The Untold Truth Of Princess Diana's Funeral

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From the appearance of unexpected A-list guests to   what has been later referred to as one of  the greatest speeches in British history,   here's all that you didn't know  about Princess Diana's funeral. With only six days between Princess   Diana's death and her funeral, there wasn't  much time for Palace and government officials   to plan the details. The public outpouring  of grief raised the stakes even further. "There's no room for movement here now – the  people simply packed one upon the other." Plans have already been made for the funerals and  ceremonies of some royals. According to Town and   Country, preparations for Queen Elizabeth’s  II death started in the 1960s when she was   only in her forties. Each person's plan has its  own code name. For example, when Prince Philip,   Duke of Edinburgh, died on April 9, 2021,  Operation Forth Bridge went into action.   Elizabeth II's death plan was codenamed  London Bridge. The one for her father,   George VI, who died in 1952, was named Hyde  Park Corner, after a particular spot in a park   close to Buckingham Palace. Reportedly, King  Charles’ III plan is codenamed Menai Bridge. The plan used when Diana died was nicknamed  Tay Bridge, in honor of a bridge in Dundee,   Scotland. It's not because she had a particular  connection to Scotland. Her death was so sudden   that there was no plan in place. Instead, the  organizers used one that had been put together   for another member of the royal family: Queen  Elizabeth the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother   was very much alive at the time, although she  would die five years later at the age of 101.   Which meant she had the unnerving experience  of witnessing aspects of her own funeral. In the aftermath of Princess Diana's death,  Queen Elizabeth II was accused of coldness   towards the famously warm princess. The empty  flagpole at Buckingham Palace became a focal   point. Until then, the only flag that ever flew  over the palace was the flag of the monarch,   the Royal Standard. It was only flown when  the Queen was present and never at half-mast,   since the monarch is either present or not: they  can't be half-present. When one monarch dies,   the flag immediately transfers  to the heir, to show continuity. When the Queen was away, the Buckingham Palace  flagpole was left empty. In the days after Diana's   death, she was with her bereaved grandsons  at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. However,   the public felt that the Palace was  snubbing Diana, according to the BBC.   On the day of Diana's funeral, the Queen  broke centuries of protocol to honor her   ex-daughter-in-law. After the Queen left for  the funeral, the Standard was taken down and   the Union Flag — the national flag of the  United Kingdom — was flown at half-mast. Since that day, the Union Flag has flown at  Buckingham Palace when the Queen is not in   residence. The Queen authorized the flying of the  Union Flag at half-mast on the first anniversary   of Diana's funeral. She went on to repeat the  gesture of respect to mark several other periods   of national mourning, including the terrorist  attacks on September 11, 2001, and July 7, 2005. For many onlookers, the most   heart-wrenching image from Princess Diana's  funeral was the sight of her two sons,   William and Harry, walking  behind their mother's coffin. "This is the moment that people have  been, if not looking forward to,   looking forward to with some  dread in their hearts, really." They were accompanied by their father, then-Prince  Charles; Diana's brother Charles, Earl Spencer;   and their paternal grandfather,  Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,   who joined as moral support for his grandsons.  Earl Spencer later described the walk as,   quote, "the most horrifying half hour  of my life," adding that it must have   been so much worse for Prince William and  Harry. He said that he was told that the   brothers chose to walk with the coffin,  and that Diana would not have wanted it. The brothers disagree somewhat over their role in  the procession. In August 2017, William said in a   BBC documentary that it was one of the most  difficult moments of his life. But he added: "There is that balance between duty and  family and that's what we had to do." A few months earlier, Harry had told Newsweek  that he didn't think a child should be asked   to walk behind their mother's coffin.  In the BBC documentary, he backtracked,   saying that he didn't necessarily think  that it was the right or wrong decision,   and that he was pleased that he was  able to take part in the funeral. As the funeral procession passed   Buckingham Palace, the Queen, Princess Margaret,   and other members of the royal family stood  outside the gate to pay their respects. According to a book by Princess  Diana's biographer Andrew Morton,   the Queen bowed her head low as the coffin passed:  but her sister Margaret barely nodded. Morton also   claimed that right before the procession reached  them, while they were waiting by the gates,   Margaret was trying to talk to the  Queen about improving the bathrooms   at Kensington Palace — the nearby home where she  and Diana had once lived in adjacent apartments. The early days of Margaret and Diana's  relationship didn't predict this level   of coldness. Margaret could relate to Diana's  tumultuous experience with the British press:   she had once been the royal that most often  drew the attention of the paparazzi. But   Margaret's loyalty above all was to the Queen  and the Crown. When Diana broke the cardinal   unwritten rule in the royal handbook with a  tell-all interview on the BBC show "Panorama,"   Margaret immediately turned on her. Even Diana's  death wasn't enough to calm the furious princess. The royal family was left with a   physical expression of the publics' grief  in the form of books of condolence. The   books were laid out in St. James' Palace,  where Princess Diana's body was also being   kept before the funeral, in a private  chapel accessible only to her family. Thousands traveled from across Britain and  joined the lines to write their messages of   grief, waiting between six-and-a-half to 12  hours, according to the BBC. By September 5,   the day before the funeral, there  were 43 books of condolence and   counting. Others had been placed in British  embassies and consulates around the world. According to an article published in the Sunday  Mirror that October, people in other parts of   Britain also signed condolence books,  which were sent to Kensington Palace,   where all the books were eventually  moved. Others sent their messages of   condolence via the internet. According to the  LA Times, the royal family's website received   60,000 virtual messages — not a  lot today, but unheard of in 1997. Following the funeral, CNN reported   on rumors that the Palace and Princess  Diana's family the Spencers had clashed   over arrangements. Both parties denied this,  with Charles, Earl Spencer, describing the   claims as "laughable." However, he did manage  to ruffle a few royal feathers with his eulogy. He started by praising Diana's compassion  and selflessness, while also acknowledging: "You stand tall enough as a human being of unique  qualities not to need to be seen as a saint." Towards the end, Charles criticized  the media, whose relentless pursuit   of Diana he believed had caused her  death. He described his sister as,   "the most hunted person of the modern  age." In the final section of his speech,   Charles promised Diana that her "blood family"  would do everything they could to honor her   plans for raising her sons. He went on  to say, as if speaking to her directly: "We fully respect the heritage into  which they have both been born and   will always respect and encourage them  in their royal role but we, like you,   recognize the need for them to experience  as many different aspects of life." The public listening outside the Abbey erupted  in applause. The speech had been described as one   of the greatest in British history. It was also  seen as an accusation that the Palace had tried   to metaphorically cage Diana's vibrant spirit.  Charles later claimed that was not his intention,   and said that he'd heard that the Queen  asked about the speech, and had replied: "He had every right to say whatever he felt." Both Princess Diana's ex-husband   and ex-mother-in-law used their outfits to  pay silent tribute to her at her funeral.   Prince Charles broke with the British royal  family's tradition of wearing black mourning   clothes by choosing a navy blue suit for  Diana's funeral. To the casual observer,   this may have seemed disrespectful. Charles  and Diana had been through a three-year   separation culminating in a bitter divorce,  finalized a year before her death. However,   Charles' decision to skirt tradition was  actually intended as a nod to his style icon   ex-wife. As CBS News reports, the suit Charles  wore to the funeral had been Diana's favorite. Meanwhile, his mother Queen Elizabeth II  used her jewelry to honor Diana. Since   she's supposed to be politically neutral,  the Queen is known for subtly broadcasting   her thoughts through her wardrobe, particularly  her brooches. For Diana's funeral, she wore one   of the Victoria bow brooches: three brooches  shaped like bows and studded with diamonds,   commissioned by Queen Victoria. Shortly before  her death, Victoria designated the brooches as   heirlooms of the crown, which are passed down  from queen to queen or queen consort. Elizabeth   also wore one of the bow brooches on the day she  surpassed Victoria's reign. Perhaps they represent   a long line of British queens, including the  Princess of Wales who never made it to the throne. Approximately 2,000 people were invited  to the funeral service inside Westminster   Abbey. In addition to members of the royal  family, the guest list for Princess Diana's   funeral included global dignitaries, and  some notable names you might not expect. Although Diana didn't officially receive a state  funeral, various countries still sent unofficial   representatives. Then-First Lady Hillary Clinton  represented America, as did former U.S. Secretary   of State Henry Kissinger. The French President's  wife, Bernadette Chirac, attended on behalf of the   country in which Diana had been killed. Then-Prime  Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie attended:   The PM gave a reading during the service.  Four former prime ministers also went. So far so predictable. But Diana was also popular  outside stuffy state business. Her funeral was   also attended by movie royalty, including  Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, Tom Hanks,   Steven Spielberg, and Sir Richard Attenborough—  best known as John Hammond in "Jurassic Park". "Hello, John." "Hello, John." "Hello." "Hello, John." British entertainers George Michael  and Cliff Richard were also there,   as was opera singer Luciano Pavarotti. Of all the musicians who attended   Princess Diana's funeral, her friend Elton John  was chosen to perform. Diana and John became fast   friends after meeting at Prince Andrew's 21st  birthday party. John said he and Diana enjoyed   gossiping together, and they also shared a mutual  interest in promoting AIDS charities. However,   that led to a major falling out, when Diana  unexpectedly pulled out of a photobook that would   have raised money for the AIDS Foundation, sending  John a cold note with no satisfactory explanation. It took another funeral for  the two to make up — their   mutual friend Gianni Versace.  Diana died five weeks later. At Diana's funeral, John performed an updated  version of his 1973 song "Candle in the Wind."   He called up frequent Beatles' producer George  Martin, who arranged a string quartet version.   The original was about Marilyn Monroe, so  John's songwriting partner Bernie Taupin   changed the lyrics to honor Diana. "Goodbye  Norma Jean" became "Goodbye England's rose,"   for example. John was so nervous about getting  the words wrong that he used a teleprompter,   according to Reuters. It was the only time  he performed that version of the song live,   but when it was released on September 13, it  became the best-selling song not only of 1997   but of all time in the U.K. Worldwide,  it's only been outsold by Bing Crosby's   "White Christmas." The proceeds of the single  were donated to Diana's favorite charities. Some aspects of Princess Diana's coffin were   very in keeping with British royal tradition.  For example, during the funeral procession,   the coffin was draped with the Royal Standard,  trimmed with an ermine border. This flag   is flown above palaces — and the Houses of  Parliament — when the Queen is in residence,   and is also used for royals who don't have  their own flags. The senior members of the   royal family all have their own variations  on the Standard, to indicate rank and titles. Another traditional feature was that the  coffin was lined in lead. This is common   among members of the royal family, as  lead helps preserve the body better.   Spare a thought for the pallbearers: Not  only were they managing extra weight,   but they probably would have had to leave  the country if they'd dropped the coffin. However, Diana's coffin didn't look completely  identical to those of British royals throughout   history. Before she was transported through  the streets of London to Westminster Abbey,   her sons William and Harry had placed  a white floral arrangement on top,   with a handwritten envelope that simply  and heartbreakingly read "Mummy." Westminster Abbey is the   final resting place of many notable British  royals, including Henry VII, Elizabeth I,   and — awkwardly — Mary, Queen of Scots. But  Diana is not among them. According to the BBC,   her brother Charles, Earl Spencer, originally  planned to have her interred at their family's   vault in the local church near their childhood  home of Althorp. However, he ultimately decided   to bury Diana on the estate's private grounds,  where she wouldn't be disturbed by well-wishers.   Despite this, in 2017, he said that there had  been four attempts to break into her tomb. After the funeral, Diana's coffin was driven  the 70 miles from London to the estate,   where she was interred in a private  ceremony attended by only close family,   and conducted by a priest who was a family friend. The spot Charles chose is on an  island on a lake called the Oval,   overlooked by trees planted by members  of Diana's family, including her sons,   and by the princess herself. It's marked with  a statue, and a small temple on the shore. Although members of the public visiting the estate  on open days aren't allowed onto the island,   Diana has some company. According to the Chicago  Tribune, several family pets are buried there,   including her cat Marmalade.  Some criticized Charles for this:   but given that his main aim was to  give William and Harry a place to   privately mourn their mother, they  certainly have a beautiful spot.
Channel: Grunge
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Keywords: grunge, princess diana, funeral, untold truth, prince harry
Id: doCMOycXulc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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