1 year after Google UX Design Certificate - Job?

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hey friends it has been one year since I finished  the Google ux design certificate courses I'm   currently working as a ui ux designer at eBay  I love my job I love my life but looking back   I still think there are many things that I could  do differently so if you are taking the ux Google   course I want to share with you some tips to do so  that you can get a job faster so first of all is   the design certificate job guaranteed absolutely  not so let's say you take all the seven courses   and you get a final certificate just by showing  the recruiter that hey I got a certificate from   Google doesn't mean anything all that matters  is your resume and your portfolio which means   your skills and your experience so if you are  taking the certificate please don't rush through   it if you rush through it and didn't take any note  you'll be forgetting everything and you won't have   a good portfolio to showcase which means it's  very unlikely you'll get a job now if you can   afford this certificate I would recommend you to  pay for the Coursera plus because you can not only   take this course but also see all the other Google  courses in all the courses available on Coursera   that's my current plan and Coursera told me they  are going to have a discount soon so I will make   sure give you the right link in the subscription  whenever there's a sale but if you cannot afford   the course that's perfectly fine there are two  ways to go with it you can either audit the course   for free or you can apply for a financial aid  as a quick demo when you are in this page go to   the financial aid available right here and then  you can continue applying for the financial aid   to audit for free scroll all the way down and  open up a specific course then click enroll for   free and at the bottom you can see audit now  when I was taking the course I went through   every single step so I didn't skip any activity I  didn't skip any project which means I took seven   courses in total and then I had three projects to  showcase at the end but here's the thing now that   I'm more experienced in the field I realized that  there's something I could do to save more time now   I would suggest you to take course one to course  five very carefully just exactly follow their plan   and also do a personal project from course one  to course five don't skip any of the user testing   user research those are all very important but for  course 6 and course 7 I suggest you to look for   real life opportunities while doing the courses  the reason is that companies don't like personal   project if all the projects in your portfolio  are personal projects you're unlikely to get a   job and your resume probably also will look like  you just have a few projects and don't have any   real life experience or work experience so how  to get a real life project the tip is actually   networking not like going to those fancy  networking event but simply just like making   friends online and see whether your family member  needs any help with their restaurant or something   real life project pretty much means helping an  actual business to design something and then   actually make that thing out and I would suggest  you to read this book which is never it alone   by Keith Ferrazzi this is the best networking or  people smart book I've ever read and I got all my   real life experience through networking well first  of all I use my strengths to start this YouTube   channel so some startups literally just come to  me and be like hey can you help me with my startup   and I make sure whenever I feel like it I  go on dinner with my friends and then my   friends may have startup they want me to help  with or my friends may be dating somebody who   has a startup that I can help with so remember  real life project is important after first five   courses focus on real life project now another  thing that you have to keep in mind is that I   think usually after you take the course you'll be  pretty good with the user experience design aspect   but most of the time a company also looks for  user interface design so a lot of job titles   are ui ux designer and even if the job title is ux  designer you might be still doing a lot of UI work   and practicing UI takes a lot of time I personally  have done UI before taking the certificate so I'm   not too bad at that so if you are a graphic  designer or if you went from like an art   background or other design background I think  you'll be good at this but if you haven't done   any graphic design or illustration work before  you definitely need to practice a lot of UI and   one thing I suggest you to do is just simply  taking screenshots of good apps and then use   figma to try to replicate exactly what's going  on on the screen I am going to have a tutorial   series on this so if you want to learn more about  UI design check out this playlist I made for you   now in the Google certificate it doesn't really  teach you about how to make an online portfolio   I think it gives you some resources but  not step-by-step process so I also have   some videos on that check that out as well  basically just subscribe to my channel and   then go through my channel so everything I  talked about I've done some video on that   and in the Google course it will ask you to do  the the slideshow for your portfolio right those   templates could be helpful but the thing is that  if you use the same template for every case study   it will look like you only know one ux design  process different company has different design   constraints your responsibility should also be  slightly different across different projects   so technically for different company and for  different case study you should be having slightly   different process and you should be having  slightly different layout in your case study   and yeah there's no need to showcase everything  if you were designing 100 screens there's no need   to paste 100 screens right there the key is to  showcase what problem did you solve how did you   help the company to make more money how did you  make the user more happy what challenges were you   facing and how did you overcame those challenges  and how did you iterate on your design what's the   before what's the after so make your portfolio  cling short to the point and while you're taking   the Google certificate make sure to take notes  make sure to save those templates duplicate them   those are really really helpful for me I'm doing  some user research these days and just looking   back to my notes and seeing those user research  metrics and then seeing those methodologies are   still helping me a lot even in my today's work so  overall I think Google certificate is perfectly   worth it and again if you want to check out  the course the link is in the description below   but please don't take the course with the mindset  that I'm just going to get this certificate the   certificate itself doesn't matter but your skill  and experience matter I know it's super hard these   days to get a junior ui ux design role but I hope  with this suggestion I had in this video it helps   you to get there faster that's it one year after  Google certificate I got rejected by Google but I   got accepted by eBay and looking back I've grown  so much since last year this time I am very very   grateful for what I'm having right now and that  is why I would love to share with you all the   tips all the challenges I went through so that you  don't have to go through the same thing and I will   definitely share more resources about ux design  ui design job in my channel so please subscribe   to my channel and turn on all notifications I  will also share things in my Instagram and if   you haven't followed me on Instagram it's it's  here @thealienacai and I wish you all the best
Channel: Aliena Cai
Views: 488,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ux, google ux design, google ux design review, google ux course, ux design course, ux course, google ux design certificate, google ux design professional certificate, user experience, ux career, free google certs, coursera certificate
Id: 1gWi8bmnNVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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