How I Became A Self-Taught UX Designer In 3 Months

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[Music] this is a story of how i became a ux designer in three months [Music] so this is me in 2017. i was going to san jose state university and i gathered all my friends in this presentation or pitch that i was giving i wanted to build an app and this app would kill instagram now i was way over my head and the app didn't end up killing instagram obviously but essentially it was a video first platform that would allow you to film edit and publish your videos on a social media app and similar apps are like tik tok and snapchat those are kind of video first social media apps but see the problem was that i didn't actually know how to build an app so the whole point to the presentation was to get people on board to learn how to code with me and we would build this app together i'm looking for someone to commit at least five hours a week or more who are who's open to learn how to code and switch but honestly i didn't get past designing the first couple screens because my friends and i were just so busy with school that we didn't have enough time or resources to even build a prototype you know this was my first introduction to ux design and i didn't even know it so quick pause here if you haven't already it would help me out tremendously if you like the video it will also show me that you want to see more content like this hit that like button oh wait oh i got time [Music] fast forward a couple years and i graduated san jose state university my first job out of college was working at its big tech company called odoo i was a business analyst and then i got another offer to be a compensation consultant and i was being paid fairly well and i was really excited at first to be a part of these opportunities but eventually i started realizing that there was something missing and this feeling would keep growing and growing over time and i didn't know what it was at first i just knew that i didn't want to look at excel sheets all day and analyze data it just wasn't something that i was passionate about i got depressed i felt so lost i thought look at me i should be grateful i'm getting paid so much and yet i'm feeling i don't want to do this i didn't know what it i wanted to do with my life so in this moment of my loss and depressive state i basically made a prayer to god and asked him to guide me in this journey to let me know what it is i'm placed on this earth to do and i know that's like a big question to ask but i really wanted to do things that i loved and i wanted to be in a place where i felt i had purpose so shortly after my prayer i received a call from my friend noah about a day or so afterwards he wanted me to help him on a project now at first it was just helped me design this app icon now backstory on him he was actually running an app development agency he was helping clients bring their app ideas to life he is like a brother to me and basically he was helping me giving me projects to see if i was actually interested in this now it was when i was working with noah that i realized something about myself which was i loved ux design i noticed things that most people wouldn't whether things were aligned correctly you know icons colors i noticed that i was such a visual person in that i love the art of designing experiences digital products i felt so badass thinking of becoming a digital architect of this world so much of our lives are in the digital space we live so much in our phones on social media apps on the internet i was becoming a digital architect and i was really really fascinated by that ux design is so awesome ux design gave me the spirit of creation and what's funny is that now looking back god was directing me all this time it was right under my nose i felt that this was meant to be i was meant to do something in an app development space in particular ux design so before i continue with this story if you have a second please give this video a like it's going to help this video tremendously and it's going to let me know that you want to see more content like this so if you haven't already you know what to do while working with noah i was inspired to start my own company a company where i would also help bring app ideas to life and in particular what i would do in that company was ux design i would design those apps and then hand them off to developers for them to build it that's kind of how i saw that engagement being i knew that i had it in me so after i created my website then was okay now how do i get clients and this was a big question to answer and i tried everything from content marketing to paid marketing and the thing that actually worked for me was paid marketing i learned google ads i was going to do whatever it took to get clients and make this work i searched up a couple youtube videos that taught me how to do google ads i set up a marketing campaign that's how i got my first initial calls and i got my first lead and they found my website and they were asking questions like how much does an app actually cost to make and essentially it was these types of conversations that were getting me in inches and inches closer to a first sale as a ux designer the way that i was looking at myself was i i become a ux designer when someone pays me to do ux design that's kind of how i see it so even though i didn't have any experience even though i didn't really have a portfolio i knew the moment that someone decided to trust me to pay me to do a ux design project that it was then that i would become a ux designer i spent a little bit over three thousand dollars on google ads and i was kind of scared at that point because my fear was i would not see this money back but that was okay because again i had my job and once i got clients in the door and i got them on meetings and on calls i quickly realized how bad my sales skills were it was terrible it was so embarrassing i just just play the clip [Music] hello hey how's it going is this quincy [Music] uh this is uh [Music] you know whenever you're ready to continue i know that um you know this is kind of a reminder of the importance of kind of being online and being mobile uh you know especially if you're a restaurant so um if you're ready to move forward there's there's uh the time is now and i think uh uh right now is a really good time to kind of focus in on that but um you know i wish you the best and uh when you're ready go ahead and give us a call [Music] but in the face of embarrassment i decided i was going to improve i was not going to let this embarrassment stop me from becoming the ux design entrepreneur that i knew i could be so essentially i found this phenomenal youtube channel called the future there's this youtube channel that started to change me shout out to chris dell so if you don't know what this youtube channel is it basically talks about the business of design and how to start your business in design how to attract the right clients how to manage bad clients and how to close deals and it was completely free and it was amazing if i felt i felt like this was an actual school i was learning so much value from this i was taking notes and although i graduated this was my new school that i was taking then shortly after i started reading this book called never split the difference and this was the ultimate game changer it literally changed the way that i look at communication whether it's in business relationships or just in regular relationships everybody wants something you have to be able to understand how to negotiate with everyone you meet everything is a negotiation me getting you to like this video is a form of negotiation and so this book completely changed my perspective on how to communicate to people it's really a communication book so when i was communicating to possible clients and possible leads i all of the sudden started getting much much closer to deals i felt it in my heart so although i didn't really have any sales in april or in may i knew that i was getting closer i continued learning i continued getting familiar with tools like adobe xd even though i didn't have any clients i designed the website i did all these things that a ux designer would typically do all all in the meantime i also had my job so i was doing kind of both and it was kind of challenging at first because my job that paid very handsomely was also very demanding i had to come in early and leave late it sometimes got in the way of me focusing in on the business as a result in about june i received performance improvement plan now for those of you that are unsure what that is basically it's a letter that says if you don't improve in these areas you'll be let go and that was a tough thing to handle in my career was this reality check that hey andres you need to choose you need to focus you can't do both at this time and so in that moment with only three months of savings i decided to send my letter of resignation and quit my job well well this is my last day and uh without any sales i knew that i would have to sink or swim and then wouldn't necessarily recommend this strategy because it is inherently risky but for me it worked because i knew that everything was on the line for me to become a ux design entrepreneur i had no other choice and so it was this type of pressure that enabled me to grow in about a week after i quit my job i remember being at my parents house and i remember holding their hands and just praying asking god again to guide my steps to show me the way and the very next day i closed my first deal it was one of the most memorable moments of my life and so this client came in and wanted me to design and help them create a mobile card game now this was something i was not familiar with so while i was on the call with the client i had to basically pretend that i could do this thing or deep down inside i didn't really know if i could i didn't know for sure that i could design this thing but i knew i had the capability of doing it so i anchored my confidence to that not that i had the skill to do it but that had the skill to learn to do it now i'm sure there's some of you out there that also want to be ux or product designers and you're probably thinking how does one become a ux designer without any experience without a portfolio and i'm happy to provide you guys with the next video of how to become a ux designer with no experience whether it's an entrepreneurial route like myself or whether it's a corporate route where you actually get a job in this so if you want to see that video do one thing
Channel: Andres The Designer
Views: 451,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UX Design, Product Design, UI/UX Designer, UX Designer, How to become a UX designer, How to become a product designer, UX Design Guide, Self-Taught, ux designer, ux design, product designer, getting started in ux design, learn ux design, ux design process, self-taught ux designer, ux design guide, get started in ui/ux, uidesign, get started in product design, how to get started in ui/ux design, ui ux design, user experience, user experience design
Id: JcVEMockcD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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