The UX Design Hype Is Finally Dead...And I’m Glad!

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what's up YouTube fam this is Wesley ux designer based in Los Angeles California welcome back to the channel so I want to talk about something that I've been noticing lately within the ux design space especially going into the year 2023. let's first talk about how ux design blew up as a hot trending career and it's been like that for the past couple of years or so especially at the beginning of the year 2020. I swear during this time every other person that I met was interested in ux design and wanted to learn more and a lot of them ended up signing up for a ux bootcamp or decided to self-teach themselves personally I've had people that I knew from elementary to Middle to high school to college people that I haven't really spoke to in a really long time reach out to me asking me what it's really like being a ux designer in my YouTube channel just the amount of views and engagement that I've gotten within the past two to three years it just shows how trending the ux design career was but going into this year of 2023 I've started to notice a bit of a shift where it seems like things are starting to really calm down when within the ux design space meaning not a lot of people are as interested in ux design and aren't really committing to a career switch as quick as they used to now this is all theories assumptions hypothesis so I might be completely wrong so take my word with a grain of salt now before I share more I'm proud to announce that this video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community where thousands of inspiring classes for anyone who loves learning and wants to explore their creativity and learn new skills do you have a specific skill that you're trying to learn well skillshare might be the best place to start from photography and illustration to graphic design freelancing and more you can find classes that will match your goals and interest for me I'm still learning how to become a better content creator so I recently took Marquis brownlee's YouTube success class where he breaks down on how to create YouTube videos if you're ready to take your learning to the next level I'm happy to share that skillshare is offering free trial of their membership so please use my link in the descriptions below to access to thousands of different classes for free and if you like it keep learning through skillshare if not all good find the next best thing to further your learning all right let's get back to the video first reason why ux design is finally dying down the pandemic is over when the pandemic blew up the entire world in 2020 it really forced a lot of people just to take a step back from the from their daily lives re-evaluate it and just ask themselves what am I doing with my life especially around career basically everybody was going through some level of quarter life crisis all at the same time so people had the time and energy to really consider a possible career switch and ux design was one of those common career choices that came up now that the world has kind of gotten back to normal I don't think people have the luxury to consider a career switch now not as much before or if they spend a good amount of time doing their own research to know what ux design is and that kind of leads me to reason number two which is the unknown is known at this point I say that the miss 3 around ux design it's no longer there at the beginning of the hype I'd say that the majority of people had zero clue as to what ux design is and what it entails people started asking a lot of basic fundamental questions around ux designs such as what is ux design is it graphic design what do you do on a day-to-day basis do you have to learn coding do you have to interact and work with people frequently what is ux design what's UI design is ux design a creative job now that it's the year 2023 it's given people about two to three years to just do their own research understand a career and see if it's a right fit for them also the amount of ux resources that are available today compared to just three years ago it's drastically different there are a lot of websites networking groups medium articles YouTube channels such as myself all educating people on what ux design is today which is all an amazing thing for people who are still trying to educate themselves more I guess you could say that the discovery phase of ux design is mostly over for a lot of people by now and they've either moved on realizing it isn't the best fit for them or they decided to commit even further reason number three the tech glamor is gone now there definitely was a strong social media push around the tech industry and the ux design career you could say that a good chunk of social media content around Tech ux design was presented in a very glamorous way especially through the day in the life videos hey I'll admit it that maybe some of my videos probably contributed to this as well people really got stuck on only the good parts about being a ux designer and working in tech people have told me that ux design is all about being creative designing screens and talking to a lot of people along with that people have heard that you get to work in a tech industry where the pay is really good you get to have free lunch and snacks at the office and you get to work with the coolest technology which is all true to a certain degree but there definitely is the more realistic and even the bad side to this as well which we as human beings we don't naturally look for the bad stuff first it's always the good stuff that shines right at the front we get get so traunted and then if we spend enough time we get to really see how it really is on the back side this kind of goes back into my previous point where I think people have done enough research to know the pros and the cons of being a ux designer and working in Tech and then they've made the best decision for themselves moving forward reason number four a recent dose of reality for people has been the tech layoffs that's been happening for the past year or so I think at the beginning of the year 2020 people had the belief that the tech industry was invincible as if nothing could really affect that world and you be a part of an industry that has consistent stability flexibility and pay and as a lately uh that's been proven really wrong for the past couple years there's been a lot of tech companies who've announced layoffs which I'm sure has caused a bit of a scare for aspiring techies coming in as a result a lot of companies have pulled back on their hiring especially for the entry level positions also there's been a lot of talk around how AI may impact the tech industry and the people working it within which has caused a bit of a hysteria in my opinion and I don't know enough to have an opinion for myself just yet but I do think it's a bit of a stretch with all the tech layoffs that have been happening I do think that this is only temporary as things just start to kind of level off especially after the pandemic the tech industry is here to stay but it's definitely giving people something to think about lastly it's still very difficult to become an official ux designer and land the first ux design job when the ux hype first began I'm pretty sure there were thousands of people joining ux bootcamp programs and trying to find their first job which made the ux job market I guess you could say super saturated especially for the entry level positions also I honestly feel like people thought that transitioning into ux design was going to be easy and I don't know where that came from it might have been the boot camp programs exaggerating or telling lies but I don't think it ever was easy to be honest even from the beginning also there is a big problem with the current ux model today I'd say that the majority of ux boot camps that are available today they are a bit subpar and they're popping out ux babies left and right sadly boot camps today doesn't really set people up for Success the way that it used to and you can watch this video here for a further breakdown also at the very beginning companies had no clue what ux design was and they didn't really understand how that would fit within their tech department and team that's gotten a lot better in my opinion but there's still a level of tech growing pains especially including ux design into the mix so for all these reasons combined I think this is why ux design is dying down or it probably will going into this year so my thoughts on all this I think it's probably a good thing for everyone now that the ux hype has dive down it'll help everyone approach a big career decision like this without feeling strong emotions desperation pressure and even having false expectations you know I've talked to a good amount of aspiring ux designers and boot camp students and surprising how quickly people are choosing ux design as a career for them and signing up for a boot camp right away a part of me is like hey uh what's the rush and what's the hurry like did you do enough research to see if ux design is the best fit for you did you talk to other ux designers and hear their real life perspective did you look at all of your options did you look into every single boot camp are you willing to set enough time and money for a boot camp did you make a realistic plan for how long this transition will take to go into ux and now it seems like people are making a more slower logical and precise decision whether ux design is the best career fit for them now people are obviously a lot more educated as to what ux design is they know that not all the boot camps are legit and good and they don't just look at the good side of this career as well because of this I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some of the boot camps that are available today start to die out especially the ones that are subpar in my opinion so less ux bootcamp graduates means that there won't be as many looking for entry level positions which will make it a little less competitive hopefully I do feel like today more and more companies finally understand what ux design is that it's not a graphic design kind of position and they know exactly what they're looking for which will make the job descriptions even more accurate for people looking at the end of the day I think this will be a really good reset for the ux career and the people within it so more power to the people again these are all just my opinions my thoughts my theories of what is going on today within the ux design career so take my word with a grain of salt but what do you guys think from both an aspiring ux designer perspective and from those who've been in this career for a while am I on to something Am I Wrong do we feel like ux design will start to kind of level out a little bit more what are our thoughts let me know in the comment sections below thank you guys for watching this video I hope this was insightful I will see you guys in the next video peace out foreign [Music]
Channel: WesleyHong
Views: 69,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ux design, ux, user experience, user experience design, ui, user interface, user interface design, ux/ui, ux designer, ui designer, product design, product designer, career, tech, tech career, tech layoffs, ux career, ux bootcamp, ux design 2023
Id: SODiPcgJl_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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