3 Gold Nugget Finds That Put The Aussie Gold Hunters Back On Track | Aussie Gold Hunters

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heading out of the goldfield mining town of kalgoorlie our husband and wife prospectors ted and leckie mani joined this week by their daughter tyler it's great to have you back on board ty it's always handy to have you back on the extra coil on the ground sweater she's our lucky charm you got it yep definitely so this year targets around 60 ounces 60 ounces of bee gas for a season i mean christ that's going to be yeah we'll be pushing to get it and we'll be lucky to get it i think 60 ounces is a massive 96 000 but they may have to replace ted's aging four-wheel drive in the next few months looks like i'll probably end up changing the car for the end of the season so stakes are pretty high this year we need to uh keep rolling and if i haven't got a reliable car well that's going to cut me back but finding that million dollar nugget will require outsmarting the opposition and extremes of this wild frontier they've decided to focus their effort on a location where few venture a huge remote salt lake there's a reason why most gold hunters avoid these ancient river systems temperatures often exceed 45 degrees celsius and they require specialist equipment we have um the wrong sort of calls on so we're just going to change them over and put our salt coils on salt coils are designed to counteract electrical interference and these ancient lakes have become massive electromagnetic hot spots due to the high salt and mineralization content that's evolved as they've dried tyler's actually going to run a double d on cancel which is just about the same as the salt coil but not quite as good but it'll get us away for this trip anyway well i'm pretty excited to be here i haven't detected here before so all new areas is always exciting and you're always pretty keen so if it's hot it doesn't seem to matter so i'm excited to get on out there and find some of that yellow shiny rock we're out in the middle of nowhere literally on a 100 square kilometer salt lake on the edge of the west australian desert lekimani is three hours in with nothing to show for it this year we need a new car so let's just keep going till we get that gold 200 meters away ted and tyler are also struggling to get a target the area we're in at the moment is a massive area with very few people around and battling an intense 38 degree celsius day that sun's not helping me either it's so hot no salt lakes are probably the harshest conditions that you're actually detecting i mean we've got a nice right reflective surface and uh pretty merciless sun up there at the moment so she's uh hammering down but we've got a gale force breeze blown while these salt lakes the dried-up remains of prehistoric waterways many have a thin hard crust with a muddy underbelly that remains damp all year round hi you getting false targets sure am yeah bloody wind's blowing sometimes the detectors will pick them up as you get a gust yeah i know yeah it's going to be bloody gunk if we have to try and get a nugget out of it that sounds all right you got something yeah it sounds like it ah it's just like sticking to the pick [Music] you want a mud ball fight god dark [Music] it's okay it's going to be worth it oh let's hope so everything's so wet [Music] all right dad that's shining there you go ty isn't she gorgeous that's a beautiful bit of gold that one nice and smooth salt like gold pretty ass yeah that is bloody amazing doesn't this make it worth it yeah it does easy sixteen hundred yeah easy ted's first big nugget put some serious dollars onto their tally board you got one sweet i sure did it's a little but she's pretty but it's size it counts you know that don't you oh my god that is a rich snorter of a nugget happy anniversary oh thank you bob i'm going on holiday now for you meanwhile out on the salt lake ted's persevering with the frustrating conditions [Music] now you love that just love digging in salt lakes come on baby show me the color oh my god [Music] oh there we go there we go there stuck to your finger 50 bucks worth while ted continues to battle the elements tyler and leckie are having a break from the challenging salt lake and trying their luck on one of their nearby bushland leases two kilometres away that's a strong broad signal so it could be a tin can or i could be on a winner i know 25 years is silver but i'm hoping that this is going to be gold i'll dig it and see what we've got fingers crossed it's close to surface and be very careful because if it isn't nuggy i don't want to damage it oh my god look at that oh what is that no way oh crap ty holy i'm shaking far out on your anniversary oh my gosh i think i'm in shock freaking hell mum oh congratulations how big do you reckon at least a couple of ounces mum honestly you can only dream about this chai actually to find it on our 25th what do you think your dad's going to say yeah he's going to start crying i'll just go and show him hey kicking his butt i should have brought a bigger container i won't fit in my gold jar that's a nice problem to have one hour north from the dirt dogs bonanza there's excitement in the air as the manis weigh licky's nugget first 2.49 ounces [Laughter] next up ted's little gem oh 10 ounces oh i'm in front okay but one point more right it was close it was close i had it there for a while make a gold pyramid see what it all weighs on there 9.6 ounces worth over 15 000 it's an epic start to the season the historic gold mining town of kalgoorlie is buzzing after what's believed to be the largest specimen gold find in australia over 9 000 ounces of specimen gold embedded in quartz rock was unearthed 500 meters below the ground delivering a 15 million dollar payday friday guys who's ready to go for this season for small-time prospectors like the marnies who don't have the means to hunt underground they have to rely on finding surface gold known as alluvial [Music] finding big goals every prospector's dream but the reality of it is the gold around cowgill it's getting harder to find now we've got to heat more people on the ground and we're starting to run out of places to go ted and lekimani make their living hunting gold last season this husband and wife duo were joined by their daughter tyler to help find enough gold to replace their aging four-wheel drive come on baby come on wait what is overload on well they overload on about 16 so that means we've smashed the target well done the money's finished the season with 63 ounces a 101 000 payday allowing them to buy a late model four-wheel drive hey this thing's awesome nicest car i've ever owned just a little upgrade from the old one hey guys yeah i think there's probably something like 25 years between the two off so raised in the gold fields tyler's prospecting career is a long way from her off-season day job as a professional model and fashion designer in perth using her profit from last season's gold hall tyler launched her own jewellery and swimsuit label but is struggling to cover the expenses i've got a massive debt i've got about 30 000 in debt from starting the business and all that comes with it it's a lot of money so i've got a lot riding on this it's a lot of stress i'm quite young i'm only 23 i just want it paid off and done and i want to really start this business off on a good note gold is super important without the gold this season i am going to be in a lot of trouble so what are we thinking for the target i was just talking to mum probably about 30 answers we reckon to be a pretty realistic target guys i need at least 60 because that's only 20 ounces each and i would not be able to do this for any less 60 ounces split three ways would give tyler enough money to cover her business expenses however if you bring it down to 45 you go 50 50. that gives you 22 and a half ounces what do you reckon how about if we bring it down to 45 and that'd be 22 and a half ounces each what do you mean split it down the middle like i get half you get half 50 50. thank you so much i can't even explain how much that means to me mum and dad the 50 50 split would deliver tyler a 36 000 payday getting her out of debt to keep her new business venture alive [Music] we can use this as a search call yeah you and mum can work around those driveways here and i'll work out a bit wider and go for a bit of a longer walk and see if i can't locate something this gives you a lot better coverage because it's 24 inches long so i can take 24 inch steps yep that makes sense and you can only take steps half that size sounds like playing yeah i'm going this way yeah the manis are detecting a pending lease which is open to anyone to prospect until the claim is finalized with the mines department ted's research shows over 250 ounces was discovered here in the 1950s and the ground has all the right indicators for gold [Music] currently um i'm just having a look around on a bit of green stone here we've got a little bit of quartz mixed through with it um there is a bit of mineralization in the quartz which is always a good indicator around the green stone and we've got uh good old she-oak trees there with us as well which shows us there's a bit of iron around as well so that's all good indicators for gold now all we've got to do is find the gold [Music] hey mum i've got a decent signal didn't come over yeah sounds good yeah it's a bit more wobbly the wobbly sound the detector is making indicates the target has an uneven surface like a nugget chasing a 72 000 season target the manis can't afford for this to be anything but gold ty that sounds bloody good hey dad roger roger i've got a pretty decent signal if you want to come over and have a look yeah right i'll be there 20 kilometers south of kalgoorlie the manis are attempting to find as much gold on a pending lease before someone else beats them to it that does sound pretty nice nice and wobbly the ground looks all right hey oh that looks nice yeah looks virgin the ladder right's nice all right let's hope it's still in there come on baby come on [Music] hopefully it's a 10 answer hopefully it's a 36 answer and that's it we're on holiday oh my god okay yeah you dig it's too hot out here to be working for nothing let's see if it's still in there it's still in there come on baby very happy pretty close now yeah let's go around the outside i don't hit it no i've never hit one side oh she's out yeah that's okay we're in good wash will you get down and get it you get tired that's you found it this is the best fish yep that's the best fit hit you right oh get stuffed that's a good looking that's a beauty tie absolute beauty the one ounce nugget is a sixteen hundred dollar find and another step closer to tyler's dream of keeping her fashion business alive only thirty five more and we're done yeah yeah so get going to work today after striking rich pay dirt jake larson is heading back to the dirt dogs camp at jackson jake's back must have dramas what's going on hey you guys i um i thought you said there was no gold there where'd you get that there was an old creek running through as we're driving the site it's full of gold where i did that push up higher in that in that creek yep you missed it plenty more there yeah there's still targets on the floor so it's a patch good patch it's jake's patch looks like i've got some competition it looks like yeah with a potential jackpot on their hands vern and leon want to see jake's patch for themselves hey don't even follow me to the gold cheeky bastard [Music] this is a cut that i've done and every single one of these was gold that one there had three nuggets in what do we call this jake's creek i suppose radio yeah cool sounds good to me so i guess that means you're not a wannabe prospector anymore young blood credit to jake he's taken the initiative to have a bit of a look around here we are about to pull off this site and walk away from it for good and he's turned up what looks like a really ferocious little gold run here the final test for the dogs is to find more gold rich dirt for their dry blower goldzilla all right get out of the way [Music] i don't even need the grandma glasses yeah that's that's driveline dirt you hear goldzilla growling from here man she'll be hanging on by a little getting out in the way leo in all the excitement these blokes are throwing gold everywhere you just need to calm down a bit gentlemen it's like running around picking up 50 notes blowing around with the hall of nuggets rising fast it's confirmation godzilla could be on to a field day if it holds up as rich as it is that's bloody good dry blowing dirt so we might just do a ride out of this the discovery is a big step in jake's career get on your mate you might have saved the day here this is my first proper patch i haven't found one before and they're rather hard to find so it's excellent but for the dogs it could be a lifeline suddenly we've got a chance of making a quid and just looking at that trencher jokes we're going to get a lot of gold out of this and that'll save the day with goldzilla at full power the dirt dogs are back on the hunt at jake's creek this looks like a good bit of geology there we might have a source just in here somewhere and it's directly feeding into here they're looking for a wreath a gold-bearing rock or mineral formation that could be the origin of their run of nuggets look at that if there's one here it could mean a massive payday for the dogs very rare to find a reef you know it turns up once in a blue moon we love it when we do find them because they can produce a big mob of gold basically pull 100 ounces out of a wheelbarrow load if it's rich enough [Applause] we're close put that one in the bank yep falling out of a mother lode in there somewhere nice isn't it it is with each nugget the trail of golden breadcrumbs could point to a source that bangs off [Music] another nice prickly piece of gold the prickly shape suggests the nugget broke off from the host reef shredded good score a lot of gold in one little area it's reef gold so we're getting warm warm warm well that means one thing you know reef that way just a few meters away the trail turns red hot that's what i've been looking for that's better isn't it well we just made my wages for today uh happy it's worth it'd be nearly a thousand bucks for a small piece of gold a near 20 gram find is another boost for the dogs take but if they strike the reef it could explode this could be a real little bonanza for us or a big bonanza you just don't know you can go from being a poor man to a rich man in one cup the moment of truth meanwhile at jackson hopes are rising as the dirt dogs find out how much gold jake's creek has delivered first on the scales are the nuggets from detecting this is going to save our i reckon you've done well jake that's good oh what's that 17 grams 176 grams [Laughter] [Music] the dogs weigh the gold their new mill has crushed from rocks in jake's creek that's looking better that's looking good 430 well that's that's huge we've got uh 400 grams so far 15 ounces so far yeah how far we're gonna go all right let's have a look at jackson last to be weighed is the gold that's been processed from pay dirt by goldzilla so this is jase creek dry blowing quick pour it in about 400 oh look at that 500 600 wow 700 800 900 kilos but at jackson the dirt dogs could be on to a huge score 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 kilos got 1713 grams 53 ounces so what's 50 ounces in dollars 90 odd grand we nearly walked away from 90 000 bucks worth of gold that's incredible you're on your scruffy a 53 ounce jakes creek bonanza puts a make or break season back on track for the dirt dogs you
Channel: Aussie Gold & Opal Hunters+
Views: 875,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Discovery Australia, Aussie Gold and Opal Hunters, Gold Rush, Outback Opal Hunters, ted lecky tyler, gold hunters ted lecky tyler, biggest gold nugget in the world, the dirt dogs aussie gold hunters, aussie gold hunters full episode, aussie gold hunters best moments, aussie gold hunters biggest gold, most expensive gold nugget in the world, australia gold mining, gold mining, gold mining shows
Id: 97szHJxPs5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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