Kill Kane | Full Crime Thriller Movie | Vinnie Jones

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so mr brooks can you hear me my family ray do you know where you are your adsense marks royal infirmary in the high dependency unit do you know why you're here you suffered a serious wound to your gesture when you arrived in intensive care we um to ensure a proper recovery had to administer an induced coma karma yes come on rather a long time mr brooks three months three months yes it was the time necessary to ensure a complete recovery we began to wake you early this morning and um you'll be glad to know everything's gone off without issue i'm very pleased with your progress now um do you um feel unwell at all any sickness or pain your throat's bound to be a bit sore but um that's merely the tutor we've been using to him to help you get better my family you may also experience some uh chest pains are they the um the prius will i want to speak with you about [Music] that [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] how many were there three did you recognize any of them oh yeah yeah you know their names no where'd you recognize them from when i was with a wife god last wednesday industrial study what do you want to do yeah you know what you need to go out to school yeah see if that map is in that compartment with it oh no map it's not in here you know what it's in the booth typical let me pull over [Music] gentlemen please mr noonan frank please tommy boy [Music] turns out we've got a bit of a problem haven't we you see a little birdie tells me that you've got a bit of a mouth on you well not a bit of a mouth a big mouth i mean a mouth i i can tolerate that's what this business is about isn't it you know that but a big we can't be doing with that can we [Music] so [Music] come on it's not all bad [Music] one thing i've learned over the years you've got to draw positives from every negative example in this case being honestly i'm surprised you've lasted as long as you have so well done you you can't say i didn't try to make something of you tommy but sometimes the potter's got to know when the clay he's working with [Music] it's just no good well i'm not here to pour water on a drowning man so let's get to it [Music] right what is it what's wrong there's something wrong you're scaring me tell me what's wrong he saw us i think i saw an execution what do you mean you think you just saw an executor what happened four guys stood over a guy kneeling down a gun shot wait this is serious we've got to go to the police we haven't just be quiet what did they see you i don't know did they or didn't they oh no let me think be quiet this is the nightmare just get us out of here so faster all right um if i show you some pictures or mug shots if you take a look maybe we can identify them in the country house that night and then you want me to testify yeah you'll be our key witness not interested the gangsters bruce comebacks we can offer you protection i'll be dead before the trial mr brooks anyone justice i don't believe in the british justice system i'm not gonna look over my shoulder for the rest of my life were my family they still are my family yeah um now you've been through a lot and it's almost just think about what i said and give me a call so victoria phone down please do you want anything to eat you okay yeah all right up so what time you're fat this evening seven oh and uh i have the honor of picking you up i suppose yeah well that all depends doesn't it on what on whether you're prepared to put down the bloody phone so um are you out with tonight casey kirsty she's the reddit no that's sad where you going tonight then just down the kings pop since when you've been going down the path oh since she's been in love gosh you got a boyfriend thanks it's called jamie and he's old how old what's the big deal anyway he's 19. okay 25 more like you are such a little [ __ ] stir and max yeah but i'm not the one who likes old dudes dad 25 is not old yeah that's how it starts the next thing you know you're knocking off pensioners on a monkey sofa max that's just grim i mean why would you shag a man old enough to send you three quid tag to your birthday card just shut up i mean what'd you do for four play with these oldies give them all boiled sweets that is enough max so you've known about this well we did start going out when i was 16. busted dad you're so busted be careful won't you yeah all right [Music] seriously [Music] foreign [Music] you okay yeah do you know what you're going to do yet what what are you going to do no i know i should report it but i mean that wasn't a random hit it's a proper execution yeah i'll support you whatever you decide you know that don't you yeah all right see you later [Music] so [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] so hi can i help you sorry to bother you but my dog is a terrible little son he just got out of his lead and uh and he ran off in this direction night wasp can you check your garden um well yeah sure what kind is it kind are you in breed yes i always uh a uh a jack russell oh well like our fence is quite high at the back so oh yes i just jumped um yeah okay if you just wait here i'll i'll go and check for you thank you [Music] yeah no dog sorry okay we'll uh thank you for your time um you might want to check next door the fence is a bit broken at the back and it's lower so you might have more luck i will do thanks again bye [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay [Applause] lost it's all done three computers three photos raise makes for keep this up son you might just look through this [ __ ] [Music] now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] wait [ __ ] it do you remember me [Music] do you remember me [Music] yeah i even know what i'm eating five minutes out pressing your back on this [ __ ] suck my dick out man remember my family's name [Music] i'm gonna give you some names and then you're gonna give me some names [Music] [ __ ] off man [Music] max victoria jim [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] what's the name of the others i'll [ __ ] cut it off [Music] good i'll cook some more that [ __ ] up [Music] cook some more that [ __ ] that's what you [Applause] like [Music] more [ __ ] hate it on there [ __ ] junkie piece of [ __ ] [Music] [Music] family [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you come here often excuse me i said you come here often has anyone ever told you that's the oldest line there is what do you think i'm trying to check you out never mind you're here with anyone i'm waiting for someone yes someone a bloke yes lucky [ __ ] very lucky [ __ ] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i hadn't heard anything from you so i presume you have nothing pressing to tell me but i thought maybe you could look through those pictures i mentioned i've told you oh no i don't see what good this will do let's take a look could be helpful you ever heard of someone called william or billy malone no no if you read the papers you probably would have he's just been found murdered i don't read the papers he's associated with frank newman prominent figure on the wrong side of the law deals in prostitution gambling drugs racketeering you name it what we're concerned about is that his enterprise seems to be expanding beyond the walls of our fair city sounds like just another gangster yeah i always found that term a little bit too glamorous well gangster or no gangsta i've never heard of him i mentioned another name to you when we were in hospital tommy richards yeah remember word on the street is that nuna his crew took him out had him executed his body was found on the industrial state outside montague road the one where you say you witnessed the murder yeah you know what's curious to me is that someone can witness four murders three of them being his own family and he doesn't want to cooperate with police i need to remind you ray that withholding information about murder is a criminal offence i've told you i've told you everything i know and i just don't want to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder so why don't you just give me that i told you we can protect you i don't want your protection then you want justice right for your family there's no court in this land that will give me my justice that's suspect in the all of william malone police have reported that 27 year old was fatally stabbed in his home on emperor's drive in what is believed to have been a botched drug deal police sources have been indicated why are you fidgeting i need the toilet speaker i need the toilet you take it to the loo she tries anything not to do don't you try anything either [Music] if you try to get away the first thing i'll do is go back down there cut them all one by one okay well you don't really have much choice do you where am i gonna go two minutes listen to me popping if you really want to waste my time when you go and then show me your room like a good girl yeah come on have a seat come on i don't it there we go it wasn't so hard was it on your lower back get comfy stop playing hard to get you there we go wasn't so bad you are very pretty aren't you just like a little dolly are you virgins go for it let me tell you something i'll get there quickly so you've got a choice make a move [ __ ] do you think you're doing hmm kill yourself up stand there two steps come on come on [ __ ] come on kane where the [ __ ] are you what the [ __ ] is this what are you gonna do huh you're just gonna shoot me in the back of the head yeah you ain't got your music [ __ ] coward like what you did to my daughter you no no you're [ __ ] dead not me just your power billy malone okay made us do that [ __ ] there was orders he was forced to understand you're all guilty did you shine every morse when you shot my daughter your turn come on baby girl let's get you up here we go you know it's ashamed did you feel anything what when you killed billy shut up how about i make this nice and easy for ya on come on about it um uh [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah i think might be a bit busy let's see back at work no no maybe next week i'm sure your students will be very happy to see you right yeah well if it's exceed sure so as i said i'm pretty busy conor o'brien is the name for seeing familiarity he's found murdered last night another one of noonan's associates who's no no the criminal we discussed last time oh yeah seems to go around in circles a little bit it does doesn't it forensics are doing their bit to try and find a link between the o'brien and the malone murders but it's going to take some time that's why i'm here right see if we can clear some of this up rest assured they aren't gonna find the connection that's good i mean i've told everything no no i'm not gonna testify right here look noona's gang may be small but they're on the rise and the two victims used to run with kane keegan right well he's the second in command to noonan so it seems to me that someone is working their way up the chain of command i'm not pe teacher i don't know about this gang system the gun that killed o'brien has been traced back to malone now i think he may have been a junkie and a loose cannon but it doesn't take a lab to tell me that he didn't get that blind he was busy lying on a slap so whoever killed them left billy's base with the gun and left a scene of a struggle at both locations that's very sloppy right there's one thing i know about noonan's gang is they aren't sloppy so we're looking for an outsider and although i think we're all better off without the likes i'm alone and oh brian i can't ever trigger happy vigilante on my streets oh so you're my kind of assumptions doesn't it it's all part of the investigation so if there's nothing further you can tell us oh if i take a look around don't you need to search one for that oh i see that's a nasty cut you got there ray shaving incident yeah sure i'll show myself out shall i yeah wouldn't be a bad idea i'll be in touch so [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on it's my family [Music] i think you know what's good i'm telling you right where's my family tell you a little story right it's something you've been used to from the teacher eh once upon a time there was a kid called tommy tommy richards told me the gun to his mates [Music] not that he had many tommy used to a bit wheeling and dealing around bethnal green you two in sort of places you know after a while the wheeling and dealing wasn't enough for him you wanted more you will need bigger what's this guy doing [Music] and soon enough just like his old dad he got nicked [Music] didn't take quite the same pride in his work as his dad though still doing his time like a man he became a little grass he went straight in the back pocket of scotland yard and tried fan house down the [ __ ] river please where's my family i don't know my friend you know what i'm telling you put it this way the thick here it wasn't quite enough for him his punishment needed to be a little bit more um how can i put it can we say a bit more permanent [ __ ] [Applause] don't get me wrong though right there aren't other pieces mate wouldn't fit in my [ __ ] pocket i don't know anything i don't what's going on here [Music] i you see i've been doing this a long time right fear fall in the eyes look at me [ __ ] look at me who in the eyes is let's get to it your computer's laptops [ __ ] gadgets all that bollocks right okay don't waste my time getting to me quickly you won't get messy for your [ __ ] wife and kids okay right oh [ __ ] stop the [ __ ] [Music] you're a smart man ray you must be your teacher now it's time for you is your big brain i'm gonna ask you a question you're gonna tell me the truth you know how i hate liars have you or have you not blacked to the filth what about [ __ ] about these strengths my patience is wearing thing right i'm gonna ask you again if you [ __ ] blank to the old bill [Music] no i don't know why you've come here all you want but please leave my family alone take care of me it's up to you whether or not or family live are you married what [ __ ] difference does that make because if you weren't you had a family you'd know what i'm going for you wouldn't be doing this difference between you and me ray this is my business it's not personal but the person for you how far would you go keep your pretty wife and those little cherubs are live our farm how far would you go ray i'll kill you you [ __ ] kill me with you you kill me yeah [Music] boy you you're ruining this lovely family photo mate come on jog on now which one of these lovely children kim which one do you love the most call this one i thought so now if your husband that shy [ __ ] your mouth [Music] blended right please [Music] what's this single mom that's much more like it nice class it's [ __ ] lovely right thank you [Music] [Music] don't shoot anyone no leave him alone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i didn't come here to play hide and seek i came here for a nice little sit down i gave you every chance not to [ __ ] me about but now it's all focused you leave me no choice [Music] frank hey you've really [ __ ] this up haven't you excuse me i've been making some inquiries what's really quiet thank you i've been in touch with some faces now you won't know them because they don't exactly run around with our lots not because they're being rude or anti-social or anything like that they do pop into the club from time to time but shall we say their superiors would be none too impressed if they knew superiors you mean [ __ ] pigs i set them up with the girls sometimes when they're feeling lonely on the house of course because as you're about to discover it serves a purpose for us to lubricate these particular relationships now with connor and billy lost to the morgue uniforms are everywhere like little insects but fortunately they take their sweet time about things however my guys tell me that a list of suspects is being drawn up and cutting to the chase i have those names one of them's a ghost yes i'm sure but the annoying thing kane is that he didn't die did he i don't [ __ ] believe this no i'm i'm quite sure you don't but you do understand the rules regarding loose ends so what i would like you to do now please is to find him and put another bullet in the resilient little bastard okay and perhaps if there's any doubt at that stage just remove his head and bring me that so [Music] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] why because i can i'm gonna choose [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] up to you i've told you right it's just business for me and it's just personal for me put the guns down now both of you put the weapons down you're a copper the i shall be and you're ken keegan now put the gun down and back away you two ray that'd be a bad move for me me too come on ray this isn't you think about your family that's all i've been thinking of you think killing him is going to bring them back you think it's going to take away the grief think about it think about kim vicki max come on i'm sick of all this family bollocks [Music] so now i have my justice so what now do you get to arrest me ray i am sorry about your family people are gonna have a lot of questions and i'm gonna have to give them answers you need to go and i don't just mean from here you need to leave town and not come back you were a suspect and in the morning they were going to bring you in for questioning tomorrow i'm gonna go around your house and if you're there you will be arrested do you understand yeah all right they will come looking for you and they will not stop so so so [Music] [Music] if you pass out in my bar again you will pay dearly for it [Music] well well i see you've brought a little toy along with you or is this your idea of a joke either way we're closed come back later who do you think you are this has been the longest week of my life and i've been thinking long and hard about what to say to you when we finally came face to face i wondered if you'd intimidate me or if you'd just be the weak and pathetic person that you are i thought i showed you pictures of my family you took away from me i don't want to listen to your excuses i've been a teacher for 15 years but today i learned something new really and what was that that your arms are just too short to box with god [Music] talk is cheap so [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dangerous [Applause] [Music] this world is not for me his heart is heavy his mind is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight seasons [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] energy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Movie Central
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Kill Kane, Vinnie Jones Movies, Vinnie Jones
Id: Oc3AwZs9GbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 40sec (4660 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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