Death Kiss (2018) | Full Action Drama Movie | Robert Bronzi | Daniel Baldwin

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[silence] [intense sound effects] ♪ ♪ [mosquito buzzing] [police siren] [dramatic electronic music ♪] ♪ ♪ 'Ey. [dog barking] You here for cheese pizza? Yeah. Where you heard about this? The park. You were trolling the park at this hour? Ain't nothin' but junkies and tweekers. You ain't gonna find no pussy out there. Definitely not no specialty pussy. You should just come to me from now on. That is, if you got the cash. Nah, man. I've got something extra special in there. You're gonna need to double that at the very least. She's worth it, my guy. Matter of fact, you should just turn back the way you came. 'Cause once you taste something this pure, this young...'ll be ruined. How young? Too young. Too sweet. And worth way more than what I'm charging so... [tense music ♪] Hold on, boss. There's a customer in there right now. I just heard him finish up, so he'll be out any minute. Just hang out for a little bit. I like your money, man. You need meds? I got uppers, I got downers. I got high quality-- [grunts] [body thuds] ♪ ♪ [tie zips] [tie zips] [man whistling lullaby] [girl crying] Not again. Please. [whistling continues] [toilet flushes] [sink running] [stops] [tense electronic music ♪] [gunshot] [screams] [gunshot] [dramatic electronic music ♪] [groaning] [gunshots] [Man] The average age for girls who're trafficked for sex in this country is 11. 11 little years old. And it happens every day. They're trafficked all over, including our back yards. But the media asks us to put our focus on other things. More rights for lazy, entitled Americans, more equality and more free stuff. They want us to spend precious court time and law enforcement resources to keep promiscuous women safe from revenge porn. The media demands that we be outraged by racism which is, by their account, the worst thing in the world. But are any of them even talking about this? About innocent children being trafficked for sex? Isn't that the worst thing? Isn't that worse than racism? Shouldn't we be worried about children's safety first? Maybe people would care more if the kidnapped children had a good online presences with clever memes on social media. Maybe hashtag nobody cares about the children because the media doesn't talk about it. You might consider me a bad guy for saying this, but until every single child on this Earth is safe, I don't care about any, I mean anything else. In the mean time, police, the people who are supposed to stop these scumbags from abducting kids, they drive right past human traffickers, drug dealers and gang members so they can give yours truly a ticket. That's right, folks. I got a ticket on my way to work this morning. I said to the officer, I said "Sir." Yes, I did call him sir. I said, "There's a house a block away from my house that's dealing drugs from their front porch." I said to the officer, "I'll take this ticket with a smile on my face, if you let me take you to this drug house. Observe the house for at least five minutes and you'll see what the rest of my neighborhood sees every single day. Then you can go in there and you can arrest them." Of course, the cop wasn't interested in doin' that. He just gave me the ticket and told me to have a nice day. I guess it's safer to give tickets to a man on his way to work with an actual job for not coming to a complete stop on a street that was totally empty... It's easier to do that than actually stop real crimes. Where does that leave us, people? [tense electronic music ♪] Who's gonna protect us? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [music fades] [somber, dramatic music ♪] Hi, Mama! Thanks, baby. Did I take too long? Depends. Did you get me any chocolate? Yes. And you can have some after you eat your lunch. Including the veggies. I knew you were gonna say that. Are you hungry? No. And remember you said we could take a stroll around the neighborhood when you got back? Don't you wanna eat first? I saw a mama deer with two babies this morning. Good. Better than at our old neighborhood. Remember that crazy guy who kept trying to break into our apartment? Ugh. How could I forget? That won't happen here, though. You don't have to worry about those types of things anymore. You understand? Okay. But what about the coyote who ate Mr. Fluffy? Well, that was... Can I get the mail? Yeah. You know what? I would much rather deal with an occasional coyote. Mom! You said she wouldn't know were to send these anymore. [pensive music ♪] [sighs] How did she find out our new address? ♪ ♪ [engine starts] [music fades] [phone chimes] So, what's he sayin'? Said he's on his way. He made it past airport security. He made it on the plane? [phone chimes] Yup. Then we're cool. Tell him we'll pick him up. All good. Done. [ominous ambience] My only question is... how we gon'- how we gon' pay? We need, like, 500 more. What we'd need to do is hit some-- [bottle clatters] [dog barking] [dark electronic music ♪] You lost, sir? Yeah. We can help you out. How much money you got? Six. Six dollars? Bullets. [gunshots] [intense electronic music ♪] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [music fades] [fire crackling] [phone chimes] [suspenseful music ♪] [PA Announcement] Michael Jones to the white courtesy phone. Michael Jones to the white courtesy phone. Thank you. ♪ ♪ [PA announcement] Flight 420 bound for Orlando, Florida, now departing from Terminal B. Flight 420 bound for Orlando, Florida, now departing from Terminal B. ♪ ♪ I don't know you, man. [grunts] [coughing] [woman screams] Can we get a paramedic at Gate 6. Repeat, medical at Gate 6. Do you know what a keister bunny is? Probably not. No reason for you to know a slang term like that unless you've spent a lot of time in prison. Well, hang on to your pants there, folks, because a keister bunny is a term used for somebody who is smuggling drugs. It's a tried and true method. These low-life's either swallow baggies full of drugs or they cram them up their keisters. Yup. You heard me right. Last night at our very own municipal airport, some guy who just flew into the country was found convulsing on the floor because the baggies of drugs in his belly accidentally ruptured somehow. He was pronounced dead upon arrival to the hospital. Good riddance. Of course the police were nowhere to be found. This was just a happy accident. I did take a look at the statistics of what the police were up to last night. Seems like they did bust some kid for selling some pot. But you wanna know what the number one thing the cops were up to last night, while this guy was smuggling hard drugs right under their noses? The cops were busy answering domestic calls. Average response time, 20 minutes. Talk about arriving too late. And the cops claim to be such heroes for answering these domestic calls. They claim that they're so dangerous. But let me ask you this, my people. Who sounds more dangerous to you? Some truck driver who got drunk and smacked his wife, the waitress wife who broke a diner plate over her husband's head, or armed drug dealers? See, the cops like to pretend to be heroes. That's why they wear the uniforms and badges. But they would rather take some drunk truck driver to jail as opposed to hard criminals. The murderers. The rapist. The drug dealers. People commit crimes to get drugs. They kill each other over drugs. They kill others to get drugs. So where were the cops? Busting a bunch of jerk-off husbands and wives who got out of hand. You know, most of those couples are gonna make up the next morning. But still, the cops choose to answer those calls because it keeps them out of harm's way. They can go after the ultra- dangerous squabbling couple as opposed to dangerous criminals. Which is fine, if they wanna defend the wife from getting a black eye, but what about the women and children who are chained to beds and used as sex slaves? Are they less deserving of being rescued? How do the police ignore murderers, kidnappers and rapists in lieu of domestic violence calls? Answer the question, someone, for me! The fighting husband and wife choose each other. If the police wanna impress me, they're gonna have to go after some of the obvious criminals. Save the squabbling couple from their marital problems after you've saved women and children who are chained to beds and who are being raped by every low-life in the tri-state area. What do you think, folks? What's more dangerous? A cop kicking down a harden criminals door, or a squabbling married couple's door? Ooh! [dark, ambient music ♪] [cans clattering] [sock] [grunting] Run. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit... [pensive, ambient music ♪] Excuse me! Wait! Wait! Is it you? It is you. I'm just a delivery guy. You're the man who's been sending me this money. I'm sure of it. Why? That's all I wanna know. No... you don't. Have we met? Not that I recall. I certainly don't know you well enough to deserve all this money you've been sending. I should go. [gentle music ♪] Please. This-this mystery'd been... kinda driving me crazy. It's just a gift. Just a gift? [laughs] You've given me so much money over the last couple of years that I was able to put a down payment on a house. This isn't just a gift. You've-you've given my daughter and I a home. A life. Can I just at least offer you a cup of coffee? Or tea? My daughter is at school right now. I just want to talk. [kettle whistling] ♪ ♪ I made Earl Grey. It's hot. Thought we might need to let it cool for a while. Sorry about the mess. I don't usually have company. It's just my daughter and I. I know. You know... [birds chirping] Um... I guess you do. You probably know everything about us and... ...the only thing I know about you is your name. My name? Well, not your real name. Um... [chuckles] My daughter and I call you the fairy godmother. We wrongly assumed a woman was sending us the money. What is your name? Good tea. Thanks. I'm glad you like it. Nice property. Thanks to you. I don't know. We've been here for a couple of months now and... nice as all this is... ...sometimes I wonder if I made the wrong decision in choosing this place. How so? All this open space... It's nice. Inviting. I think it gives my daughter the urge to run. Which normally would be a good thing for a little girl to do, but actually, um, she's... I know. You know? [gentle, somber music ♪] Listen, Mister. Please understand. I'm trying to connect with you. This money you send, it means everything to us. I'm extremely grateful to you but... the moment, I'm curious as to why. I do some questionable things. And giving you money helps me... ...even things out. I should go. [Man] What is that? What the hell? What are you doin'? Look at your eyes. Look at those beautiful eyes. Like you're on somethin', baby. - I'm not on anything. - Don't you see that? No! [door opens] Go on. Move! [ominous music ♪] Right, look. I need you to go build a bonfire, all right? A campfire. Something like a distraction. Okay? All right. Well, well, well. If it isn't Young Billy... in the flesh. Heard you wanted to see me. Well, yeah. I do. My son's hearing didn't go too well. In fact, it went really bad. It seems the witness showed up in court. You remember him? The one you were supposed to get rid of? You're right. I wanted to talk to you about that. There's no more talking. Talking time is over. Now it's atonement time. You know what that means? Wait-wait a minute. I ran into some problems! Some serious issues, man. Come on, just-- I know what you did. You pissed yourself, you little chickenshit. You pissed yourself, and now my son... ...he's goin' to prison for life. Oh... and Torch... It's really your fault. You vouched for the little prick. Said he was a stone-cold killer. Fuck you, man. Hey, I fuckin' thought he was, boss. I am. I can kill. - Believe me, I can-- - Bullshit! Shut the-- Shut him the fuck up. [choking] Hold him tight. I'm gonna cut his little dick off, throw it in the fire. No, please! Come on! I just got married! I have a wife! I'll do whatever you want! I can kill for you! No, you can't. You won't. I can kill anyone you want right now. Hey, come on, boss. You cut this guy's dick off, I'm gonna be sick. Let him do the guy. The guy... The guy in the back? - Yeah. - It's too late for that. He won't do it. I can-I can do it. I can kill him! I'll kill anyone you want right now. Please! I don't believe you. Let's see. [dark music ♪] [muffled groaning] All right. Show me... Show me you're a killer. A real killer. I will. [muffled moaning] Can I, uh... Can I get a gun? A gun? What the fuck is he talkin' about? Quit bein' a fucking punk, Billy! Do what the fuck you're told! Use that. Show me you're a killer. A real killer. Baseball bat! - So... - Now or never, Billy. Who... who is this guy, anyways? [muffled moaning] Just some fucking nigger! Why? Why don't you do your fucking shit? It's him or you! Fuckin' do it, Billy. Do it! Quit being a fucking bitch, and hit that motherfucker! Do it! [muffled moaning] Come on! [crack] [groaning] Damn. Now we got a killer here! Well... You did it. - I did it! You sure did. You're a killer, Billy. I did it. - That's the way to get it done. - I'm a killer. We don't need to underestimate you, do we, Billy? You did your business. You told me, Billy. Yeah, you did. Have a seat. I told you. I'm a... I'm a stone-cold killer. Yeah... You did it. You're a man of your word. [sighs] Shit. The proof is in this cherry pudding here. [chuckles] I'm a man of my word. Yeah, you are! You know what? And I thought you were trickin' us. I did. - Nope. Actually, I'm the one who's trickin' you. [ominous ambience] What? Let's take a closer look at this cherry pie. Why not? - What? What?! Dad? Dad?! No! Please, God, no! Oh! Oh, Daddy. Daddy! And you know the worst part? [crying] No! Dad! Your dad... was a square guy. He worked at that textile plant, for what, 20, 30 years? Just to put food on the table for you. He was a good guy. And you killed him. With a baseball bat! Your own father! You piece of shit! Dad! Oh, how are you gonna explain this to your mama, boy? Huh, boy? Sons of bitches! How could you? How could we? Are you kidding me? You remember my son? He's going to prison for the rest of his life because of you, Billy. Huh? You remember that? Oh, and guess what. Your payback... ain't even started. No, it's not over yet. Mm-mm. Can we see what's behind Door Number One? [muffled groaning] Me and my boys are gonna have a little fun with your old lady. [groaning] Fucking kill him, man! I don't know him. [gunshot] [grunts] [dark electronic music ♪] [gunshots] ♪ ♪ [gunshots continue] ♪ ♪ [gunshots] [gunshots continue] ♪ ♪ [gunshots] [gunshots continue] ♪ ♪ [gunshot] [gunshot] ♪ ♪ [gunshot] [gunshot] ♪ ♪ [rapid gunfire] [rapid gunfire] ♪ ♪ [gunfire] ♪ ♪ [fire roaring] ♪ ♪ [cries out] ♪ ♪ [crying] Wait, stop! Please just let me go! You've seen my face. I won't say anything, I swear. Just let me go. Not good enough. Okay, listen. I swear I won't say a word. I won't say anything! Please. Shoot him. Fuck you! Why? Why? Just let me call the police. Fuckin' do it. Fuckin' do it yourself. I can't do it. Please. No choice. You fucking coward. I can't murder someone. All right? Somebody call the police. I can't do it! I won't say anything. Just let me go. Please, please. Okay? Okay?! Fuckin' whore! You fuckin' dirty-ass whore! [cries out] Fuckin' do it! Pull the trigger. Fuckin' shoot me, then, bitch! Fuck you, whore! Fuckin'-fuckin' do it! Fuckin' shoot me, then, you stupid whore! Fuckin' do it! Fuckin' shoot me! Fuckin' shoot me! Fuck you! [gunshot] [groans] [gunshot] [gunshot] [dramatic music ♪] [gunshot] Now I can believe you. Did you at least ask his name? I did, but he wouldn't tell me. Is he short or tall or regular? Regular, tall. Is he skinny or fat or regular? Uh, regular. What else? Um, I'm not sure. I still don't know his name, or his number, or... why he's giving us all this money. Maybe he's doing it because he's in love with you. I don't think so. I do. Besides, someone should be in love around here. Um, I'm the only person old enough to be in love here, missy. You're 10. It wouldn't matter if I was 20. What's that supposed to mean? You know. No, I don't. Tell me. I'm crippled, Mom. No one's ever gonna fall in love with me. I can't even walk. Well... I love you now... ...and I'll love you even after you grow up and get married. [dramatic music ♪] Get out. I mean it. I still got a restraining order says you can't be here. I can't stay away from you, baby. I guess I love you too much. That's bullshit and you know it. You don't love me. You're just running from the law again, and you don't got no place better to go. I got a place to go. And I ain't runnin' from the damn law. Not this time. I'm runnin' from some... crazed maniac with a mustache. Keeps comin' after me, and I have no fuckin' clue as to why. Wait. Who? Just some nutjob. I don't even know who he is. Look what he did to my goddamn arm. He shot me. And you know what? I just came here... ...'cause I love you, baby. I missed you. I got presents. So, be nice. Hmm? Put it away. Come on, now. Didn't I always take care of you? You know how long it took me to get clean, you son of a bitch! Clean? Pressure washer couldn't keep you clean. Fuck you. [somber music ♪] I know you're out there. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [distant siren] [music ends] [birds chirping] I wasn't sure if you were coming back. I didn't wanna leave this in your mailbox. Well, this gives me a chance to thank you for once. Please don't. It's too bad my daughter's at school. She wants to meet you. Do you have a big dog? A dog? No. No, um... It's probably a coyote that's been around here. He ate our cat. Do you have a gun? No. No, I wouldn't even know how to use one. Wait here. Are you leaving again? Just going to my car to get something. Okay. Can you stay for lunch? [gentle music ♪] How about if I insist? Well, in that case... Yes. [knock on the door] Come in. Is that a keyboard case? How'd you know? My ex was a musician. Salsa music. Do you play piano? Sadly, no. Oh? [laughs] Well, uh, please, have a seat. Um, I hope you like vegetables. I'm kind of trying to overcompensate as a mother and I pretty much only cook healthy food for my daughter. Overcompensate? Yes. It's... just that I used to make bad life choices, as they say. I was a party girl. I Liked drinking and getting high. And I guess, now that...'re finally here, in person, you should know the truth. It might make you want to stop sending us money... When you hear what I did. But I always said if I... ever met you I'd tell you. So... you know exactly who you're... being so charitable with. You send us this money because you think we're... victims of circumstance. My daughter being paralyzed by a random bullet. But... ...the truth is... I was on my way to my dealers house. I had Isabel with me because I was an irresponsible mother. And before we could knock on the door, we heard gunshots from inside. My dealer was involved in a shootout with some people inside. We turned to run away but... ...a bullet went through the door and hit my little girl in the spine. She'll never walk again and it's my fault. An accident. I wish I could believe that. I didn't tell you so you'd make me feel better. No one can. Trust me. That was her before the shooting. Keep it. I have lots of that one. Um, sorry about all that. Um... Can we reset, change the subject, please? Anything. Um, like, for example, I still don't know your name. [laughs] Come on, don't leave me hanging here. At least give me the initials. K. [giggles] K. Is that the initial? Yes. Well, that's not vague, Mr. K. Better get used to mysteries around you. Um, so... The case. I know it's not a piano. What's in there? For your coyote. [electronic hip hop music ♪] [no audible dialogue] ♪ ♪ [no audible gunshots] ♪ ♪ [loud gunshot] ♪ ♪ [music fades out] Okay, I have to go pick up my daughter from school. You wanna go with me? I can't. I understand. I mean, I don't, but... I guess you're not ready to meet her. I should go. Can you come back tomorrow? If you're not ready to meet her, just come by between nine and two. She'll be at school. [birds chirping] [dramatic music ♪] ♪ ♪ [distant gunshots] [tires screeching] [distant siren] [dark electronic music ♪] ♪ ♪ [suspenseful music ♪] - Give me the motherfuckin' cash right now! - Oh, shit! I'll murder your ass, nigga! Gimme the motherfuckin' money! You understand?! You understand my fuckin' round? Give me the cash now! Come on! - I don't have the money! - Where did you put it?! I just work here, man. The [indistinct] came an hour ago. Look motherfucker, I'mma blow your motherfuckin' head off if you don't empty the cash register. Where is it?! [gunshot] [electronic hip hop music ♪] [gunshots] ♪ ♪ [gunshot] [thunder] [gunshot] [groans] [music ends] [birds chirping] [doorbell rings] [pensive, ambient music ♪] [knocking on the door] The door's unlocked. Come in. I think I understand... ...why you help. You said you give us money to make up for some things you do but you've never told me what you do. If you know what I do, you'll never want to see me again. Not true. Talk to me. [sighs] ♪ ♪ We live in a world where humans are safer than ever. We're out of the food chain. We have technology that helps us live longer. No plagues. We should all rejoice on what a great time it is to be alive. But what about those of us who still fall victim to violent crime? The police walk right past obvious-looking criminals because they claim to not have probable cause. The cops are told as we are told, not to judge people. Judge people by their looks? Sure. What if you have no other information to go on? What if it's a safety issue? It's popular to say, "No. Don't be judgmental. You can't judge a guy that looks like a criminal because what if he's the one-in-a-million guy who's turned his life around? What if you were just a normal guy like me and you're walking down a lonely street and you notice there's a lady walking in front of you? Should she judge me? I'm just some guy walkin' behind her. I'm not gonna mug her. Why be judgmental? Why judge me?" Now, if our ancestors thought that way, humans would've gone extinct, the way of the dodo bird. We would've smiled at the snakes in the grass and tried to pet it because... it's unfair to assume the snake is dangerous. It's racist to assume the snake is poisonous just because he's a snake, right? And it's not just a race thing. None of us is afraid when we get approached by a Mexican landscaper or businessman. But if we get approached by a Mexican who looks like a gangbanger, with a low rider, tattoos on his face and a hoodie. We do worry. I would. Does that make me judgmental? Sure, it means I used my best judgment. Let me tell you a little story. Not too far back, a mother was taking her baby for a little stroll. She was approached by two young African American men. They both looked like street thugs but... she didn't want to run away, she didn't wanna scream for help. She didn't want to seem like a racist who was judging people based on their appearance. One of those guys mugged her. The other shot her baby in the face. He killed her one-year-old baby by gunshot in between the eyes. Bam! True story. And the killer was spared the death penalty. Even though he killed a baby, he was only sentenced to life. A life of food and shelter by the state prison system. I guess it would have been racist of us as a society to give the death penalty to a young black man when all he did was kill a blond, white, male baby. Oh, and by the way. There were no protesters in the streets calling for justice, not for this white privileged male baby. No, sir. And what about the poor people of color who don't turn to crime? The ones who get up and go to work and make an honest living? Does the government help them? [scoffs] No. They just hit just them for taxes. But for thieves, rapists and the murderers, we give them three meals a day in an air conditioned cell with health care and dental care so that we can all feel good about ourselves for being so civilized and non-judgmental. We would save more innocent lives by publicly hanging murderers, as a matter of fact, we should sell tickets, as opposed to jailing them. Execution would be a real deterrent. Some say, we don't have the right to take a life. But by that logic, maybe we should risk more innocent lives. Put more babies at risk so that society can feel righteous about itself. Or... ...should we do the reverse? Should we do the reverse... and take matters into our own hands? An eye for an eye isn't just revenge. It helps prevent future crimes. What if- what if there was a champion for the innocent? Someone who took all of the risk to keep us safe? Someone to deliver the kiss of death to the scumbags out there? Hmm. Someone who can shoulder all of the guilt and make the hard decisions so that we don't have to? Could such a person exist? If he could, would you want him? [pensive music ♪] Food for thought. That's all for tonight, folks. Thanks for joining me. I'm Dan Forthright and you've been listing to Justice Radio. Cops haven't grabbed you yet? Have something for me? I think so. That dealer, Tyrell. I know where he is. You know... It's only a matter of time before they catch us, now. I don't care. We're doin' God's work. Cigarette? No. ♪ ♪ A little birdie told me where he is. There's a lot of civilians around. You can't go in shootin' the place up. You gotta follow him and take him out when you're alone. Capiche? We understand. We? Me... and him. [Tyrell] That last son of a bitch who stole from me? Remember that? Came back and it was a bloody rope and a skeleton, that's it. [sighs] I guess animals ate his ass. [muffled grunting] But you gotta love it out here, huh? [breathes deeply] That fresh air? Aw, I love it. I love it. You know, the only thing you gotta be afraid of out here are the animals. You know, I'm talking mountain lion, whatever. When you come out here, you're part of the food chain again. Remember that? Hm, you got that? You are. That's why I brought this. Oh... ...and I also brought... ...this. A little barbecue sauce, hm? Smell it. Aw, smells good, don't it? Mmh, yeah. [chuckles] We're gonna invite some company around here. Hey, you know, a wolf can smell something a mile and-a-half away in the cold. Not to mention the bears, hell, they can smell something 20 miles away. Now, I don't know if any of this is true but... Wait, wait, wait. What am I talkin' about? The bears, they are all still in hibernation. So all you gotta worry about are the mountain lions or the wolves. [muffled groaning] [intense electronic music ♪] [muffled] Fuck you, man! Fuck you. Aw man, got that arm shot up. Fuck! Fuck you. Fuck you. That should do the trick. Ugh. Fuck you. Bye bye, beaner. Fuck you, fuck you! Fuck! Fuck you! Fuck! All right, boys, we need to get the hell outta here. The smell of this barbecue sauce is definitely gonna attract predators. I'm already here. [gunshots] ♪ ♪ [gunfire continues] ♪ ♪ [muffled] Hey! Help! ♪ ♪ Help! [gunshots] [gunfire continues] ♪ ♪ [gunshots] [gunfire continues] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [gunfire continues] [groans] [music ends] Oh, my leg. Oh, my fuckin' leg. [groaning] My leg! Ah! Ah, you fuckin' shot me. Didn't you? [groaning] Son of a bitch. It's you. Why the fuck... Why are you always comin' after me? Huh? You already tried to kill me three times. I don't even know who the fuck you are. Remember the first time? The first time what? First time you tried to kill me? Yeah. You shot up my house, killed two of my friends. I barely escaped that. You were selling drugs out of that house. I'm not Jesus. Maybe I was. That's my job, asshole. While you and I were shooting at each other... of our bullets went through your front door. Maybe my bullet. Maybe yours. I don't know. The bullet... hit this little girl. She's paralyzed now. [dramatic music ♪] I don't even know who she is. We both deserve to die. My day will come soon. It's only a matter of time. ♪ ♪ No, no, don't do that. No. No, no, man. No, don't. Don't do it. Don't-- Look. [stammering] Look. Why don't we just get rid of all this craziness. All right? Huh? Come on. why don't you just take me to the police. Let the law enforcement take care of it, you know. You know? Come on, man! The law, the law. Let 'em take care of it. The law. No law. Justice. Come on! Come on! ♪ ♪ It's crazy! You're crazy! Come on! ♪ ♪ [no audible dialogue] [wolf growling] [chains rattle] [growling] [wolves howling] [gentle, dramatic music ♪] [dramatic hip hop music ♪] [dramatic electronic music ♪]
Channel: Flix For Free
Views: 67,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Movie, DK, Deathkiss, Kiss of Death, Death Kiss Free Movie, Death Kiss Full mOVIE, Death Kiss Official mOVIE, Death Kiss, Official movie, free movie, full free movie, new free movie, action, action packed, Crime, crime movie, Free Crime Movie, 2018, 2018 movie, death kiss 2018
Id: lgSVX7SiyOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 8sec (5168 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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