Gekko and the Rock of All Power | Full Episodes | PJ Masks | Cartoons for Kids | Animation for Kids

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catboy [Music] [Applause] thank you good Connor thanks oh that oh night Connor I guess I slipped you know I'm going to call that my famous slippy spin you spin this trip he keeps on spinning anyone else want to try it yeah let's go ready [Music] Gekko and the rock of all power kung fu yeah I found it on a table it's filled with cool stories about Kung Fu Masters check out my book it's about the strongest athletes in the world that's not the best part look at all the stuff he's won trophies cups medals hey maybe I'll win a medal one day I'm not sure there is one for super gecko strength come on let's go read in the park I could win something to prove I really am strong right what happened to those lampposts they're totally bent wow whoever did this was strong maybe Gekko but they don't get a trophy for it bending Lamppost is wrong who did it hmm let's head to HQ for answers PJ masks we're on our way night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Conor becomes [Music] to the gecko Mouse [Music] and my cats whiskers a giant rock loose in the city I said faster I've got a rock to break into night ninja what's he up to [Music] it has to break nothing can survive my mega triple punch practicing a new dance move night ninja not even close you PJ pests don't have a clue what I have here do you um a great big rock not just any rock my ninjalino's world is here from an ancient Temple cry on a mountain thousands of miles away it's so long of all power the rock of all power I read about that in my Kung Fu book there's a legend about it hidden inside is a precious Medallion like this alien not a medal Only the strongest hero can break the Rock and coin and by strongest hero I mean me hero but you're not even a hero just wait till you see that Medallion around my neck try laughing at that [Music] Italian for someone super strong huh if I had that everyone would know I was the strongest Gekko what are you talking about what if I smash The Rock then night ninja won't get The Medallion I I I'll wear it I'll be just like those athletes in my book use your kung fu training ninjalinos you need to drop harder like this yeah oh you're not strong enough night ninja but I bet I am Gekko stop Medallion night ninja won't keep trying and smashing stuff up in your Daydreams and lizard legs ninjalinos [Music] keep it up it's bound to crack if he keeps whacking that rock around he's going to flatten the whole city we've got to stop it to break no one can smash that rock gecko we just have to stop it but The Medallion would prove I'm super strong I could hang it on my wall you are super strong so if you hit that rock it'll really go flying let's try something else I'll run circles around night ninja and his ninjalinos yes and Alpha Gekko in so he can smash the rock no take it to HQ okay let's go Super Chat laughs [Music] [Music] got it now get back to HQ [Music] just one try won't hurt [Music] he messed up your plan and his teeny lizard legs didn't make a dent now watch the Ninja Master use all this strength foreign [Music] Gekko thanks why why just one more try huh very careful I know I can get that metal especially with my super Gekko triple punch that lizard doesn't pack a punch oh yeah I'll get it next time you'll see ninjalino one two three what [Music] strong enough [Music] it's still didn't break one more try ah there's a point when this gets silly you mean it wasn't when night ninja did his swinging off a Lamppost kicks but [Music] I found him I'll break it you'll see even if I have to smash it against the toughest building in the city guess what that is not our headquarters but if it breaks we can't be PJ masks without HQ you can't do that night ninja I'd have thought you'd understand lizard legs you've been trying to break this rock too jump regular reptiles I can't let this happen oh [Music] don't just stand there staring phew fluttering feathers that was close night ninjas out of control and it's all my fault [Music] foreign guys I should have put the Rock in HQ like you said but I didn't and The Rock ended up nearly getting you it's okay we got away and HQ is fixed but you were in danger everyone's in danger as long as that rocks around you might be right about that prepare for shock and uh if we use this The Rock will hit even harder no way it's time to be a hero we've had enough trouble with that rock there's no stopping me lizard Boy The Medallion will be mine trucks [Music] wow that was a really super strong move I don't know what got into me suddenly I felt stronger than ever that's because he wanted to save us from danger Gekko and it brought every bit of super strength out of you you're right you've got Medallion back it's mine no way is that yours night ninja but I broke the rock I threw it at your HQ you threw it but Gekko was the one who broke it with his super strength but that makes no sense how can a lizard be stronger than I am it's cause true strength comes from caring and helping your friends where's the fun in that fine you pee wee masks can keep it but I'll be back when you least expect me oh sending you back to that ancient Mountain temple for more training ninjalinos you definitely deserve that Medallion Gekko thanks but it's from far away and there's a legend All About It builds a medallion anyways I'm giving it to the museum so ever there's another way you can prove your strength before we're done [Music] PJ masks will show her race [Music] whoever broke that rock must be super strong but who was it it's a mystery [Music]
Channel: PJ Masks TV
Views: 38,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YB9DbG6oDh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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