Biggest Gold Mining Disasters, Mechanical Failures With Tony Beets, Fred Lewis & More | Gold Rush

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[Music] after a three-day wait the new sprocket for the Paradise Hill trommel has arrived that's a good day so far the shutdown has cost Tony almost two hundred thousand dollars in Lost gold you're not losing you're not making money and you ain't making money that means all you're doing is spending it with the replacement part lowered into position they must fit the feeder track onto the new sprocket [Music] does it look like Cody just move it all moved a bit [Music] Tony caputtony you want to come take a look at this we got it pulled tight but it still won't line up with the sprocket they are all right better [Music] the steel rail needs to locate precisely on the sprocket teeth we've measured between top to top and it was an eighth of an inch difference in the front this ain't good that probably didn't cut it right this thing sprockets on the new gear they don't match the rail meaning that when you turn it instead of fitting in these Pockets here they sit on the sprocket teeth so that's no good would have the exact same problem in a week all what I'm going to do is build up a set of old idlers and then cut off the sprocket from the front turn that on the back and we're just going after Mickey Mouse it to make this thing go Drive sprockets on the feeder wore smooth causing the track to skip but at the other end The Idler sprockets with no load on them are still intact Tony's Bush fix swap the idlers with the drive sprockets [Music] they're supposed to be quick [Music] come on [Music] after seven hours the sprockets are swapped out hopefully we can get back loosen soon it's a temporary fix that Tony can only hope will last till the end of the season looks a lot better than I did before yeah damn right much better put this all back together and they made everything fit everything worked out pretty nice but it looks good so I know all that's left to do stay defeated pull it back where they belongs split it gonna lay it on it and starts loosing because you know what if we don't lose we had no gold we get no money right okay Mike lift it up Mike takes the weight of the feeder on the pipe layer as Kevin in the excavator pulls it back into position if everything goes smooth we'll be able to lose tonight okay Kevin we'll let a little bit full of it keep on going down keep on pulling forward yes all right things are going pretty smoothly so far but you know what a guy should never praise the day until the evening 30-foot conveyor is then bolted back onto the new feeder all that I've got [Music] bolts in a done very very well gentlemen I always feel like any downtime is too much down time because oh we gotta produce the season short enough as is so we'll be very nice to see this running again if the bush fixes work it will save weeks of downtime waiting for replacement parts if you're happy with it okay Brad you ready put some dirt on there let's get going all right let's see spins beautiful we have life and movement this uh stockpile we got here I bet you they could see it from space if they look real close and outside Pizza seem to be working lovely it's good to see it moving again it means we're making money again instead of just spending it to stand any chance of hitting his 4 500 ounce season goal Tony must mind around the clock yes hi how are y'all I'm surviving I exist foreign how did it go this week oh that's nice what'd you do would you break oh the feeder finally went wow Brad noticed that it was so what's up oh yeah I crawled underneath sorry we should have teeth there was nothing cool and it's amazing it was still turning feet are down and all that like so far we had quite a bit of downtime you know I was gonna hurt the totals on the end of the season a little bit but what are you gonna do about it cool so my child is expiring and I want to see how much gold you got let's let's play inspiring yeah well I didn't know they had to do that yeah well of course they have a due date all babies have a due date but they have a Best Buy time okay [Music] I did it last time I'm off the hook no no I did at the last Michael you haven't done it for a while Tony's only sluice wall cut white Channel pay for two days this week he needs 237 ounces to hit his goal 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80. 90 100 . keep going [Music] no dice Mike 105.24 worth almost a hundred and ninety thousand dollars but less than half of their weekly Target 100 ounces isn't great but we're making our way towards our total are we still a long ways off we've got a long ways off we're still quite a ways out still less not complain about it a lot of people be happy to have it hey every little ounce counts Tony believes the site is a kind of glory hole where an ancient river once flowed and formed a plunge pool that could contain millions in gold now he wants to find out if the Pay Dirt in this flooded hole could be the start of his fight back so it'll be nice to do a little sample and see as to what we're gonna get out of so we got enough roll out of it and rewarded that'd be easy copy hey could you come over there with a couple of pills in the shovel please I want to screw somebody to the little plant and then plant it and see what we're going to get out of it [Music] that's good enough let's throw it in the truck you want me to grab one you got it yeah I'd be very disappointed if it wasn't okay think positive though right that looks pretty good ladies hi I feel like there's even a little there's plenty of roll down there to make a board while digging it up that's only off of two cows I don't know how much material they sit in there but it is significant oh yeah do you want to do Calvin dig a little slot through there now we'll just throw the pipe over yes the five don't give all right the glory hole is covered with one million gallons of water and surrounded by an 80-foot Bank on one side and the mined out Mega cut on the other it's too far to pump the water across the cut instead Tony will attempt to pump it over the high Bank into a ditch you got nothing to play with yourself always watch Keep It Coming keep it coming Lisa okay put it in there the crew connects the pipe to the pump with flexible hose good Okay Kevin pump that wallet out let's go sounds good watch your fight that's pretty cool huh yeah get the trucks in there [Music] operator Brad Merritt feeds the first of the dirt through the trauma okay we're running through some really good pay out of the glory hole here right now so we're gonna try to pump it all through the machine here as quick as we can and it's getting real nice get a real nice cleanup oh there ain't no water no water running to the drums shut it down half a mile down the hill a 900 horsepower pump is supposed to send water from the feeder Pond to the trommel oh this is all this is stress time cool so this is the pump that runs the travel these are pre-cups for the injectors all of them are leaking water out of here which means they injector pre-cups have overheated and cracked leaking coolant into the cylinder heads and causing complete engine failure primarily we use this one because it can get it the height because it's 300 feet plus to get up to the trommel and you need a big off engine and pump to get there the Beats have a backup pump but it's been sitting quiet for more than a year uh yes this this is the d348 this is a backup pump for the d398 so now we're really hoping we can get this thing pumping up the hill that's our biggest issue we got plenty of pumps but to get into 300 plus feet up the hill is the thing so if this thing's down work down it's pissing me off you want me to find anything up for you sure there's a trick to that dude okay Prime the fuel up with you okay oh yeah [Music] let's go let's make this happening [Music] if this doesn't work we don't got no water we ain't solution so it's very important that we get this done let's get hot on the secondary backup the pump itself is getting pretty toasty not the engine just the pump itself gotcha we're gonna build a little manifold that's going to spray water it's a bit of a bush fix but it should help us get us by there's plan a don't work B and C whatever whatever the takes to keep on rolling down at the workshop Eric ilio drills holes into a steel pipe to create a sprayer Tony and Kevin add an offshoot to the pump's water outlet and connect the sprayer to the end all right up Kevin 42 degree Creek water blasts over the radiator and engine vaporizing but the fan pulling it through that water doesn't even pull as well [Music] uh no not yet but I'm having a double check here okay no I can't hear nothing [Music] you got anything I hear a lot of noise but I ain't seen no water yet so you gotta have something to assume [Music] Tony Beastie coffee Tony beets we got water you got water now lots of it foreign [Music] I just want to make it clear though if you spill any nacho cheese into that excavator you're going right back in that truck okay I'll make sure I don't yeah cause you can't tell me that you don't have a thermos full of nacho cheese in there I know you do a hundred miles away from the Klondike in Kino Rick Ness is on gold Rich ground but he's still working at reduced capacity with a skeleton crew though I do appreciate you putting in your standard meat uh I hope it wasn't too torturous on you are you sure you just blown smoke up my ass new crew member Nathan thornington digs pay in the 480 excavator Rick loads Rock trucks with the new million dollar 750. I mean the Gold's good and it's coming inconsistent so that's uh that's always good but that's just not going to be good enough this year I spent a lot of money you know got some big machines in here if I'm going to hit my 2000 in school I need more people in here we really got to be running at full capacity if we're gonna get there to ramp up production Rick has rustled up a few new recruits it's a little different this year you know I'm having to hire not just friends of mine you know people that I don't know and uh it's it's a little different feel this year in the Gold Room new hire Heather fulster we'll figure it out we'll get it dialed in Heather learned recovery on Parker's claim is Chris dumit's Apprentice we're gonna see if I can do it on my own without do Matt I think you taught me well so we should be okay card on curling car joystick there you go a little tati yeah at wash Plant Rocky Rick's most experienced Miner Brennan rule teaches rookie operator Kyle Lawson how to feed the plant let's go down down down down down there you go now boom out as you do not try to uncurl that towards the window okay there you go do you want me to keep going yep oh gosh here I am driving all over the place Rick's Hometown buddy Chris cruzy trains green horn Rock truck driver Leah Turnbull don't get your tires drop over into that trench I have a zero experience in rock truck driving I hadn't even stepped foot and one um until this morning so I think I'm doing pretty good I took her along for about five trips while I drove and then she drove with me in the cab for like five trips that's the way I was taught I don't know if that's the right way but my not being in a rock truck for the next six months depends on her success in there so I'm really rooting for her coming a little hot there girl tell that Leah comes from mechanic Carl Ross's Hometown in BC Carl's been a good friend of mine for years and keeps inviting me up here for a visitor to work and finally I decided that this was my year I've never really been afraid to try something out and once I kind of set my mind to something I just I gotta do it and I gotta do it well real nice real nice now straighten out the front of the truck a little bit so when you dump you're not cockeyed and You Can Let Her Fly Right There I think I finally replaced with the rock truck I did it with his three new crew members Rick can now run washband Rocky at a hundred yards per hour 24 7. what do you think you'll be okay oh yeah yeah I think you'll do great at it just seems cautious yeah it's great having new crew here I mean these guys all seem to be fitting in really well if I'm gonna get double the gold this year I need these guys to work out so so far so good yeah stop where is she is she out of the truck yeah sure already out yeah here it was scary all right I stopped in time at Duncan Creek greenhorn Rock truck driver Leah Turnbull has crashed into the 20-foot deep tailings Pond I'm tired aren't I is it really really bad or yeah it's really bad it's not we're not laughing about it no it's not laughable if Leah had driven another few feet she could have drowned in the quicksand-like silt that fills the pond I built that pond it's a damn settling Pond full of silk it's an endless pit hey shut the plants out everybody get over the taily's pond we're about to lose a truck now Lee is safe Rick needs to rescue his half million dollar Rock truck I mean I've flipped a thousand of these things back over but I've never had one great sitting like this we'll talk I'm sorry I just I know I was just nervous I didn't mean to laugh we'll just talk we'll just talk after we get this thing out okay this is literally the worst case scenario right now like hire new people trade them up in a rock truck and then watch them almost drown I know I feel like an idiot like I just stay quiet and stay in the sidelines for now I know I know I just yeah I go sit in the truck for a minute will be a few minutes I this thing almost has to come straight back though yeah I don't see how awesome save this thing you just leave that there I'll unload that quick as much as I can then I'll two dots down watch out the 45-ton load of Pay Dirt is causing the truck to sink into the fine silt of the pond you know if that cap goes in the water then because the engine's underwater the Cab's under the water like that truck will be done you just have to be real real easy and gentle on this see that's empty you know it's gonna have to be ready [Music] push it come on baby come on you're coming up yep more power the second holding tension we're gonna get someone in the cab now because I'm running out of your power and lift here I'm going in work with me when you go cruisy just super slow okay help us line it up huh get her on there get her tacked on yeah okay perfect Freddie in one or two days into an overhaul of the Clayton Brothers homemade wash Plant it's a bigger Gap than I thought friends [Laughter] the v-shoots built we're gonna back one's truck up over by the plant and then all back up the V shoot take it in and we'll start getting it in place [Music] are we clear on your side yeah we're good yeah quite safe up one no I won't this time Freddy [Music] the truth is if this tromble isn't running they're not catching gold in this loose if they're not catching gold in this loose they're not making money so we got to get this done as quick as possible get them back up and running [Music] okay watch yourself we're going to get this put in and uh weld it up words can't really describe how cool it is working with the great guys that I'm here with and learning more from talking to them and just being around them little to no time we'll be we'll be flying through dirt getting gold and everyone will be happier than hell we're hoping to do 500 ounces this season and that's a big number in gold perfect so let's hold it in there what do you think you betcha good thing I'm so petite a little more perfect it's not the tightest spot I've ever been in but it's tight [Music] looking sexy huh rocking sex way sexier huh yeah I feel like a piece of meat at times next up the new riffles we still have a lot of work to do in our sluice box there's some worrying going on we're not making any money right now bills don't go on pause so definitely worrying about it for sure [Music] so these are uh kind of like a Hungarian riffle we uh space them out a bit more made them a bit longer I think they'll be very efficient very easy to clean and just uh it'll help paint our boxes yellow nope go this way there you go so we got our nugget riffles up top that are going to catch most of your gold but they're going to let a lot of that fine stuff go by so These Guys these lighter riffles these are good at catching that fine gold you got a different height to it so we're going to put one section just one in across here okay [Music] there you go quick and easy yeah yeah all right well let's run her for eight hours and see what it does yeah and let's get this Dirt Devil fired up huh yeah let's do it fire up the pump man I'm going [Music] look at how much better that water is we don't have those rooster Tails anymore [Music] the next eight hours will prove whether pretty in one's fixes have worked and reveal that the claytons are on track for a record season [Music] stalked right now man the first couple buckets are going through the trauma we're gonna head over to the boss and see what it looks like but it's looking good so far perfect one oh I can feel it it's perfect but look how even the boxes are running guys yeah very nice it's pretty even all the way across well keep running it okay all right well I tell you what it's been a long few days and honor myself are both flat tired but at the same time watching that thing run it's running even it's running good the riffles look great so we'll find out because the scale doesn't lie at California Creek Brandon and Brady are eager to see if Freddy and Juan's fixes will improve their gold take well shoot guys let's Lance in the sluices huh okay foreign all down through here so these are working you can see the change right so it caught most of it at the first part of the change you seeing gold over there too yeah you betcha straight through here even in this one every box has gold now oh my goodness that looks good delicious huh are we eating good tonight or steak yeah we're eating steak tonight but he's buying yeah again again I can't really wipe a smile off my face right now wano Bueno good job well like Wanda myself always say you see it in the box but the scale doesn't lie right let's clean it up see where we going yep [Music] microwave there one let me get it going Freddie the first test run produced just 4.1 ounces of gold well you guys do the owners wear your gold Brady give her a go you Brady come on Brady pour it just right come on one two three four just past the old one far there you go six point seven three six point seven three nine straight on that's good guys that's very awesome yeah that's awesome that's almost an ounce an hour that's twelve thousand dollars worth of gold for an eight hour run all together you know we're from 4.10 to 6.73 currently we're running hay for the bacon strip it's not the best paid we've ever run all we can do is just keep hammering as much pain through the plan as we can as efficiently as we can I mean I want nothing more than to see my buddy succeed right now I'm away my new wife is planning our wedding reception for when I get home so a nice fat gold bonus will go a long way to uh having a pretty Kick-Ass shindig for our wedding it's a team effort to find the gold that we do but I just really want to help Rick get the 2 000 ounces and I really want this to be his best season yet after his Redemption last season Rick is going all in at Duncan Creek effort and we can focus the majority of our effort on this real deep ground because it's going to be an expensive process but I'm going to sink everything I own uh maybe getting down to that ground and if I don't get anything back out of it if I wouldn't say that my margins are tight I would say that that's the end of me I might as well go home and pack everything up we'll even be able to afford my house and I'll never show up to you con again assistant Rick needs to bank at least 700 ounces of gold before he can take a risk on deeper richer ground at Duncan Creek ah wait a minute a hole has opened up between the plant and the pre-wash letting gold-rich material flood out it's not a big piece of Steel but it's pretty important one it's a worn out fell off went out that side of the plant it's probably in the tailings pile somewhere I will be shutting down until we fix that all the dirt's just coming out of the pre-wash this is falling between the pre-wash and the plant Rick believes a steel plate has worked loose I think it actually comes off a well there's no obvious you know I mean there's no obvious like breaks here there's no I mean I know there's got to be a piece you know that goes over what is why can't I put together what this is supposed to look like let's see the whole thing shifted back and down ah so it's got to be all there's no peace missing just the whole pre-wash move backwards so shouldn't there be pins yeah that's why we couldn't find anything up there like any Fresh Breaks or anything yeah we did we're not missing a piece out of pre-wash as the whole pre-wash moved back because the pins fell out and the whole thing fell backwards you'd think that they'd be right here they found its way back today but those pins could have been gone for a week Rick can't run the plant until he's replaced the missing nine-inch steel pins cruisy you can come down to the plant please with no mechanic it's down to Hometown buddy Chris cruzy to fix the plant uh what's going on up there okay [Music] yeah the whole pre-wash fell back you just need to make some pins right yeah I mean there's no pins inside they could have been gone for weeks nothing's actually broken we just have missing pieces so we need to find some pins to put back in there and get it put back into place so but it is downtime and we don't need that I can't afford anything right now with a breakdown like this I mean probably only be a few hours but these things add up man and every single one of them is just making it harder and harder to hit 2 000 ounces I just got a piece of round stock for a new PIN we found another one that we can use that sorts something else luckily I have the welding experience because nobody else seems to be very well versed in welding don't call it a lifting eye for no reason cruisy will weld the eye to the pre-wash so Rick can reposition it with the excavator and move it back within touching distance of the Shaker deck cruzy I count on him it takes care of the machine he takes care of the plants he's kind of turned it into a bit of a utility guy for me and that's that's really nice I couldn't be happier with all that working out hey guide me and make sure I'm lifting her straight this machine lifted up and this is the only wash Plant we've got running right now and it needs to be running again by the end of the day so I can't this up that'll make it a big repair so got to be very careful here start going up and I'll see what happens okay come towards me ah swing over that way a little bit all right I'll come keep coming towards me all right I'll come down hold it right there and just like that pins are in well as far as uh breakdowns go that was too bad nice work thanks pal you know we can never afford to have the plant down luckily this time was a pretty easy fix we got it going quick but there's not a whole lot of time left on that plant for some serious rebuilding yeah rough week huh well I'm glad I still have a good attitude about it too but it's that sucked man Rocky's been so like Rock Solid for us for the last couple years and we've abused it and it's it's showing I think it was down more than it ran this week we can't afford too many weeks like this God if we want to hit 2008 here's the thing it's gonna get to the point where it's gonna we're gonna have to address a new major overhaul we all know what it needs but we all know that we can't afford to really shut it down right now so what what do you do right all I have to say is a bummer of a week but there is some gold should we wait up yes sir I didn't even try to hide it for me guys let's see this way yeah thanks all right we've got uh 10 to reach his 2 000 ounce Target every week Rick needs 105 ounces 40. 40 get out of there 40.64 worth 73 thousand dollars that's half what we did last week the plant ran half the amount of time right so the math does add up even if it was what it was last week we're still in the same boat yeah it's not getting us to 2 000 ounces so you uh got an eye on some other ground I know there's ground here but I'm taking my time but we're gonna have to pull the trigger on something soon perfect thanks again guys foreign [Music] is definitely ticking we're like 700 ounces behind where we were at this time last year gold mining Prodigy Parker Schnabel is neck deep in the biggest gamble of his life he spent two and a half million dollars stripping the deepest ground he's ever mined but they're still a long way to go by the time you rip it it's probably 225 000 yards or so which is a lot of dirt to move I already paid royalties on this stuff at Mud Mountain so we definitely have to get it done this year I don't know if there's enough there to fund what we've put in to Mud Mountain it's a gamble it's a biggest gamble yet I mean it could almost cost us the company if nothing else it's gonna set us back financially probably four or five years to get back to stripping Parker needs to raise money fast he's tasked Foreman Mitch blaschke on the airstrip and last season's rookie plant boss Tyson Lee on the promised land to bring in at least 450 ounces this week I couldn't do much more than I did last year and this year more is being asked I just don't know if I can pull it off or not to hit Parker's goal Tyson needs to run 240 yards of Pay Dirt every hour 24 7 through wash plants Lucifer they need to be maintaining the Hall Road for the rock trucks I need to be keeping an eye on sleucifer I need to be here digging Pig I need to be hauling the ditching out I'm going to be all over the place today that's for sure hey Shane do you want to come over here with that loader the water level is rising and spit walls reach our berm so Shane what we're going to want to start doing yeah it's building a finger out there yeah basically where that second pile is yeah just the fines plug that off our water table is going to come up and it's going to do a direct shooter Pawn this is a priority because yeah if that happens yeah Lucifer discharges almost 200 000 gallons of water and fine tailings an hour enough to fill 12 000 beer kegs the water circulates through two ponds to allow fine tailings to settle and clean water to flow back for reuse the tailings have built up a sludge raising the level of water which is now about to breach the finger between the ponds Tyson must quickly raise the height of the Finger by a foot so right now it just needs to be an inch above water table we can build it up as we go right okay come on thank you all right why the hell is he going that way chain stop chain stuff now he's stuck what are you doing [Music] 69 000 pound loader stuck in quicksand that loader will literally sink on a site that's what we needed today I understood him wrong I when he was telling me to go out I thought he's talking to that side but that's right that's why I said I was going to go to the Top Road I go on in on and then you're like no on the bottom part no no I said going up top and loader does down grabbing my half inch chain and that thing's gonna sink on the site [Music] me I just hope my chain doesn't blow up me too James rated for 17 000 pounds [Music] watch yourselves on this chain if it blows up it's gonna go everywhere I love you chain don't break we getting close and she's almost out of the hole there we go I think for that this Chain's been worth its weight in gold this year luckily it survived and it did the job and got me out back to work it's one way to learn and that's by making mistakes and you can't give a guy for making mistakes if you make some once he makes them multiple times yeah sure but everyone makes mistakes [Music] how have you been fine how are you good you had a loader get stuck yeah what happened uh I was asking Shane to build that finger that goes out and he thought I meant drive right into the fine tailings motor is fine oh yeah managing people is much harder than managing machines I guess you know that better than anybody though you're doing a good job man thanks man no really you're doing a great job of keeping the plant running and and you know that that's important keep up the good work man everything's going wrong it could go wrong right now at California Creek just days before his first royalties are due to the claim owners Fred Lewis is shut down as he battles to save his pawns from bursting we're having to shut down our wash Plant and divert to Creek control to keep our firm from breaking it's a freaking mess drop it off yeah right now it actually is the really bad cliche Race Against Time all of this berm is waterlogged and if we lose this and we lose that Dam we lose that damn so losing this could be a big nightmare our main issue is just this water slowly getting that under control which is good if you don't comply with rules and regulations that are set out by the Water Board potentially be shot down you don't want to mess with them whatsoever hey Jimmy you copy on me I broke a freaking Pin Man oh my gosh man yeah this is a it's a big fix and Fred Lewis's claim the race to fix the berms has ground to a halt what happened here is in the rail here about an inch and a half diameter pin that goes through there they can break internally yeah we got to get this done quick yep man oh man it sucks [Music] with JB and Buzz busy fixing the track Fred takes over reinforcing the berms in the one working excavator this never stops those tracks are the bane of my existence this is costing us money costing us money right now and uh I've spent enough Buzz hopefully we can get it fixed quick this far north ordering a new PIN could take weeks but every second the 250 is down makes a catastrophic flood more likely JB and Buzz's plan Salvage and repurpose a pin from scrap excavator tracks in their neighbor's Boneyard let's hope for the rest expect the worst well this one's got a the bushing or something oh look at that what's in my house I see an inch and a half ready for power hey watch your eyes this is the PIN we actually need they're pressed in all right so they're in there pretty tight uh so we're gonna attempt to cut the rail itself off the PIN one side oh yeah looks good other than just being Rusty it's a looks like a new pit fingers crossed it fits [Music] back at the claim the water is rising faster than Fred can plug the gaps this is a definitely an area of concern feel like I'm a medic again plugging holes after combat JB and Buzz need to fix the 250 excavator fast or their season could over blowing a hole through it there it is [Music] so the true test is is is this pin gonna work oh yeah look at that she's gonna go in there nice yeah and then in the receiving end the uh yeah all right so we just got one more to take out and let's put her back together yep we got lucky it could have been a week two weeks before we get a pin you know shipped up here for a while to sucker up we'll freaking get back to work man we're done [Music] with both excavators back at work Fred's crew can finally raise the berms the six feet they need to stop the silty water flooding into the creek [Music] well that's sealed up I think we've got these berms situated for about the highest our water is ever going to be all season and now I'm walking the excavator back over and get them back to feeding the plant because it's time to make some money there's one two three four hey come on good five and 5.6 for the week this uh this doesn't cover our fuel bill we're going negative Fred and brother in arms Clint set off to Dawson to pay claim owner York his 10 royalty hello all right there's your cut hopefully it's bigger next time yeah the ground is good but the mound of gold for the amount of time is not that good [Music] the season could be done very soon so cedra and I will come up and have a look at your at the operation and see what you're doing there we need you to to lose more all right if they want to continue next year we need to find a solution to scale up the operation the goal that they lose more material we will go up and have a look at that [Music] honestly guys I think we got down to pay here you notice those Boulders popping out right so I took a pan out of there and probably the best pan I've ever done ever oh nice yeah like there was a ton of colors in it I did not expect that that changes things yeah buddy I like some of that yeah well at least we're going in the right direction then it's tough though I don't always trust pans like yeah so I to be sure like I just I want to pull a thousand yards out of there and I want to run it like we're just going to run it through Rocky wash Plant monster red is still in pieces Rick must haul the Pay Dirt to his smaller wash Plant Rocky at the other end of the claim that's really far up might as well run to Milwaukee with it I took the side by side and I set the odometer and if we went around it's actually just over two and a half miles of all but but we can just push across this Valley right here right that's a mile holy so that's a big difference yeah Bridge a gap between that cut and Rocky yeah cuts it way more than half to run the pay as fast as possible Rick plans to build a bridge across the valley and a new road to Hall painter a mile south to wash Plant Rocky how long you think it'll take to build that it's pretty deep it is pretty deep but we've got all that material like parked right there you know if we just start by pushing it with the with the Dozer and fill in the rest with the trucks like we just all you know get after it I bet we can get it finished this afternoon is not going to build itself okay let's do it then you understand why it's here we're still way too high up to be hitting the pay layer but this we can't throw it away and uh just have to work a little harder a little faster [Music] in this Valley has been separated by this drained here we're building a bridge so we can get that pay down to Rocky in Raleigh Valley Rick and his crew have paused stripping to build a shortcut to his wash Plant Rocky we're just about done here so it should be able to put it for the test but this is going to slow us to get down to where we're actually trying to go to test run an unexpected layer of bonus dirt also comparative for there to be a pay layer in the middle of all this stripping but might as well sluice it and see what's there the whole idea with rally Valley here is to get monster red up and running by the time that we you know we reach the pale hair on the bottom but uh montseret's not ready and we are not to the bottom but we are already at a pay layer I panned it it seems pretty good but I want to run a test on it on our little plant [Music] if I can get a thousand yards along this mile track to that plant and we run it and test it I think that there might be gold in this layer but the only way we're going to know is if we run it through the plant and uh and see what we got so I'm gonna finish this bridge we're gonna haul it up we're gonna run it and hopefully we're gonna find a lot of gold what do you say there guys that's the last load I think we're ready to rock and roll I think this Road's done now for the thousand yard test cruzy and Nathan haul the pay across the new bridge and then a mile to the wash plan we're gonna run it all today if we run a thousand yards if there's at least 10 10 ounces in it then that's going to tell me that it's worth running we could be looking at striking richer okay you guys ready to fire this thing up all right let's do it we're loading the plan with excavator the bucket on it's about a yard of dirt he's dumping in it with every bucket he's doing about 100 buckets an hour so 10 hours we should have our thousand thousand yards run I'm nervous honestly because if this turn if this works out and that's more of an opportunity to get more gold this year but if it's not then it's just a waste of time and time's not on our side right now 10 hours and a thousand yards of dirt later Rick calls time on the test few Pickers in there and stuff to say I hate guessing [Music] you know there's chunky gold in there there's fine gold uh there's gold in it so it was the right decision to run this let's get it out of the box get it across the table see what we got the test cleanup is done I'm dying to see the results it cost me a day of stripping but you know what if the gold is good I'm going to want to run it but I don't have a monster red setup at Duncan Creek it's time to see if Rick's decision to Halt stripping and run a thousand yard test has paid off foreign hey Heather hello gotta wait up you're gonna weigh it up oh yeah you gotta you got cleaned up yeah I don't wait that's your job yeah oh feels kind of heavy ah boy this is a unique problem here a unique problem of her gold miner to have finding bonus goals yeah wow is it enough gold that's the problem I know it sounds but it sounds a terrible problem for a gold miner I know yeah that's gonna be so close it looked good yeah for a thousand yards looked pretty pretty close to what we've been doing to be worth running the test must deliver at least 10 ounces [Music] [Music] over 10. holy it's over 14. 14.02 ounces that's let's just shy of an ounce and a half per 100 yards I mean that's just as good as anything we've run this year yeah it's uh better than it should have been and what was supposed to be overburdened so what are you gonna do I don't know what I'm gonna do well we can't throw it away no obviously but I don't see I don't know how we're gonna run it I don't know how we're gonna run it all well I got a lot of decisions to make so thanks Heather you're welcome well I've had worse problems I mean I am holding a pan of gold but at the same time you know this ground's good but I know what we're going for at the bottom is better um you know probably twice as good if Rick decides to run this good Pay Dirt now without monster red he risks running out of time to reach the super rich pay layer at the bottom of rally Valley so I can't throw us away I'm not set up to run it I don't have the time to run it I don't want the people to run it I don't have I don't have everything so I got a lot to figure out right now
Channel: Aussie Gold & Opal Hunters+
Views: 1,102,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Discovery Australia, Aussie Gold and Opal Hunters, Gold Rush, Outback Opal Hunters, Aussie Gold Hunters, aussie gold full episodes, discovery australia youtube, gold rush full episodes, gold rush biggest gold find, gold rush 2022, gold rush season 12, aussie gold and opal hunters cast, parker schnabel gold mining, discovery australia gold rush, gold rush season 13, parker schnabel gold mine, gold rush tony beets, gold rush rick ness, gold rush parker schnabel
Id: 8VrN3shaSd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 10sec (3790 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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