna sing that girl at some point jesus you're amazing all the best [Applause] [Music] there's no words it was fantastic [Music] how random is you getting that guy i know that's freaky isn't it that was really sucks that's a that's a magical moment to have the one person that you wanted to turn around actually turn around is just out of this world i'm gonna cherish that forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name is pete morose i am 45 years old and i live in nashville tennessee i am a sales rep for men's golf apparel i have a mobile van that's outfitted like a retail store on the inside i'll drive to golf courses to pro shops all the way down to the coast of mississippi this right here is our latest polo that we have customers will see the guitar hanging there and they'll be like hey man do you really play that thing i'm like yeah and it's really interesting watching people like what why are you selling clothes it's very difficult to leave my family but on the road you know this is how i put food on the table when i was 19 years old i started to pursue country music i thought i was going to be the next garth brooks i was in this group called the young riders they just kind of collectively would do these rounds in nashville it wasn't a band or anything it was just a group where we got together as writers and we all played our songs [Music] i still play music i have a blues band in nashville that we play once a month but it's very difficult to get to the next level he's always dreamt of being a musician i love you this is happening because he doesn't give up i just could not be happier for him and we're just so lucky to have him love you guys this show is such an amazing opportunity to show my family especially my sons that you never stop chasing your [Music] off dreams throne and leave your body alone somebody they must change sounds like nick jonas you are the reason i've been waiting here so long somebody holds the key [Applause] but i'm near the end and i just ain't got the time but i can't find my way [Music] [Applause] the time [Music] i can't find my way still i can't find my way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] work in the band thank you welcome to the horse excuse me sorry i was getting excited what is your name and where are you from pete moroz 45 nashville tennessee i think you have such a nice energy you were fully into the music and we felt that thank you tell us a little bit about yourself i think i'm the old guy here i don't think so he's the only one blake impossible yeah i'm gonna get to you okay sounds like there's some history there and that's normally not a good thing with me he pointed to you when you turned around no i cut my chops writing songs in nashville and i sang under a name pete mitchell i know oh my i was in this group called the young writers i was i was in a group also called the young writers with peace oh my god wow are you are you serious i've seen this guy in 25 years 25 years 25 games wow you stole my bass player no i got you oh my god i gave you a bass player a job i haven't seen this guy in 25 years when you first got to nashville you're more of a blues guy that's right you had that good hair man i had the mullet he had a good mullet you rock it god man that's questionable i think the best way to get back at him for stealing your bass player would be to disappoint him and join team legend no we're all we're going to do is get the old group back together when we say group it wasn't exactly a band no we kind of got together nashville they do these things called songwriter rounds and you kind of each do your thing when he stole your bass player which we all know he's a liar thief uh did you hold resentment for 20 plus years yeah i mean right now would be the time to settle that score to get back at him how perfect is it that john legend turned his chair forward i love this idea you got to go with john and i'm not against blake he's a buddy that's funny because it sounds like you're going against blake right there i am totally going against blake takes three of them to gang up on me to beat me you know what's interesting he is blake and nick have been ganging up on me no that's not true that's actually true that's not true and i am honest and he is a liar these are i'm team legend hollywood lies pete says the guy who is getting married to hollywood and how about that happen i don't know either i'm just going with it buddy he stole her just like he stole your bass player listen obviously we would have a blast if we got to work together again no joke i would love it pete who do you pick as your coach [Applause] [Music] i gotta go with the old cowboys [Applause] it makes me happy to see the other coaches team up against me i think it's cute uh it's desperate we were all literally little kids back then like totally i used to be skinny hey man as soon as we can hug you're getting a big hug and a kiss bro it's just going to be a blast to catch up with him and work with him take my bobble head it looks just like you but the main reason i'm excited that he's on my team is i think he's a hell of a singer here you go cowboy oh god yeah he's cheap he only got the one man that was an audition like we've never seen before it's kind of a full circle moment for me you know like it's crazy to think that we sat in rounds playing songs and here we are take care of the cowboy i will take care of old blake when i turned around he was like i was like what did i do i was like oh no i lost him you know john's having a terrible time and i think that's a shock to him and it actually is a shock to all of us because he normally kills in these blind auditions but thank god if that ever happens to me i would sweat so bad oh my god that was so funny [Music] my name is sandoka victor and i'm 21. [Music] i would definitely say i'm a bit of a hippy [Music] when i was six my parents took me my brother to our first folk festival and that just started the spiral of singing around campfires till early hours of the morning [Music] i played cello at the time and my brother and i had a bit of a duo and was just so amazed that this was a whole world you could be a part of it was the start of the musical journey for me [Music] in the last two years i've spent a lot of time on my personal development and growth and i've really discovered who i am as an artist and that's just been so empowering to know where you stand and know the direction you want to take the song i'm singing tonight is one of the coaches songs and i'm not even sure if he'll recognize it to be honest it's a completely different key different vibe so we'll see how it pans out [Music] [Music] there's [Music] would you say that i am [Applause] [Music] a contradiction you come and go you come and go come and come [Music] [Applause] [Music] you used to be so sweet [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] leo oh my god hey what's your name and where are you from hi um my name's vendelka i'm 21 and i'm from canberra okay what was really cool i what you just did i didn't think was possible i just like hold on a second what is she singing i know this song yeah i was just as soon as everyone laughed i was like he just realized well no because i was like okay this is like a blue you know what you did was you give it a lovely blues flavor you know because we've tried to mess with it over the years you made it kind of solely and like kind of just i don't know it was like play that bit where you're like string along i'll hold the mic [Laughter] i was like hi hello thank you turning around i know um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow that was beautiful thank you boy george oh thank you i didn't realize it was his audition today [Laughter] so you're a big boy george fan fairly fairly big boy george fan yeah you want to become a bigger fan come on my team [Laughter] or i could become the fan and you're the artist and we can be working together she'll steal your boots yeah i will try and take this i i will hunt he straight away he's 100 right i absolutely will steal those boots i want to say something important because although it was fun it was musically credible all my favorite singers always say if you're going to cover one of my songs take it somewhere else i don't want to hear a repeat of what i did i want to hear someone twist it up you know what i mean yeah can i talk about your voice please wasn't i doing that already no no i know i was just saying i'd love to talk about your voice just because it's about choices it's about the the notes that you picked in the chord it was about like finding those tiny suspenseful notes that give it so much power but the reason why i hit my buzzer straight away was because it was just so cerebral so ethereal but yet there was a real weight to it and i just really love your voice i realized you would most probably uh looking this direction well i didn't turn around out of vanity i was like out of respect i turned out of respect because i wouldn't if i didn't like it i wouldn't have turned i freaking love boy george right but i i really want to work with you i i'm just going to put it out there i'm going to lay my heart out there because i really passionately think your tone is something very exciting you could go so far oh you turned around hello i love that you're taking risks because that's what this show is about you know who wants to hear a whole bunch of songs just done as they are like the fact that you did that to that song to me it shows you're really musical first of all like you're not i've been playing around campfire since i was like six so well i'm very camp [Laughter] i love the higher bit when she went up for the yeah that's what made me turn that's literally what made me hit my button i was like okay she's legit she she's got something super musical and i just think if you really want to keep you really want to hurt me go with him see that's the thing like you've you've said a priest in it now he's just going to make you sing his songs like every week yeah yeah of course what do i've got for you this week is another one of my songs let me just let me just say actually i've done this for three seasons i have never ever got up and sung with anybody ever i got up because i thought you know what that was really cool and yeah i really i know your vibe i get your vibe and not arrogant about a lot of things but i'm arrogant about flipping a song creating magic musical moments that move people we want to make people feel stuff music is beautiful and i think you and i can make some pretty beautiful music together you'll have more fun of marty there's no question no question much more fun i'd like to hear kelly's opinion because you're not biased so i might need a bit of help here you're not biased wow that's new okay ah choose a side kelly oh no do you see what you just dragged me into i'm just kidding honey you got enough pressure on you as it is okay take a deep breath in and let it go audience you want to join her take a deep breath in take a deep breath in everyone let it go now my darling not about what anybody else says on this stage you have oh now it's not about what anything that says but when you talk it's all about what you say i mean come on george she's saying your song and she's saying it beautifully but give her a chance to make her own decision make your decision boo-boo be brave you know that's okay i would encourage you to be brave it doesn't matter it's like i love how everyone's going make a decision then no one will shut up yeah maybe this isn't going to happen often with these people fighting over you this is a lovely moment and savor it enjoy it you know what i mean be great be brave it's fine there's no mistakes well i just want to say that you guys are all incredible like i respect every single one of you as artists and i am so happy to be here um i'm gonna go with boys [Applause] for nothing okay you play with me that's fun thank you so much [Applause] thank you very much i have tried over the years to kind of mess with that song you know because it's such a famous song and it was really fun to hear someone just be brave with it and just take it to somewhere else you know because you know it's uh it's one of those songs that i've kind of had an on off love affair with and you know i've fallen out with it a few times but it's it's just one of those songs when you've got a gig it's like a secret weapon if you don't do karma chameleon people will stampede but to hear it done so soulfully was was really nice hi vanduul could you nail it up absolutely you nail it to the ground she's good she is like she was sweet i love what she did because i never do that i loved it she just did it i was like it was so dumb i want to sing it like that dad yeah uh your voice just said no i'm basically a blues singer when it was amazing that was so good that was absolutely surreal like he got up and sang with me on stage he's like i sang his song and then he liked it and he sang with me like what the heck oh my gosh i can't stop smiling my cheeks hurt but you know there's always that thing of when someone does your song and then it's like don't know i'm choosing guy oh yeah i'm going to go with delaware how you guys feeling you're feeling good listen this is the best part i think of the voice when we do the blind auditions is always the fun part yes so you're our eyes we have the ears so you need to help us right right you're gonna help us let's get on with it then let's do it let's do it [Applause] okay i don't think i've ever had my hand squeezed so tightly i'm trinity lee cooper i'm 16 and i'm from a little village in wales called it was just full of mountains sheep like literally walking to school and every sheep walking without [Music] i live with my mom my dad and my little brother my mom and dad are amazing they just really really loving supportive parents we do most things together we're a pair where she goes i go where i go she goes i was placed into foster care when i was six months old [Music] and i got adopted when i was three years old but i see the world so different now if i wasn't adopted my life would have been completely different and the best thing i ever done was when i adopted you and i love you i'm so proud of you thank you and i love you both so much as well trinity is one of a kind i'm so proud of her would it be okay if i came [Music] i couldn't live without music ever since i was younger i've just been singing singing going in front of these four coaches is just an amazing opportunity if i got to turn off any of them i'd be absolutely over the moon family are my biggest fans when i haven't believed in myself they've always believed in me and i'm so thankful for that [Music] stone cold [Music] [Applause] cold [Music] god [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i wish i could leave my [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] get ready don't cry [Music] [Laughter] don't cry we're [Laughter] [Applause] oh my god [Applause] hi future family you're good you're good hey what's your name where are you from um my name is trinity lee um i'm 16 years old and i'm from today tom i'm disappointed oh i'm disappointed sweetheart you sign wonderfully well then you've got a beautiful voice thank you and you're on the show that's the most important thing exactly you have a very powerful voice and when you were in getting the turns after your first power and you took it up another notch to make you press these buttons you did you have an amazing selection of coaches on your left hand side you have this amazing songwriter singer shorting there and megan take you to where you want to go then over here on this side you have an amazing talent amazing look at his smile and smile sing something like won a lot of awards you see her look at megan's face i hate pulling this card because i whatever when i won the best new artist grammy award first the first the very first person i hugged was demi lovato because she's the nicest most supportive female artist that i've ever encountered and you would have made her proud well anyway i collaborated with demi lovato back then so while she was hugging megan she was having hits with me so whatever but anyway i just wanted to say from the bottom of my heart that was a fantastic performance and you are a fantastic singer and you deserve your place on this show thank you thank you thank you [Music] have you decided what coach you're going to pick [Applause] megan yeah [Applause] oh i love you you're amazing he's so beyond talented it's unreal [Applause] [Music] he's like a little firecracker man got some voice did not expect that yep hello dad yeah i've done it you've done it i didn't got two i'm not happy right now she's winning at this point but let's see who's winning at the end [Laughter] [Applause] my name is joe wagner i'm 22 years old and i'm originally from wisconsin usa and i've moved to bruges belgium to be with my girlfriend the love of my life and marie are you nervous about the boys at all i think i am a little bit nervous henry and i met in a traveling international non-profit organization up with people [Music] it's a organization of students 20 different countries and we were traveling the world last year in 2017 and we had time to get to know each other [Applause] we had how is tour going guys yeah it's so nice to be here it was so exciting to see everyone again because i was able to tell them i'm now participating in the voice i'm going to the blind auditions for the voice and um [Music] i tend to be hesitant of of my abilities but she sees something in me that i don't always see and that's the reason she was like i'm gonna sign you up for this i think the voice is just the next step for me in uh finding who i am individually because up with people was very group focused i think now it's my chance to focus on me as a as a musician and artist i don't think i could do anything else to prepare but i think i'm still feeling the nerves and that's a good thing but yeah it's going to be exciting [Music] sunday morning [Music] [Applause] and things just get so crazy like it's hard to do and i would hit the road get up and go if i knew that someday it would bring me back to you that someday it would bring me back to is [Music] sunday morning [Music] [Music] [Music] morning [Music] [Applause] sorry what's your name what's your name my name is job i'm from the usa just do you live in belgium now i do live in belgium now with my girlfriend oh you got a belgian girlfriend how did you get to know your belgian girlfriend well we traveled together in a group called up with people and yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] anyways i thought i really have to see who's standing there because i could feel some um zeta anxiety fun you have fun doing what you do and i thought that's going to be good to work with um you know to do some staging and and the singing was good every now and then it was a bit too much but i'd rather have too much than not enough for me it was a bit too much and so i was hesitating i gotta say and i thought when you started i was really like you you grabbed my attention but then i thought like ah we're doing a rollercoaster ride and and some curves were like a little bumpy and and i like roller coasters so hey but you got a coach now awesome thank you very much can i meet you your belgian girlfriend so she's flemish right yes she is very happy that was so good on the opening [Music] the excitement when he actually turned i'm like like my brain was like what like no way like this is so cool how exciting is this yes i do feel overwhelmed it's just happened so like fast so now it's like all here but not quite i don't know it sounds cliche to say that it doesn't feel real but it doesn't feel real i'm clara ortado i'm 20 years old and i'm from brighton i haven't done a lot of gigs and the ones that i have done are quite small so i think performance on the voice will be ridiculously scary [Music] i'm originally from the south of spain so about five years ago we decided to move here to the to britain music's always been a part of my life growing up my parents met after being the same band together my mom was a singer and my dad was the drummer [Music] me and my dad used to listen to black eyed peas albums i think that's the earliest memory i have of brewing with my dad [Music] i'm sure my dad wishes he was in the black eyed peas [Music] her way of singing is very special for me is because it comes from the heart and i always make me makes me feel very very proud this is like everybody can see in my faces that that's my tutorial you were always there for me when i needed most to know that today could be the start of me getting a successful career and a record contract it's um uh overwhelming it's really overwhelming [Music] yeah i'm so nervous but definitely because i want it so much i'm so like anxious to get this i don't want i need i need this [Music] [Applause] [Music] you lift my heart up when the rest of is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] i think we're close enough [Music] i think we're closer baby [Music] [Music] oh right [Applause] [Applause] sorry guys i'm sorry what's your name so my name is clara ortado and how are you i'm 20 years old oh that's great you sounded really amazing on that thank you so much it means the world i was like hoping for one turn and suddenly literally i was finishing the song and i'm like all right let's just say thank you to the crowd walk back let's just enjoy it and say i look up and everyone's too can i say this with um when when you started off to me you you were flat did you think you were able to tune at the beginning like i think nerves are just such a powerful thing yes and i ended up being nervous of being nervous but you you you got rid of that you know you you you started you got in tune the last half of the song was tremendous and that's why i thank you it's really easy it's really easy to start you know and not have the best start and then continue to fall and fall down the hill and you just stood right back up you got stronger and you got stronger and you did great whoever you go with you should be proud of yourself so we're all here for you i would like you to join my team because i i think i can work with you and you know find the kind of music that you want to make thank you it just sounds to me like you really want to sing and i want to hear you sing and i just want to help you find those songs that highlight the voice that i just heard yeah thank you the second half of that song you really you really got into into it and you you became something that you were not starting off that's that's that's what i feel and but i but i would love you to to come on my team because i think you're you're beautiful singer and we could work great together so i think you're amazing so i love you thank you so much and uh i think you've got so much potential and there's so many different ways you can go uh that the world is your oyster you have an incredible voice so but buena suerte i think it wasn't until this year that i started to realize that i kind of want to go into something with producers and um djs or or rappers or something and i've developed a little love for like tonight so um [Applause] honestly thank you all because i honestly did not expect this um [Applause] i think from what i've heard right now as well i think i'm gonna go with [Applause] well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how was it it was the most scariest thing i've ever done in my life will she wants to work with rappers and hip-hop so i'm like hmm where's she gonna go she was so big on the stage also i'm so proud of you okay here we go y'all ready yeah there you go thank you i'm ready my name is leah white i'm 17 and i'm a student from nottingham i've been singing since i can remember the first time i ever sang in front of an audience was a talent show in school i was petrified but i actually won it we're all behind you just do what you always do my family are very supportive she sings from when she gets up in the morning until she goes to bed at night sometimes i have to say leah please just be quiet just for 10 minutes because i'm sleeping yes my little brother josiah he's so lively he's losing him that much [Music] i think she does love singing that much josiah is quite a fan of will i am who i am that's who we came to see [Music] that's so cute i would love to make my family proud music's my dream that's what i want to do and if i get that at this age then it's kind of like yeah i'm here [Music] oh my gosh [Applause] [Music] i think i've had enough [Music] i might get a little [Applause] [Music] i see what's on my i might do a little time now i'm counting down the seconds to make me even wonder [Applause] [Music] we got three more days [Music] [Music] now i know that you're tonight thinking how could i be i'm just trying to make it hi what's your name love my name's leah y and i'm 17 and i'm a student what do you study i'm performing arts so you want to be a professional singer oh yeah of course like music is everything to me and you want that to go on as long as possible yeah i i don't want anything well i can i can show you how to do that i would like to be the one to start you on the journey that will take you for the rest of your life thank you [Laughter] i turned because there was something in your performance that was uh glimmering but the majority of performance was was wobbly yeah and there's a lot of other singers on the show already that are you know the bar is up here yeah if you pick me i'm gonna try my best to get you where you want to be there was something special in your voice a magnet in there that attracted me to turn oh thank you darling over there is that your family member my little brother yeah can he come and meet you will he loves you yeah bring him over what's his name josiah [Music] hi josiah you sit up here [Music] yeah [Music] all right now your sister's gonna sing and then hit the button for her okay one two go open your eyes my sweet [Applause] help your sister choose her coach and choose her coaching hey josiah who would you like me to choose [Music] team well [Music] if there's something that i think i can work with and improve i'll turn for it and she has this seed of a potential star so adorable both of them right boys top of the stairs and i'll tell you when to go okay you're all right my name is keough and i'm 22. i'm sunny i'm 21. my name is joel i'm 21 and we are next gen a vocal harmonistic group it's not even a word harmonistic from manchester bollin proper novel we chill out together we play a lot of football together but obviously we also rehearse all the time so we spend like 24 7 with each other i do get a bit annoying sometimes i can't lie what we are actually mates i don't think i could be in a band if i don't like this no way oh let's get off we used to be in a larger group of five called yes lad and we did the x factor a couple of years ago and we didn't make the live shows but ever since then we've been we've been working hard i mean we've been doing gigs grafting and doing anything that will make singing our lives because that's all we ever want to do we just don't want to give up we want to give this everything that we've got the group has gone separate ways but us three still mates and we saw the voices a great opportunity trying to keep the dream alive i suppose this is the first thing we've actually done to the three which is quite scary but obviously it's very exciting as well you've all got brilliant vices and you are very different from mom stopped it that's right nope we're just so proud we're going to be very very three loud mothers and very proud mothers [Applause] [Music] today we want to show those coaches and everyone in the audience that you know we're not just a typical buy-back we've got the vocal ability if we don't get a chair turn it's kind of back to reality for us all and i don't want to do that [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you took a chance [Applause] [Music] for you and [Music] me [Applause] me crazy [Applause] [Applause] all right all right all right what's the name of y'all's crew so we're called nextgen [Applause] i don't even know what to say when them girls went crazy over there in that corner [Applause] and i saw the future bro i was like oh my gosh there's going to be like stadiums of these people screaming crazy i just want to say i loved your energy you know again echo what the other coaches said the room all the ladies in the room were going mad flip this man and that was that's what you want you know that's the fan base you guys are going to be you know gearing towards with your album your music um i'm a cheeky chappie myself so seeing you guys the cheeky chappies on stage that's why i think i'd be the perfect coach for you first off you have to surround yourself with with a crew a legitimate faculty right man your ship we're celebrating 20 years of black eyed peas because we're a crew and i can provide that for you [Music] it's all about your heart where you see yourself going and i think exactly what you need to do to move forward let's make sure we get into the final and then we can discuss all the crew stuff and all the studio stuff then it's about this big difference it's about this competition and right now you need to sign up for who wants to be a part of your crew right now [Applause] thank you for listening to us first of all i thank you all for turning around and but the coach we've decided to go with is climb on our well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i love their energy they woke up the room they gave it a fresh energy and everybody went crazy that's all right oh i'm cool i'm cool with it i'm cool i'm absolutely fine actually fine are you sure you don't look fine ali i'm fine cool cool we're excited we're from give will credit he pitch hard you can't win every battle but um i will be victorious at the end whoever is bringing it next bring the energy people want to be lifted up so they can dance get their ants in their pants and start moving you all want to start grooving at home make some noise yeah pants i love that line to the pants we need to get it yes let's go bring the energy [Applause] energy my name is chanel yates i'm 21 years old and i [Music] chanel is tenacious she's a loving person and such a hard worker in terms of singing so this is a real dream come true for her i'm so excited i'm nervous now a little bit well as a child you won't even speak to anybody so i know to do something like this is just sensational as a kid i didn't know how to talk to people as a little scientist i used to just make potions in my room i learned the whole periodic table off by heart lithium sodium potassium rubidium cesium francium beryllium magnesium calcium strategy and barium radium that's just that's the first two lights but then my dad got me a red alto saxophone i called him maximus and that's when i really started on like songwriting and singing i just knew like i wanted to do that and only that i'd love to say her music comes from me but it's her gift and fills us all as a family with great pride to watch her on stage and do what she loves this is the biggest moment in my life it's a window of opportunity that not a lot of people have and it's what i've been working for since i was 13 years old with that red saxophone so i hope that i have what it takes [Music] [Music] rainbow paradise is [Applause] [Music] you don't have to say you love me don't have to say nothing you don't have to save your mind [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] just let me adore you [Music] the only thing i'll ever do [Applause] hello wow so what's your name my name is chanel yates i'm 21 years old where you from i'm from sheffield sheffield's make some noise what did you come here with i'm with my stepmom and my dad hey stepmom hey dad and when did you decide on coming on the voice i was in the bath one night and i thought i'm just gonna apply let's see what happened it sounded great to me but i thought well if it's going to come to it i'm going to hit it because you deserve to be here yeah thank you but with anne marie turning you don't have anything to worry about so magic but you deserve to be on the show [Music] why did i not press my button for you thank god you took the bath uh thank god you're clean you're here amazing honestly really great and i think what anne-marie's gonna do with you on a coaching base is just gonna make you even better thank you i turned very quickly because i just heard your tone of voice and just knew that it was special i just didn't have to wait any longer i'm really happy that no one else does you're really strong and uh i think these should be scared thank you so much welcome to my team [Applause] yes when anne marie pressed the button i was like thank you you gotta keep your like composure and it's nuts because i was just like how do i carry on singing knowing like she's turned as soon as you hear her voice on a song you know it's her oh sure he sounded a bit your vibe on it i was like this is definitely your kind of singer but i was being too nice i should have pressed [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm wara i'm 31 and i live in southeast london i run a functions band called rose gold i started about a year ago now and we usually have about two to three events a week so that's what i'm passionate about i'm a single mom he's a kid's baby my son malaika is going to be several months next week hey baby i didn't think i was the mertino type but having him i think i think i want more really good but i remember childbirth it is no joke he's just he's so gorgeous i look at him sometimes and i think how did i give birth to someone so beautiful with my audition today i am terrified for everyone that you know who made me feel funny about sounding different having a turn from one of the coaches it's validation i want to change my family's lives for better because my mom is getting old now i have a little son i can't afford to mess up [Music] i'm throwing everything into that performance because there's no plan b this is the only plan so i hope it's enough [Music] i tried for you [Applause] try [Music] what could [Music] oh isn't it strange isn't it [Music] you look at me [Music] to say [Music] [Laughter] [Music] strangers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hello what's your name where you from my name is wara and i am 31 i'm from southwest london what'd you do for a job i run a functions band called rose gold so that's what i do for a living oh no i had a baby in the middle of like march why did you pick that song i wanted to do something different to see if my law register kind of registers with you guys it registered with me hey don't go talk yeah tom sees things that we just can't see i thought you were like an 18 year old boy but obviously you have a low range that's very you control it really well and you probably have ranges that we don't know about and tom's gonna discover at piano rehearsal and pull some song out of like tom's magical hat of songs and we're all just gonna be blown away i know that's what's gonna happen i was gonna press my button and i just looked the time i knew he was pressing it because it was such a beautiful performance it was so unique so different it really stood out thank you honestly well done it was fantastic i just wanted to say that i think that was absolutely beautiful i didn't turn because i just knew that you'd be perfect with tom but your tone is just so recognizable already i just thought it was wonderful your tone is really something thank you and i thought my god this person has got something special and i think you're a wonderful singer and i'm so glad that i turned for you thank you yeah welcome to team [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow that was stunning that's a special voice i did not expect that i really thought it was like an 18 year old boy when you started singing my jaw literally hit the floor i mean what a beautiful and unique voice you had oh thank you there was a warmth there you know sometimes women can come with this warmth yeah my son when he's old enough to understand this he can see something about me that he's proud of so yeah i'm happy i love listening to singers though i can listen to you all day long time really oh your voice is crazy i think everyone could and a sound that hasn't faded yo you've seen decades yeah i've been singing since the old king died i'm still sick you know what tom i love the elvis story you told me with these hands come and sing us that song come on yeah everyone wants to hear yeah right [Applause] with his hands [Music] i will sing to you [Music] i'm yours forever [Music] with these hands i will bring to you [Music] attend a love as warm as me with this heart i i will sing to you [Music] long after stars have lost [Music] [Music] should there be a stormy [Music] oh no i'll never [Applause] hi how are you thank you how are you i'm really good thank you who is this young man with you just my dad but actually my best friend esther is over on the sofa over there my name is yana bing i'm 21 years old and i'm from cornwall my name is esther cole i'm 21 and i'm from cornwall so how did you two meet we met in music college yeah we walked in on the first day of just like clicked and then we've been best friends ever since do you do kind of similar style performances we're quite different aren't we yeah i'd say i'm a bit more like bubbly on stage yeah and then probably a bit more serious we are both crazy passionate about singing whenever i go around and we just sing our hearts out we're quite loud when we do get together she is probably the slightly more loud one i am a holiday park entertainer which is everything from kids entertainment shows making balloons you have to be really jolly and happy with like the little ones and i love it so much it's awesome but as well as singing i make a lot of my own outfits i love sewing just like even if i get a top i'll add like a little bit of lace just to kind of give it a little bit more personality [Music] i love my mum and my dad we get on really really well i don't think grandma would be very proud of her my parents are massive supporters of my music they've always been to any gigs i've done and yeah they're great esther has a gift and she sings from the heart and she's a great girl and a good cook many calories there probably quite a lot to know that my best friend has a blind audition as well is kind of calming and soothing because we're going through it together how are you feeling i'm feeling good we both would love to get through but i know that whatever happens we'll both be cheering each other on so excited to watch you just smash it being here today is an absolute dream come true i have to pinch myself because it's everything i've always wanted to do gonna go and give the performance of a lifetime i really need to grab the coach's attention with my voice [Music] to get a chat around would be absolutely incredible [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want you to love me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she gave it harold i definitely think she should have got a turn 100 oh no you mean everything to me she can sing like she was strong yeah maybe just not what they're looking for um maybe they want something something else i love the energy man i don't know why i didn't that's so my kind of act as well [Music] it's definitely made me a bit more nervous now the biggest performance i've ever done i'm going to just do it fiona and give it my all hopefully i won't let the nerves get the better of me [Music] and this night is in the kingdom i can feel you fade away from the kitchen to the bathroom sinking your steps keep me awake don't cut me down throw me out leave me here to waste i once was a girl with dignity and great snow slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace so please please could you find a way to let me down slowly a little sympathy i hope you can show me if you wanna go then i'll be so lonely if you're leaving baby let me down slowly and i can't stop myself [Music] [Music] could you find a way to let me down slowly a little sympathy i hope you can show me if you wanna go then i'll be so lonely if you're living baby i hope you can shine [Applause] [Music] yay [Applause] hi what's your name my name is esther cole what do you come from i'm from cornwall cornwall yeah nice we have a beautiful beautiful voice thank you thank you so much thank you [Applause] who have you come with me today you on your own i come with my mum my dad and my boyfriend nice and then my best friend ziana who you didn't turn for sadly but um will you say we've been doing it all together so you should have turned for her she's amazing oh we didn't turn for your best friend no she did stupid love by lady gaga yeah yeah she has a good voice right he's an amazing voice if you swear by her she sings great she pops things off because you sound awesome and usually people roll in packs yeah she needs to come back that's what i'm trying to say yeah you gotta tell her i will i will tell her i love that song and it was nice to hear you sing it because i'm so used to his voice it was so angelic and it was just very pure i'm glad you're on the show i don't know who you're going to choose but i mean they're both great so it's going to be hard for you yes thank you you know i'm thinking wow i'd like to get a strong guy coming on you know and giving it a plenty but i thought i don't want to let this girl go so you came on a win thank you oh thank you so much so that's what that's why i hit it like i couldn't not you have just a lovely lovely voice and you seem like a lovely person too thank you so much which is which is lovely so it's all lovely [Applause] you were brilliant tom's summed up perfectly it was beautiful it was everything and the last time i had a girl from cornwall she won the show oh just saying yeah and so that's a good track record in that area of finding talent and you've got a very similar kind of vibe but different and i like that a lot and that's why i pressed my button i like it i like it time for you to decide it's a really hard decision [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but i'm gonna go with tom again [Applause] thank you so much [Music] [Music] i don't even know your turn though literally at the same time as time i was just like boom yeah i waited and i thought seriously no one's turn i've gotta go well that's what i thought [Music] well done so proudly brilliant obviously i came here with jana i'm super disappointed that she didn't get through she's my best friend and it would have been amazing to have gone on some vassals together but um i'm just gonna go out there and [Music] just do it for both of us hey the last time you lost the cornwall girl she went and won it so it could be you this year tom you're there we go she's great i really like her she's lovely i'm guided but i know she's come to a good home [Music] just have to hope for the best but i believe in my heart that someone will turn i'm janelle antonicia i'm 27 years old i currently work as a carer assistant and i live in dudley it's a hot seat to behave right now and i'm glad i'm not the one in it thank god for that i live with my mom she's my biggest supporter yeah man i just love it when i see her out there today i would be very proud because i know she's come a long way and as a mother just hope for the best [Music] i auditioned for the voice in 2018 i just didn't give my best i hit a really nasty note i heard it and i cringed i was just like whoa that sounds awful [Applause] the quality of the instrument was great but she had some edge she had edge too yeah it was with no grip at all [Music] before i even walked on i was really nervous but i feel like i could have sang about but for that time it was the best i could have done yeah that was very disappointing [Music] in my head that was it that was the end i was never coming back and i thought you know what janelle what do you have to lose i came back for a reason i feel like i do want it more today is the big day i'm just looking forward to going out there and making it count i'm going to put absolutely everything into this performance [Music] this is now my opportunity to prove what i can do [Music] calling all the people to see the show calling for my people now to let me go i need something give me something wonderful [Music] you can steal the things you can do no more [Music] oh yes [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow you have a very unique voice when you hear it you know it's you absolutely thank you so much what brought you to the show um funny enough i was here in 2018 and um no one turned around i remembered it really broke my heart and i was like i'm never coming back on this show because i can't deal with that heartbreak and lo and behold here i am again the second time what happened the first time then i hit the most disgusting note you could think of like i just remember going so offside because oh my god only space was like you did the phase [Laughter] you didn't mess up no you guys are in the best of it you know what based on that performance it was fine i know that i messed up and i was just like how do i bring this back and i just knew i couldn't because the song was nearly finished you put it back in 2021 you've got two chairs that's right thank you guys so much yeah i thought that was beautiful thank you honestly no one has anyone like you i feel like i made a mistake there so i'm just so glad that you're on the show thank you thank you thank you thank you i forgot i didn't turn i was gonna i was gonna start the pit step i was almost there yeah oh yeah when you started off i thought wow you got a unique sounding voice there really great i love what you did thank you so much thank you thank you vocally fantastic the emotion you put across the song was brilliant so you tick all the boxes for me you took all the boxes from my team listen from someone who's been rejected on a tv show before i had to come back and bounce back and i have nothing but respect for you for doing that today thanks so much that is huge that was the hottest performance i've had on the show this year thank you so much i definitely was marketing you throughout my high school years i have a birthmark here for the whole of high school i was actually called black eyed peas so thank you it's okay i can log back in it now i love my birth monkey though i would really like you on my team i turn first i really like your voice it's really awesome that you put aside your worries your fears even if it meant another error that's what life is about especially when you're trying to pursue dreams you came back boom proved it you got two now it's up to you to decide who you want to be your coach the person i'd like to marry i meet the person [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fan since day one you've got mad energy i just think you're such a sweet character but will i am you're the guy who wanted to turn around for me and you know what i'm going to add some extra spice to your team 100 thank you so much [Applause] she was good that was a good one will that was a good one i'm well happy it was so hard to get back up there but i did it and bring on the next round let's go are you envious now or yeah definitely oh well how could you do that oh i'm so sorry [Laughter] [Music] i need to hear like the emotion yes in their voice yeah quite right i need i need a super power singer what to match mine [Laughter] are you looking forward to mommy getting on the stage yeah yeah proud of making me feel proud it makes you feel proud i'm vicki i'm 37 and i'm an admin assistant i process invoices i answer the phones let me just see if she's free for you and i make lots of coffee i'm a mum of two to braxton and dexter i'm probably really biased they're just so loving and caring and funny and crazy mommy practices singing a lot in the car and in the kitchen and in her bedroom sometimes it gets a bit annoying they just look at me oh god mom stop but i don't i think all of the coaches will turn around because mommy's a really good singer sit up oh i had a tough time in the past um and had to stop singing for a while just lost all my confidence and when i met lauren she just completely turned that around she made me get back into it and just said to me you're too good not not to sing tell me where you are first time i heard i think it was just goosebumps and every time i've heard her sing from then it's tears a lot every time laura and i have been together four and a half years we met in a local pub and we got married in may last year she's just yeah she's my biggest supporter i can't wait to see you be up on that stage watching you makes me the proudest person in the whole world very proud of you very very thanks i'm super nervous i think it's because it's such a big thing and it's so important to me i just really want it to go well i feel like now is 100 my time i've waited my whole life for this and this is my moment [Music] i spent a large proportion of my life hiding who i was and who i should be [Music] i just want to show everybody who i am [Music] long hours and a few dying flowers but you never seem [Music] [Applause] [Music] but i'm picking up every piece you must be so hard [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] thank you for giving me [Applause] [Music] thank you for all the mistakes thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's your name where are you from i'm uh i'm victoria i'm from hartfield in east sussex and how old are you i'm 37 37 what'd you do for a living i'm an admin assistant well listen that was really from the heart i could really feel the emotion behind that song why did you pick that song it reminds me of myself and my wife just when when we met i was in a really bad place and she she saved me so well you could really feel that emotion in the song and i'm sure she's really proud of you after that performance because it was really beautiful you've got a voice and it's amazing and you've had so much i am sorry oh my god [Applause] i was hovering there and i love you oh i do as all he said you could feel you coming through you seemed very honest in what you were singing and you can sing of course yeah i made every word of it you did a lovely job and i felt your emotion really lovely i feel like you're the most pitch perfect person we've had so far it's like i i actually i can't believe how good that was yeah i didn't return because i have a girl who does all of that stuff yeah and i didn't want to put you two in competition with each other but um i'm a bit worried about you not being on my team he's yeah he's got a good one thank you so much thank you you have a true gift yeah thank you so much i'm super proud that you're on my team i'm so excited and my little boy loves you oh really he's eight yeah oh look out it's william his name is william no he calls you oh hey this is my wife lauren hello this this is braxton and this is uh ducky doodlebug hi hi nice to meet you guys it's lovely to meet you boys thank you thank you welcome to team one thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes yes i've spent a lot of time hiding who i really am and when i stood on that stage today i was just me and it was just the best feeling ever very strong yeah wow wow absolutely beautiful you looked amazing this just shows my boys that you can do anything that you dream of just to chase your dreams and to never ever give up i've done it [Music] coming back sweet thank you very much my name is jake maywest i am 26. i'm known as the guy in the bowtie [Music] by day i am a daddy daycare i have twin babies and my wife and i just love spending time with them and then by night i go off and i sing [Music] why the bow ties are just something that gives a little bit of a hint to the type of music that i sing and love i would say i'm a new age crooner people have at times compared me to michael buble and the sort of style that i seeing i'm not in that company just yet but hopefully being on this show might put me somewhere a little bit closer i'm singing feeling good which is a nina simone song however it's synonymous with buble hopefully i still shine through and if i'm compared to him that's a fantastic thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for me and i'm feeling good come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Applause] oh [Applause] hello hey guys i swore someone was gonna turn your voice is amazing thank you very much thank you wow but it was like listening to it was like listening exactly to michael buble which is not a bad thing it's an amazing voice and i think that you know what you need to do you have to find your voice michael buble has the best tone yes i mean his tone is so warm and so beautiful is he has he been a massive influence of yours oh michael buble has been a massive influence he brought that type of music to my generation yeah i'm i'm here hoping to be able to bring that type of music to my generation and you did it justice today you really did i wish i had turned my chair to tell you honest truth and i can't believe no one turned that was such a great you've got an incredible voice like a beautiful beautiful voice every year i always have one that got away every single year there's always one that i think oh i would have loved to have worked with you where do you perform i'm from the gold coast yeah yeah yeah my wife and twins are back home because they've been a little bit beautiful i've got little babies um who are you calling guys keep going it's all good hello michael how are you [Applause] and and we we've just heard an artist sing and his voice is obviously influenced by you you're i've just told him he's got an incredible voice and i thought it would be kind of cool if i facetimed you i'm sorry are you busy i'm sure you are i i'm in uh can can can you listen to him sing is that a righteous for two seconds my name is jake i'm jacob maywest i i i actually can't believe it bro oh thank you i like your hat bro [Music] you know how i feel it's a new dawn it's a new day it's in your life for me yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you have any words of advice [Laughter] how's that you just sung for michael buble that's crazy thank you thank you very much it's been a great audience as well i really appreciate it thanks guys [Music] oh [Applause] his voice was great i know i definitely for a second thought his manga was right behind us yeah but i hope you come back and do that again do you think getting to sing to boo play is like the next best thing to a chair turn it's amazing it's incredible right you can't you don't get that opportunity ever it's very very cool thank you so much [Music] i'm jim i'm sasha and we are jim and sasha allen we've been playing music together as long as i can remember we are a father-son duo we blend really well and sometimes we can't tell each other apart i don't know if the coaches are going to turn around and be like oh that's father-son duo i think that they're going to guess it's that it's a family blend they'll see in the isis in college i put together a bluegrass bin that opened up these festivals to where i would go and i would actually get to meet doc watson and arlo guthrie and that was huge for me as the kids came along and we settled down into more of a stable life here i was a music teacher i've been teaching music for about 25 30 years let's try that chord progression we're doing ready [Music] it was amazing growing up having a music teacher as a dad i never had to pay for lessons or anything i started playing guitar around the age of six i kind of just picked up on these classic folk americana songs i do have a special connection to the concept of a blind audition where the only thing that matters is the art and who the person is inside i was born female and i never felt comfortable and it ate away at me the more i grew up i remember at night just laying in bed and thinking if i could just wake up as a completely different person i would do it i would give up everything i have to be able to live in peace and live comfortably without being tormented internally i used to write in notebooks i feel like a boy i want this so bad and i'd shred it up into such tiny pieces because i was so scared for anybody to know it's a parent's job to listen to your child even when it's hard to understand them and that brought forth extreme sadness at not having understood what he had been going through for years the only way to feel like me was to transition to male i dealt with a lot of hateful comments whether it was from my classmates or from teachers i wouldn't have been able to get through high school without music and without art to express what i was going through sasha was always very strong and for parents you think that your kids are going to grow from your influence on them but quite frankly a lot of times it's the opposite and they expand our horizons more while it is such a big and extraordinary thing to absorb there are fundamental things that don't change about a person and uh it's it's nice to to be at that point where you know it's not a big deal all right places please let's do this okay 30 seconds 30 seconds i'm excited new possibilities it's so awesome to be able to do this with each other there's nobody i'd rather do it with i'm glad that we can bring the music that we've been working on over the course of so many years to this stage in front of these amazing coaches [Music] outside your door i hate to wake you up to say goodbye but the dawn is breaking it's early morn taxis [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell me that you'll wait for me hold me like you'll never let me go [Music] [Applause] [Music] so kiss me and smile for me tell me that you wait for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll be back again [Music] [Applause] wow hi what are your names we're jim and sasha allen and we're a father-son duo from newtown connecticut i do have something and you didn't turn around but it's for you blake oh blake here you go again i'm a big fan wow i'm not used to hearing that ever did he do a presentation on you this would be the three of us together oh my god did you draw them yes how do you do that are you right now that blake didn't turn for you what kind of a jackass wouldn't turn around for these people i can draw you guys too my gosh well i'm going to be honest with you i'm a little nervous and how excited you got about seeing ariana turn around just a tad i absolutely loved it i'm gonna be completely transparent i have a trio i adore them and i was trying to keep the lane open but there is no way i'm letting y'all go home thank you it's the family harmony it's that vibe that's so special and you deserve to be here so thank you for coming and i would love to be your coach thank you thank you so much it's a cool sound you guys can't even really put my finger on what it is the genre what is it i don't know it's country then okay don't label it just be free don't leave it yeah yeah the thing about your voices together is the harmonies were so perfectly knit and peaceful that it really transported me i felt like i was at woodstock or something thank you the pitch was as close to perfect as you could have done yeah thank you and i really felt it i felt really connected to it i did wish i had gotten a little more range but i think that's why we could work together and push your voices to the nth degree i would love to work with you guys do you have a group i do not have a group well i'll be [Laughter] i love the idea of a family singing together i grew up in a family that sang together and we still do it every time we get together for the holidays and we're so excited to have you on the show thank you and now you've got an important choice to make [Music] [Applause] [Music] ariana [Applause] ariana all right [Applause] i felt like i was in the 70s i felt like i should have had flowers in my hair [Applause] oh my god and it was really beautiful it was really refreshing i don't know that we have anyone on the show that sounds like them ariana she has such an incredible and unique voice and i feel like her range and her singing style could really benefit in coming up with parts for a duo and harmonies thank you i was sad i didn't get jimmy sasha they were really good i love ariana so i get it you fight hard but you win some you lose some every time someone's like so ready to join your team you don't turn for them i feel like a mean idiot for not turning my chair around for these very talented very nice people that brought me these gifts you want to run away from love why do you run from love blake only one love in my life okay [Music] my name is connor smith and i'm from the central coast the skate park's pretty much like my second home i'm there every afternoon i think i'm just a regular 16 year old that likes to play music and skate but i'd much rather listen to a vinyl than stream music online [Music] i definitely prefer like bob dylan i'm jimi hendrix justin bieber just had more meaning it's just awesome music i'm singing a song from the 80s singing one of the boss's songs bruce springsteen it's a very deep song and i like to think i can connect with it emotionally there's a falsetto note then i'm a little bit afraid to hit i really need to hit that note to turn a chair [Music] okay there was a commotion oh this is my eyes i'm shaking where are my tissues [Music] hey little girl is your daddy home didn't go and leave you all alone [Music] tell me now baby is it good to you can he do to the things that i don't know i can take you [Applause] [Music] sometimes it's like someone took a knife baby edgy and darling go to six inch valley in the middle of my school and how do we get with a sheet soaking weight [Music] oh i'm on fire [Music] i was okay [Music] oh can i just start by saying great look thank you very much i admire yours as well i used to have quite similar hair back in the day that was beautiful thank you and uh bruce springsteen song so you're like you like the classics yeah so come to team george i'm very classic how old are you i'm 16. [Applause] and what's your name my name's connor smith connor i i love your tone thank you love the tony of voice and you know george and i both turned around so we obviously both want you on our team your tone the voice everything's really beautiful and if i was your coach the thing i would concentrate on firstly is to connect your voice with your soul and have the an ability to tell a story because you were you were singing such a deep song and such a meaningful song but i felt like you were kind of a little bit deer in headlights and that's cool because you're 16 this is crazy and super nerve-wracking but you know i think we need to get to a point where people don't even think oh he's 16. people just know man connor wow that dude can connect with a song yeah thank you somebody comes on to the show at 16 and sings something you know from another decade and kind of brings their own flavor to it that's really impressive thank you did you skateboard in yeah i did actually yes yeah yeah sorry i just happened to go is that a guitar no it's not a guitar what is that let's escape that's my stick that's one board all right if you choose me i will learn how to skate so that we can skate together and if you choose me i won't because i'll be concentrating on your music come on guy come on zoe says [Laughter] it's true oh no they're teaming up i've got you george i've got you [Laughter] kind of look i've already given you a pretty crucial amount of information me telling you like we're gonna work on connecting with the song that's not gonna take one week or two weeks i'm here for a long time even after this show we're here we're in the same country and i'll be here for you and i'm in in it for the long haul and i want you to be so good you don't need me when you're like oh yeah i remember him yeah i'm hanging out with bruce now [Laughter] boy george oh my god forget it that guy in the heart ah gopher mate you make the decision that you fill in your heart bro i am i'm gonna have to go with gossip [Applause] oh [Applause] that's all i've got [Applause] that was a nice win for him i'm learning to lose with a laugh thank god hello hello he's through how are you good to meet you spinning i'm still working at guy's temperature i'm an ox he's a rooster so he's like stratton around pecking at me you know but he doesn't realize how stubborn and persistent the ox is got him got him got him my name is george philippe thomas luxembourg and for fun fjallraven by voice of germany [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here my name is luxembourg vanish meredith from sabrina i'm sure sister in the from the person [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] oh i'm sure [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i'm kat kaveli i'm 29 and i grew up in ireland [Music] when i was really young it was my dream to perform and sing so when i was 18 i decided i wanted to move to london so i just like packed all my clothes in black bags and got on the bus it was difficult i was in like a function band but most of it wasn't even paid so i had quite a few different jobs [Music] i worked in the council then i worked as a massage therapist i worked as a shop girl i think that was probably my worst job because i'm bad at selling stuff i was nervous now i'm like ready to go i had a baby in 2015. she's the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me when my daughter was born i just stopped kind of doing any music thing and thought i need to concentrate completely on ada now she's four and um the dream's still there i put my music and singing to the side for so long and now i just feel like go for it super nervous [Music] i just want to show my daughter that you can be whoever you want to be and be like a good role model for her [Music] i put a spell on you [Applause] you better stop the things you do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] down [Music] [Applause] what hello hello what's your name where are you from cat and i'm from london tell us a bit more about you i'm a full-time mum of a four-year-old and um yeah i haven't sung in a long time so it's quite overwhelming actually [Music] i was so certain in my mind that you were at least two women up there so i was completely shocked when i turned around you arranged and singing in so many different voices i thought it was so cool i'm blown away that you're all alone up there you're amazing thank you you could do so much well let me tell you that was an incredible thing the story of it and of course i love the sexiness of it and we all love the sexiness i mean the couple of guys had glasses on they're like [Applause] but it was just fantastic and i loved when i turned around and got to see you perform it's like two different characters you put a spell on me so thank you i enjoyed it it's a great song and you did a great job but i know it so well i think that maybe put me off it you know tom's defense i did say it doesn't really matter if you press your button or not on this next one because they're going to pick me didn't i i did actually you did say that the reason why i turned i wanted to just irritate ollie [Applause] i could tell that he was mesmerized so i was like okay this person is obviously you know um what everyone's trying to say by the way is you're absolutely gorgeous [Applause] you're a 10. 10 out of 10. you're gorgeous you're stunning i just have to say that you performed really awesome and i would like you to be on my team but she should pick me um it'll be really really heartbreaking if you don't pick ollie [Laughter] [Applause] really messed up right it'd be hilarious though that would not be hilarious it's up to you you can break my heart [Laughter] which has happened many times but i'll get back up [Applause] without me and will [Music] [Applause] thank you so much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] guess what mommy got through yeah [Music] [Applause] i've noticed in the crowd there's like a crazy amount of ollie fans what do you think should we force him to sing a song okay would you do the honest okay oh my god it's happening [Applause] it's my story it's sad true [Music] [Applause] with every single guy in town did you help this one you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and keep away from a run around soon [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] from know what to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is the business
Channel: Best of The Voice
Views: 3,124,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Of The Voice, The Voice, The Voice 2020, Blind Auditions, Blind Audition, Voice, the voice best auditions, The Voice 2021, The Stage, The Voice Stage, Marathon, The Voice Australia, The Voice Uk, BBC The Voice, ITV The Voice, The Voice ITV, The Voice Australia 2020, The Voice Australia 2021, The Voice UK 2020, The Voice UK 2021, Full, Song, Cover, Story, NBC The Voice, La Voz, La Voz 2021, The Voice of Germany, TVOG, The Voice South Africa, South Africa, The Voice SA
Id: 3WsXLQvucUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 1sec (12241 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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