The Vault: ND on NBC - Notre Dame Football vs. LSU (1998 Full Game)

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[Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] these team no all America here an undefeated national champion team under era precision 1974 trying to become the first X Irish player today in Stadium than half a century here calmly men from the Bayou the LSU Tigers don't be deceived by four and five this is an upstanding football team they brought some of this Citrus Bowl your bull the Sugar Bowl and the Gator Bowl as well as the insight that combo so dick if you can figure that out give us a little insight let's go back and sit in the corner and keep your back to the field that's enough from you he's a lot of loud jackets here today dick you know the bull representatives you can pick them up we're ready to go and it's Danny Boy who sends it toward Notre Dame's Tony driver [Music] five 26 yard line and we're underway as the tackle made number 21 rayon Hill of LSU Jarius Jackson he's have a senior season he is a fourth year senior may be back next year Pedigo Ritter John Randy watch up Mike Gandy number 69 as he replaces Jerry Whitney injured at guard Mike Rosenthal a solid anchor as we look at the Principal Financial Group starting lineups Jackson with Autry Denson all-time rusher now here at Notre Dame Jamie Spencer Brown and Malcolm Johnson outside and the tight end is Jabbar [Applause] sixty-four mark Roman one of the top players on defense maria luiza makes a tackle from his safety spot and here are the LSU Tigers on defense number 94 anthony mcfarland on the nose Booker mcFarland eight sacks this year and Jarvis Green has eight as well just a freshman at defensive end pillar Wesley leading tackler Smith and Adams at the backers Booker and Davis at the corner for Roman and Leblanc at safety and our first whistle that said all South Eastern officiating crew and is led by referee Doyle checks an equipment violation timeout Notre Dame someone took off their helmet who knows we'll get the word from Jim Gray what that's all about but it burns a bob davie time out whatever not one that he wanted to take mouthpiece could be you know not morning at the cocoanut know as far as knee pads could be a variety of things they didn't call penalty on though they have forced them to use a timeout and it takes the dramatic flush off the early part of the game but let's go down to Jim Gray all right thank you think the problem is several players on the Notre Dame team that's out on the field right now on the offense do not have their pads below their knee and your knee pad must cover your knee or at least have your socks above it officiating crew is concerned about it so they charge a penalty they're back upstairs you can understand that rule you want the pad not only to protect the player wearing those fans but the need that might strike an opponent there they are properly attired those offensive linemen they know the dress code they don't gave those kind of penalties on them they're all that the more equipment that you could possibly ever imagine but you Notre Dame's offense has been you mentioned areas Jackson having a solid senior city season dick I would argue that it's even better than that I think he is the the key reason that they are eight in one his development as a multi-dimensional player they're coming into the season I think it's the biggest question big plays in the passing game and indeed he has and a large reason they're 81 is because of the improving play of Jarius Jackson used to a go to all the games at Alcorn State as a high school player Steve McNair the great player now highly successful in the NFL will the Oilers was his idol and he's shown he not only can run the ball but he has an excellent on we went 12 for 12 to start that Navy game we go second and four Jamie's been she grew up in Louisiana it gets his first of all Monroe Louisiana in fact Booker McFarland is a distant cousin Jarvis green who greeted him on the tackle and there's mcFarland at six one and two ninety the senior from Winnsboro la Louisiana delightful young man have a chance to talk with him earlier this week booger appropriate nickname for your nose guard cutting away kudzu that early you had the examiner [Applause] official emotion Jackson and he has a first down at the 42 each week you see a little bit more out of this Notre Dame offense and then a little bit more out of Jarius Jackson as you mentioned 12 straight completions last week against Navy to begin the game he's run quarterback draws this year he's won sweeps this is a pure option punt and the interesting thing about Notre Dame is that Notre Dame as they don't pitch the ball much on their options when they call that option plate seems like Jerry's Jackson almost inevitably keeps on hold of the ball bouncing and Malcolm Johnson to the right in this formation with all the way the tight end anchoring was out of the eye first down at the 42 fake to Benson [Applause] it's a mark Roman roamin at the tain Roman touchdown LSU [Applause] [Applause] less than two minutes into the game the Tigers strike on the interception there year by junior mark Roman he goes 53 yards for a touchdown so guys just have an inquiry woman is number 80 plays free safety says eighth career interception is third this year reads the eyes of Jarius Jackson and then drives on the wall makes a pretty good catch and then into the end zone but he has a knack for uh for picking the ball off mr. Christian Shaw man and say if throw in an extra Washington field goals or than adventurous for LSU throughout the year and here it is Jackson trying to find Malcolm Johnson number six about number eight [Music] and then the spread down the sidelines the Tigers jump and drop sound nothing [Music] back at notre-dame and the mark the safety for LSU makes an early statement a 53-yard touchdown with an interception of Jarius Jackson and that is uncharacteristic of this Notre Dame team they've turned it over only 12 times matched by LSU they're the top five in the country and protecting the ball but the Tigers get a big early school play that was well read by Mark Roman and Clarence Leblanc the strong safety had Malcolm Johnson well comfort - so either he would if the ball would have gotten by Mark Roman the one was there and LSU's witness this year has been fast defense their fifth from the bottom in the nation in the one-yard gassing [Applause] [Music] takes it out [Applause] shy of the 20 by Charles here that tackle along with Aaron Adams number 37 and John Baraka the second string fullback 36 this is not going to be an easy game the LSU is a talented team in spite of their four and five record particularly on offense but gets returned first four that's a quarterback what you want is that methodical Drive to get a couple of first downs at least the Irish begin at the 18 new blood Jerry Jackson there responds to that big pick [Applause] then of course down after 15 make the tech not read ensign is at his best against stunning up the field kind of teams at LSU which again the nose to right here lines to stun a lot they're very very good against those type of teams good Willie e block there on the full-back Joe Wesley under the linebacker Joe Wesley and in the cutback run by Oxford ensign but he's very good on that little draw play [Applause] mother no tip addict journalist Green able to penetrate and make the tackle green of freshman from Donald Ville Louisiana and Joe Wesley liqueur leads the Tigers and tackles as Wesley he is the only non Louisiana starter on defense he's from Brookhaven Mississippi and he has a sister here at Notre Dame an academic scholarship marry his sister Harrison so he had two of the Wesley's in the audience [Applause] football Saturday [Music] [Applause] Roman has punished Jackson with the intersect sex seemed to be a bit of confusion on the play it was going to be a quarterback draw you know they ran a he should play a little bit earlier for a first down this is a quarterback draw all the way they get one out of safety blitz by Martin Roman good defensive call by blue tempered the defensive coordinator so they have had a good defensive game plan thus far in his game [Applause] [Music] iris of Notre Dame [Music] [Applause] Jacksonville [Applause] it's for the senior body to be a mix-up and coverage you mentioned Alice you a sucker the passing game given a 270 yards a game Bobby Brown right down the middle of the defense one of two receivers on the right side and again the patience and the calm of Cheerios Jackson of the biggest area I think he's improved this year well delivered ball to a wide open Bobby Brown 7 nothing LSU first down as the Irish are an LSU territory for the first 9 and Audrey has to battle the Joe Wesley and others in on the tackle and in speaking of past defense which has been the Achilles for this LSU Tiger defense there from the bottom only Washington Navy Southwest Louisiana New Mexico State have allowed more yards passing per game than this Tiger defense well in a three-game losing streak they in the middle of the season they gave up an average you have 350 yards a game and of course that was to Florida and Kentucky two of those three losses but they have given up a lot of passes yard engineer [Applause] his first score for another name the iris strike quickly [Music] [Applause] [Music] rarely have we seen Jarius Jackson pitch the ball in there just talking about it but when you do the opponents know are not expecting it you have a chance for a big planet show different Gibbons Jim Sampson adds a extra point interception by Roman for LSU and it's Givens with this reverse for the touchdown for Notre Dame 22 yards on the play 953 left on the opening quarter what a start [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] back at Notre Dame Stadium LSU and the Irish tied at 7 as David Givens scores on the tops a 22 yard run for the freshman he a modified wishbone they really like what's the pull block out here by Mike Gandy - but they like this option play out of this modified wishbone we keep saying the quarterback keeps quarterback keeps everybody tries to tackle him you pitch the ball Damon Gibbons and down the sideline for the touchdown well-designed play and they answered the call after the interception by Mark Hall at first score so a good drive there for Darius Jackson in the Fighting Irish Irish with 98 yards in 10 plays in their two drives LSU offensive play and are going to get the ball the kickball hunter Smith kevin faulk watch him he's on the far side for LSU and run the star against the Irish in the independence for the year ago the other back agos [Applause] by Joe Thomas [Applause] Senor Joe Thomas from Dallas on the coverage look at the LSU offense Williams Thomas II called SEC Center tied McClure Langley Tyler completing a terrific four years at quarterback at LSU fought the all-time rusher banks the blocker Foster and booty of each caught 44 passes the wide receivers and the freshman tight end is Kyle Kipps - Irish tacklers and finally bounced out of bounds by Brock Williams the Irish defense certainly has improved as the season has progressed and here they are Weaver the freshman legree and Williams of the front three linebackers Cory miner Jimmy Friday Bobbie Howard the leading tackler LaVon pride he's really played well the last four games Harper and Williams at the corners and deke Cooper the star at BC and Vinny who's from Louisiana he's got a lot going for him today [Applause] no sir Bobbie Howard Madison defensive work and legacy Jimmy's night we tackle kevin faulk we have to kind of corral it go get three or four gold helmets blue jerseys around Kevin on the top as a senior something that people for his efforts today total in these two carries down [Applause] and it's a quick three and up for LSU and if all may have been tipped by Lamont Bryant you mentioned how well he is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jr from Baton Rouge to punt with Joey gather all well he doesn't like the barricade see what a great return against Navy last week [Applause] 47 yards on the punt miss Cummings was the tackler for LSU that was when he probably should have fair caught but they didn't get the signal he didn't get give they wasn't given enough room to make the catch I think believe the penalty will be against the Tigers that's correct so the penalty will be marked off from the 28 yard line just a 5 yard foul was an incidental fair catch interference too close to the receiver the penalty is five yards who followed the catch first down see together all who is an outstanding high school baseball player at Bishop a mud and Southern California easily fielded a tough catch tied at 7 we'll be right back [Music] welcome back to an explosive start of this game in northern Indiana the Tigers with the pass interception touchdown by a mark Roman and David Givens the freshman wide receiver for the air assist for a score on a 22 yard toss off the option and now the Irish after the punt at five-yard penalty start at their own 32 and tony fisher is in the backfield Spencer in the fourth behind jetson and this is fisher in motion but they give it the scramble Malcolm Johnson might have scraped the ball in for Notre Dame member the fumble earlier in the year by Bobby Brown that he hustled down and recovered in the endzone for a touchdown and a hustling Malcolm Johnson again recovers the fumble by Jamie Spencer a good run initially here by Jamie Spencer bounces to play outside that was supposed to the inside from the state of Louisiana was recruited by LSU but again a hustling play by Malcolm Johnson good things happen when you keep hustling like that Fred Booker give him credit he delivered the tackle the knocked the ball free but Johnson recovers at the 43 in the first Anson running like a fullback use 220 some pounds 227 the last time we talked to him that's one of the amazing things to me about his season is how well he's you know how strong he's been able to run how strongly is there for a break today oh and yet in the next play come back and throw the ball with some touch a lot of times it's very difficult for an option quarterback to do you can't play that aggressive tough game which you have to play and then to be able to finesse advance sorry second down and a long six Jackson to throw from Florida [Applause] by Jim collateral he even though his quarterback threw an interception for a touchdown in the first quarter did come back indeed continue to come back run some options run some play-action not afraid to throw the ball downfield actually a safe pass to his tight end Jabari Holloway at 6-3 good target over the middle and once I sometimes when your quarterback is struggling but throwing an interception finding that tight end over the middle of field is a very very easy thing to do just a sophomore by the way his 13th catch of the year averaging over 16 a grab blocker is able to pick up all in yards by the way go in depth on the Irish at MSNBC sports officials section NBC's Notre Dame Central is rich with audio and video features check out a special interactive features Autry Denson an answer reader emails and vote on Pat Hayden's nominees for Irish MVP it's all at and they've had some early hits and uncrate Denson seems to be the choice at the moment well Jerry's jacks and I'd say when all the absentee ballots come in curious jokes with [Music] fight to the 25-yard line which will bring up a third down and five for the Williams so you are were there any campaigning these young guys come up yesterday just yeah trying to get online trying to you know guys get calling their mothers and all the friends they did to go online you lose his boat so you some housewives in Minneapolis still that said that's that Swedish Finnish camp part of the world I know the Finns will vote on anything if they think you're finished soon the line aboard guy check we're all shifting right [Music] it was numbered wait Theo Williams from William Sienna jr. was in True Jackson just as he delivered I'll tell you what one of the thing he's getting he's down here for number 93 three the LSU Tigers and Indiana defended to pass wall but they have rushed the passer particularly well this year 26 sacks and Theo Williams is a guy ordinarily in unpassed on running downs good a good run stopper but gets around the tackle knocks the ball away from Jerry is Jack one gem Santa has made five in a row [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] able to alive the Kevin thought that mark Roman again dan O'Leary riley makes the tackle well well was it Arnold Miller actually what that couldn't tell Arnold Miller's the guy has blocked so many for LSU during his career five in his career he's number 98 [Music] that's his sixth career block his third this year Gordon each time that magnificent look at him on the basketball team Miller a 6-4 from the words as well play action by Tyler man open could not find booty booty just slipped Jerry Gerardo was talking to his Thursday we went down to bed Rouge was talking about herb Tyler the kind of season that he has had he said he's been magnificent actually been magnificent for four years but says what he is really effective it's what he's outside the pocket no he's a 60% ordinarily passer when he gets outside he said he's maybe a 75% passer here's Tyler averaging more yards passing less rushing martyrius Jackson [Applause] and fog out to the 24-yard coast to a first down before my Jimmy Friday can drag him down Kevin fog is an elusive player with power he has had a remarkable four-year career at LSU and the last year in particular he's run with a lot more powering to see the big padding he has there on his forearms he uses that to kind of deliver some blows he's become a much more punishing type of runner of this past season Carencro Louisiana Kevin Faulk and he was heavier damn he came up he became my homesick for Bob baby remarked us yesterday Opie gets homesick today [Music] Tiger and off at a 200-yard Russian game against Bama two weeks ago well he averages almost 200 yards all-purpose yards per game first of all does any player [Applause] some kits to the 33 and of about eight before variety and minor they make this stop for Notre Dame Tyler six feet tall with the about two inches short of that very long fingernails does herb Tyler he simply throws up it passes that one is he here the clicking on the ball I just can't imagine a quarterback having long fingernails yeah can hear that click second day [Applause] Williams is down as he makes it to the 35 you know just finishing up with a long fingernails tied but floor of the Center number 72 through there they are was talking to us this week about if he gets scratched solutions or extra padding on his right hand they gotta protect himself from those fingernails the strange game a lot of hazards at this game of football contact sport but you don't quite figured to be that passer to Center the quarterback see the band on his right here we do yeah today 33 yard game Bobbie Howard denied for Notre Dame 3d explosive people on this team including number 20 to 30 foster gets big lead blocked by Lewis Williams number 70 Langley out there number 75 there's no name team though there are always the defensive team they're always [Music] second and seven for Tyler the first down at the 43 Matt Williams Williams from Hammond Louisiana and Donald links on this Irish team growing up with many of the players that star for LSU he's just a sophomore Williams and may have developed as the best of the cover backs defensively for the arms [Applause] to go [Applause] he brings desires defense so doesn't matter I'm gonna get the first down anyway now he goes to the 48 yard line that's the seventh play of this Drive game is tied at 7 3 minutes 11 seconds left on the opening corner in dick that is a really good 3 yard run through and pick up just enough for the first down I mean that that is a very good run strong by Kevin farm [Applause] [Music] second and three millisecond catch with the tide in the other the great Yankee Clippers feeling okay down in Florida recovering from pneumonia Benny Gilboa Henrietta [Music] [Applause] it'll be a first down Jim Gray has a report all right dig medic nope I was hyper-extended his left knee it's the same me that he injured earlier in the year he has a brace on it he's going to try and see if he can loosen it up and come back to the game he's hopeful to return the doctors say if he can get it loose they won't prevent him from returning to predict thank you the seniors Opelousas Louisiana Guilbeau and looks as if he wants to go back to work Tony Driver replacing him at that safety spot driver this year is up more in Louisville [Applause] he dives to the 32x lying close to another first down and kwang-ho Jones the tackle Trenton the play made this time fake by Kirk Tyler an enemy full of prey and iron to really can't impose was sucked in by that playing perp tyler runs right around that light Porter had an opportunity to get the ball downfield but a nice eight yard pickup first grant irons been injured some this year he think is going to be really a really good defensive end that can try to move on to a defensive end next year from outside linebacker returns enjoy [Applause] picked up by LSU I believe that whistled within any way first now for the Tigers at the Notre Dame 24 he is a rookie zero-to-sixty very quick receives a power this is just a quick first good Lake Drive Kyle Kipps the freshman tight end on the spot will be covered the ball this Drive began way back [Applause] inside the 15 there are another first town is Brock Williams makes the tackle it's been a very determined steady drive for LSU and Tyler just to remind fans of his rushing Talent has 23 rushing touchdowns that's an LSU quarterback record touch when the county you Tyler's had 16 touchdown passes seven rushing touchdowns and then once again on the corner where he's more effective than he is in the pocket that was a smart play because he was trying to throw the coil was covered dumps the ball out the [Applause] approach the final seconds of the opening quota and this is an attack that is so diversified yet a respect timers arm and as resting talent and then you have fog you just have to zero in on him well and that always in the runner but he's an awfully good pass receivers well twenty two catches on the year and a very versatile guy and right now with this drive they're kind of out Notre Dame Notre Dame [Applause] [Music] it's Notre Dame Alice you will return after these were you director John Gonzalez producer David Michael's to Ken Berg Pat Haden Jim Gray back at Notre Dame 7-7 this former Notre Dame all-america Jerry DiNardo all-american 74 here with the Irish as his team in position to take the lead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] signal as Loki was dragged at the 1-yard that is a heavy seek witness out of him we've seen running out love guys on the outside we've seen the couple power of zero is definitely Sabina confusion on a handoff for Briggs one jiggle the try to run through Benny Guilbeau it almost gets to ball in the end zone but then that's a heck of a run he does pick up the first down his reputation [Applause] just a terrific drive 15 planes in the drive very patient we saw a little bit of everything we saw the first old wide receiver we saw his receivers even booty Kevin far [Applause] and those can turn again as well they squandered a ninth extra point and that is actually the third or the fourth extra point that was blocked [Music] six on the touchdown [Music] backpack Haven and Brock Williams Jimmy Friday clothespin to either get a piece of Indiana get it push inside a really rough hard rush on the outside by Brock Williams and again LSU has had an awful lot of difficulty I think they got him I think is actually Brock Williams 38 against his left hand on the ball but tips away and LSU has really struggled in the extra point in the ball department well against Alabama two weeks ago in the last game first half what's this three kicks to field and an extra point here's the extra point one on one crossbar one off another and then another field goal hits the crossbar two uprights and a crossbar and a half and if you sent your kickers out all day and said you got to do that for me and get it one camp between Danny Boyd and this man Christian is Chauvin just the Jerry [Music] it's not just been an extra points of temple show defensive backs [Music] well that's been one of the frustrations of Terry DiNardo 46 year old head coach in his fourth year in Baton Rouge he's really brought to the victory spirit back to the state of Louisiana to [Music] spot anti-blast [Music] so [Music] coconut this was a team this year good enough to win a national championship else's issue of three of them in the final seconds [Applause] rather than kevin faulk kevin flock is gonna be it's gonna go from zero to sixty right now but as you see Audrey gets kind of take his time he finds a little hole but he kind of dances wait wait sleep there my speed hits Joe to find his way around about different types of styles but both very very effective credit Tim red early senior guard as well from 13:07 and a timeout by Notre Dame appeared that Bobby Brown the wide receiver called second of three timeouts allowed so much at stake today Notre Dame Indiana [Music] needing a win today and at Arkansas tensions and trying to finish [Applause] [Music] pick up my yard maybe - well they lead the career rushers and the college ranks featured here on the turf at Notre Dame Ricky Williams at Texas and envis man's New Mexico State Ron Dayne the big man from Wisconsin that Faulk and ensign four and five a list of leading career rushers the consistency we talk about I think it's the most critical thing for an athlete and in both of them today stamps pretty pretty close 43:32 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jabari Holloway then Malcolm Johnson then the full-back position and now they get the ingredients of a pretty good office everything's in the mixing bowl they'd mix it up pretty well he didn't have that touch early magenta Michigan Michigan State he was gunning the ball throwing a lot of balls too high [Music] [Applause] so it looked as if Davis got to him right on the sidelines the tip number seven the offensive line Center offensive linemen are doing a job and Tim run trimmer to see one of the seniors on this offensive line another great lead against the officials the pre battle is a dead ball personal foul late hit out of bounds by the defense the penalty we 15 yards from the mound spot followed by first down second time we've seen the pitch off the option don't see it much from from Notre Dame [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that Davis is ticketed and the Aries have a first down at the Tiger 30 in the second team to 7 LSU is that star quality Aaron Adams helped out Anthony McPartlin book number Farnum of 94 is a guy that Bob Davies that we have to be able to take care of he was one of my biggest concerns and here's how you do it with one guy hit him then you have a the guy kind of grabbed him tackling that the guy fall on him but he is so quick Bullard MacFarlane off the ball at first step of his is absolutely getting got the nickname from his mother [Music] [Applause] we its way through heavy traffic and Roman is there again for LSU no game we talked about McFarland's his first step sometimes he didn't run right mind I wore Wolsey against Mike dandy number 69 and a good move there by oxytocin the impulse pace never worked what McFarland was going to tackle the Dodger dancing in a tight area [Applause] to the top screen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the three receivers side Jerez Jackson drills the Bob battles the the heat of the ball in the sunlight as well to make a good catch you have to throw that ball hard otherwise mark Roma's going to be able to make the play Stingo for the air is true [Applause] [Applause] entries this season there to make the play in today's joke Weston in the 48 we call his number a couple times is one of those guys who was a try-hard guy with speed which is kind of unusual to live guys who try harder than the waspey then you have speed guys didn't try hard but I enjoy you you have a guy that has speed and does lead the team in tackles he leaves again this year [Applause] [Applause] but mark grummond to make another tackle clearance look law in there as well [Music] three [Applause] the same a possible field goal [Music] we tried to force it as he slept I've seen three or four different players slip today tips the ball with his left hand his lucky got away with that oh bugger McFarland hustle reason havoc that was the connection to play by [Music] [Applause] season [Applause] and this is a makeable 27-yard a town [Music] at the 8-yard notre-dame sees his team still by 6:00 come back - no today and the LSU Tigers have stopped the Irish again at Jim Sanson misses from 27 Tylar number 19 gets a piece of it and actually rushed him over [Music] [Applause] [Music] 27-yard miss [Applause] [Music] [Applause] touchdown first and there Kevin Fogg tried to do too much come on the last few games he connects [Music] touchdown [Applause] [Music] in the midst of fifty-three down here [Music] there's always a bunch of guys around three RIPTA free pretty good speed since my games running reconstructive knee surgery last year he put you down here against a few jerseys he fights off the block [Music] he strips the ball and then athletic enough to dribble it to pick it up on the first bound to get the engine rolled a 13 for the touchdown this game has had plenty of action both sides of the ball you're not necessarily in command when you have the pumpkin Brian able to rip it free from the wall America candidate Kevin Faulk and you almost see what Falk saying to himself now kick it to me give me a chance 5 Davey said we're not going to kick it to him will make pie to him that we don't want to kick him the ball but rondelle melee number 7 the other room [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because he can't keep is not going to win the heisman trophy my mind this guy deserves some credits and thought by - trophy words as an all-around player as a punt returner as a kick returner as a receiver and as a running back and [Music] at this point Derrida to get back on the even seven let's see four gets it about kicked me oh hi the thought was the coverage could still cackling if he kicked it real high but merely blocks together the kicker and again I think it's a mistake you just don't take this chance with a guy like Kevin flaunting his capability now if I were a scout looking at this young man what impresses me takes it to the bimini near 80 yard touchdown [Music] the chance and come through for LSU and for him so that erases the and a bigger you know he is funny you mentioned he you could read it in his eyes just as he was saying to give me a chance give me a chance there's a lot of people kicked the ball away from them both as a punt returner and as a kick return gambler set up for a two-point play don't be surprised if he doesn't get it again is an excellent receiver there they go for the two pointer lady now 1914 a game of huge plays and the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tigers build early to seven all right thanks Danny of course Jim great with us you were watching Bob Davie after that touchdown returned by fall Jim Dickey went to every group offense defense and special teams he said hey guys let's not let one play deter what we're doing out here don't get your heads down what play is not gonna beat us today guys get over [Music] [Applause] [Music] another late flag my fellow facemask as the tackle was delivered and while the officials sorted out let's just duck in the fact that to show you the greatness of Kevin Fogg he needs only 14 more all-purpose yards today and certainly if he stays healthy he'll get that bill passed Tony Dorsett fifth all-time is Dorsett [Applause] pollutants in the same area you played against you championship in 1973 you know we were talking to Jerry DiNardo this week when went down to Baton Rouge and asked him about his memories of his time here at Notre Dame Eason remember the big Hills foul was an illegal block in the back by the returning team the salary will be half the diphthong you know followed by a first down [Applause] Colton series right Algeria's Jackson in his August Irish team country against you they didn't decision [Applause] to the nine yard line well Justin Fogg electrifying this crowd with that kickoff return a touchdown and players were born the last time an opposing player returned to kick over against the Irish Eddie Lee Ivory Georgia Tech in 1977 took 197 yards [Applause] that's one the cherries Jackson may have been able could ever handle later you can please be patient in the pocket and sometimes he waits a little too long maybe that was one on a second and five situation down and you're into the field we have run and pick up as much as you can give yourself a third and short you work with us earlier about baby indicating that he'll do everything he can do Jarius Jackson the state for here the University it's a university decision and posteriors Jackson's [Applause] machine the LSU defense and three times he'd come up with big plays here he is Halloween the breezy 720 was to bomb around the wife's ear this time to tighten big target with some speed have been the drill bot you can't loft that ball too much the calmness in the pocket good great pass protection great window to the tight end and big lane there to find Jabari ha [Music] bulgar McFarland in on another sack [Music] unless you're playing against him we start with the devil team he's the prototype the nose guard [Music] we got Dow he said we got traffic lights yeah and the Super Walmart in Winnsboro la Louisiana in that a bad cookie invited us to come a national black eyed peas and some greens and poverty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bumping [Music] was talking strong safety thought playing real close the line of scrimmage in he is Chevrolet hurt themselves much this year having turned the ball over on they will get sack than a lot of penalties but this LSU team is caused him to have more errors than we've seen most of the seasons the Irish appear that LSU will take the penalty that was holding but the offense the penile would be ten yards from the spot of the foul followed by second that ball while we pulled apart the hole I think it was number nine key it's held right there refuses to be barked and a screams out advocates Emily to the 30 and 17 although scoreboard shows [Music] [Applause] Russia's the Kassar as tourists down the middle today [Applause] shoulda caught that ball that would have been a finish catch right in the heart of the defense socket his camp [Applause] [Music] third and 17 scoreboard still showing second [Music] [Applause] 26 yard playing thing to me there's nobody a big old cushion here that is Rikai Nelson and there's gonna be a crossing route run by Malcolm Johnson is just too large a cushion you saw Malcolm Johnson he was the closest defender he almost got in the way of Nelson [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that offensive line again rained in a way just as Autry Denson likes to grind these guys up here vete a thousand-yard year themselves the two senior tackles yes enjoy Wesley spearheading the defensive charge will help from Aaron Adams last year I always played at least at the number 11 ranked Tigers Notre Dame [Music] history Gerry Donato kind of roll the sides as he let us know the [Applause] three okay just eat maybe score on his cash he was that wide open it was a great call he's number 45 watch everybody gets over here in the right flap [Music] just could not hate this baby [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] raishin again for cherry tomatoes Tigers first step [Music] no chance for Jerry jacks [Music] continues to leave myself welcome it's been a defense ability that's frustrated notre-dame free drives by the Irish long drive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and NBC premiere tomorrow night intro and that what they used to yelling when you were playing quarters over the ranch Rd [Applause] [Music] it was very good after the catch [Music] touchdown catches and inform [Music] of freshman [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bobbie Howard makes this time first inconsistent [Music] - coffee - important won't it be well to better we ask me someone as good as you must have a nickname so when I call me that appropriate which 6-4 so whoa it's closed down to the 41 yard line [Music] [Music] last year after his junior season [Applause] [Music] led the team last year in sacks as well Cory miners battle through some injuries this year right off the top here in a hustling Cory miner off the corner and you mention Ian this last game here wanted to be remembered it was almost emotional about it as we spoke to him yesterday very good four-year career as a starving [Applause] Southern California athletes printer [Music] interception for a touchdown fumble return for a touchdown kickoff return for a touchdown and LSU 2114 [Applause] [Music] with the yardage kevin faulk now gone into the number five spot all time and all-purpose yards ahead of Tony Dorsett mark your greatness in this collegiate game that's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's gonna be Jeremy whitney's the couch butter her targeting the jerseys [Applause] picked off [Music] Thanks [Music] [Applause] the mp5 - 20 on the net 1:29 strikes back at that point Darius Jackson look into his eyes after his three years behind on Paulus [Music] earned his chance this year and 1:29 [Music] play the game [Music] he slipped again George Jackson slipped once again I've seen on four or five different guys slip and he had Jabari Holloway open CC the calmness about him and the one thing this team has been resilient they've been in situations like that like this a lot this year behind particularly late in the game and the calmness I think of Cheerios Jackson rubs off on his teammates 6 for 12 passing in this first [Applause] my backer spot to make the tackle she will use their last time out he said generally a good run stuffer once he hit curious jacks and knocked the ball away in a pass play this time he stops autry Denson on a draw the contractor gets in his favourite play to play he runs best is that draw but Theo Williams just kind of fighting through some traffic as the game is developed that she was really defended [Music] WPA stars of today featuring a Cynthia Cooper unheralded play [Music] twenty four five points again [Music] Hugh calls time it's an imitation DiNardo feels at the complete [Music] talk to us about airports Aiken said you know about Arizona's control in under control then also very emotionally and I asked him are you emotionally said I'm a mess 13:16 is he his Tigers so far down Jackson [Applause] [Music] baby's kicking team will spend as much as they can inside the shoe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as bobby labonte hold to make the tackle for the irish around a 48 yard punt also went on the play for the shoot with no time outs in just 15 seconds and remember not necessarily a real strong kicking game so you have to think if they're going to give themselves a chance you throw the ball down I'm feeling it at 4 & 5 I think you you worry about these kind of teams taking taking all kinds of chances talented quarter [Music] [Applause] out of bounds at the Irish 45 46 yard line six seconds time for a long path to the endzone [Music] design a million-dollar contract with the Florida I'm not going to keep him on the 40-man major league roster and so we're down in Baton Rouge is Josh's linked route for the NFL without playing college ball [Music] [Applause] one second left we may get too soon because now we'll get another chance to come [Music] down there that maybe one of these guys Robinson the other receiver to the right [Applause] [Applause] five yesterday you told us you weren't gonna carry Kevin you did wait to change your mind well I'll talk to hunter Smith right before the kickoff and he had the wind at his back he felt confident he could kick it out that's not the reason very good it's a decision we made you know the kicking game certain that's right now we've got a blocked field goal a missed field goal and then the big return by Kevin funk this act of a football game we have to play better and execute better in the second half three long drives no points I'm sure that's disappointing no question we haven't taken advantage of our opportunities but there's a half a football left and we're gonna play better in the second half Jim thanks Bob good luck we'll sing that right upstairs to your deck all right Jim and Chris Bosh may be well aware that third quarter has been by far the best for his Irish all season long up next Dan Hicks in our New York studio SunAmerica halftime report what a day in football stay tuned for all the scores coming up after a message from Notre Dame and LSU you alright Jim Gray at four and five you can imagine there's some sensitivity there for DiNardo the fact that he's a former iris all-american really matters a little to him he needs this win today big big opportunity and do you think the Irish will kick to Kevin Faulk this time least I would be surprised if this ball goes to number three he's got mealy on the far side Falk on the near side 88-yard touchdown returned by the sidelines [Applause] they kept it a well-aware from fog but it gives LSU a good field position as Kendall Cleveland takes it out across the 35 tally gets ready to come on here are the first half numbers plenty of yardage but more than Notre Dame's total yards compared down the chute and still trans by 768 productive productive in terms of the Artic but you know that the kickoff return the interception return [Applause] sorry miss 36 [Applause] [Music] Fred Williams 288 pound a Kalinga in the back to you now the third quarter we mentioned this by far has been that most productive period on the season and look at that 81 points for only three allowed the rest of the quarters basically [Applause] Challenge delayed option by Tyler and he's out across the 40 yard line bring up about 35 is Bobbie Howard Lance the green elaborate on the tackle while Bobbie Howard seems to make a lot on Alonso's every every week before Notre Dame brought Williams earlier this week insane so this is a guy that that leads by his plane didn't much is kind of the quiet guy but boy is he tough enough [Applause] average Tyler on third down has to hurry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dick get started with the rush they worked have a seat underneath him to throw that pass he could have been a fool the free safety Russia they was glory minor number four again was in a terrific game thus far so title couldn't couldn't finish the throne and then Sanders number five now every week it's been somebody different for the Irish that makes a big time to the Notre Dame 35 a big play early [Applause] back again Jim all right take on three Denson just ran the ball right there you saw him holding the ball in his right hand that's because he sprained his left pinky they have taped his left pinky and his next finger together he's having trouble holding the ball in his left hand and he likes to hold in his left hand but he's going to continue watch with him to run a little bit more right dick all right thank you Jim it seems like a minor injury but so critical [Music] complete by Erin Adams Adams solid game today as a starter Jamal Hill had been starting in that of getting the call today delivering well Aaron annum to number 37 as it guys but good in in the run end of the passion game today and end this season for the Tigers so third down five go today Audrey Denton on the wing left [Applause] Jarius to throw first [Applause] and even smoke those crossing routes did you know and after Johnson had Fred Booker one-on-one over he was kind of trading on the whole way and as you close you have a chance to run away from the tiger wait pass protection great pass protects for Jackson that window opens up for him to find that Johnson prove judgement by Johnson a good call against that man for him 15 yards on the play first catch for Johnson who is eight on the season to leave the Irish [Applause] 36 yards for the Notre Dame quarterback [Applause] tradition baby their best one but I think Jerry is Jax not only episode second I think the team feeds off in and his emotion again this is a powerful [Music] leave block by Jamie Spencer and then he just Davis number nine will live that mark woman come charge into it to make that in Clarksville those two sinks there's layers first and goal water day from the night [Applause] Smith with the tackle as Jim Gray mentioned carrying the ball in his right hand again hundred incidentally the guy that does not fumbled the ball box but he's fumbled the ball twice this year and very sensitive left hand is Jim reported as hurting him second time in a row he has carried that ball in his right hand most consecutive games rushing for a touchdown Benson just 2 [Music] [Applause] [Music] birds and the Emery's go to score three heads in the payoff from three hours nonce Anson [Music] [Applause] on placements 2120 this baby on the sidelines of the moaning the result on the extra point Troy 2120 LSU maintains the lead while LSU has missed eight extra points this year their opponents have missed seven it's been a while the next two points dangerous kimon fog positions himself inside the 15 on the far side Smith [Applause] and the tackle maiden about the same spot the 32-yard Irish player before the L came down well you can't call a fair catch and you know LSU gets those kinds of kicks the fine because of Kevin Faulk and you wonder where the glulam should have called the the fair catch but now again talking jurakudo Calise ones we work on those short kicks and we're trying to get them returning 11:40 banks in motion and Tylar to throw a long [Applause] [Music] I mean the guy can throw the ball with touch and drill it in there when he has to then the only thing about the booty here I thought perhaps he could have caught this maybe he had the feeling that back inside but it looked like maybe he's falling away from the from the ball you know he falling away from it but a really good throw by herb tidal drill shop a booty quite a receiver 35 catches as a freshman that for coming into today's game Tyler my buddy Howard you know booty you talking about it only a sophomore but four games of a hundred yards or seeming already [Music] [Music] very tall as a quarterback more effective we can roll him out see those passing lanes but he's a good runner as well so when he does roll you got to respect the run track points income just like Jerry's Jackson second and nine [Applause] Beauty again has the Pfizer's bag would appear at the 27 you are passed away this last year last able he carries his initials on his wristband also has it tattoo on a higher on the right arm memory to his father using that wristband sometimes a play signaled in buying number [Applause] never pumps and then goes to the end zone [Applause] [Music] China 22 the ball just kind of slid away from this defender 27-yard touchdown here's the delivery this guy hurt Tyler really has been impressive and this drive so David booty now the driver pulley [Applause] I've never seen anything like this you know they did to the blocked exit points return for a two point place against him this year seven point differential 2720 and the game might be titled ten anyone make an extra point and yeah I take it with Brock Williams again just like Fogg wouldn't answer to stumble with a kickoff return for a touchdown Williams beat by booty on this play able to drive through and at least deny the extra point but a from booties for touchdown catch of the year and given LSU 2720 leave we're back and that ap booty might have gotten a break on this touchdown we thought maybe first he pushed off but I don't think I just kind of move in shake with the ball may have been trapped watch right there I think he came down on the ball and it looked like a trap rather than the catch the fish on the other side would have had to call it that ball is out he does not have control he grabs it yeah I think it was a trap ball so a break for Terry Denard owes LSU Tigers they have not gotten many this year are they sure half boy there's booty and some Yahoo and receiver sophomore he'll take the 6 with 10 the third at the first touchdown against the average all season in the third quarter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a little bit of everything in a lot of Miss extra points we see kickoff returns for touchdowns we've seen fumbles on kickoffs driver trying to squeeze every yard out of that return as the bull knocked free as Aaron Adams and company able to knock it away and it's salvation ball and the Notre Dame 45 and it's mark Roman again he forces the fumble he has had a sensational game yeah absolutely he just he is so strong around the ball I mean as a tackler and they're on special teams big chance for LSU and they're going to go for something big on first down [Applause] Jersey's Darren Tucker number ten you're right Martin Willman has had a sensational ballgame the intercept intercept for a touchdown forced to fumble there he's been really good in the tackling part of the game give up a big place to passivate the boy he has been solid around the ball second antenna in the Irish defense who looks at the scoreboard ten minutes left [Applause] well nine before deke Cooper a pound junior safety can make the tackle Cooper the star of at Boston College wind he along with Bobbie Howard Jimmy Friday Andy Cooper made the fourth down stopping power abate wanna second down and Friday I think may want to third down set up to play by Cooper they go to tight ends [Applause] Cooper again makes the stop but now the suit gets another for you feed them the better chance you have break in that 30 40 50 yard run both coaches saying don't get us in a field goal situation a score let me keep it go we don't want any fourth along [Applause] I was able to salvage - no gainer uncle back to the line of scrimmage LeMond Bryant appeared to have a big loss could not quite wrap up million wide receiver Foster Lamont Bryan has had a pretty good game for the Irish he's down here number 53 and Lewis Williams number 70 is get a big a nice block on devaron Harper though allow at least a Foster to get back to the scrimmage now second and 10 Bryant Roos opportunity lost to the right foster his life first down at the party I used to fake the guy used to to front yard the quarterback is killing her Tiger did there the defender went up in the air her Tiger just kind of skipped around him and then drills the ball to her she clever little swimmers hurt Anna [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Foster and booty no to add receivers both continue to be and he's hammered and grew into the couple Notre Dame challenged by a very hungry LSU team making a lotta big play touchdown interception for a touchdown blocking a fuel rocking an extra point that many things go against the offense it'll take something special for Notre Dame yep to come out on top Nardo knows it yeah they've been resilient this year but you know as we said before this is the pennant breaks that day LSU has not gotten all year they had the fumble on the kickoff return [Applause] that certainly didn't again to the receiver that yes that is a heck of a catch touchdown stance really remarkable a moment ago in this same Enzo on the corner out this time fakes the corner ghost the post against Brock Williams two guys played in the high school all-star game together just a few years ago and this do they call to holding the penalty against Brock Williams was declined after a sensational catch by booty [Applause] Danny Boy knocks it through and it's 34 to 20s after the fumble on the kickoff return by driver LSU 45 yards seven plays that man seven cats covered in 20 yards for booty two touchdowns [Applause] Moray Abram booty against sophomore Brock Williams both from the state of Louisiana and was set up a while by a I don't think that was a traffic law I thought he caught that balls he rolled over but the other one may have been trapped that look like clean [Applause] butI is not only an excellent receiver he is a good actor good actor quick exit scraping the ball off the ground booty actually by the instant replay has shown that both catches for touchdown shouldn't I let's take one more look at that theoretical kitsch [Applause] the book NASA they're bubbling I don't think that one hit the ground dick you don't think I thought the earlier one did look at this egg on the ground [Music] slow motion Tony driver will he make amends teams for the Tigers and now define for Jarius Jackson and the Notre Dame offense they're down two touchdowns understand Jarvis green up for LSU with back spasms talented freshman pass rusher and that's why we're seeing more of Theo Williams we think forgery is Jax down by the two touchdowns still come up plenty of time and you can't rush yourself in this circumstance we talked about the powerhouse offensive LSU at the stardom they certainly have shown me ordained us that Jackson Anne Thompson with a first down out to the 30 the tackler with Booker always had a favorite guy kind of a go-to guy and Malcolm Johnson certainly has developed into that receiver his dependable received for Jerry's Jackson name in with 37 catches no hustling game and it's two for two today we recovered a fumble as well then characteristic of this Notre Dame team they've hurt themselves today they have an all year interceptions fumbles [Music] [Applause] the quarterbacks move [Applause] [Applause] 24 yards on the Scramble LSU always talks about Billy cannons punt return their most spectacular play this is a pretty spectacular play times his quarterback at times his halfback at times use a fullback who dogs been roamin to stop another long [Music] give to the full-back rarity in this baby Spencer unable to buy much for Jamie said I'd like one time to get the ball out 2025 times it has been tense in a game he's picked up 230 yards on the CB fullbacks come Notre Dame is highly recruited running backs from high school as Jamie Spencer was I mean he used to carry the ball 25 30 times a game in high school and said he had a learn to become a fullback when he arrived bernetta bark around a catch and his cousin distant cousin go-girl mcfarland made the tackle [Applause] second and ten [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know that's woods a dental or defensive call a tip with twice they tried that same play in both times mark Roman his blitz to meet the stop luxurious Jackson there was a case Jackson slept again he had open field to the right and he could have kept his footing there's the separate former coach at University of Illinois head coach he and Cunard Oh or assistants under bill McCartney at Colorado time coaching colleagues third [Applause] [Music] [Applause] - touched him Malcolm Johnson and his man in front of them the kitchen slow down into touch good you know good play Marion Hill next her defensive back on the Blitz and Jabari Holloway the tie Playa comes on for attention [Applause] I'm there it's 11 yard line where he's racked up by Damien woods back up wood 27 what do you know Mikey and he was on that play for Autry Denson and spoke with dandy this week and he was talking about odd forgets and he said you know mirror he makes miracle wood is sitting kind of guy that an offensive lineman loved to block his first start 96 pounds Jr Garland Texas ten yard line and then talking would give these from that Dallas area in a long time cowboy fan he said on high school I wore number 88 because my year was Michael Irvin in fact he has carried a card trading card of urban in his wallet you can see it's a bit used yeah eight years he said that next to his one dollar bills the only teen 90 Michael Irvin card anyone he wouldn't let us keep him he said that you guys to take a picture of the water right back replacing the injured it's third and five [Applause] [Music] Johnson for his sixth touchdown this year and the I research back in it quick 78-yard right the point in somebody for thinner blog where are no Miller [Applause] Miller lined up right here right over the center get this one for give your six five wide reciever a jump ball he's been asking for this jump ball finally gets one and gets in the endzone for the seventh score embassies 4:27 LSU as final game on home turf welcome Johnson from Washington DC with his six touchdown reception he leads the Irish and then catches with 40 now a seven-point game four minutes plus left in the third first 250 wins Notre Dame today then you expect another high kick here by but ER Smith and perhaps a fair catch by LSU I'm going to kick it over to the right side again in that respect [Music] [Applause] to return they have taken often bobbled it and immediately it was the star in that Independence Bowl last year 222 yards and replacing Kevin Faulk just something so unusual for kicked be the year the shoulder pad and now this is and defensive series to the air he's strong he they had him for no game the Irish and he winds up picking 67-yard her in a nice smile on his face perhaps the best straight arm in college football and you mentioned how strong he is we seem valuable good inside runs speed to the outside and it's a straight arm then I Tony driver they say at the 27 yard line a gain of six when you're trying to protect the lead it's micro mechanics and the physics this year you'll graduate in three and a half years will get the call again big hole up the middle [Applause] kick free date Cooper's tackle and then the right side and Dee Cooper saved what well could have been a very long touchdown run by Kevin newsing outside speed we've seen power this kind of a cutback run haven't really seen the cutback yet today runs by tires another Irish defender but there were two blockers downfield to take first out [Applause] the 44-yard line even when it looks as if no famous around em again no hard to believe if this LSU team has lost five games I know they've been Heartbreakers but boy this is a talented team particularly on offense his best game and season two the Irish refuses to quit [Applause] [Applause] pounds comes at a tail [Applause] punish the Irish and that independence movie except a solid Tagalog first down well a two hundred and what 22 yards or so on that and then independence was injured early in the first quarter on exploring two touchdowns to 22 in the hole in comes tummy banks of walking back get this one man [Applause] get this thing off tackle for an easy first down of the Irish 45 when you're a one-dimensional team it's very hard to both maintain the lead or try to catch up when you get down by two or three touchdowns to think about how a shoe is they are not a one-dimensional team we've seen passing today and receiving of Abram booty and Larry Foster but they can grind it out to you know under two minutes remaining in the third quarter and you trying to protect that seven-point lead this is just what you want to do kevin faulk rested for a couple plays back in [Applause] and cluster juggling is able to pull it in before her make it Richie Robinson makes the catch his first of the day the freshman from Shreveport juggle been able to pull it in perhaps with the most speed of all these two two receivers Reggie Robinson freshman for SWAT self as a coordinator city he's not talented but he's a young flower on a testing Williams spot of India picture [Applause] sorsa tackle drags two men inside the 35 first down LSU at the 33 yard line one minute left in the third quarter if this guy is one impressive player and that really see him catching the ball much today very talented receivers wide [Applause] receiver 72 out there leading the way for him that was just more power and determination took half the defense to get him down [Applause] and he wouldn't think power as well of the cup of five maybe six on Thursday an impressive drive by the Tigers you know on the road the crowd was into it for a moment you know they found taking the crowd out of it now last few minutes of the third quarter Philly's inside the 27 yard line so it's second down and long three lot of those today for LSU a good sign for the offense when you're going second down and short [Applause] Boggan drop for loss of a yard as Antoine Jones the senior from Ohio things that go into three you late Sun on this Saturday afternoon highlighting the golden dome back at Notre Dame for the fourth quarter or LSU leading 34 27 and the Tigers driving and des struggling the case [Applause] James Vidya he's all the way into the sixteen and a first down if you put number seven on him once as luxurious Jackson for others and throws in the same materials he put 14 on him very similar kind of players composed clutch accurate throwers when they need a big plays both he Kevin Faulk have have answered the bell what Tyler was happy feet on that run lemons play the drive coming up [Applause] quarterback you see a big old clumps turf in Europe [Applause] right [Applause] Tonie driver out of high school one of the best running backs in the entire United States still wants to be a running back tackling one of the premier runners in college football in the block by pack number 81 and then Tony Driver the strong safety may be your strong safety has got to be able to make plays close to the line of scrimmage driver has done that as has clearance Leblanc of LSU [Applause] second six [Applause] we thought to be together [Applause] remarkable returns continues each ceptin return for a touchdown [Applause] 87 yards for Bobbie Howard the champion [Applause] - missed extra point [Music] 3433 that is absolutely incredible incredible is remarkable RunAs advocate for they've missed we see today making this the guys been blocking most of today for kicks they've missed field goals and extra point seems it wait boy wasn't if blocked by his own flying them yeah motional that's really an emotional slant nerve for a remarkable interception touchdown and then not get at least the dye out of it yeah in a Bobbie Howard has been so good all season long a couple T that first of all good coverage nice catch then it needs get Kevin from kind of stutter steps makes that full back then the strength fullback takes up a great block by Tony driver Tony driver number 25 got the last man that had a shot aim and they go all the way into the end zone 87 yards on the right there that's Bobbie Howard [Applause] LS you driving for what would have been a two-touchdown lead and Howard stepping in front and showing great speed this 232,000 senior from West with you there's a buck right driver right there really you get just just a remarkable game remarkable play that one by Bobby Harrell but a lot of plays made today by [Music] ordinary games folks but this is exception what next 35 34 33 with 13 minutes plus left to settle this drama but can you imagine right now this game you know perhaps one of the kickers is going to have to win this game or have an opportunity win this game you are not going to run out in the field with a whole lot of confidence I promise you that [Applause] and roll that Notre Dame Madeleine ample room to receive that fair catch there was no contact I've never ever seen a game like this the 2-yard belt by the kicking team the pin will be five yards from the end of the kick birth down so that gives Jerry Denard O's Tigers great position on to the 46 would be so I used about bats but to you a second line [Applause] get a chance to catch that one now Tyler go on back to work with it Morris Watts the offensive coordinator has had a really good game plan he said we the young player that we think we have some opportunities even scored two touchdowns on them and once again they continue to work on big scorer Mississippi State a field goal in seven seconds to go to upset ninth ranked Arkansas by Mississippi State and Mississippi Mississippi State another in the sec [Applause] mr. Oh 40 yard line and the gain of nearly sex on first down just like the Notre Dame offensive line has had a good season so as this MSU offensive line that time trailing heat number language 75 get a good job we talked a little bit about top before the center Thomas e left guard Williams and whiny those guys have done a great job clearing the way for critic Kevin Faulk and given her Tyler an opportunity to throw the ball downfield Tyler looks in that huddle and start running back Kevin Fogg will now has hit the century mark juries score number [Applause] bars down cut to the 38 forward progress and then a good search by the Irish defense well dick I think this is a very critical third down for the Miller Dame fighter now at 81 this is e as an employee a third down as they have had all season long to next our defense tight end content for LSU [Applause] to run to [Applause] may have got from the first down anyway Kevin for networks gonna be just shot by a smidgen I'm guessing that's that much whenever the referee waves in arm timeout for measurement at the smidgen yeah well you know guys like Paul McGuire would never have that kind of okay it's nice to be next to you oh yeah let's see boy but big third down play and it is short that's more miss that was gonna say what did what would you call along Smith half-yard yeah yard for LSU and understandably they're going for this is hardly punting territory at the Irish 36-yard once again selling up now remember the goal-line stand against Boston College a few weeks ago they need one of those right now they're measuring the [Applause] the boss as well [Music] bangs out as a wing lamp Walker tailback [Applause] he got to the 35 and that's enough using terrific spring as he made the die forward for the first don't I get such East Germany money or 6.2 judges that's right nice nice call nice run there by Tyler Gerry Denard O's found the wins so elusive all season long nothing's been easy for LSU [Applause] go away [Applause] makes attack the 30-yard line again first down it has been a good friend for this LSU offense it done well getting up very slowly but it hurt Tyler did it really smart think is staying in bounds but he was hurt on that play minutes left in the fourth quarter LSU 34 Notre Dame 33 now herb tired or not only has two and that's Morris watts the offensive quarter did a great job in his play call today but begin more but her title wants to use as much of that 25 slug second clock as he can [Applause] first down 21 yard line before tario Harrison the freshman from Texas and their linebacker makes the tackle mr. Fogg does not look tired does he he looks as fresh and as strong as he did when the game began and this offensive line is doing a job it wasn't really till he hit Bobby how he needed to solve who Jersey [Applause] [Music] ashes to the right side 18 yard line and that is a moral victory for the Notre Dame defense only three yards on first and Mary your Jarrett DiNardo you're really worried about your kicking game you know with ten minutes you gotta you gotta be thinking ham take four chances baby picking up that first down or you certainly don't want to have to feel like you have to keep your time LSU fans bring the support down the far end of the field as LSU works at the Notre Dame student body section and oh yes [Applause] the Irish Legris the junior from st. Stephen South Carolina leading the charge 300 third downs and clips to five coming up nine minutes plus left here [Applause] bring in [Applause] jammies Sanders earlier in the game to deny LSU what about day these themes this year has been everybody has got to make a play at some point play hard and you never know who it's going to be Danny Boyd one of the field goal kickers comes in he's made one this year out of 341 yards this one would be 42 [Applause] trailing by one [Applause] welcome back here's the field goal for ILS you you know it starts with getting the ball down the laces away laces not are not away right into the kickers foot and then number 27 in number 10 not twice at Bobby Howard's this man right here but right there he gets a little piece of that ball the cause of the function in the missed field goal tensile Bobby Howard's had an interception for a touchdown and a deflected field goal attempt so LSU the last two possessions 12 plays interception by Howard for a touchdown 11 plays missed field goal and Notre Dame takes over at the 25-yard line down by eight minutes nine seconds left from before and this is the type of the band [Applause] come back inland areas Jensen sons another whoops miscommunication between a sinner Jared Randy and Wesley everybody mark Roman there quickly smother Jackson John morandi snapped the ball before anybody was expecting it most importantly Jarius Jackson so a loss all I of on first down [Music] we Randy the junior from bluej California Lake Arrowhead area criminal world high school and son of it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jackson gonna roast [Applause] fights to the 30 I have a first down that's a great point a good run that's a great run by Darius Jackson let's see if Mark Roman number eight gets in on another tack he must have about 20 of them happened down 427 well he is business in every play never had special teams to he caused a fumble return by driver intercept pass for a touchdown oh the 34-yard third in two [Music] this is the board the game offensive lineman dick we must win the ballgame if you're Notre Dame you know they give the the Autry dents and a chance to a pick his way and you know in his determined way pick up five six seven yards and you give Jarius Jackson a chance to throw the ball good blocking that time by Tim Ritter cleared the way for Audrey Jensen so Aaron Evans and Robert Davison on the tackle first down [Applause] both wide receivers to the right Jackson changing his fall [Applause] number 48 Joe Wesley Saxon back at the 35 yard line what a game Joe West I said you know a guy who said to us this week it has been a heartbreaking year for us but part a you perhaps wind in Notre Dame winning Arkansas things begin to look up don't they you the best team elusive records in the country they are very very talented and [Music] along with it blown out by anybody sorta maybe they've lost two foot two games the last play for Sixpoint [Applause] here's the problem in a third down and what ten or eleven yards with five twenty five remain in the ballgame if you are forced to punt the LSU can run it out the way they control the ball [Applause] the 36 thirteen [Applause] fingernails and Hill made the tackle make that kind again the calm maternity of Jairus Jackson never got excited never even you know seem to be bothered back there in a pocket finds the open receiver and drills the ball to Nelson it was Ray on Hill that almost had the deflection first time I played handsome [Applause] Booker McFarland just pushing to Notre Dame my pluckers away and he and Johnny Mitchell making the stop what a Balkan dick you know what a ball game for 20 remaining like in the game LSU up by one point around a field goal range but I'm not sure but what both teams are always how two field goals in this game but if you're Bob Davie you say hey I'm now in four down territory with you know abou under four minutes remaining this ball game with us is snap you got to think hey this is my last possession second down and 13 [Applause] unless you're twenties eighteen Cheerios Jackson in a perfect world with 348 remain in this game no offensive lineman kind of woody this great protection for Nelson to make that can't catch but in a perfect world Jarius Jackson would would pathetically move this ball down with 3:38 remaining in the ball game and if they score you don't give LSU any time with that explosive offense they have 266 yards now [Applause] so Jackson as 266 yards one touchdown one interception and he run for plenty as well again Notre Dame trailing by one they have to start using the clock 92 yards rushing path for Darius Jackson he's had about 350 to 400 yards hundred yards rushing against Stanford through the years clearly his best passing game this season inside the 15 with three or four [Music] [Applause] well you know makes the tackle again what a ball game my goodness but that Roman isn't an all-america defender I haven't seen one done just about everything tackle intercept passes special teams and two and a half minutes remain yeah again it's one of those real dilemmas you you scored too quickly it gives unless you an explosive offense a chance both teams were there three timeouts left stays in bounds but has to take the loss of a couple yards as Damien woods at the corner and Erin Adams make the stop in the past no trip to Notre Dame has run a lot of their option game down in this part of the field and it wouldn't be a bad situation to give Jarius Jack James the chance to run it attention hymns and Diaries for a first down get the ball to or would appear inside the floor just outside the ten so third and six well the other thing is that he don't get it you don't want the ball in a hash mark through to attempt a field goal [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and his for the go-ahead score and no gold for to Andhra kind Elsa headed me ghetto touchdown cats to open the season against Michigan yeah Bob Davies going to call timeout good use of this time out he has three of them remaining 127 left in the ballgame talk about their two point play [Applause] a game and unless you will get its chance 39:34 as we take a break they very determined Jarius Jackson you see the blood there and it's left on the concentration in his eyes and again drills this ball to rock I Nelson 10-yard touchdown pass the pass and once again this resilient Irish team comes from behind to take a five point lead awaiting a two-point play we're working on his finger Walter too [Applause] [Music] Jaimee's fencer and [Applause] shift a strong left [Applause] I made the play for LSU so it's a five-point game 127 left LSU needs a touchdown to win [Music] 39:34 Notre Dame 127 left and now with a focal point on that man Kevin Faulk and look where he is they they moved him up to right to the spot when Notre Dame has been kicking in the last few times let's see if the hunter Smith realizes that Falk has moved to exactly where he's been forces to drill it as far as motor Smiths my good hi [Music] [Applause] down 40 thirteen of LSU coaches and players are letting everyone know that they feel that's against the tears [Applause] special teams have done its inappropriately name today and we've seen a lot of funky plays on special teams yeah there's the [Applause] lSU has of their timeouts an explosive on us first down - go Craig mall has in at four those complete - who gets out of bounds Tommy banks who has had two catches all season Craig null who was throwing the ball only 18 times all year and we don't know whether herb Tyler is injured who was hurt earlier the game but he stayed in this all go down and actually you look pay you hurt a leg but he stayed the ballgame 111 to go and [Applause] case to the left [Applause] [Music] but Robinson whole time for a first down at the 38 clock stop to the first down 25 on the play so maybe Nolan there this because they that was a pretty well food Franco in the back field to the right of [Applause] 59 seconds left [Applause] fools to the home crowd [Applause] I would be very surprised if plans healthy - he's fellas a dead ball false start offense the penalty of five yards from the previous spot oh the freshman from Alexandria Louise 6:3 cracklin biggest challenge of vision collegiate career [Applause] [Music] butI at the 42-yard line Jim Gray what's the story on earth Tyler well Dickie sitting all by the bench all by himself on the bench he pulled in his left hamstring he just told me very disappointed he can't return and he wants to be in there very badly but he says he just can't run at this point dick hmm when we talk to him to show this we guess what's going to go wrong next and here they are when they need their leader their quarterback in a must-do situation final minute and he's hurt to the side [Applause] No Johnny Unitas couldn't throw that one any better where Dan Marino any anybody want this is a frozen row of an absolutely perfect throw the booty of the top is when the fade past the corner [Applause] you know I think Notre Dame Notre Dame should really blitz pregnant there they're playing that prevent decent I think you need to come after Crandall sit back there in the pocket is one of the stars today I'm pregnant the occasion we moved again that offensive line you know I'm guessing that Craig null doesn't get too many opportunities to run their two-minute drill during the course of the week in practice different cadence we've had to illegal procedure penalties against their offensive out as they did ball false start offense her g-spot feel second then it's working the noisiest part of notre-dame three timeouts remaining though for LSU when it 45 seconds [Applause] [Music] and that was a big play by ball and he not got them all off then the clock would have run at least till the timeout was spent but they saved the timeout on strong enough to withstand that charge of Anthony Weaver in great Madison defensive coordinator credit they came after him even to see number 10 I think this is 10 this is a corner two different Harper come in as well the the linebacker Lamont Bryan so they won't go innocent back in the pocket and out second 15 [Applause] Jr foster a Whitley steps the good words to stop the clown with 32 seconds left time isn't as critical at this moment as the down in distance its what third and about eight over a certain disk remain either they still have three timeouts so they can throw the ball anywhere the field still call timeout Hill whole shots and the I'm standing receivers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no we did not there's a third matchup between Brock Williams and Abram booty his booty had a baton and he caught two touchdowns this Bobby that time Brock Williams at the last moment and it knocks it away at far corner you couldn't tell at this point it looked at Oh negatives catchable ball [Applause] Notre Dame 21 seconds away from an unbeaten home schedule today Chevrolet players in the mark Romans from LSU and juries Jackson from Notre Dame recognition of their efforts surely makes a contribution to the National Association to the financial aid administrator two deserving college students and they kneel down by Jackson and one of the three timeouts now Jerri Barnardo's lset also a scholarship program has been a tradition for more than a quarter of a century both teams with over 400 yards orphans 486 Notre Dame 404 LSU the Tigers unless America lands in their lap here these final seconds will have lost six games by a total of 33 points they lost in Georgia by one they lost to Kentucky by three they lost an overtime to Mississippi they had Alabama beaten by nine points with four minutes to go and lost by six and now just another in what has been a staggering emotional load for this young team to accept yeah and really two different types of seasons in terms of you know making those plays at critical moments you know talked about a dick Notre Dame has done that all year and LSU made the plays today but at the very end once again this very resilient Fighting Irish team finds a way to win we've made that point of the start that Notre Dame has made the big place when they need it to and have again today LSU is not booty who had a remarkable game two touchdown catches has the third one all put it there LSU could have won it and that's what they have to replay again Jackson heels and 11 seconds and still one timeout left LSU now we certainly want to thank it's been a wonderful year pat date has Jim Gray myself here at Notre Dame my quads worth athletic director and John Heisler and Mike Enright in the STI D Department along with Bernie caffarelli Irish have produced a rather surprising year to say the least and apparently will go to Southern California next week with their eyes on a major bowl position dick has been a pleasure work with you and the whole crew here at NBC it's been a fun year enjoyed it serious Jackson part of the story this year what a game folks I mean this is it down a game where you need a half-hour and postgame show to replay all the outstanding Allman's both sides in really you know funny moments - I mean I've never seen somebody extra points misty fortunately at that didn't factor into the final score I mean they eat every coach can say every time you miss one of those it certainly does disrupt the momentum strategy but five points Notre Dame lead on the touchdown pass Jackson the Rakhine Nelson now with 1/3 down was always the the end zone ticking of safety to do the case here kneel down and the final timeout news by LSU with 8 seconds do the safety this is probably what we're doing I mean I don't think you want to Punk the ball I mean a safety is only two points given up the back of the end I think he uses much the clock as you can you try to use the entire eight seconds run around the end zone and you know if you're going to do that maybe it's not even your putter maybe you gave it to Jarius Jackson to run around the back of the end zone and use up those eight seconds it all added we should have been forewarned with four plays into the game mark gruhn of LSU pissed off Jepsen took at 53 yards for a touchdown Bobbie Howard the linebacker for an interception for a touchdown of the 87 yards fumble return for a touchdown Lamont Bryant it just had everything today - great all right dick well Bob Davie just told Jerry's decks and take the snap run around for as long as you can take off as much time as you can make sure that you are not tackled and take the safety tick yeah you don't want to run around to be tackled on the one-yard line and the second ago well it's exactly right now LSU knows that's what they're going to do I you're going to see I believe some corner blitz to try to trap him before he gets to ball the end zone now I'm guessing he's going to be in the shotgun but I would be surprised if LSU doesn't come hard off the corner to try to tackle him before he gets in the end zone why not put all 11 men on the line of scrimmage absolutely seconds left apparently and the tackle to the safety for three seconds so it's 39:36 was the corner for the strong safety and Jerry's Jackson didn't see him he had seen him he would have been able to run out those last three seconds and the jacks Jarius Jackson just get hurt absolutely incredible if he did he's down in the end zone there's the corner blitz up there you know in his right knee in the back in his right knee that's unbelievable man he grabbed his right knee as soon as we went down dick did you see that just as this game has had so much of everything but that is not what the any team wants to see and Jackson did not expect it appeared they didn't expect that kind of pressure that quickly from the back side I'm surprised if you don't expect the corner blitz let's pause a moment 39-36 three seconds left we'll be back after these words from your local station dribble the kick and it's covered by LSU at the 46 yard line one second left so the Tigers still have a chance we can tell you the Jarius Jackson did walk off the field limped off back to the locker room Jim Gray talked to him I thought the Jarius Jackson he twisted his right knee he went back into the locker room did not want to wait around for the interview doctors tell us they think for next week sprained right knee dick here it is one play to the win for young Craig no [Applause] thirty-six [Applause] cool mission bullhooks disappear in foreign sings but what tea the Tigers showed Notre Dame today everything but beat the Irish to great running stars Kevin bull and Audrey dance but the heroes mantle fell on Jarius Jackson today running and passing the football only to be injured the next the final play of the game and then his counterpart her Tyler unable to participate in the end only the two chances at the end the game Ian you have to go back to the thesaurus the dictionary remarkable extraordinary unbelievable what else you got there because I said that's it I mean that about covers it well that's the final score 39:36 here from Notre Dame Stadium and we now take you to the 10th anniversary you you
Channel: Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Views: 31,000
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Id: vsKyYlpQIJ4
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Length: 152min 22sec (9142 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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