Vampires From Van Helsing Netflix Series Explained

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to another video we're going to be looking at the vein housing series which started on sci-fi but is now also a netflix show venn housing came out in 2016 and has five seasons the show ended in 2021 it was inspired by the graphic novel series housing the show was received well by fans and critics and it's definitely in my top three vampire shows i think one of the reasons i really enjoy this show is because although it's a vampire show it's more similar to something like the walking dead versus vampire diaries if you know what i mean kelly overton plays vanessa van housing and she reminds me of celine because she plays such a good female lead jonathan scarf plays the marine named axel trisha halfer plays countess olivia von dracula aka the dark one one of my favorite actors from the show is christopher heyerdahl playing sam a deaf survivor who's a serial killer and becomes a vampire elder you might recognize christopher from other vampire media such as true blood twilight and he's a demon and supernatural he's an extremely talented actor we're going to be looking at the post-apocalyptic world event housing how vampires came to be and the different species of vampires like ferals feeders but also ancients elders and the dark one creator of all vampires [Music] the show begins in the year 2019 three years after the rising began they refer to the day the vampires attacked as the rising civilization has fallen the yellowstone volcano erupted and filled disguise with ash blocking out the sun this natural disaster was enough to deal with but with the ash blocking out the harmful uv rays from the sun it allowed vampires to come out from centuries of hiding and wreak havoc they now rule the streets [Applause] only whispers of a human savior have given mankind hope vanessa she's being kept at this hospital and under guard because she's very important she was attacked by a vampire but did not turn the doctors knew that she would be important so they kept her safe but after three years the marine left a garter was the only one left and the remaining doctor had been bitten and turned axo was still keeping the doctor alive though by feeding her as blood eventually after letting some survivors into his base things go bad and some vampires make it inside and they attempt to go after vanessa for some reason almost like they were looking for unfortunately for them biting vanessa woke her up and she proceeds to kill two of them with her bare hands as for the vampire that actually bitter he turns back into a human turns out vanessa's blood is a cure to vampirism she was adopted so she didn't know that she was advan housing until dimitri told her he said her bloodline is like royalty not all van housings can turn vampires back into humans but i'll touch more on that later once someone is turned into a human by vanessa you cannot become a vampire again vanessa can not only turn vampires human but also has similar abilities to vampires added strength speed accelerated healing and heightened senses like scent and night vision if she dies her body will enter a healing state and eventually she can come back to life through the show she dies and is resurrected three times so she's basically immortal unless you destroy her entire body there's a good reason for this though a van housing is needed to actually release the dark one so he decided he would create his own by mixing the blood of the dark one in with the van housings this actually turned scarlett and vanessa into part vampire in season two sam says that vanessa smells more vampire than human due to her vampire genes vanessa can feed on blood just like a vampire and it also provides her with increased strength and it kind of sends her into a feral state the blood of the dark one also gave vanessa supernatural abilities like telekinesis shape-shifting and being able to walk in the dark realm and harness its power this means vanessa and the elders get their strength from the same place one interesting thing to note is that vanessa's daughter dylan became a vampire so she was not immune like her mother the only van housings with abilities like vanessa is her sister scarlet and her daughters jack and violet this is because they were all altered in a lab with the blood of the dark one by hansen but apparently these abilities cannot be passed down through birth now let's take a look at the different kinds of vampires [Music] all vampires are turned the same way a bite when someone is bitten they turn very fast the doctor got bit by a pharaoh and tried cutting her arm off within a few minutes but it was already too late you could see the infection spreading making her veins change color within a few more minutes her skin turns gray and she momentarily goes unconscious before coming back completely changed all vampires when turned will become feeders these are the most common vampire with mostly human traits and intelligence they are much stronger and faster than humans and usually grow stronger with age they have accelerated healing abilities and advanced senses like hearing sight smell and even taste when phyllis turned he didn't need his glasses anymore like spider-man and sam was deaf but could hear again so becoming a vampire will not only heal new injuries but any old ones as well according to doc they also have more sensitive nerves causing them to feel more pain when julius gets turned human but he still has healing abilities of a vampire doc says your body heals but your nerves are still heightened unlike most vampires these are not immortal they will live considerably longer than humans but will eventually die dimitri was one of the oldest regular vampires being 300 plus years there is some examples of vampires living longer but they are usually imbued with the power from the dark one such as elders or bridesmaids vampires can have children sort of male vampires are apparently fertile and can impregnate a female but female vampires cannot carry a child so in order to make a child a vampire must impregnate a human female dmitry has a human scientist trying to make a vampire baby but for some reason they never survived birth so for centuries and even up until the show no vampire's ever been able to give birth to a vampire baby [Music] feeding on blood vampires must of course feed on blood human blood if a vampire feeds on animal blood they will become a feral these vampires have fed on animals for so long that they have taken on animalistic traits themselves like claws bigger fangs and are usually not even capable of speech julius kept several pharaohs as pets and they even ran on all fours wild pharaohs are basically zombies these vampires are supernatural in origin but don't have many of the traditional weaknesses like silver garlic crosses and holy water there are many ways to kill these vampires though decapitation seems to always do the trick and also destroying the heart either by ripping it out or piercing it with a stake or bullet breaking the neck or severely damaging the brain works as well basically if you can do enough damage that their healing abilities cannot keep up they'll die but getting close enough to do any damage to a vampire is easier said than done you could consider animal blood a weakness since it will turn vampires feral but it won't kill them vampires of course harmed by sunlight since the volcano erupted about three years ago the ashes started to thin and vampires cannot walk in the day as easily so they have human slaves working in the power plants to continue pumping smog into the air uv lights can also be used to harm or defend against vampires like the marines did in the hospital [Music] eventually humans develop something called the vampire control agent it's an orange powder that kills 95 percent of vampires on contact so it kills 95 on contact what about the other 5 well like a superhero mutated by toxic waste these vampires become much stronger than regular vampires and have different eyes dr bruce harrison was working with the vampires and doing some experiments he was trying to create super humans that could heal so they could be fed on forever he managed to create an evolved version of the vampire virus by altering the dna giving birth to the day walkers these new evolved ferals and feeders were immune to sunlight were stronger and had better healing abilities they were also more intelligent and could heal from massive damage to their brain and organs so they didn't have the same weaknesses this vampire stabbed in the face and regenerates his eye in a matter of seconds as well as this other one coming back to life and pulling a spear out of his head if a day walker bites a normal vampire they will turn that vampire into a daywalker [Music] the van housing blood could be considered a weakness to vampires or a cure depending on who you ask when a van housing that's been imbued with the dark one's blood bites a vampire or gets bitten their blood will turn the vampires back into a human when a vampire is turned back they lose all the abilities they gain this man said when he was turned he didn't need glasses anymore but after being turned back into a human he needed his glasses he also stated that while he was a vampire he didn't dream but once being human again he had horrible nightmares of what he did as a vampire once someone is turned human they cannot be turned into a vampire again and their blood will also taste bad to other vampires so they won't even try to bite them in the first place almost all vampires can be turned human again except elders and ferals when vanessa bites or is bitten by a pharaoh they will quickly die instead of turning human from feeding on animals their body has changed so much that they cannot go back to being a human as for elders it's not clear why vanessa's blood doesn't affect him in the same way the elder jacob vent housing actually loves the taste of vanessa's blood unlike regular vampires who are repulsed by it it could be because elders are much stronger and they also have power from the dark one another curse thanks to you there's a unique case where if someone gets turned human by a van housing and then gets bitten by a day walker they will remain human but have enhanced strength and healing abilities like a vampire these enhanced humans can also heal themselves back to life after their heart stops similar to vanessa as well as being able to sense her presence if a day walker is turned human they will also be an enhanced human just like a vampire immense damage to the heart is the easiest way to kill these enhanced humans the healing abilities of an advanced human are like a day walker slightly better than a normal vampire phil shot himself in the head and healed back in less than 30 seconds he also jumps off a building and comes back in a matter of hours the vampire control agent will not kill an enhanced human but it will strip them of their extra abilities like healing and strength there was a special kind of feral vampire found in the sewers under the lair of julius when vanessa was escaping she ran into the sewers and the other vampires were afraid to follow [Music] the vampires refer to these mutated ferals as sewer monsters they will surprise attack with immense strength and speed and will kill humans and vampires their virus must be unique somehow because when vanessa is bitten by the mutated pharaoh her wound does not heal like normal and it seems to have some kind of infection this infection would surely kill a normal vampire and is probably why they're so afraid of them axel briefly mentions another kind of special mutated pharaoh that lives in the water we never actually see these vampires but he says they're even worse than regular ferals they are possibly similar to the mutated vampires from the sewer or just like how regular ferals take on animalistic traits from their diet maybe the vampires in the water were feeding on aquatic animals giving them traits from those animals some vampires formed their own clans and factions julius had his own brood located underground in the city they also had many pharaohs as pets and were quite uncivilized dimitri on the other hand ran his brood with a little more class having a blood farm to keep them all fed humanely and having humans working on factories to keep the skies dark so vampires could continue to walk in the day the sisterhood was started by the bridesmaid michaela they wear warrior-like attire with a white mask and paint crosses on their forehead with blood they were exiled by most other vampire groups including dimitris they worshipped the dark one and seemed to have some knowledge of rituals and spells skinners they're a group of vampires that skin and eat their victims alive and then wear the skins they are quite feral but can still communicate with guttural noises they're like if the hills had eyes met vampires the skinners also remind me of the reavers from firefly because they also skin and eat their victims alive as well as wearing the skin now we can take a look at the more powerful vampires first let's start off with the ancients and the elders ancients are vampires that are 100 plus years old such as dimitri who is over 300 they are usually much stronger than younger vampires and those they turn but have no special magical abilities like the elders do an elder is a vampire that has been imbued with the power of the dark one through a ritual this allows them to live much longer and makes them far stronger and faster than all other vampires by a large margin there are three original elders abaddon the first and strongest of the elders de ba and jacob vent housing a fourth elder is created which is sam elders usually look more creature-like than normal vampires and they possess unique magical abilities the first elder abaddon is unique and was able to influence people's dreams project visions into people's minds teleport and shape-shift able to make himself appear as vanessa's friend and daughter he could also sense the blood of the dark one in vanessa's veins when he bit her daba is probably the second strongest elder she has knives with a special poison that will slowly kill you this poison can only be cured with her blood the poison must be created by the boss somehow but it never explains it when the elder abaddon bit vanessa it caused her to become more vampiric and after that she would go into a rage and her eyes would glow red it's not clear what caused this but possibly the elder awoke her vampiric side when he bit her and like i said before elders could not be turned human when abaddon bit vanessa he did not turn human and neither did jacob vent housing the blood you gave him it didn't turn him it energized him so now what each elder has a unique magical totem the item is usually something that was special to them abaddon's totem is a bracelet the ba had a ring and jacob vent housing had a necklace that contained blood when sam is turned into an elder he must choose something for his totem and decides on the necklace he made containing human teeth all of these totems must be collected to release the dark one they kind of function like keys to the dark realm that covers the ancients and the elders now we can talk about the right-hand servants to the dark one and the most powerful vampires the bridesmaids [Music] over the centuries the dark one has selected three special individuals to be her closest personal servants her bridesmaids bathory the oracle michaela founder of the sisterhood and hanson the one who turned jacob venn housing before being turned into a vampire bathory was a gifted fortune teller which is why dracula made her her first bridesmaid once she was turned she could use her fortune seeing abilities to aid the dark one and become known as the oracle she is also the one responsible for conducting the ritual that turns sam into an elder which means she possibly turned the others into elders as well she starts coming to vanessa and sam as children because she knew one day they would possibly become an elder so she kind of scouts out possible elders and what she says nurtures their darkness bridesmaids or at least bathory seemed to be gifted with slightly more of the dark one's powers abaddon was unique possessing many abilities compared to the other elders but bathory seems to be just as strong or stronger most vampires are much faster than humans but not as fast as bridesmaids and elders they can move with truly superhuman speed resembling a blur being able to move across short distances almost instantly brides are shown being able to shape shift use telekinesis teleport and bathory could freeze sam and vanessa in place now we can talk about the creator of all vampires the dark one not much is known about the origins of the dark one but she is the mother of all vampires and by far the strongest we know that at some point early vampire hunters use magic to take away her physical form leaving her as nothing more than a spirit this means she now must possess another human's body to exist in the physical world but not just anybody the person must be pure of heart and this must be difficult to find because it took michaela centuries to find a worthy host a ritual must be completed for the dark one to possess a body and once it's complete the host will change in appearance when the dark one entered olivia von dracula her skin turned pale gray and her eyes turned solid black originally the housings could not destroy the dark one completely so instead abraham vent housing threw himself and dracula into the dark realm to trap her there [Music] [Applause] with jacob's totem filled with the blood of the dark one and the fourth eldar's a sacrifice this allowed dracula to enter the physical world again she killed sam by merely blowing him a kiss but it seemed like he was already dying before that so i'm not sure if he could have lived or not but i'm pretty sure according to what the oracle said sam had to be sacrificed for the dark one to come back the dark one also known as dracula after it possessed olivia von dracula's body she has many abilities and all other vampires fear her the oracle is very powerful able to easily subdue the elder sam yet dracula can control her like a puppet unlike other vampires she is truly immortal completely immune to aging and disease the dark one can move so fast it's like teleportation perform telepathic abilities telekinesis shape shifting and different kinds of magic or spells like the one she used to shroud all of transylvania and darkness her power seems to be drawn from the dark realm itself she was able to release a kind of wave of dark energy that turned humans into vampires instantly without being bitten even with all her abilities there are some things the dark one cannot do like escape her tomb in the dark realm in order to escape the tomb needed to be opened from the outside the dark one can also open up portals to the dark realm at will and stay there as long as she likes she can also use the dark realm to banish people or trap them there like when she trapped vanessa there the dark one has few weaknesses but one of them is van housing blood when vanessa bit the dark one she said it had no effect but soon after olivia was able to momentarily break through and communicate to vanessa so the blood was somehow breaking the connection the dark one had to its host another weakness the dark one has is to a special weapon in the form of a scroll this scroll allows someone with sufficient skill to control the dark one but the scroll comes with a cost and it caused bathory to completely lose her mind it seems like there's no way currently to actually destroy the dark one for good the best they can do is trap it in some kind of tomb or vessel such as vanessa it definitely leaves the question of what is the dark one it possesses the body of a woman but its true form seems to be in this black mist it's possible the dark one is actually some kind of demon especially considering dracula says i will unleash the power of hell [Applause] [Music] well that's my video on the vampires from van housing this is one of my all-time favorite vampire shows vanessa and axel are definitely my two favorite characters as far as my favorite vampire possibly abaddon things in the show definitely got crazier as the seasons went on season 1 starts pretty grounded with no magic and treating the vampires more like a zombie apocalypse but eventually things get more magical and it goes from one van housing to four i have to admit i did enjoy the fifth season when jack goes back in time to transylvania to show the creation of the dark one what about you guys did you enjoy this show and if there's any other movies or tv shows you'd want me to cover please leave them in the comments below and i'll check them out leave a like if you enjoyed and maybe subscribe if you haven't i really appreciate it thanks for watching and i'll see in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Cogan Lollins
Views: 266,326
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Keywords: van helsing, van helsing vampires, vampires, vampires explained, van helsing tv show, tv show, van helsing explained, explained, vampire lore, cogan lollins, vampire, vampire show, van helsing netflix, van helsing show vampires, van helsing netflix explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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